17,685 results on '"Firman"'
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2. Legal Consequences of Designating Cultivation Rights as Abandoned Land in the Context of Credit Collateral Objects
- Author
Elmadiantini Elmadiantini, Febrian Febrian, Annalisa Yahanan, and Firman Muntaqo
- Subjects
cultivation rights title ,abandoned land ,credit agreement ,mortgage rights. ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Land rights under the Cultivation Rights Title (HGU) can serve as collateral in credit agreements through the imposition of a mortgage right. However, legal challenges arise when the status of HGU land as collateral changes, particularly due to its designation as abandoned land by the Indonesian Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). Such status changes have significant legal implications for credit agreements, mortgage rights, and the economic value of collateralized land. This study analyses the legal framework governing the determination of abandoned land status, examining statutory regulations and their impact on credit agreements and collateral objects. Employing a normative legal research methodology, the study utilises statutory analysis, conceptual exploration, and interpretative approaches to assess the legal consequences of such status changes. The findings reveal that the designation of land as abandoned results in the termination of cultivation rights and the extinguishment of mortgage rights. While the credit agreement itself remains legally binding, the loss of economic value in the collateral renders it non-executable, leading to financial losses for both creditors and debtors. To address these legal uncertainties, the study recommends amendments to the regulatory framework governing abandoned land to enhance legal certainty, ensure fairness, and provide adequate protection for both creditors and debtors.
- Published
- 2025
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3. Until you have something to lose! Loss aversion and two-factor authentication adoption
- Author
Ahmad R. Pratama and Firman M. Firmansyah
- Subjects
Two-factor authentication ,Awareness ,Adoption ,Loss aversion ,Demographics factors ,Vulnerable groups ,Information technology ,T58.5-58.64 - Abstract
Purpose – In this study, the authors seek to understand factors that naturally influence users to adopt two-factor authentication (2FA) without even trying to intervene by investigating factors within individuals that may influence their decision to adopt 2FA by themselves. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 1,852 individuals from all 34 provinces in Indonesia participated in this study by filling out online questionnaires. The authors discussed the results from statistical analysis further through the lens of the loss aversion theory. Findings – The authors found that loss aversion, represented by higher income that translates to greater potential pain caused by losing things to be the most significant demographic factor behind 2FA adoption. On the contrary, those with a low-income background, even if they have some college degree, are more likely to skip 2FA despite their awareness of this technology. The authors also found that the older generation, particularly females, to be among the most vulnerable groups when it comes to authentication-based cyber threats as they are much less likely to adopt 2FA, or even to be aware of its existence in the first place. Originality/value – Authentication is one of the most important topics in cybersecurity that is related to human-computer interaction. While 2FA increases the security level of authentication methods, it also requires extra efforts that can translate to some level of inconvenience on the user's end. By identifying the associated factors from the user's ends, a necessary intervention can be made so that more users are willing to jump on the 2FA adopters' train.
- Published
- 2025
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4. Pemetaan Laju Erosi Daerah Aliran Sungai Serayu Terhadap Pendangkalan Waduk Mrica Tahun 2018-2022 Berbasis Citra Satelit Sentinel-2
- Author
Matias Ronaldo Dimas Surya Laksana, Muhammad Rofid Azzuhdi, Firman Hadi, and Shofiyatul Qoyimah
- Subjects
das ,universal soil loss equation ,satellite derived bathymetry ,waduk ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Waduk Mrica merupakan infrastruktur vital yang berperan sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), sumber irigasi, pengendali banjir di bagian hilir, dan perikanan. Kemampuan waduk untuk menjalankan fungsinya tergantung pada kapasitas penyimpanannya, yang dipengaruhi oleh tingkat sedimentasi akibat erosi pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Untuk mengatasi masalah pendangkalan dan dampak erosi tanah, diperlukan pemahaman mendalam mengenai tingkat bahaya erosi dan nilai sedimentasi dalam periode waktu tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai laju erosi di DAS Serayu dan dampaknya terhadap pendangkalan Waduk Mrica dalam rentang waktu 2018-2022 dengan memanfaatkan citra satelit Sentinel-2. Penelitian meliputi prediksi laju erosi DAS Serayu menggunakan metode Universal Soil Loss Equation, kemudian dilakukan estimasi kedalaman Waduk Mrica dengan algortima Random Forest yang dikalibrasi dengan data perekaman batimetri in situ. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan estimasi kedalaman menggunakan citra Sentinel-2 mampu memberikan informasi kedalaman 0-25 m di Waduk Mrica pada periode 2018-2022, dengan nilai R2 pada rentang 0,83-0,92, MAE pada rentang 0,367-0,593, RMSE pada rentang 0,819-1,401 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tren penurunan total volume Waduk Mrica dari tahun 2018 hingga 2022, menandakan berkurangnya kapasitas penyimpanan waduk. Terjadi variasi laju erosi, total erosi, dan sediment yield di DAS Serayu selama periode tersebut. Sub DAS Serayu Hulu secara konsisten menjadi kontributor terbesar terhadap total erosi dibanding Sub DAS lainnya. Terdapat hubungan antara sedimen hasil erosi DAS Serayu dan pendangkalan Waduk Mrica pada tahun 2019 dan 2020, tetapi pada tahun 2021 dan 2022 terjadi ketidaksesuaian di mana sedimen DAS meningkat sedangkan sedimen waduk menurun yang disebabkan adanya tindakan pengendalian sedimen waduk.
- Published
- 2025
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5. Curative Properties of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) Extract on Mice (Mus musculus) Kidney Histopathology Exposed to Cigarette Smoke
- Author
Intan Diah Safitri Arianto, Firman Lastoaji, Sri Agus Sudjarwo, Thomas Widiyatno Valentinus, Eka Pramyrtha Hestiana, Iwan Sahrial Hamid, Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, and Aprinda Ratna Lovela
- Subjects
cigarette smoke ,kaempferia galanga l extract ,mus musculus ,renal tubular cell ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
The aim of this research was to investigate the therapeutic effects of Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) extract on kidney histopathological damage in male mice exposed to cigarette smoke. Twenty 8-week-old male mice were randomly divided into five treatment groups (n=5). The negative control group (C-) consisted of mice not given kencur extract or exposed to cigarette smoke, while the positive control group (C+) comprised mice exposed to cigarette smoke without kencur extract. Treatment groups included Treatment 1 (T1) administered 150 mg/kg BW of kencur extract, Treatment 2 (T2) administered 300 mg/kg BW, and Treatment 3 (T3) administered 600 mg/kg BW. Mice were exposed to cigarette smoke for 14 days. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test to evaluate overall differences among the treatment groups. Where significant differences were found (p
- Published
- 2025
6. Evaluation of the addition of cement ash to the PVA/TEOS/HCl gel electrolyte on the performance of aluminium air batteries
- Author
Firman Ridwan, Dandi Agusta, Muhammad Akbar Husin, and Dahyunir Dahlan
- Subjects
Ionic Conductivity ,Battery Discharging ,Gel Polymer Electrolyte ,Cement waste ,Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ,Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials ,TA401-492 ,Energy conservation ,TJ163.26-163.5 - Abstract
Cement manufacturing presents substantial environmental challenges due to the volume of waste generated, including cement ash. Therefore, it is crucial to discover novel methods to utilize cement waste effectively. This study aimed to examine the impact of different concentrations of cement ash (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 g) on the conductivity of PVA/TEOS/HCl (PTH) gel electrolyte materials. The primary goal was to determine the ideal concentration of cement ash that would yield maximum conductivity. The research findings demonstrated that the PTH2.5CA sample attained the greatest conductivity of 2.78 mS/cm when adding 2.5 g of cement ash. In addition, this material exhibits a capacity of 0.354 mAh, a specific capacity of 0.12826 mAh/g, and a density capacity of 0.11813 mAh/cm2. The power and power densities were measured as 6.48 mW/cm2 and 25.94 mW, respectively. These findings offer promising prospects for implementing sustainable practices in the industry and highlight the viability of utilizing cement waste as a significant element in battery membrane materials. This technique addresses environmental issues related to cement waste and contributes to advancing a more eco-friendly waste management system.
- Published
- 2025
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7. Perbedaan Tingkat Self-Efficacy Akademik Siswa Ditinjau dari Aspek Jenis Kelamin serta Implikasinya dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling
- Author
Ahmad Wahid, Firman Firman, and Netrawati Netrawati
- Subjects
academic self-efficacy ,gender ,guidance and counseling ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
With good academic self-efficacy will give students the ability to try harder, overcome challenges and obstacles in the learning process. The focus of this study is to describe academic self-efficacy and examine the differences in academic self-efficacy from the aspect of gender. The approach used is quantitative with a comparative descriptive method. The research population was Phase E students of SMA Negeri 10 Padang, with a total of 360 students. Sample selection was carried out by proportional random sampling. After the sampling process, the sample in this study amounted to 190 students, with 95 male and female samples each. The process of collecting data by administering an academic self-efficacy scale with a Likert model, which was then tested using the Independent Sample T-test formula. The results explained that the overall condition of students' academic self-efficacy, both male and female, is currently in the high category, and the available data suggest that there is a meaningful difference in academic self-efficacy between them.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Legal Politics of Regional Boundary Line Regulation
- Author
Firman Firdausi, Dewa Ayu Putu Shandra Dewi, and Willy Trihardiyanto
- Subjects
legal politics ,border lines ,spatial planning ,Law - Abstract
Spatial planning in Indonesia is a challenge in its implementation. Plans that have been set do not always run as they should. Regulating public space is not as easy as regulating private space, mainly when existing conditions exist first or what has happened cannot be returned just like that. Existing conditions are non-retroactive or do not apply retroactively, so existing conditions do not match what was planned. Regulating asymmetric conditions like this requires a wise regulatory mechanism. This study used normative juridical. This is because the existing boundary line rules in the region are still unclear. The area studied here is Jombang Regency, where, during this study, regional regulations on boundary lines still do not exist or have been ratified. The study results showed that the Jombang Regency Government is designing regional regulations on boundary lines. The application of boundary lines considers existing provisions so that certain areas or roads need to be adjusted based on current conditions so that they do not harm the community due to the issuance of regulations on boundary lines.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Muhamad Maris Al Gifari, Firman Hartono, Prihadi Setyo Darmanto, and Iman Kartolaksono Reksowardojo
- Subjects
combustion chamber preliminary design ,reference diameter ,flame speed ,equivalence ratio ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,TJ1-1570 - Abstract
The need to develop ultra-micro gas turbine (TGUM) applications is getting higher, especially as a portable energy source. Many applications whose energy requirements cannot be met by current batteries but can be handled by TGUM. The energy density of kerosene is 45 times greater than that of current batteries. The development of ultra-micro gas turbines has been carried out for more than 20 years. The challenge faced in the TGUM development process was manufacturing technology, but manufacturing developments continue to advance over time, meaning that one day high-speed bearing technology may be achieved. The development of an ultra-micro gas turbine can be started from the design of the combustion chamber. The basic concept of determining the initial size of the diameter as the initial reference length is widely available and established, but this reference is only for combustion chambers with non-premixed combustion. No one has discussed the determination of the size of the premixed combustion chamber. The basis for the initial determination of the combustion chamber in this article is the determination of the adiabatic temperature, and the energy balance equation which is simplified to become Black's Principle. This method describes the relationship between the diameter of the combustion chamber, airflow dilution portion and the flame propagation speed that must be met. This method also determines the value of the equivalence ratio, and also length of combustion chamber based on SHR (Space Heating Rate) that must be taken. The results of this method when entering the condition of the combustion chamber inlet 379 K, 2.05 bar, and outlet 879 K, 1.79 bar produce a reference decision of 5 cm diameter, flame speed of 6 m/s, equivalent ratio of 0.8 and 74% cooling portion for a gas turbine mass flow rate of 85.7 g/s.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Firman Maulana Rusdi and Arini Dwi Cahyani
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identification, cp – titanium ,uhmwpe ,human body skeleton ,astm d638 ,polyethylene ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,TJ1-1570 - Abstract
Orthopedics is a science that studies the human body skeleton. This field of science helps patients who experience joint and skeletal problems. One of the problems faced is the need for body frame components to be replaced, for example the knees. This replacement requires a man-made component, namely an implant. Implants can be made from metal, polymer, and ceramic. The biomaterial implant identification process includes X-Ray Diffraction analysis, hardness and tensile testing. XRD testing of CP–Titanium and UHMWPE using the Rigaku XRD tool. CP–Titanium hardness testing uses Vickers micro hardness, while for UHMWPE uses Shore D. CP–Titanium tensile testing uses a universal test machine with JIS Z2201 standards. Another material, namely UHMWPE, is tested using the same equipment as the ASTM D638 standard. The XRD test results for CP - Titanium show peaks of 35.3˚, 38.6˚, 40.2˚, namely the hexagonal structure of the compound element α - Ti. Meanwhile, UHMWPE material shows peaks (110) at 21.66˚ and (200) at 24.16˚. The peak data is an orthorhombic crystal structure, which is characteristic of polyethylene. The CP – Titanium hardness test results show an average hardness of 360.47 VHN. The hardness value of UHMWPE shows an average hardness of 48.5 Shore D. CP - Titanium tensile testing shows a maximum stress value of 534.4 MPa and a maximum strain value of 0.022. The UHMWPE tensile test showed an average maximum stress value of 23.87 MPa and an average maximum strain value of 1.36. The data above shows that the materials tested are CP - Titanium and UHMWPE. Hardness data indicates that these CP – Titanium and polyethylene materials are too soft for applications requiring wear resistance.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Mahros Darsin, Firman Ema Ismono, Mochamad Asrofi, Yuni Hermawan, and Intan Hardiatama
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3d printing ,pla-titanium filament ,bending test ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,TJ1-1570 - Abstract
Manufacturing technology has experienced significant progress with various innovations, including 3D printing. In this study, an innovation was made using a filament made of PLA 60% and titanium 40%. Bending tests are carried out to determine the combination of 3D printing parameters that can produce the most optimal bending strength. This study uses the Taguchi method orthogonal matrix L4(23). The data is processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The parameters that produce optimal bending strength values are a nozzle temperature of 230 ⁰C, a print speed of 20 mm/s, and a layer height of 0.3 mm, with the highest bending strength value of 7.13 MPa and the lowest of 2.16 MPa. The factors that contributed significantly to the bending strength results were nozzle temperature of 52.84 %, print speed of 15.91 %, and layer height of 1.80 %.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Firman Pikir Zai, Ratna Natalia Mendrofa, Netti Kariani Mendrofa, and Sadiana Lase
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mathematical problem-solving ability, lkpd, liveworksheet, addie model ,kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis ,Mathematics ,QA1-939 - Abstract
Early studies show that: (1) students' mathematical abilities are in the category of lacking; and (2) The learning process still does not utilize technology in an integrated manner. Therefore, LKPD was developed using a liveworksheet to overcome these problems. The purpose of this research is to develop a valid, practical and effective LKPD to improve students' mathematical problem-solving skills. This research uses the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation) development model. The instruments in this study are learning outcome tests, material expert validation questionnaires, linguist validation questionnaires, media expert validation questionnaires, teacher response questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Based on the results of the research, the LKPD developed has been tested and declared valid both in terms of material validity, language validity and media validity. Furthermore, the LKPD is also very practical based on the results of the teacher response questionnaire and the student response questionnaire. The LKPD developed is also effective in improving students' mathematical problem-solving skills, as seen from the test scores of student learning outcomes. Thus, it can be concluded that LKPD using the liveworksheet developed has met the expectations or objectives of the research.
- Published
- 2024
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13. Research Trend On Healthcare (Hospital Financial) Failure And Activity-Based Costing Methods: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Author
Yurisal Akhmad Dany and Firman Pribadi
- Subjects
healthcare ,financial ,activity-based costing ,bibliometric ,Nursing ,RT1-120 ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,RC620-627 - Abstract
Hospital financial failure means bankrupt in economic point-of-view. While from the patient care perspective, it can compromise healthcare delivery and deliver possible harm due to substandard services. Leveraging digitalization and information technology can significantly enhance financial management, improve efficiency, and ultimately support sustainable healthcare services. This bibliometric analysis through Scopus database. Retrieved articles were examined based on annual publication numbers, contributing countries, subject areas, authors, and cited documents. Visual analysis was done using VOSviewer to provided insights into word co-occurrence in clusters and R Studio's Bibliometrix package was employed to identify the most contributing countries and the most cited publications. The analysis on total 429 articles revealed that healthcare and activity-based costing is an emerging trend, with a growing number of publications each year. The United States emerged as the leading country in this research area, though other nations also contributed significantly. Medicine was identified as the most common subject area. VOSviewer analysis identified seven clusters related to the topic. Activity-based costing has evolved to accurately assess product costs in changing business landscapes, particularly in healthcare, where it helps optimize profits. The findings indicate a growing awareness of the importance of financial management in sustaining healthcare services globally. However, the study's reliance on a single database and lack of a comprehensive systematic review limit its scope, potentially excluding relevant research from other sources.
- Published
- 2024
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14. Optimization of Hand Gesture Object Detection Using Fine-Tuning Techniques on an Integrated Service of Smart Robot
- Author
Faikul Umam, Hanifudin Sukri, Ach Dafid, Firman Maolana, and Mycel Natalis Stopper Ndruru
- Subjects
optimization ,object detection ,hand gestures ,fine-tuning ,smart robot. ,Technology - Abstract
Robots are one of the testbeds that can be used as objects for the application of intelligent systems in the current era of Industry 4.0. With such systems, robots can interact with humans through perception (sensors) like cameras. Through this interaction, it is expected that robots can assist humans in providing reliable and efficient service improvements. In this research, the robot collects data from the camera, which is then processed using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This approach is based on the adaptive nature of CNN in recognizing visuals captured by the camera. In its application, the robot used in this research is a humanoid model named Robolater, commonly known as the Integrated Service Robot. The fundamental reason for using a humanoid robot model is to enhance human-robot interaction, aiming to achieve better efficiency, reliability, and quality. The research begins with the implementation of hardware and software so that the robot can recognize human movements through the camera sensor. The robot is trained to recognize hand gestures using the Convolutional Neural Network method, where the deep learning algorithm, as a supervised type, can recognize movements through visual inputs. At this stage, the robot is trained with various weights, backbones, and detectors. The results of this study show that the F-T Last Half technique exhibits more stable performance compared to other techniques, especially with larger input scales (640×644). The model using this technique achieved a mAP of 91.6%, with a precision of 84.6%, and a recall of 80.6%.
- Published
- 2024
15. The Effect of Using Cellulose Nanofiber from Kapok (Ceiba pentandra, L) as Reinforcement on The Properties of Recycled Papers
- Author
Fransiska Angelina Rezekinta, Anwar Kasim, Edi Syafri, Firman Ridwan, Irawati Chaniago, and Hideaki Ichiura
- Subjects
cellulose nanofiber ,fiber ,kapok ,paper ,recycling ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Recycling is important for achieving environmentally sustainable products and waste reduction. The trend has led to the addition of reinforcement to recycling process to ensure the effective usage of wasted papers. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of using cellulose nanofiber (CNF) synthesized from kapok fibers as reinforcement in recycled papers. CNF was applied at different concentrations of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% of recycled paper production and the analysis was conducted by testing tensile index, density, and brightness. Moreover, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and UV-Vis analysis were used to determine the characteristics of the paper. The results showed that CNF addition influenced tensile index, brightness, and density of recycled papers. This was observed from an increase in tensile strength by up to 76.32% and density at approximately 0.58 g/cm3 for 10% CNF addition. Meanwhile, the brightness level was reduced due to the compact nature of paper produced. The trend led to the conclusion that the addition of CNF could impact the characteristics of recycled papers.
- Published
- 2024
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16. Extraction of Natural Colorant from Clitoria ternatea Flowers Using Conventional Solvent Extraction (CSE) and Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE) Techniques: Kinetic Modeling and Compound Stability
- Author
Pra Cipta Buana Wahyu Mustika, Hadiyatni Rita Priyantini, Eryan Dwi Krisna, Firman Aldani, Fikrah Dian Indrawati Sawali, Moh Azhar Afandy, and Mega Mustikaningrum
- Subjects
anthocyanin ,ultrasonic extraction ,extraction rate constant ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
The Clitoria ternatea flowers, a prevalent local commodity in Indonesia, are extensively found, particularly in the East Java region. One approach to enhance the utility and economic significance of these flowers involves isolating their active component, specifically anthocyanin. Anthocyanins have several health benefits, especially in preventing cardiovascular disease, improving vision, and being anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer. The isolation methods used in this research were conventional solvent extraction (CSE) and ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UEA) methods. The use of UAE has been experimentally proven to accelerate the extraction rate of bioactive compounds. This dal is caused by a driving force in the form of energy produced from bubble cavitation resulting from ultrasonic energy. The specific aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the two methods in anthocyanin isolation. The extraction stages were carried out at 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70°C operating temperatures, with an S/L ratio of 1:10, 1:15, 1:20:1:25, and 1:30 with samples conditioned in dry and wet conditions. The optimal conditions for ultrasound-assisted extraction (UEA) involve dry samples with a S/L ratio of 1:30 at a temperature of 70°C with the resulting final concentration of 16.5234 g/L. This configuration ensures an efficient extraction process, completed in less than 30 minutes, thereby preventing the degradation of anthocyanins. Analysis indicates that the extraction process adheres to a second-order kinetic model with a constant (k) of 0.1039. Stability testing revealed that the first–order kinetic model accurately represents the impact of temperature on anthocyanin degradation.
- Published
- 2024
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17. Antimalarial activity of caged xanthone isolated compounds from Cratoxylum sumatranum stem bark: In vitro and in silico approaches
- Author
Firman; Wardana Wicaksana
- Subjects
absorption ,distribution ,metabolism ,excretion ,and toxicity ,antimalarial ,caged xanthones ,cratoxylum sumatranum ,molecular docking ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Pharmacy and materia medica ,RS1-441 - Abstract
Preliminary research showed that Cratoxylum sumatranum extract and fractions exhibited antimalarial activity. Two caged xanthone compounds identified as cochinchinone D and cochinchinoxanthone were disengaged from an active portion of the stem bark of C. sumatranum. The purpose of this study is to determine the antimalarial activity of both compounds against Plasmodium falciparum and their in silico prediction on several food vacuole enzymes. Lactate dehydrogenase assay was used to regulate the antimalarial activity, and in silico molecular docking was carried out with a number of receptors, including plasmepsin-II, M1-alanyl aminopeptidase, and falcipain-3. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADME-T) prediction was also conducted for both compounds. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) value for antimalarial activity determination was conducted by probit analysis using GraphPad Prism Version 6.0. Cochinchinone D and cochinchinoxanthone were found to have antimalarial activity, with respective IC50 values of 4.79 µM and 4.41 µM, respectively. Cochinchinone D has a higher affinity for binding to plasmepsin-II, according to in vitro findings. Meanwhile, cochinchinoxanthone and chloroquine as standard have a better affinity to alanyl aminopeptidase. Both compounds have similar ADME-T profiles. Cochinchinone D and cochinchinoxanthone have a high antimalarial activity possibly through the mechanism of inhibition on plasmepsin-II, falcipain-3, and M1-alanyl aminopeptidase enzymes in food vacuole. Both caged compounds have the potential for further development as antimalarial.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Firdaus Firdaus, Muhtar Sofwan Hidayat, Eli Trisnowati, Alviana Maya Sabilla, Firman Ade Purnomo, and Dendi Nur Ahmad
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community service ,computational thinking ,scratch programming ,teacher work group ,Communities. Classes. Races ,HT51-1595 - Abstract
The 21st century requires everyone to adapt to digital culture. Computational thinking skills help deal with digital culture. These skills can be provided to students through teaching and learning. However, there are several obstacles to achieving this goal. First, teachers do not yet understand how to teach students computing skills through classroom learning. Second, there needs to be more teaching skills based on computational thinking. This community service aims to improve teachers' abilities in training students' computational thinking skills. This is done in the context of teaching and learning to provide 21st-century skills through Scratch programming. The approach used in this activity is educational and participatory. Namely, the implementation of the service contains educational elements and is oriented towards efforts to improve the role of teachers. Community service is carried out through three stages: material preparation, program implementation, evaluation, and monitoring. The material preparation stage involves collecting material from various literature. The program implementation stage provides material regarding 21st-century learning and learning design using Scratch programming. Teachers are also engaged in using Scratch and how to involve students with this programming. The monitoring and evaluation stage includes process evaluation at the end of each activity and product evaluation. This community service shows that 91% of all teachers experienced increased skills in making various learning creations such as animations, games, and simulations based on Scratch programming. Additionally, 87% of all teachers who participated in the activity experienced increased skills in integrating scratch-based teaching materials into learning. This service activity aims to increase teacher skills in teaching computational thinking through scratch programming, which is expected to improve the quality of education in the digital era significantly.
- Published
- 2024
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19. Optimizing the Use of Water, Energy and Waste Resources in Green Buildings: Critical Review, Benefits and Challenges
- Author
Firman Sarifudin and Oei Fuk Jin
- Subjects
green building ,construction ,sustainability ,sdgs ,slr ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Research on themes related to green buildings is very important because it relates to building environmentally friendly buildings that prioritize sustainability. However, Green Building and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) research tends not to be comprehensive because it only relates to building construction and energy efficiency. For this reason, this research will discuss various things about green buildings and criticize what has been analyzed, whether it is still appropriate or not, considering current conditions that already use wireless and IoT technology. Through literature review techniques, this research examines themes related to the civil sector and the implementation of Green Building goals and SDGs. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR ) method is used. Namely, in-depth criticism and evaluation of previous research carried out systematically by applying applicable standards, using the Viosviewer and Publish and Perish applications. This method examines research results published in journals in a particular field. Literature reviews discuss previous research that meets SDGS objectives and is related to the civil sector. This research used 300 earlier studies with a research period ranging from 2010-2023 or 14 years. The research results show that the theme that is often raised is green materials and technology. The use of technology to measure building performance and energy efficiency is the most widely discussed theme. However, the analysis of Green Building and SDGs is rarely linked to IoT technology, saving water use, rainwater utilization, environmentally based wastewater management, and green building education, even though this is closely related to cost efficiency, energy efficiency, and speed, in communicating to achieve SDGs goals.
- Published
- 2024
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20. Enhancing Image Quality in Facial Recognition Systems with GAN-Based Reconstruction Techniques
- Author
Beni Wijaya, Arief Suryadi Satyawan, Mokh. Mirza Etnisa Haqiqi, Helfy Susilawati, Khaulyca Arva Artemysia, Sani Moch. Sopian, M. Ikbal Shamie, and Firman
- Subjects
Facial Recognition Systems ,Image Reconstruction ,Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) ,PSNR ,SSIM ,Information technology ,T58.5-58.64 ,Computer software ,QA76.75-76.765 - Abstract
Facial recognition systems are pivotal in modern applications such as security, healthcare, and public services, where accurate identification is crucial. However, environmental factors, transmission errors, or deliberate obfuscations often degrade facial image quality, leading to misidentification and service disruptions. This study employs Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to address these challenges by reconstructing corrupted or occluded facial images with high fidelity. The proposed methodology integrates advanced GAN architectures, multi-scale feature extraction, and contextual loss functions to enhance reconstruction quality. Six experimental modifications to the GAN model were implemented, incorporating additional residual blocks, enhanced loss functions combining adversarial, perceptual, and reconstruction losses, and skip connections for improved spatial consistency. Extensive testing was conducted using Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) to quantify reconstruction quality, alongside face detection validation using SFace. The final model achieved an average PSNR of 26.93 and an average SSIM of 0.90, with confidence levels exceeding 0.55 in face detection tests, demonstrating its ability to preserve identity and structural integrity under challenging conditions, including occlusion and noise. The results highlight that advanced GAN-based methods effectively restore degraded facial images, ensuring accurate face detection and robust identity preservation. This research provides a significant contribution to facial image processing, offering practical solutions for applications requiring high-quality image reconstruction and reliable facial recognition.
- Published
- 2025
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21. Effects of non-contact electric fields on the kidneys and livers of tumour-bearing rats [version 6; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
- Author
Luthfi Nurhidayat, Ahmad Ghitha Fadhlurrahman, Firman Alamsyah, Warsito Purwo Taruno, Nisrina Firdausi, Subekti Evi Dwi Nugraheni, and Rarastoeti Pratiwi
- Subjects
damages ,histology ,kidney ,liver ,non-contact electric field ,ECCT ,eng ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Background A novel modality of cancer treatment based on exposure to non-contact electric fields called Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) has been developed. However, the effects of this modality on vital organs during cancer treatment have not been fully investigated. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of non-contact electric field exposure on kidney and liver structures. Methods Female rats were randomly divided into one control group and three treatment groups with six replications each. Animals were treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight for mammary tumour induction. Animals were then exposed to electric fields (100 kHz, 50-60 V/m) for 10 hours a day for three weeks. Two kidney samples and two liver samples from different animals in each group were collected for observation of structural damage to the organs. Histopathological cross-sections of the kidneys and livers were made using the paraffin method and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Histological scoring used the post-examination masking method with 100 visual fields per group. Results There was no significant damages to the tubules, glomeruli, and interstitial of the kidneys, including congestion, after exposure to non-contact electric fields. In addition, healthy rats exposed to this electric field showed significantly lower renal interstitial damage. There was no significant cellular damage, congestion, and haemorrhage in the livers of all groups, except in the healthy rat group that showed significantly higher haemorrhage. Conclusions Exposure to non-contact electric fields may cause haemorrhage in the livers of healthy rats. However, in kidney tissue, exposure to this electric field was tolerable, and can even decrease the number of inflammations and haemorrhages in healthy rats.
- Published
- 2025
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22. The Analysis of The Absorption Capabilities of The Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg) in Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata), Mangrove Snail (Telescopium telescopium) and Mangrove Clams (Polymesoda erosa)
- Author
Irsan Irsan, Yusthinus T. Male, Saifuddin Koto, Rosita Mangesa, Irwan Ismail, Siti Nuraisah, Widyawati Kabau, and Firman Banjar
- Subjects
Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg), Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata), Mangrove Snail (Telescopium telescopium), Mangrove Clams (Polymesoda erosa) ,Chemical engineering ,TP155-156 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Mercury is a neurotoxic heavy metal with high bioaccumulation ability in aquatic biota, such as mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata), mangrove snails (Telescopium telescopium), and mangrove mussels (Polymesoda erosa), which are widely consumed by humans, and used as bioindicators of pollution. This study aimed to analyze the effect of mercury solution concentration and species differences on mercury absorption in the three biota. The method used was experimental treatment with mercury concentrations of 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, and control. Samples were analyzed using the AAS Cold Vapor method at the IPB Bogor Proling Laboratory. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using two-way Anova with an α level of 0.05, followed by the Duncan Test if the hypothesis was accepted. Research data will be processed using SPSS 26.0 software. The results showed that mercury concentration and species differences influenced the ability to absorb mercury. Mangrove clams had the highest mercury accumulation compared to mangrove snails and mangrove crabs, especially in the 5 ppm and 10 ppm treatments. The highest mercury exposure occurred on the second day of observation.
- Published
- 2025
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23. Similarities and differences in waste composition over time and space determined by multivariate distance analyses.
- Author
David J Tonjes, Yiyi Wang, Firman Firmansyah, Sameena Manzur, Matthew Johnston, Griffin Walker, Krista L Thyberg, and Elizabeth Hewitt
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
The composition of solid waste affects technology choices and policy decisions regarding its management. Analyses of waste composition studies are almost always made on a parameter by parameter basis. Multivariate distance techniques can create wholisitic determinations of similarities and differences and were applied here to enhance a series of waste composition comparisons. A set of New York City residential waste composition studies conducted in 1990, 2004, 2013, and 2017 were compared to EPA data and to 88 studies conducted in other US jurisdictions from 1987-2021. The total residential waste stream and the disposed wastes in NYC were found to be similar in nature, and very different from the composition of wastes set out for recycling. Disposed wastes were more similar across the five NYC boroughs in a single year than in one borough over the 28-year time period, but recyclables were more similar across 14 years than across the boroughs in a single year. Food and plastics percentages in total and disposed waste streams increased over time, and paper percentages fell. The food disposal rate in NYC over time increased much less than EPA data show. The rate of plastics and paper disposal in NYC decreased. NYC data largely conformed to trends from the 88 other waste composition studies and did not generally agree with EPA data sets. The use of novel-to-waste studies multivariate distance analyses offers the promise of simplifying the identification of overall similarities and differences across waste studies, and so improving management and planning for solid waste.
- Published
- 2025
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24. Caregiving experiences among parents of children with physical and intellectual disabilities: a qualitative systematic review
- Author
Mundakir Mundakir, Idham Choliq, Sukadiono Sukadiono, Vika Ramadhana Fitriyani, and Firman Firman
- Subjects
Medicine ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Introduction: This study aimed to identify caregiver experiences encountered by parents of children with physical and intellectual disabilities. Methods: The study used a systematic review method with the guidelines of Enhancing Transparency in Reporting the Synthesis of Qualitative Research (ENTREQ) and PRISMA 2020. The review focused on parents caring for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. The literature was searched for relevant studies from five electronic databases including PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science (core collection), Cochrane, and Scopus. This systematic review examined 14 articles out of a total of 63,400 articles found. The study used a thematic analysis method to analyze the study. Results: Providing care for children with physical and intellectual disabilities requires addressing a variety of challenges. It is critical to have a comprehensive understanding of these intricacies to ensure that families receive the necessary support and interventions. Our synthesis identified seven themes: (1) gendered and emotional experiences, (2) compromising quality of life: physical and psychological impact, (3) lack of knowledge about disabilities, (4) lack of social support, (5) stigma, (6) uncertain future of the recipient, and (7) unavoidable caregiving responsibility. Conclusions: The results of this study provide recommendations that health professionals and researchers further explore these challenges and strive to build a supportive and inclusive environment that recognizes the unwavering dedication of parents and prioritizes the optimal care and development of children with disabilities. Keywords: children, disability, parent, qualitative systematic review
- Published
- 2024
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25. Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Islamic Primary School Teachers’ Readiness in Implementing Emancipated Curriculum Referring to the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge
- Author
Siti Sarah, Jamil Suprihatiningrum, Yosi Intan Pandini Gunawan, and Firman Walidi Salam
- Subjects
emancipated curriculum ,islamic primary school teachers ,scale validation ,tpack. ,Education - Abstract
This research aims to develop and validate a scale to measure the readiness of science teachers in Islamic primary schools in implementing the Emancipated Curriculum referring to the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). Eight development steps by DeVellis were used to develop the scale. A total of 224 respondents, comprising six experts and 218 science teachers in Central Java Province and the Special Province of Yogyakarta, agreed to participate. Data were analyzed using SEM-PLS. The development process successfully created a scale of 34 valid and reliable items. These items consist of Technological Knowledge factors (four items), Pedagogical Knowledge factors (14 items), Content Knowledge factors (four items), Pedagogical Content Knowledge factors (four items), Technological Content Knowledge factors (two items), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge factors (two items), and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge factors (three items). A high reliability was obtained for the scale developed (0.983). This validated scale is ready to be used to examine teachers’ readiness in implementing the Emancipate Curriculum. The measurement with this scale can illustrate the extent to which teachers have TPACK as a provision for implementing the curriculum so that policy recommendations can be made.
- Published
- 2024
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26. Farmer adaptation strategies through local farming systems in Enrekang, Indonesia
- Author
Yusriadi Yusriadi, Andi Cahaya, and Firman Hamzah
- Subjects
Farmer adaptation strategies ,Local farming systems ,Climate change ,Food security ,Indonesia ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Farmers in tropical Indonesia who manage agroecological systems face multiple challenges related to food security. Despite the conditions caused by climate change, these farming households have effectively utilized agroforestry to build food security. However, prolonged dry seasons pose new constraints to their livelihood strategies. This study uses a qualitative methodology and a rural farmer livelihood framework to analyze and evaluate household livelihood strategies, attitudes, and reactions to climate change. The findings show that farmers constantly modify their management techniques using flexible and adaptive decision-making processes to cope with and minimize climate change challenges. Moreover, the role of climate variation as a significant catalyst for change in farming practices is challenging to distinguish from some of the routine problems that farmers face each year. Through knowledge accumulation and adaptive management, farmers in Enrekang utilize several livelihood adaptation strategies to reduce risks in the face of changing climate conditions. In addition, farmers utilize on-farm crops to obtain various ecosystem services that provide services such as food, nutrition, and medicine and improve ecology, nutrient cycling, and climate regulation. Further research is needed to understand how on-farm tree inclusion affects various biophysical properties and the rationale behind species selection.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Siti Rofiqoh, Susri Utami, Firman Paradisi, Ristanti, and Wahyu Ersila
- Subjects
children ,hospital admission ,in-hospital death ,Medicine - Abstract
This study aims to determine the number of pediatric patients hospitalized at one rural hospital in Pekalongan Regency, Central Java, during 2023. This research design uses a descriptive cohort study with a cross-sectional approach. The research data was obtained from the hospital's Electronic Medical Records or E-RM. This study's results show that 2,731 children were being treated at Kajen Regional Hospital during 2023, with length of stay varying from 1 to 20 days. The most common reasons for hospitalization were fever, nausea, vomiting, cough and cold, febrile seizures, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. During 2023, there were 57 cases of death, and the three highest causes of death were fever: 23(40%) cases, seizures: 13(23%) cases, and shortness of breath and cough: 13(23%) cases. The results of this research can be used to determine priorities for preventive health programs to reduce hospitalization and child mortality rates. The plausible actions to respond to this situation are improving the vaccination program uptake, sanitation, and nutrition education by involving local leaders and community organizations to reduce the detrimental effect of fever, seizure, and respiratory disease on children.
- Published
- 2024
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28. Reconstruction of The Policy License for Tourism Businesses: Challenge and Opportunity for Social Welfare
- Author
Eny Suastuti, Hayyan ul Haq, George Muishot, Tatiek Sri Djamiati, and Firman Arif
- Subjects
licensing ,local government ,omnibus law ,tourism ,Law - Abstract
The government's policy of revoking the authority of local governments to issue permits for the tourism business sector has caused chaos in the management and supervision of tourism businesses. This takeover of authority is closely related to the business licensing regulations regulated in the Omnibus Law. This research aims to determine the challenges and opportunities in licensing policy issues in the tourism sector that need reconstruction. The research method applied is normative legal research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The Omnibus Law is the prominent rule that be analyzed. Meanwhile, the concepts of licensing, authority, and the principle of community participation are used as the basis for analyzing and reconstructing regulations. The results of this research show that there are challenges in reconstructing licensing regulations in the Omnibus Law due to differences in perspectives on licensing concepts between the central government and regional governments, which have implications for shifting the objectives of issuing permits and the transfer of authority to issue licenses that the regional government initially owned created chaos in the supervision of tourism business activities. Still, the opportunity in this policy reconstruction is that it is still possible to revise laws based on the principle of real participation with community involvement mechanisms that can influence the final results of policy decisions, as well as active collaboration between governments at the central, regional and regional levels, stakeholders and the community in developing the tourism sector which can realize social welfare.
- Published
- 2024
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29. Ensemble Techniques Based Risk Classification for Maternal Health During Pregnancy
- Author
Nurul Fathanah Mustamin, Ariyani Buang, Firman Aziz, and Nur Hamdani Nur
- Subjects
classification ,ensemble ,health risk ,machine learning ,maternal ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
This research focuses on the critical aspect of maternal health during pregnancy, emphasizing the need for early detection and intervention to address potential risks to both mothers and infants. Leveraging various classification methods, including Naïve Bayes, decision trees, and ensemble learning techniques, the study investigates the prediction of childbirth potential and pregnancy risks. The research begins with data collection, followed by preprocessing to clean and prepare the data, including handling missing values and normalization. Next, cross-validation is performed to ensure model robustness. Five ensemble techniques are used for risk classification: Ensemble Boosted Trees, which enhances the performance of decision trees; Ensemble Bagged Trees, which combines predictions from decision trees trained on different subsets of data; Ensemble Subspace Discriminant, which applies discriminant analysis on random subspaces; Ensemble Subspace KNN, which uses K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) within random subspaces; and Ensemble RUS Boosted Trees. Key variables such as maternal age, height, Hb levels, blood pressure, and previous pregnancy history are considered in these analyses. Additionally, the study introduces Ensemble Learning based on Classification Trees, revealing significant improvements in accuracy compared to cost-sensitive learning approaches. The comparison of methods, including Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor, provides insights into their respective performances, with ensemble techniques demonstrating their potential. The proposed ensemble learning techniques, namely Ensemble Boosted Trees, Ensemble Bagging Trees, Ensemble Subspace Discriminant, Ensemble Subspace KNN, and Ensemble RUS Boosted Trees, are systematically evaluated in classifying pregnancy risks based on a comprehensive dataset of 1014 records. The results showcase Ensemble Bagging Trees as a standout performer, with an accuracy of 85.6%, indicating robust generalization and effectiveness in clinical risk assessment compared to traditional methods such as Decision Tree (61.54% accuracy), K-Nearest Neighbor (74.48%), Ensemble Learning based on Cost-Sensitive Learning (73%), Ensemble Learning based on Classification Tree (76%), Gaussian Naïve Bayes (82.6%), Multinomial Naïve Bayes (84.8%), and Bernoulli Naïve Bayes (84.8%). Ensemble Bagging Trees achieved the highest accuracy proving to be more effective than the other methods. However, the study emphasizes the need for continuous refinement and adaptation of ensemble methods, considering both accuracy and interpretability, for successful deployment in healthcare decision-making. These findings contribute valuable insights into optimizing pregnancy risk classification models, paving the way for improved maternal and infant healthcare outcomes.
- Published
- 2024
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30. Spatial Modeling of Infant Mortality Rate In Sampang Regency : An Ecological Study
- Author
Firman Firdauz Saputra, Lily Eky Nursia N, Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani, Nasrianti Syam, Meutia Paradhiba, Mardi Fadillah, and Geofrey Ssekalembe
- Subjects
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
Infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the indicators to measure public health status and community welfare. In the last 3 years (2014-2016), the infant mortality rate in Sampang Regency has increased. The purpose of this study is to develop spatial-based modeling of factors affecting infant mortality rates in Sampang. Researchers used an ecological study design where secondary data came from the Health Office and the Central Bureau of Statistics in Sampang Regency. The dependent variable is infant mortality rate, while the independent variables are delivery assisted by health workers, exclusive breastfeeding coverage, neonatal complications handled, K4 visit coverage, LBW percentage, midwife to population ratio, percentage of clean and healthy household behavior. Data has been analyzed and processed using Geoda and Quantum GIS applications. Based on statistical tests, the spatial model is obtained: ŷi= -21.82+0.706 ∑(i=1,i≠j)^n wijyi-0.61* childbirth attended by health worker+0.10* neonatal complications attended by health worker+1.89* LBW babies. Each variable of childbirth assisted by health workers increased by 10, it can decrease the infant mortality rate by 6.1 cases. Each variable of neonatal complications not handled by health workers rises 10 units, it can increase the infant mortality rate by 1 case. each variable of LBW babies rises 1 unit and it can increase infant mortality cases by 1.89 cases. The results of this study can be used to reduce infant mortality rates that occur by intervening in existing factors.
- Published
- 2024
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31. Adat Law as a Foundation for Advancing Indonesian Agrarian Law to Maximise Societal Welfare
- Author
Firman Muntaqo, Febrian Febrian, and Alip Dian Pratama
- Subjects
adat law ,agrarian law ,prosperity of the people. ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
The evolution of agrarian law in Indonesia, particularly land law, must adhere to the constitutional mandate of promoting the welfare of the populace. This subject is compelling because existing studies predominantly address the legal-formal dimensions of customary land law without adequately examining its practical implications for public welfare. This research investigates whether the development of Indonesian land law is in accordance with the Agrarian Law and explores how to formulate legal frameworks that mitigate land disputes and conflicts related to the utilisation of Ulayat Land for development purposes. The objective is to present alternative recommendations for resolving national agrarian law issues, often diverging from constitutional directives. Employing a normative research method, this study draws on both legal and non-legal materials through philosophical, legislative, historical, conceptual, comparative, and futuristic lenses. The findings reveal that the current development of national agrarian law does not fully align with the Agrarian Law's mandate to enhance the welfare of the Indonesian people. Therefore, this research offers alternative legislative methods aimed at producing agrarian legal instruments that more effectively promote the prosperity of the Indonesian population.
- Published
- 2024
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32. Evaluation of the physical and chemical characteristics of waste excavated from an open dump site for sustainable waste management
- Author
Reba Anindyajati Pratama, Sri Wahyono, Firman Laili Sahwan, Feddy Suryanto, Muhammad Hanif, Wiharja, Prihartanto, Prasetiyadi, Suprapto, Regina Dea Tilottama, Sarkiwan, and Diyono
- Subjects
Landfill mining ,Municipal solid waste ,Valorization ,Sustainable ,Open dump ,Environmental engineering ,TA170-171 ,Chemical engineering ,TP155-156 - Abstract
Waste management is a global concern with significant environmental and socio-economic impacts. In Indonesia, particularly in Serang City, challenges in waste processing are prevalent. This study explores the characteristics of waste and potential valorization strategies at the Cilowong disposal site. It involves sampling, physical and chemical composition testing, and nutrient content analysis. The waste density analysis reveals consistent values similar to other regional landfills. Fractionation indicates that materials under 10 mm have higher densities than those over 10 mm, with plastics dominating the larger fraction. Specifically, materials over 10 mm account for 59.88%, while those under 10 mm comprise 40.12%. The composition analysis highlights a high proportion of unsorted residual waste and plastics, with compost and biowaste showing decomposition. Notably, challenges in meeting standards for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and compost quality highlight the necessity for pretreatment. The caloric value of the waste is 2,158 Kcal/kg, with a moisture content of 42.45% and ash content of 56.21%. Despite these values, the waste from Cilowong shows potential for RDF production and waste-to-energy applications. However, 1 mg/kg mercury contamination in compost raises concerns about its suitability for food crops. The fine fraction from landfill mining could serve alternative purposes, such as soil cover and environmental remediation. Effective waste valorization strategies are essential for improving landfill capacity and creating sustainable waste management solutions, especially for larger (>10 mm) and smaller (
- Published
- 2025
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33. Microwave-assisted enzymatic production of cosmetic ester 2-ethylhexyl oleate and myristate
- Author
Eko K. Sitepu, Emilia Abdulmalek, Helmina Sembiring, Rodiah N. Sari, Ella Parawita, Dea Hafizah, Novia Ramadhani, Maya R.S. Siregar, Firman Sebayang, and Juliati Br. Tarigan
- Subjects
Cosmetic ester ,Esterification ,2-Ethylhexanol ,Myristic acid ,Oleic acid ,Environmental engineering ,TA170-171 ,Chemical engineering ,TP155-156 - Abstract
The enzymatic microwave-assisted cosmetic esters production from esterification of fatty acids with 2-ethylhexanol using enzyme lipase as a biocatalyst was developed. The parameters of enzyme weight, molar ratio, reaction time and microwave power were investigated to determine the maximum conversion of 2-ethylhexyl myristate (EHM) and 2-ethylhexyl oleate (EHO). The maximum conversion of EHM and EHO of 92.0 ± 0.4 % and 98.2 ± 0.3 %, respectively, were achieved under reaction conditions of enzyme weight of 5 wt%, molar ratio of 1:3, reaction time of 0.5 minutes and microwave power of 20 %. All the parameters tested significantly affect the conversion. The reusability test revealed that the liquid lipase lost its catalytic activity after two subsequent cycles. However, the availability of low-cost enzyme lipase derived from genetically modified microorganisms increases its competitiveness. Microwave radiation system has better performance and offers a fast route of cosmetic esters production, which is also more energy-efficient and cost-effective.
- Published
- 2025
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34. Development of an Optimized Ensemble Least Squares Model for Identifying Potential Deposit Customers
- Author
Firman Aziz, Mutia Maulida, Jafar Jafar, Nurafni Shahnyb, Norma Nasir, and Ampauleng Ampauleng
- Subjects
Business Intelligence ,Bank Marketing ,Classification ,Potential Deposits Customers ,Ensemble Least Square Support Vector Machine ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 - Abstract
The banking sector faces significant challenges in effectively promoting its products and services. While direct marketing has proven to be a potent tool for customer acquisition, it often leads to customer dissatisfaction, thereby tarnishing the bank's reputation. Leveraging Business Intelligence (BI) technology offers a strategic advantage by enabling the classification and analysis of customer data, particularly for time deposit customers. This study presents the development and optimization of an Ensemble Least Squares (ELS) algorithm to enhance the classification of potential deposit customers. The proposed Ensemble Least Squares Support Vector Machine (ELS-SVM) algorithm demonstrated superior performance compared to traditional SVM and LS-SVM methods. Notably, the ELS-SVM achieved an average performance improvement of 10.04% over standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques.
- Published
- 2024
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35. Social vulnerability and climate change: a bibliometric analysis
- Author
Iskandar Iskandar, Ali Anas, Syamsul Bahri, Firman Menne, and Tawakkal Baharuddin
- Subjects
Social vulnerability ,climate change ,community resilience ,gender inclusion ,poverty ,Sociology & Social Policy ,Social Sciences - Abstract
The urgent research on social vulnerability and climate change arises because of the complex impacts on society. Climate change increases social vulnerability and exacerbates social and economic inequalities. The main objective of this research is to identify trends, themes, and knowledge gaps from the global literature and consider policy recommendations based on the trends in the data obtained. The research method uses bibliometric analysis with the Scopus database as the primary data source, where 112 published documents were found. The findings of this study indicate that there has been increasing interest in research on social vulnerability and climate change over time. However, there are limitations in the geographic spread of research, particularly in Asia, highlighting the need for further research. On the other hand, although many research themes have received attention, the focus on disasters, poverty, livelihoods, women, and developing countries still needs to be expanded, demanding further research. These findings also initiate a policy recommendation emphasizing a holistic and sustainable approach. By strengthening community resilience, reducing social disparities, and increasing gender inclusion, this policy can potentially improve adaptation to climate change. Global solidarity and international cooperation are also essential to support developing countries in facing the impacts of climate change.
- Published
- 2024
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36. Effects of non-contact electric fields on kidney and liver histology in tumour-induced rats [version 5; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
- Author
Luthfi Nurhidayat, Ahmad Ghitha Fadhlurrahman, Firman Alamsyah, Warsito Purwo Taruno, Nisrina Firdausi, Subekti Evi Dwi Nugraheni, and Rarastoeti Pratiwi
- Subjects
damages ,histology ,kidney ,liver ,non-contact electric field ,ECCT ,eng ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Background A novel modality of cancer treatment based on exposure to non-contact electric fields has been developed to reduce cancer incidence. However, the safety of the electric field exposure was not fully investigated. Therefore, This study aimed to observe the safety of electric field exposure on kidney and liver structures. Methods Female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into one control group and three treatment groups. Animals were treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene for mammary tumour induction and exposed to non-contact electric fields individually for 10 hours a day for three weeks. Fresh samples of the kidney and liver were collected for observation of structural damage in both organs. Both organs were prepared for histopathological cross-sectioning using the paraffin method and Hematoxylin and Eosin staining followed by histological scoring using the post-examination masking method. Results Damages found in the kidney were as follows: thickening of the Bowman capsule, karyolysis, karyorrhexis, pyknosis, cloudy swelling, epithelial sloughing, inflammation, haemorrhage, and congestion. In addition, the number of inflammation and haemorrhage in the kidney structure of healthy rats that were exposed to electric fields was significantly lower than that in the control group. All damages to the kidneys were also found in the liver, but each showed a different degree of damage. Exposure to this electric field can cause haemorrhagic damage to the livers of healthy rats, but not to rats with breast cancer. Conclusions Exposure to non-contact electric fields can cause haemorrhagic damage to the livers of healthy rats, however, in other liver tissues and the kidneys, exposure to this electric field was safe. It can even decrease the number of inflammations and haemorrhages in the kidneys.
- Published
- 2024
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37. Feasibility study of analogue filters based on memristor
- Author
Shan Gao, Sridhar Chandrasekaran, Irwan Purnama, and Firman Mangasa Simanjuntak
- Subjects
active filters ,filters ,memristors ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Abstract This paper reports the critical parameters in fitting the Al:HfO2 memristor and exploits the memristor symbol derived from this fitting to design filter circuits. Memristor‐based filters can obtain at least two different filter ranges with the same filtering effect as conventional filters. Multistate resistance can be achieved by controlling the filamentary gap; adjusting the initial gap in the high resistance state from 1 to 0.1 nm could vary the cut‐off frequency of the filters from 230 MHz to 1.54 GHz. Memristor‐based band‐pass filter is also simulated by cascading a low‐pass filter and a high‐pass filter; the results show that a cut‐off frequency of 5.46 to 22.22 GHz can be tuned by adjusting the initial gap of a low resistance state from 0.4 nm down to 0.2 nm. Replacing the resistor in a conventional filter with a memristor allows the filter to have a variable range; this would solve the limitation where the conventional analogue filters have only a single filter range due to the fixed values of their constituent elements.
- Published
- 2024
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38. The Effect of Firm Size and Auditor Rotation on the Quality of Audits
- Author
Nikita Dwi Harla, Elen Haditiya Baharudin, Rafiq Naufal Rahman, Ida Rosnidah, and Firman Hidayat
- Subjects
Auditing, Audit Quality, Firm Size, Audit Efficiency, Auditor Rotation ,Islam ,BP1-253 ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
This study aimed to ascertain the effect of firm size and auditor rotation on the audit quality of technology sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2018 to 2022. This research employed a sample of 10 organizations observed across five periods, meeting the requirements for sample selection. This yields 50 data points. The study utilized purposive sampling, and logistic regression analysis the analytical instrument to examine the hypothesis. This study's findings indicated that the firm's size and the auditors' rotation did not affect the quality of auditors. This implies that the competence of an auditor was not determined by external variables, such as the firm's size or the rotation of auditors.
- Published
- 2024
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39. A Study of Potato Peel Extract (Solanum Tuberosum L) as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor on Low Carbon Steel in a 3.5% NaCl Environment
- Author
Firman A. Nugroho and Johny Wahyuadi Soedarsono
- Subjects
solanum tuberosum l ,corrosion inhibition ,weight loss ,polarization ,adsorption ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Wide application in the oil and gas industry made carbon steel suffer annual losses due to corrosion. The corrosion protection utilizes inhibitor have drawbacks expensive and harmful to the environment. Potato peel extract (solanum tuberosum L) and its main constituents, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins, have been investigated as a green corrosion inhibitor for low-carbon steel in a 3.5% NaCl solution. The inhibitor’s effectiveness and corrosion rate monitoring were measured using weight loss. Potentiodynamic polarization was used to investigate the type of corrosion inhibition and adsorption of plant extract on the surface. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was utilized to observe the presence of functional groups, natural compounds, and the type of bonding for adsorbed organic inhibitors on the surface. The results of the Tafel polarization analysis indicated that the potato peel extract acts as a mixed-type inhibitor. The inhibition efficiency increased with the concentration of the inhibitor extract. The optimal inhibition efficiency of 73.33% is was achieved with 6 ml of potato peel extract and 216 hours of immersion time. The inhibitive effect is due to the adsorption of inhibitor molecules on the steel surface, following the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
- Published
- 2024
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40. Compliance-free, analog RRAM devices based on SnOx
- Author
Suresh Kumar Garlapati, Firman Mangasa Simanjuntak, Spyros Stathopoulos, Syed Jalaluddeen A, Mari Napari, and Themis Prodromakis
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Brain-inspired resistive random-access memory (RRAM) technology is anticipated to outperform conventional flash memory technology due to its performance, high aerial density, low power consumption, and cost. For RRAM devices, metal oxides are exceedingly investigated as resistive switching (RS) materials. Among different oxides, tin oxide (SnOx) received minimal attention, although it possesses excellent electronic properties. Herein, we demonstrate compliance-free, analog resistive switching behavior with several stable states in Ti/Pt/SnOx/Pt RRAM devices. The compliance-free nature might be due to the high internal resistance of SnOx films. The resistance of the films was modulated by varying Ar/O2 ratio during the sputtering process. The I–V characteristics revealed a well-expressed high resistance state (HRS) and low resistance states (LRS) with bipolar memristive switching mechanism. By varying the pulse amplitude and width, different resistance states have been achieved, indicating the analog switching characteristics of the device. Furthermore, the devices show excellent retention for eleven states over 1000 s with an endurance of > 100 cycles.
- Published
- 2024
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41. The Meaning of Halal in The Food Industry in The Metaverse Era (A Comparison)
- Author
Dyah Ochtorina Susanti, Nuzulia Kumala Sari, Firman Floranta Adonara, Rahmadi Indra Tektona, and Bakhouya Driss
- Subjects
halal ,food industry ,metaverse era. ,Law - Abstract
Introduction: The background of this research is that there are still many food products that have not been halal certified, even though the government through the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) has provided convenience in registering halal products online with free assistance. Especially in this metaverse era, where technology has developed rapidly so that the use of digital technology should be able to encourage development through the halal industry. Purposes of the Research: The purpose of this study, firstly, is to know and understand the meaning of halal in both Islamic law and the Civil Code. Second, understanding the halal industry in the metaverse era in terms of the theory of utilitarianism and Maqashid Sharia. Methods of the Research: This study uses a normative juridical method with a legal-statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Results of the Research: The results of this study are: First, that halal in Islamic Law and the Civil Code have different contexts, but have a similar meaning, namely referring to something that is permitted and not prohibited by law. Second, the halal industry based on utilitarianism has utility value both for business actors who register their food products, as well as for the general public as consumers. Furthermore, based on Maqashid Sharia, halal food is included in the category of protecting the soul (nafs) and protecting the mind (aql).
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Anky Angga Alhudha, Winny Setyonugroho, and Firman Pribadi
- Subjects
advertising ,aisas ,code of ethics ,health ,social media ,Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics ,R858-859.7 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 ,Political science - Abstract
Background: Given the popularity of digital marketing in business today, every hospital can start utilizing it by establishing a social media account. Instagram is a social media platform that focuses on photographs. The AISAS (Attention, Interest, Search, Action, and Share) model can be used to assess the efficacy of marketing communications. Regardless, there are issues regarding legal and ethical issues. Therefore, a question emerges: How can health advertisements be effective while following ethical guidelines? Aims: The purpose of this research is to analyze the content of healthcare advertisements on Instagram Methods: This study uses the quantitative descriptive content analysis method. The samples are Instagram advertisements for health services. Search them using the hashtags (#) #dokterjogja, #klinikjogja, #klinikyogyakarta, and #rumahsakitjogja. Using convenience sampling, the researcher randomly scrolls and stops on Instagram. The data were assessed by two coders using a checklist to ensure objectivity. The checklist contains three indicators, in this case, the AIA (Attention, Interest, Action) indicator, and the other indicators were obtained from the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (PERMENKES) number 1787 of 2010 Results: The highest score of the AIA (Attention, Interest, Action) indicator is 12, and there are a total of 34 advertisements (coder 1), and 84 advertisements (coder 2) violate The Regulation of the Minister of Health (PERMENKES) No.1787/2010 Conclusion: This study finds that effective advertising is almost certain to violate the regulation. An educational health information advertisement that introduces the services provided is a good way to promote healthcare providers while remaining ethical. Keywords: advertising, AISAS, ethics, health, social media
- Published
- 2024
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43. The effect of non‐contact electro capacitive cancer therapy on DMBA‐induced rat breast tumor angiogenesis
- Author
Endah Sri Palupi, Bambang Retnoaji, Pudji Astuti, Firman Alamsyah, Warsito Purwo Taruno, and Rarastoeti Pratiwi
- Subjects
ac electric field ,angiogenic gene ,breast cancer ,vegfr2‐dependent angiogenesis ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Alternating Current‐Electric Field (AC‐EF) generated by non‐contact Electro Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) can inhibit breast tumor growth. However, its effect on breast tumor angiogenesis remains unclear. Since angiogenesis is involved in normal physiology and tumors, it is crucial to investigate the effect of ECCT on normal and breast tumor angiogenesis. Samples consisting of rat breast normal tissue and breast tumors were obtained from the biobank, with tumors induced by 7,12‐dimethylbenz (α) anthracene (DMBA) at 20 mg/kg BW 10 times over five weeks. Meanwhile, ECCT exposure of 150 kHz and 18 Vpp was conducted for 21 days at 10 hours/day. The qPCR method was used for gene expression analysis, while immunohistochemistry used antibody anti‐Vegfr2 that was used to detect Vegfr2 protein expression. Data were analyzed using one‐way ANOVA and t‐tests performed with GraphPad Prism ver.9.5.1 software. The results revealed no impact of ECCT exposure on normal breast tissue angiogenesis. Interestingly, there was a significant increase in the number of blood vessels following the upregulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor‐2 (Vegfr2) as opposed to its primary signal, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor‐A (Vegfa). Furthermore, gene expression of Hypoxia Inducible Factor‐1α (Hif1α) and Specificity Protein‐1 (Sp1) was similar to that of the control group, suggesting that Vegfr2‐dependent angiogenesis regulates ECCT‐treated breast tumor angiogenesis.
- Published
- 2024
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44. Project-Based Learning Model in Improving Student’s writing skills in the Department of Arabic Language Education in Higher Education
- Author
Abdul Muid and Firman Afrian Pratama
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project based learning ,writing skills ,arabic language ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Languages and literature of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania ,PL1-8844 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This study aims to optimize students' ability to write Arabic sentences through a project-based learning model in the Mabadi 'al-Insha' course. This study uses a qualitative method. The study subjects were students in the second semester of the Arabic Language Education Study Program from PBA 1 and PBA 2 classes. Data were collected through tests, observations, and interviews with performance instruments, observation guidelines, and interview guidelines. The data collected from the results of this study will be analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The results showed: 1) The application of the project-based learning model to al-quantity material was carried out in several stages, ranging from determining the theme of writing, determining sources, collecting material (writing rules) and mufradat (vocabulary), composing sentences and discussing them collaboratively with team members, to presentations in front of other teams. 2) Students can generally create sentences based on the elements of sentences that have been learned. For example, making sentences in the form of al-Jumlah Ismiyah consisting of mubtada' and khabar, al-Jumlah al-Fi'liyah consisting of fi'il, fa'il, and maf'ul using sentences that correspond to the attached image and also being able to write with the correct writing and harakat. Based on the study results, the project-based learning model can improve student achievement in writing skills.
- Published
- 2024
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45. INLISLite (Integrated Library System) Version 3 Based Library Management Training in School Libraries within the Scope of the Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Batu
- Author
Ach. Nizam Rifqi Nizam, Wahyu Hariyanto, Firma Sahrul Bahtiar, Fakhris Khusnu Reza Mahfud, and Firman Jati Pamungkas
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inlislite versi 3, manajemen perpustakaan, sistem otomasi perpustakaan ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah menciptakan perubahan mendasar dalam paradigma pembelajaran, khususnya dalam dunia pendidikan. Learning resources, terutama yang berbasis teknologi, memiliki peran krusial dalam mendukung sistem pembelajaran. Artikel ini membahas konsep learning resources, dengan penekanan pada penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di perpustakaan sebagai pusat sumber belajar. Implementasi sistem otomasi perpustakaan, seperti INLISLite versi 3, dianggap sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pengelolaan perpustakaan. Studi kasus dilakukan dengan mengadopsi INLISLite versi 3 sebagai sistem otomasi perpustakaan. Metode pelatihan klasikal digunakan, dengan fokus pada pengembangan keterampilan staf pengelola perpustakaan sekolah. Kegiatan pelatihan mencakup pengenalan, instalasi, administrasi, pengelolaan bahan pustaka, pengaturan pengelolaan anggota, transaksi, dan layanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan penerimaan terhadap sistem informasi setelah pelatihan.Studi ini memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman implementasi teknologi informasi dalam konteks perpustakaan sebagai pusat sumber belajar. Penerapan INLISLite versi 3 di perpustakaan sekolah dianggap sebagai langkah strategis untuk mewujudkan perpustakaan yang efisien.
- Published
- 2024
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46. Fuel Motor Competency Training Using a Cutting Engine for TBSM Major Students at Bina Nusa Slawi Vocational School
- Author
Firman Sanjaya, Sigit Setijo Budi, Faqih Fatkrurrozak, and Syarifudin Syarifudin
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pelatihan ,kompetensi ,motor bakar ,engine cutting ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Pandemi covid-19 mengharuskan proses belajar mengajar siswa jarak jauh (daring) sehingga kompetensi siswa kurang masksimal karena kurangnya praktikum di laboratorium khususnya siswa jurusan Teknik dan Bisnis Sepeda Motor (TBSM) SMK Bina Nusa Slawi. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengingkatkan kompetensi otomotif dasar siswa perlu adanya pelatihan motor bakar dengan mengoptimalkan Engine Cutting sebagai alat peraga. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 20 siswa jurusan TBSM SMK Bina Nusa Slawi. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap. Tahap pertama adalah pendalaman materi motor bakar 4 langkah. Tahap kedua adalah demonstrasi prinsip kerja motor bakar menggunakan engine cutting. Tahap ketiga adalah evaluasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan siswa setelah mendapatkan pelatihan tersebut. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa seluruh peserta pelatihan mendapatkan nilai yang KOMPETEN.
- Published
- 2024
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47. MAKE SUBMISSION ADDITIONAL MENU FOCUS AND SCOPE PUBLICATION ETHICS AUTHOR GUIDELINES PEER REVIEW PROCESS EDITORIAL TEAM REVIEWERS COPYRIGHT NOTICE CONTAC US TEMPLATE TOOLS VISITORS Flag Counter Font Size Make font size smallerMake font size defaultMake font size larger Open Journal Systems Notifications View (492 new) Manage About The Authors Alfiyatul Azizah Indonesia Firman Syah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia Indonesia Yeti Dahliana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia Indonesia Muhammad Iqbal Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia Indonesia Journal Help HomeAboutUser HomeSearchCurrentArchivesAnnouncements Home > Vol 9, No 1 (2024) > Azizah INTERNALISASI PEMAHAMAN AL-QUR`AN DALAM BENTUK MACAPAT SEKAR SARI KIDUNG RAHAYU
- Author
Alfiyatul Azizah, Firman Syah, Yeti Dahliana, and Muhammad Iqbal
- Subjects
internalisasi al-qur`an ,macapat ,sekar sari kidung rahayu ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Penyebaran agama Islam berbanding lurus dengan pertumbuhan tafsir Al-Qur`an di seluruh penjuru dunia. Seringkali, Islam beradaptasi dan kemudian berakulturasi serta menunjukkan aktualisasinya dengan budaya setempat dalam berbagai bentuk. Di antara bentuk aktualisasi pemahaman Al-Qur’an yang muncul di kalangan masyarakat Jawa Tengah adalah lahirnya terjemah Al-Qur’an dalam bentuk tembang macapat. Pada penelitian ini, penulis berkonsentrasi pada buku Sekar Sari Kidung Rahayu: Sekar Macapat Terjemahanipun Juz ‘amma karya Achmad Djuwahir Anomwidjaja. Penelitian ini mempunyai nilai penting karena selama ini studi ketokohan Achmad Djuwahir Anomwidjaja belum ditemukan secara komprehensif terlebih yang berkaitan dengan pemahamannya terhadap Al-Qur`an. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk mengetahui bagaimana sejarah hidup Achmad Djuwahir Anomwidjaja, dan kedua bagaimana internalisasi pemahaman Al-Qur`an Achmad Djuwahir Anomwidjaja yang dituangkan dalam karya Sekar Sari Kidung Rahayu: Sekar Macapat Terjemahanipun Juz ‘amma. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif analitik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian gabungan antara penelitian lapangan dan penelitian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Achmad Djuwahir menginternalisasikan pemahaman atas ayat-ayat Juz ‘amma ke dalam tembang macapat Jawa. Hal ini dilakukan oleh Djawahir untuk membumikan pemahaman ayat ke dalam bahasa dan metode yang sudah diketahui oleh masyarakat Jawa secara umum. Djawahir tidak hanya mengalihbahasakan saja, melainkan juga memberikan pengantar berupa motivasi dan pengetahuan umum terkait surat tersebut, baik dari sisi penamaan, sebab diturunkannya, maupun maqasid-maqasid khusus yang secara tersurat dan tersirat dijelaskan oleh surat tersebut.
- Published
- 2024
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48. Sintesis keton dari asam lemak stearat dengan katalis layered double hydroxide (LDH) Mg-Al-Cu
- Author
Firman Arief Soejana, Erliza Hambali, and Obie Farobie
- Subjects
decarboxylation ,fatty acid ,ftir ,ketone synthesis ,ldh ,Agriculture - Abstract
The synthesis of ketones from stearic fatty acids using the fatty acid decarboxylation method to ketones has been carried out to increase the added value of palm oil derivative products. One of the derivative products of palm oil is Crude Palm Oil which can be converted into fatty acids through the triglyceride hydrolysis process. Palm fatty acids are Indonesia's most potentially environmentally friendly raw material. This research aims to synthesize ketones from palm fatty acids using a catalyst. Ketone compounds were synthesized using a solid base catalyst as a double hydroxide layer based on Mg-Al-Cu. Identification of the presence of a C=O ketone group was carried out by testing the Fehling test, Tollens, spectrophotometer (FTIR), and computing the yield. The results showed the success of ketone synthesis using the fatty acid decarboxylation method into ketones through a test of Fehling's on stearic fatty acid ketone products. Meanwhile, in the Tollens test, there wasn't a change in the silver mirror. Furthermore, the spectrophotometer test (FTIR) showed the presence of a C=O bond or a carbonyl group at the peak wave 1707 cm-1. Ketone's synthesis produced was 95.09%.
- Published
- 2024
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49. In Silico Antibacterial Activity of Polyacetilene Derivatives Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and In-Vitro Antioxidant Properties from Ethanol Extraction of Blackjack (Bidens pilosa L.)
- Author
Firman Wicaksana, Fadila Sofi, and Mohammad Rafly
- Subjects
bidens pilosa l. ,tuberculosis ,inha ,polyacetylene derivatives ,antioxidant properties ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Blackjack (Bidens pilosa L.) has a bioactive compound, one of which is polyacetylene, which can inhibit the growth of antimicrobials in general. This study aims to conduct an in silico study to determine the antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis of 20 derivatives polyacetylene; TPC was determined by Folin–Ciocalteu colorimetric method using gallic acid as standard, and various concentrations of the extract solutions were measured at 741 nm. TFC was calculated using an aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. Quercetin was used as standard, and the absorbance was measured at 426 nm. Antioxidant activity was evaluated using DPPH scavenging 517 nm and Frap Assay 596 nm. The molecular docking results showed that the compounds (5-(2-Phenylethynyl)-2-b-glucosylmethyl-thiophene, Glucopyranosyloxy-3-hydroxy-6(E)-tetradecane-8,10,12-triyne and Phenylhexa-1,3,5-triyn-1-yl acetate were most potentially anti-tuberculosis on the target protein InhA with the binding energy produced
- Published
- 2024
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50. Green Energy from Palm Kernel Shell Gasification – dual fuel engine performance analysis
- Author
Firman Asto Putro, Sunu Herwi Pranolo, Joko Waluyo, Dwi Hantoko, Agapeano Aditama, and Mochamad Wahyu Utomo
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Chemical engineering ,TP155-156 - Abstract
Electricity generation in Indonesia is mainly generated from non-renewable fuels. Based on these problems, this research utilizes palm kernel shells to be converted into producer gas as secondary fuel for a 5 kW diesel engine. Through a gasification process equipped with a cooling and gas cleaning system, low tar gas is fed to the diesel engine with variations of gas flow rate ratio to combustion air. A dummy load is installed to investigate the effect of load on diesel consumption. The diesel engine vibration increases due to using two fuel types was measured by installing a vibration meter. The research results show that the higher the load and the greater the ratio of producer gas injected, the less diesel consumption. At a gas ratio of 4:1 and an increase of load from 1 to 5 kW, the diesel fuel flow rate reduces by 25 - 31%. The most significant reduction in diesel consumption occurred at a load of 5 kW, valued at 38.49%. On the other hand, increasing the gas ratio causes an increase in diesel engine vibration. The research results showed an increase in engine vibration of 5.84% - 10.25%. The largest vibration was recorded at a load of 5 kW with a value of 92.4 m/s². Keywords: Gasification, Palm Kernel Shell, Dual Fuel Engine, Diesel Consumption, Diesel Engine Vibration
- Published
- 2024
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