This paper is a strategic and management plan formulated to identify the company’s goals and objectives and to ensure its effective implementation. Amther Cooling System Co., Inc. is a contractor for cooling tower installation that sells cooling-tower-related products and provides 11 different services. The plan answered the questions: (1) How did the owner establish the business, (2) What are the significant challenges the owner experienced throughout its business operations, and (3) What is the competitive advantage of the owner over its competitors. It utilized a case study approach, single case—holistic, together with PESTEL analysis, and different matrices. First was the Competitive Profile Matrix which compared the corporation with its competitors. Second was the IFE and EFE matrices that answered internal and external forces, and the SWOT strategy that combined the two. Third, the Space Matrix, it determined the corporation as aggressive using a four-quadrant graphical axis. Fourth, the Boston Consulting Group Matrix, it evaluated the market position depending on the segments: rehabilitation; supply, installation, and commissioning; general preventive maintenance services; motor rewinding; and supply of parts. Fifth was the Internal-External Matrix, which plotted the scores of IFE and EFE matrices in a graph that determined Amther belonging to the “Grow and Build,” Quadrant I. Sixth, the Grand Strategy Matrix, which determined that Amther is positioned in Quadrant I, under the strategies: Market Development, Market Penetration, Product Development, Forward Integration, Backward Integration, Horizontal Integration, and Related Diversification. Lastly, the Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix, it showed that the feasible techniques for Amther were Market Development such as the expansion of business locations in Visayas and Mindanao, and Market Penetration to improve marketing strategy by hiring sales agents. Recommendations included business expansion, employment of sales agents, direct supplies importation, additional services, sale of company shares, and provision of freebies and discounts., Journal of Strategic Management in Business Administration (Course Final Output; Preprint)