107 results on '"Francesco Arcidiacono"'
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2. Editorial: Discourse, conversation and argumentation: Theoretical perspectives and innovative empirical studies, volume II
- Author
Antonio Bova, Carlo Galimberti, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Lise Haddouk
- Subjects
argumentation ,communicative interactions ,conversation ,discourse ,psychology ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Published
- 2023
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3. The role of private and institutional support to favor work-family integration in pre-service and in-service teachers: Self-related vs. context-related arguments
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Antonioa Bova, Ina Ben-Uri, and Giuseppe Melfi
- Subjects
work-family integration ,teacher support ,self-related arguments ,context-related arguments ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Research related to the integration of the demands of work and family highlights the difficulties teachers experience in handling their careers and private lives. The goal of this study is to examine the arguments they use to explain what might make work-family integration easier for them. A questionnaire has been administered to 728 teachers in Israel and Switzerland, two countries dealing with teachers’ work-family relations. Through a qualitative analysis of the types of arguments advanced by teachers, the reconstruction of their reasoning (for the topical and endoxical components) has been performed. Results reveal that the support of family and institution are advanced as critical aspects in both countries. Implications in shaping teachers’ attitudes towards work-family integration are discussed.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Editorial: Inclusive schools for a diverse world: Psychological and educational factors and practices harming or promoting inclusion at school
- Author
Sabine Pirchio, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Ylenia Passiatore
- Subjects
inclusive education ,teachers ,social inclusion ,special educational needs ,learning difficulties ,students ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Published
- 2022
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5. Editorial: Qualitative Methods for Studying Groups
- Author
Francesca Alby, Francesco Arcidiacono, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Terri Mannarini, Laura Lucia Parolin, and Liisa Voutilainen
- Subjects
groups ,qualitative methods ,constructivist epistemology ,emic point of view ,situatedness ,action-research ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Published
- 2022
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6. Editorial: Discourse, Conversation and Argumentation: Theoretical Perspectives and Innovative Empirical Studies—Volume I
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Antonio Bova, Carlo Galimberti, and Lise Haddouk
- Subjects
argumentation ,communicative interactions ,conversation ,discourse ,psychology ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Published
- 2021
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7. The Dilemma of Inclusive Education: Inclusion for Some or Inclusion for All
- Author
Äli Leijen, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Aleksandar Baucal
- Subjects
inclusive education ,special education ,public discourse ,argumentum model of topics ,dialogue ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
In this paper, we intend to consider different understandings of inclusive education that frame current public and professional debates as well as policies and practices. We analyze two – somewhat opposing – discourses regarding inclusive education, namely, the “inclusion for some” – which represents the idea that children with special needs have a right to the highest quality education which can be delivered by specially trained staff, and the “inclusion for all” – which represents the idea that all children regarding their diverse needs should have the opportunity to learn together. To put the two discourses in a dialogical relation, we have reconstructed the inferential configurations of the arguments of each narrative to identify how the two definitions contribute to position children with and without special needs and their teachers. The results show the possibilities to bridge the two narratives, with respect to the voices they promote or silence, the power relations they constitute, and the values and practices they enact or prevent.
- Published
- 2021
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8. La prévention des préjugés flagrants et voilés perçue par les élèves : lorsque les enseignant·e·s ont leur mot à dire
- Author
Alessandro Bergamaschi, Catherine Blaya, Jimmy Stef, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
Préjugé ,système éducatif ,élève ,structure sociale ,tolérance ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Cet article s’intéresse aux préjugés « flagrants » et « voilés » manifestés par 1858 élèves de collège et de lycée en France au moyen d’une enquête par questionnaire. Une première analyse descriptive permet de repérer les facteurs sociaux et scolaires pouvant influencer la perception par les élèves de l’investissement des enseignant·e·s autour de questions liées à l’immigration. A partir de modèles multivariés, les analyses montrent que lorsque les élèves déclarent que leurs enseignant·e·s abordent les thématiques liées au racisme, aux discriminations et à la diversité culturelle, les attitudes intolérantes baissent. L’analyse causale met en exergue l’existence de facteurs externes facilitant l’appropriation des interventions des enseignant·e·s par les élèves.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Towards teacher professionalization for inclusive education: Reflections from the perspective of a socio-cultural approach
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Aleksandar Baucal
- Subjects
inclusive education ,socio-cultural approach ,teacher professionalization ,teacher education ,special needs education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
In this paper, we reflect on teacher education and professionalization from the perspective of a socio-cultural approach. The goal is to have a greater understanding of some controversies, challenges and complexities related to the implementation of inclusion and to connect it to teacher education and professionalization. Firstly, we discuss key assumptions of a socio-cultural approach, as a theoretical framework for reflecting on teacher training and professionalization and the implementation of inclusive education. Next, we present some international principles and values that constitute the normative framework for inclusive education. This is used as a basis for defining competencies and practices that are necessary to ensure adequate learning and developmental opportunities at school. Finally, we present a specific model of teacher training to highlight the potential contribution of a socio-cultural approach in considering the status and role of inclusion and special needs education.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Kaasav haridus ja õpetajakoolitus sotsiaal-kultuurilisest käsitlusest lähtudes
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Aleksandar Baucal
- Subjects
kaasav haridus ,sotsiaal-kultuuriline käsitlus ,õpetajate professionaliseerumine ,õpetajakoolitus ,eripedagoogika ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Selles artiklis keskendume õpetajaharidusele ja õpetaja professionaliseerumisele, käsitledes neid teemasid sotsiaal-kultuurilisest vaatenurgast. Soovime paremini mõista mõningaid vastuolusid ja probleeme, mis tekkivad kaasava hariduse rakendamisel, ja seostada need teemad õpetajakoolituse ja professionaliseerumisega. Esiteks anname ülevaate sotsiaal-kultuurilise käsitluse lähtealustest, mis loovad teoreetilise raamistiku õpetajakoolitusele, õpetajate professionaliseerumisele ja kaasava hariduse rakendamisele. Seejärel tutvustame mõningaid rahvusvahelisi põhimõtteid ja väärtusi, mis moodustavad kaasava hariduse normatiivse raamistiku. Sellele raamistikule toetuvad oskused ja praktikad, millega tagatakse kõikidele lastele sobivad õppimis- ja arenguvõimalused. Viimases osas tutvustame õpetajakoolituse erimudelit, et näidata, milliseid võimalusi pakub sotsiaal-kultuuriline käsitlus kaasava ja erivajadustega laste hariduse staatuse ja rolli tugevdamiseks. Full text
- Published
- 2020
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11. Embodied Argumentation in Young Children in Kindergarten
- Author
Josephine Convertini and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
embodied argumentation ,problem solving ,kindergarten ,reasoning ,science education ,Education - Abstract
In kindergarten, children are usually engaged with both verbal activities and non-verbal activities, often requiring the manipulation of physical objects. During technical tasks (e.g., problem solving), children can use argumentation as one of the languages of science that mediates how they interact with the surrounding world. In this paper, we focused on technical tasks in kindergarten in order to understand to what extent activities requiring the manipulation of physical objects also leave space for argumentation. The study involved 25 children engaged in three problem-solving activities requiring the manipulation of Lego® and some recycled materials. To analyze the non-verbal (embodied) side of the argumentative activities, we firstly identified the argumentative structure of each exchange involving the participants. Then, we focused on segments of “incomplete” argumentative dialogues (i.e., presenting only some elements typical of children’s argumentation) by appealing to multimodal representations (speech, gestures, and physical objects). The findings of the study showed that even apparently incomplete exchanges can have an argumentative function generated by non-verbal elements of the interactions. Investigating the role of embodied argumentation during technical tasks in kindergarten can allow teachers to recognize and further develop children’s argumentative resources.
- Published
- 2021
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12. Narrare in famiglia, narrare la famiglia: dialoghi domestici tra genitori e figli
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
Narrazione ,famiglia ,socializzazione ,narration ,family ,socialization ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Style. Composition. Rhetoric ,P301-301.5 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,Oratory. Elocution, etc. ,PN4001-4355 - Abstract
Il presente studio mira a evidenziare le pratiche di socializzazione narrativa che si sviluppano all’interno di interazioni conversazionali spontanee tra genitori e figli. L’analisi dei processi di argomentazione messi in atto durante i dialoghi a tavola tra membri di famiglie italiane mostra il ruolo della giustificazione come modalità sociale e linguistica nel processo di socializzazione discorsiva dei bambini. Le capacità argomentative di genitori e figli vengono dunque messe in evidenza attraverso lo sviluppo di strategie discorsive costruite nel qui e ora dell’interazione verbale a tavola. Si tratta di narrazioni che si situano all’interconnessione tra sviluppo individuale e socializzazione collettiva, occasioni in cui genitori e figli “fanno famiglia”. The present study aims at highlighting the practices of narrative socialization that emerge within everyday conversations between parents and children. The analysis of argumentative processes during dinnertime dialogs among Italian family members shows the role of the justification as linguistic and social modality in the process of children’s discursive socialization. The argumentative capacities of parents and children are highlighted through the development of discursive strategies that are created in the here-and-now of dinnertime verbal interactions. These are narratives located at the interconnection between the individual and collective socialization and occasions that allow parents and children “doing family.”
- Published
- 2017
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13. Teachers and Parents Involvement for a Good School Experience of Native and Immigrant Children
- Author
Sabine Pirchio, Ylenia Passiatore, Giuseppe Carrus, Fridanna Maricchiolo, Traute Taeschner, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
acculturation strategies ,children adjustment ,ethnic prejudice ,parenting styles ,personality traits ,adattamento del bambino ,personalità ,pregiudizio etnico ,stile di parenting ,strategie di acculturazione ,Education - Abstract
The increased and stable presence of immigrant children in preschools and in primary schools in Italy in the last twenty years, makes more and more important the study of the attitudes and behaviours in teachers, parents and children. As it is known, attitudes and behaviours can strongly influence school experience (relationships and achievements) of children from native as well as from immigrant families. Several international studies and surveys showed that children from immigrant families are more likely to drop out from school much before getting a diploma or a professional qualification (Anisef et al., 2010; Brunello & Rocco, 2012; De Witte et al., 2013). The reason for it can be found in their socio-demographic conditions, their insufficient knowledge of the host country language and the inadequacy of educational policies for immigrants. Furthermore, the co-existence in the same school of immigrant children and autochthone children creating a constant intercultural and interethnic contact puts forward the need to handle prejudice development, in view of the social integration of the immigrant children. In this paper we present a study exploring the relationship between personality, educational style and prejudice of parents in native and in immigrant families regarding immigrant children’s social integration. Results show important relations among these parents’ characteristics, together with differences between native and immigrant families. These findings could provide a contribution in implementing adequate intervention programmes supporting the school integration of immigrant children.
- Published
- 2017
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14. On Materiality: Home Spaces and Objects as Expanding Elements of Everyday Experiences
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Clotilde Pontecorvo
- Subjects
materiality ,home ,family discourse ,expansion ,everyday life ,participant observation ,interview ,video-recording ,discourse analysis ,conversation analysis ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
In this article, using a multidimensional methodology, we explored the role of materiality in the everyday lives of eight Italian families. Focusing on spaces and objects, we analyzed how people "use" material frames and boundaries in expanding their individual and collective experiences at home. We employed a composite design including different sources of data: audio and videotaped home tours, visual ethnographic notes and photos, observations of everyday family activities, home-mapping and observational tracking of actions at regular intervals. We used discourse and conversation analysis to investigate family members' talk-in-interaction concerning materiality. The findings show that spaces and objects are expansions of participants' everyday activities: they are presented as flexible in their use, multifunctional and affectively connoted. We also present implications for the methodological design and its potential for capturing how family doings create both a sense of life and the affordances of everyday experiences at home.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Teachers' Interventions in Science Education at Primary School. The Role of Semiotic Resources during Argumentative Interactions in Classroom
- Author
Josephine Convertini, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Céline Miserez-Caperos
- Abstract
Background: In the field of science education, adults often set up practical-based activities with the idea of stimulating children's reasoning and approaching science in a playful way. Although the potential role of objects in stimulating social practices has been considered in the literature, how teachers work on semiotic aspects of argumentation is still less explored. Purpose: In this paper, the purpose is to identify how practice-based experiences settled up by teachers shape children's argumentation in science education. Sample design and methods: We analyzed argumentation in science tasks involving a total of 39 children (6-7 years old) and their three teachers, coming from two different classrooms of cycle 1 (Harmos, grades 3-4) recruited in the French speaking-part of Switzerland. The tasks were video-recorded and then transcribed. Through the lenses of the pragma-dialectical approach, we selected the argumentative discussions emerging during the experiences and we performed a qualitative analysis of these interactions, by looking at different semiotic resources: speech, gaze direction, deictic gestures, and position of physical objects. Results: The findings show that teachers play a crucial role in sustaining children's argumentation by the integration of different semiotic resources during the activities. Conclusion: As argumentation in classroom evolves through the mobilization of various communicative tools, the present study can contribute to strengthen the interplay between different channels of interaction during science education at primary school.
- Published
- 2024
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16. Blatant and subtle prejudice, and the role of teachers in conveying tolerance and respect for the Other
- Author
Alessandro Bergamaschi, Catherine Blaya, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Jimmy Steff
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Education - Published
- 2022
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17. Formal education and Blatant‐subtle prejudice: Intercultural education and contact theory in French educational system
- Author
Alessandro, Bergamaschi, primary, Catherine, Blaya, additional, Shekarforush, Seyedafshin, additional, and Francesco, Arcidiacono, additional
- Published
- 2023
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18. An Analysis of Teachers' Processes of Technology Appropriation in Classroom.
- Author
Stéphanie Boéchat-Heer, Maria Antonietta Impedovo, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Published
- 2015
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19. Gestion et formatage de désaccords dans les échanges professionnels lors du filage d’un concert
- Author
Séverine Paquette and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
Management of Technology and Innovation - Abstract
Dans le domaine de la psychosociologie et de la gestion des comportements professionnels, l’analyse des interactions autour de desaccords en milieu professionnel est un sujet central. Cet article presente une etude de cas liee a la situation de la repetition d’un concert au cours de laquelle des musiciens et des techniciens se rencontrent pour l’organisation et la mise en place technique d’un spectacle. Notre objectif principal est d’analyser les desaccords qui emergent du point de vue de leur forme, de leur structure et de leur signification, ainsi que de relever les positionnements des interactants au sein de leur groupe professionnel (respectivement, les musiciens et les regisseurs). A ce propos, une analyse qualitative (discursive et argumentative) a ete conduite. Les resultats montrent l’emergence de modalites variees dans la gestion des desaccords lors de situations d’echanges en milieu professionnel, ainsi que des indices d’appartenance aux groupes impliques lors de conflits inter-groupes. Cette etude de cas montre le potentiel de l’analyse de situations d’interaction en contexte professionnel pour mieux comprendre des phenomenes linguistiques lies aux conduites conversationnelles des participants et a leur production-mobilisation-circulation de savoirs lies a des pratiques situees.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Josephine Convertini, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Céline Miserez-Caperos
- Published
- 2022
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21. Identifying teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge: A video stimulated recall study
- Author
Liina Malva, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Äli Leijen
- Subjects
Stimulated recall ,05 social sciences ,Mathematics education ,050301 education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Context (language use) ,Psychology ,0503 education ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,Education - Abstract
Teachers’ general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) has been emphasized as an important factor in pupils’ learning, although a gap appears when describing this concept in the context of school practices....
- Published
- 2021
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22. Work-family conflict and facilitation among teachers in Israel and Switzerland
- Author
Antonio Bova, Francesco Arcidiacono, Giuseppe Melfi, and Ina Ben-Uri
- Subjects
family ,Teacher education ,Work–family conflict ,Culture ,Settore M-PSI/06 - PSICOLOGIA DEL LAVORO E DELLE ORGANIZZAZIONI ,Context (language use) ,Sample (statistics) ,Education ,Argumentation theory ,argumentation ,0502 economics and business ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Work-family conflict ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Educational psychology ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Work-family facilitation ,Settore M-PSI/04 - PSICOLOGIA DELLO SVILUPPO E PSICOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE ,Work (electrical) ,Facilitation ,teacher ,Psychology ,Attribution ,0503 education ,Social psychology ,050203 business & management - Abstract
In this paper, we examine the attitudes toward integrating work and family in a sample of 247 teachers in Switzerland and Israel. More particularly, we focus on the national context’s role in mediating the relations between professional and private spheres. The data were collected by a questionnaire implemented and administered in the two countries. The analysis reveals differences between Israeli and Swiss teachers regarding the importance of attribution to life roles and their attitudes toward conflict and facilitation. Findings suggest new insights into the consideration of cultural elements in shaping the teachers’ attitudes toward the integration of family and work.
- Published
- 2022
23. Qualitative Methods for Studying Groups
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono
- Published
- 2022
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24. The role of private and institutional support to favor work-family integration in pre-service and in-service teachers: Self-related vs. context-related arguments
- Author
Giuseppe Melfi, Ina Ben Uri, Antonio Bova, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
teacher support ,Conflict ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Well-being ,Integration ,Arbeitsleben ,Wohlbefinden ,Working conditions ,Method ,Familienleben ,Verhalten ,Arbeitsbedingungen ,Education ,Bildungssoziologie ,Questionnaire survey ,ddc:370 ,argumentation ,Argumentation ,Schweiz ,Well being ,Fragebogenerhebung ,Family ,Israel ,Wahrnehmung ,Lehrer ,context-related arguments ,Occupation ,Methode ,Teacher ,Working-day world ,Beruf ,Konflikt ,self-related arguments ,General Medicine ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Unterstützung ,Student teachers ,Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft ,Familie ,%22">Einstellung ,work-family integration ,Perception ,Vergleich ,Lehramtsstudent ,Switzerland - Abstract
Research related to the integration of the demands of work and family highlights the difficulties teachers experience in handling their careers and private lives. The goal of this study is to examine the arguments they use to explain what might make work-family integration easier for them. A questionnaire has been administered to 728 teachers in Israel and Switzerland, two countries dealing with teachers’ work-family relations. Through a qualitative analysis of the types of arguments advanced by teachers, the reconstruction of their reasoning (for the topical and endoxical components) has been performed. Results reveal that the support of family and institution are advanced as critical aspects in both countries. Implications in shaping teachers’ attitudes towards work-family integration are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.) In der Forschung zur Vereinbarung von Beruf und Familie wird häufig auf Schwierigkeiten von Lehrkräften hingewiesen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Argumente von Lehrpersonen zu untersuchen, die die Vorteile einer Vereinbarung dieser beiden Bereiche beschreiben. Hierfür wurde ein Fragebogen von 728 Lehrkräften aus Israel und der Schweiz ausgefüllt. Anhand einer qualitativen Analyse der vorgebrachten Argumente wurde die Rekonstruktion der Argumentation (für die thematischen und endoxischen Komponenten) durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Unterstützung durch die Familie und durch die Institution in beiden Ländern als wichtige Aspekte angeführt werden. Es wird diskutiert, welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Einstellung der Lehrer*innen zur Integration von Beruf und Familie hat. (DIPF/Orig.)
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Alessandro Ancarani, Carmela Di Mauro, and Florian Schupp
- Subjects
Management of Technology and Innovation ,Strategy and Management ,General Decision Sciences - Abstract
PurposeSmart Manufacturing (SM) lies at the core of Industry 4.0. Operations management research has identified several factors influencing firms’ ability to adopt SM. However, a clear understanding of capabilities needed to progress in SM is still missing. This paper aims to investigate how absorptive capacity (AC) allows firms to advance in SM and explore how managerial antecedents support the capacity to absorb SM-related knowledge at different stages of SM adoption.Design/methodology/approachThis study adopts an exploratory approach through multiple case studies. Twelve firms, operating as part of the automotive supply chain and exhibiting different stages of SM adoption, constitute the sample.FindingsThe results suggest that advancement in SM requires firms to progressively reinforce their AC. Firms’ ability to acquire and assimilate SM knowledge is supported by managerial antecedents encompassing integrative capacities to bridge old and SM technologies, managerial cognition through the clear alignment of SM technologies with strategic goals and knowledge development capabilities through practices oriented to provide senior managers with SM competences.Originality/valueThe findings contribute to SM research by suggesting that AC is a crucial dynamic capability for SM adoption. The results also provide evidence-grounded recommendations to firms engaged in the digital transformation on the managerial capabilities needed to support AC and to progress from lower to higher stages of SM.
- Published
- 2022
26. Employee Engagement in Public Administration
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Carmela Di Mauro, and Alessandro Ancarani
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Josephine Convertini
- Subjects
Nonverbal communication ,Psychology ,Argumentation theory ,Cognitive psychology - Published
- 2021
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28. The Psychology of Argumentation and Reasoning
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
- Reasoning (Psychology)
- Abstract
The present book proposes a collection of different international scientific contributions coming from professionals and researchers working the topic of argumentation and reasoning in various fields of psychology and education. The interconnections of these scientific investigations provide, on the one hand, a perspective on reasoning as a social activity, and, on the other hand, contribute to contextualize the relationship with argumentation under the lenses of psychological studies. The volume offers the space for a dialogue among different scholars, to learn from their complementarity and enrich our understanding of argumentation and reasoning in psychology. The different chapters highlight how argumentation and reasoning are strictly context-dependent activities through the presentations of studies based on a plurality of methodologies and approaches dealing with different contexts and cultures. In the first section, a series of contributions present some relevant theoretical and empirical elements highlighting the pertinence of looking at argumentation and reasoning through different and complementary psychological perspectives. In the second section, a series of contributions dealing with educational and non-educational settings of activity are proposed through the analysis of situations of argumentation and reasoning with children and adults in various cultural and organizational contexts. All together, these contributions offer precious insights toward a more integrated view of the psychology of argumentation and reasoning, although similarities and differences remain fundamental in their essence.
- Published
- 2024
29. Social Interactions in the Classroom: Thoughts and Perspectives
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Marcelo Giglio, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Marcelo Giglio
- Subjects
- Teacher-student relationships, Communication in education, Interaction analysis in education
- Abstract
How can pupils and students learn to interact with others? How can they interact with others to learn? How do teachers organize the various forms of interaction in a discursive dynamic within their classrooms? The different ways in which social and cultural psychology views explore school have consolidated a new image of learning processes. However, social interactions in the classroom need to be constantly re-examined and rethought. Tothis end, the contributions of this book exploit, innovates and study the multiple interactions in theclassroom and the conditions that can favor teaching and learning processes. By linking psychology, educational sciences and learning models, this book contributes to the study of the interconnected processes of individual and social development in compulsory and higher education.
- Published
- 2024
30. 'But the vanilla is healthy!' Children's expression of arguments to justify their non-compliances in family conversation
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Clotilde Pontecorvo, and Antonio Bova
- Subjects
Argumentum model of topics ,family ,children ,argumentation ,Pragma-dialectics ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Non-compliance ,Education - Published
- 2022
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31. Prevention of blatant and subtle prejudices as perceived by students: when teachers have their say
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Alessandro Bergamaschi, Catherine Blaya, and Jimmy Stef
- Subjects
Bildungssystem ,Einstellung effect ,Frankreich ,Préjugé ,système éducatif ,élève ,structure sociale ,tolérance ,Schulpädagogik ,Verhalten ,Einflussfaktor ,Sozialstruktur ,Einstellung ,Questionnaire survey ,Discrimination ,Education system ,Fragebogenerhebung ,Empirische Bildungsforschung ,Multivariate Analyse ,L7-991 ,Secondary school ,Prejudice (legal term) ,Migration ,Lehrer ,Engagement ,Education (General) ,Pupils ,Multiculturalism ,Social structure ,%22">Einstellung ,Gymnasium ,Schüler ,Multikulturalität ,France ,Psychology ,Vorurteil ,Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen ,Intervention ,Prävention ,Education ,ddc:370 ,Wahrnehmung ,Prevention ,Teacher ,Pupil ,Education systems ,German academic secondary school ,Diskriminierung ,Toleranz ,Grammar School ,Multivariate analysis ,Perception ,Schulstruktur ,Involvement ,Humanities ,Educational systems - Abstract
Cet article s’intéresse aux préjugés "flagrants" et "voilés" manifestés par 1’858 élèves de collège et de lycée en France au moyen d’une enquête par questionnaire. Une première analyse descriptive permet de repérer les facteurs sociaux et scolaires pouvant influencer la perception par les élèves de l’investissement des enseignant·e·s autour de questions liées à l’immigration. à partir de modèles multivariés, les analyses montrent que lorsque les élèves déclarent que leurs enseignant·e·s abordent les thématiques liées au racisme, aux discriminations et à la diversité culturelle, les attitudes intolérantes baissent. L’analyse causale met en exergue l’existence de facteurs externes facilitant l’appropriation des interventions des enseignant·e·s par les élèves. (DIPF/Orig.), This article focuses on “blatant” and “subtle” prejudices expressed by 1858 lower and upper secondary school students in France, in a self-reported survey. A first descriptive analysis allows to identify the social and school factors that may influence students’ perception of teachers’ involvement regarding issues raised by migration. Multivariate analyses show that when students state that their teachers address issues related to racism, discrimination and cultural diversity, intolerant attitudes decrease. Mediation and moderation models highlight the existence of external factors facilitating the appropriation of teachers’ interventions by students. (DIPF/Orig.)
- Published
- 2021
32. Action publique, gouvernance et recherche en éducation
- Author
Bernard Wentzel, Abdeljalil Akkari, Georges Felouzis, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Abstract
Comme en temoignent la grande majorite des contributions a cet ouvrage, la question des liens entre la gouvernance des systemes scolaires et «la recherche» est le plus souvent abordee sous un angle «economique» (questions d’efficacite) ou «sociologique» (questions d’equite). La gestion des moyens d’enseignement (desormais ME) ne semble guere, en revanche, etre envisagee dans cette perspective globale de gouvernance du systeme, mais plutot comme une question d’ingenierie didactique, voire comme une simple question de logistique. Dans ce chapitre, apres une presentation de la problematique, nous developperons deux exemples concrets de collaborations de chercheur·e·s a l’une ou l’autre des diverses phases du processus global de gestion des ME (conception – elaboration – experimentation – diffusion – formation – evaluation). Ces deux exemples, concernant le paysage educatif en Suisse romande, nous permettront de mieux comprendre le role que jouent/ devraient jouer les didacticien·ne·s et/ou les chercheur·e·s dans ce processus relevant clairement selon nous de la gouvernance du systeme. Precisons que les observations sur lesquelles se base le present chapitre datent de 2016 et ne refletent plus tout a fait la situation actuelle.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Parents and Teachers: Perspectives, Interactions and Relationships
- Author
Sara Costa and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Published
- 2021
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34. Discourse, Conversation And Argumentation Theoretical Perspectives And Innovative Empirical Studies - Volume I
- Author
Bova, Antonio, Galimberti, Carlo, Lise, Haddouk, and Francesco, Arcidiacono
- Subjects
Argumentation ,Conversation ,Psychology ,social interaction ,Discourse ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE - Published
- 2021
35. Promoting work engagement in public administrations: the role of middle managers’ leadership
- Author
Maria Daniela Giammanco, Alessandro Ancarani, Carmela Di Mauro, and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
leadership ,work engagement ,business.industry ,Work engagement ,middle managers organizational climate ,05 social sciences ,Middle management ,Public relations ,Organisation climate ,0506 political science ,Management Information Systems ,Leadership theory ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,Leadership style ,business ,050203 business & management - Abstract
This study aims at exploring the role of middle managers’ leadership style in promoting work engagement in public administrations. Building on leadership theory, the work engagement literature and ...
- Published
- 2021
36. Editorial: Discourse, Conversation and Argumentation: Theoretical Perspectives and Innovative Empirical Studies-Volume I
- Author
Antonio Bova, Francesco Arcidiacono, Carlo Galimberti, and Lise Haddouk
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Volume (computing) ,psychology ,communicative interactions ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,BF1-990 ,Argumentation theory ,Epistemology ,Empirical research ,Editorial ,argumentation ,Conversation ,discourse ,Psychology ,conversation ,General Psychology ,qualitative research ,media_common - Published
- 2021
37. Toward a Dialogical and Sociocultural Method of Inquiry: Three Steps Participative Generalization and Reflection (3PGR)
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Aleksandar Baucal
- Subjects
Generalization ,05 social sciences ,Dialogical self ,050301 education ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,16. Peace & justice ,Sociocultural evolution ,Reflection (computer graphics) ,0503 education ,Epistemology - Abstract
The main goal of this paper is to propose a new method of inquiry that is aligned with the dialogical and sociocultural approaches and is inspired by the work of Michele Grossen.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Josephine Convertini
- Subjects
Presentation ,Argumentative ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,Dialogical self ,Mathematics education ,Set (psychology) ,Psychology ,Teacher education ,media_common ,Argumentation theory ,Task (project management) - Abstract
Studies of argumentation in education have increased in the last few decades, to analyze how people learn to argue, and how it is possible to improve practices of arguing to learn. Overall, these studies have shown that argumentation at school rarely occurs spontaneously, in contrast to the dialogical practices in informal settings, although the argumentative capacities of young children, even at preschool level, have been already highlighted. Other studies have been specifically devoted to examining the role of teachers in establish the conditions to engage pupils in argumentation: how to present instruction, how to motivate them to argue, how to guarantee a proper collaboration. Although we recognize the interest of looking at the role of the adult (teacher) in designing argumentative activities at school, in this paper we intend to analyze whether the presentation of a task requiring argumentative exchange is taken by children as a useful occasion to start arguing. To attend this goal, we will refer to an interdisciplinary approach, combining the pragma-dialectics and a discursive perspective to analyze the children’s reasoning emerging in the classroom while the teacher is presenting a task. A total of 44 preschool children (3-5 years old) were asked to interact in small groups of two or three people at the kindergarten in order to solve three tasks (to build a tunnel, a bridge and an hourglass – by using different materials) supposed to solicit argumentative exchanges among the participants. The activities were video-recorded and the interactions transcribed. The qualitative analysis implied two steps: the identification of the argumentative structure of each exchange according to the pragmadialectical approach; and the interpretation of the beginning of the argumentative discussions, through a discursive approach. The findings show that, while the teacher is presenting the task and asking participants to solve it, the children already engage themselves in reasoning about some aspects of the activity (e.g., alternative ways to solve the problem, possible use of other tools, etc.). Beyond expectations, children immediately start to argue about the task, advancing their ideas and comparing the possibilities offered by the available objects. As a consequence, the teacher is requested to re-organize the plan, to consider the children’s argumentative attempts, and to arrange the situation in order to pursue the goal and, at the same time, to take into account the children’s interest. As scientists in the field of teacher education, we suggest that teachers should consider not only their need to set out in advance the setting for the activity to be proposed at school, but also the opportunity to look first at what children already do when engaging in interactions. This will allow a better understanding of the relevance of cognitive-oriented argumentative activities in classroom, in which children can immediately enter and develop arguments even before the teacher manages to present the activity. Further studies should contribute to develop these aspects and to train pre- and in-service teachers to consider such a situation, to analyze it and to implement strategies devoted to favor cognitive argumentation at school.
- Published
- 2020
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39. Towards teacher professionalization for inclusive education: Reflections from the perspective of a socio-cultural approach
- Author
Aleksandar Baucal and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
teacher professionalization ,inclusive education ,Perspective (graphical) ,Pedagogy ,socio-cultural approach ,Sociology ,Cultural approach ,special needs education ,lcsh:L7-991 ,Professionalization ,lcsh:Education (General) ,teacher education - Abstract
In this paper, we reflect on teacher education and professionalization from the perspective of a socio-cultural approach. The goal is to have a greater understanding of some controversies, challenges and complexities related to the implementation of inclusion and to connect it to teacher education and professionalization. Firstly, we discuss key assumptions of a socio-cultural approach, as a theoretical framework for reflecting on teacher training and professionalization and the implementation of inclusive education. Next, we present some international principles and values that constitute the normative framework for inclusive education. This is used as a basis for defining competencies and practices that are necessary to ensure adequate learning and developmental opportunities at school. Finally, we present a specific model of teacher training to highlight the potential contribution of a socio-cultural approach in considering the status and role of inclusion and special needs education.
- Published
- 2020
40. Transitions in the representation and implementation of a language-learning project within a multicultural context
- Author
Sheila Padiglia, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Céline Miserez-Caperos
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Educational psychology ,Context (language use) ,Language acquisition ,Education ,Multiculturalism ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Mathematics education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Narrative ,Psychology ,Adaptation (computer science) ,0503 education ,Educational program ,Inclusion (education) ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,media_common - Abstract
The paper explores the involvement of teachers, children, and parents in a project based on learning a second language (L2) within a multicultural context. The study accounts for the participants’ transitions across school and family and aims to analyze their representations about the implementation and the adaptation of the project. The investigation involves three classes of primary schools—1st and 2nd levels—and two kindergarten classes, for a total of 15 teachers, 169 children aged 3–7 years old, and their families, living in French-speaking areas of Switzerland and representing 20 different nationalities. By combining different data sources (teachers’ and parents’ interviews, ethnographic observations of children’s activities), we explore how participants have implemented an educational program through various adaptations in their transition from a traditional way of teaching/learning L2 to a new model inspired by the Narrative Format. Through an inductive approach and a qualitative analysis of data, we present the main evidences of these transitions, detecting the conditions that facilitate the acquisition of languages and accounting for arguments connected to the heterogeneous, conditional, and context-dependent knowledge within and outside the school.
- Published
- 2018
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41. Parents and Teachers: Perspectives, Interactions and Relationships
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
- Home and school, Parent-teacher relationships
- Abstract
The present volume proposes different international scientific contributions coming from professionals and researchers interested in teaching, learning and social interactions within a range of various educational settings. These scientific investigations, as well as professional experiences as teachers, are interconnected because they are built around the connections between teachers, students and parents. The chapters offer a plurality of methodologies and approaches dealing with different educational aspects related to adults'and children's involvement in various cultures. The contributions propose a set of analyses of the relationships between school and family in risk situations and within different dialogical frames. The chapters assume specific perspectives in considering the family-school interactions and incorporate analytical reflections connected to specific situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the question of inclusive education. The volume intends to foster a new comprehension of the dynamics involving school actors and families. Each contribution looks at the interconnections between teachers, students and parents, in order to highlight the centrality of the role of social actors within various educational settings in which the processes of teaching and learning are developed. In this sense, schools and families are presented as communities continuously engaged in interpersonal relationships, and soliciting various processes of appropriation of cultural, semiotic, professional, and emotional resources. The volume proposes approaches that are useful to better understand how teachers, students and parents can contribute, in different and complementary ways, to build meaningful frameworks for the processes of teaching and learning.
- Published
- 2021
42. Intercultural practices and inclusive education in Europe: can migration be a resource for individual and societal development?
- Author
Caterina Fiorilli, Sabine Pirchio, Ylenia Passiatore, Giuseppe Carrus, Francesco Arcidiacono, Fridanna Maricchiolo, Passiatore, Ylenia, Pirchio, Sabine, Carrus, Giuseppe, Maricchiolo, Fridanna, Fiorilli, Caterina, and Arcidiacono, Francesco
- Subjects
Resource (biology) ,inclusive education ,family and school ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Intercultural practices. Inclusive education . Migration . Acculturation . Family and school ,050301 education ,Educational psychology ,intercultural practices ,Public relations ,migration ,Acculturation ,Education ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Special section ,Societal development ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,business ,acculturation ,0503 education ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
This is an introductory paper to the special section “Multilingual learning and social inclusion of children: The development of educational programmes to connect school and family”.
- Published
- 2017
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43. The Processes of Appropriation of Technological Tools in the Classroom
- Author
Stéphanie Boéchat-Heer, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Maria Antonietta Impedovo
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,Appropriation ,05 social sciences ,Perspective (graphical) ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,050301 education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Engineering ethics ,Sociology ,0503 education - Abstract
This chapter aims to investigate how teachers perceive the usefulness of introducing technological tools (namely, iPad) for the learning/teaching process in a professional secondary school. More specifically, the authors intend to understand how the process of iPad appropriation is identified by the teachers as a learning tool. Through the analysis of focus groups involving different teachers belonging to the same school, the authors intend to detect teachers' self-efficacy and beliefs concerning the appropriation of the use of the iPad in the classroom along a school year. The findings of the study highlight diverse facilitating and hindering elements in the process of teachers' appropriation of such technological tool. The study opens further spaces to examine teachers' and students' perceptions in mastering new technological tools and in building new processes of teaching/learning.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Emile Jenny
- Subjects
Computer science ,Mixed method design ,Manufacturing engineering - Published
- 2019
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45. Radni sastanci nastavnika inkluzivne nastave - prostor za razmenu ideja
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono, Alexandre Bezençon, and Esther González-Martínez
- Subjects
16. Peace & justice - Abstract
Cette etude porte sur des seances de travail entre un enseignant specialise et un enseignant generaliste qui collaborent dans le cadre d'une classe inclusive. Les enseignants nous ont procure des enregistrements audio de leurs seances et accepte de participer a des entretiens individuels sur celles-ci. L' analyse conversationnelle de la seance montre que les enseignants preparent des activites educatives en justifiant leurs propositions. Ils confrontent leurs connaissances et experiences ainsi que leurs evaluations des competences des eleves et de la difficulte des tâches. En echangeant, ils tissent un espace de deploiement de la reflexivite dans et sur l' action professionnelle. L' analyse de contenu de l' entretien confirme ces resultats et permet d' expliciter des reponses des enseignants mis au defi de la classe inclusive. Ces elements peuvent contribuer a une planification efficace des echanges entre acteurs educatifs dans le but de depasser les evaluations qui sur-ou sous-estiment leurs competences et permettre un alignement reciproque en classe inclusive.
- Published
- 2017
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46. Towards peer education prevention of school dropout: An exploratory analysis of an action-research study
- Author
Gabriella Colucci and Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
action-research ,peer education ,Medical education ,lcsh:BF1-990 ,Applied psychology ,Psychological intervention ,General Medicine ,Life skills ,dropout ,Focus group ,School dropout ,lcsh:Psychology ,Brainstorming ,qualitative analysis ,life skills education ,Action research ,Psychology ,Dropout (neural networks) ,Peer education - Abstract
This paper presents the exploratory analysis of an action-research into dropout prevention in an Italian secondary school. By taking into account the representations of teachers, students and parents, different activities of peer education have been implemented during the school year in a city of Sardinia in order to promote school success. The study is based on a mixed-methods design, including focus groups with teachers, students and parents, as well as classroom observations. The action-research consists of different interventions: firstly, the participants’ representations of school dropout have been collected; then, a specific program of peer education has been proposed through activities of role-playing, simulations, brainstorming, and improvement of life skills (during training meetings with the participants). Thereafter, the action-research has been qualitatively analysed, with the findings indicating possible directions of re-creating school practices that could have potential benefits in preventing dropout.
- Published
- 2017
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47. Collaborative Relationships Among Couples: Frames of Interaction During Everyday Household Activities
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono
- Subjects
couples ,060201 languages & linguistics ,family ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,Oral communication. Speech ,06 humanities and the arts ,collaboration ,BF1-990 ,Argumentation theory ,argumentation ,P95-95.6 ,0602 languages and literature ,Psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,household activities ,Social psychology - Abstract
The analysis of collaborative exchanges of couples during their household activities is at the core of this paper. Although the management of responsibilities around household tasks is a potential source of contention within the decision-making process about home activities, another complementary perspective considers practices of communication during household activities as ways to build or reinforce the family educational processes. Our goal is to capture these daily interactions as indicators of collaborative relationships among couples, exemplifying how communicative exchanges contribute to the creation of frames for family participation in routines. In the first part of the paper, a review of issues regarding the division of labor within the family setting will be introduced in order to examine how these aspects relate to the ongoing negotiation of responsibilities and expectations between women and men. Thereafter, the methodological design of the study will be presented, as well as the qualitative analysis of data based on the argumentative topic model. A discussion of participants’ responsibilities in household tasks will be presented as indicators of their collaborative relationships during everyday activities. Lastly, implications for family studies will be highlighted in order to illustrate how family members ascribe meanings during routines.
- Published
- 2016
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48. The dialogic construction of justifications and arguments of a seven-year-old child within a ‘democratic’ family
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Clotilde Pontecorvo
- Subjects
060201 languages & linguistics ,Cultural Studies ,Linguistics and Language ,Dialogic ,Argumentative ,Literature and Literary Theory ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Socialization ,Assertion ,050301 education ,06 humanities and the arts ,Directive ,Language and Linguistics ,Democracy ,Epistemology ,Argumentation theory ,0602 languages and literature ,Function (engineering) ,Psychology ,0503 education ,Social psychology ,media_common - Abstract
The paper focuses on arguing and reasoning processes occurring at dinnertime family conversations. Our goal is to highlight the interplay between two sides of argumentative practices: the justification as social need to provide evidences for an assertion; the dialogic function of argumentation that refers to the goals arguers want to achieve during discussions. Through the analysis of a case study we discuss a sequence in which a child resists his father’s directive by an elaborated argumentative strategy in order to achieve his goal. Results show how participants engage in opposing the other’s standpoint and are socialized to argumentative dialogues.
- Published
- 2016
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49. Las respuestas de los niños en discusiones argumentativas relacionadas con las reglas y normas de los padres
- Author
Francesco Arcidiacono and Antonio Bova
- Subjects
familia ,Linguistics and Language ,socialización del lenguaje ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Argumentation ,hora de comer ,interacción padre-hijo ,Family ,Parent-Child interaction ,Argumentación ,Language and Linguistics ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE - Abstract
Resumen Este estudio se propone investigar los tipos de respuestas de los niños de edades comprendidas entre 3 y 7 años en discusiones argumentativas relacionadas con las reglas y normas de los padres. El corpus de datos se compone de 132 discusiones argumentativas seleccionadas de 30 comidas grabadas en video de 10 familias suizas y italianas. Los datos se presentan mediante extractos discursivos de discusiones argumentativas y se analizan mediante el modelo ideal pragma-dialéctico de discusión crítica. Los hallazgos muestran que cuando los padres usan argumentos contextuales como los argumentos de calidad de comida, los niños reflejan los mismos tipos de argumentos. Por otro lado, cuando los padres utilizan argumentos más complejos, elaborados y sin contexto, los niños generalmente no usan ningún argumento, pero su respuesta es una expresión de dudas o una mera oposición sin proporcionar ningún argumento. En general, los resultados de este estudio indican que los tipos de respuestas de los niños están estrictamente conectadas con el tipo de argumento previamente utilizado por sus padres. Este aspecto es particularmente relevante en términos de las capacidades de los niños para participar en intercambios argumentativos y reaccionar de manera racional durante el enfrentamiento con los padres. Se necesita una investigación adicional en esta dirección para comprender mejor las potencialidades específicas del lenguaje en el proceso cotidiano de socialización dentro del contexto familiar.
- Published
- 2019
50. Where the Rubber Meets the Road. Industry 4.0 among SMEs in the Automotive Sector
- Author
Alessandro Ancarani, Florian Schupp, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Carmela Di Mauro
- Subjects
Value creation ,Industry 4.0 ,business.industry ,Technological change ,Process (engineering) ,Strategy and Management ,Supply chain ,05 social sciences ,Automotive industry ,SMEs ,technology adoption ,Investment (macroeconomics) ,Product (business) ,strategy ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,0502 economics and business ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,business ,050203 business & management ,Industrial organization - Abstract
Industry 4.0 technologies play a crucial role in assisting the automotive sector maintain competitiveness. Industry 4.0 often finds uneven application among SME suppliers. As a consequence of the supplier's technological constraints, the digitalization efforts of customers may not achieve their full value creation potential. The aim of this paper is to shed light on strategic decisions that facilitate SME implementation of Industry 4.0 initiatives. We use two case studies of suppliers to a large component manufacturer operating in the automotive sector. Despite several similarities in terms of product range and markets, these firms are polar opposites when it comes to their digitalization status. Evidence points to three key factors for successful implementation of Industry 4.0: A proactive approach to innovation; development of long term partnerships with suppliers of Industry 4.0 technologies; and early involvement of workers in the process of technological change.
- Published
- 2019
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