40 results on '"Giljević Z"'
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2. Effects of ritanserin, a novel serotonin-s2 receptor antagonist, on the secretion of pituitary hormones in normal humans
- Author
Tepavčević, Danilo, Giljević, Z., Korşić, M., Halimi, S., Suchanek, E., Jelić, T., Aganović, I., Kožić, B., and Plavşić, V.
- Published
- 1994
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3. Brzina, učinkovitost i sigurnost risedronata u liječenju osteoporoze
- Author
Giljević, Z. and Vlak, T.
- Subjects
risedronat ,klinička studija ,učinkovitost ,sigurnost - Abstract
Risedronat (Actonel 35 mg), promoviran u Hrvatskoj prije nekoliko mjeseci, predstavlja zadnju (III) generaciju bisfosfonata, najučinkovitije antiresorptivne lijekove koji blokiraju osteoklastima induciranu razgradnju i mijenjaju metabolizam kosti. Učinak risedronata je 10 puta snažniji od učinka alendronata, a 10.000 puta snažniji od etidronata. Pregradnja kosti je smanjena dok su osteoblastička aktivnost i koštana mineralizacija očuvani. Smanjenje biokemijskih biljega pregradnje kosti nalazimo već unutar mjesec dana, s potpunim učinkom nakon 3-6 mjeseci primjene Actonela 35 mg jednom tjedno ili 5 mg dnevno. Nekoliko velikih međunarodnih, randomiziranih i placebo kontroliranih kliničkih studija (VERT-NA, VERT- MN, HIP...) na više od 15.000 bolesnika tijekom 3-5 godina liječenja potvrdilo je brzinu, učinkovitost i izvrsnu podnošljivost risedronata u liječenju postmenopauzalne i kortikosteroidima uzrokovane osteoporoze. VERT-NA i VERT-MN su već nakon 6 mjeseci liječenja pokazale značajno smanjenje rizika prijeloma kralježaka prema kontrolnoj skupini, radiografski za 62% i klinički za 69% u prvoj godini, što ostaje značajno i nakon 5 godina liječenja (50%) u postmenopauzalnoj osteoporozi. Sve najbolje osobine bisfosfonata potvrđene su i značajnim smanjenjem relativnog rizika prijeloma vrata bedrene kosti tijekom 3 godine liječenja za 40%, odnosno u bolesnica s osteoporozom i prevalentnim prijelomom kralješka za čak 60% uspoređujući s kontrolnom skupinom. Pomoću risedronata postižemo brzo i značajno smanjenje rizika vertebralnih prijeloma u postmenopauzalnih žena (65%), osobito u visoko rizičnoj populaciji kao što su pacijenti na dugotrajnoj terapiji glukokortikoidima (70%) već tijekom prve godine liječenja. Prevencija i liječenje glukokortikoidima inducirane osteoporoze preporuča se kod primjene ≥7, 5 mg prednisona ili ekvivalenta dulje od 3 mjeseca, bez obzira na dob ili spol. Podnošljivost i sigurnost primjene risedronata u osteoporozi vrlo je dobra, gotovo identična kao u kontrolnoj skupini iako su bili uključeni i pacijenti s ranije opisanim ili prisutnim gastrointestinalnim bolestima. Učestalost endoskopski potvrđenog vrijeda želuca je kod liječenja alendronatom značajno veća (13, 2%) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu nego kod primjene risedronata (4, 1%). Stoga je risedronat prva linija bisfosfonata za smanjenje rizika vertebralnih i nevertebralnih prijeloma u postmenopauzalnoj osteoporozi odnosno u onih s visokim rizikom za osteoporozu. Također uspješno prevenira gubitak ili popravlja gustoću kosti u muškaraca i žena koji su na dugotrajnoj kortikosteroidnoj terapiji.
- Published
- 2006
4. Osteoprotegerin ukazuje na razlike u pregradnji kosti osteoporoze i renalne osteodistrofije
- Author
Kušec, V, Bilić, K, Jelčić, J, Giljević, Z, Šmalcelj, R, Kaštelan, D, Perković, Z, Koršić, M, and Szekeres, T
- Subjects
osteoprotegerin ,kost - Abstract
Ovi rezultati ukazuju da u stanjima intenzivne pregradnje kosti kao što je renalna osteodistrofija nakon transplantacije bubrega stvaranje osteoprotegerina je značajno manje nego u stanjima koja obilježava sporija pregradnja kosti, primjerice posmenopauzalna osteoporoza. U ovom istraživanju nije uočena podudarnost osteoprotegerina sa standardnim pokazateljima pregradnje kosti, vjerojatno zbog varijabilnosti i/ili veličine uzorka. Procjena kliničkog značenja mjerenja osteoprotegerina zahtijeva daljnja istraživanja.
- Published
- 2003
5. Endotelin-3 u nefunkcionalnim adenomima hipofize
- Author
Plavšić V., Zaninović, Lj., Koršić, M., Žarković, Kamelija, Giljević Z., Aganović I., and Paladino J.
- Published
- 2003
6. Utjecaj hormona rasta na metabolizam kosti u bolesnica s akromegalijom
- Author
Kaštelan, D, Giljević, Z, Kušec, V, Perković, Z, Jelčić, J, Stipić, J, and Aganović, I
- Subjects
kost ,pregradnja - Abstract
Utjecaj hormona rasta na metabolizam kosti u bolesnica s akromegalijom.
- Published
- 2003
7. Kardiovaskularni rizični čimbenici u bolesnika s akromegalijom
- Author
Vukadinović, T, Giljević, Z, Zibar, L, Plavšić, V, Perković, Z, Kožić-Rukavina, B, Aganović, I, Koršić, M., and Čikeš, Nada
- Subjects
akromegalija ,kardiovaskularni rizični čimbenici - Abstract
sažetak će biti unesen naknadno
- Published
- 1997
8. Trh test in clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas
- Author
Plavšić, V, Koršić, M, Paladino, J, Giljević, Z, Žarković, N, Žarković, K, Mikulandra, S., Keros, P, and Paladino, J.
- Subjects
alfa podjedinica ,nefunkcionalni adenomi hipofize ,TRH test - Abstract
sažetak će biti unesen naknadno
- Published
- 1996
9. Dijagnostika i liječenje prolaktinoma
- Author
Crnković S., Giljević Z., Car Antun, Koršić M., Paladino J., Kožić B., Aganović I., Plavšić V., Mikulandra S.
- Subjects
Prolaktinom, funkcionalni endokrinološki testovi, kirurški pristup odstranjenja tumora - Abstract
Prolaktinom je najčešći tumor hipofize koji značajno remeti hormonsku aktivnost i reproduktivnu funkciju, zbog čega rana i točna dijagnostika imaju osobitu važnost. Ispitivano je 39 bolesnika s prolaktinomom. Ukupno 16 bolesnika, tj. 41% ( 14 žena i 2 muškarca9imali su mikroprolaktinom, a 23, tj. 59% ( 15 žena i 8 muškaraca)makroprolaktinom. Vodeći klinički simptomi u žena s mikroprolaktinomom su poremećaj menstruacijskog ciklusa (71%), glavobolja (79%), oštećenje vida ( 64%), mučnina ( 50%) i povraćanje (43%), a zanimljivo je da nema značajne razlike u učestalosti simptoma kod makroprolaktinoma. U skupini mikroprolaktinoma prosječna bazalna (X±SE) prolaktina u žena je 105.3±21.96 ng/ml i u jednog muškarca 47 ng/ml, a u skupini makroprolaktinoma u žena 190±47.8 ng/ml, a u muškaraca 1101.71±662.9 ng/ml. Značenje je funkcionalnih endokrinoloških testova u dijagnostici prolaktinoma vrlo veliko. U ispitivanju su primijenjeni stimulacijski testovi (TRH, LHRH, inzulinska hipoglikemija, vazopresin, sulpirid) i supresijski testovi (L-DOPA, bromokriptin). Tumoer je odstranjen kirurškim putom u 29 bolesnika: u 8 s mikroprolaktinomom i u 21 s makroprolaktinomom, najčešće transsfenoidalnim pristupom (93%). Bromokriptinom su liječene 3 bolesnice s mikroprolaktinomom i 1 bolesnik s makroprolaktinomom, a 11 ih je liječeno kombinacijom kirurške i medikamentozne terapije ( 2 mikroprolaktinoma i 9 makroprolaktinoma). Postoperativno se nalaze 2/6.9%) rezidue i 4(13.8%) recidiva prolaktinoma, a reoperirana su 4 bolesnika. Nakon ablacije adenoma hipofize u 9 bolesnika (31%) nalazimo hipopituitarizam, dok je tranzitorni dijabetes insipidus imalo 5 bolesnika, a trajni 2, tj. 6.9 %.
- Published
- 1995
10. Measurement of Salivary Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in Acromegaly: Comparison with Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I and Growth Hormone Concentrations
- Author
Halimi, S., primary, Tepavčević, D., additional, Suchanek, D., additional, Giljević, Z., additional, Plavšić, Vesna, additional, and Koršić, M., additional
- Published
- 1994
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11. Massive osteolysis in a girl with agenesis of thyroid C cells.
- Author
Korsić, M, Jelasić, D, Potocki, K, Giljević, Z, and Aganović, I
- Abstract
A rare case of massive osteolysis affecting the pelvis of a young girl is presented. The clinical, radiographic, and histopathological features are described in detail. Septicemia complicated the clinical course and the patient eventually died. Histopathological examination of the pelvic lesion revealed massive osteolysis characterized by prominent osteoclastic activity with extensive bone resorption. A thorough post-mortem histological examination of the thyroid gland showed no C cells. This is an interesting observation, since it is known that thyroid C cells are the primary source of calcitonin. Since the main biological effect of calcitonin is to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption, there is a possibility that massive osteolysis in our case could have been related to the lack of this hormone. There is a clear need for further investigation regarding the role of thyroid C cells and calcitonin in this puzzling disease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 1998
12. TSH and vitamin D synergistically effect bone loss in rats with removed thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Author
Draca, N., Giljevic, Z., Kusic, Z., Simic, P., Tikvica, A., Jovancevic, M., and Vukicevic, S.
- Published
- 2009
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13. Effects of ritanserin, a novel serotonin-s2receptor antagonist, on the secretion of pituitary hormones in normal humans
- Author
Tepavčević, Danilo, Giljević, Z., Korşić, M., Halimi, S., Suchanek, E., Jelić, T., Aganović, I., Kožić, B., and Plavşić, V.
- Abstract
The availability of a new potent and selective serotonin-S2antagonist, ritanserin (RIT), encouraged us to further investigate the effect of serotonin on the basal secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in normal humans. Administered in a single 30-mg dose to group 1 consisting of 10 normal women, RIT failed to affect the baseline LH, FSH, GH or TSH levels. In group 2 consisting of 20 normal subjects (ten males and ten females), the same dose of RIT decreased in parallel both ACTH and Cortisol levels but only at 180 min. Group 3 consisting of 8 normal men was studied on three separate occasions seven days apart: each subject received graded doses of 10 mg, 20 mg and 30 mg RIT. The mean baseline PRL concentration at 180 min as well as the net integrated area under the hormone curve (nAUC) decreased only after the highest dose, while the baseline Cortisol concentrations at 180 min as well as the corresponding nAUC values displayed a clear dose-dependent response. The findings indicated the serotonin-S2receptors to be only partially involved in the basal secretion of ACTH in normal humans.
- Published
- 1994
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14. Effects of ritanserin, a specific serotonin-S2receptor antagonist, on the release of anterior pituitary hormones during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in normal humans
- Author
Tepavčević, Danilo, Giljević, Z., Aganović, I., Koršić, M., Halimi, S., Suchanek, E., Jelić, T., Kožić, B., and Plavšić, V.
- Abstract
The role of serotonin in the insulin hypoglycemia (IH) stimulated secretion of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and Cortisol (F) was studied in a group of 12 normal subjects during the control period after placebo and a consecutive six-day treatment with 20 mg ritanserin (RIT) per day. RIT failed to affect the baseline levels of all the four hormones as well as the PRL response to IH (p>0.5). The serum GH response to IH was moderately diminished after RIT, the reduction of integrated trapezoidal area under hormone curves (nAUC) being 50.7% ± 6.9% (p<0.005). Furthermore, RIT was found to slightly decrease the plasma ACTH response to IH, the reduction of nAUC being 36.3% ± 2.6% (p<0.005). Decrease in the corresponding plasma F response to IH was accompanied by 29.1% ± 2.4% reduction of nAUC (p<0.005). According to our results, serotonin-S2receptors appeared to be moderately involved in IH-induced release of GH, but slightly in that of ACTH, leaving unaffected that of PRL.
- Published
- 1995
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- Author
Vranešić Bender, D., Giljević, Z., Kušec, V., Nadica Laktašić Žerjavić, Bošnjak Pašic, M., Vrdoljak, E., Lkinas Kelećić Dina, Reiner, Ž, Anić, B., and Krznarić, Ž
- Subjects
Adult ,Croatia ,Risk Factors ,Evidence-Based Practice ,Preventive Health Services ,Humans ,Vitamin D defi ciency – etiology, diagnosis, complications, drug therapy, prevention and control ,Vitamin D – blood, standards, therapeutic use, administration and dosage ,Practice guidelines as topic ,Nedostatak vitamina D – etiologija, dijagnoza, komplikacije, farmakoterapija, prevencija ,Vitamin D – u krvi, standardi, terapijska primjena ,Smjernice ,Hrvatska ,Vitamin D ,Vitamin D Deficiency ,Risk Assessment - Abstract
Procjenjuje se da više od milijarde ljudi diljem svijeta ima niske koncentracije vitamina D zbog čega se s pravom govori o „pandemiji“ hipovitaminoze D te se razmatraju teške posljedice za javno zdravstvo. Geografski položaj Republike Hrvatske, posebice kontinentalnog dijela zemlje, čimbenik je rizika od pojave nedostatka vitamina D u populaciji. Cilj je ovih smjernica pružiti kliničarima jasan i jednostavan alat za prevenciju, prepoznavanje i liječenje nedostatka vitamina D u zdravoj populaciji i u različitih skupina bolesnika. Ove su smjernice nastale suradnjom kliničara različitih disciplina koji se bave brojnim aspektima skrbi o bolesnicima u riziku od razvoja nedostatka vitamina D. Utemeljene su na dokazima, prema sustavu GRADE (engl. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) koji uz snagu dokaza opisuje i razinu preporuke. Temeljni zaključci ovih smjernica odnose se na preporučenu populacijsku koncentraciju vitamina D u krvi koja iznosi 75 – 125 nmol/L te na definiranje preventivnih i terapijskih doza vitamina D za postizanje njegovih preporučenih koncentracija, It is estimated that over one billion of people around the globe have low serum values of vitamin D, therefore, we can consider vitamin D deficiency as a pandemic and public health problem. Geographic position of Croatia, especially the continental part of the country, is a risk factor for the development of deficiency of vitamin D in the population. The aim of these guidelines is to provide the clinicians with easy and comprehensive tool for prevention, detection and therapy of vitamin D deficienncy in healthy population and various groups of patients. They were made as a result of collaboration of clinicians of different backgrounds who are dealing with patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency. These guidelines are evidence-based, according to GRADE-system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendation. The main conclusions address the recommended serum vitamin D values in the population which should be between 75 and 125 nmol/L and defining recommended preventive and therapeutic dosages of vitamin D in order to reach the adequate levels of serum vitamin D.
16. Kardiovaskularni rizični čimbenici u bolesnika s Cushingovom bolesti
- Author
Giljević, Zlatko, Buzadžić Iskra, Plavšić Vesna, Koršić, Mirko, Aganović Izet, Breskovac, Ljiljana, Kaštelan, Darko, and Aganović I, Giljević Z
- Subjects
Kušingova bolest ,hiperlipidemija - Abstract
Utjecaj hiperkortizolizma na metabolizam lipida, ugljikohidrata, protein i elektrolita je mnogostruk i značajan. Ispitivana je učestalost kardiovaskularnih rizičnih čimbenika, prije i nakon izlječenja, u 15 bolesnika hospitaliziranih unatrag 5 godina s dokazanim ACTH ovisnim (12) i ACTH neovisnim (3) hiperkortizolizmom. U skupini od 12 žena prosječna životna dob je bila znatno manja (39.7 +- 9.4 god.) u odnosu na skupinu od 3 muškarca (49.7 +- 10.7 god.). Prema strožim kriterijima (BMI veći od 30) pretilost je nađena u 25 posto žena s prosječnim BMI 28.33 +- 5.9, dok u skupini muškaraca nije bilo pretilosti (BMI 26.06 +- 3). U gotovo svih bolesnika (2 bez promjene) po izlječenju hiperkortizolizma je došlo do smanjenja tjelesne težine. Poremećaj lipidograma imalo je 75 posto žena, i to 50 posto hiperlipoproteinemiju (HLP) tip IIb, 16.7 posto tip IV i 8.3 posto tip IIa. Šest mjeseci nakon izlječenja kolesterol je smanjen u 60 posto, a u normalne vrijednosti u svega 30 posto ispitanica. Svi muškarci su imali poremećen lipidogram, i to u 66.7 posto HLP tip IV, a 33.3 posto tip IIb. Arterijsku hipertenziju imalo je 75 posto žena i 33.3 posto muškaraca, a po izlječenju samo 20 posto žena. Izlječenjem Cushingove bolesti kod žena značajno je smanjen prosječni arterijski krvni tlak, od 20.28/13.41 na 18.35/12.04 kPa (P manje od 0.05). Dvije žene (16.7 posto) su imale insulin neovisni tip šećerne bolesti, što je po izlječenju u jedne nestalo, a za drugu nije bilo podataka. U grupi muškaraca jedan je imao insulin neovisnu šećernu bolest, drugi oštećenu toleranciju glukoze, dok treći nije imao šećernu bolest. Promjene na očnoj pozadini (hipertoničke, aterosklerotske, krvarenja i eksudate) imalo je 58.3 posto žena i svi muškarci. Šest mjeseci nakon izlječenja promjene na očnoj pozadini imalo je 44.4 posto, a nakon 12 mjeseci samo 25 posto žena. Uredan EKG je nađen u 36.4 posto žena i 66.7 posto muškaraca, a 6 i 12 mjeseci po izlječenju hiperkortizolizma u 50 posto, odnosno 80 posto žena. Učestalost kardiovaskularnih rizičnih čimbenika značajno je smanjena izlječenjem bolesnika s endogenim hiperkortizolizmom što ima važan utjecaj na smanjenje rizika od komplikacija kardiovaskularnih bolesti.
- Published
- 1998
17. Apopleksija makroadenoma hipofize u bromergonskom testu
- Author
Škorić, Tanja, Giljević, Zlatko, Perković, Zdravko, Koršić, Mirko, Aganović, I., and Giljević, Z.
- Subjects
apopleksija hipofize ,bromergonski test - Abstract
Opisano je nekoliko slučajeva apopleksije u adenomima hipofize tijekom rutinskih ispitivanja funkcije hipofize u stimulacijskim (TRH, GnRH, ...) ili inhibicijskim (Bromergon, Octreotide) testovima. Apopleksija adenoma često iziskuje hitnu neurokiruršku intervenciju ili, s druge strane, može rezultirati nekrozom i smanjenjem tumorske mase s dekompresijom okolnih struktura, pa čak i degeneracijom tumora i izlječenjem. 41-godišnji muškarac javio se zbog glavobolje, spuštanja lijevog očnog kapka i pojave dvoslika. Navedeni su simptomi trajali 3 tjedna, dok je oslabljeni libido i smetnje potencije bolesnik primjećivao već dva mjeseca ranije. Kliničkim pregledom utvrđena je pareza n. okulomotoriusa lijevo. Bazalne vrijednosti svih hormona u serumu bile su snižene, osim prolaktina čija je koncentracija bila u granicama normale. Perimetrijom po Goldmannu nađena je klasična bitemporalna hemianopsija. CT i MR pregledom utvrđen je makroadenom hipofize (23 x15 mm) koji je potiskivao supraselarne cisterne i optičku hijazmu te se širio u lijevi kavernozni sinus. Tijekom bromergonskog testa (Bromergon u dozi od 2.5 mg p.o.) došlo je do naglog povlačenja oftalmoplegije i trenutačnog poboljšanja nalaza vidnog polja. Kontrolni CT nalaz pokazivao je smanjenje tumorskog procesa bez znakova širenja prema kavernoznom sinusu. Zbog povoljnog odgovora Bromergon je uveden u terapiju (10 mg /dan) s ciljem preoperativnog smanjenja tumora. Danas, deset mjeseci nakon početka terapije, MR pregledom utvrđeno je smanjenje tumora na mikroadenomsku veličinu (5 x 5 mm). Prema našim spoznajama radi se o drugom opisanom slučaju apopleksije adenoma hipofize vrlo niskom dozom bromokriptina. Obzirom na dobar odgovor na terapiju dopaminskim agonistom bromokriptinom koji djeluje preko D2 receptora, posredno možemo zaključivati o postojanju navedenih receptora u adenomu bolesnika. Prisutnost dopaminskih D2 receptora karakteristična je za prolaktinome, no nalazi niskih serumskih vrijednosti prolaktina bazalno i u testovima nisu upućivali na dijagnozu prolaktinoma.
- Published
- 1998
18. Utjecaj doze hormona rasta u liječenju odraslih bolesnika s nedostatkom hormona rasta
- Author
Škorić, Tanja, Koršić, Mirko, Aganović, Izet, Aganović, I., and Giljević, Z.
- Subjects
sindrom nedostatka hormona rasta u odraslih ,nadomjesno liječenje - Abstract
Ispitivan je utjecaj doze hormona rasta (HR) u liječenju 15 odraslih bolesnika sa sindromom nedostatka HR. Uvjet za uključivanje u studiju bio je dokazani nedostatak HR najmanje godinu dana prije početka studije. Nedostatak HR definiran je odgovorom u testu insulinske hipoglikemije (insulin u dozi od 0.2 IU/kg tjelesne težine / maksimalni porast HR manje od 3.0 ng/ml). Nadomjesna terapija drugim hormonima hipofize započeta je najmanje 3 mjeseca prije početka studije. Metodom slučajnog odabira bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Bolesnici prve skupine (M:Ž=4:3) nadomjesnu terapiju dobivali su u dozi od 3.0 ug/kg/dan s.c. (0.06 IU/kg/tjedan), a bolesnici druge skupine (M:Ž=5:3) u dozi od 6.0 ug/kg/dan s.c. (0.12 IU/kg/tjedan) tijekom 3 mjeseca. U sljedeća 3 mjeseca dnevna doza povećana je na 6.0 ug/kg/dan s.c. (0.12 IU/kg/tjedan) u prvoj, odnosno na 12.0 ug/kg/dan s.c. (0.24 IU/kg/tjedan) u drugoj skupini bolesnika. Djelotvornost HR procjenjivali smo pomoću slijedećih parametara: indeks tjelesne mase (tj. težina/visina2, kg/m2), omjer obujma struka i bokova (cm), ukupna nemasna tjelesna masa (lean body mass) i ukupna masa masnog tkiva (fat mass, kg, određeno dvoenergijskom apsorpciometrijom x-zraka-DEXA) te koncentracija lipida u serumu (ukupni kolesterol, LDL, HDL, mmol/l ). Mjerenja smo obavljali na početku, nakon 3 te nakon 6 mjeseci od početka studije. Statistički značajno smanjenje ukupne mase masnog tkiva postignuto je u drugoj skupini bolesnika nakon 6 mjeseci liječenja (p manje od 0.1). Značajno povećanje koncentracije HDL u serumu nađeno je već nakon 3 mjeseca liječenja u obje skupine bolesnika (p manje od 0.1). Koncentracije HDL u serumu nakon 6 mjeseci liječenja bile su jednake kao nakon 3 mjeseca liječenja u obje skupine. Promjene vrijednosti ostalih promatranih parametara unutar i između skupina nisu bile statistički značajne.
- Published
- 1998
19. Fragility spinal fractures among cirrhotic liver transplant candidates in Croatia.
- Author
Jurina A, Delimar V, Giljević Z, Filipec Kanižaj T, Matković A, Vidović D, Jurjević N, Vidjak V, Duić Ž, Ćuk M, Japjec M, Dujmović T, Radeljak A, Kardum Paro MM, Vučić-Lovrenčić M, and Starešinić M
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Absorptiometry, Photon methods, Bone Density, Bone Diseases, Metabolic, Croatia epidemiology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Lumbar Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic epidemiology, Liver Cirrhosis epidemiology, Liver Transplantation, Spinal Fractures diagnostic imaging, Spinal Fractures epidemiology
- Abstract
Introduction: Existing data on fragility spinal fractures prevalence in liver transplant candidates are scarce and inconsistent. This may be due to other comorbidities, besides hepatic osteodystrophy (HO), that contribute to bone loss and fragility fracture prevalence in chronic liver disease (CLD)., Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of spinal thoracic and lumbar fragility fractures among cirrhotic, non-chronic kidney disease (CKD), non-diabetic liver transplant candidates and to explore their relationship with clinical characteristics, laboratory markers and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) results., Material and Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Merkur University Hospital, Croatia, between February 2019 and May 2023. Adult patients with liver cirrhosis referred for liver transplantation were included. Patients with acute infection, CKD, diabetes mellitus, malignancies, inflammatory bone diseases and those on corticosteroid or antiresorptive therapy were excluded. Clinical, laboratory and radiological assessment was carried out and patients were accordingly allocated into non-fractured and fractured group for the purpose of statistical analysis., Results: A total of 90 patients were included in the study. There was 123 fractures, 87 (70.7 %) in the thoracic and 36 (29.3 %) in the lumbar region. Eighty-nine (72.4 %) fractures were grade 1, 31 (25.2 %) were grade 2 and 3 (2.4 %) were grade 3. Patients in the fractured group were significantly older (p < 0.001). No significant differences between fractured and non-fractured group according to laboratory and DXA parameters were noted. Subgroup with lumbar fractures had significantly lower bone mineral density values at L1-L4 region. Statistically significant negative correlation between bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) and hip total BMD (rho = -0.414, p < 0.001) and spine total BMD (rho = -0.258, p = 0.014) values was found., Conclusion: Present study confirmed detrimental impact of CLD and HO on bone strength. DXA measurement correlated with the presence of lumbar fragility fractures. A combination of standard X-ray imaging and DXA is needed for adequate bone evaluation in pretransplant period and BALP could be useful for detecting HO in CLD. Searching for other risk factors and implementing bone turnover markers and additional imaging techniques for bone loss evaluation in liver transplant candidates is needed., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest None., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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20. The Possibility of Applying the Vitamin D Brief Food Frequency Questionnaire as a Tool for a Country with No Vitamin D Data in Food Composition Tables.
- Author
Głąbska D, Uroić V, Guzek D, Pavić E, Bival S, Jaworska K, Giljević Z, and Lange E
- Subjects
- Adult, Croatia, Diet Surveys methods, Female, Humans, Language, Nutritional Status, Reproducibility of Results, Young Adult, Diet Records, Diet Surveys standards, Nutrition Assessment, Surveys and Questionnaires standards, Vitamin D analysis
- Abstract
Although the role of vitamin D is well known, the possibility of assessing its intake may be constricted in countries with no vitamin D data in food composition tables, as in the case of Croatia. The aim of the presented study was to adjust the VIDEO-FFQ (Vitamin D Estimation Only-Food Frequency Questionnaire), previously validated in Poland, to the Croatian population and to assess the validity and reproducibility of the adjusted Cro-VIDEO-FFQ (Croatian-VIDEO-FFQ). The study involved a group of Croatian women aged 20⁻30 and the Polish questionnaire was adjusted for a population due to similarities of the nutritional habits between countries. 106 individuals were recruited and 63 completed all the stages of the study. Participants conducted a 3-day dietary record and filled out the Cro-VIDEO-FFQ1 (first stage), as well as the same questionnaire (Cro-VIDEO-FFQ2) 6 weeks after (second stage). The following vitamin D intakes were observed in the studied group: 1.9 µg (0.2⁻8.0 µg) for 3-day dietary record, 3.3 µg (1.1⁻10.6 µg) for Cro-VIDEO-FFQ1, 3.6 µg (1.4⁻7.8 µg) for Cro-VIDEO-FFQ2. The Bland-Altman indexes in assessment of validity and reproducibility were 4.8% and 6.3%, respectively, with mean differences of 0.55 µg and 0.12 µg, as well as limits of agreement -0.91⁻2.01 µg and -0.44⁻0.69 µg. The kappa coefficient indicated a fair agreement for validity (0.21) and substantial for reproducibility (0.62), while correlations were significant ( p = 0.0027, r = 0.37 for validity; p < 0.0001, r = 0.80 for reproducibility). It was observed that VIDEO-FFQ may be adjusted as a simple tool to assess vitamin D intake in a population with no vitamin D data in food composition tables, while Cro-VIDEO-FFQ may be a valid tool for nutritional assessment in Croatia.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Vranešić Bender D, Giljević Z, Kušec V, Laktašic Žerjavić N, Bošnjak Pašic M, Vrdoljak E, Lkinas Kelećić Dina, Reiner Ž, Anić B, and Krznarić Ž
- Subjects
- Adult, Croatia epidemiology, Evidence-Based Practice methods, Humans, Preventive Health Services methods, Preventive Health Services organization & administration, Risk Assessment methods, Risk Factors, Vitamin D blood, Vitamin D pharmacology, Vitamin D Deficiency blood, Vitamin D Deficiency diagnosis, Vitamin D Deficiency prevention & control, Vitamin D Deficiency therapy
- Abstract
It is estimated that over one billion of people around the globe have low serum values of vitamin D, therefore, we can consider vitamin D deficiency as a pandemic and public health problem. Geographic position of Croatia, especially the continental part of the country, is a risk factor for the development of deficiency of vitamin D in the population. The aim of these guidelines is to provide the clinicians with easy and comprehensive tool for prevention, detection and therapy of vitamin D deficienney in healthy population and various groups of patients. They were made as a result of collaboration of clinicians of different backgrounds who are dealing with patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency. These guidelines are evi- dence-based, according to GRADE-system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of evidence and strength of recommendation. The main conclusions address the recommended serum vitamin D values in the population which should be between 75 and 125 nmol/L and defining recommended preven- tive and therapeutic dosages of vitamin D in order to reach the adequate levels of serum vitamin D.
- Published
- 2016
22. Folic acid and vitamin B(12) supplementation lowers plasma homocysteine but has no effect on serum bone turnover markers in elderly women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
- Author
Keser I, Ilich JZ, Vrkić N, Giljević Z, and Colić Barić I
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Alkaline Phosphatase blood, Collagen Type I blood, Dietary Supplements, Double-Blind Method, Female, Humans, Peptides blood, Placebos, Biomarkers blood, Bone Remodeling, Folic Acid administration & dosage, Homocysteine blood, Vitamin B 12 administration & dosage
- Abstract
An elevated homocysteine level is a newly recognized risk factor for osteoporosis. Older individuals may have elevated homocysteine levels due to inadequate folate intake and/or lower absorption of vitamin B(12). The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an impact of folic acid and vitamin B(12) supplementation on homocysteine levels and, subsequently, on bone turnover markers in older women with mildly to moderately elevated homocysteine levels. It is hypothesized that supplementation with folic acid and vitamin B(12) will improve homocysteine levels and, in turn, positively modify bone turnover markers in this population. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial included 31 women (65 to 93 years) with homocysteine levels greater than 10 μmol/L. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a daily folic acid (800 μg) and vitamin B(12) (1000 μg) (n = 17) or a matching placebo (n = 14) for 4 months. The results showed significantly lower homocysteine concentrations in the vitamin group compared to the placebo group (10.6 vs 18.5 μmol/L, P = .007). No significant difference in serum alkaline phosphatase or C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen was found between the vitamin and placebo groups before or after supplementation. The use of folic acid and vitamin B(12) as a dietary supplement to improve homocysteine levels could be beneficial for older women, but additional research must be conducted in a larger population and for a longer period to determine if there is an impact of supplementation on bone turnover markers or other indicators of bone health., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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23. Diet quality in elderly nursing home residents evaluated by Diet Quality Index Revised (DQI-R).
- Author
Rumbak I, Satalić Z, Keser I, Krbavcić IP, Giljević Z, Zadro Z, and Barić IC
- Subjects
- Aged, Alcohol Drinking, Croatia, Dietary Carbohydrates, Dietary Fats, Female, Health Status, Humans, Male, Menu Planning standards, Nutritive Value, Diet standards, Homes for the Aged standards, Nursing Homes standards
- Abstract
The objective of this research was to evaluate diet quality in elderly nursing home residents and to point out the critical dietary components. The participants (277 females and 62 males) were recruited from all elderly nursing homes in Zagreb and each of elderly nursing homes was equally represented in this study. The age of subjects was ranging from 61 to 93 years; most of the females (53.4%) and males (53.2%) were between 70 and 80 years old. The dietary data from the multi pass 24-hour recall were used to compute the Diet Quality Index Revised (DQI-R). DQI-R is an instrument that provides a summary assessment of a diet's overall healthfulness and is based on ten different aspects, including recommendations for both nutrient and food types. Pearson correlation analysis was used to compare the total DQI-R score with dietetic parameters and t-test was calculated between mean values of all the components of DQI-R as well as for total DQI-R score for men and women. The mean DQI-R score for the 339 sample was 62.1 +/- 11.7. The biggest number of participants satisfied recommendations about dietary cholesterol intake (88.5% of participants) and dietary moderation score (71.1% of participants) but nobody satisfied recommendation about dietary diversity score. Only 3.2% of subjects had an adequate calcium intake (6.5% of male participants and only 2.5% of female participants). Recommended servings of fruit intake were satisfied by 19.8% of population, 30.4% satisfied vegetables recommendations and 38.6% recommendations for grains. According to DQI-R, beside positive dietary habits regarding dietary moderation and dietary cholesterol intake the population of elderly nursing home residents in the capital of Croatia needs improvement in other dietary habits in order to enhance successful aging.
- Published
- 2010
24. [Management of adrenal incidentaloma: the position statement of the Croatian referral center for adrenal gland disorders].
- Author
Kastelan D, Dusek T, Aganović I, Stern-Padovan R, Kuzmanić D, Kastelan Z, Knezević N, Crncević-Orlić Z, Kraljević I, Dzubur F, Pavlić-Renar I, Giljević Z, Jelcić J, Baretić M, Skorić T, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Cushing Syndrome diagnosis, Humans, Incidental Findings, Adrenal Gland Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
Adrenal incidentalomas are tumours of adrenal glands discovered during diagnostic workup for other clinical condition unrelated to adrenal glands. Improvement in imaging techniques and their widespread use in everyday practice have increased detection of adrenal incidentalomas making their management one of the most important challenges of modern endocrinology. Based on the relevant medical literature and guidelines of other international societies a panel of Croatian leading experts in adrenal gland disorders provide practical recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of adrenal incidentaloma.
- Published
- 2010
25. [Differences among bisfosfonates--specificity of risedronate (Actonel)].
- Author
Giljević Z
- Subjects
- Bone Density drug effects, Bone Density Conservation Agents therapeutic use, Diphosphonates therapeutic use, Etidronic Acid therapeutic use, Fractures, Spontaneous etiology, Fractures, Spontaneous prevention & control, Humans, Osteoporosis complications, Risedronic Acid, Etidronic Acid analogs & derivatives, Osteoporosis drug therapy
- Abstract
Bisphosphonates, a gold standard in therapeutic options for the management of osteoporosis, inhibit bone resorption with relatively few side effects. As a result, they are widely used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. There are clear biochemical and pharmacological differences among bisfosfonates group. Risedronate has moderate mineral binding and has a higher inhibition of a key branch-point enzyme famesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPPS) in the mevalonate pathway. Risedronate (Actonel) prevents vertebral and nonvertebral fractures as early as at 6 months of treatment. Clinical trials and observational trials have proved risk reduction of vertebral and hip fractures. Patients remarkably preferred therapy with a proven antifracture efficacy over a dosage frequency.
- Published
- 2008
26. The effects of the level of physical activity on calcaneal ultrasound measurements: bone properties of medical and physical education students.
- Author
Kastelan D, Kraljević I, Kardum I, Kasović M, Dusek T, Protulipac JM, Giljević Z, Perković Z, Jelcić J, Aganović I, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Adult, Calcaneus diagnostic imaging, Education, Medical, Female, Humans, Linear Models, Male, Multivariate Analysis, Physical Education and Training, Ultrasonography, Bone Density physiology, Exercise physiology
- Abstract
The aim of the study was to compare bone properties of two groups of students which strongly differ in the level of their everyday physical activity; the School of Medicine (SM) students and the Faculty of Physical Education (FPE) students, University of Zagreb. Quantitative ultrasound parameters--broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) were measured. Quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) and estimated bone mineral density (BMD) were calculated by the device software. The final study sample consisted of 165 students from SM (94 males and 71 females) and 215 students from the FPE (164 males, 51 females). Sixty eight percent of FPE students and 21% of SM students reported a high level of everyday physical activity (P < 0.001). All ultrasound parameters were significantly higher in FPE students than in SM students (at the P < 0.001 level). The multiple regression model of the QUI confirmed that the school students attended was the single significant predictor variable for both genders. Our data indirectly showed the beneficial role of physical activity on bone properties.
- Published
- 2007
27. [Vitamin D deficiency in postmenopausal women receiving osteoporosis therapy].
- Author
Kraljević I, Kastelan D, Gorsić I, Solak M, Giljević Z, Kasović M, Sertić J, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Humans, Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal complications, Vitamin D Deficiency drug therapy, Bone Density Conservation Agents administration & dosage, Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal drug therapy, Vitamin D administration & dosage, Vitamin D Deficiency complications
- Published
- 2007
28. [Osteoporosis prevalence in Croatian males--the results of calcaneus ultrasound].
- Author
Kastelan D, Kraljević I, Kujundzić-Tiljak M, Kardum I, Mazalin J, Maricić G, Ujević-Strizak M, Glisanović M, Tripovic VU, Miskić B, Janjanin SS, Danijela C, Ana D, Dusek T, Giljević Z, Jelcić J, Perković Z, Aganović I, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Croatia epidemiology, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Osteoporosis diagnostic imaging, Prevalence, Ultrasonography, Calcaneus diagnostic imaging, Osteoporosis epidemiology
- Abstract
The aim of the study was to establish the normative QUS data in a healthy sample of Croatian males and estimate the prevalence of osteoporosis. A total of 1002 male participants, aged 20-99, were recruited in seven study centers (Zagreb, Ivanić-grad, Koprivnica, Sibenik, Pula, Slavonski Brod, Vukovar). In each subject broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), speed of sound (SOS) and quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) of the calcaneus were measured using the Sahara ultrasound device. Significant declining with age was found for all three parameters (p < 0.001). The peak SOS (1562.8 +/- 28.5 m/s) and QUI (103.6 +/- 16.5) values were observed in the third decade, whereas the peak BUA value (86.2 +/- 19.2 db/MHz) was observed in the fourth decade of life. Using the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for DXA the rates of osteoporosis in the males aged 50 and older were 5.8%, 3.4 and 4.2% for QUI, BUA, and SOS respectively. However, when we used the cut-off value of the T < or = -l.8, prevalence of osteoporosis in Croatian males older than 50 years was 16.2%, 11.7% and 17.2%.
- Published
- 2007
29. [Treatment of osteoporosis].
- Author
Simić P, Giljević Z, Simunić V, Vukicević S, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Aged, Fractures, Spontaneous etiology, Fractures, Spontaneous prevention & control, Humans, Osteoporosis complications, Osteoporosis drug therapy
- Abstract
Osteoporosis is among the most frequent metabolic diseases affecting 8% to 10% of the population. Since the most disturbing outcome of osteoporosis is a fracture, it is important to identify patients at risk and intervene with pharmacologic therapies and lifestyle changes. Several drugs have shown their ability to reduce vertebral and/or peripheral fractures in patients with osteoporosis. Antiresorptive agents are a basis of therapy, but anabolic drugs have recently widened therapeutic options. Antiresorptive medications, estrogens, selective estrogen receptor modulators, bisphosphonates and calcitonins, work by reducing the rates of bone remodeling. Parathyroid hormone stimulates new bone formation, repairing architectural defects and improving bone density. Strontium ranelate reduces the risk for osteoporotic fractures by both inhibiting bone resorption and increasing bone formation. Other potential therapies for osteoporosis are also reviewed in this article.
- Published
- 2007
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30. [Strontium ranelate--new paradigm in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis].
- Author
Korsić M, Giljević Z, and Kastelan D
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Bone Density Conservation Agents therapeutic use, Organometallic Compounds therapeutic use, Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal drug therapy, Thiophenes therapeutic use
- Abstract
Osteoporosis has become a global public health issue due to the fact that the world population has gotten older. In the past ten years we have witnessed a great improvement in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The anti-resorptive drugs are the most presribed ones. In the last couple of years osteoanabolic drug, a teriparatid, was introduced into the clinical use, and recently a strontium ranelate has occured as a drug with osteoanabolic and antiresorptive effect in bone formation. Clinical trials (phase III) have proved the efficiency of strontium ranelate in postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment. Strontium ranelate is a drug characterized by the new paradigm of action mechanism on bone, which has its place among the already well-proven drugs in postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment.
- Published
- 2006
31. [Treatment of osteoporosis by risedronate-- speed, efficacy and safety].
- Author
Giljević Z and Vlak T
- Subjects
- Etidronic Acid therapeutic use, Female, Humans, Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal drug therapy, Risedronic Acid, Bone Density Conservation Agents therapeutic use, Etidronic Acid analogs & derivatives, Osteoporosis drug therapy
- Abstract
Risedronate (Actonel 35 mg), which was promoted in Croatia a few months ago, is the latest (III) generation of bisphosphonates, the most efficient anti-resorption drugs that inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption and change the bone metabolism. The effect of risedronate is 10 times stronger than that of alendronate, and 10.000 times stronger than that of etidronate. The bone turnover is reduced while the osteoblast activity and bone mineralisation are preserved. Decreases in biochemical markers of bone turnover were observed as soon as within 1 month and reached a maximum in 3-6 months of Actonel 35 mg application once a week or 5 mg a day. Several major international, randomised and placebo controlled clinical studies (VERT-NA, VERT-MN, HIP...) on more than 15,000 patients over 3-5 years of therapy have confirmed the speed, efficacy and excellent tolerability of risedronate in treating postmenopausal and corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. After only 6 months of treatment VERT-NA and VERT-MN have shown a significant reduction in vertebral fracture risk versus control group, radiographically by 62% and clinically by 69% in the first year, which remains significant even after 5 years of treatment (50%) of postmenopausal osteoporosis. All the best properties of bisphosphonates have also been confirmed through a significant reduction in the relative risk of femoral neck fracture over 3 years of treatment by 40%, or by as much as 60% in female patients with osteoporosis and prevalent vertebral fracture, compared with controls. With risedronate we can achieve a quick and significant reduction in vertebral fracture risk in postmenopausal women (65%), especially among a high-risk population such as patients on long-term glucocorticoid therapy (70%) in the very first year of treatment. Prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is recommended in the administration of 27,5 mg of prednisone or prednisone equivalent in a duration longer than 3 months, irrespective of age or gender. Tolerability and safety of risedronate administration in osteoporosis is very good, almost the same as in the control group, although patients with earlier described or ongoing gastrointestinal troubles were also included. The incidence of endoscopically confirmed gastric ulcer in treatment with alendronate is significantly higher (13,2%) versus controls than in treatment with risedronate (4,1%). Risedronate is hence the first line of bisphosphonates for the reduction of vertebral and non-vertebral fracture risks in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or those with a high risk of osteoporosis. It also efficiently prevents bone loss or improves bone density in men and women on a long-term corticosteroid therapy.
- Published
- 2006
32. [Osteoporosis in men].
- Author
Kastelan D, Giljević Z, Aganović I, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Fractures, Spontaneous etiology, Humans, Male, Osteoporosis diagnosis, Osteoporosis drug therapy, Osteoporosis epidemiology, Osteoporosis etiology
- Abstract
Male osteoporosis represents an important public health problem. According to NHANES III (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), 7% of white men aged 50 years and over have osteoporosis. One-third of all hip fractures occurred in men and prevalence of death after hip fracture is twice as high as in women. Hypogonadism, alcohol abuse and glucocorticoid excess are the most frequent causes of secondary osteoporosis in men, while in 30-50% of cases osteoporosis is idiopathic. In the article we discuss etiology, epidemiology, diagnostic procedure and treatment of osteoporosis in men.
- Published
- 2004
33. [Importance of the CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) test in the differential diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome].
- Author
Korsić M, Plavsić V, Besenski N, Skorić T, Giljević Z, Zarković K, Zarković N, Zaninović L, Paladino J, and Aganović I
- Subjects
- ACTH Syndrome, Ectopic complications, ACTH Syndrome, Ectopic diagnosis, Adolescent, Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms complications, Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms diagnosis, Adrenocortical Adenoma complications, Adrenocortical Adenoma diagnosis, Adult, Cushing Syndrome etiology, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Petrosal Sinus Sampling, Sensitivity and Specificity, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone blood, Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone, Cushing Syndrome diagnosis, Hydrocortisone blood
- Abstract
In the group of 13 patients with Cushing's syndrome (CS) CRH test was performed by sampling the blood from peripheral vein and in eight patients also after inferior petrosal sinus catheterization (IPSC) to resolve the disease etiology. In the group of patients with Cushing's disease (CD, n = 11), which was proven by surgery and adenoma immunohistochemistry, 10/11 had in CRH test the significant increase of cortisol and ACTH in the peripheral blood. Among two patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome one had the significant increase of both hormones in CRH test. After IPSC the ratio of ACTH in the petrosal sinus and in the peripheral vein was significant in 4/8 patients before, and in 6/8 after CRH administration. The intersinus gradient was significant in 3/8 patients before, and in 4/8 after CRH test. According to our results we can conclude that the determination of ACTH in the blood from peripheral veins after CRH administration is a very sensitive method for differential diagnosis of CS, while the results after IPSC were less sensitive in our conditions than those described in the literature.
- Published
- 2001
34. [Low-renin hypertension and inherited mineralocorticoid diseases].
- Author
Kastelan D, Giljević Z, Perković Z, Plavsić V, Breskovac L, Aganović I, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Humans, Hyperaldosteronism blood, Hyperaldosteronism metabolism, Hypertension blood, Hypertension metabolism, Syndrome, Hyperaldosteronism genetics, Hypertension genetics, Mineralocorticoids metabolism, Renin blood
- Abstract
Liddle's syndrome, apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) and glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism (GRA) are inherited diseases characterized by hypertension and low plasma renin activity. Constitutive activation of distal renal epithelial sodium channel (Liddle's syndrome), defect in 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (AME) and unequal crossing over, fusing regulatory sequences of 11 beta-hydroxylase gene to coding sequences of aldosterone synthase gene and forming a new chimeric gene (GRA), cause apparent or real mineralocorticoid excess. This diseases are often being unrecognized and classified as essential hypertension, especially in patients with normal serum potassium level. Family history of hypertension and characteristic serum and urine++ steroid profile direct us to diagnosis, and genetic analysis will confirm it.
- Published
- 1999
35. Clinical and morphological features of undifferentiated monomorphous GH/TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma.
- Author
Skorić T, Korsić M, Zarković K, Plavsić V, Besenski N, Breskovac L, Giljević Z, and Paladino J
- Subjects
- Adenoma diagnostic imaging, Adenoma therapy, Adult, Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal therapeutic use, Human Growth Hormone analysis, Human Growth Hormone blood, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Male, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Octreotide therapeutic use, Pituitary Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Pituitary Neoplasms therapy, Prolactin analysis, Thyrotropin blood, Time Factors, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Adenoma metabolism, Human Growth Hormone metabolism, Pituitary Neoplasms metabolism, Thyrotropin metabolism
- Abstract
A 41-year-old male presented with progressive visual defects, acromegaly and hyperthyroidism. After clinical evaluation a giant GH/TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma was diagnosed. Administration of the somatostatin analog octreotide at doses of 150 microg s.c. per day inhibited the secretion of both GH and TSH. A three-week treatment with octreotide prior to surgery led to slight visual improvement and CT scan showed some new necrotic areas within the tumor mass. Transcranial surgery was performed. By immunohistochemical analyses of the adenoma tissue GH, prolactin and beta-chorionic gonadotropin were detected; TSH was negative. Electron microscopy revealed an undifferentiated, monomorphous adenoma with morphological features of an acidophil stem cell adenoma such as the presence of misplaced exocytoses, fibrous bodies and mitochondrial gigantism. However, the tumor cells contained small secretory granules (up to 250 nm) accumulated along the cell membrane characteristic of thyrotrope cells. Furthermore, some adenoma cells were fusiform with long cytoplasmic processes resembling thyrotropes. Two months after the operation CT scan revealed a large residual tumor. Serum GH and TSH levels had increased again and the TSH level was even higher than before the treatment. The patient died suddenly, most probably of lethal arrhythmia. Specimens of the adenoma tissue obtained at autopsy confirmed the previous findings with the exception of positive immunostaining for TSH which was found in less than 1% of the adenoma cells. This undifferentiated, monomorphous GH/TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma represents an entity that is unusual both in its ultrastructural features and clinical manifestations suggesting a cytogenesis from an early, undifferentiated stem cell.
- Published
- 1999
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36. [A clinico-experimental study of the functional morphology of hypophyseal adenomas].
- Author
Korsić M, Zarković K, Zarković N, Plavsić V, Paladino J, Skorić T, Aganović I, Kozić-Rukavina B, Giljević Z, Perković Z, Breskovac L, Melada A, and Pirker N
- Subjects
- Adenoma chemistry, Adenoma diagnosis, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pituitary Hormones metabolism, Pituitary Neoplasms chemistry, Pituitary Neoplasms diagnosis, Adenoma metabolism, Adenoma pathology, Pituitary Neoplasms metabolism, Pituitary Neoplasms pathology
- Published
- 1998
37. [Tests of adrenal gland and ovarian function in the hyperandrogenemia syndrome].
- Author
Giljević Z
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Adrenal Cortex Function Tests, Hyperandrogenism physiopathology, Ovarian Function Tests
- Abstract
Androgen production in women is under the influence of pituitary hormones on ovaries and adrenal glands, or they originate from peripheral conversion of androgen precursor. Each of the three principal compartments of androgen production has a serum specific marker that may be clinically helpful. Serum testosterone signifies ovarian production, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHA-S) is an adrenal marker, and serum 3 alpha-diol glucuronide reflects androgen action in the peripheral compartment. Many physiologic and pathologic states affect transport proteins and enzyme systems which modulate androgenic activity. This fact makes the determination of mechanism and origin of hyperandrogenemia more difficult, as well as the choice of therapy. In the syndrome of hyperandrogenemia, the primary place of the disorder is determined by the tests of adrenal cortex and ovary functions. The correct response of androgens in dexamethasone test is manifested by free testosterone suppression to < 0.028 nmol/L, and by DHA-S and plasma cortisol suppression under the reference values. In the complex and controversial syndrome of hyperandrogenemia, the nafarelin test is used after insufficient free testosterone suppression in dexamethasone test. The significant diagnostic criterion is the rise of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) over 7 nmol/L, which aligns a great number of idiopathic hyperandrogenemias in the group of polycystic ovary syndrome. A good correlation was found between the rise of 17-OHP in nafarelin test and the suppression of free testosterone in dexamethasone test. This finding supports the conception that both tests determine the ovary function and that their sensitivity and specificity for ovary hyperandrogenemia is comparable.
- Published
- 1996
38. Measurement of salivary insulin-like growth factor-I in acromegaly: comparison with serum insulin-like growth factor-I and growth hormone concentrations.
- Author
Halimi S, Tepavcević D, Suchanek D, Giljević Z, Palvsić V, and Korsić M
- Subjects
- Acromegaly blood, Acromegaly diagnosis, Adult, Blood Proteins metabolism, Female, Growth Hormone blood, Growth Hormone metabolism, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Radioimmunoassay, Reproducibility of Results, Saliva chemistry, Software, Acromegaly metabolism, Insulin-Like Growth Factor I metabolism, Saliva metabolism
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to establish the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in saliva of acromegalic patients, and to compare it with the basal levels of serum IGF-I and growth hormone. IGF-I was determined in extracted serum or neat saliva by a disequilibrium RIA using antibodies and iodinated ligand from Amersham and WHO 87/518 as standard. The detection limit of the assay was 0.5 microgram/l, and the intra- and interassay coefficients of variations were 7.9% and 15% respectively. Our study included 13 healthy adult individuals and 17 acromegalics. Compared with healthy adult subjects, acromegalics had significantly higher salivary IGF-I concentrations (mean +/- SEM 5.4 +/- 2.64 vs. 10.5 + -5.69 micrograms/l; p < 0.01), as well as serum IGF-I (176 +/- 42.9 vs. 520 +/- 98.8 micrograms/l; p < 0.0001) and somatotropin levels (1.2 +/- 1.02 vs. 15.4 +/- 9.89 micrograms/l; p < 0.0001). However, 47.1% patients (8 out of 17) with active acromegaly had salivary IGF-I concentrations within the normal range. Serum IGF-I and somatotropin concentrations were found to follow more closely the disease activity after adenomectomy, compared with the concentrations of salivary IGF-I. These results suggest that the IGF-I levels in serum and saliva are somatotropin-dependent. According to our results, measurement of IGF-I in saliva cannot be considered as an additional measure for evaluation of the disease activity in acromegaly, being less reliable than the determination of IGF-I and somatotropin in serum.
- Published
- 1994
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39. Some aspects of adrenocortical stress response following stroke.
- Author
Korsić M, Brinar V, Plavsić V, Mihajlović D, and Giljević Z
- Subjects
- 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids urine, 17-Ketosteroids urine, Adrenal Cortex Hormones urine, Aged, Female, Humans, Hydrocortisone blood, Male, Middle Aged, Stress, Physiological etiology, Stress, Physiological urine, Adrenal Cortex Hormones metabolism, Cerebrovascular Disorders physiopathology, Stress, Physiological physiopathology
- Abstract
Stress response measured as the cortisol secretion rate as well as urinary 17 oxogenic steroid (17 OGS) and 17 oxosteroid (17 OS) excretion was investigated in a group of 28 patients with stroke (11 with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and 17 with ischemic cerebrovascular insult). Significantly higher cortisol secretion values were found in the group of patients who died (p less than 0.01). Similarly, the first day urinary 17 OGS excretion pointed to the greater adrenocortical response in patients who died (p less than 0.05). Urinary 17 OS excretion was normal or below normal in the majority of patients and no difference was found between either male or female patients who survived or died. Our findings indicate that adrenocortical changes which maximize the production of cortisol are operative soon after the onset of stroke. The cortisol secretion rate appeared to be a good indicator of the severity of the stress caused by stroke and may be useful in predicting the prognosis of the illness.
- Published
- 1990
40. [The role of the TRS-Glucotest apparatus in self-monitoring by patients with diabetes mellitus].
- Author
Giljević Z, Korsić M, Topić E, Bagić A, and Pernek V
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Blood Glucose analysis, Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring instrumentation, Diabetes Mellitus blood
- Abstract
Successful treatment of diabetes mellitus requires a reliable control of glycaemia where self-monitoring with reflectometer plays a significant role. TRS-glucotest reflectometer (TRS, Zagreb), the result of our experts' efforts, makes it possible for diabetic patients to perform self-monitoring. According to our research TRS-glucotest reflectometer shows lower blood glucose levels for more than 20%, especially in 3.8-11.5 mmol/L range of glucose concentration, that is in the range most often expected in patients with diabetes got under control. A considerable dispersion of the results got by measuring glucose levels with reflectometer doesn't offer the possibility to correct the obtained values. Our results suggest that TRS-glucotest reflectometer should be improved so that reliable control of glycaemia can be made what is especially important in patients with intensive conventional insulin treatment.
- Published
- 1989
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