816 results on '"Jönköping"'
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2. Hållbar Stadsutveckling: En Integrerad Analys och Planeringsförslag i Smedbyn, Jönköping
- Author
Andrésen, Viktor, Häger Sabato, Zacharias, Andrésen, Viktor, and Häger Sabato, Zacharias
- Abstract
Denna kandidatuppsats inom byggteknik utgör en fördjupad undersökning av hållbarstadsutveckling i Smedbyn, Jönköping. Syftet är att genomföra en ingående analys ochpresentera planeringsförslag som integrerar sociala, ekonomiska, kulturella ochmiljömässiga aspekter. Boende i området och andra intressenter engageras ochinvolveras för att öka intresset och ge medhåll till en utveckling av Smedbyn. Dessutomär målet med studien att ta fram förbättringsförslag på områdets utformning avbyggnader, grönområden, vägar samt verksamheter. Planeringsförslag ochpolicyrekommendationer ska främja social interaktion, trygghet och hållbarhet för attskapa en livlig och inkluderande stadsdel med gemenskap och miljöansvar.Metoden som användes i denna studie är en fallstudie för att få en djupare förståelse fördet komplexa och specifika ämnet som studeras. I denna studie användsdatainsamlingsteknikerna intervjuer, observationer samt en litteraturgenomgång somen triangulering för att kunna stödja varandras svaga punkter. Intervjuerna gjordessemistrukturerade för att få genomtänkta resonemang om ämnet från respondenterna.Empirin visar att det finns brister i trygghet för de som vistas i området på kvällar ochnätter. En styrka i området är den natur som finns och det kulturhistoriska värde somområdet har. Många av respondenterna menar dock att det stora problemet för områdetär hur man ska få dit fler besökare.Genom insamlade data kunde förbättringsområden identifieras med Gehls 12kvalitetskriterier som visar att tryggheten, aktiviteter och mötesplatser i området är enutmaning samt att naturmöjligheter i området är goda. De hållbarhets aspekterna somgår att applicera i området är kulturella, sociala, ekonomiska ochekologiska/miljömässiga aspekter. Vidare presenteras hållbarhetslösningar i form av ettplaneringsförslag och policyrekommendationer för aktörer som verkar i området.De förslag som tagits fram i studien stödjs och går att jämföra med den tidigareforskningen som finns. Studien visar, This beachelor’s thesis in construction technology constitutes an in-depth researchstudy of sustainable urban development in Smedbyn, Jönköping. The aim is to completean analysis and present a planning proposal that integrates social, economic, culturaland environmental aspects. Various parties are engaged and involved in the region tostimulate interest and support the advancement of Smedbyn. Furthermore, the study'sobjective is to generate improvement proposals encompassing design elements such asbuildings, green spaces, road infrastructure, and commercial activities. The planningproposal and policy recommendations shall promote social interaction, safety andsustainability to create a lively and inclusive neighborhood with a strong communityand environmental responsibility.The method used in this study involves a case study approach aimed at achieving acomprehensive understanding of the subject matter that is being researched. In thisstudy, data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and a literaturereview are used as triangulation, allowing compensation for each technique. Theinterviews were semi-structured to get well-thought-out reasoning about the researchobject from the respondents. The participants in the interviews were relevantrespondents in the form of municipal workers, visitors, residents and other actors in thearea.The results show that there are gaps in security for those who stay in the area in theevenings and nights. In addition, a strength of the area is its nature and culturalhistorical value. However, many of the respondents believe that the big problem for thearea is to get more visitors there.Through collected data, areas for improvement could be identified with Gehl's 12quality criteria, indicating that safety, recreational opportunities, and communalgathering spaces within the area pose significant challenges. It also shows that there aregood opportunities to spend time in nature. The aspects of sustainability that can beappli
- Published
- 2024
3. Hur bebyggelse i Jönköping kan anpassas för att undvika skador vid skyfall
- Author
Bexell, Evelina, Ljunggren, Signe, Bexell, Evelina, and Ljunggren, Signe
- Abstract
Introduction (and aim) – The project investigates an easier way to identify a property's main damage risks in the event of torrential rain. It also examines how buildings can be adapted to reduce the risk of damage. The project focuses on new production and starts from an area in Jönköping. Factors studied are risk of flooding, landslides, erosion and mudflows. The goal of the project is to find out how the design and location of buildings on the property can be adapted to reduce the risk of damage in the event of torrential rain with regard to the risk of flooding, erosion and landslides. Method – To simplify the analysis of the conditions of different properties, these are classified according to terrain conditions within 500 m of the property according to slope (L), height difference (H) and erosion tendency (E). Terrain classes L and H were applied to existing terrain in an area just west of Jönköping center using ArcGIS Pro. Rainfall maps were made based on examples of different terrain classes with different building forms added to the terrain in MIKE21. Results – When applying terrain classes, it was found that H-class 3 is more often found in areas with valleys and watercourses. H-class 2 is more common in flat areas and H-class 1 is most often found at the top of slopes. When compared with downpour mapping, floods are more likely in H-class 3. Downpour simulation of type terrain showed a connection between high H-class in combination with low L-class and increased risk of flooding. Analysis – The risk of flooding is increased in areas with LH-class 12 and in areas with H-class 3. At L-class 2 or 3, the design of the building affects flood depth and flow speed when the building blocks the water's flow path. In these cases, both flow speed and flood depth are lower when the shape of the building offers easier diversion of the water's flow path. Discussion – The shape of the building can have some effect on the flood depth when the building blocks the water's, Introduktion (och mål) – Projektet undersöker ett enklare sätt att identifiera en fastighets främsta skaderisker vid skyfall. Det undersöker också hur byggnader kan anpassas för att minska risken för skador. Projektet fokuserar på nyproduktion och utgår från ett område i Jönköping. Faktorer som studeras är risk för översvämning, ras, erosion och slamströmmar. Målet med projektet är att ta reda på hur byggnaders utformning och placering på fastigheten kan anpassas för att minska risken för skador vid skyfall med avseende på risk för översvämning, erosion och ras. Metod – För att simplifiera analysen av olika fastigheters förutsättningar klassificeras dessa enligt terrängförhållanden inom 500 m från fastigheten efter lutning (L), höjdskillnad (H) och erosionsbenägenhet (E). Terrängklasserna L och H applicerades på befintlig terräng i ett område strax väster om Jönköping centrum med hjälp av ArcGIS Pro. Skyfallssimuleringar gjordes utifrån exempel av olika terrängklasser med olika byggnadsformer adderade till terrängen i MIKE21. Resultat – Vid applicering av terrängklasser konstaterades att H-klass 3 oftare hittas i områden med dalar och vattendrag. H-klass 2 är vanligare i flacka områden och H-klass 1 hittas oftast i överkant av sluttningar. Vid jämförelse med skyfallskartering är översvämningar är mer sannolika i H-klass 3. Skyfallssimuleringar av typterräng visade samband mellan Hög H-klass i kombination med låg L-klass och ökad risk för översvämning. Analys – Risken för översvämning är förhöjd i områden med LH-klass 12 samt i områden med H-klass 3. Vid L-klass 2 eller 3 påverkar byggnadens utformning översvämningsdjup och flödeshastighet när byggnaden blockerar vattnets flödesväg. I dessa fall blir både flödeshastighet och översvämningsdjup lägre när byggnadens form erbjuder enklare omledning av vattnets flödesväg. Diskussion – Byggnadens form kan ha viss inverkan på översvämningsdjupet när byggnaden blockerar vattnet flödesväg med större inverkan vid större blocka
- Published
- 2024
4. 'En historia skulle skrifvas öfver allt de få genomgå' : En analys av Ebba Ramsays bild av epileptiska barn på Wilhelmsro
- Author
Ronneland, Max and Ronneland, Max
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the philanthropist Ebba Ramsay portrayed children with epilepsy in her writings during her time active at Wilhelmsro, an institution for children with epilepsy outside Jönköping, Sweden, from 1877 to 1915. The study is based on an analysis of 23 writings by Ramsay, where the main focus includes Ramsay's representations of the children and what insights these can provide about society's view of epilepsy and its impact on the affected children and society at this time. Bill Hughes' categorization of the basic aversive feelings on disability is used to categorize Ramsay's view of the epileptic children. The results show that Ramsay portrayed the children with a mixture of fear, pity, and disgust, often portraying epilepsy as a tragic and heavy burden for both individuals and their families. She also describes a society that is often unsympathetic and exclusionary towards these children. These representations are used to evoke compassion and support for better care and education for children with epilepsy. The final discussion highlights the relevance of Ramsay's work to the teaching of history at secondary school level, where her texts can be used to discuss how historical perspectives on illness and disability can relate to contemporary views and policies. Suggestions for future research include comparisons of Ramsay's work with other similar institutions internationally, as well as deeper studies of the gender aspects that may have influenced her work.
- Published
- 2024
5. Grattis på 500-årsdagen, Jönköping! [bloggpost]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
Ingress: Ja du läser rätt, Jönköpings stad kan gratuleras 2024 för att fylla 500 år mot bakgrund av ett utfärdat stadsprivilegiebrev från 1524. Men är det inte stadsprivilegiebrevet som Magnus Ladulås Birgersson utfärdade för staden från 1284? Låt oss titta närmare på denna födelsedags problematik., Publicerad 2 maj 2024 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2024
6. One bicycle at a time – An autoethnography of the communicative potential of spatial practices
- Author
Wappelhorst, Annika, Till, Anilla, Sartoretto, Paola, Wappelhorst, Annika, Till, Anilla, and Sartoretto, Paola
- Abstract
Presenter: Annika Wappelhorst
- Published
- 2024
7. Investigators at Ryhov County Hospital Report Findings in Heart Failure (Modern Heart Failure Treatment Is Superior To Conventional Treatment Across the Left Ventricular Ejection Spectrum: Real-life Data From the Swedish Heart Failure Registry...).
- Subjects
HEART failure ,PEPTIDE hormones ,SODIUM-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors ,PEPTIDES ,HEART diseases ,ANGIOTENSINS - Abstract
A recent study conducted at Ryhov County Hospital in Jonkoping, Sweden compared the effectiveness of modern heart failure therapy with conventional treatment. The study analyzed data from the Swedish Heart Failure Registry and included 20,849 heart failure patients. The results showed that modern therapy, which includes angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), was associated with a significant reduction in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality compared to conventional treatment. These findings were consistent across different subgroups of patients. The study provides real-life evidence supporting the superiority of modern heart failure treatment. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
8. The Role of Outdoor & Nature Events in Place Branding : A case study of Destination Jönköping
- Author
Malaekah, Ahmad, Jidah, Philip, Kellgren, Felix, Malaekah, Ahmad, Jidah, Philip, and Kellgren, Felix
- Abstract
As place branding becomes more significant to a city, events have become a way to attract visitors nationally and internationally. Large cities are putting on events that can attract millions of people. While the literature has excellent knowledge on events in place branding, the small city is neglected. Events that utilize nature are one of the main ways cities arrangeevents. Nature has endless potential and can provide fantastic opportunities for a city. Research is needed into small cities and how to use natural events in place branding to compete with large cities. This study aims to demonstrate and analyze outdoor/nature events' role in place branding. The study also aims to research this in the context of a small city, as the literature has a heavy bias towards large cities in place branding and even more so with events in place branding. The method used in this paper is a qualitative case study methodology since we wanted to investigate Destination Jönköping’s work with place branding thoroughly. Furthermore,direct observations and document analysis were made to build the analysis. The results of our study show that Destination Jönköping extensively uses Nature events in place branding in order to deal with a lack of resources as a small city. While nature events are used by all cities in place branding efforts, small cities have a more significant benefit as they have difficulty competing with large cities in large-scale indoor and city events.
- Published
- 2023
9. En geografiskt tillgänglig busstrafik? : En GIS-analys om Jönköpings busslinjenät och konsekvenserna vid dålig tillgänglighet i bostadsområden
- Author
Krusten Thumser, Emil, Westman, Simon, Krusten Thumser, Emil, and Westman, Simon
- Abstract
Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för kollektivtrafikens tillgänglighet i Jönköpings stad. Detta görs i förhållande till skapandet av socialt kapital samt att förstå skillnader och konsekvenser för olika socioekonomisk status, för att göra detta gjordes en GIS-analys. Genom individuellt och kollektivt socialt kapital analyseras resultatet där även marxism och TOD ämnar att genomsyra analysen. Resultatet identifierade fem olika områden som ingick i olika socioekonomiska klasser. Studien påvisar hur konsekvenserna av dålig tillgänglighet skiljer sig mellan olika socioekonomiska klasser då detta påverkar bildandet av socialt kapital. Geografisk placering spelar stor roll när socialt kapital ska bildas. I områden med lägre socioekonomisk status, belägna i mindre centrala delar, är risken för social exkludering större och möjligheten till att bilda individuellt socialt kapital sämre. Vid en generellt dålig tillgänglighet i staden minskar möjligheterna till att bygga kollektivt socialt kapital., The essay aims to increase understanding of accessibility to public transportation in the city of Jönköping. This is done in relation to the creation of social capital and understanding the differences and consequences for different socioeconomic statuses, this was done via a GIS-analysis. The results are analyzed via individual and collective social capital where Marxism and TOD intends to permeate the analysis. The results identified five different areas belonging to various socioeconomic classes. The study demonstrates how the consequences of poor accessibility vary among socioeconomic classes, impacting the formation of social capital. Geographical location plays a significant role in the formation of social capital. Areas with lower socioeconomic status, located in less central parts, face a greater risk of social exclusion and have poorer opportunities to form individual social capital. In a city with generally poor accessibility, the opportunities to build collective social capital decrease
- Published
- 2023
10. Trafikflöden mc : Jönköpings län
- Abstract
Det genomsnittliga sommardygnsflödet för mc baseras på ordinarie ÅDT-mätningar mellan 2006 och 2022. Det finns ett informationsblad till kartan.
- Published
- 2023
11. Trafikflöden mc : Jönköpings län
- Abstract
Det genomsnittliga sommardygnsflödet för mc baseras på ordinarie ÅDT-mätningar mellan 2006 och 2022. Det finns ett informationsblad till kartan.
- Published
- 2023
12. Data from Ryhov County Hospital Advance Knowledge in Type 1 Diabetes (Autoimmune Comorbidity In Type 1 Diabetes and Its Association With Metabolic Control and Mortality Risk In Young People: a Population-based Study).
- Abstract
A population-based study conducted in Sweden aimed to investigate the prevalence of autoimmune comorbidity in children and young adults with type 1 diabetes and its association with metabolic control and mortality risk. The study found that 19.2% of individuals with type 1 diabetes were diagnosed with at least one autoimmune disease, with coeliac and thyroid disease being the most common. However, the presence of autoimmune comorbidity did not have a statistically significant effect on metabolic control or mortality risk. This study provides valuable insights into the development of autoimmune diseases in individuals with type 1 diabetes. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2024
13. A geographically accessible bus service? : A GIS analysis of Jönköping's bus network and the consequences of poor accessibility in residential areas
- Author
Krusten Thumser, Emil and Westman, Simon
- Subjects
socioeconomic ,social exkludering ,tillgänglighet ,socialt kapital ,social exclusion ,social capital ,Jönköping ,Tvärvetenskapliga studier inom samhällsvetenskap ,Social Sciences Interdisciplinary ,GIS ,socioekonomi ,accessibility - Abstract
Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för kollektivtrafikens tillgänglighet i Jönköpings stad. Detta görs i förhållande till skapandet av socialt kapital samt att förstå skillnader och konsekvenser för olika socioekonomisk status, för att göra detta gjordes en GIS-analys. Genom individuellt och kollektivt socialt kapital analyseras resultatet där även marxism och TOD ämnar att genomsyra analysen. Resultatet identifierade fem olika områden som ingick i olika socioekonomiska klasser. Studien påvisar hur konsekvenserna av dålig tillgänglighet skiljer sig mellan olika socioekonomiska klasser då detta påverkar bildandet av socialt kapital. Geografisk placering spelar stor roll när socialt kapital ska bildas. I områden med lägre socioekonomisk status, belägna i mindre centrala delar, är risken för social exkludering större och möjligheten till att bilda individuellt socialt kapital sämre. Vid en generellt dålig tillgänglighet i staden minskar möjligheterna till att bygga kollektivt socialt kapital. The essay aims to increase understanding of accessibility to public transportation in the city of Jönköping. This is done in relation to the creation of social capital and understanding the differences and consequences for different socioeconomic statuses, this was done via a GIS-analysis. The results are analyzed via individual and collective social capital where Marxism and TOD intends to permeate the analysis. The results identified five different areas belonging to various socioeconomic classes. The study demonstrates how the consequences of poor accessibility vary among socioeconomic classes, impacting the formation of social capital. Geographical location plays a significant role in the formation of social capital. Areas with lower socioeconomic status, located in less central parts, face a greater risk of social exclusion and have poorer opportunities to form individual social capital. In a city with generally poor accessibility, the opportunities to build collective social capital decrease
- Published
- 2023
14. Closed vs open surgical exposure of palatally displaced canines: surgery time, postoperative complications, and patients' perceptions: a multicentre, randomized, controlled trial.
- Author
Björksved, Margitha, Arnrup, Kristina, Lindsten, Rune, Magnusson, Anders, Sundell, Anna Lena, Gustafsson, Annika, and Bazargani, Farhan
- Subjects
DENTAL extraction ,DENTAL implants ,SURGICAL complications ,DENTISTRY ,ORTHODONTICS ,RANDOMIZED controlled trials - Abstract
Background Closed and open surgical techniques are two different main approaches to surgical exposure of palatally displaced canines (PDCs). Because there is insufficient evidence to support one technique over the other, there is a need for randomized controlled trials. Objectives To compare surgery time, complications and patients' perceptions between closed and open surgical techniques in PDCs. Trial design The trial was a multicentre, randomized, controlled trial with two parallel groups randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio. Material and methods Study participants were 119 consecutive patients from 3 orthodontic centres, with PDCs planned for surgical exposure, randomly allocated according to a computer-generated randomization list, using concealed allocation. Full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was raised, and bone covering the canine was removed in both interventions. In closed exposure, an attachment with a chain was bonded to the canine and the flap was sutured back with the chain penetrating the mucosa. In open exposure, a window of tissue around the tooth was removed and glass ionomer cement placed on the canine crown, to prevent gingival overgrowth during spontaneous eruption. Patient perceptions were assessed with two questionnaires, for the evening on the day of operation and 7 days post-surgery. Blinding It was not possible to blind either patients or care providers to the interventions. The outcome assessors were blinded and were unaware of patients' intervention group. Results Seventy-five girls and 44 boys, mean age 13.4 years (SD 1.46) participated in the study and got either of the interventions (closed exposure, n = 60; open exposure, n = 59). Surgery time did not differ significantly between the interventions. Complications though were more severe in bilateral cases and the patients experienced more pain and impairment in the open group. Conclusion There were no statistically significant differences regarding surgery time between the groups. Postoperative complications were similar between the groups in unilateral PDCs, but more common in the open group in bilateral cases. More patients in the open group experienced pain and impairment compared to the closed group. Trial registration Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID: NCT02186548 and Researchweb.org, ID: 127201. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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15. New Restless Legs Syndrome Data Have Been Reported by Researchers at Jonkoping University [Validation of Two Brief Instruments (The Sure and Collaborate) To Measure Shared Decision-making In Patients With Restless Legs Syndrome].
- Abstract
Researchers at Jonkoping University in Sweden have conducted a study on Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), a common neurological disorder characterized by an urge to move arms and legs, often accompanied by discomfort, pain, restlessness, and sleep disturbance. The study aimed to validate two instruments, SURE and CollaboRATE, to measure shared decision-making (SDM) in patients with RLS. The instruments were found to be unidimensional with satisfactory internal consistency, making them potential tools for research and reflection by healthcare professionals, patients, and students to explore and assess SDM in clinical care. This research has been peer-reviewed. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
16. New Findings on Psychology and Psychiatry Described by Investigators at Jonkoping University (Leaving the Family Business: the Dynamics of Psychological Ownership).
- Subjects
FAMILY relations ,PSYCHOLOGICAL ownership ,FAMILY-owned business enterprises ,FAMILY leave ,PSYCHIATRY ,PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
A recent study conducted at Jonkoping University challenges the prevailing belief that psychological ownership is a static concept. The researchers explored the dynamic nature of psychological ownership among individual family business owners and how it changes over time. The study found that psychological ownership is influenced by contextual circumstances and can vary in meanings, presence, and duration. The researchers also concluded that it is possible for individuals to liberate themselves from psychological ownership. This research has been peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Family Business Strategy. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
17. Det gäller inte bara potatis : En innehållsanalytisk jämförelse mellan brödupproret i Jönköping 1855 och hungerdemonstrationen i Västervik 1917
- Author
Liew, David and Liew, David
- Abstract
This thesis examined people and the motives behind their actions while participating in uprisings caused by famine and social injustice. Based on Hannah Arendts theories on uprisings and revolutions, the thesis focused on two uprisings in Sweden, the bread uprising in Jönköping 1855 and the hunger demonstration in Västervik 1917. Arendts distinction between liberty from restraint and the establishing of a constituted public freedom in a political sphere guided the research and analysis of the source material in this thesis. Both towns had undergone severe famine caused by poor harvests but most notably due to the upper classes, traders and venture capitalists exploiting the situation by purchasing the foods available in volume and exporting it or selling it for profit. The results showed several similarities regarding the motives the participants stated as causes to their participation in the uprisings. One noticeable difference that was revealed was that the participants in the hunger demonstration in Västervik 1917 held some motives higher than others: right of representation, reinstated right to vote, restored and higher income, right to 8-hour working days, long-lasting actions against poverty and political influence in decisions. This is radically different than the motives stated by the participants in the uprising of Jönköping 1855 in and of that the motives stated in the uprising in Jönköping where merely regarding the factual circumstances of the famine. Lower prices, banning buyout, exports of foods and the distilling of liquor. In no circumstance did the participant require influence in the politics or civil rights in any way; they only saw the peripheral problems and not the causes of their marginalized position in society. The results of the research turned out to be synonymous of Arendts distinction between liberty and freedom in that the participants in the uprising in Jönköping only wanted to be liberated from the temporary famine whilst the particip
- Published
- 2022
18. ”Ömsom är jag John Bauer, ömsom är jag troll” : En historiedidaktiskt studie om hur John Bauers minne manifesteras i hans hemstad Jönköping
- Author
Karlsson, Josefine and Karlsson, Josefine
- Abstract
The purpose of this essay is to study how the memory of the artist John Bauer is manifested by businesses and places around the city of Jönköping. This was done by observing how John Bauer’s memory is used in five different places as well as through dialogue with spokespersons from these five businesses to gather further information. The places examined in the study are the following: Länsmuseet's exhibition called "Follow John", John Bauer’s Park, John Bauer hotel, Bauergården and Trolska boat trips. The questions that the study intends to answer are how and why the memory of John Bauer is used around Jönköping. The companies' use of John Bauer has been analysed with the help of Karlsson’s typology of the use of history, but it was not enough to apply that theory alone. A site perspective on the use of history taken by Niels Kayser Nielsen was used to create further understanding. The result shows that there are both similarities and differences in the said actors’ use of the memory. All actors use the theme of forest and trolls to convey information about Bauer's artistic inspiration. The theme, on the other hand, is used more or less where Bauergården weaves it into the meals while the John Bauer–hotel only elevates it into the interior. There is also a focus on using the places where John Bauer took inspiration for his paintings, both in the forest and in the places he has lived. However, this also differs a lot between the actors as some build their entire business around the specific location and others do not.
- Published
- 2022
19. Missväxt för vem? En analys av missväxten i Jönköpings län 1868-1869
- Author
Skoglund, Jacob and Skoglund, Jacob
- Abstract
Famine has played an essential part in the rise and fall of many civilizations. Yet, many considers the plight of famine a phenomenon of the past, reserved for but the poorest parts of the world. In Europe there are plenty examples of famine and hardship during the 19th century. When the most recent famine in Swedish history struck the area of Småland during the 1860s, the mortality distribution depended on factors such as gender, age and geography. With the main culprit contributing to the rising death toll being deduced to the spread of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases as a whole could explain a majority of all deaths during the famine in Småland between 1868 and 1869. Indicating that while the 19th century was a period of scientific discovery within the world of medicine and hygiene, the relationship between famine and the spread of infectious disease remained unchanged.
- Published
- 2022
20. New Psychology and Psychiatry Findings from Jonkoping University Reported (A Systematic Review On Political Ideology and Persuasion).
- Subjects
POLITICAL doctrines ,PSYCHIATRY ,PERSUASION (Psychology) ,BUSINESS schools - Published
- 2023
21. Researchers from Jonkoping University Report Findings in Education and Information Technology (Teachers' Experience of the Breakdown of Infrastructures During the Pandemic).
- Abstract
According to news reporting from Jonkoping, Sweden, by NewsRx editors, the research stated, "This article reports on teachers' experience of working during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Education and Information Technology; Education; Epidemiology; Health and Medicine; Pandemic EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Education and Information Technology Education Epidemiology Health and Medicine Pandemic 953 953 1 08/21/23 20230824 NES 230824 2023 AUG 27 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at TB & Outbreaks Week -- Investigators publish new report on Education - Education and Information Technology. Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Education and Information Technology, Education, Epidemiology, Health and Medicine, Pandemic. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
22. Anomalies in Strata
- Author
Hartmann Gyllenhammar, Anna
- Subjects
longevity ,landrise ,Arkitektur ,Architecture ,Jönköping ,Vättern ,subsurface ,erosion - Abstract
We are leaving traces on the surface of earth, and have been doing so, for a long time. However, for the last 300 years or so, we seem not only to be leaving traces, but objects foreign to our system on an abnormal scale. Traces that are not obvious to the eye, but hidden behind the obviousness of the present. They can be found in the air, in the water, in the rings of the trees or in the glaciers of Greenland. What will be left after us? In a search of time and traces, to come closer to an understanding of how time passes, I have looked into man made objects. Objects, that have been constructed with time written differently into their structures. These ideas have been implemented in a geographical focal point in the area of Rosenlund sand banks, by lake Vättern, Sweden. From an architect’s point of view I have tried to understand the present that we are now dealing with, the Anthropocene, its implications and the impact of what we create as humans. This, by reconnecting a past and a future to the present through speculation, and by letting the ground play a major part as a mute, inverted infinity with all its layers bearing witness of a past that once laid super strata.
- Published
- 2022
23. 'Sometimes Im John Bauer, sometimes I'm a troll'
- Author
Karlsson, Josefine
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,History ,Kulturstudier ,John Bauer ,History and Archaeology ,Historiebruk ,Jönköping ,Niels Kayser Nielsen ,autenticitet ,Historia ,Historia och arkeologi - Abstract
The purpose of this essay is to study how the memory of the artist John Bauer is manifested by businesses and places around the city of Jönköping. This was done by observing how John Bauer’s memory is used in five different places as well as through dialogue with spokespersons from these five businesses to gather further information. The places examined in the study are the following: Länsmuseet's exhibition called "Follow John", John Bauer’s Park, John Bauer hotel, Bauergården and Trolska boat trips. The questions that the study intends to answer are how and why the memory of John Bauer is used around Jönköping. The companies' use of John Bauer has been analysed with the help of Karlsson’s typology of the use of history, but it was not enough to apply that theory alone. A site perspective on the use of history taken by Niels Kayser Nielsen was used to create further understanding. The result shows that there are both similarities and differences in the said actors’ use of the memory. All actors use the theme of forest and trolls to convey information about Bauer's artistic inspiration. The theme, on the other hand, is used more or less where Bauergården weaves it into the meals while the John Bauer–hotel only elevates it into the interior. There is also a focus on using the places where John Bauer took inspiration for his paintings, both in the forest and in the places he has lived. However, this also differs a lot between the actors as some build their entire business around the specific location and others do not.
- Published
- 2022
24. It's not merely a matter of potatoes : A comparative content analysis between the bread uprising in Jönköping 1855 and the hunger demonstration in Västervik 1917
- Author
Liew, David
- Subjects
History ,revolution ,motiv ,Västervik ,uppror ,Hungeruppror ,Jönköping ,Arendt ,Historia - Abstract
This thesis examined people and the motives behind their actions while participating in uprisings caused by famine and social injustice. Based on Hannah Arendts theories on uprisings and revolutions, the thesis focused on two uprisings in Sweden, the bread uprising in Jönköping 1855 and the hunger demonstration in Västervik 1917. Arendts distinction between liberty from restraint and the establishing of a constituted public freedom in a political sphere guided the research and analysis of the source material in this thesis. Both towns had undergone severe famine caused by poor harvests but most notably due to the upper classes, traders and venture capitalists exploiting the situation by purchasing the foods available in volume and exporting it or selling it for profit. The results showed several similarities regarding the motives the participants stated as causes to their participation in the uprisings. One noticeable difference that was revealed was that the participants in the hunger demonstration in Västervik 1917 held some motives higher than others: right of representation, reinstated right to vote, restored and higher income, right to 8-hour working days, long-lasting actions against poverty and political influence in decisions. This is radically different than the motives stated by the participants in the uprising of Jönköping 1855 in and of that the motives stated in the uprising in Jönköping where merely regarding the factual circumstances of the famine. Lower prices, banning buyout, exports of foods and the distilling of liquor. In no circumstance did the participant require influence in the politics or civil rights in any way; they only saw the peripheral problems and not the causes of their marginalized position in society. The results of the research turned out to be synonymous of Arendts distinction between liberty and freedom in that the participants in the uprising in Jönköping only wanted to be liberated from the temporary famine whilst the participants of the uprising in Västervik wanted to step out of the historical timeline and demand civil rights to govern themselves and gain influence in the political sphere and workplaces. The participants where exclusively working-class people, craftsmen, and people of the lower classes. The study showed that the participants of the uprising in Västervik were highly involved in working labor unions and some of them were devoted socialists. This shows that ideology likely influenced the motives of the participants in the uprising of Västervik. To sum up, research has been conducted in the field before but only regarding the uprisings separately. This thesis fills in the gap between the 62 years that separates them and contributes to the understanding of uprisings and revolution in Swedish historical research.
- Published
- 2022
25. Jonkoping University Details Findings in Multiple Sclerosis (Lived Experience of Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: a Qualitative Interview Study).
- Abstract
Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System, CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease, Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions, Health and Medicine, Immune System Diseases and Conditions, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Neurology Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions; Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System; CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease; Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions; Health and Medicine; Immune System Diseases and Conditions; Multiple Sclerosis; Neuroimmunology; Neurology EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions Health and Medicine Immune System Diseases and Conditions Multiple Sclerosis Neuroimmunology Neurology 2902 2902 1 07/03/23 20230707 NES 230707 2023 JUL 7 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Health & Medicine Week -- Data detailed on Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions - Multiple Sclerosis have been presented. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
26. Studies from Jonkoping University Have Provided New Data on CDC and FDA (Optimizing Presence Sensing Lighting for Energy Efficiency and User Behavioral Needs In Small Swedish Homes).
- Abstract
Keywords for this news article include: Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, CDC and FDA, Jonkoping University. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; CDC and FDA EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe CDC and FDA 999 999 1 06/26/23 20230630 NES 230630 2023 JUL 2 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA -- A new study on CDC and FDA is now available. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
27. New Findings on Production Planning and Control from Jonkoping University Summarized (Management Innovation In Smes - Taking Psychological Ownership of Hoshin Kanri).
- Subjects
PRODUCTION planning ,PRODUCTION control ,PSYCHOLOGICAL ownership ,INNOVATION management ,SMALL business - Published
- 2023
28. Findings on Eye Injury Detailed by Investigators at Department of Ophtalmology (Padel an Increasing Cause of Sport-related Eye Injuries In Sweden).
- Abstract
Keywords for this news article include: Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Epidemiology, Eye Diseases and Conditions, Eye Injury, Health and Medicine, Ophthalmology, Risk and Prevention, Department of Ophtalmology. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Epidemiology; Eye Diseases and Conditions; Eye Injury; Health and Medicine; Ophthalmology; Risk and Prevention EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Epidemiology Eye Diseases and Conditions Eye Injury Health and Medicine Ophthalmology Risk and Prevention 2319 2319 1 06/19/23 20230623 NES 230623 2023 JUN 23 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Health & Medicine Week -- A new study on Eye Diseases and Conditions - Eye Injury is now available. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
29. Disentangling Political Capital: A case study of factors in local governance that facilitate a successful transition towards climate-friendly, sustainable development
- Author
Nordström, Emilia and Nordström, Emilia
- Abstract
One of our times most significant challenges is the threat to climate change and global warming. This research embarks on a novel pathway. The theoretical framework Capital Approach Framework is used within political science studies to analyse the transition towards sustainable development on a local level in Sweden. The aim is to answer the research question: "What factors in local governance facilitate a successful transition towards climate-friendly, sustainable development?". The aim is to study Goal 13 of the SDGs with the example of two selected Swedish municipalities, Jönköping and Lund, by the focus on local political capital. The attained political capital of each municipality is assumed to have the explanatory power for the difference in the outcome. Political capital is proved to be fruitful in providing explanatory factors for the research at hand. Lund is shown to have attained a higher degree of political capital. The higher availability of political capital then explains the better success in decreasing greenhouse emission. Integration of sustainable development, the emphasis that political government has on sustainable development and institutional organisation that demonstrates the interrelation between the intention of the governance and the institutional organisation and adaptability stands out as the explanatory factors.
- Published
- 2021
30. How have the grocery shopping practices of university students in Jönköping been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
- Author
Fijnheer, Melanie, Bidiwala, Aqsaa, Fijnheer, Melanie, and Bidiwala, Aqsaa
- Abstract
With the COVID-19 pandemic taking over the world faster than anyone had anticipated and creating a ‘new normal’, consumers had to adapt and get used to these changes. The pandemic caused lockdowns in several parts of the world, where businesses, schools, and stores had to shut their doors, although essential stores such as grocery stores remained open. Not only did this happen, but consumers' social life was also impacted as they were asked to stay at home and limit their contact with other people. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a shift in the practices of consumers, with food and safety being one of the most essential needs, consumers converted to stockpiling on food and hygienic products which led to a lower on shelf availability in grocery stores. Even though many countries around the world imposed a lockdown, Sweden never imposed any lockdown during the COVID-19 period, making it an interesting country to research. Although Sweden did implement some measures which for all public areas meant a limited amount of people allowed in the store, whereas other measures were more focused on recommendations such as keeping distance, avoiding large crowds, and working and studying from home as much as possible. Ultimately, the COVID-19 pandemic did impact university students in Sweden, as student life completely stopped on campus and classes were partly given through Zoom. The city of Jönköping is a city where many students live, and over 19.000 students are registered at the university of Jönköping. These students are in a crucial stage of their life where new experiences and changes are happening. This initiated the purpose of the study to research whether the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the grocery shopping practices of students pre and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Jönköping. To perform the research a qualitative study has been conducted. An interview was formulated after reviewing the literature to gather information from university students in Jönköping
- Published
- 2021
31. I allmänhetens intresse : Utvecklingen av allmänintresset i översiktsplanering 1987-2020
- Author
Ödfalk, Tim and Ödfalk, Tim
- Abstract
Konflikten mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen är central för fysisk planering. Fysik planering får sin legitimitet genom att vara den kraft som väger dessa intressen mot varandra och slår vakt om allmänhetens intressen. Särskilt i översiktsplanering, där en mångfald av intressen på en omfattande geografisk skala ska hanteras, är denna konflikt mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen tydlig. I takt med att allmänintressets teoretiska utgångspunkter har förändrats har dock idén om ett entydigt allmänintresse blivit alltmer ifrågasatt. De rationella, nyliberala samt postmoderna planeringsteorierna ger alla olika svar på vad allmänintresset är och hur den fysiska planeringen bör hantera det. Denna studie av allmänintressets planeringsteoretiska influenser genomförs i form av en kvalitativ textanalys där ett antal översiktsplaner från olika år studeras och ställs i förhållande till ett antal planeringsteorier. I analysen undersöks vilka planeringsteoretiska ställningstaganden som influerar hur allmänintressen definieras i översiktsplanerna, samt hur dessa definitioner har förändrats över tid. I den undersökta empirin observeras ett antal utvecklingar där allmänintresset alltmer blir influerat av postmodernism, men hanteras genom en fortsatt rationell planeringsprocess. Översiktsplanerna framställer allmänintresset som alltmer flertydigt och enskilda intressen ges mer uppmärksamhet i de senare översiktsplanerna. Det praktiska resultatet av detta verkar vara en mer försiktig översiktsplanering där allmänintressen i allt större uträckning formuleras vagt och opreciserat.
- Published
- 2021
32. Vertikala samtal om Jönköpings privilegiebrev [podcast]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
I årets första sommarpodd 2021 från Vertikals samtalar Johan Wangström med Anders Dybelius, lektor i historia på Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University. Samtalet handlar om Jönköpings privilegiebrev och striden om det, som nyligen avgjordes i Stockholms tingsrätt - då Landsarkivet i Vadstena fick rätt att förvara brevet, trots att det har funnits i Jönköpings ägo i nästan 750 år., Publicerad 28 juni 2021 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2021
33. Kampen om världens äldsta stadsprivilegiebrev – är sista ordet sagt? [bloggpost]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
Ingress: Traditioner är viktiga för vår identitet mer än vi tänker på och ingen tradition är sämre eller bättre än någon annan. Traditioner och sedvänjor tar tid att skapa, men är lätt att avskaffa. Efter detta pandemiår är det säkert många som längtar efter regelbundna sammankomster kopplade till sociala traditioner. Ett exempel på en sådan tradition för Jönköpingsborna är torghandeln, som trots pandemin inte har pausats. Den har en obruten linje sedan Magnus ”Ladulås” Birgerssons tid och stadens privilegiebrev från 1284, vilket gör att tanken svindlar – 737 år! Det är minst sagt en lång tradition med identitet., Publicerad 1 april 2021 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2021
34. Jönköping – berättelsen om en stad och dess omgivning [bloggpost]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
I den här bloggserien på nio avsnitt tar jag med dig på en resa i tid och rum och berättar om Jönköping och dess närområdes historia. Bloggserien tillägnas alla som har haft och har en relation till staden. När du läst avsnitten hoppas jag, att du bättre förstår varför Jönköping finns till och anledningen till att staden med omgivningar har förändrats samt varför stadsprivilegiebrevet är så viktigt för medborgarna., Den första bloggposten av nio i bloggserien "Jönköping – berättelsen om en stad och dess omgivning". Publicerad 16 augusti 2021 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2021
35. Jönköpings stads grundande [bloggpost]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
Så satt då kung Magnus ”ladulås” Birgersson på Alsnö i Mälaren den där torsdagen den 18 maj 1284 och undertecknade stadsprivilegierbrevet för Jönköpings stad. Ett stadsprivilegiebrev som troligen är världens äldst bevarade. Men varför blev Jönköping en stad?, Den andra bloggposten av nio i bloggserien "Jönköping – berättelsen om en stad och dess omgivning". Publicerad 18 augusti 2021 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2021
36. Vem har rätt till Sveriges äldsta stadsprivilegiebrev? [bloggpost]
- Author
Dybelius, Anders and Dybelius, Anders
- Abstract
Publicerad 18 mars 2021 på bloggen Vertikals.se.
- Published
- 2021
37. Kommuners arbete för att minska biltrafiken - Utmaningar och målkonflikter i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping
- Author
Rosager, Alva and Rosager, Alva
- Abstract
There is a great need to figure out how to reach our many ambitious climate goals. This thesis focuses on municipal goals concerning reducing car traffic, and studies three municipalities (Göteborg, Borlänge and Jönköping) who have all adopted clear goals concerning decreased car traffic. The aim of this thesis is to identify potential goal conflicts and challenges within the municipalities’ work towards reducing car traffic and to see how and if the goals are reflected in the operative municipal planning, as seen in detailed plans. The thesis uses complementary methods: eight interviews with municipal officials and a document study of fifteen detailed plans. The interviews clearly show that several different challenges and goal conflicts are present within all three of the municipalities, in slightly varying ways. The results from the document study are more mixed. There are signs pointing to the goals concerning reduced car traffic being reflected in the detailed plans, but there are also more “pragmatic” tendencies that promote car traffic. Further, the tendencies that show a willingness to work for densification and mixed-use development cannot necessarily be attributed to a desire to reduce car traffic, since this is not clearly expressed within the detailed plans., Att minska biltrafiken: varför är det så svårt? Många kommuner tar nu klimatförändringarna på allt större allvar, och många ambitiösa klimatmål sätts upp i landet. Studien som beskrivs här har fokuserat på kommunala mål om minskad biltrafik i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping och undersökt hur väl dessa mål fått genomslag, och vilka centrala utmaningar som finns inom arbetet. Alltså: hur kan det vara så svårt för kommuner som dessa att lyckas minska bilkörandet? Vi, globalt och i Sverige, måste minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. En mycket viktig del av detta är att ställa om till mer hållbara transporter, till exempel genom att minska biltrafiken. Den här studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för hur kommuner arbetar och tänker kring dessa frågor och vad som kan innebära hinder i arbetet. Studiens fokus var att undersöka de utmaningar och målkonflikter som kan ses i tre svenska kommuner (Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping) som har antagit ambitiösa mål om att minska biltrafiken. Studien ville också se om målen om minskad biltrafik har fått genomslag i de detaljplaner som kommunerna nyligen antagit. Detta är särskilt intressant då detaljplaner är de kommunala planer som är juridiskt bindande. Resultaten visar att det finns många målkonflikter och utmaningar gällande till exempel den politiska situationen, resursbrist, eller att det är svårt att hantera det arv som kommunens historia innebär. Vissa av utmaningarna är mer generella och återfinns i två eller alla tre av kommunerna medan andra, som till exempel de svårigheter det innebär för Jönköpings kommun att E4:an går rakt genom staden, är mer specifika för just den kommunen. Man kan se i kommunernas detaljplaner att det finns tendenser som visar på viljan att minska biltrafiken, men dessa är inte helt övertygande då det också finns tendenser åt andra hållet som främjar biltrafiken. Detta genom till exempel breddning av gator och att kommunerna jobbar för att det ska finnas gott om bilparkering. Studiens resultat kan v
- Published
- 2021
38. Report Summarizes CDC and FDA Study Findings from Jonkoping International Business School (External Enablers In Existing Organizations: Emergence, Novelty, and Persistence of Entrepreneurial Initiatives).
- Abstract
Keywords for this news article include: Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, CDC and FDA, Jonkoping International Business School. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; CDC and FDA EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe CDC and FDA 923 923 1 04/24/23 20230428 NES 230428 2023 APR 30 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA -- New research on CDC and FDA is the subject of a report. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
39. Researchers from Jonkoping University Report Findings in Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions (Primary Care Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Eligible for Nurse-led Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: Characteristics...).
- Subjects
BEHAVIOR therapy ,VASOMOTOR conditioning ,COGNITIVE therapy ,CARDIOVASCULAR diseases ,PRIMARY care - Abstract
Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Cardiology; Cardiovascular; Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions; Cardiovascular Research; Health and Medicine; Psychological; Therapy EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Cardiology Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions Cardiovascular Research Health and Medicine Psychological Therapy 599 599 1 04/24/23 20230425 NES 230425 2023 APR 24 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Cardiovascular Week -- Data detailed on Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions have been presented. The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Jonkoping University, "Motives and expectations were collected through interviews (n = 19) and analysed using the "personas" model. For more information on this research see: Primary Care Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Eligible for Nurse-led Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: Characteristics and Motives for Participation. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
40. Researchers from Section of Neurology Detail Findings in Multiple Sclerosis (Original Oct and Vep Correlate To Disability In Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis).
- Subjects
Keywords for this news article include: Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System, CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease, Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions, Health and Medicine, Immune System Diseases and Conditions, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Neurology, Section of Neurology. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions; Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System; CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease; Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions; Health and Medicine; Immune System Diseases and Conditions; Multiple Sclerosis; Neuroimmunology; Neurology EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions Health and Medicine Immune System Diseases and Conditions Multiple Sclerosis Neuroimmunology Neurology 6101 6101 1 03/27/23 20230331 NES 230331 2023 MAR 31 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Medical Imaging Week -- Current study results on Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions - Multiple Sclerosis have been published. Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions, Autoimmune Diseases and Conditions of the Nervous System, CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Disease, Demyelinating Diseases and Conditions, Health and Medicine, Immune System Diseases and Conditions, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Neurology. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
41. New Findings from Jonkoping University Describe Advances in Nursing (Discussing Racism In Healthcare: a Qualitative Study of Reflections By Graduate Nursing Students).
- Abstract
The news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained from Elzana Odzakovic, Jonkoping University, School of Health and Welfare, Dept. of Nursing, Jonkoping, Sweden. Keywords: Jonkoping; Sweden; Europe; Nursing; Health and Medicine EN Jonkoping Sweden Europe Nursing Health and Medicine 3383 3383 1 03/23/23 20230324 NES 230324 2023 MAR 24 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Health & Medicine Week -- Researchers detail new data in Health and Medicine - Nursing. Keywords for this news article include: Jonkoping, Sweden, Europe, Nursing, Health and Medicine, Jonkoping University. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2023
42. Effekter som idrottsevenemang har på en destination : En studie av idrottsevenemangs effekter och hur de påverkar Jönköpings utveckling.
- Author
Ehrlander, Sandra and Ehrlander, Sandra
- Abstract
Idrottsevenemang används ofta för att attrahera turister till en destination. Jönköping har med framgångsrika arrangörer, föreningar och destinationsbolag etablerat sig som en idrottsevenemangs stad. Dessa evenemang har bidragit med olika hållbara effekter till destinatioen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur idrottsevenemang har påverkat Jönköpings utveckling. Det har genomförts elva intervjuer med personer som är verksamma i Jönköping och undersökningen har kartlagt hur Jönköping arbetar med idrottsturism samt vilka hållbara ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga effekter som idrottsevenemang lämnar kvar på destinationen.
- Published
- 2020
43. Ett prioriterat eller eftersatt område? : En fallstudie om hur arbete mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål styrs och utförs nationellt, regionalt och lokalt i Sverige
- Author
Jacobsson, Amanda, Åblad, Sara, Jacobsson, Amanda, and Åblad, Sara
- Abstract
Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is by the government seen as a problem in the society that needs to be defeated. Since the year 1999, purchasing sexual services has been illegal in Sweden, and since the year 2002 there is also a law concerning human trafficking. Despite legislation and many other efforts, prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is still widespread in Sweden. Through a case study, this paper investigates how work against prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is governed and performed on a national level in Sweden, as well as on a regional and local level in Jönköping. This has been investigated through collection and analysis of documents created by organizations that influence the police and social services work in this area. Beyond this, three interviews with professionals in the police and social services have been conducted. The result has then been analysed on the basis of institutional theory which illustrates that an organization's quest for stability can stand in the way of achieving change. The results of the thesis show that there is a clear adherence with governing directives at the national level, but that the adherence is lacking at the regional and local levels. This can be explained on the basis that work against prostitution and human trafficking has not previously been a priority issue at the governing level, which has led to the work being neglected at regional and local level., Prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål ses av regeringen som ett samhällsproblem som måste bekämpas. Sedan år 1999 har köp av sexuella tjänster varit olagliga i Sverige och sedan år 2002 finns även en människohandelslagstiftning. Trots lagstiftning och flertalet övriga insatser finns idag prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål utbredd i Sverige. Genom en fallstudie undersöks hur arbete mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål styrs och utförs nationellt i Sverige samt regionalt och lokalt i Jönköping. Detta har undersökts genom insamling och analys av dokument skapade av organisationer som påverkar polisen och socialtjänstens arbete rörande området i Jönköpings kommun. Utöver detta har även tre intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom polis och socialtjänst genomförts. Resultatet har sedan analyserats utifrån institutionell teori vilken belyser att en organisations strävan efter stabilitet kan stå i vägen för att uppnå en förändring. Uppsatsens resultat visar att det finns en tydlig efterföljsamhet av styrande direktiv på nationell nivå men att efterföljsamheten brister på regional och lokal nivå. Detta kan förklaras utifrån att arbete mot prostitution och människohandel tidigare inte varit en prioriterad fråga på styrande nivå vilket lett till att arbetet på regional och lokal nivå blivit eftersatt.
- Published
- 2020
44. Kanalplan : ett gestaltningsförslag för urban natur öster om Munksjön
- Author
Eknor, Helga and Eknor, Helga
- Abstract
Detta examensarbete tar avstamp i det stadsomvandlingsprojekt som pågår kring de två sjöarna Munksjön och Rocksjön i Jönköpings kommun. Målet med arbetet är att utveckla ett gestaltningsförslag för den nya, av kommunen planerade, stadsdelen Öster Munksjön och dess nya centrala nod Kanalplan. I fokus för gestaltningsförslaget är att det grundar sig i de platsspecifika förutsättningarna med särskilt fokus på ekologiska värden samt att arbetet ska bidra med kunskap om hur förståelsen för ekologiska processer kan verka vägledande vid planering och gestaltning av urbana miljöer. Arbetet erbjuder ett sätt att bevara och utveckla befintliga ekosystem och habitat för områdets flora och fauna samtidigt som det möter framtidens urbana behov genom den övergripande planeringen för områdets trafikstruktur, kvartersstruktur och grönstruktur som tar hänsyn till, samt tar tillvara på, befintliga naturtypers möjligheter att tillhandahålla urbana ekosystemtjänster. Examensarbetets olika delar adresserar arbetets olika frågeställningar. Medan det första kapitlet presenterar introduktionen diskuterar det andra kapitlet arbetets kontext som innefattar en utredning och presentation av projektområdet samt för kommunens utvecklingsplaner för området. Särskilt fokus läggs på att definiera dess befintliga ekologiska värden. I kapitel tre presenteras arbetets teoretiska ramverk som utgår från konceptet ekologisk urbanism. Konceptet studeras för att undersöka idén om att det som uppfattas som urbant behöver anpassas för att nå ett dynamiskt och integrerat socialt ekologiskt tillstånd. Kapitel fyra presenterar gestaltningsförslaget som omfattar omvandlingen av stadsdelen Öster Munksjön och Kanalplan. Förslaget uppmärksammar rumsliga lösningar för hur områdets ekologiska värden kan förstärkas och integreras i omvandlingen av området. Slutligen, i examensarbetets sista kapitel, återvänder fokus till arbetets övergripande mål och syfte. I tillägg diskuteras även reflektioner över arbetsprocessen s, This thesis takes its starting point in the urban transformation project that is currently underway in the area surrounding the two lakes Munksjön and Rocksjön in the municipality of Jönköping. The aim of the thesis is to develop a design proposal for the new, and by the municipality planned, city district of Öster Munksjön and its new central node Kanalplan. Elements in focus for the proposal are that it is based in the site-specific conditions with a particular emphasis on ecological values and that the work should contribute with knowledge of how the understanding of ecological processes can act as a guide in planning and design of urban environments. The work offers a way to preserve and develop existing ecosystems and habitats for the area’s flora and fauna while meeting the urban needs of the future through the overall planning for the area’s traffic structure, neighborhood structure and green structure that takes into account, and takes advantage of, existing natural elements opportunities to provide urban ecosystem services. The chapters each address different parts of the thesis’ problem statements and guiding questions. While the first chapter presents the introduction, the second chapter presents the context of the thesis, which includes an investigation and presentation of the project area as well as the municipality’s development plans for the area. Special focus is placed on defining its existing ecological values. Chapter three presents the theoretical framework of the work, which is based on the concept of ecological urbanism. The concept is studied to investigate the idea that what is perceived as urban needs to be adapted to achieve a dynamic and integrated social ecological state. Chapter four presents the design proposal, which includes the transformation of the city district of Öster Munksjön and Kanalplan. The proposal draws attention to spatial solutions for how the area’s ecological values can be strengthened and integrated into the transform
- Published
- 2020
45. Shaping a regional offline eSports market : Understanding how Jönköping, the ‘City of DreamHack’, takes URL to IRL
- Author
McCauley, Brian, Tierney, Kieran, Tokbaeva, Dinara, McCauley, Brian, Tierney, Kieran, and Tokbaeva, Dinara
- Abstract
Globally, eSports is growing in influence in media. However, it represents a unique phenomenon in the modern mediascape as it is expanding beyond the online digital world and becoming interwoven in the offline, physical world. Jönköping, a mid-sized Swedish city that hosts the DreamHack winter and summer events, provides the setting for how this offline context is being facilitated and shaped to maximize the benefits of eSports’ increasing cultural relevance and value. By conceptualizing the local eSports scene as a market, this article synthesizes 17 interviews with local actors to answer the question: What offline actions do actors engage in to facilitate and shape the local eSports market? This article provides actionable insights from a strategic media management perspective that can enable others to engage with and develop local offline eSports markets to provide a platform for media creation., Special Issue: e-Sports in Media Management.
- Published
- 2020
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46. Root-filled teeth and recurrent caries-A study of three repeated cross-sectional samples from the city of Jönköping, Sweden.
- Author
Frisk, Fredrik, Merdad, Khalid, Reit, Claes, Hugoson, Anders, and Birkhed, Dowen
- Subjects
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DENTAL fillings , *TOOTH roots , *DENTAL caries , *CROSS-sectional method , *ENDODONTICS , *DENTAL radiography - Abstract
Objective. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that root-filled teeth are at a higher caries risk than non-root-filled teeth. Materials and methods. Two sub-samples from epidemiologically obtained data collected in 1983, 1993 and 2003 in the city of Jönköping, Sweden, were analysed. All the participants were examined clinically and radiographically and the type of filling and the presence or absence of caries were recorded. Sub-sample 1 comprised 832 individuals (9202 teeth) aged 20-70 years with at least eight premolars/molars. In sub-sample 2, 163 subjects (577 teeth) with only one or two decayed tooth surfaces and at least one tooth with full crown coverage were analysed. Results . Logistic regression analysis found that root-filled teeth were predictive of recurrent caries when controlling for the type of restoration in sub-sample 1 (OR == 1.68; 1.41-2.0; CI 95%) and sub-sample 2 (OR == 2.20; 1.07-4.52; CI 95%). Conclusion . In support of the suggested hypothesis, the data revealed a significant association between root-filled teeth and recurrent caries. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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47. Faith, superstition and witchcraft in Reformation Scandinavia.
- Abstract
In a book of sermons, published in 1592, the Lutheran bishop of Stavanger, Jørgen Erickssøn, pointed out the unambiguous connection between superstition and witchcraft. He blamed the papists for trying to teach the peasantry that they could subdue storms through the burning of consecrated herbs and suppress the forces released by the devil with incense. This was nothing but ‘sheer idolatry and witchcraft’ which Man had been forbidden to use. The view of Jørgen Erickssøn coincided with that of the fathers of the Reformation, Luther and Calvin. For both reformers, the fight against superstition and its instigators on one hand, and the persecution of witches on the other, represented identical concerns: the need to expose the false play of the devil. Superstition was contrasted with the true religion. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when this concept was used in Denmark against remnants of Catholic ideas and more generally about every deviation from official doctrine, it was directly inspired by Luther's view of the mass, purgatory, the sacraments, fasts, worship of saints, baptism of bells and wax candles, worship of relics, indulgences and pilgrimages. Luther considered such rites to be superstitious, because believers did not put their faith in God alone. Theologically the early Danish reformers were rooted in Christian humanism rather than Lutheranism. This can be seen from several of their writings from the early 1530s. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 1995
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48. Paremman elämän toivossa: Smoolannin siirtolaispappi muistelee
- Author
Komulainen, Timo
- Subjects
Värnamo ,Gislaved ,Jönköping ,siirtolaispappi ,Artikkelit ,Smoolanti - Abstract
1970-luvun alussa asuimme Hauholla, kauniissa, turvallisessa ja ystävällisessä maalaispitäjässä, jossa elettiin vielä yhtenäiskulttuurin ilmapiirissä. Samalla elettiin kuitenkin muutoksen aikaa. Maalta hakeuduttiin työn perässä kaupunkeihin, myös Ruotsiin muutto oli kiihtynyt. Nuori perheemme tempautui mukaan tähän muutokseen. Halusimme laajentaa elämänpiiriämme ja saada uusia haasteita. Niinpä mekin Annelin kanssa päätimme lähteä Ruotsiin, Jönköpingiin, mistä minulle oli tarjottu siirtolaispapin paikka.
- Published
- 2017
49. A prioritised or neglected area? : A case study about how work against prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is governed and performed on a national, regional and local level in Sweden
- Author
Jacobsson, Amanda and Åblad, Sara
- Subjects
polis ,police ,Public Administration Studies ,Studier av offentlig förvaltning ,människohandel för sexuella ändamål ,styrande direktiv ,Jönköping ,governing directives ,prostitution ,case study ,efterföljsamhet ,social services ,socialtjänst ,fallstudie ,institutionell teori ,human trafficking for sexual purposes ,adherence ,institutional theory - Abstract
Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is by the government seen as a problem in the society that needs to be defeated. Since the year 1999, purchasing sexual services has been illegal in Sweden, and since the year 2002 there is also a law concerning human trafficking. Despite legislation and many other efforts, prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is still widespread in Sweden. Through a case study, this paper investigates how work against prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes is governed and performed on a national level in Sweden, as well as on a regional and local level in Jönköping. This has been investigated through collection and analysis of documents created by organizations that influence the police and social services work in this area. Beyond this, three interviews with professionals in the police and social services have been conducted. The result has then been analysed on the basis of institutional theory which illustrates that an organization's quest for stability can stand in the way of achieving change. The results of the thesis show that there is a clear adherence with governing directives at the national level, but that the adherence is lacking at the regional and local levels. This can be explained on the basis that work against prostitution and human trafficking has not previously been a priority issue at the governing level, which has led to the work being neglected at regional and local level. Prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål ses av regeringen som ett samhällsproblem som måste bekämpas. Sedan år 1999 har köp av sexuella tjänster varit olagliga i Sverige och sedan år 2002 finns även en människohandelslagstiftning. Trots lagstiftning och flertalet övriga insatser finns idag prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål utbredd i Sverige. Genom en fallstudie undersöks hur arbete mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål styrs och utförs nationellt i Sverige samt regionalt och lokalt i Jönköping. Detta har undersökts genom insamling och analys av dokument skapade av organisationer som påverkar polisen och socialtjänstens arbete rörande området i Jönköpings kommun. Utöver detta har även tre intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom polis och socialtjänst genomförts. Resultatet har sedan analyserats utifrån institutionell teori vilken belyser att en organisations strävan efter stabilitet kan stå i vägen för att uppnå en förändring. Uppsatsens resultat visar att det finns en tydlig efterföljsamhet av styrande direktiv på nationell nivå men att efterföljsamheten brister på regional och lokal nivå. Detta kan förklaras utifrån att arbete mot prostitution och människohandel tidigare inte varit en prioriterad fråga på styrande nivå vilket lett till att arbetet på regional och lokal nivå blivit eftersatt.
- Published
- 2020
50. Sammanfattning av aktiviteter utförda inom det Biogeografiska uppföljningssystemet för vedlevande evertebrater 2012-2018 och framtida planer inom systemet.
- Author
Jansson, Nicklas and Jansson, Nicklas
- Abstract
Denna rapport behandlar de aktiviteter som utförts under åren 2012-19 kring de 14 vedlevande evertebrater (12 skalbaggar, en skinnbagge och en klokrypare) som omfattas av EU:s art- och habitatdirektiv. Detta innebär bl.a. att tillståndet för arterna och naturtyperna skall rapporteras in till EU vart sjätte år. Nästa rapportering skall ske under 2019. Det biogeografiska uppföljningssystemet syftar bl.a. till att ta fram den information som fattas för att kunna göra dessa rapporteringar. Det startades upp år 2010 med att ta fram uppföljningsförlag för de ingående arterna. Under åren 2012 till 2018 har metodik testats och uppföljningar av arternas populationer och habitat utförts. Elva av delsystemets arter omfattas av sk. Åtgärdsprogram. Inventering och övervakning spelar en betydande roll i åtgärdsprogrammen för arterna varför stora samordningsvinster kan erhållas för den biogeografiska uppföljningen av detta delsystem., This report summaries the monitoring during 2012-2018 of 14 wood living invertebrates listed in the EU Habitats Directive (12 coleptera, Osmoderma eremita and one Pseudoscorpiones). The status of species and habitats in the directive should be reported to EU every six years. Next reporting will be in 2019. The monitoring is part of the so called “biogeographic monitoring system” and aims, among other things, to generate the information needed to make these reports. It was started in 2010 with the development of monitoring plans for the included species. During the years 2012 to 2018, methods have been tested and monitoring of the species' populations and habitats have been carried out. Eleven of the fourteen species are covered by so-called action plans for threatened species. Inventory and monitoring play a significant role in the action plans for the species, which is why large benefits can be obtained by coordination between the programs for the action plans and the biogeographic monitoring for these species.
- Published
- 2019
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