252 results on '"Matić, Branko"'
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2. Ekonomska i monetarna unija – rješenje za sve države Europske unije
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
Euro, optjecajni kovinski novac, novčana unija, Europska unija - Abstract
U radu se obrađuju emisije optjecajnog kovinskog novca država članica Europske unije koje koriste nacionalni novac kao zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja (države članice s odstupanjem) sa aspekta utjecaja tih okolnosti na obvezu uvođenja zajedničke valute. Godine 2021. to su Bugarska, Češka, Danska, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Poljska, Rumunjska i Švedska. Prema Ugovoru o osnivanju Europske unije države članice ove asocijacije su obvezne (uz dvije iznimke) uvesti zajedničku valutu Unije - euro u trenutku kada ispune uvjete za to. Ovakvo uređenje novčanog suvereniteta u Europskoj uniji implicira da u ovoj zajednici sada postoji devet različitih valutnih područja. Jedno, ujedno i najveće novčano područje je eurozona sa zajedničkom valutom i čini ga devetnaest država članica Unije te osam novčanih područja (država) s nacionalnom valutom. Države članice s odstupanjem su dužne ispunjavati svoje obveze u odnosu na ostvarenje ekonomske i monetarne unije kao najvišeg stupnja integracije. Ove aktivnosti su predmet valorizacije najmanje svake dvije godine ili po zahtjevu države članice s odstupanjem. Novčana rješenja u segmentu optjecajnog kovinskog novca u državama Europske unije sa nacionalnim novcem su različita i drukčija od uređenja u eurozoni. Prije svega se to odnosi na gospodarenje ovim novcem, ali i numizmatičkim aspektima njihovih izdanja kao i tradicijom u pojedinim sredinama. Stoga ovakvo stanje ima i utjecaj na proces uvođenja zajedničkog novca u tim državama. Zajednički optjecajni kovinski novac u Europskoj uniji je euro i njegov stoti dio euro cent. Ovaj je novac zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja na području svih država koje su ga prihvatile i one čine eurozonu. Svaka država emitent ovoga novca samostalno uređuje njegov avers dok je revers zajednički. Optjecajni kovinski novac, unatoč činjenici da bezgotovinska plaćanja postaju sve zastupljenija, i dalje, posebno u nekim sredinama, je izuzetno prisutan i značajan novčani oblik. Kroz analizu veličine apoenskog niza emisija optjecajnog kovinskog novca u svakoj državi koja koristi nacionalnu valutu, materijala koji se koristi u njihovoj izradi, vremenu puštanja ovih apoena u optjecaj te njihovoj kupovnoj snazi zaključuje se o monetarnim politikama u segmentu optjecajnog novca ovih država i odrazu istih na prihvaćanje zajedničkog novca. U radu se daje prikaz značajnijih novčanih unija u povijesti te osnovne specifičnosti novčanih rješenja u Europskoj uniji., The article addresses the issue of circulating coins of the EU member states that use their national currency as legal tender (member states with a derogation), from the aspect of how these circumstances affect the obligation to introduce the common currency. In 2021, these were Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and Sweden. In accordance with the Founding Treaties of the EU, the member states of this association have the obligation (with two exceptions) to introduce the common EU currency – the euro, at the moment when they meet conditions to do so. This way of regulating EU monetary sovereignty implies that this community at present has nine different currency areas. The largest currency region is the Eurozone with a common currency, and it consists of nineteen EU member states, and there are also eight currency regions (states) that use their national currencies. The member states with a derogation have the obligation to fulfil their commitments with respect to joining the economic and monetary union as the highest level of integration. These activities are evaluated at least every two years, or on demand of a member state with derogation. The monetary solutions concerning the circulating coins in the EU states with national currency are different from the regulation in the Eurozone. In the first place this refers to managing this currency, but also to numismatic aspects of their issuing and the tradition of particular countries. This state of affairs also influences the process of introducing the common currency in these countries. The common circulating coins in the EU are the euro and its hundredth part, the euro cent. This currency is legal tender in all the states that introduced it and they make up the Eurozone. Each country that issued these coins independently regulated their obverse, while the reverse is common. The circulating coins are still, although noncash payment is increasing, a very present and important form of payment, especially in some communities. Through analysing the denominations of the currency in each state that uses the national currency, the material used to produce it, the time when these denominations were issued and their market value, the author concludes about the monetary policies concerning the circulating currency in these states and how they will be reflected on accepting the common currency. The article also gives a survey of the more important monetary unions in history and the basic specifics of the monetary solutions in the EU.
- Published
- 2021
3. Shared Circulating Coins of the European Economic and Monetary Union – challenges in designing the national side
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
monetarna politika, optjecajni kovinski novac, europodručje - Abstract
U radu se obrađuje monetarna politika Europske ekonomske i monetarne unije u segmentu optjecajnog kovinskog novca koji glasi na euro i euro cente kojeg izdaju države članice Europske unije (europodručje) te države koje službeno koriste ovu valutu. Budući da je Hrvatska u fazi uvođenja eura, jedna od aktivnosti je, i uređenje nacionalne strane hrvatskih eurokovanica kako bi se zaključio ovaj proces. Gotovinski novac europodručja i država koje službeno koriste euro je kovinski novac i novčanice. Kovinski novac nije jedinstvena kategorija. Čine ga optjecajni kovinski novac, prigodni optjecajni kovinski novac te prigodni kovinski novac. Pritom se, prigodni optjecajni kovinski novac u europodručju emitira kao zajednički i nacionalni. Optjecajni kovinski novac koji glasi na eure i euro cente te zajednički prigodni optjecajni kovinski novac koji isključivo glasi na 2 eura (uz novčanice) zakonsko je sredstvo plaćanja u svim državama koje koriste zajedničku valutu. Trenutno europodručje čini devetnaest država Europske unije. Euro kao zajedničku valutu koriste službeno i četiri države koje nisu članice Unije temeljem zaključenih monetarnih sporazuma s Unijom s pravom izdavanja eurokovanica sa nacionalnom stranom. Optjecajni kovinski novac i zajednički prigodni optjecajni kovinski novac su jedine vrste gotovinskog novca europodručja i četiri države koje službeno koriste euro koje imaju jednu stranu – revers identičnu bez obzira na državu izdavatelja (zajednička strana), a drugu stranu (nacionalna strana) - avers s nacionalnim obilježjima., The article addresses the monetary policy of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in the section of euro and eurocent coins issued by member states of the European Union (Eurozone) and by states which officially use this currency. Since Croatia is in the stage of introducing the euro, one of the activities is the design of the national side of Croatian euro coins as a way of concluding this process.
- Published
- 2021
4. The Euro - the future legal tender in Croatia
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
monetarna unija, euro, optjecajni kovinski novac, prigodni optjecajni kovinski novac, kuna - Abstract
Europsku uniju danas čini 27 država. U 19 država te zajednice zakonsko je sredstvo plaćanja zajednička valuta - euro (europodručje) i te države tvore Europsku ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju, a u 8 država članica zakonska sredstva plaćanja jesu nacionalne valute. Postojanje dvojnog monetarnog rješenja u Europskoj uniji omogućava postupnost u procesu uvođenja zajedničke valute sukladno mogućnostima i spremnosti pojedinih država članica za zamjenu nacionalne valute eurom i slijedom toga, u konačnici, takvim rješenjem osiguran je i pristup monetarnoj uniji. Potpisivanjem Ugovora o pristupanju Europskoj uniji svaka država obvezuje se uvesti zajedničku valutu, ali autonomno odlučuje o trenutku započinjanja toga složenog procesa.1 Nakon toga slijedi ispunjavanje uvjeta konvergencije i dvogodišnje razdoblje pridržavanja propisanih kriterija i potom uvođenje zajedničke valute Unije., The European Union today comprises 27 member states, 19 of which share a common currency - the euro (euro area). These states form the European Economic and Monetary Union, the eurozone, and in the remaining 8 member states the legal tender is the national currency. The existence of a dual monetary solution in the European Union enables a gradual transition in introducing the common currency in accordance with the possibilities and readiness of individual member states to replace the national currency with the euro, and consequently, this solution ensures access to the monetary union. When each state signed the Treaty of Accession to the European Union, it committed to introduce the common currency, autonomously deciding on when to start this complex process. Then followed meeting the convergence conditions and a two-year period of keeping to the criteria prescribed, after which came the introduction of the Union’s common currency.
- Published
- 2020
5. Recent Special-Occasion Coins - appearance and tendencies
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
prigodni kovinski novac, predmonetarni oblici, zakonsko sredstvo plačanja - Abstract
Autor u radu istražuje fenomen recentnog prigodnog kovinskog novca u kontekstu promjena koje se provode za tu novčanu vrstu., The author researches phenomena of recent special-occasion coins in the context of changes that this kind of money is undergoing.
- Published
- 2019
6. A magyar kozforgalmi penzermek 1946-2016
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
penz, forint - Abstract
A forint mint es annak szazad resze a filler, mint magyarorszagi torvenyes fizetoeszkoz 1946.
- Published
- 2018
7. Numismatic and Notaphilic Aspects of Non-Standard Monetary Arrangements
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
numizmatika ,notafilija ,nestandardna službena monetarna rješenja ,monetarni suverenitet ,numismatics ,notaphily ,non-standard official monetary solutions ,monetary sovereignty - Abstract
U dugoj povijesti novca i pravnom uređenju njegova izdavanja, uporabe i poništavanja dostignuta su monetarna rješenja koja se mogu okarakterizirati kao standardna, a koja su danas ujedno i prevladavajuća. Po njima monetarna vlast države emitira nacionalnu valutu koja je zakonsko i definitivno sredstvo plaćanja na njezinom području. Manje je zastupljen model u kojem se monetarna suverenost s nacionalne razine prenosi na nadnacionalnu razinu - zajedničku monetarnu vlast (novčane unije). Ostala su monetarna rješenja nestandardni pristupi toj aktivnosti., In the long history of money and the legal regulation of issuing, using and invalidating it, standard monetary arrangements were reached and these today prevail. These are, that the monetary authorities of a nation issue the national currency which is the legal and definitive tender on its territory. A less frequent model is that in which monetary sovereignty is transferred from the national to the supranational level – a common monetary authority (monetary unions). Other monetary arrangements are non-standard approaches to this issue.
- Published
- 2018
8. Neke osobitosti recentne hrvatske ekonomske i monetarne povijesti
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
novčani sustavi ,novčane jedinice ,zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja - Abstract
Biti suvremenik stvaranja novoga novčanog sustava privilegija je malo generacija. Ona je tim veća što su se ove aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj odvijale u iznimnim i izuzetno složenim uvjetima (raspad jedne državne zajednice u kojoj se Hrvatska nalazila, okupacija dijela hrvatskog državnoga teritorija, agresije na nju i rata te svih posljedica koje ove okolnosti donose). Složenost ovakvih prilika je znatno utjecala na novčanu sferu i načine uređenja ovih pitanja. U relativno kratkom razdoblju (od prosinca 1991. do rujna 1997. godine) na teritoriju Hrvatske egzistirala su četiri novčana sustava koja su se dijelom vremenski poklapala (dva novčana sustava suverene države te dva okupatorske vlasti). Kao rezultat aktivnosti monetarnih vlasti (legalnih i okupacijskih) u optjecaju na području Hrvatske su se kao zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja u promatranome razdoblju koristile četiri novčane jedinice (hrvatski dinar /HRD/ i hrvatska kuna /HRK/ – na teritoriju pod hrvatskom vlašću i to u slijedu, te tzv. krajinski dinar i jugoslavenski dinar /YUD/ na okupiranim dijelovima Hrvatske također u slijedu uz istovremeno dijelom vremensko preklapanje tih novčanih sustava sa novčanim sustavom suverene Hrvatske). Dvije novčane jedinice su imale podjelu na stote dijelove (hrvatska kuna te jugoslavenski dinar). Dvije novčane jedinice u istraživanome razdoblju nisu realizirane (hrvatska kruna sa podjelom na stote dijelove – banice, opredmećena samo u obliku idejnih rješenja i dijelom u obliku probnih otisaka te jedna novčana jedinica bez odabranog imena samo kroz pokušaj nametanja zakonskog rješenja kojim bi ista postala zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja na dijelu okupiranog područja Republike Hrvatske pod srpskom vlašću – na području tzv. Srpske Krajine). Oslobađanjem okupiranih dijelova hrvatskog teritorija tijekom 1991., 1992. i 1993. godine na tim prostorno i po broju stanovnika nevelikim područjima hrvatski dinar postaje zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja. Područja koja su oslobođena vojnim akcijama 1995. godine – zapadna Slavonija (vojna akcija Bljesak) i sjeverna Dalmacija, Lika, Kordun i Banija (vojna akcija Oluja) i uspostavom hrvatskog suvereniteta na tim područjima uspostavlja se i hrvatska monetarna vlast i hrvatska kuna postaje jedino zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja i na tim dijelovima hrvatskoga teritorija. Konačno, mirnom reintegracijom i preostalih područja Republike Hrvatske - istočne Slavonije, Baranje i zapadnog Srijema kuna postaje jedino zakonsko sredstvo plaćanja na njenom cjelokupnom teritoriju 1997. godine. Emisija vlastitoga optjecajnoga kovinskog novca izuzetno je zahtjevna djelatnost sa dugoročnim reperkusijama. Kreacija ovih novčanih artefakata treba udovoljiti, osim potrebama novčanog prometa, i ekonomskim zahtjevima prvenstveno glede troškova njihove izrade te estetskim zahtjevima njihovih korisnika. U radu se uspoređuju emisije hrvatskog optjecajnog kovinskog novca sa emisijama ovoga novčanog oblika u tri države u navedenom razdoblju u kontekstu njegovih osobina, materijala izrade i pojedinih elemenata vezanih za gospodarenje ovim novčanim oblikom.
- Published
- 2017
9. Financing Regional Development Through Development Banks
- Author
Matić, Branko, Serdarušić, Hrvoje, Dražen Barković, Karl –, Heinz Dernoscheg, Maja Lamza - Maronić, Branko Matić, Norbert Pap, Bodo Runzheimer, and Dirk Wentzel
- Subjects
financing, regional development, development banks, sources of financing ,jel:E51 ,jel:O23 ,financing ,regional development ,development banks ,sources of financing ,jel:O16 ,jel:G32 ,jel:O19 - Abstract
A combination of various sources of financing is a necessary prerequisite to finance any development as well as regional development. Sources of financing can be monitored and evaluated from the aspects of suitability (cost aspect), availability and abundance. Ultimate users of funds give advantage to financial sources whose availability and abundance is at the maximum level, and costs are at their minimum. For the most part, development bank funds meet the above mentioned requirements, since the main function of these banks is to finance certain activities under special (more favourable) conditions. The significance, justification and evaluation of this form of financial resources in the regional development segment are becoming more and more prominent. The subject of this paper is the amount and conditions of development bank loans in the area of Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem Counties.
- Published
- 2009
10. Prilog povijesti stvaranja recentnog hrvatskoga kovinskog novca
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
monetarni suverenitet ,kuna ,lipa ,skice za novac - Abstract
Uspostava hrvatskog monetarnog suvereniteta te okolnosti koje su vezane za emisiju hrvatskog recentnog novca u literaturi su obrađeni kroz niz članaka i knjiga. Hrvatski recentni novac prezentiran je i kroz više izložbenih postava. Znatno je manje radova koji su obradili i idejna rješenja (skice) za ovaj novac te modele za njega. Autor u članku obrađuje neobjavljene skice za recentni hrvatski optjecajni kovinski novac autora profesora Damira Mataušića kako bi se javnosti prezentirala i ova materija kao dokument hrvatske novčane povijesti.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Matić, Branko, Cobović, Mirko, and Cobović, Maja Vretenar
- Subjects
SOCIAL security ,SOCIAL factors ,PENSIONS ,SOCIAL problems ,RISK (Insurance) - Abstract
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- Published
- 2019
12. Gospodarenje recentnim kovinskim novcem
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
hrvatski novac ,prigodna izdanja novca ,gospodarenje novčanim emisijama ,prof. Damir Mataušić - Abstract
Autor obrađuje neusvojena idejna rješenja (u skicama i modelima) za prigodni hrvatski kovinski novac s motivima viteške igre - Sinjske alke, autora akademskog kipara, profesora Damira Mataušića
- Published
- 2014
13. Organizirani kriminalitet kao temelj ugroze suvremene civilizacije
- Author
Nađ, Ivan, Matić, Branko, Kulenović, Željka, and Vajda-Halak, Željka
- Subjects
organizirani kriminalitet, pojavni oblici, metode suzbijanja kriminaliteta, informator zaštićeni svjedok - Abstract
Organizirani kriminalitet predstavlja konstantan izazov u kriminalistici i stoga je uvijek aktualna tema. Danas organizirani kriminalitet predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju pravnom poretku i demokratskim institucijama gotovo svake zemlje, ali i međunarodne zajednice u cjelini. Osnovi motiv istraživanja u ovom području jasno upozorava, da se samo odgovarajućim multidisciplinarnim istraživačkim strategijama može upoznati i razumjeti ovaj zasigurno složeni društveni fenomen, a tek njegovim dobrim poznavanjem stvoriti preduvjete za njegovo sprečavanje, kontroliranje i suzbijanje. Organizirani kriminalitet ne može se efikasno suzbiti samo naglaskom na represiji, već mjere treba tražiti u prevenciji, u rigoroznoj kontroli državnih službenika, u iskorjenjivanju korupcije, u razvijanju svijesti o neophodnosti uključivanja svih nacionalnih i međunarodnih institucija, cjelokupne javnosti i svih relevantnih političkih čimbenika u borbi protiv organiziranog kriminaliteta. Kako je imovinska korist glavni cilj organiziranog kriminaliteta, a istovremeno i njegova “Ahilova peta“, bezuvjetno treba inzistirati na oduzimanju svake imovine i imovinske koristi stečene vršenjem kaznenih djela organiziranog kriminaliteta. Sve dok se jasno ne kaže da se zločin nikome neće isplatiti, borba protiv organiziranog kriminaliteta neće biti uspješna. Cilj ovog rada je analiza suvremene metode sprječavanja, suzbijanja i dokazivanja pojave organiziranog kriminala, te razmatranje pitanja vezana uz prikupljanje dokaza primjenom posebnih dokaznih radnji kojima se ograničavaju neka od temeljnih prava i slobode građana, s posebnim osvrtom na problematiku primjene instituta “zaštićenog svjedoka“.
- Published
- 2014
14. Novac i kulturni identitet Hrvatske
- Author
Matić, Branko, Mihaljević, Marija, Haršanji, Maja, and Miljenko Brekalo, Angelina Banović-Markovska, Mate Buntić, Snježana Čolić, Maja Jakimovska-Tošić, Zlatko Kramarić, Ivica Musić, Krystyna Pieniazek-Marković, Sanja Špoljar Vržina, Ivana Žužul
- Subjects
identitet ,nacionalni suverenitet ,Europska unija ,monetarna politika ,kulturna dimenzija novca - Abstract
Rad je usmjeren na novac kao jedno od bitnih obilježja suvereniteta svake države. Novac kao kompleksna pojava, a posebice neki novčani oblici poput suvremenog kovinskog i papirnog novca, danas imaju naglašenu multidimenzionalnost. Globalizacijskim i integracijskim procesima novac, prvenstveno kroz svoju kulturnu dimenziju, može određenim aktivnostima postati i bitan čimbenik u očuvanju kulturnog identiteta svake države, pa tako i Hrvatske uz istodoban doprinos i općoj kulturi. U radu se komparativnim, analitičkim, sintetičkim i statističkim analizama uz pomoć grafičkih prikaza statističkih podataka analiziraju praktična likovna rješenja u segmentu optjecajnog kovinskog novca država članica Europske monetarne unije te se ukazuje mogućnost kreiranja izgleda hrvatske nacionalne strane kovinskog novca denominiranog u eurima i euro centima. Ujedno, autori predlažu uvođenje jednog novog novčanog oblika u segmentu papirnog novca - prigodni optjecajni papirni novac.
- Published
- 2014
15. Novac kao kulturna pojava
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
novac ,numizmatika ,kultura ,Europska unija - Abstract
U članku autor na primjeru dijela emisije recentnog hrvatskog kovinskog novca istražuje kulturnu dimenziju novčanog fenomena. Ova dimenzija novca u uvjetima globalizacije i integracijskih procesa dobiva poseban značaj kroz moguću afirmaciju te istovremeno očuvanje nacionalnog identiteta.
- Published
- 2013
16. Neki učinci emisije suvremenog kovinskog novca
- Author
Matić, Branko, Srb, Vladimir, and Matić, Branko
- Subjects
emisija novca ,funkcije novca ,monetarna politika ,jel:E4 ,jel:E5 ,issuing of money, functions of money, monetary policy - Abstract
Contemporary metal money is analyzed as a money form, explaining the reasons for making it, as well as the effects arising from its emission. Some new ones are emphasized, such as the numismatic effects. This conclusion is based on the traditional functions of this money form. The roots of some modern money solutions are found to lie in the past. The author considers several new possibilities for developing this part of Croatia's monetary policy, and the aim is for the country to find its place within global trends by achieving diverse effects of issuing metal money, i.e. coins.
- Published
- 2001
17. Modeli upravljanja emisijskom dobiti kod kovinskog novca
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
kovinski novac ,emisijska dobit ,nefiskalni prihod - Abstract
Autor istražuje i analizira recentne promjene u emisijskim politikama država i monetarnih unija u segmentu kovinskog novca, koje su sve češće, a provode se zato da bi se ostvarili nefiskalni prihodi i postigli drugi nemonetarni učinci. U radu se razmatraju samo službene emisije kovinskog novca.
- Published
- 2012
18. Hrvatski monetarni suverenitet: hrvatske kovnice i tiskare novca
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
monetarni suverenitet ,kovnice novca ,tiskare novca - Abstract
Hrvatski monetarni suverenitet - Hrvatske kovnice i tiskare novca
- Published
- 2012
19. Impact of Financial Crisic on Credit Lending of Croatian Banks
- Author
Matić, Branko, Serdarušić, Hrvoje, Vretenar, Maja, Urban Bacher, Dražen Barković, Karl - Heinz Dernoscheg, Maja Lamza - Maronić, Branko Matić, Norbert Pap, and Bodo Runzheimer
- Subjects
banke ,kreditiranje ,financijska kriza - Abstract
The global economic crisis has threaten the stability of banking systems around the world, which has impact on the Croatian bank. Banks as financial intermediaries between money sufficient and money defi cient subjects through their core business, credit lending, significantly affect the stability and economic development. This study examines the impact of the global financial crisis on the changes in the Croatian banking system which reflected on the amount and structure of bank lending.
- Published
- 2011
20. Monetarna ekonomija
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
Monetarna ekonomija - Abstract
Udžbenik na cjelovit način razlaže problematiku monetarne ekonomije od njenih početaka do suvremenosti. Sukladno tome obrađuje i institucije koje su u funkciji emisije novca. Autor novac obrađuje s ekonomskog, društvenog i pravnog motrišta. Sukladno tome analizira funkcije novca te standarde koji trebaju očuvati povjerenje u novčane oblike i njihove simbole.
- Published
- 2011
21. Characteristic of the Corporate Bank Governance System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Matić, Branko and Papac, Nikola
- Subjects
jel:G3 ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING ,corporate governance, stakeholders, corporate governance system, the banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Abstract
The term ‘corporate governance’ stands for a set of relations between management, large and small shareholders and other interest groups. A good corporate governance system is the basic postulate of sustainable economic growth, increase in economic system efficiency and a guarantee for easier access to sources of foreign capital. Ownership concentration is a significant internal mechanism of corporate governance because it greatly defines the relationship between owner and manager. There are two types of ownership concentration: highly dispersed ownership, that is, low ownership concentration, and very high ownership concentration. These concentration differences affect the corporate governance system itself, so there is a difference between a closed corporate governance system in the situation of high ownership concentration and an open corporate governance system where the situation is the reverse. The form of the system affects how the governing body is formed and structured, as well as how it operates and conducts its business policies. Within the financial system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the banking system is dominant. An analysis of the corporate governance system has shown a relationship between ownership concentration and the form of the corporate governance system itself. 3e banking sector is predominantly owned by foreign companies and is characterized by a high ownership concentration. The fact that the corporate governance system is closed affects the election of members to the governing body and their work in enforcing business policies.
- Published
- 2010
22. Hrvatska emisijska politika u segmentu kovinskog novca
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
kovinski novac ,emisijska dobit ,kovinsko važenje - Abstract
Emisija suvremenog kovinskog novca, uz ispunjenje određenih uvjeta, može osim monetarnih učinaka imati i niz drugih prvenstveno gospodarskih i numizmatičkih. U radu autor analizira recentnu hrvatsku emisijsku djelatnost i politiku u segmenu kovinskog novca uočavajući pojedine faze u emisiji ovoga novca. Unatoč kratkoj suvremenoj emisijskoj djelatnosti Hrvatska kroz različite emisijske politike ovog novčanog oblika daje značajan doprinos razvoju ove djelatnosti. Neka nova umjetnička rješenja ukazuju na aktivnosti na ovome planu
- Published
- 2010
23. Poslovno izvještavanje kao mehanizam korporativnog upravljanja u bankama u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Author
Matić, Branko and Papac, Nikola
- Subjects
korporativno upravljanje ,stakeholders ,financijski izvještaji ,korporativni izvještaji ,revizija i interna kontrola - Abstract
Promtarati suvremen korporacije kao ekonomske entitete je potpuno pogrešno, one su i socijalni entiteti koji su u stalnoj i intenzivnoj interakciji sa svojom okolinom. U takvom odnosu različite skupine stakeholderska svoje interese kao primarne, što može dovesti i do njihovog međusobnog konflikta. Kao jedan od najznačajnijih mehanizama korporativnog upravljanja nameće se upravljanje transparentosti poslovanja. Tranparentnost poslovanja u bankarskom sektoru je značajan element i supervizijskog procesa, ali i stvaranja efiksane tržišne discipline. Temeljem toga može se zaključiti da je korporativno izvještavanje jedan od ključnih mehanizama korporativnog upravljanja. Zadatak korporativnih izvješća nije samo prikazati financijske pozicije i pokazatelje poslovanja određene korporacije, nego ona obuhvaćaju i deskriptivnih informacija o poslovanju korporacije koja mogu biti obveznog ili neobveznog karaktera. Temeljni kanali informiranja u bankama u Bosni i Hercegovini su web stranice banaka, a temeljni oblici su zakonom propisana financijska izvješća. Dobrovoljno izvještavnje nema veću ulogu u financijskom izvještavanju. Ovdje treba naglasiti i vlo značajnu ulogu uprava društava/banaka koje kontroliraju poslovanje te kontroliraju i sam proces izvještavanja. Ključna preporuka je formiranje središnjeg registra poslovnih izvješća te stvaranje jedinstvenog ''on line prozora'' za objavljivanje izvješća veznih za ključne segmente koji određuju ovaj mehanizam korporativnog upravljanja.
- Published
- 2010
24. Financijski marginalno stanovništvo kao faktor ograničenja regionalnog razvoja
- Author
Matić, Branko, Serdarušić, Hrvoje, Vretenar, Maja, and Katalinić, Branko
- Subjects
prag siromaštva ,regionalni razvoj ,faktor ugroze - Abstract
Razvijenost pojedine zemlje, a posebice razvijenost njenih regija, između ostalog, moguće je mjeriti i stopom rizika od siromaštva. Prag siromaštva na području Istočne Hrvatske niži je od nacionalnog prosjeka. Pored ostalih okolnosti na takvo stanje posebice je utjecao Domovinski rat i ratne štete te okupacija većeg dijela ovoga područja. Autori u radu analiziraju lokalne specifičnosti vezane uz prag siromaštva u Osječko-baranjskoj i Vukovarskoj-srijemskoj županiji te na temelju toga inauguriraju "Faktor ugroze" (FU) koji predstavlja pokazatelj ugroze regionalnog razvoja.
- Published
- 2010
25. Osobine sustava korporativnog upravljanja u bankama u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Author
Matić, Branko and Nikola Papac
- Subjects
korporativno upravljanje ,interese utjecajne skupine (stakeholders) ,sustav korporativnog upravljanja ,bankarski sektor Bosne i Hercegovine - Abstract
Korporativno upravljanje predstavlja skup odnosa između menadžmenta, malih i velikih dioničara te drugih interesnih grupa. Dobar sustav korporativnog upravljanja temeljni je preduvjet održivoga ekonomskog rasta, povećanja efikasnosti gospodarskog sustava te je jamac lakšem pristupu vanjskim izvorima kapitala. Koncentracija vlasništva je značajan interni mehanizam korporativnog upravljanja jer u velikoj mjeri određujeodnos vlasnika i menadžera. Postoje dvije situacije koncentracije vlasništva: vrlo disperzirano vlasništvo, odnosno niska koncentracija vlasništva i vrlo visoka koncentracija vlasništva. Ove razlike u koncentraciji vlasništva utječu i na sam sustav korporativnog upravljanja, pa se prema tome razlikuje zatvoreni sustav korporativnog upravljanja u situaciji visoke koncentracije vlasništva i otvoreni sustav korporativnog upravljanja u obrnutoj situaciji. Oblik sustava korporativnog upravljanja utječe i na samo oblikovanje i strukturu tijela upravljanja te način rada i provođenja poslovnih politika. Bankarski je sustav dominantan u financijskom sustavu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Analiza sustava korporativnog upravljanja pokazala je vezu između koncentracije vlasništva i samog oblika sustava korporativnog upravljanja. Bankarski sektor je u pretežitom stranom vlasništvu i karakterizira ga vrlo visoka koncentracija vlasništva. Zatvorenost sustava korporativnog upravljanja utjecala je i na biranje članova tijela upravljanja i njihov rad u provođenju poslovne politike.
- Published
- 2010
26. Gospodarstvo i financijske institucije Brodsko – posavske županije (od sredine 18. do sredine 20. stoljeća)
- Author
Matić, Branko and Vretenar, Maja
- Subjects
obrtništvo ,industrija ,financiranje ,financijske institucije ,bankarstvo - Abstract
U radu se istražuje financijska povijest brodskog Posavlja, stupanj razvitka gospodarstva te njegov utjecaj na razvoj financijskog sektora od sredine 18. do sredine 20. st. U tom razdoblju obrađene su četiri institucije, najznačajnije u segmentima razvoja gospodarskih, a potom i financijskih aktivnosti. S rastućim potrebama stanovništva prvotno se razvija obrtništvo dok kasniji intenzivan razvoj industrije dovodi do pojave prvih financijskih institucija (prvenstveno niže financijske organiziranosti), a zatim i postupnog razvoja bankarstva koji značajno utječe na cjelokupni razvitak tadašnjega Slavonskog Broda i njegove okolice.
- Published
- 2009
27. Financije - praktikum
- Author
Marković, Branimir and Matić, Branko
- Subjects
financije ,javne financije ,monetarne financije - Abstract
Praktikum iz Financija je namijenjen studentima Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku kako bi pojednostavio proces praćenja nastave i razumijevanja gradiva, te omogućio bolju i kvalitetniju pripremu učenja.
- Published
- 2008
28. Grant and Donation in Financing Regional Development
- Author
Matić, Branko, Serdarušić, Hrvoje, and Branko Katalinić
- Subjects
regionalan razvoj ,subvencija ,financiranje ,Europska unija ,regional development, grant, financing, European Union ,jel:R11 ,jel:O1 ,jel:O2 - Abstract
Unbalanced regional development is mayor obstacle to general advancement and prosperity of the European Union. Object of research is significance and role of financial sources as main factor that determine the development. The authors analyzes the financing models for polycentric balanced development through grant’s and donations.
- Published
- 2008
29. Promoting Knowledge Society Through Study Programme Quality Management
- Author
Lamza–Maronić, Maja, Matić, Branko, Barković, D., and Moczadlo, R.
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,knowledge society ,educational system ,quality of education ,management - Abstract
The new century in the European Union countries has highlighted the importance of high quality knowledge, lifelong learning, and common dimensions of the knowledge base. Knowledge is today one of the fundamental levers of development. Knowledge management is the capability of active formation and creation of one's immediate and wider environment. Information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet and its applications, increase the volume, speed and accessibility of information, while eliminating the obstacles of space and time. In today's world, companies demand applicable solutions to the problems in their environment. The central goal of university reform in the Republic of Croatia is the transition towards an integrated, competent, research-orientated and efficient higher education, with accredited programmes and institutions. The Bologna process in the new education structure for economists (undergraduate and graduate studies, specialist graduate studies, doctoral studies) requires continuous monitoring, adapting, updating, innovation and transparency of the devised model of education.
- Published
- 2008
30. Proračunski prihodi u funkciji zadovoljavanja javnih potreba samoupravnih jedinica u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Matić, Branko and Čulo, Ivica
- Subjects
proračun ,zadovoljavanje javnih potreba ,lokalna i područna samouprava ,policentrični razvoj ,nadzor - Abstract
U okviru teorijskoga i egzaktnog razmatranja uspostavljenog sustava samoupravnih jedinica u Republici Hrvatskoj (općine, gradovi i županije) u radu je provedeno istraživanje funkcioniranja i proračunske dostatnosti sredstava, odnosno postojećih izvora prihoda kojima se financira zadovoljavanje predviđenih (planiranih) javnih potreba i interesa građana. S obzirom na nemogućnost povećanja poreznih izvora naglašava se potreba i nužnost pronalaženja novih izvora i novih oblika financiranja samoupravnih jedinica.
- Published
- 2008
31. Emisija prigodnog kovinskog novca - perspektive i mogućnosti
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
prigodni kovinski novac ,emisija novca ,multidimenzionalnost novca ,novčana dezintermedijacija - Abstract
Autor na primjeru emisije recentnog hrvatskog prigodnog kovinskog novca proučava važnost takvih izdanja, naglašavajući multidimenzionalnost tog novčanog oblika. Pri tomu uočava mogućnost emitenta takva novca da u globalizacijskim procesima participira u tome segmentu, postižući važne numizmatičke, gospodarske, kulturne i druge učinke.
- Published
- 2008
32. Modeli financiranja regionalnog razvitka Istočne Hrvatske
- Author
Matić, Branko and Serdarušić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
jel:G2 ,jel:G3 ,jel:O1 ,regional development, financing, banks - Abstract
The paper discusses the reasons for the low development level of Eastern Croatia, as well as possible ways of overcoming this situation. The revenues of local and regional self-government are frequently insufficient to finance development projects. Different characteristics of these fiscalities, such as permanent income and changes in managing this income can reduce the costs and result in more prudent and economical stewardship of local and regional authorities. This refers primarily to concentrating public resources in one commercial bank, which would establish a kind of partnership between the bank and the local community. The paper further examines the influence of ownership structure and bank's domicile on business policies of the banks operating in Eastern Croatia. The proposed changes together with new ways of financing, such as issuing securities, could generate new positive effects in financing regional development.
- Published
- 2007
33. Nova monetarna rješenja u segmentu prigodnoga kovinskog novca
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
jel:F31 ,jel:E44 ,jel:E5 ,money, monetary solutions,issuing profit, European union ,jel:E42 - Abstract
The author researches a singular monetary situation connected with the common issue of commemorative coin age by two states: Ireland, an EU member state that belongs to the Euro-system, and Croatia, an EU membership candidate. Although they belong to two different monetary systems, the two countries created a precedent by issuing a common commemorative coin on the grounds of ahistoric artistic design. This undertaking is affirmation of Croatian coinage, artistic and numismatic activities.
- Published
- 2007
34. Changes in Currency during the Establishment of Croatian Monetary Sovereignty
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
monetarni suverenitet ,privremeni novac ,hrvatski dinar ,kuna ,jel:E4 ,jel:E5 ,monetary sovereignty, temporary money, Croatian dinar, Kuna - Abstract
In the Republic of Croatia monetary sovereignty was established in several stages that reflected changes in and the growth of independent Croatian territory. The rebellion of part of the Croatian citizens of Serb nationality, the aggression of the then Yugoslavia and the occupation of some territories of the Republic of Croatia on which a para-state was proclaimed, the so-called Republic of Srpska Krajna, strongly impacted these activities. Thus Croatian monetary sovereignty was established in accordance with these circumstances. First temporary money was introduced on the territory under Croatian authority – the Croatian dinar (December 1991). When economic and monetary conditions were ripe the Croatian dinar was replaced by the permanent national monetary unit – the kuna, and its hundredth part – the lipa (May 1994). The kuna became the legal currency on the territory of the Republic of Croatia under Croatian authority, and after western Slavonia (May 1995) and northern Dalmatia, Lika, Kordun and Banija (August 1995) were liberated, also on these formerly occupied territories. The fourth stage in the establishment of Croatian monetary sovereignty was carried out in September 1997 in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (Croatian Danubian region) as part of their peaceful reintegration into the Republic of Croatia with the help of the United Nations – the United Nations Transitional Authority in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmuim (UNTAES), when the kuna was introduced as the legal currency in this region before the establishment of complete Croatian rule and the return home of the banished population of this territory.
- Published
- 2006
35. Telecommunications as a segment of the information system in the Republic of Croatia financial and legal aspects
- Author
Brekalo, Miljenko, Bilandžija, Nikola, Matić, Branko, and Kereković, Davorin
- Subjects
information system ,concession ,telecommunications ,public income ,Information system, concession, telecommunications, public income ,information system, concession, telecommunications, public income ,jel:D8 ,jel:D9 - Abstract
The Republic of Croatia belongs to the circle of transitional countries that has undertaken major efforts at the build-out of the information system. The development of telecommunications has been given a great importance because they represent one of the essential basis for the economical development and the general development of the Croatian society all together. In the last few years there was monopoly in the Croatian market of telecommunications. However, the competition to T-Mobile has been introduced and due to this fact the quality of telecommunication services has been increased, the prices have been lowered and at the same time the fiscal revenue to the state bugdet has been growing because the number of users has been significantly bigger, especially in teh area of the mobile telecommunications and Internet services.
- Published
- 2006
36. Problems of financing local and regional self-government
- Author
Marković, Branimir, Matić, Branko, and Kereković, Davorin
- Subjects
jel:H0 ,finance, income, local units, taxes, non-fiscal income ,finance ,income ,local units ,taxes ,non-fiscal income ,jel:E6 - Abstract
Due to the very large number of local units in the Republic of Croatia, the system of collecting income is mainly insufficient for quality and functional financing of public needs on the local and regional levels. It is therefore necessary to continue the search for new models of regulating financial relations between the state and local units. The executed decentralization of the financing of local and regional self-government is not sufficient. Because of the new work and activities that have fallen into the jurisdiction of counties (as regulated by Amendments to the Act from 2005), it is necessary to increase the state’ s allocation of funds from common taxes for the units of the local and regional self-government, to increase the autonomy of the local and regional units in the introduction of their own incomes, especially taxes, to take care about the implementation of functional decentralization, and to stimulate local and regional governments in the realization of a larger non-fiscal income of their own. It is a fact that some countries in the European Union have begun with the reorganization and reduction of their local self-government precisely because of too high financial payments for the needs of the local self-government. However, so long as the Republic of Croatia retains the existing organization of local governments, it should also provide for its financing. The local or regional self-government units’ own sources of income should be their principal sources of financing.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
Matić, Branko and Cobović, Maja Vretenar
- Subjects
PENSION management ,SOCIAL security ,GOVERNMENT policy ,PENSION financing - Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
38. Das Europa der Monetären Einheit im Gegensatz zum Europa der Nationalen Kulturellen Uneinheit
- Author
Matić, Branko, Šundalić, Antun, and Turkalj, Željko
- Subjects
jel:Z1 ,monetary unity, European identity, functional unity, consumption culture, European Union ,jel:G2 ,monetäre Einheit ,europäische Identität ,funktionelle Einheit ,Verbraucherkultur ,Europäische Union ,jel:E5 ,jel:N1 - Abstract
Die Geschichte Europas ist geprägt durch die Konflikte und Uneinigkeiten seiner Völker. Auch der Fortschritt und die moderne Welt vermochten diese Spuren nicht zu verwischen. So bekommt die Europäische Union, die ja zu Anfang ein wirtschaftliches Projekt (EWG) war, heute auch ganz neue, andere Dimensionen ; eine monetare, eine politische und eine kulturelle. Zudem sind auch nicht alle Mitglieder der Union an jeder einzelnen gleich interessiert. So wollen z.B. die älteren Mitglieder der EU die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, ihren gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Standard, die national-kulturelle Identität beibehalten ; die neuen Mitglieder envarten sich von dem Beitritt in die Union einen wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt, die Verbesserung des gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Standards, Sozialsicherheit und Stabilität. Dieser Unterschied ist eine Gefahr für das Erzielen einer funktionellen Einheit der EU für welche auf jeden Fall auch eine gemeinsame europaische Identitdt außerordentlich wichtig ist. Der heute anhaltende Trend der Transnationalisierung und Kosmopolitisierung verdruckt dann diese europäische traditionelle Nationalorientierung. Auch die Erschaffung eines einheitlichen europäischen Standards durch die Verbraucherkultur verlangt die Sprengung der Rahmen der Nationaltraditionen, was aber auch der Erschaffung eines einheitlichen Europas nicht gleichbedeutend ist, gerade wegen dieser Ungleichheit unter den Nationen. Kann diese monetäre Einheit der erste bedeutende Schritt in Richtung der Uberbruckung von historischen Unterschieden, der wirtschaftlichen Ungleichheit und der nationalkulturellen Verschlossenheit sein? Können die gemeinsamen Ziele der Monetarpolitik, ihre elastische Strukturierung und Erweiterung in den neuen Ländern dazu fuhren? - dies und anderes sind Fragen, mit denen sich dieAutoren dieser Arbeit befassen werden. Wir werden uns auch mit der Relation unserer nationalen Währung - der Kuna im Bezug auf den Euro befassen.
- Published
- 2005
39. Croatian monetary strategy in the conditions of globalization
- Author
Matić, Branko and Kereković, Davorin
- Subjects
jel:E0 ,jel:E4 ,money, monetary policy, Euro, globalization, information systems ,money ,monetary policy ,Euro ,globalization ,information systems ,jel:E5 - Abstract
The author starts from the assumption that Croatia will access the European Union. Following assumption, he analyzes the possible scenarios of Croatian strategy based on the achievements the country’ s monetary policy, on the degree of acceptance of the convergence criteria and on exceptionally rich and miscellaneous Croatian monetary heritage. The author also emphasizes inaugurates solutions which are most effective for Croatia, winning recognition for the Croatian contribution to this global process.
- Published
- 2005
40. Die Reform des Geld - und Währungssystems der Republik Kroatien unter dem Einfluss der europäischen Integrationsprozesse
- Author
Marković, Branimir and Matić, Branko
- Subjects
jel:H2 ,jel:G2 ,jel:H3 ,jel:E1 ,jel:H6 ,jel:H7 ,jel:E4 ,fiscal system, monetary system, reforms, harmonization [Key words] ,jel:E6 ,jel:O1 ,jel:O2 ,jel:O4 - Abstract
Through a continuous reform of its fiscal system (especially the tax system), the Republic of Croatia has harmonized them with those of EU countries, in keeping with European integration processes and the intention to become a full EU member. Certain differences are still in place (tax rates, certain tax incentives, benefits and exemptions), but they are soon to be harmonized as well in an ongoing tax system reform. As for the monetary segment, Croatia is already relatively well harmonized with EU standards. This harmonization is primarily based on a stable exchange rate of the national currency and low inflation. The legislation is for the most part in line with the country's endeavours in this area. Certain segments of monetary finances, especially those with long-term effects such as capital transfers etc., which are not yet adequately regulated through positive legislation, will soon have to be harmonized with the EU acquis.
- Published
- 2004
41. A Keszpenz korszeru szerepe (Suvremene funkcije gotovinskog novca)
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
kovinski novac ,emisijska dobit - Abstract
A cikk szerzoje a korszeru magyar fem- es papirpenzzel, kapcsolatban megallapitja, hogy az, a mindennapi funkcio mellett, megfelelo megoldasokkal kepes betolteni mas feladatokat is. Bizonyitja, hogy a penz ilyen formainak van jovoje, fenmaradasi eselye es ez indokolja eloallitasukat is. Ezert hangsulyozza, a korszeru magyar penzgyartas gykorlataban elert jelentos es kulonleges eredmenyeket, az ujszeru muveszi megoldasokat es a kidolgozas kivetelesen magas szinvonalat.
- Published
- 2004
42. Convertibility and system of paper money
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
jel:E4 ,jel:E5 ,Convertibility and system of paper money - Abstract
The paper discusses the phenomenon of modern convertibility in paper currency system. Unlike the period of metal (mint) value and traditional convertibility, convertibility today has different aspects and dimensions. Furthermore, it is regulated by the International Monetary Fund, but it depends also on the recognition in bilateral and multilateral relations between states. A proclamation of convertibility and tying this to the name of a national currency (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is another recent precedent.
- Published
- 2004
43. Prigodni papirni novac
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
novčanice ,funkcije novca ,emisijska dobit ,notafilija - Abstract
The author examines the practice and possibilities in the issue of contemporary banknotes on the example of the first Croatian memorial currency banknote, of the nominal value of 10 kunas, edition of 30 May 2004. He accentuates the new functions of this form of money resulting from globalisation and new needs in the sphere of money.
- Published
- 2004
44. Emisija suvremenog gotovinskog novca i nacionalna ekonomija
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
novac ,emisija novca ,emisijska dobit ,numizmatika ,notafilija - Abstract
Autor na primjeru emisije suvremenog kovinskog i papirnog novca uočava i dokazuje mogućnost gospodarenja ovim novčanim oblicima uz postizanje niza učinaka kao što je emisijska dobit, numizmatički i notafilijski probici te promidžbeni efekti. Inkorporirajući nove pristupe u emisiji suvremenog novca u gotovinskom obliku dokazuje da su oni dio financijalne znanosti posebice znanosti o novcu, te da je suvremena numizmatika i notafilija njena sastavnica. Na taj način emisiju suvremenog kovinskog i papirnog nonca tretira kao dio nacionalne ekonomije.
- Published
- 2004
45. A papirpenz konvertibilitasa es rendszere (Konvertibilnost i sustav papirnog novca)
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
konvertibilnost ,papirni novac ,optjecajni novac - Abstract
Ein selbstaendiges Land ist ohne eigenes Geld nicht vorstellbar, ein Geld im Umlauf zu bringen ist aber eine besonders anspruchsvolle und komplexe Aufgabe. Diese Situation ist noch schwerer, wenn sie unter solchen Umstaenden durchgfuert werden muss, wie Agression, Krieg und Besetzung. Die Loesung der Geldfrage von Bosnien-Herzegowine wiederspiegelt es klar und gleichzeitig weist auch darauf hin, wie lang und schwer der Weg ein stabiles Geldsystem zu schaffen ist. Die neue Republik wurde am 6. April 1992 proklamiert, groesserer Teil des Landes war aber damals noch unter serbischer Besetzung. Ueber Staatsverwaltung war noch keine Rede, Muenzsystem bezeichnend, wie z. B. die manuelle oder mechanische Ueberstempelung einiger Banknoten, weiterdrucken von schon existierenden Banknoten, - eventuell mit Ueberstempelung des Namen des Emissionaers, Benutzung von verschiedenen Scheinen und auslaendischene Valuten, sowie Emission von nicht offizielen Muenzen (Gold-, Silber und kein Edelmetall) in Ecu, Dinar sogar Ducat Waehrungen. Mit der Konsolidation der Verhaeltnisse und der Begruendung der zentralen Bank des Staates begann die Stabilisierung der finanziellen Lage auch. Im Jahre 1998 wurde das neue gesetzliche Zahlungsmittel des Landes, die konvertibele Mark, und ihr Hundertstel der Pfennig im Umlauf gebracht.
- Published
- 2004
46. Reforme fiskalnog i monetarnog sustava RH pod utjecajem europskih integracijskih procesa
- Author
Matić, Branko and Marković, Branimir
- Subjects
fiskalni sustav ,monetarni sustav ,reforme ,harmonizacija - Abstract
Republika Hrvatska se kontinuiranom reformom fiskalnog sustava (a naročito poreznog sustava) harmonizirala sa istim sustavima zemalja EU što je u skladu sa europskim integracijskim procesima i željom naše države da uđe među članice EU. Istina postoje još određene razlike (visine poreznih stopa, određeni porezni poticaji i olakšice i oslobođenja) koje nisu u potpunosti usklađene sa zemljama EU, a koje će se uskladiti reformom poreznog sustava koja je upravo u tijeku. Hrvatsko približavanje EU u monetarnom segmentu trenutno je relativno visoko harmonizirano sa standardima te asocijacije. Prvenstveno se ono temelji na stabilnom tečaju nacionalne valute i niskoj inflaciji. Zakonodavna regulacija monetarne sfere uglavnom odgovarajuće prati hrvatsko nastojanje na ovome planu. Segmenti monetarnih financija posebno onih od dugoročnog utjecaja kao što su kapitalni transferi i slično koji nisu na odgovarajući način do sada regulirani pozitivnim propisima te će morati biti ubrzo usklađeni s postavkama pravne stečevine EU.
- Published
- 2004
47. Modern Cash Money Issue and National Economy
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
jel:E0 ,jel:E4 ,jel:E5 ,money, issuing money, issuing profit, numismatics, notaphilia - Abstract
Summary: On the example of the issue of contemporary coined and paper money, the author observes and proves the possibility to manage this monetary form and to achieve a number of effects such as the issuing profit, numismatic and notaphily benefits as well as promotional effects. By incorporating new approaches in the issuing of contemporary money in cash form proves that these approaches are apart of the financial science, especially the science about the money, and that the contemporary numismatics and notaphily are also its integral part. In this way, the issuing of the contemporary metal and paper money is treated as apart of the national economy.
- Published
- 2004
48. Issuing Policies in Currencies Denominated in Euros and Eurocents
- Author
Novak, Branko, Matić, Branko, and Stjepanović, Slobodanka
- Subjects
jel:R1 ,monetary sovereignty, monetary policy, eurization ,jel:R3 ,jel:N1 ,jel:O2 ,jel:R5 ,jel:N2 ,jel:O4 ,jel:O5 ,monetary sovereignty ,monetary policy ,eurization ,jel:G1 ,jel:P45 ,jel:G2 ,jel:H3 ,jel:P44 ,jel:E2 ,jel:F3 ,jel:F4 ,jel:E3 ,jel:H6 ,jel:H7 ,jel:E4 ,jel:E5 ,jel:E6 - Abstract
Globalization and strengthening of integration processes have, among other things, also influenced some solutions relating to monetary sovereignty of particular countries. A great number of transition countries as well as some other underdeveloped countries are facing both inefficiency in their real sectors and problems in their financial sectors. This primarily refers to the instability of the exchange rate of their national currencies, frequent and high devaluations, mistrust of the users in domestic currency, inflation, and the like. Under such circumstances, some countries decide to give up their monetary sovereignty. Prior to such a decision, it is certainly essential to find answers to the following four key questions: a) what does the country win and what does it lose, b) what are the expenses of such activity and for whom is such change acceptable, and c) which form of abandoning monetary sovereignty should be chosen? Problems can also be significant regarding the possibility that the phases of economic development do not match. Hence, the measures of monetary policy adjusted to the economic cycles of the country whose currency has been chosen as reserve currency need not correspond with the phase of development of the economy in the country using that currency. In the case of Euro as the legal means of payment, the production of Euro coins will begin two years before they are officially put into circulation. In that period (of two years), each year the appropriate quantity of coins will be produced, with a value structure allowing normal functioning of the monetary market in the moment when Euros are put into circulation, which is very important in currency conversion. With respect to the long Croatian monetary history, but also to the recent issuing activity in the segment of circulation coinage, commemorative circulation coinage and numismatic coinage, all these activities should continue in the future as well. Commemorative coins are, as a rule, identical to regular circulation coins in all details, including the material of which they are made, with differences only in some details (indicating the occasion on which the coins are issued)or in their value in comparison to circulation coinage. At the moment, such coins are accepted as exclusive legal means of payment but only in the country that has issued them. Correspondingly, the amount of this money is determined by the ECB in keeping with its issuing policy. This money is a part of the monetary mass of the issuing country. Issuing policy of the EU member countries that have accepted the common currency and those countries that are not EU members but have their legal currency denominated in Euros regardless of the sort of coinage indicate: - the possibility to diversify the offer of all sorts of coinage following the said criteria, or introducing new criteria for their differentiation or their combinations, - currency denominated in Euros and Eurocents in each issuing country becomes, in a large part, the object of interest and collecting in other countries with the currency of the same name (and with one common/same side of the coins – reverse) because these are the coins with at least one common characteristic. - The selection of motifs at the national side of the coins (head) can itself be the reason for choosing this currency as the object of collecting, or it can become an additional reason for collecting in combination with the above section. - Collecting of these coins will in the future certainly be a part of a much wider process, so that later it will be very difficult if not impossible to secure certain coins at the quality level of coinage that have not been in circulation.-Despite the short issuing activity relating to the currency denominated in Euros and Eurocents, the trends in this field so far strongly suggest some regularity, such as: - There is strong interest for circulation coins of Euros and Eurocents as objects of collecting even among people whose motivation is not primarily numismatic. Even the most optimistic expectations regarding the new common currency have been absolutely surpassed (not only in the countries that have introduced Euro as their currency, but much wider). - As soon as Euros and Eurocents have appeared in circulation, a part of these coins were hoarded and became objects of trade at the numismatic market reaching very high prices. The object of collection has namely become much wider because in addition to national reasons for collecting, there are now other motives as well, since the Euro and Eurocent coins have one side (reverse) in common. - Speculative reasons for treasuring up these coins result from the above mentioned grounds but also from the fact that the beginning of circulation of these coins provides the opportunity to right at the start secure a certain quantity of the coins satisfying strict numismatic standards regarding the state of these coins (preferred quality is that of non-circulated coins). - Issuing commemorative circulation coins and numismatic coins additionally point at great interest for these monetary forms significantly broadening the field of numismatic interest. Croatia should therefore quickly design its own issuing policy in the segments of circulation and commemorative circulation coins, and especially in the segment of commemorative circulation coins and commemorative coins.
- Published
- 2004
49. Modern functions of cash money
- Author
Matić, Branko
- Subjects
money, emission profit ,jel:E4 ,jel:E5 - Abstract
Taking as an example recent Hungarian currency, it is concluded that the functions of coins and paper money are related to their daily use (trade and payment), but they can have some other dimensions and functions if proper solutions are found. In this way it is argued that these money forms have their future and raison d'être, thus they need to be further created and managed. Hungarian contemporary practice of money emission is given as a good example of various significant effects, primarily in the segment of non-fiscal revenues, based on innovation, artistic solutions and superb craftsmanship.
- Published
- 2004
50. Measuring the quality of corporate governance in the banking sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Author
Matić, Branko, primary and Papac, Nikola, additional
- Published
- 2014
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