287 results on '"Malte"'
Search Results
2. Modern Regionalism in the Mediterranean – Hans Munk Hansen’s Mellieħa Holiday Centre, Malta (1977–79).
- Author
Thake, Conrad
- Subjects
Copyright of African & Mediterranean Journal of Architecture & Urbanism (AMJAU) is the property of Ecole Nationale d'Architecture and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
3. Melitensia. Estudio visual de espacios de creación malteses y narrativas de sus propietarios.
- Author
- Subjects
CULTURAL values ,OLDER people ,AESTHETICS ,ENDANGERED species ,CITIES & towns - Abstract
Copyright of Communiars: Revista de Imagen, Artes y Educación Crítica y Social is the property of Communiars: Revista de Imagen, Artes y Educacion Critica y Social and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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4. Ulva L. biodiversity in the central Mediterranean Sea: cryptic species and new records.
- Author
Bartolo, Angela G., Zammit, Gabrielle, and Küpper, Frithjof C.
- Abstract
Ulva L. species are problematic to identify since they have cryptic morphologies with few distinctive features, as well as significant intraspecific variation. In this study, we report two new records for the Maltese islands: the heterokont benthic multicellular algae Ulva torta (Mertens) Trevisan and Ulva californica Wille, which were isolated and grown in culture from incubated natural substrata. This study includes an integrative systematics approach using both morphology and barcode sequencing of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), the chloroplast RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene and the elongation factor Tu (tufA). Subsequent phylogenetic analyses, supported the separation of these two species from other closely-related congeners that have previously been reported from the Maltese islands. Biodiversité des Ulva L. en Méditerranée centrale: espèces cryptiques et signalements nouveaux. Certaines espèces d'Ulva L. sont difficiles à identifier car elles sont cryptiques, soit par manque de caractères distinctifs, soit en raison de variation phénotypique intraspécifique. Cette étude documente deux nouvelles espèces pour les îles maltaises: les algues multicellulaires benthiques hétérokontes Ulva torta (Mertens) Trevisan et Ulva californica Wille, qui ont été isolées et cultivées en culture à partir de substrats naturels incubés. Cette étude comprend une approche intégrative utilisant la morphologie aussi bien que le séquençage d'ADN de la région de l'espaceur transcrit interne nucléaire (ITS) (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), du gène chloroplastique RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) et du facteur d'élongation Tu (tufA). Ces deux espèces ont été séparées de leurs proches congénères des îles maltaises grâce aux analyses phylogénétiques. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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5. Agents du Duce. Les consuls italiens en Corse et à Malte pendant le fascisme
- Author
Deborah Paci
- Subjects
Corse ,Malte ,consuls ,fascisme italien ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
RÉSUMÉ Cet article vise à réflechir sur le rôle joué par les consuls italiens dans la transmission de la propagande fasciste en Corse et à Malte. Il s’agit essentiellement de se questionner sur la communication politique établie entre le gouvernement fasciste et les consuls en poste dans les deux îles, en se penchant tout spécialement sur le rôle joué par ces consuls en tant qu’agents d’information.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Brewery wastes as an alternative substrate for the production of Ganoderma lucidum.
- Author
Claudia Chimini, Ana, Gomes Martins, Olívia, de Souza Passos, José Raimundo, and Andrade, Meire
- Subjects
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GANODERMA lucidum , *MALT , *BAGASSE , *BREWERIES , *SCIENCE publishing - Abstract
Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Krast is a basidiomycete of the family Ganodermataceae, whose production is on the increase due to its medicinal attributes. However, most scientific research published in Brazil is related to nutraceuctic and medicinal properties of G. lucidum with scanty reference to culture technology. Analysis of the potentiality of malt bagasse, a residue from the brewery industry, in the culture of G. lucidum is to make viable the use of the material for the production of a type of highly aggregated food (mushrooms). The potential of malt bagasse was tested at different proportions (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%, dry base, treatments T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively) with substrates for the culture of Ganoderma lucidum to evaluate the mass of fresh basidium and the substrate's chemical characteristics. In the case of produced mass, treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4 did not differ statistically, with rates between 40.0 and 47.6 g, above treatment T5, with mean 23 g, differing statistically from the others. Substrate's chemical characterization revealed pH increase according to use of malt bagasse which may have caused a decrease in productivity in treatment T5. Results show that malt bagasse within the proposed conditions may be used as a supplement up to 15%, with satisfactory productivity of G. lucidum. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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7. Les privilèges plutôt que l’orthodoxie. L’Inquisition à Malte et sa lutte pour le pouvoir pendant la Contre-Réforme.
- Author
Solera, Dennj
- Abstract
Copyright of Revue Historique (0035-3264) is the property of Presses Universitaires de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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8. Secularisation and intimate relationships in a Catholic community: Is Malta a resistant niche?
- Author
Deguara, Angele
- Subjects
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SECULARIZATION , *LGBTQ+ couples , *RELIGIOUS adherents , *SAME-sex relationships , *COMMUNITIES , *MODERN society , *CATHOLICS , *DIVORCE - Abstract
This study explores secularisation in a traditionally Catholic community through the analysis of intimate relationships which fall outside Catholic morality. It gives an indication of how individuals in contemporary society perceive Church teachings on sexuality in terms of the relationship choices they make. The research draws upon 2 years of fieldwork carried out with Drachma LGBTI, a space where lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI) people of faith may explore and deepen their spirituality. I also conducted 35 in-depth interviews with LGBT and non-LGBT individuals whose lifestyle runs counter to official Church teachings on sexuality, despite their Catholic faith that is, who are in a same-sex relationship or else divorced, cohabiting or in a civil marriage. The study revealed that while informants may disregard Church teachings on matters of sexuality, their reconstructed sexual morality is still embedded within a Catholic framework. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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9. La pittura di epoca antonina a Ostia tra archeometria e restauro virtuale: rintracciare i pittori, capire i contesti
- Author
EFR - École française de Rome, Tomassini, Paolo, EFR - École française de Rome, and Tomassini, Paolo
- Abstract
Il patrimonio pittorico di Ostia, si sa, è uno dei più importanti al mondo per la quantità e la varietà di attestazioni conservate, offrendo una panoramica completa della storia della pittura romana per più di sette secoli, dalla Repubblica alla tarda antichità. La seconda metà del II secolo dopo Cristo, in particolare, rappresenta per Ostia il periodo in cui la pittura è stata maggiormente influenzata dal contesto socio-economico, architettonico e urbanistico nel quale si inserice. Infatti, il periodo successivo alla “rivoluzione urbana” degli anni 120-140 è un momento particolarmente vivace nella storia della pittura ostiense.Il presente contributo tenta di mettere in relazione dei contesti apparentemente diversi tra loro, identifiando pratiche comuni dal punto di vista della tecnica esecutiva e dei processi di realizzazione della decorazione, ipotizzando in alcuni casi l'operato degli stessi pittori. Il quadro che emerge è particolarmente articolato, in cui pitture apparentemente molto diverse sono opera di un medesimo progetto decorativo e condividono lo stesso repertorio, articolato in modo più o meno complesso a seconda del contesto e della committenza.
- Published
- 2023
10. Al di sotto della pellicola pittorica: riflessioni sulla presenza di pigmenti nell’intonachino di alcune pitture ostiensi
- Author
UCL - SSH/INCA - Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres, EFR - École française de Rome, Tomassini, Paolo, Marano, Martina, UCL - SSH/INCA - Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres, EFR - École française de Rome, Tomassini, Paolo, and Marano, Martina
- Abstract
L’intento di questo contributo è quello di indagare, attraverso alcuni casi studio da Ostia antica, una particolare tecnica nell’esecuzione pittorica di epoca romana, che consiste nell’applicare come ultimo strato di preparazione, il cd. intonachino, una malta colorata di rosso o giallo; nella pittura di Ostia, questo sottostrato colorato si riscontra in diversi contesti pittorici coevi, databili alla seconda metà del I sec. d.C., indipendentemente dal colore di fondo che gli viene steso sopra. Quali funzioni può avere questa colorazione? Limitare la quantità di pigmento facilitando la stesura del colore? Creare un effetto cromatico particolare? Dare maggior lucentezza alla superfice?
- Published
- 2023
11. Identifying the Knights. Database Management and Authority Files for Person and Family Names in HMML’s Reading Room
- Author
Gullo, Daniel K.
- Subjects
base de données ,databases ,Malta ,métadonnées ,noblesse ,metadata ,Malte ,nobility ,archives - Abstract
Identifying the early modern members of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem remains difficult due to the lack of an online database or any other search tool including the members of the Order from each of the Langues. This situation is compounded by the diverse languages, naming traditions, and by the repeated use of first names and family names by successive generations in aristocratic families. To overcome this challenge when cataloging archival material, the Malta Study Center has adopted the Resource Description and Access (RDA) standards to catalogue the collections that have been microfilmed or digitized by the Malta Study Center since 1973. The use of authority files for personal and family names in modern databases, such as the HMML Reading Room, will provide researchers with advanced metadata resources to find members of the Order across different libraries and archives. L’identification des membres de l’ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem de l’époque moderne est difficile, en raison de l’absence d’une base de données en ligne ou d’un autre instrument de recherche qui inclut les membres de l’Ordre dans chacune des Langues. Cette situation est aggravée par la diversité des Langues, des traditions de dénomination et de l’utilisation répétée des prénoms et noms par les membres des familles nobles au fil des générations. Pour surmonter cette difficulté lors du catalogage des documents d’archives, le Malta Study Center a adopté les normes RDA (Resource Description and Access) lors du catalogage des collections microfilmées ou numérisées par le Malta Study Center depuis 1973. L’utilisation de fichiers d’autorité pour les noms de personnes et de familles dans les bases de données modernes, telles que la salle de lecture du HMML, permettra aux chercheurs de disposer de ressources de métadonnées avancées pour trouver des membres de l’Ordre dans différentes bibliothèques et archives.
- Published
- 2023
12. The Maltese Nobilities and the Order of St. John. A New Approach
- Author
Galizia, Anton Caruana
- Subjects
Malta ,noblesse ,stratégies familiales ,Malte ,nobility ,Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem ,family strategies ,Order of St. John ,de Piro - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to explore a fresh approach to the study of the interrelationship between the Order of St. John and elite Maltese households within a socio-historical framework. It interrogates the ways in which the family strategies of these households reflected their attempts to place their youngest sons with the Order of St. John. The analysis put forward is based on a case study on one noble Maltese household, the de Piro, during the eighteenth century. By analyzing the strategies set up by the de Piro and the career trajectories of several male individuals, this paper demonstrates how membership of the Order of St. John created a tension between the social aspirations and ambitions of these households and the prerogative to secure this household’s fortune for future generations. The example treated here describes one attempt to resolve these tensions, as well as the contingencies that had an impact on their success. In the process, this paper suggests how this approach can generate further research into the social history of the Maltese islands during the centuries of Hospitaller rule. L’article explore une nouvelle approche des interrelations entre l’ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem et les familles de l’élite maltaise dans un cadre socio-historique. Il interroge les façons dont les stratégies familiales de ces ménages ont reflété leurs tentatives de placer des fils cadets dans l’ordre de Malte. L’analyse s’appuie sur l’étude d’une famille noble maltaise, les de Piro, au xviiie siècle. En analysant les stratégies des de Piro, et les trajectoires de carrière de certains hommes, cet article démontre comment l’appartenance à l’Ordre a créé une tension entre les aspirations et ambitions sociales de cette famille et la prérogative d’assurer sa fortune à venir. L’exemple traité ici décrit une tentative de résoudre ces tensions, ainsi que les contingences qui ont eu un impact sur leur succès. L’article suggère comment cette approche peut inspirer d’autres travaux en histoire sociale sur l’archipel maltais au temps des Hospitaliers.
- Published
- 2023
13. On a Bryophyte Collection from the Maltese Islands.
- Author
Schäfer-Verwimp, Alfons and Verwimp, Inge
- Subjects
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During a recent visit of the Maltese Islands Malta and Gozo in January 2018, some 200 collections of bryophytes have been done representing one species of hornworts, 14 species of liverworts and 49 species of mosses, among these six first records (Riccia ciliata Hoffm., Targionia lorbeeriana Müll.Frib., Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp., Cheilothela chloropus (Brid.) K.Saito, Ephemerum recurvifolium (Dicks.) Boulay, and Tortula cuneifolia (Dicks.) Turner). Riccia ciliifera Link ex Lindenb., Riccia crozalsii Levier and Acaulon muticum (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. have been redetected after more than 100 years, and the occurrence of three very recently reported species (Cephaloziella baumgartneri Schiffn., Astomum crispum (Hedw.) Hampe and Tortula vahliana (Schultz) Mont.) has been confirmed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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14. Al di sotto della pellicola pittorica: riflessioni sulla presenza di pigmenti nell’intonachino di alcune pitture ostiensi
- Author
Tomassini, Paolo, Marano, Martina, UCL - SSH/INCA - Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres, and EFR - École française de Rome
- Subjects
processi esecutivi ,pigmenti ,pittori ,tecnica pittorica ,Pittura romana ,malte - Abstract
L’intento di questo contributo è quello di indagare, attraverso alcuni casi studio da Ostia antica, una particolare tecnica nell’esecuzione pittorica di epoca romana, che consiste nell’applicare come ultimo strato di preparazione, il cd. intonachino, una malta colorata di rosso o giallo; nella pittura di Ostia, questo sottostrato colorato si riscontra in diversi contesti pittorici coevi, databili alla seconda metà del I sec. d.C., indipendentemente dal colore di fondo che gli viene steso sopra. Quali funzioni può avere questa colorazione? Limitare la quantità di pigmento facilitando la stesura del colore? Creare un effetto cromatico particolare? Dare maggior lucentezza alla superfice?
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Ricci, Roberto
- Abstract
Copyright of Archeologia dell'Architettura is the property of Edizioni all'Insegna del Giglio and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Ricci, Paola, Germinario, Chiara, and Lubritto, Carmine
- Subjects
RADIOCARBON dating ,BINDING agents ,LIME (Minerals) ,CARBONATES - Abstract
Copyright of Archeologia dell'Architettura is the property of Edizioni all'Insegna del Giglio and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Pesce, Giovanni L.
- Subjects
RADIOCARBON dating ,MORTARS & pestles ,LIME (Minerals) ,ARCHAEOLOGICAL dating ,RADIOACTIVE dating - Abstract
Copyright of Archeologia dell'Architettura is the property of Edizioni all'Insegna del Giglio and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
18. Adubação nitrogenada e inoculação com Azospirillum brasilense em cevada.
- Author
Ribeiro BARZOTTO, Gustavo, Ferreira LIMA, Sebastião, Feliciano SANTOS, Osvaldir, Luiz PIATI, Gabriel, and Roberto WASSOLOWSKI, Carlos
- Abstract
Copyright of Nativa is the property of Revista Nativa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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19. On reading the 'Duino Elegies' by Rainer Maria Rilke
- Author
Barbara Surowska
- Subjects
figure of a doll and an angel ,Dingedicht ,Malte ,Sonnets ,Elegies ,Weltinnenraum ,bird flight ,prematurely dead ,saints ,reclusive love ,Eros ,death ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian languages ,PG1-9665 - Abstract
The article discusses the book Rycerz i śmierć written by Katarzyna Kuczyńska-Koschany. The book includes essays on Reiner Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies published earlier that have been revised and updated. The poem cycle called the Duino Elegies is composed of ten separate poems written in 1912, 1913, 1915 and 1922, i.e. at the peak period of the poet’s imagination and mental activity. The reviewer provides a detailed analysis the first four chapters of the book in which three elegies written before the outbreak of the first war, and the fourth that originated when the war was raging on, are presented. The reviewer appreciates the author’s careful preparation for the book and the ambitious agenda of the author to describe in a synthetic form, for the first time in Poland, the whole cycle of Rilke’s elegies with their Polish translations along with their quality evaluation and comparison taken into consideration, as well as some presentations of German interpretations from prominent specialists in the life and the literary output of Rilke. However, the reviewer is not ready to buy all of the author’s claims and points at numerous, perhaps too numerous, errors, distortions in facts and erroneous reading of the original texts written in German, which, to a high degree, lowers the perceived quality of the discussed book.
- Published
- 2012
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20. Artistic and symbolic elements of the Maltese luzzu
- Author
Akrivopoulou, Efthymia and Muñoz, Irene
- Subjects
Symbolisme des couleurs ,luzzu ,Malta ,Malte ,construction navale ,Colour symbolism ,General Medicine ,oculi ,nautical ethnography ,ethnographie navale - Abstract
Almost in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, the Maltese islands provide harbours for various types of traditional fishing boat. One of these types, and the focus of this research, is the luzzu. Decorated with different colours and symbols, the once prominent luzzu is today found in only a few harbours. Using in situ research, these boats were studied to understand how the symbolism of their decorations might have changed throughout the years. Situé au centre de la mer Méditerranée, l’archipel maltais offre une multitude de ports pour divers types de bateaux de pêche traditionnels. L’une de ces embarcations, objet de cette recherche, est le luzzu. Décoré de nombreuses couleurs et de symboles variés, le luzzu autrefois très courant ne se trouve plus aujourd’hui que dans quelques ports. Par le biais de recherches effectuées sur le terrain, ces bateaux ont été étudiés pour percevoir comment le symbolisme de leurs décorations a pu évoluer au fil des ans.
- Published
- 2021
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21. Babels : enquêtes sur la condition migrante
- Author
Agier, Michel, Le Courant, Stefan, Barnier, Sarah, Barré, Céline, Bernardie-Tahir, Nathalie, Bontemps, Véronique, Bouagga, Yasmine, Casella Colombeau, Sara, Dahdah, Asaf, Gardesse, Camille, Gerbier Aublanc, Marjorie, Guenebeaud, Camille, Kobelinsky, Carolina, Makaremi, Chowra, Masson-Diez, Evangeline, Mazouz, S., Puig, Nicolas, Schmoll, Camille, Sciences Economiques et Sociales de la Santé & Traitement de l'Information Médicale (SESSTIM - U1252 INSERM - Aix Marseille Univ - UMR 259 IRD), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Unite de recherche migrations et sociétés (URMIS), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS), and COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR205-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Subjects
MAROC ,FRANCE ,MALTE ,DANEMARK ,[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography ,HONGRIE ,[SHS.ANTHRO-SE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology ,BULGARIE ,GRECE ,[SHS.SCIPO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science ,LIBAN ,SYRIE ,TURQUIE ,ITALIE ,ALLEMAGNE ,TUNISIE - Abstract
A partir de 2015, une quarantaine de chercheuses et chercheurs en sciences sociales se sont mobilisés pour comprendre la 'crise migratoire' en France, en Europe et en Méditerranée. De Lesbos à Calais, de Beyrouth à Berlin, de Lampedusa à Paris, ils ont suivi les parcours des exilé·es poussé·es sur les routes par les troubles politiques, sociaux, environnementaux. Les relations qui lient ces migrante·s aux Etats, aux villes et aux sociétés d'accueil font naître les Babels de demain. Pour le débat public et au-delà, ce livre offre une nouvelle compréhension de la condition migrante contemporaine.
- Published
- 2022
22. Considerazioni su alcune malte idrauliche impiegate nel cantiere di Villa Adriana
- Author
DE CESARIS, Fabrizio, Giorgi, Elisabetta, and Ninarello, Liliana
- Subjects
leganti ,restauro ,tecniche tradizionali, restauro, malte, analisi dei materiali, leganti ,analisi dei materiali ,malte ,tecniche tradizionali - Published
- 2022
23. La malta come carattere distintivo delle murature carolinge a Roma
- Author
Barelli, Lia and Pugliese, Raffaele
- Subjects
Roma ,tecnica costruttiva ,Alto medioevo ,malte - Published
- 2022
24. Menhirs et stèles de Corse. Une hypothèse chronologique.
- Author
Guilaine, Jean and Léandri, Franck
- Abstract
Résumé En Corse, les premières pierres levées sont associées à des coffres du Néolithique moyen. On connaît, bien plus tard, à l’âge du Bronze, des stèles massives et armées caractéristiques. Entre ces deux pôles bien datés, la position chronologique des autres variétés de pierres dressées a toujours été beaucoup plus floue. La séquence sarde, proposée par E. Atzeni, a montré en fait qu’en Sardaigne le déroulement évolutif allant des menhirs « aniconiques » jusqu’aux statues-menhirs à motif de poignard s’inscrivait dans le Néolithique moyen et final, aux V e et IV e millénaires. Des exemples pris sur le continent européen confirment cette chronologie. En Corse même, la métamorphose probablement subie par la stèle d’Aravina (Lévie) montre que des stèles néolithiques ont pu subir des transformations secondaires lors d’étapes postérieures. Dans un premier temps, ce monument est caractérisé par son rostre apical, la gravure des contours du visage et des « yeux ». À l’âge du Bronze, il a été modifié par la sculpture d’une épée. Des comparaisons avec d’autres stèles sardes ou maltaises invitent à dater du Néolithique moyen le premier stade. Celui-ci pourrait s’inscrire dans une phase ancienne d’anthropomorphisation des pierres levées antérieure à l’émergence des statues-menhirs du Néolithique final. In Corsica, the first standing stones are related to Middle Neolithic. Later, during the Bronze Age, appear characteristic massive steles with arm figurations. Between those two limits, well settled, the chronology of other megalithic monuments remains much uncertain. The Sardinian chronology, proposed by E. Atzeni showed that in this island, the evolution from “aniconic menhirs” to “statues-menhirs” with dagger was related to Middle to Final Neolithic (Vth and IVth millenniums). Some examples taken in Europe confirm this chronology. In Corsica, we consider that a metamorphosis might have happen to Aravina stele (Lévie) showing that secondary transformation may have occurred on Neolithic steles. In the first stage, the monument is characterized by its apical rostrum, the engraving of the outline of the face and the “eyes”. During Bronze Age, it was modified by the carving of a sword. The comparison with other Sardinian and Maltese steles suggests a middle Neolithic age. This phase could correspond to an ancient phase of anthropomorphism of standing stones before the emergence of Final Neolithic statues-menhirs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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25. Del «bulto migratorio» al bulto de los migrantes. Los solicitantes de asilo en Malta o la condición de entre-empleos
- Author
Puygrenier, Lucas, Centre de recherches internationales (CERI), Sciences Po (Sciences Po)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Centre de recherches internationales (Sciences Po, CNRS) (CERI)
- Subjects
labor formation ,informal economy ,exile ,travail précaire ,Malta ,économie informelle ,camps ,Malte ,mise au travail ,precarious work ,exclusion ,exil ,[SHS.SCIPO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science - Abstract
International audience; Confronted to a “migration burden” believed to be unbearable by authorities, Malta appears as one of the emblematic places of the exclusion of persons in exile in Europe. But the relegation of the undesirables, isolated in the remote “open centers” of the island does not equate to their mere removal from the local economy and society. Studying the circulations between state institutions where asylum seekers are placed and the daily organization of informal labor in the island, the contribution explores the ambivalences between the formation of migrant labor and the formation of migrant exclusion, between the doctrine of the “migration burden” and the actual burden that migrants have to carry. The article highlights how asylum seekers are turned into the workforce of what I call the “employment in-between” filling the interstices formed by a capitalism in which punctual, changing and ephemeral needs require to find at disposal a population which is constantly waiting, labor force always mobilizable and de-mobilizable.; Enfrentándose con un «bulto migratorio» calificado como inaceptable por las autoridades, Malta aparece como uno de los espacios emblemáticos de la exclusión de migrantes en Europa. Sin embargo, la relegación de los indeseados, recluidos en los «centros abiertos» de la isla, no se limita a su desaparición de la economía y de la sociedad local. Estudiando las circulaciones entre las instituciones estatales concebidas para excluir los migrantes, por un lado, y la organización rutinaria del trabajo informal sobre la isla, por otro lado, el artículo indaga las ambivalencias entre la marginación y la explotación laboral de los migrantes, entre la doctrina del «bulto migratorio» y el bulto que cargan los solicitantes de asilo en el mundo productivo maltés. Se trata entonces de mostrar como los solicitantes de asilo son convertidos en mano de obra de lo que llamamos el «entre-empleos»: ocupando los intersticios creados por el capitalismo cuyas necesidades de trabajo erráticas, puntuales y efímeras suponen disponer siempre de una población en espera, una fuerza de trabajo siempre movilizable y demovilizable.; Confronté à un « fardeau migratoire » jugé insoutenable par les autorités, Malte apparaît comme l’un des espaces emblématiques de l’exclusion des exilés en Europe. La relégation des indésirables, reclus dans les « centres ouverts » de l’île, ne se résume pas pour autant à leur retrait pur et simple de l’économie et de la société locale. En étudiant les circulations entre les institutions d’État destinées à exclure les exilés et l’organisation routinière du travail informel sur l’île, l’article explore les ambivalences entre la mise à l’écart et la mise au travail des personnes « indésirables », entre la doctrine du « fardeau migratoire » et le fardeau qui incombe aux personnes en exil dans le monde productif maltais. Il s’agit alors de montrer comment les exilés sont appelés à rejoindre les rangs de ce que l’on appellera l’« entre-emplois » : remplissant les interstices que forme un capitalisme dont les besoins de travail erratiques, ponctuels et éphémères supposent de trouver continuellement à sa disposition une population en attente, force de travail sans cesse mobilisable et démobilisable.
- Published
- 2021
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26. Agents of the Duce. Italian consuls in Corsica and Malta during the fascist period
- Author
Deborah PACI
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,fascisme italien ,History ,cônsules ,Malta ,D1-2009 ,Malte ,consuls ,History (General) ,Córsega ,Corse ,fascismo italiano - Abstract
RÉSUMÉ Cet article vise à réflechir sur le rôle joué par les consuls italiens dans la transmission de la propagande fasciste en Corse et à Malte. Il s’agit essentiellement de se questionner sur la communication politique établie entre le gouvernement fasciste et les consuls en poste dans les deux îles, en se penchant tout spécialement sur le rôle joué par ces consuls en tant qu’agents d’information. RESUMO Este artigo visa discutir o papel desempenhado pelos cônsules italianos na transmissão da propaganda fascista na Córsega e em Malta. O objetivo é examinar a comunicação política entre o governo fascista e os cônsules das duas ilhas, com especial atenção para o papel desempenhado por estes cônsules como agentes de informação.
- Published
- 2021
27. Dalla stratigrafia all’archeologia dell’architettura. Alcune recenti esperienze del laboratorio senese
- Author
Roberto Parenti
- Subjects
stratigrafia ,malte ,fotografia rettificata ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
L’autore presenta tre delle linee di ricerca sviluppate dal Laboratorio senese, risultato della prassi operativa su alcune centinaia di edifici. La prima è una riflessione sulla complessità del processo di formazione del deposito stratificato, sulle strategie da seguire nell’esecuzione dell’indagine e sulla necessità di un ‘progetto conoscitivo’ preliminare all’indagine stessa. La seconda linea di ricerca affronta lo studio delle malte. L’obiettivo è quello di calibrare gli strumenti che possono essere impiegati per ricorrere all’analisi delle malte nell’identificazione delle attività edilizie. Le malte possono considerarsi come il perfetto fossile guida per le attività dell’edilizia storica, poiché devono essere preparate al momento del loro utilizzo (non possono essere reimpiegate), anche per i più piccoli interventi. L’ultima parte del contributo tratta della fotografia rettificata, grazie alla quale è possibile simulare un modello virtuale dell’edificio, “ricostruendolo” nelle sue varie fasi costruttive, e attraverso il quale studiare e verificare tutte le operazioni di analisi della struttura materiale.
- Published
- 2002
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28. Efeitos da extrusão termoplástica em 'blends' de subprodutos da indústria cervejeira
- Author
Brito, Aline Duarte Correa de, 1990, Steel, Caroline Joy, 1964, Schmidt, Flavio Luis, Schmiele, Marcio, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos, and UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS
- Subjects
Processo de extrusão ,Reaproveitamento (Sobras, refugos, etc.) ,Malt ,Recycling (Waste, etc.) ,Extrusão termoplastica ,Yeasts ,Proteínas ,Dietary fibre ,Malte ,Proteins ,Leveduras ,Fibras na nutrição humana ,Extruded products - Abstract
Orientador: Caroline Joy Steel Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos Resumo: A reutilização de resíduos agroindustriais está atraindo cada vez mais a atenção de pesquisadores, pois subprodutos são uma fonte barata de fibras, proteínas e compostos bioativos, apesar de sua composição heterogênea e instabilidade microbiológica. A indústria cervejeira gera bilhões de toneladas de subprodutos anualmente, entre os quais, em maior quantidade, o resíduo úmido de cervejaria (RUC), composto principalmente por bagaço de malte, apresentando, em base seca, em torno de 58% de fibras dietéticas insolúveis (FDI), 18% de proteínas e 14% de lipídeos; e o excesso de levedura (LEV), contendo 53% de proteínas, 20% de fibras dietéticas totais (FDT) e 7% de minerais. Entretanto, ambos apresentam alta umidade, 78% e 86%, respectivamente, implicando em difícil manipulação e transporte, além de rápida deterioração. Gerado em menor quantidade, porém com baixa umidade, o pó de malte (PDM) é formado por, aproximadamente, 65% de carboidratos, 15% de proteínas e 14% de FDI, mas sua alta carga microbiana provocou restrição no uso. Entre as técnicas exploradas para reutilização de resíduos agroindustriais, a extrusão termoplástica mostra grandes vantagens, pois permite a utilização do subproduto como um todo, aliando calor, pressão e cisalhamento, sem gerar resíduos. Entre suas limitações estão umidade e tamanho de partículas da matéria-prima. Decidiu-se utilizar um Delineamento de Misturas para compor blends dos subprodutos, com uma umidade máxima de 30% para o ponto centroide, explorando-se duas alternativas: Delineamento A ¿ secagem do RUC e composição de blends com RUCseco, LEV e grits de milho; Delineamento B ¿ blends com RUC, LEV e PDM, aliados a 55% de pó de arroz (PDA), subproduto do processamento de saquê, contendo 65% de carboidratos e 18% de proteína. Os parâmetros de processo foram fixados em: velocidade de alimentação 250 rpm; velocidade da rosca 390 rpm; temperatura das zonas, da alimentação à matriz, 45-60-80-110ºC. Os extrusados do Delineamento A apresentaram altas umidades, durezas e densidades, baixos índices de expansão (IE), solubilidade em água (ISA) e absorção de água (IAA), fenômenos atribuídos à alta quantidade de fibras insolúveis do RUCseco. Os extrusados do Delineamento B, apresentaram maiores IE e ISA, menores durezas e densidades, porém teor proteico similar ao do Delineamento As características atribuídas à alta proporção de PDA. A otimização dos produtos visou menor umidade e melhores propriedades tecnológicas. Restauração de peças da extrusora levou ao aumento da energia mecânica (EME) do sistema, influenciando as propriedades tecnológicas dos produtos otimizados. Estes foram analisados quanto à sua composição centesimal, incluindo FDT e FDI; à digestibilidade in vitro de proteínas (DIVP); aos parâmetros tecnológicos: atividade de água, IE, densidade aparente, dureza instrumental, cor instrumental (CIELab), ISA e IAA, e propriedades de pasta (RVA); e à qualidade microbiológica. Os otimizados A revelaram alto conteúdo de FDI e lipídeos, o que regeu suas propriedades tecnológicas, produzindo extrusados com estrutura frágil e oca. Os otimizados B exibiram alto IE e baixa dureza, porém resultados com alto coeficiente de variação, associados à heterogeneidade do PDM. Conclui-se que é possível utilizar extrusão termoplástica para transformação de subprodutos agroindustriais em novos produtos ou ingredientes, com diferentes propriedades tecnológicas e nutricionais, para alimentação humana ou animal Abstract: The recovery of agroindustrial wastes is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, since by-products are an inexpensive source of fibres, proteins and various bioactive compounds, despite their heterogeneous composition and microbiological instability. The brewery industry produces billions of tons of by-products each year, including, in greater quantity, brewer's spent grain (BSG), mainly composed of malt bagasse, providing, on a dry basis, about 58% insoluble dietary fibres (IDF), 18% proteins and 14% lipids; and brewer¿s spent yeast (BSY), containing 53% proteins, 20% total dietary fibres (TDF) and 7% of minerals. However, both have a high moisture content, 78% and 86%, respectively, implying difficult handling and transportation, and rapid deterioration. Generated in smaller quantities but with low moisture content, malt powder (MP) is comprised of approximately 65% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and 14% IDF, however, its high microbial load implied usage restrictions. Among the techniques used to recycle agroindustrial waste, thermoplastic extrusion shows great advantages, as it allows the use of the by-products as a whole, combining heat, pressure and shear, without generating residues. Among its limitations are feed moisture and particle size. It was decided to use a Mixture Design to compose blends of by-products, with a maximum moisture of 30% for the centroid point, exploring two alternatives: Design A ¿ drying of BSG and blends composition with dryBSG, BSY and corn grits; Design B ¿ blends with BSG, BSY and MP, allied to 55% rice powder (RP), a by-product from sake processing, with 65% carbohydrates and 18% proteins. The process parameters were set at: feed rate 250 rpm; screw speed 390 rpm; temperature of the zones, from the feed hopper to the die, 45-60-80-110ºC. The extruded products from Design A presented high moisture content, hardness and density, low indices of expansion (EI), water solubility (WSI) and water absorption (WAI), phenomena attributed to the high amount of insoluble dryBSG fibres. The extruded products of Design B, presented higher EI and WSI, lower hardness and densities, but a similar protein content to that of Design A, characteristics attributed to a high proportion of RP. The optimization of the products aimed at lower moisture and better technological properties. Restoration of extruder parts led to the increase in mechanical energy (SME) of the system, influencing the technological properties of the optimized products. They were analysed regarding their proximate composition, including TDF and IDF; their protein in vitro digestibility (PIVD); their technological parameters: water activity, EI, apparent density, instrumental hardness, instrumental colour (CIELab), WSI and WAI, and pasting properties (RVA); and their microbiological quality. The optimized A extrudates revealed high content of insoluble fibres and lipids, which governed its technological properties, producing brittle, hollow extruded products. The optimized B extrudates showed high EI and low hardness, but a high coefficient of variation for the results, associated to the heterogeneity of the MP. In conclusion, it is possible to apply thermoplastic extrusion for transformation of agroindustrial by-products into new products or ingredients with different technological and nutritional properties, for human or animal feeding Mestrado Tecnologia de Alimentos Mestra em Tecnologia de Alimentos CNPQ 131799/2016-9
- Published
- 2021
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29. La frontiérisation de Malte : des centres fermés aux « citoyens-détectives »
- Author
Léa Lemaire
- Subjects
Sciences politiques, administration publique & relations internationales [E08] [Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques] ,Malta ,General Medicine ,citizen-detectives ,detention ,détention ,frontiérisation ,Political science ,bordering ,Political science, public administration & international relations [E08] [Law, criminology & political science] ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,Malte ,European Union ,European union ,citoyens-détectives ,Union européenne ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
Cet article analyse le quotidien de ressortissants subsahariens ayant été détenus à Malte au début des années 2000. Son ambition est de montrer le rôle que jouent les citoyens, aux côtés des serviteurs de l’État, dans le processus de frontiérisation de l’île. Parallèlement à son adhésion à l’Union européenne en 2004, l’État maltais enferme de manière systématique et pour une période maximale de détention de 18 mois l’intégralité des ressortissants subsahariens secourus en mer et transférés sur l’île. Après avoir été détenus, ces derniers sont relâchés sur l’île où les discriminations à leur encontre sont extrêmement répandues. Cette recherche s’appuie sur des données collectées au cours d’enquêtes ethnographiques réalisées à Malte, entre 2010 et 2013, combinant observations participantes et entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats de ces enquêtes ont montré que si les Subsahariens sont enfermés physiquement par les autorités maltaises à leur arrivée, ils sont ensuite confinés aux marges de la société par la population locale, tout au long de leur séjour sur l’île. À ce titre, l’exercice de discriminations transforme les citoyens maltais en gardes-frontières de la société insulaire. Je défends l’idée selon laquelle la fabrique des frontières n’est pas uniquement monopolisée par les forces de l’ordre mais peut impliquer des « citoyens-détectives ». Non seulement les frontières se situent aux limites de la souveraineté territoriale mais elles sont aussi dispersées dans toute la société́. This article analyses the daily lives of Sub-Saharan nationals who were detained in Malta in the early 2000s. Its ambition is to show the role of citizens, alongside state servants, in the bordering of the island. In parallel with its accession to the European Union in 2004, the Maltese State systematically detains all Sub-Saharan nationals rescued at sea and transferred to the island for a maximum period of 18 months. After being detained, they are released to the island where discrimination against them is extremely widespread. This research is based on data collected during ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Malta between 2010 and 2013, combining participating observations and semi-formal interviews. The results of fieldwork showed that while Sub-Saharans are physically detained by the Maltese authorities upon arrival, they are then confined to the margins of society by the local population throughout their stay on the island. As such, the exercise of discrimination transforms Maltese citizens into border guards of the island-society. I support the idea that the production of borders is not only monopolised by the police and the army but can involve “citizen-detectives”. Not only are borders at the limits of territorial sovereignty, but they are also dispersed throughout society.
- Published
- 2021
30. Caratterizzazione preliminare dei materiali costruttivi dell'acquedotto Traiano
- Author
Calzolari, Laura, Botticelli, Michela, and Medeghini, Laura
- Subjects
EMPA ,SEM-EDS ,XRD ,malte ,archeometria ,DSC-TGA - Published
- 2021
31. Obtenção e caracterização de extratos de bagaço de malte via extração por líquidos pressurizados
- Author
Giulia Herbst, Hamerski, Fabiane, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Tecnologia. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química, and Corazza, Marcos Lúcio, 1977
- Subjects
Cerveja ,Malte ,Extração (Quimica) ,Engenharia Química ,Solventes - Abstract
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcos Lúcio Corazza Coorientadora: Dra. Fabiane Hamerski Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Defesa : Curitiba, 22/06/2021 Inclui referências: p. 74-81 Resumo: O bagaço de malte (BM) constitui a maior fração dos subprodutos gerados pela indústria cervejeira. Este resíduo é composto principalmente por fração lignocelulósica, proteínas e extraíveis como lipídeos, tornando-se uma matriz potencial para a obtenção de produtos de alto valor de mercado. Portanto, este estudo propõe a avaliação de diferentes parâmetros (temperaturas, razão de solvente e vazão) para a extração de frações solúveis de BM usando extração com líquido pressurizado (PLE), como uma abordagem alternativa ao uso das técnicas convencionais de extração sólido-líquido. Extrações em Soxhlet foram realizadas como um método padrão para avaliar o melhor solvente para comparar aos rendimentos das extrações e caracterização dos extratos com PLE. Os extratos de Soxhlet foram caracterizados por CG-MS para identificar as classes de compostos presentes em cada extrato e selecionar previamente o solvente a ser usado no PLE. Compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), flavonoides totais (FT), atividade antioxidante (AA), açúcares redutores (AR) e açúcares redutores totais (ART) foram analisados para a caracterização dos extratos obtidos. As extrações em Soxhlet indicam que os melhores solventes para as extrações do BM foram água e etanol. O maior rendimento de extração de PLE foi de 20,1 ± 0,7%, em 0,5 EtOH/Água a 120 °C, 2 ml/min de solvente pressurizado e 10 MPa. O conteúdo de CFT, FT e AA foi favorecido por extrações com água e mistura água/etanol e em função do aumento da temperatura. O maior valor de CFT foi de 2130 ± 1 mg GAE/100g de extrato BSG, a 120 °C e 4 ml/min água como solvente pressurizado. O maior teor de FT encontrado foi de 778 ± 32 mg CE/100 g de extrato BM, obtido na condição de 0,5 EtOH/água a 90 °C e 4 ml/min. AA foi quantificada pelas metodologias ABTS, DPPH e FRAP. A maior AA foi obtida usando água a 120 °C e 4 ml/min, o qual apresentou um valor de 9944 ± 391, 4769 ± 330 e 4096 ± 111 ?mol TE/100 g de extrato de BM, respectivamente. As análises de AR e ART apresentaram resultados semelhantes entre os extratos de Soxhlet e PLE, mostrando que as condições de PLE relatadas neste estudo não foram adequadas para a remoção de açúcares redutores da matriz. A matriz BM também passou pelo processo de desengorduramento pelos fluidos dióxido de carbono em condições supercríticas (scCO2) e por propano comprimido antes da extração com PLE. O propano foi então selecionado como melhor solvente no fracionamneto da fração lipidica do BM e foi empregado como pré-etapa em extrações sequenciais usando as melhores condições de PLE de 0,50 EtOH/Água, em que o propano foi eficiente na recuperação da fração lipídica do BM. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicaram a viabilidade técnica da utilização de extrações PLE na obtenção de extratos com valores expressivos de CFT, FT e alta atividade antioxidante, no entanto mantendo os carboidratos na matriz para posteriores aplicações na geração de plataformas química de biocombustíveis. Abstract: Brewer's spent grain (BSG) constitutes the major fraction of by-products generated by the brewing industry. This residue is mainly composed of lignocellulosic fraction, proteins, and extractable as lipids, making it a potential matrix for obtaining high addedvalue products. Therefore, this study proposes pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) as an alternative approach to the use of conventional solid-liquid techniques, evaluating different parameters as temperatures, solvent ratio, and flow rate. Soxhlet extractions were performed as a standard method to evaluate the best solvent to compare to the extractions yields and extract characterization with PLE. Soxhlet extracts were characterized by CG-MS to identify the classes of compounds present in each extract and to previously select the PLE solvent. Total phenolic compounds (TPC), total flavonoid compounds (TFC), antioxidant activity (AA), reducing sugars (RS), and total reducing sugars (TRS) were analyzed for the extract characterization. Soxhlet extractions indicate that the best solvents for the BSG extractions were water and ethanol. The highest PLE extraction yield was 20.1 ± 0.7 wt%, at 120 °C, 2 mL/min of pressurized solvent (ethanol to water volume ratio of 0.5) and at 10 MPa. The TPC, TFC, and AA content were favored by water and water/ethanol extractions and temperature increase. The highest TPC value of 2130 ± 1 mg GAE/100g of BSG extract, at 120 °C and 4 mL/min was obtained by water as solvent. Simultaneously, the highest TFC content was 778 ± 32 mg CE/100 g of BSG extract obtained at the condition of 0.50 EtOH/Water solvent ratio, 90 °C and 4 mL/min. The AA was quantified by ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP methodologies. The highest AA was obtained with water at 120 °C and 4 mL/min achieving 9944 ± 391, 4769 ± 330 and 4096 ± 111 ?mol TE/100 g of BSG extract, respectively. The RS and TRS analyses presented similar results between Soxhlet and PLE extracts, showing that the PLE conditions reported in this study were not suitable for the release of reducing sugars from the BSG matrix. The BSG matrix also went through the defatted process using carbon dioxide fluids in supercritical conditions (scCO2) and compressed propane before extraction with PLE. Propane was then selected as the best solvent in the fractionation of the lipid fraction of the BSG and was elaborated as a pre-step in sequential extractions using the best PLE conditions of 0.50 EtOH/Water, in which propane was efficient in recovering the lipid fraction of the BSG. The results obtained in this work indicated the technical feasibility of using PLE extractions to obtain extracts with expressive values of TPC, TFC and high antioxidant activity, however keeping the carbohydrates in the matrix for further applications in the generation of chemical platforms for biofuels.
- Published
- 2021
32. Nuove malte da restauro e verifiche di compatibilità con i supporti
- Author
Bianco N., Colangiuli D., and Calia A.
- Subjects
compatibilità ,supporti lapidei ,restauro ,malte - Abstract
In questo studio malte idrauliche sperimentali da restauro, formulate per applicazioni su pietre molto porose, sono state indagate in relazione ad alcuni aspetti di compatibilità con i substrati. Sebbene la compatibilità sia uno dei requisiti di base per evitare possibili danni derivanti dall'uso di nuovi materiali all'interno di edifici preesistenti, non esistono protocolli per la valutazione di questo aspetto, né indici di riferimento per i parametri misurati. In particolare, sono state confrontate le caratteristiche di porosità e le proprietà idriche (capillarità, imbibizione ed asciugamento) delle pietre e delle malte. Lo studio dimostra che i risultati dei test sulle malte, in confronto a quelli sulle pietre, non sono sufficienti per valutare gli effetti reali dell'applicazione delle malte in relazione ai substrati. Informazioni significative per la comprensione di tali effetti sono derivate dai test di evaporazione di acqua e di una soluzione salina, opportunamente predisposti su provini compositi costituiti da pietra e malta. I risultati mostrano una diminuzione del tasso di evaporazione dell'acqua dovuto alla presenza delle malte sui substrati. Tuttavia, lo stesso test in presenza di soluzione salina supporta la funzione di sacrificio delle malte in superficie.
- Published
- 2021
33. Validação de um método para a determinação de micotoxinas em cevada maltada e cerveja usando QuEChERS-LC-QToF-MS e calibração por superposição de matriz
- Author
Lago, Laura Oliveira and Welke, Juliane Elisa
- Subjects
Micotoxinas ,Malt ,Cerveja ,Malte ,Beer ,Mycotoxins ,LC-MS - Abstract
Micotoxinas são compostos tóxicos produzidos por fungos filamentosos. Os cereais são as culturas mais sensíveis à contaminação fúngica e, consequentemente, à presença de micotoxinas. As micotoxinas podem ser transferidas da cevada maltada contaminada para a cerveja. Na literatura, métodos para a análise de malte ou cerveja têm sido otimizados apenas para grupos de micotoxinas estruturalmente relacionadas, como tricotecenos (desoxinivalenol, toxinas T-2 e HT-2) e aflatoxinas (B1, B2, G1 e G2), ou apenas para toxinas de Fusarium. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver e validar um método para a quantificação simultânea de dezessete micotoxinas legisladas [aflatoxinas (B1, B2, G1 e G2), ocratoxina A (OTA), desoxinivalenol (DON), toxina T-2, toxina HT-2, fumonisina B1 (FB1) e zearalenona (ZEA)] e emergentes [beauvericina (BEA), eniatinas (A, A1, B e B1), moniliformina (MON) e esterigmatocistina (STG)] em cevada maltada e cerveja. A abordagem QuEChERS (acrônimo derivado do inglês: Quick (rápido), Easy (fácil), Cheap (barato), Effective (efetivo), Rugged (robusto) e Safe (seguro)) foi usada na etapa de preparação das amostras, seguida pela cromatografia líquida acoplada a um espectrômetro de massas com analisador quadrupolo-tempo de voo (LC-QToF-MS). A calibração por superposição de matriz (MMC) foi empregada para superar o efeito de matriz. O desempenho geral do método foi satisfatório para quantificar todos os compostos em ambas as matrizes. O uso de curvas MMC foi crucial para evitar a quantificação incorreta dos analitos que mostraram um forte efeito de matriz: BEA (SSE: 105% para malte e cerveja) e ZEA (SSE: 165% e 120% para malte e cerveja, respectivamente) exibiram intensificação do sinal e DON (SSE de 32% e 15% para malte e cerveja, respectivamente) e MON (SSE de 29% e 15% para malte e cerveja, respectivamente) exibiram supressão do sinal. As curvas analíticas obtidas com MMC apresentaram linearidade e precisão aceitáveis, com coeficientes de determinação (R2 ) superiores a 0,99 para malte e cerveja e recuperações variando de 72 a 102% para malte e de 73 a 100% para cerveja. Os valores de limite de detecção (LOD) (0,01-15 μg kg-1 para malte e cerveja) e limite de quantificação (LOQ) (0,05-50 μg kg-1 para malte e cerveja) mostraram que o método é suficientemente sensível para determinar as 17 micotoxinas. Além disso, a precisão e a sensibilidade estavam de acordo com as diferentes diretrizes de validação de método. Outra vantagem foi o rendimento aprimorado, exigindo 1,2 min de análise para cada analito. O método multi-micotoxinas QuEChERS-LC-QToF-MS com o uso de calibração por superposição de matriz permite avaliar micotoxinas legisladas para verificar a adequação aos parâmetros regulatórios e gerar dados para apoiar o estabelecimento de limites máximos para uma gama maior de compostos a fim de proteger a saúde da população. Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by filamentous fungi. Cereals are the most sensitive crops to fungal contamination and, consequently, to the presence of the mycotoxins. Mycotoxins can be transferred from contaminated malted barley to beer. In the literature, methods for malt or beer analysis have been optimized only for groups of structurally related mycotoxins, such as trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol, T2 and HT-2 toxins) and aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2), or just for Fusarium toxins. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a method for the simultaneous quantification of seventeen legislated [aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2), ochratoxin A (OTA), deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, fumonisin B1 (FB1) and zearalenone (ZEA)] and emerging mycotoxins [beauvericin (BEA), enniatins (A, A1, B and B1), moniliformin (MON) and sterigmatocystin (STG)] in malted barley and beer. The QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) approach was used in the sample preparation step, which was followed by liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToFMS). Matrix-matched calibration (MMC) was employed to overcome the matrix effect. The overall method performance was satisfactory to evaluate all the compounds in both matrices. The use of MMC curves was crucial to avoid the incorrect quantification of the analytes that showed a strong matrix effect: BEA (SSE: 105% for malt and beer) and ZEA (SSE: 165% and 120% for malt and beer, respectively) showed signal enhancement and DON (SSE of 32% and 15% for malt and beer, respectively) and MON (SSE: 29% and 15% for malt and beer, respectively) showed signal suppression. Analytical curves obtained with MMC showed adequate linearity and precision, with coefficients of determination (R2 ) higher than 0.99 for malt and beer and recoveries ranging from 72 to 102% for malt and from 73 to 100% for beer. The values of limit detection (LOD) (0.01-15 μg kg-1 for malt and beer) and limit quantification (LOQ) (0.05-50 μg kg-1 for malt and beer) showed that the method is sufficiently sensitive to determine the 17 mycotoxins. In addition, precision and sensitivity were in accordance with the different guidelines of method validation. Another advantage was the improved yield, requiring 1.2 min of analysis for each analyte. The QuEChERS-LC-QToF-MS multi-mycotoxin method using matrix- matched calibration allows the evaluation of legislated mycotoxins to verify compliance with regulatory parameters and generates data to support the establishment of limits for a wider range of compounds in order to protect the health of the population.
- Published
- 2021
34. Un paesaggio e una risorsa naturale. Alcune note sulla 'terra rossa' e sul 'bolo' in Terra d'Otranto
- Author
Aida Maria Conte, Corda, Laura, Esposito, Daniela, and Giorgi, Elisabetta
- Subjects
tecnica costruttiva ,Terra d'Otranto ,terra rossa ,malte ,intonaci ,bolo - Published
- 2021
35. Indagini mineralogiche e petrografiche su campioni estratti da carote provenienti dai lungarni fiorentini
- Author
Emma Cantisani
- Subjects
Firenze ,Lungarni ,Malte - Abstract
In seguito all'affidamento da parte della struttura Difesa del Suolo e Protezione Civile del Genio Civile Valdarno Superiore dell'incarico per l'esecuzione di analisi mineralogiche e petrografiche per la caratterizzazione dei materiali lapidei naturali ed artificiali, l'Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del CNR ha effettuato un'indagine minero-petrografica su campioni estratti da carote provenienti dal Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli e delle Grazie in Firenze. Le analisi sono state condotte al fine di individuare materie prime e tecnologie impiegate nel confezionamento di questi materiali lapidei artificiali, individuare similitudini/differenze tra i materiali impiegati, determinare la presenza di fenomenologie di degrado.
- Published
- 2021
36. Il degrado delle malte come testimonianza del processo di trasformazione degli edifici
- Author
Asciutti, Michele
- Subjects
degrado ,malte ,stratigrafia ,archeometria ,fasi costruttive - Published
- 2021
37. Otimização da utilização de matérias-primas do processo de produção de cerveja
- Author
Rocha, Maria João Alves, Carriço, Sílvia Maria da Rocha Simões, and Moreira, Tiago Filipe Marujo de
- Subjects
Spent hops ,Cerveja ,Malte ,Dry-hopping ,Sanette - Abstract
A presente dissertação foi realizada em ambiente empresarial no Super Bock Group e teve como objetivos principais a integração na empresa e a aprendizagem do processo produtivo, de forma a adquirir conhecimentos e ferramentas necessárias ao desenvolvimento do tema de trabalho proposto “Otimização da utilização de matérias-primas do processo de produção de cerveja”. As matérias-primas utilizadas no fabrico de cerveja - malte, lúpulo, água e levedura - deverão permitir às indústrias cervejeiras a obtenção de um produto consistente e de qualidade. Assim, aquando a alteração ou introdução de matérias-primas, torna-se fundamental a avaliação da sua performance ao longo do processo cervejeiro, de forma a garantir a consistência e qualidade do produto final. No âmbito do tema da tese a presente dissertação teve como principais objetivos: 1. A avaliação da integração de uma nova variedade de cevada, dística e de primavera, denominada Sanette, no mix de maltes utilizados pela empresa. Após os ensaios industriais o malte Sanette demonstrou resultados satisfatórios de rendimento em extrato (≥ 100%), tempos médios de ocupação do filtro com duração habitual (106 minutos – Controlo; 103 minutos – Ensaio), performance da fermentação satisfatória, tempo de redução médio de diacetilo dentro dos valores normais (⁓200 horas), bem como a obtenção de um produto final com características organoléticas consistentes. 2. A alteração do malte tipo A pelo malte tipo B nas percentagens de ⁓ 25 e 50% no fabrico de cerveja X. Após a análise dos parâmetros físicoquímicos do mosto frio e do produto acabado, para ambas as cubas com introdução de malte tipo B, notou-se uma diminuição dos valores de extrato e cor e um aumento dos valores pH, contudo, ainda dentro dos valores especificados. Sensorialmente a cuba com 50% malte tipo B foi diferenciada, o que significa que a cerveja produzida demonstra diferenças significativas - nível de significância 99% - do controlo (100% malte tipo A). Ainda na cerveja X, procurou-se controlar os desvios físico-químicos do processo, com maior foco na atenuação real, através da modificação dos patamares do diagrama de brassagem. Esta alteração demonstrou ser eficiente, uma vez que as cubas ensaio apresentam 70% de atenuação real, comparativamente a 67% do controlo. 3. A reutilização dos resíduos de dry-hopping, os spent hops (SH), como fonte de compostos de amargor na ebulição de um mosto standard. Verificou-se uma percentagem de retenção de 60% dos α-ácidos nos spent hops, o que evidencia que o processo de dry-hopping é ineficiente na extração destes compostos, ficando eles retidos em concentrações consideráveis. Mediante a análise dos resultados de amargor do mosto frio, dos parâmetros físico—químicos e sensoriais do produto acabado, conclui-se que os spent hops podem ser reutilizados como fonte de compostos de amargor, permitindo diminuir os custos e o impacto ambiental destes resíduos. As alterações introduzidas pela realização do presente trabalho relativamente às matérias-primas malte e lúpulo, demonstraram ser eficazes quer pela aprovação da utilização do malte Sanette na produção de Super Bock quer pela na produção da cerveja X com 25% de malte B. O trabalho permitiu melhorar a atenuação real final da cerveja X e ainda comprovar a possibilidade e potencialidade da reutilização dos spent hops como fonte de compostos de amargor, na obstante, verifica-se a necessidade de otimizar o processo atual de forma a melhorar os resultados alcançados. Perante a conclusão do estágio curricular com todos os pontos de trabalho finalizados e com resultados satisfatórios, conclui-se que a integração, a aprendizagem do processo produtivo e o desenvolvimento do tema proposto foram bem-sucedidos. This dissertation was carried out in a industrial environment at the Super Bock Group and had as main objectives the integration in the company and the learning of the production process, in order to acquire the requirements and tools for the development of the proposed work theme “Optimization of the use of materials- of the beer production process ”. The raw materials used in the manufacture of beer - malt, hops, water and yeast - must allow the brewing industries to obtain a consistent and quality product. Thus, when changing or introducing raw materials, it is essential to evaluate their performance throughout the brewing process, in order to guarantee the consistency and quality of the final product. Within this scope, the present work had as main objectives: 1. The evaluation of the integration of a two row, spring barley, called Sanette, in the mix of malts used by the company. After industrial trials, Sanette malt showed satisfactory results in extract yield (≥ 100%), average filter occupation times within the normal duration (106 minutes - Control; 103 minutes - Test), satisfactory fermentation performance, reduction time diacetyl within normal values (⁓200 hours), as well as obtaining a final product with consistent organoleptic characteristics. 2. The alteration of type A malt by type B malt in the percentages of ⁓ 25 and 50% in the manufacture of beer X. After analyzing the physical-chemical parameters of the cold wort and the finished product, for both vat with the introduction of malt type B, there was a decrease in extract and color values and an increase in pH values, however, still within the specified values. Sensorially, the vat with 50% type B malt was differentiated, which means that the beer produced shows significant differences - 99% significance level - from the control (100% type A malt). Still in beer X, we sought to control the physicalchemical deviations of the process, with a greater focus on real attenuation, by modifying the levels of the brewing diagram. This change proved to be efficient, since the test tanks have 70% real attenuation, compared to 67% of the control. 3. The reuse of dry-hopping residues, spent hops (SH), as a source of bitterness compounds in the boiling of a standard wort. A 60% retention percentage of α-acids was found in spent hops, which shows that the dryhopping process is inefficient in the extraction of these compounds, which are retained in considerable concentrations. By analyzing the bitterness results of the cold wort, the physical chemical and sensory parameters of the finished product, it is concluded that spent hops can be reused as a source of bitterness compounds, allowing to reduce the costs and the environmental impact of these residues. The changes introduced by this work in relation to the raw materials malt and hops, proved to be effective both for the approval of the use of Sanette malt in the production of Super Bock and for the production of beer X with 25% of malt B. The work allowed improve the final real attenuation of beer X and also prove the possibility and potential of reusing spent hops as a source of bitterness compounds, however, there is a need to optimize the current process in order to improve the results achieved. In view of the conclusion of the curricular internship with all the work points completed and with satisfactory results, it is concluded that the integration, the learning of the productive process and the development of the proposed theme were successful. Mestrado em Biotecnologia
- Published
- 2020
38. Maltese Ceramics and Imperial Foodways: An Exploration of Nineteenth-Century Red Wares.
- Author
- Subjects
- *
ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations , *HISTORY of commerce , *ANTIQUITIES ,HISTORY of Malta ,EUROPEAN history, 1789-1900 ,HISTORY of the Mediterranean Region - Abstract
The archaeological study of recent periods in Malta is in its infancy. Despite the high potential for an historical archaeology of Malta contributing to broader issues, such as an understanding of Mediterranean trade and colonialism, as well as the cultural history of Malta, the archaeological resource has remained under-explored. The aim of this article is to address the situation and offer an initial classification and interpretation of local and imported red earthenware ceramics. It will demonstrate the need for such work in relation to answering questions relating to local production, international trade, and foodways. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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39. Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Portuguese Craft Beers
- Author
Silva, Sara Alexandra Cabral da, Pinho, Cláudia Marta Libreiro de, Oliveira, Ana Isabel, Pinho, Cláudia, and Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico do Porto
- Subjects
Lúpulo ,Malt ,Compostos fenólicos ,Biological activities ,Craft beer ,Hops ,Malte ,Antioxidantes ,Atividade biológica ,Antioxidants ,Cerveja artesanal ,Phenolics compounds - Abstract
A produção e o consumo de cerveja têm aumentado, face à popularidade da cerveja artesanal. A presença de compostos fenólicos, afeta as características organoléticas e estabilidade química, sendo responsável por potenciais benefícios à saúde. O trabalho apresenta como principal objetivo a determinação de parâmetros químicos e da atividade antioxidante em cervejas artesanais e matérias-primas. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo experimental em 16 cervejas artesanais portuguesas, 10 amostras de malte e 11 amostras de lúpulo. Nas cervejas analisou-se o pH, acidez total, açucares redutores e compostos fenólicos totais (TPC). A determinação da atividade antioxidante (ensaio radical DPPH e da ferrozina) realizou-se nas cervejas e amostras de malte e lúpulo. As cervejas artesanais apresentaram valores de pH entre 4,27 e 4,92; acidez total entre0,10±0.00% e 0.62±0.01%; açucares redutores entre 2598,0 e 4446,3 mg/L. A amostra AMP-IS obteve o maior valor de TPC (2172,5±170,1mg GAE/L) e uma atividade quelante do ferro também elevada (46.2±0.9%). O maior valor de inibição do radical DPPH foi de 99.4 ± 0.6% (AMP-IPA). Estes resultados realçam a possibilidade de um consumo relevante de antioxidantes, sem o consumo excessivo de álcool, através de uma seleção adequada de cervejas.
- Published
- 2020
40. Passer par l’étape proto-eurorégionale : le cas de la région transfrontalière Sicile-Malte
- Author
Francesco Camonita
- Subjects
proto-eurorégional ,Malta ,Geography, Planning and Development ,regiones transfronterizas ,Urban Studies ,Sicile ,Political science ,cross-border regions ,INTERREG ,Sicilia ,Malte ,régions transfrontalières ,Humanities ,proto-euroregional ,Sicily ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Demography - Abstract
Cet article traite des régions transfrontalières qui existent actuellement dans l’Union européenne et qui sont généralement analysées par la littérature sur la coopération transfrontalière européenne et la gouvernance transfrontalière. L’ objectif est de construire une typologie spécifique pour les régions transfrontalières qualifiées de proto-eurorégionales. D’une part, la recherche construit un cadre théorique pour leur compréhension en utilisant les théories du néorégionalisme, les processus d’européanisation ascendante et surtout le modèle de Metzger (2013) de « régions en devenir comme public en stabilisation ». D’autre part, l’article cherche à tester la validité de cette typologie proto-eurorégionale par l’étude du cas de la région transfrontalière Sicile-Malte. L’argument est également étayé par une analyse qualitative basée sur des entretiens menés auprès des acteurs politico-institutionnels, de la direction d’INTERREG et des acteurs participants pour la période 2007-2013. This article deals with the cross-border regional realities that currently exist in the European Union, and which are generally addressed by the literature on European cross-border cooperation and cross-border governance. The objective is to develop a specific typology for cross-border regions described as proto-euroregional. On the one hand, the research builds a theoretical framework for their understanding that draws on the theories of Neo-Regionalism, the processes of bottom-up Europeanisation and above all the Metzger model (2013) of “regions-in-becoming as publics-in-stabilization”. On the other hand, the article tests the validity of this proto-euroregional typology by studying the case of the cross-border region Sicily-Malta. The argument is also supported by a qualitative analysis based on interviews with political-institutional actors, INTERREG management and participating actors for the period 2007-2013. Este artículo propone elaborar sobre una tipología de regiones transfronterizas actualmente existentes dentro de las fronteras de la Unión Europea, pero a menudo ignoradas por la literatura científica sobre cooperación y gobernanza transfronteriza. El objetivo es desarrollar una tipología específica para las regiones transfronterizas descritas como proto-euroregionales. En primer lugar, el artículo construye un marco teórico para su comprensión a través de teorías del Neo-Regionalismo, los procesos de Europeización desde abajo y sobre todo gracias al modelo de Metzger (2013) sobre la institucionalización de regiones. En segundo lugar, el artículo intenta validar la contribución teórica a través de la interpretación de la región insular transfronteriza Sicilia-Malta en cuanto estructura proto-euroregional. El argumento se basa en el análisis cualitativo de entrevistas a una serie de actores técnicos y político-institucionales participantes en el programa INTERREG Italia-Malta en el período 2007-2013.
- Published
- 2020
41. Optimization of time and amount of water in the malt production process
- Author
Muzzolon, Eloiza, Tonial, Ivane Benedetti, Lucchetta, Luciano, Alfaro, Alexandre da Trindade, and Brazil, Crislane
- Subjects
Cevada ,Malt ,CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS::TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS [CNPQ] ,Barley ,Retting ,Maceração ,Tecnologia de Alimentos ,Malte ,Germinação ,Germination - Abstract
O processo de produção do malte, utilizado para elaboração de cervejas, se dá em três etapas distintas: a maceração, a germinação e a secagem. O presente estudo foi planejado considerando as duas primeiras etapas do processo, a maceração e germinação. Na primeira fase do estudo, avaliou-se a variação do tempo no processo de maceração, procurando obter o tempo ideal para esta fase, avaliando-se as respostas dos parâmetros que determinam a qualidade do malte final para a cevada BRS Cauê. A segunda fase variou-se o tempo e quantidade de água na etapa de germinação empregando-se o delineamento Composto Central com esquema fatorial 2² em que um fator é o tempo (h) e o outro foi a quantidade de água (%). Nesta etapa foram utilizadas duas variedades de cevada, uma nacional (BRS Cauê) e uma importada (Andrea) para comparação da qualidade de seus maltes. Para ambas etapas de estudo, executou-se, primeiramente a avaliação da qualidade da cevada para sequencialmente avaliar a hidratação dos grãos com as análises de steeping index e grau de maceração, sendo posteriormente avaliado a qualidade do malte de ambas as cevadas. Os resultados referentes à primeira etapa do estudo, onde variou-se o tempo de maceração, os maltes não apresentaram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de qualidade avaliados. Na segunda etapa do estudo onde variou-se o tempo e a quantidade de água no processo de germinação foi possível verificar diferença significativa nos valores de FAN para a cevada BRS Cauê, enquanto que para a cevada Andrea a diferença foi percebida para o poder diastásico. Finalmente, constatou-se que, para melhorar a qualidade o malte na etapa de germinação, torna-se necessário o aumento do tempo de germinação e menor quantidade de água neste processo. The malt production process, used for brewing beers, takes place in three distinct stages: maceration, germination and drying. The present study was planned considering the first two stages of the process, maceration and germination. In the first phase of the study, the time variation in the maceration process was evaluated, trying to get the ideal time for this phase, evaluating the responses of the parameters that determine the quality of the final malt for “BRS Cauê” barley. The second phase varied the time and amount of water in the germination stage using the Central Compound design with a 2² factorial scheme in which one factor is time (t) and the other was the amount of water (%). In this stage, two varieties of barley were used, one national (BRS Cauê) and one imported (Andrea) to compare their characteristics and quality. For both stages of the study, the quality of the barley was first assessed to sequentially assess the hydration of the grains with the analysis of the steeping index and degree of maceration, the quality of the malt of each barley is subsequently assessed. The results for the first stage of the study, where the maceration time was varied, showed no significant differences in the quality of the obtained malt. In the second stage of the study, which varied the time and the amount of water in the germination process, it was possible to verify a significant difference in the values of FAN for the BRS Cauê barley, whereas for Andrea barley the difference was perceived for diastatic power. Finally, it was found that, to improve the quality of the malt in the germination stage, it is necessary to increase the germination time and less water in this process.
- Published
- 2020
42. Germinated grains: a superior whole grain functional food?1.
- Author
Nelson, Kristina, Stojanovska, Lily, Vasiljevic, Todor, and Mathai, Michael
- Subjects
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GRAIN -- Nutrition , *WHOLE grain foods , *DIABETES prevention , *CARDIOVASCULAR diseases , *BIOACTIVE compounds , *METABOLISM , *OXIDATIVE stress - Abstract
Grains are global dietary staples that when consumed in whole grain form, offer considerable health benefits compared with milled grain foods, including reduced body weight gain and reduced cardiovascular and diabetes risks. Dietary patterns, functional foods, and other lifestyle factors play a fundamental role in the development and management of epidemic lifestyle diseases that share risks of developing adverse metabolic outcomes, including hyperglycaemia, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Whole grains provide energy, nutrients, fibres, and bioactive compounds that may synergistically contribute to their protective effects. Despite their benefits, the intake of grains appears to be lower than recommended in many countries. Of emerging interest is the application of germination processes, which may significantly enhance the nutritional and bioactive content of grains, as well as improve palatability. Enhancing grain foods in a natural way using germination techniques may therefore offer a practical, natural, dietary intervention to increase the health benefits and acceptability of whole grains, with potentially widespread effects across populations in attenuating adverse lifestyle disease outcomes. Continuing to build on the growing body of in-vitro studies requires substantiation with extended in-vivo trials so that we may further develop our understanding of the potential of germinated grains as a functional food. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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43. Germinated grains: a superior whole grain functional food?1.
- Author
Nelson, Kristina, Stojanovska, Lily, Vasiljevic, Todor, and Mathai, Michael
- Subjects
GRAIN -- Nutrition ,WHOLE grain foods ,DIABETES prevention ,CARDIOVASCULAR diseases ,BIOACTIVE compounds ,METABOLISM ,OXIDATIVE stress - Abstract
Copyright of Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology is the property of Canadian Science Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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44. Systematics, biostratigraphy and evolutionary pattern of the Oligo-Miocene marine mammals from the Maltese Islands
- Author
Bianucci, Giovanni, Gatt, Michael, Catanzariti, Rita, Sorbi, Silvia, Bonavia, Charles G., Curmi, Richard, and Varola, Angelo
- Subjects
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BIOSTRATIGRAPHY , *MIOCENE stratigraphic geology , *MARINE mammals , *MARINE sediments , *OUTCROPS (Geology) , *CETACEA , *SQUALODONTIDAE - Abstract
Abstract: An overview of the upper Oligocene-upper Miocene marine sediments outcropping in the Maltese Islands provides a detailed stratigraphical setting of several marine mammal assemblages. The studied fossil material collected within the entire sequence, is now kept in the National Museum of Natural History of Mdina (Malta). Nannoplankton analysis of some selected sections, where mammal remains have been discovered, is also undertaken. The fossil marine mammals, consisting mostly of isolated ear bones and teeth, are referred to cetaceans (both mysticetes and odontocetes), sirenians, and pinnipeds. The cetacean record evidences an evolutionary pattern that agrees with the Oligo-Miocene general trend, characterized by the progressive rarefaction and disappearance of archaic families (squalodontids, waipatiids, and, maybe, mammalodontids), and by the appearance and diversification of the extant families represented within younger strata (kogiids, pontoporiids and ziphiids). Pontoporiids, waipatiids, and tentatively mammalodontids are here reported for the first time in the Mediterranean, while the kogiid record represents the only sure Miocene evidence of this family in the Mediterranean. The geographical distribution of the mammalodontids and the waipatiids, based on the Maltese and extra-Mediterranean records, supports an open communication between the Proto-Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific during the late Oligocene. Sirenians are represented by several dugongid pachyosteosclerotic rib fragments, collected from upper Oligocene through upper Miocene sediments. Pinnipeds are represented by a femur fragment from the Serravallian, referred to an indeterminate monachine, a phocid subfamily already reported from the Mio-Pliocene of the Mediterranean. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2011
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45. Actors, power, and discourses of growth limits.
- Author
Bramwell, Bill
- Abstract
Copyright of Annals of Tourism Research is the property of Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2006
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46. Riscatti e scambi di schiavi e captivi musulmani nel Mediterraneo tra XVI e XVIII secolo: il caso di Malta e l'operato del sultano del Marocco Sidi Muhammad
- Author
Grita, Irene
- Subjects
Méditerranée ,Malta ,Cavalieri di Malta ,diritto musulmano ,esclaves ,Marocco ,Settore M-STO/02 - Storia Moderna ,Settore L-OR/10 - Storia dei Paesi Islamici ,St. John ,arabo ,schiavitù mediterranea ,Sidi Muhammad ,Maroc ,arabe ,rachat ,esclavage ,Malte ,riscatto ,Settore L-OR/12 - Lingua e Letteratura Araba - Published
- 2020
- Author
Emma Cantisani and Fabio Fratini
- Subjects
restauro ,diagnostica ,Pisa ,malte - Abstract
Nell'ambito di una più ampia collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Firenze, l'Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del CNR ha effettuato un'indagine petrografica sulle malte provenienti dalle antiche mura e dal complesso del Giardino Scotto di Pisa, al fine di individuare materie prime e tecnologie impiegate nel confezionamento di questi materiali lapidei artificiali ed individuare similitudini/differenze tra i materiali impiegati nelle diverse fasi costruttive. I dati saranno utilizzati per predisporre un piano di restauro.
- Published
- 2020
48. Maltese responses to tourism.
- Author
Bramwell, Bill
- Abstract
Copyright of Annals of Tourism Research is the property of Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2003
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49. Desenvolvimento de uma bebida sem álcool, à base de malte
- Author
Dias, Lídia Marta Marques, Carriço, Sílvia Maria da Rocha Simões, and Billard, Nicolas
- Subjects
Lúpulo ,Bebida sem álcool ,Minerais ,Malte ,Energia ,Mosto ,Carboidratos - Abstract
O estágio curricular, inserido no âmbito desta dissertação de mestrado, foi desenvolvido na Essência D’Alma, Lda, uma microcervejeira localizada em Oliveira de Azeméis, no distrito de Aveiro, que tem sido reconhecida com vários prémios e medalhas, tanto em Portugal como no estrangeiro. Apesar de todos os prémios que tem vindo a conquistar, para conseguir sobreviver e prosperar, a empresa necessita de continuar a inovar, nomeadamente através do desenvolvimento de novos produtos e da sua introdução no mercado. Assim, o principal objetivo do estágio subjacente a esta dissertação consistiu em desenvolver uma nova bebida, sem álcool e à base de malte, com potencial para ser introduzida no mercado. Após uma análise do setor alimentar em Portugal surgiram várias ideias para o novo produto, sendo selecionada a ideia de uma bebida inovadora, capaz de englobar simultaneamente características de cerveja sem álcool, bebida de reposição hidroeletrolítica e refrigerante. Na fase seguinte, analisou-se o pH e teor de sólidos solúveis de outras bebidas comercialmente disponíveis, com o que se definiu que o novo produto deveria apresentar um pH de 3,00-3,50, que seria apenas ligeiramente superior à média dos refrigerantes (de 3,03), e um teor de sólidos solúveis de 6,00-8,00 °Brix, que seria ligeiramente inferior à média dos refrigerantes (de 9,90 °Brix). Posteriormente, através do desenvolvimento de protótipos de bancada, percebeu-se que a formulação da nova bebida deveria ser constituída por 61 % de mosto da cerveja Vadia Orgânica, 31 % de água adicional, 6 % de sumo de maracujá e 2 % de concentrado de maçã. De seguida, definiu-se o processo de fabrico desse produto, o qual teve por base algumas etapas do processo cervejeiro e terminou com uma pasteurização. A bebida resultante desse processo de fabrico foi então caracterizada por meio de análises sensoriais, físico-químicas e microbiológicas. A avaliação sensorial, tanto por parte dos consumidores como por parte dos provadores semi-treinados foi bastante positiva, indicando agrado pelo produto. Já os resultados das análises físico-químicas mostraram que a nova bebida possui um teor de carboidratos (83 g/L), incluindo glucose (11,4 g/L), que é compatível com os requisitos de um repositor hidroeletrolítico, enquanto o teor de sódio (28 mg/L) ficou bastante aquém do recomendado para esse tipo de bebidas. Em paralelo, as análises microbiológicas realizadas revelaram que o produto pode ser consumido sem riscos para a saúde pública. Assim, o produto desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação de mestrado, e que foi recentemente introduzido no mercado, consiste numa bebida sem álcool e com sabor a maracujá, denominada Vadia 100, que é 100 % vegetal e isenta de conservantes, corantes ou aromas artificiais, estando perfeitamente adaptada a um consumo quotidiano, por indivíduos de ambos os géneros, apesar de se destinar essencialmente a pessoas ativas e descontraídas, que frequentando ambientes também descontraídos. Em suma, o estágio subjacente a esta dissertação foi extremamente enriquecedor a nível de conhecimentos e competências, tendo permitido desenvolver e lançar um novo produto no mercado. The curricular internship, under this master's dissertation, was developed at the company Essência D'Alma, Lda, a microbrewery located in Oliveira de Azeméis, in the district of Aveiro, which has been recognized with several awards, both in Portugal and abroad. Despite all the awards it has been winning in order to survive and thrive, the company needs to continue to innovate, mainly through the development of new products and their introduction into the market. Thus, the primary objective of the internship underlying this dissertation was to develop a new alcohol-free and wort-based beverage, that could be introduced in the market. After an analysis of the food sector in Portugal, several ideas emerged for the new product, and the idea of an innovative beverage, capable of simultaneously encompassing a non-alcoholic beer, a hydroelectrolytic replacement drink and a soft drink, was selected. In the next phase, the pH and soluble solids content of other commercially available beverages were analyzed and, with that, it was defined that the product should have a pH of 3.00-3.50, which would be only slightly higher than the average soft drink (3.03), and a soluble solids content of 6.00-8.00, which would be slightly lower than the average soft drink (of 9.90). Subsequently, through the development of bench prototypes, it was realized that the formulation of the new drink should consist of 61 % of Vadia Orgânica wort, 31 % of additional water, 6 % of passion fruit juice and 2 % of apple concentrate. Then, the manufacturing process of this product was defined, which was based on some stages of the brewing process and ended with a pasteurization. The drink resulting from this manufacturing process was then characterized by sensory, physicochemical and microbiological analysis. The sensory evaluation by both consumers and semi-trained tasters was very positive, indicating a pleasure with the product. The results of the physicochemical analysis showed that the new drink has a carbohydrate content (83 g/L), including glucose (11.4 g/L), which is compatible with the requirements of a hydroelectrolytic replenisher, while the sodium content (28 mg/L) was well below the recommended for this type of drinks. In parallel, the microbiological analysis carried out revealed that the product can be consumed without risk to public health. Thus, the product developed under this master's dissertation, and which has recently been introduced to the market, consists of a non-alcoholic and passion fruit flavored drink, called Vadia 100, which is 100% vegetable and free of preservatives, colorings or artificial flavors. It is perfectly adapted to everyday consumption by individuals of both genders, although it is mainly intended for active and relaxed people, who also attend relaxed environments. In short, the internship behind this dissertation was extremely enriching in terms of knowledge and skills, enabling the development and launch of a new product into the market. Mestrado em Biotecnologia
- Published
- 2019
50. Coupling Multi-agent and Macroscopic Simulators of Traffic
- Author
Gerard Scemama, Mahdi Zargayouna, Fabien Leurent, Xavier Boulet, Génie des Réseaux de Transport Terrestres et Informatique Avancée (IFSTTAR/COSYS/GRETTIA), Communauté Université Paris-Est-Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR), Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité, Transport (LVMT ), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR)-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR)-Communauté Université Paris-Est, IRT SystemX (IRT SystemX), École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)-Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR)-Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), IRT SystemX, and Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR)-Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)
- Subjects
Coupling ,050210 logistics & transportation ,CONFERENCE ,Computer science ,05 social sciences ,020207 software engineering ,MALTE ,02 engineering and technology ,Coherence (statistics) ,Topology ,[INFO.INFO-MA]Computer Science [cs]/Multiagent Systems [cs.MA] ,0502 economics and business ,SIMULATION ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,SYSTEME MULTI-AGENT ,TRAFIC ROUTIER ,LOGICIEL ,INTERGICIEL ,MULTI-ECHELLE - Abstract
13th KES International Conference, KES-AMSTA-2019, Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2019, SAINT JULIAN'S , MALTE, 17-/06/2019 - 19/06/2019; Traffic simulations exist in multiple scales and each of these scales presents some advantages and is useful in certain contexts. Usually, multi-agent simulations use more detailed models and give more precise results than macroscopic models but their high calculation cost does not allow them to simulate very big areas such as an entire region. To overcome these limitations, multiscale simulations emerged with the coupling of two or more simulations of different scales. This paper presents a generic solution to combine a macroscopic simulator working on a large area, which contains a smaller area simulated by a multi-agent simulator. The main challenge is to assure the coherence between both simulators on the smallest area since it is simulated by both simulators at the same time. We first highlight the issues to tackle and the problems to solve when coupling two existing simulators, then we propose solutions for the coupling, and finally evaluate them on an example scenario.
- Published
- 2019
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