The human aspiration for a better life and higher living standard is a priority for anybody and, consequently, for the society as a whole. However, the consequences of the global economic crisis (decreasing wages, rising unemployment, limited access to medical services etc.) have definitely worsened the quality of life over the recent four to five years. The sustainable development model for Latvia has been defined as "Putting People First". The goal of the model is to improve the various aspects of every Latvian resident's quality of life, including the opportunity to participate in the labour market, education, awareness raising, creativity, electronic communications, social cohesion, participation processes, the stability of growth, culture, leisure time and opportunities, and others. One of the important factors in achieving the goal is education and the development of the sector and its quality, including the teacher as change agent and initiator, while the teacher's quality of life remains critical. A popular belief is that, theoretically, teachers' salaries should be high enough so that they need not work extra hours but could devote their time to extracurricular work and preparation for classes. Only then a teacher can work creatively, use modern technologies to attract students, devote attention to his or her own personal development - to remain motivated. At the same time, a competitive salary is not the only indicator of the quality of life measurement from a monetary aspect and a motivating factor. In addition to wages, there are other equally important aspects of life satisfaction, such as health, education, social life, hobbies, achievements etc. The aim of this research is to assess the results of the evaluation of various domains of subjective well-being made in two respondent groups over the academic year of 2011/2012 within a research project. The respondent groups represented teachers (N = 630) and other employed persons (N = 560), to find out how teachers assess their quality of life. For the assessment of subjective well-being the International Well-being Index (IWI) survey was used, which was supplemented with questions from the research on the quality of life made in Latvia in year 2005 (International Well-being Group, 2006; Bela, 2006). For the purposes of this research the author has used the methods of descriptive and inductive statistics. The results of the study indicate relatively lower assessments in the domains of the subjective well-being index among teachers in comparison to the representatives of other professions. The teachers assess significantly lower their satisfaction with life as a whole, satisfaction with their health, community connectedness and their future security. Their assessment of national domains is also relatively lower: satisfaction with life in Latvia, its economic situation and business development in the country. When assessing the life quality domains in the places of their residence, teachers are significantly less satisfied with their living environment; they rate lower their opportunities of spending their leisure time according to their liking, society integration and equal opportunities in their place of residence. The presented results suggest a higher risk for teachers as a professional group to face psychological disorders, such as depression, the professional burn-out syndrome etc. Moreover, these results substantiate the need for actively addressing the encountered problems at various levels. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]