134 results on '"N, Aladjidi"'
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2. Mise au point : le purpura thrombopénique immunologique de l’enfant
- Author
Marlène Pasquet, Thierry Leblanc, M.-F. Courcoux, Hélène Boutroux, N. Aladjidi, and Guy Leverger
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,030215 immunology - Abstract
Resume Le purpura thrombopenique immunologique est la cause la plus frequente de thrombopenie chez l’enfant. Neanmoins, cette entite constitue un diagnostic d’exclusion et necessite d’eliminer les autres causes de thrombopenie. Il s’agit d’une maladie dans la grande majorite des cas benigne, mais son potentiel hemorragique doit etre evalue de maniere precise grâce notamment au score de Buchanan, pour ne pas meconnaitre les rares formes hemorragiques severes qui peuvent menacer le pronostic vital. La prise en charge a la phase aigue repose principalement soit sur l’abstention therapeutique, soit sur un traitement par immunoglobulines polyvalentes intraveineuses (IgIV) ou la corticotherapie. Concernant son mode evolutif, on distingue trois formes : aigue, persistante et chronique. A la difference du purpura thrombopenique immunologique de l’adulte, la majorite des purpuras thrombopeniques immunologiques de l’enfant evolue sur un mode aigu ou persistant (80 %). La prise en charge des purpuras thrombopeniques immunologiques chroniques est moins consensuelle et depend principalement de la severite du syndrome hemorragique et de l’impact de la thrombopenie sur la qualite de vie de l’enfant. L’eventail des therapeutiques est large et comprend : les IgIV, la corticotherapie, la splenectomie, les immunosuppresseurs, les analogues du recepteur de la thrombopoietine et d’autres medicaments. Cependant, l’abstention therapeutique reste la regle dans un grand nombre de cas. Il faut noter que les recents progres dans la genetique des thrombopenies constitutionnelles ont permis de redresser un certain nombre de diagnostics de purpuras thrombopeniques immunologiques chroniques vers une thrombopenie constitutionnelle. Le diagnostic de purpuras thrombopeniques immunologiques chroniques doit donc etre remis en question de maniere reguliere en fonction de l’evolution.
- Published
- 2018
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3. Mutations haplo-insuffisantes du gène SOCS1 : une nouvelle cause d’auto-immunité à début précoce traitée par une thérapie ciblée
- Author
Thierry Walzer, N. Aladjidi, Capucine Picard, Alexandre Belot, Jérôme Hadjadj, Bénédicte Neven, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Anne-Marie Fischer, M.C. Stolzenberg, M. Tusseau, C. Carla, Stephan Ehl, Jean-Christophe Lega, and V. Jean-François
- Subjects
Gastroenterology ,Internal Medicine - Abstract
Introduction L’auto-immunite apparait lorsque les mecanismes de controle qui maintiennent la tolerance et l’homeostasie immunitaire echouent. Certaines maladies auto-immunes a debut precoce et/ou a presentation familiale peuvent etre causees par une mutation dans un seul gene (on parle alors de maladie monogenique). Leur etude peut permettre une meilleure comprehension des mecanismes physiopathologiques impliques dans l’auto-immunite en general. Materiels et methodes Nous avons analyse par etude de l’exome ou du genome entier (whole exome/genome sequencing) une serie de patients ayant presentes une maladie auto-immune a debut precoce et/ou familiale. La pathogenicite ainsi que la segregation familiale des variants retrouves ont ete analysees. Une large serie d’etudes immunologiques, biochimiques et de biologie moleculaire a ete realisee afin de demontrer l’impact au niveau cellulaire des mutations retrouvees. Resultats Nous avons identifie des mutations germinales heterozygotes, de transmission autosomique dominante, et pertes de fonctions du gene SOCS1 chez 10 patients de 5 familles differentes avec des maifestations auto-immunes a debut precoce et/ou de presentation familiale. La penetrance etait incomplete (65 %). Les symptomes ont debute a un âge median de 7,5 ans (2–44) mais la majorite des patients etait adulte au moment de l’analyse genetique. Les principales manifestations cliniques etaient : des cytopenies auto-immunes (n = 5), une auto-immunite d’organe (thyroidite, psoriasis, maladie coeliaque, n = 4) et un lupus systemique (n = 2). SOCS1 est une proteine intracellulaire inductible qui regule negativement l’activation de la voie JAK-STAT en reponse a certaines cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Ainsi, les lymphocytes derives de patients presentaient une hyperactivation de la voie JAK-STAT en reponse a l’interferon-gamma, l’interleukine-2 et l’interleukine-4. Sur le plan immunologique, les patients presentaient une proportion augmentee de lymphocytes B autoreactifs (CD19 + CD38lowCD21low) et une proportion diminuee de lymphocytes B memoires switches. On observait egalement une proportion diminutee de lymphocytes T regulateurs qui presentaient un phenotype et une fonction alteres. Les lymphocytes T de patients avaient une proliferation augmentee en reponse a l’interleukine-2 en comparaison avec des controles. Enfin, in vitro, ex-vivo et in vivo, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de JAK1-2 (le ruxolitinib) etait efficace sur pour supprimer l’hyperactivation de la voie JAK-STAT en reponse aux differentes cytokines Conclusion L’haploinsuffisance en SOCS1 est une nouvelle cause monogenique de maladie auto-immune a debut precoce et/ou familiale de transmission autosomique dominante caracterisee par une hypersensibilite des cellules immunes aux cytokines pro-inflammatoires. L’utilisation des inhibiteurs des JAKs pourrait etre particulierement adaptee dans ce contexte.
- Published
- 2020
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4. [Transfusion and its specific problems in pediatrics and neonatology]
- Author
Y, Pérel, C, Runel, Y, Huguenin, L, Renesme, and N, Aladjidi
- Subjects
Infant, Newborn ,Infant ,Transfusion Reaction ,Blood Component Transfusion ,Pediatrics ,Blood Grouping and Crossmatching ,Child, Preschool ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Humans ,Blood Transfusion ,Parental Consent ,France ,Neonatology ,Child - Abstract
Principles of transfusion strategy have been used for neonates and children similar to adults. However, due to substantial discrepancies between physiology/pathology in children and in their adult counterparts, decisions, indications, and doses are different from those of adults, especially in neonates. Specific data and practice guidelines for blood product transfusion are reported owing to the experience of pediatrics and neonatology units and partners of the French Blood product bank.
- Published
- 2017
5. Parvovirus B19
- Author
F. Morinet, N. Aladjidi, and S. Pillet
- Published
- 2013
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6. Infections à Campylobacter chez l’enfant
- Author
Francis Mégraud, P. Lehours, J. Sarlangue, and N. Aladjidi
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Resume Les infections a Campylobacter sont essentiellement des infections enteriques, frequentes avant l’âge de 15 ans. Elles sont surtout dues a Campylobacter jejuni, surviennent principalement durant la periode estivale et touchent plus les garcons. La transmission est le plus souvent alimentaire (volaille ou contamination croisee de mets manges crus). D’autres contaminations de l’environnement peuvent survenir. En plus des symptomes digestifs, des complications infectieuses systemiques ou des complications post-infectieuses (articulaires, neurologiques) sont parfois observees. La gravite est augmentee chez l’immunodeprime. Le diagnostic conventionnel par culture est en passe d’etre supplante par des methodes moleculaires et immuno-enzymatiques plus sensibles. Le traitement antibiotique adapte ameliore les symptomes digestifs. Une bi-antibiotherapie est necessaire en cas d’infection systemique ou de localisation secondaire.
- Published
- 2012
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7. Photo-onycholyse chez 2 nourrissons traités par vémurafénib pour une histiocytose langerhansienne
- Author
C. Léauté-Labrèze, A. Éyraud, B. Franck, V. Leroy-Colavolpe, N. Aladjidi, and N. Bachere
- Subjects
Dermatology - Abstract
Introduction Les effets secondaires des inhibiteurs de BRAF sont bien connus des dermatologues. En revanche, ils sont moins familiers des pediatres qui les utilisent depuis 2013 pour de rares formes severes d’histiocytose langerhansienne (HL) multisystemique avec mutation BRAF V600E. Nous rapportons pour la premiere fois 2 observations de nourrissons qui ont presente une reaction phototoxique severe au vemurafenib associee a une photo-onycholyse secondaire. Observations Cas no 1 : un nourrisson de 12 mois atteint d’une HL systemique grave de type Letterer-Siwe, avec mutation BRAF V600E etait traite par vemurafenib apres 1 mois d’echec du traitement de premiere ligne (240 mg × 2, dosages residuels efficaces non toxiques). A 5 mois de traitement, apres une premiere exposition solaire non protegee, l’enfant a presente un erytheme intense des zones photoexposees, avec œdeme et douleurs d’amelioration tres lente. Apres 3 semaines, l’erytheme evoluait favorablement, mais on notait une onycholyse de tous les ongles des mains. Cas no 2 : un nourrisson de 24 mois atteint d’une HL retro-orbitaire avec mutation BRAF V600E, etait traite par vemurafenib apres 7 mois d’echec de 2 lignes de traitement (240 mg × 2/j puis 120 mg × 2 devant un dosage residuel eleve). A 7 mois de traitement, elle a presente, apres une courte exposition solaire au debut du printemps, un erytheme du visage rapidement regressif avec apparition 3 semaines plus tard d’une onycholyse diffuse des doigts. Des consignes strictes de photoprotection ont ete donnees aux familles et les signes cliniques dermatologiques ont completement regresse pour les 2 enfants. Le vemurafenib, qui avait permis une remission significative de la maladie, a ete poursuivi ( Fig. 1 ). Discussion Le pronostic de l’HL avec atteinte multisystemique a ete revolutionne par les inhibiteurs de BRAF et il est probable qu’a l’avenir de plus en plus d’enfants soient traites avec ces molecules. Cependant, leurs effets secondaires cutanes, et a fortiori sur les phaneres, sont peu connus des medecins non dermatologues. La phototoxicite, liee aux UVA, est frequente dans les series d’adultes traites par inhibiteurs de BRAF (30 a 40 %), et ce pour des expositions solaires minimes. Une etude francaise realisee chez 12 patients en 2012 suggere que la molecule impliquee serait un des metabolites du vemurafenib plutot que la molecule mere. Les consequences au long cours d’erythemes solaires severes chez l’enfant pouvant etre particulierement dommageables, des mesures adequates de photoprotection doivent etre mises en place des le debut du traitement. Conclusion Le dermatologue a un role important dans la prevention, le diagnostic, et le traitement des effets indesirables cutanes des therapies ciblees qui sont utilisees maintenant aussi chez des enfants des le plus jeune âge.
- Published
- 2017
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8. Présentation atypique d’un lymphome pédiatrique : hypermétabolisme ostéo-médullaire isolé en TEP/TDM au 18F-FDG
- Author
S. Dulucq, N. Aladjidi, A. Tiphaine, R. Schollhammer, C. Jubert, M.C. Parrens, Yves Perel, M. Meyer, P. Fernandez, and H. De Clermont
- Subjects
Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,Biophysics ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging - Abstract
Objectifs Le lymphome est une hemopathie maligne rare chez l’enfant, habituellement suspecte devant un tableau associant syndrome tumoral ganglionnaire, fievre au long cours et alteration de l’etat general. La precocite du diagnostic histologique precis conditionne la strategie therapeutique. Nous rapportons ici une presentation atypique de lymphome T chez un enfant de 9 ans, se presentant avec une fievre a 40 °C evoluant depuis 15 jours et une discrete pancytopenie avec activation macrophagique, sans syndrome tumoral ni contexte infectieux associe. Materiels et methodes L’echographie abdominale et la radiographie thoracique sont normales. Plusieurs myelogrammes objectivent une hypoplasie granuleuse et erythroblastique avec 15–20 % de lymphocytes CD8+ et CD30+. Le bilan est complete par une biopsie osteo-medullaire (BOM) et une TEP/TDM au 18F-FDG (TEP). Resultats La BOM revele une infiltration medullaire par une lymphoproliferation clonale T CD8+, CD30+, ALK−. La TEP initiale montre un hypermetabolisme osteo-medullaire intense et diffus tres inhabituel (SUVmax = 13), predominant sur le squelette peripherique, sans atteinte morphologique osseuse, syndrome tumoral ni cible ganglionnaire. Les bilans infectieux et immunitaire sont negatifs. Une atteinte medullaire reactionnelle inflammatoire est initialement evoquee. Apres echec de plusieurs antibiotherapies d’epreuve, la corticotherapie est efficace sur la fievre et les signes biologiques, recidivant des l’arret, avec atteinte cutanee associee montrant la meme lymphoproliferation T CD8. Une nouvelle TEP est realisee, mettant en evidence une progression metabolique de l’atteinte osteo-medullaire plus heterogene et l’apparition d’adenopathies hypermetaboliques sus et sous-diaphragmatiques. La biopsie ganglionnaire retrouve l’infiltrat T CD8. La confrontation de l’analyse anatomopathologique et de l’evolution clinique et morpho-metabolique retient finalement le diagnostic de lymphome T CD8 cytotoxique inclassable, initialement osteo-medullaire. L’enfant est actuellement en remission au decours d’une chimiotherapie conventionnelle, suivie d’une allogreffe de moelle osseuse. Conclusion Le bilan d’extension d’un lymphome inclut de facon standardisee la TEP dans l’evaluation initiale. Un hypermetabolisme osteo-medullaire isole, intense et diffus, sans syndrome tumoral ou atteinte morphologique osseuse associee, n’avait pas ete jusque-la rapporte dans la litterature, et doit faire evoquer precocement un lymphome.
- Published
- 2017
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9. Épidémiologie des anémies hémolytiques auto-immunes de l'enfant : données de la cohorte française
- Author
Jean-Louis Stephan, F Le Deist, C. Pondaré, Pierre Quartier, Pierre G. Lutz, A. Pariente, Y. Perel, Y. Colin, K. Yacouben, Gérard Michel, P. Blouin, Brigitte Nelken, F. Monpoux, Guy Leverger, Annie Robert, Thierry Leblanc, N. Aladjidi, and Brigitte Bader-Meunier
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chronic disease ,Patient care team ,Multicenter study ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Diagnostico diferencial ,Medicine ,Statistical analysis ,business - Published
- 2006
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10. Prise en charge d'une anémie hémolytique auto-immune à la phase aiguë
- Author
Y. Pérel, M. Jeanne, and N. Aladjidi
- Subjects
Autoimmune disease ,Hemolytic anemia ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Immunology ,medicine ,medicine.disease ,business ,Hemolysis - Published
- 2006
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11. Syndrome d'Evans : étude rétrospective de la société d'hématologie et d'immunologie pédiatrique (36 cas)
- Author
Anne Auvrignon, Guy Leverger, J. Landmann-Parker, F Le Deist, Pascal Chastagner, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, C Behar, P. Blouin, G. Antoni, Y. Perel, N. Aladjidi, Isabelle Thuret, A. Pagnier, Isabelle Pellier, and Yves Bertrand
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Resume Le syndrome d'Evans (SE) associe une anemie hemolytique auto-immune (AHAI) et un purpura thrombopenique auto-immun (PTAI). Physiopathologie, epidemiologie et evolution de ce syndrome chez l'enfant sont mal connues. Population d'etude. – Trente-six enfants (20 garcons et 16 filles) porteurs d'un SE, dont le diagnostic avait ete porte entre 1990 et 2002 dans les centres de la SHIP (Societe d'hematologie et d'immunologie pediatrique), ont ete inclus dans cette enquete retrospective. Resultats. – La mediane de l'âge au moment du diagnostic etait de quatre ans. Vingt-et-un enfants avaient des antecedents ou des associations morbides particulieres (consanguinite, antecedents familiaux de troubles de l'immunite, manifestation clinique auto-immune, anomalies du taux serique d'immunoglobulines ou des populations lymphocytaires, anomalie de dosage des fractions du complement ou presence d'anticorps seriques antinucleaires). Plusieurs traitements successifs (mediane : 3, extremes : 0–10) ont ete utilises dont les plus frequents etaient : corticotherapie (35/36), perfusion intraveineuse d'immunoglobulines (32/36), immunosuppresseurs (14/36), splenectomie (9/36) et anticorps anti-CD20 (6/36). Les patients ayant une anomalie du taux serique d'immunoglobulines se sont averes etre plus souvent resistants aux traitements corticoides et aux perfusions intraveineuses d'immunoglobulines et ont necessite un recours plus frequent a d'autres therapeutiques ( p = 0,03). Trois enfants sont decedes (8,3 %) dont deux de manifestations hemorragiques et un d'un syndrome de Guillain-Barre associe. Conclusion. – L'evolution a ete severe, caracterisee par une menace vitale et par la succession de therapeutiques lourdes chez plus de la moitie des patients. La distinction nosologique du SE avec les deficits immunitaires (voie d'apoptose mediee par fas notamment), syndromes lupiques et affections constitutionnelles, l'identification de sous-groupes au sein de l'entite « SE », l'evaluation dans chacun d'entre eux du pronostic et des traitements les plus efficaces requierent l'etude prospective d'une cohorte de patients presentant un SE, explores et evalues de facon homogene.
- Published
- 2005
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12. Treatment of childhood acute myeloblastic leukemia: dose intensification improves outcome and maintenance therapy is of no benefit – multicenter studies of the French LAME (Leucémie Aiguë Myéloblastique Enfant) Cooperative Group
- Author
G. Michel, Virginie Gandemer, Anne Auvrignon, J.-H. Dalle, Judith Landman-Parker, Brigitte Pautard, I. Thuret, Thierry Leblanc, Yves Reguerre, J.-P. Vannier, Francoise Mechinaud, Yves Perel, O Lejars, André Baruchel, Gérard Couillaud, Christophe Piguet, Guy Leverger, N. Aladjidi, and C. Schmitt
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Asparaginase ,Adolescent ,Risk Assessment ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Maintenance therapy ,Internal medicine ,Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols ,medicine ,Humans ,Child ,Bone Marrow Transplantation ,Mitoxantrone ,Acute leukemia ,Dose-Response Relationship, Drug ,business.industry ,Remission Induction ,Infant, Newborn ,Antineoplastic Protocols ,Infant ,Induction chemotherapy ,Hematology ,Survival Analysis ,Surgery ,Transplantation ,Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute ,Regimen ,Treatment Outcome ,Oncology ,chemistry ,Child, Preschool ,Cytarabine ,France ,business ,Follow-Up Studies ,medicine.drug - Abstract
From 1989 to 1998, 341 children were included in the French multicentric LAME (Leucémie Aiguë Myéloblastique Enfant) trials. A total of 309 children were registered in the LAME 89/91 protocol. This intensive regimen included an induction phase (mitoxantrone plus cytarabine), two consolidation courses, one containing timed-sequential high-dose cytarabine, asparaginase and amsacrine; 276 (90%) achieved a CR. The 5-year overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 60+/-4 and 48+/-4%, respectively. From 1997, timed-sequencing of the LAME SP induction chemotherapy led to an unacceptable frequency of consolidation delay; future improvements are unlikely to come from further increases in intensity. The role of allogenic bone-marrow transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling in CR1 was examined. The disease-free survival (DFS) was 52+/-4% for non-allografted patients and 57+/-7% for allografted patients (P=NS); a better OS for allografted patients was shown and could be related either to allo-BMT early in CR1 or to a second allo-BMT in CR2. For the complete responders after consolidation therapy, the 5-year OS was significantly better in patients randomized for no maintenance therapy (MT-) than in patients randomized for MT (77.6+/-8 vs 59+/-8%; P=0.05), while the 5-year DFS was not significantly different. Exposure to low-dose MT might contribute to clinical drug resistance and treatment failure in relapsing patients.
- Published
- 2005
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13. quelle prise en charge de la douleur chez l'enfant?
- Author
A. Notz-Carrère, Y. Perel, N. Aladjidi, and P. Blouin
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Resume Semiologie trompeuse, enfant insuffisamment compris ou ecoute : pour dejouer ces pieges et utiliser de facon optimale les possibilites therapeutiques, une recherche volontariste et methodique des signes de douleur est necessaire aussi bien en situation aigue de pediatrie ambulatoire qu'au cours de l'evolution d'affection chronique.
- Published
- 2001
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14. Exanthème chronique chez un enfant atteint de rubéole congénitale
- Author
Thierry Lamireau, A. Lasek-Duriez, Alain Taïeb, Christine Léauté-Labrèze, N. Aladjidi, and Thomas Hubiche
- Subjects
Dermatology - Abstract
Resume Introduction La rubeole congenitale etant devenue exceptionnelle depuis la vaccination antirubeolique, les manifestations cutanees sont actuellement rares et peu rapportees. Observation Un nourrisson atteint de rubeole congenitale (seroconversion rubeolique de la mere a 11 semaines d’amenorrhee), avait entre l’âge de sept et 24 mois un exantheme diffus. Il existait egalement dans le cadre du syndrome de rubeole congenitale un retard psychomoteur, une surdite de perception, une hypoplasie de l’artere pulmonaire ainsi qu’une denutrition. Le statut immunitaire etait deficient sur le plan humoral et cellulaire. Discussion Les manifestations cutanees de la rubeole congenitale ont ete decrites dans les annees 1960 a 1970. Rares, elles apparaissent apres un intervalle libre et regressent spontanement en quelques mois. Classiquement, on observe un exantheme chronique de la face et des extremites associant un erytheme reticule et des maculopapules pigmentees. L’exantheme temoigne d’une infection virale chronique et persistante, situation frequente chez le nouveau-ne et le nourrisson apres une infection maternofœtale. On explique la persistance de l’infection virale chez le nourrisson par une immaturite de l’immunite cellulaire, normalement responsable de l’eradication des virus ou de leur passage en phase de latence. Dans notre cas, s’ajoute une relative immunodeficience sur le versant humoral engendree par l’infection rubeolique au stade de fœtus. L’intervalle libre avant l’apparition de l’eruption et des autres signes cliniques, peut s’expliquer par la relative protection transitoire des immunoglobulines G maternelles.
- Published
- 2008
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15. [Campylobacter infections in children]
- Author
P, Lehours, N, Aladjidi, J, Sarlangue, and F, Mégraud
- Subjects
Campylobacter Infections ,Humans ,Child - Abstract
Campylobacter infections are essentially enteric infections frequently occurring before 15 years of age. The main species responsible for these infections is Campylobacter jejuni. The infection is observed mainly during summertime, and boys are more often affected than girls. The transmission is usually food-borne (poultry or cross-contamination of raw food). Environmental contamination is also possible. In addition to the digestive symptoms, systemic infectious complications or postinfectious complications (joints, neurological) can occur. The infection is more severe in immunosuppressed patients. Conventional diagnosis by culture is now challenged by molecular and immunoenzymatic methods, which have greater sensitivity. An adapted antimicrobial treatment improves the digestive symptoms. A dual antibiotic therapy is necessary in case of systemic infection or secondary localization of the infection.
- Published
- 2011
16. [Chronic exanthema in a child with congenital rubella]
- Author
A, Lasek-Duriez, T, Hubiche, N, Aladjidi, T, Lamireau, A, Taïeb, and C, Léauté-Labrèze
- Subjects
Pregnancy Complications ,Pregnancy ,Rubella Syndrome, Congenital ,Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes ,Humans ,Infant ,RNA, Viral ,Female ,Deafness ,Exanthema ,Rubella - Abstract
Since congenital rubella has become extremely uncommon following the introduction of rubella vaccination, cutaneous signs are currently rarely reported.An infant, presenting congenital rubella (seroconversion of the mother for rubella at 11 weeks' amenorrhoea), presented diffuse exanthema between the ages of seven and 24 months. In a setting of congenital rubella syndrome, the infant presented psychomotor retardation, deafness, hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery and under-nourishment. Humoral and cell-mediated immunodeficiency was also noted.The cutaneous signs of congenital rubella were first described in the 1960s and 1970s; they are rare and appear after a symptom-free period before resolving spontaneously several months later. Standard findings include chronic exanthema of the face and extremities associating reticulated erythema and pigmented macular papules. Exanthema indicates chronic and persistent viral infection, a common situation in newborn babies and infants following maternal-foetal infection. The persistence of viral infection in infants is attributed to immature cellular immunity, which would otherwise either eradicate the virus or ensure passage to the latency phase. In the present case, there was also relative humoral immunodeficiency resulting from foetal rubella infection. The symptom-free interval before the onset of rash and other clinical signs may be due to the relative transient protection afforded by the presence of maternal immunoglobulines G.
- Published
- 2007
17. P-242 – La maladie de rosai et dorfman
- Author
V. Cales, M. Angoso, T. Mansir, N. Firah, N. Aladjidi, F. Archambaud Ferranti, V. Oyharcabal, and M.C. Parrens
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Published
- 2015
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18. [Management of acute phase of autoimmune haemolytic anemia]
- Author
Y, Pérel, N, Aladjidi, and M, Jeanne
- Subjects
Plasma Exchange ,Contraindications ,Prednisolone ,Immunization, Passive ,Oxygen Inhalation Therapy ,Methylprednisolone ,Drug Administration Schedule ,Diagnosis, Differential ,Survival Rate ,Isoantibodies ,Blood Group Incompatibility ,Immunoglobulin G ,Acute Disease ,Fluid Therapy ,Humans ,Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune ,Child ,Erythrocyte Transfusion ,Cryoglobulins ,Autoantibodies ,Follow-Up Studies - Published
- 2006
19. Maladies auto-immunes et biothérapies
- Author
N. Aladjidi and M.-A. Dommergues
- Subjects
business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2013
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20. [Evans' syndrome: a retrospective study from the ship (French Society of Pediatric Hematology and Immunology) (36 cases)]
- Author
P, Blouin, A, Auvrignon, A, Pagnier, I, Thuret, G, Antoni, B, Bader-Meunier, F, Le Deist, P, Chastagner, N, Aladjidi, I, Pellier, Y, Bertrand, C, Behar, J, Landmann-Parker, G, Leverger, and Y, Perel
- Subjects
Male ,Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic ,Adolescent ,Immunoglobulins, Intravenous ,Infant ,Syndrome ,Prognosis ,Severity of Illness Index ,Cohort Studies ,Consanguinity ,Adrenal Cortex Hormones ,Child, Preschool ,Humans ,Female ,Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune ,France ,Age of Onset ,Child ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
Evans' Syndrome (ES) is defined as the combination of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and autoimmune haemolytic anemia (AIHA), in the absence of any known underlying etiology. Pathophysiology, epidemiology and outcome remain unclear.Thirty-six children (20 male, 16 female), who were diagnosed in the SHIP french centres (Société d'hématologie et d'immunologie pédiatrique) between 1990 and 2002 with ES, were included in this retrospective study.Median age at diagnosis was 4 years. In 21 children, ES occurred in the setting of consanguinity, family history of autoimmune/inflammatory disease, associated autoimmune disorder or immunoregulatory abnormalities (serum imunoglobulins, peripheral blood lymphocytes subsets, low level of the C3-C4 complement components, nuclear antibodies). Several successive treatments were used in this serie (median: 3, range: 0-10) including corticosteroid therapy (35/36), intravenous immunoglobulins (32/36), immunosuppressive agents (14/36), splenectomy (9/36) and anti CD 20 monoclonal antibodies (6/36). Patients with a low level of serum immunoglobulins were more often non-responders to corticosteroidtherapy/intravenous immunoglobulins and required more frequently further therapy (P=0.03). Three patients died (intracranial bleeding, N=2, Guillain-Barre syndrome; N=1).ES was a severe, life-threatening disease, requiring aggressive immunosuppressive therapy in as many as half the patients. Our forthcoming study aims to (i) describe homogeneously-studied and prospectively-analysed cohort of childhood ES, (ii) separate ES from specific immune deficiency (especially fas gene mutations), generalised autoimmune/inflammatory disorders and genetic diseases, (iii) identify well-defined ES subsets, (iv) establish prognostic factors and optimal treatment within these subsets.
- Published
- 2004
21. R127 Le vécu de l’adolescent en rémission complète d’hémopathie maligne et de ses parents
- Author
C. Jubert, V. Buttin-Longueville, F. Sordes-Ader, G. Margueritte, R. Tichit, Y. Perel, N. Aladjidi, G. Plat-Wilson, and Hervé Rubie
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Oncology ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Hematology ,General Medicine - Published
- 2010
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22. P426 - Anémie hémolytique auto-immune de l’enfant : approche épidémiologique
- Author
P. Lauroua, N. Aladjidi, V. Gilleron, J. Jeanpetit, M. Jeanne, Y. Perel, C. Beaubois, and G. Chêne
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Objectifs Le Centre national de reference national des cytopenies autoimmunes de l’enfant (CEREVANCE) a initie en Aquitaine cette etude epidemiologique pilote visant a determiner l’incidence d’une maladie rare. Patients et Methodes Pour identifier les enfants de moins de 18 ans atteints d’anemie hemolytique auto-immune (AHAI), pris en charge au CHU de Bordeaux entre 2000 et 2008, 3 bases de donnees ont ete croisees : la cohorte nationale du CEREVANCE, le Programme de Medicalisation des Systemes d’Informations (PMSI) du CHU de Bordeaux, et l’Etablissement Francais du Sang Aquitaine-Limousin (EFS). Tous les dossiers medicaux ont ete revus. Resultats Parmi les 297 patients selectionnes, 38 avaient une AHAI. Les patients exclus avaient une allo-immunisation neonatale, un syndrome hemolytique et uremique ou une hemolyse constitutionnelle. Via le PMSI et l’EFS, 23 cas non connus en hematologie ont ete identifies, pris en charge aux urgences, en pneumologie, endocrinologie, reanimation ou neonatologie. Conclusion Cette etude montre la complementarite de ces trois sources pour identifier des patients atteints d’une maladie rare. L’extension de cette methodologie aux autres etablissements hospitaliers de la region Aquitaine est en cours, afin d’etablir une incidence au niveau regional.
- Published
- 2010
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23. Bronchiolite à virus respiratoire syncytial révélant une leucémie aiguë avec compression médiastinale
- Author
P. Blouin, M Brun, N. Aladjidi, A Notz, P Velomahita, and Y. Perel
- Subjects
Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Diagnostico diferencial ,medicine ,Bronchitis ,medicine.disease ,business ,Mediastinal Neoplasm - Published
- 2002
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24. P428 - L’association aplasie médullaire - hépatite
- Author
N. Firah, A. Rullier, C. Verite, Y. Perel, S. Ansoborlo, J.F. Moreau, N. Aladjidi, M. Gilbert, and M. Micheau
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Objectifs L’association d’une aplasie medullaire et d’une hepatite aigue est exceptionnellement rapportee chez l’enfant. Nous decrivons 2 observations prises en charge au CHU de Bordeaux en 10 ans. Observations Un garcon de 7 ans presente un ictere et un purpura cutaneo-muqueux. Une cytolyse a 10N, une pancytopenie peripherique et un syndrome d’activation macrophagique sont observes. L’enquete infectieuse, metabolique et hematologique est negative. La biopsie hepatique transjugulaire montre une hepatite subaigue fibrosante non specifique. Apres 1 mois de corticotherapie, le bilan hepatique se normalise et se constitue une aplasie medullaire idiopathique. Une allogreffe geno-identique est proposee a 3 mois du diagnostic. Une fille de 10 ans presente un syndrome hemorragique febrile, revelant une aplasie medullaire associee a une hepatite cytolytique et cholestatique. Le bilan etiologique est negatif. En l’absence de donneur compatible, un traitement immunosuppresseur est debute. Elle est actuellement en remission a 4 ans de l’arret de la ciclosporine. Conclusion La gravite de cette pathologie repose sur l’atteinte hematologique. Apres une enquete infectieuse et hemato-immunologique complete, l’indication d’une allogreffe de moelle geno-identique doit etre discutee precocement.
- Published
- 2010
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25. SFCE-P24 – Cancérologie – Intérêt du Rituximab comme traitement du purpura thrombopénique (PTI) chronique ?
- Author
Geneviève Margueritte, S. Ducassou, Françoise Mazingue, P. Cartier, N. Aladjidi, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Isabelle Pellier, Pascal Chastagner, P. Boutard, and Pierre G. Lutz
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Objectif Nous avons voulu faire le point sur notre experience de l’utilisation du Rituximab dans le traitement du PTI chronique chez l’enfant et comparer ces resultats aux differentes etudes deja parues sur ce sujet. Materiel et Methodes un questionnaire (16 items) a permis de recruter de maniere retrospective, 28 enfants (15 garcons et 13 filles), âges de 2.5 a 16 ans (âge moyen = 7,1 ans), traites par rituximab dans le cadre d’un PTI chronique dans 9 services d’hematologie pediatrique d’avril 2004 a novembre 2007. La reponse au traitement etait definie par un chiffre plaquettaire moyen stable pendant 2 mois, en l’absence de traitement. Les enfants ont ete repartis en 4 groupes : reponse complete (>150 000 plaquettes/mm3), reponse partielle (entre 50 000 et 150 000 plaquettes/mm3), reponse minimale (entre 30 000 et 50 000 plaquettes/mm3) et absence de reponse. Le suivi varie de 8 a 45 mois apres traitement. Neuf enfants recurent ensuite des immunoglobulines (Ig) a dose substitutive en raison de la lymphopenie B induite. Resultats 22 enfants ont eu 4 doses hebdomadaires de rituximab, a 375 mg/m2 et 4 enfants 2 doses seulement. Deux enfants, en raison d’effets indesirables lors de la premiere perfusion, n’ont pas ete retraites par la suite. Sur ces 28 enfants il y a eu 3 reponses completes (dont une enfant n’ayant recu qu’une partie de la 1re perfusion), 3 reponses partielles et 2 reponses faibles. Parmi eux, 5 rechuterent entre 3 et 12 mois apres le traitement par rituximab, dont 2 a la fin du traitement substitutif par Ig. Dans 5 cas, classes absence de reponse devant la non amelioration de la numeration plaquettaire, on constate un espacement des traitements par Ig ou anti D, voire une diminution des traitements immunosuppresseurs. Chez les patients n’ayant pas beneficie d’Ig a doses substitutives il n’a pas ete constate de survenue d’episode infectieux (en dehors d’un cas d’agranulocytose febrile rattachee au traitement) ce qui rejoint differentes etudes deja parues peu en faveur de l’utilisation des Ig a doses substitutives. Conclusion Cette etude semble montrer un interet modeste du Rituximab dans la prise en charge du PTI chronique de l’enfant. Les reponses completes representent 11 % des enfants. Une etude prospective d’un plus grand effectif semble justifiee.
- Published
- 2008
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26. SFP-P177 – Pathologie infectieuse – A propos d’une observation de rubéole congénitale : évolution clinique et immuno-virologique sur 3 ans
- Author
I. Gavilan, M.E. Lafon, Thierry Lamireau, N. Firah, Y. Perel, B. Senechal, V. Flurin, C. Elleau, Capucine Picard, P. Pietrera, L. Grangeot-Keros, and N. Aladjidi
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Contexte Les maladies transmissibles de la mere a l’enfant sont prevenues par la vaccination et/ou le diagnostic pre-natal. Ainsi, la rubeole congenitale a vu son incidence decroitre au point de devenir exceptionnelle. Les descriptions cliniques sont anciennes. Les rares enfants atteints peuvent desormais beneficier d’explorations immuno-virologiques specialisees. Observation Il s’agit d’un garcon ne a 39 SA avec un RCIU modere. La maman avait refuse la vaccination anti-rubeole. A11 SA,apres un contage, elle presente une eruption, une seroconversion, et l’infection fœtale est confirmee par PCR sur l’amniocentese. La maman refuse l’interruption medicale de grossesse. A 30 SA, l’IRM et l’echographie cardiaque fœtales sont normales. Les 6 premiers mois sont marques par un retard staturo-ponderal majeur et des infections ORL et bronchiques. L’evaluation et la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire sont alors renforcees : mise en place d’une alimentation enterale par gastrostomie ; mise en evidence d’un deficit immunitaire humoral et cellulaire avec substitution reguliere en immunoglobulines polyvalentes ; retard des acquisitions psycho-motrices avec anomalies de la substance blanche peri-ventriculaire, prise en charge par le CAMPS ; apparition d’une surdite de perception a l’âge de 13 mois, appareillee a l’âge de 18 mois. Le virus de la rubeole a ete retrouve dans les muqueuses digestives, les urines, la salive et le sang jusqu’a l’âge de 18 mois. A 3 ans, les IgM specifiques sont toujours presentes, mais leur titre diminue regulierement, et l’avidite des IgG specifiques augmente regulierement. Le deficit fonctionnel des lymphocytes T4 a pu etre caracterise en sequentiel. Aucune infection opportuniste n’est survenue.A3 ans,ce petit garcon est eutrophique, marche, commence a parler,et debute son insertion en collectivite. Conclusion Le deficit immunitaire induit par le virus de la rubeole, mal connu, participe a l’excretion prolongee du virus. Le traitement symptomatique en minimise les consequences. Le pronostic neurologique de cette infection est habituellement pejoratif : la prise en charge multi-disciplinaire precoce a permis un developpement psychomoteur harmonieux.
- Published
- 2008
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27. SFCE-P34 – Hématologie, immunologie – Anémie hémolytique auto-immune de l’enfant de moins de un an : étude retrospective de 41 enfants issus de de la cohorte française
- Author
Y. Perel, Corinne Pondarré, Gérard Michel, F. Monpoux, Guy Leverger, Annie Robert, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Christophe Piguet, Thierry Leblanc, C. Armari-Ala, Gérard Couillault, Virginie Gandemer, Jean-Louis Stephan, Pierre G. Lutz, and N. Aladjidi
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Contexte Les anemies hemolytiques auto-immunes (AHAI) sont des affections hematologiques rares et de physiopathologie mal connue. Exceptionnelles chez les enfants de moins de un an, elles ont donc ete peu etudiees et leurs caracteristiques sont mal connues. Patients et Methodes Depuis Janvier 2003, une cohorte prospective de suivi des enfants atteints d’AHAI a ete mise en place en France par la Societe d’Hematologie et d’Immunologie Pediatrique (SHIP). Au 1er Septembre 2007, sur 267 enfants inclus, 41 etaient âge de moins de un an au diagnostic initial. Resultats L’âge median etait de 7 mois (0,8 a 11,7). 58 % etaient des garcons. Dans 10 % des cas, il existait une consanguinite, et dans 10 % des cas un antecedent familial hematologique (deficit en fas, AHAI, leucemie aigue, lupus). 20 % des enfants sont nes prematures. Au diagnostic initial, une infection virale etait documentee dans 19 % des cas. Dans 20 % des cas, la presentation clinique etait severe (choc, trouble de conscience, insuffisance renale aigue). Dans 24 % des cas une pathologie immunitaire etait associee (syndrome d’Evans (n = 5), anomalie de l’apoptose (n = 2), deficit en HLA de classe 2 (n = 1), hepatite a cellules geantes (n = 1), hypogammaglobulinemie (n = 1)). 87 % des enfants ont ete transfuses. Deux enfants n’ont pas recu de traitement specifique. Pour 21 des 39 enfants traites par corticoides (54 %), des traitements ulterieurs ont ete necessaires, avec un nombre median de lignes therapeutiques de 2 (0 a 7) : rituximab n = 14, ciclosporine n = 10, azathioprine n = 9, mycophenolate mofetil n = 4, splenectomie n = 3, allogreffe n = 2. Pour les 39 enfants traites, la duree mediane de traitement etait de 9,5 mois (0,9 a 64,6). Aux dernieres nouvelles, avec un recul median de 29,5 mois (0,5 a 115), 5 % des enfants sont decedes (un de maladie, un de toxicite), 31 % des enfants sont en remission complete sous traitement, et 61 % des enfants sont en remission complete sans traitement. Conclusion Les AHAI des enfants de moins de un an ont une presentation clinique initiale severe, et sont dependantes de traitements immunosuppresseurs lourds et prolonges. Plusieurs elements plaident en faveur d’une anomalie immunitaire constitutionnelle sous jacente.
- Published
- 2008
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28. SFCE-P31 – Cancérologie – Conséquences endocriniennes et neuro-psychologiques chez les enfants traités pour un médulloblastome entre 1990 et 1995 à Bordeaux
- Author
A. Huchet, D. Liguoro, N. Aladjidi, S. Ansoborlo, G. Lyard, Pascal Barat, F. Minier, Y. Perel, M. Dautheribes, and J.-P. Maire
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Abstract
Objectifs La prise en charge multi-disciplinaire precoce a permis l’amelioration de la survie globale a 5 ans des enfants traites pour medulloblastome. La qualite de vie des enfants gueris est cependant alteree par les traitements. Nous nous sommes interesses aux consequences endocriniennes et neuro-psychologiques chez des enfants traites au CHU de Bordeaux entre 1990 et 1995 pour un medulloblastome. Patients et Methodes Les dossiers de 23 enfants ont ainsi ete etudies de facon retrospective. Ces enfants ont ete traites a un âge median de 5 ans 8 mois (11 mois – 12 ans 2 mois). Tous ont recu de la radiotherapie externe, 12 ont recu de la chimiotherapie. En 2007, 10 adolescents et jeunes adultes, âges en mediane de 22 ans (de 15 a 27) sont en vie et gueris de leur medulloblastome, a 14 annees en mediane du diagnostic initial (7 RC1, 2 RC2). Cinq d’entre eux ont accepte une consultation medicale specialisee et un entretien neuro-psychologique. Resultats Un deficit en hormone de croissance a ete note pour tous les enfants, avec une taille finale a –1.4 DS ± 1.48 DS (167 ± 6.4cms, pour les garcons et 152.2 ± 4.6cms, pour les filles). Aucun de ces enfants n’a atteint sa taille cible. Ils presentent tous une surcharge ponderale (BMI median : 30,8). Une insuffisance corticotrope d’origine centrale est retrouvee dans 2 cas. Une insuffisance thyreotrope est presente dans 3 cas. Deux cas ont un retard pubertaire, 4 ont une avance pubertaire, 1 cas une puberte precoce. Les enfants testes ont une baisse du Q. I, une alteration de la memoire, et de l’encodage des donnees et de la restitution de celle-ci. Leur difficulte principale est dans la memoire visuelle. Le retard scolaire est constant. Conclusion Cette etude souligne la necessite d’une evaluation et d’une prise en charge specialisee precoce des troubles endocriniens et des consequences neuro-psychologiqiues. Une proposition de suivi pluri-professionnel des enfants traites pour un medulloblastome dans la region Aquitaine a ete etablie.
- Published
- 2008
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29. P177 - Hidradénite eccrine neutrophilique de l’enfant au cours de leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques pré-B
- Author
Alain Taïeb, A. Valade, L. Gencel-Handiri, Sébastien Lepreux, C. Leaute-Labreze, F. Boralevi, and N. Aladjidi
- Subjects
business.industry ,Medicine ,Dermatology ,business - Published
- 2005
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30. P57 Endocrinologie Hemorragie genitale de la petite fille de moins d'un an: Comment rechercher une origine tumorale?
- Author
A Notz, C. Verite, N. Aladjidi, F. Lavrand, S. Boulard, Y. Perel, C. Labessan, and Pascal Barat
- Subjects
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health - Published
- 2003
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31. Childhood Langerhans cell histiocytosis hematological involvement: severity associated with BRAFV600E loads.
- Author
Thalhammer J, Jeziorski E, Marec-Bérard P, Barkaoui MA, Pagnier A, Rohrlich PS, Chevallier A, Carausu L, Aladjidi N, Rigaud C, Leruste A, Azarnoush S, Lauvray T, Le Louet S, Gandemer V, Treguier P, Mansuy L, Pasquet M, Olivier L, Rome A, Saultier P, Isfan F, Renard C, Li Thiao Te V, Salmon A, Blanc L, Abou Chahla W, Lambilliotte A, Stephan JL, Geissmann F, Lejeune J, Mallebranche C, Reguerre Y, Grain A, Thomas C, Hélias-Rodzewicz Z, Moshous D, Fenneteau O, Coulomb-L'Hermine A, Lapillonne H, de Saint-Basile G, Emile JF, Héritier S, and Donadieu J
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Male, Female, Child, Preschool, Infant, Adolescent, Registries, Mutation, Follow-Up Studies, Severity of Illness Index, Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell genetics, Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell diagnosis, Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell pathology, Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf genetics
- Abstract
Abstract: Hematological involvement (HI) is one of the life-threatening risk organs (ROs) in Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). Lahey criteria have defined HI since 1975 as hemoglobin <10 g/dL, platelets <100 × 109/L, leukopenia (white blood cell count <4 × 109/L), and/or neutrophils <1.5 × 109/L. Among the 2313 patients aged <18 years enrolled in the French National Histiocytosis Registry (1983-2023), 331 developed HI (median age at diagnosis, 1 year); median follow-up lasted 8.1 years. Bone marrow aspirate smears and biopsies may show reactive histiocytes, hemophagocytosis, or myelofibrosis but never confirm the diagnosis. Fifty-eight patients (17%) developed macrophage-activation syndrome, sometimes related to acute Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus infection, sometimes months before typical LCH manifestations appeared. Hemoglobin and platelet thresholds for initiating transfusion(s) appear to accurately distinguish 2 groups: mild HI (MHI; >7 g/dL and >20 × 109/L, respectively) and severe HI (SHI; ≤7 g/dL and/or ≤20 × 109/L). Each entity has different organ involvements, laboratory parameters, mutational status, blood BRAFV600E loads, drug sensitivities, and outcomes (MHI and SHI 10-year survival rates, 98% and 73%, respectively). Since 1998, mortality first declined with combination cladribine-cytarabine therapy and then with MAPK inhibitors since 2014. Forty-one patients (12%) developed neurodegenerative complications that have emerged as a risk for long-term survivors. These results suggest limiting the HI-RO definition to SHI, because it encompasses almost all medical complications of LCH. Future clinical trials might demonstrate that targeted therapy approaches would be better adapted for these patients, whereas MHI can be managed with classic therapies., (© 2025 American Society of Hematology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.)
- Published
- 2025
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32. Clinical manifestations, disease penetrance, and treatment in individuals with SOCS1 insufficiency: a registry-based and population-based study.
- Author
Hadjadj J, Wolfers A, Borisov O, Hazard D, Leahy R, Jeanpierre M, Belot A, Bakhtiar S, Hauck F, Lee PY, Volpi S, Palmeri S, Barlogis V, Aladjidi N, Ebetsberger-Dachs G, Avouac J, Charbit-Henrion F, Cheminant M, Donadieu J, Ghosh S, Hoytema van Konijnenburg DP, Körholz J, Bustamante J, Rosain J, Forbes Satter L, Selmeryd I, Sogkas G, Neven B, Rieux-Laucat F, and Ehl S
- Abstract
Background: Suppressor of cytokine signalling 1 (SOCS1) insufficiency is an inborn error of immunity affecting the negative regulation of cytokine and growth factor signalling. We aimed to enhance the understanding of clinical manifestations, disease trajectories, disease penetrance, and the effect of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibition in individuals with SOCS1 insufficiency., Methods: This study used data from two independent cohorts: the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) registry and the UK Biobank. Participants from the ESID registry were from nine European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, and Ukraine), China, Taiwan, and the USA. Participants from the ESID registry were eligible if they had heterozygous, functionally validated SOCS1 variants; participants from the UK Biobank were included if they had any SOCS1 variant detected in the ESID registry cohort or any other SOCS1 variant that was classed as high-impact. Clinical manifestations of the underlying SOCS1 insufficiency were documented and summarised into nine subgroups, with ICD-10 diagnosis codes collected for participants from the UK Biobank. Participants from the ESID registry were tested for relevant autoantibodies in their local laboratory. Responses to JAK inhibitor treatment in participants from the ESID registry were assessed by the treating physician using a visual analogue scale. Descriptive statistics were used for analysis. People with lived experience were not involved in the study design., Findings: We included 119 participants with SOCS1 insufficiency: 67 from the ESID registry, enrolled between Feb 15, 2021, and Dec 31, 2023, and 52 from the UK Biobank. Of the 67 participants from the ESID registry, 39 (58%) were female, 28 (42%) were male, and the median age was 28 years (IQR 15-44, range 2-85). 27 different monoallelic SOCS1 variants were identified in these participants. 62 (93%) of the 67 participants in the ESID registry cohort were symptomatic and five (7%) were asymptomatic family members; of the 62 participants with symptoms, allergy (33 [50%]), inflammatory gastrointestinal (22 [36%]) and skin (18 [29%]) manifestations, autoimmune cytopenia (24 [39%]), and lymphoproliferation (23 [37%]) were most frequent. Rheumatological manifestations (23 [37%]) included systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, with typical autoantibody profiles. 42 (68%) of the 62 symptomatic participants had at least three different manifestations. In the UK Biobank we found 52 participants carrying high-impact SOCS1 variants; 29 (56%) were female, 23 (44%) were male, and the median age was 72 years (65-78, 57-86). Only 30 (58%) of these participants had developed manifestations that were potentially related to SOCS1 insufficiency. Allergy and rheumatological manifestations were more common in participants from the UK Biobank than the ESID registry. Female predominance (21 [70%] of 30 participants were female and nine [30%] were male) was also found among symptomatic participants from the UK Biobank. Treatment with JAK inhibitors showed promising results in 12 (92%) of 13 participants in the ESID registry., Interpretation: SOCS1 insufficiency differs from other genetic autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorders by the presence of frequent atopic and rheumatological manifestations. Penetrance is incomplete and is higher in females than in males. JAK inhibition is a promising targeted therapy for patients with SOCS1 insufficiency., Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests SE is member of a data monitoring committee for leniolisib (Pharming). JK received honoraria and travel expenses from Pharming Group for a conference presentation at SFH Paris about leniolisib. PYL has received royalties or licenses from UptoDate. AB has received support from ANR LUMUGENE and consulting fees from Fresenius Kabi, Roche Chugai, GSK, AbbVie, Novartis, and Boehringer Ingelheim. LFS has received National Institutes of Health funding (1UG3TR003908-01) for a trial investigating the safety and efficacy of itacitinib in JAK/STAT disorders with activating mutations, is a council member of the Clinical Immunology Society, and Director of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation Center at Texas Children's Hospital. All other authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2025 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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33. Outcome of childhood ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma relapses: Real-life experience of the French Society of Pediatric Oncology (SFCE) cohort of 75 French children.
- Author
Pereira V, Barthoulot M, Aladjidi N, Contet A, Dalle JH, Dourthe MÉ, Garnier N, Bruno B, Leruste A, Pellier I, Simonin M, Paillard C, Verschuur A, Ducassou S, Lamant L, Brugieres L, Deley ML, and Rigaud C
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Child, Female, Child, Preschool, Adolescent, France, Survival Rate, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols therapeutic use, Follow-Up Studies, Infant, Prognosis, Retrospective Studies, Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic mortality, Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic therapy, Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic drug therapy, Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic pathology, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local pathology, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local drug therapy
- Abstract
Objective: To describe treatments and outcomes of French children treated for relapsed/refractory anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALK+ ALCL)., Methods: We conducted the analysis of a series of 75 French children treated for a first relapsed/refractory ALK+ ALCL between 1999 and 2017., Results: The median time to first relapse was 8.1 months from initial diagnosis (2.9 after end of treatment), with 12 relapses during frontline treatment or within 1 month of the end of treatment. Treatment of the first relapse varied according to the period of time and risk factors: 48 received multiagent chemotherapy, including 21 and 19 consolidated with allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) and autologous-SCT, respectively. Twenty-one patients received weekly vinblastine, and six received ALK inhibitors (ALKi). Overall, 64/75 patients reached a second complete remission (CR2). Eight out of 11 patients who did not reach CR2 died and the other three were rescued with ALKi, vinblastine, and nivolumab. With a median follow-up of 8.2 years, 60 patients are alive, 43 in CR2, 15 in CR3, two in CR4; and 15 patients died, six from toxicity and nine from disease progression. The 5-year event-free survival and overall survival after first relapse were 51.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 39.6%-62.6%) and 80.7% (95% CI: 69.6%-88.1%), respectively. Time to relapse greater than 12 months from initial diagnosis was proven to be a prognostic factor in relapsed/refractory ALK+ ALCL., Conclusion: In relapsed ALK+ ALCL, high survival rate can be reached with various therapeutic strategies. The main challenge remains to prevent subsequent relapses, and to lower long-term morbidity., (© 2024 The Author(s). Pediatric Blood & Cancer published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)
- Published
- 2025
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34. Sustained remission at long term follow-up in adolescents and young adults with chronic primary immune thrombocytopenia.
- Author
Schifferli A, Le Gavrian G, Aladjidi N, Moulis G, Godeau B, Leblanc T, Héritier S, Fernandes H, and Kühne T
- Subjects
- Humans, Adolescent, Female, Male, Young Adult, Follow-Up Studies, Adult, Chronic Disease, Child, Remission Induction, Platelet Count, Treatment Outcome, Registries, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic diagnosis
- Abstract
Abstract: Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) exhibit distinct clinical features and needs, defying categorization as either adults or children. Previous findings revealed a 50% risk of chronic disease at 12 months, yet the long-term course remains unclear. This study aimed to delineate the clinical and laboratory characteristics of AYAs with chronic primary ITP. Data from patients aged 12 to 25 years with chronic disease at 1 year were extracted from 3 registries (Pediatric and Adult Registry on Chronic ITP, CEREVANCE, and Cytopénies Auto-immunes Registre Midi-Pyrénéen), covering the period from 2004 to 2021. Sustained complete remission off treatment (SCROT) occurring beyond 12 months was defined as platelet count of >100 × 109/L without treatment for at least 12 months, independently of the previous treatment strategy. A total of 427 AYAs (64% female) with chronic primary ITP were included. Clinical information was available for ∼100% of patients at initial diagnosis and at 6- and 12-month follow-ups (FUs); and for 88%, 77%, and 59% at 24, 36, and 48 months, respectively. Over time, clinical features improved gradually, with fewer patients requiring treatment. Throughout the FU period, second-line drug use increased steadily among treated patients, without affecting the need for corticosteroids and IV immunoglobulins. The proportion of new patients achieving SCROT at 24-, 36-, and 48-month FU was 10% (38/375), 9.5% (31/327), and 12% (30/250), respectively, including 23 who underwent splenectomy. AYAs achieving SCROT between 12 and 36 months displayed higher platelet counts in the first year (excluding the initial period) and received fewer IV immunoglobulin treatments beyond 12 months compared with those with ongoing disease., (© 2024 by The American Society of Hematology. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), permitting only noncommercial, nonderivative use with attribution. All other rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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35. Systemic lupus international collaborating clinics-2012 and European league against rheumatism/American college of rheumatology-2019 classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus associated with childhood-onset auto-immune cytopenia.
- Author
Granel J, Fernandes H, Richer O, Clet J, Dubrasquet M, Pillet P, and Aladjidi N
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Adolescent, Female, Male, Child, Preschool, Young Adult, Infant, Rheumatology standards, Rheumatology methods, Age of Onset, Retrospective Studies, Cytopenia, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic diagnosis, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic complications
- Abstract
Introduction: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) can be diagnosed using the 2012 criteria of the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) and, more recently, the 2019 criteria of the European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology (EULAR/ACR). Hematological involvement is scored differently by these classifications. Our objective was to compare both criteria in a cohort of children with autoimmune cytopenia (AIC)-associated SLE., Method: We included 79 patients with childhood-onset AIC as the first manifestations of SLE., Results: The median age at SLE diagnosis was 14.5 years (1.1-21.4 years). The SLICC criteria were fulfilled by 76/79 (96%) patients and the EULAR/ACR criteria by 72/79 (91%) patients during follow-up. The SLICC and EULAR/ACR criteria were discordant (not concomitantly fulfilled) in 25/79 (32%) patients. Non-hematological clinical manifestations were more frequently observed in SLE diagnosis when the criteria were concordant (30/54, 56%) than when they were not (5/25, 20%) ( p = 0.004). In 16/25 (64%) discordant patients, the SLICC criteria allowed earlier diagnosis of SLE. Finally, the attribution of a maximum weight of 6 to the hematological involvement of the EULAR/ACR criteria increased the sensitivity thereof from 63/79 (80%) to 76/79 (96%) in our population., Conclusion: The SLICC 2012 and EULAR/ACR 2019 criteria do not effectively diagnose SLE in children when AIC is the predominant feature. The SLICC criteria appear to be more effective in this population of SLE patients. An increase in the maximum weight of hematological involvement to 6 increases the sensitivity of the EULAR/ACR criteria for SLE diagnosis in children., Competing Interests: Declaration of conflicting interestsThe author(s) declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2024
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36. RAC2 gain-of-function variants causing inborn error of immunity drive NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
- Author
Doye A, Chaintreuil P, Lagresle-Peyrou C, Batistic L, Marion V, Munro P, Loubatier C, Chirara R, Sorel N, Bessot B, Bronnec P, Contenti J, Courjon J, Giordanengo V, Jacquel A, Barbry P, Couralet M, Aladjidi N, Fischer A, Cavazzana M, Mallebranche C, Visvikis O, Kracker S, Moshous D, Verhoeyen E, and Boyer L
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Mice, Interleukin-18 genetics, Interleukin-18 metabolism, Signal Transduction, NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein genetics, NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein metabolism, Inflammasomes metabolism, Inflammasomes immunology, RAC2 GTP-Binding Protein, Gain of Function Mutation, Macrophages immunology, Macrophages metabolism, rac GTP-Binding Proteins genetics, rac GTP-Binding Proteins metabolism, Interleukin-1beta metabolism, Interleukin-1beta genetics, p21-Activated Kinases genetics, p21-Activated Kinases metabolism
- Abstract
A growing number of patients presenting severe combined immunodeficiencies attributed to monoallelic RAC2 variants have been identified. The expression of the RHO GTPase RAC2 is restricted to the hematopoietic lineage. RAC2 variants have been described to cause immunodeficiencies associated with high frequency of infection, leukopenia, and autoinflammatory features. Here, we show that specific RAC2 activating mutations induce the NLRP3 inflammasome activation leading to the secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 from macrophages. This activation depends on the activation state of the RAC2 variant and is mediated by the downstream kinase PAK1. Inhibiting the RAC2-PAK1-NLRP3 inflammasome pathway might be considered as a potential treatment for these patients., (© 2024 Doye et al.)
- Published
- 2024
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37. Association of paediatric autoimmune cytopenia and inflammatory bowel disease suggests a common genetic origin.
- Author
Gilton M, Fernandes H, Martinez C, Leverger G, Abou Chahla W, Li Thiao Te V, Deparis M, Armari Alla C, Garnier N, Benadiba J, Marie-Cardine A, Rieux-Laucat F, Picard C, Aladjidi N, and Leblanc T
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Male, Adolescent, Female, Child, Preschool, Infant, Risk Factors, Prospective Studies, Thrombocytopenia genetics, Cytopenia, CTLA-4 Antigen, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases genetics, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases complications, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic genetics, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune genetics
- Abstract
The association of autoimmune cytopenia (AIC) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been reported in small series, but the incidence of and risk factors for IBD in children with AIC are not known. One thousand six hundred nine children with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia or Evans syndrome from the prospective OBS'CEREVANCE cohort are included in this study. Overall, 15 children were diagnosed with IBD, including 14 who developed IBD after AIC diagnosis (median delay: 21 months). The only risk factor for IBD development is age at AIC over 10 years. Out of 10 children genetically tested, germline variants associated with autoimmune disorders were identified in three (CTLA4: two, DOCK11: one). In children and adolescents monitored for AIC or past history of AIC, especially children over 10 years, gastro-intestinal (GI) symptoms (recurrent abdominal pains, GI bleeding, chronic diarrhoea, weight loss) should suggest IBD and deserve specific work-up and genetic studies. Identification of a causal germline variant will allow targeted therapy., (© 2024 The Author(s). British Journal of Haematology published by British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2024
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38. Haploinsufficiency in PTPN2 leads to early-onset systemic autoimmunity from Evans syndrome to lupus.
- Author
Jeanpierre M, Cognard J, Tusseau M, Riller Q, Bui LC, Berthelet J, Laurent A, Crickx E, Parlato M, Stolzenberg MC, Suarez F, Leverger G, Aladjidi N, Collardeau-Frachon S, Pietrement C, Malphettes M, Froissart A, Bole-Feysot C, Cagnard N, Rodrigues Lima F, Walzer T, Rieux-Laucat F, Belot A, and Mathieu AL
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Male, Child, Adolescent, Mutation, Thrombocytosis genetics, Thrombocytosis immunology, Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Protein genetics, Autoantibodies immunology, Cytokines metabolism, Child, Preschool, T-Lymphocytes immunology, Thrombocytopenia, Haploinsufficiency genetics, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-Receptor Type 2 genetics, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune genetics, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune immunology, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic genetics, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic immunology, Autoimmunity genetics
- Abstract
An exome sequencing strategy employed to identify pathogenic variants in patients with pediatric-onset systemic lupus or Evans syndrome resulted in the discovery of six novel monoallelic mutations in PTPN2. PTPN2 is a phosphatase that acts as an essential negative regulator of the JAK/STAT pathways. All mutations led to a loss of PTPN2 regulatory function as evidenced by in vitro assays and by hyperproliferation of patients' T cells. Furthermore, patients exhibited high serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, mimicking the profile observed in individuals with gain-of-function mutations in STAT factors. Flow cytometry analysis of patients' blood cells revealed typical alterations associated with autoimmunity and all patients presented with autoantibodies. These findings further supported the notion that a loss of function in negative regulators of cytokine pathways can lead to a broad spectrum of autoimmune manifestations and that PTPN2 along with SOCS1 haploinsufficiency constitute a new group of monogenic autoimmune diseases that can benefit from targeted therapy., (© 2024 Jeanpierre et al.)
- Published
- 2024
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39. Pediatric refractory chronic immune thrombocytopenia: Identification, patients' characteristics, and outcome.
- Author
Pincez T, Fernandes H, Fahd M, Pasquet M, Chahla WA, Granel J, Ducassou S, Thomas C, Garnier N, Jeziorski E, Bayart S, Chastagner P, Cheikh N, Guitton C, Paillard C, Lejeune J, Millot F, Li-Thiao Te V, Mallebranche C, Pellier I, Castelle M, Armari-Alla C, Carausu L, Piguet C, Benadiba J, Pluchart C, Stephan JL, Deparis M, Briandet C, Doré E, Marie-Cardine A, Barlogis V, Leverger G, Héritier S, Aladjidi N, and Leblanc T
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Female, Male, Adolescent, Child, Preschool, Chronic Disease, Splenectomy, Follow-Up Studies, Treatment Outcome, Infant, Hemorrhage etiology, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic complications, Age Factors, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic diagnosis
- Abstract
Refractory chronic immune thrombocytopenia (r-cITP) is one of the most challenging situations in chronic immune thrombocytopenia (cITP). Pediatric r-cITP is inconsistently defined in literature, contributing to the scarcity of data. Moreover, no evidence is available to guide the choice of treatment. We compared seven definitions of r-cITP including five pediatric definitions in 886 patients with cITP (median [min-max] follow-up 5.3 [1.0-29.3] years). The pediatric definitions identified overlapping groups of various sizes (4%-20%) but with similar characteristics (higher proportion of immunopathological manifestations [IM] and systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]), suggesting that they adequately captured the population of interest. Based on the 79 patients with r-cITP (median follow-up 3.1 [0-18.2] years) according to the CEREVANCE definition (≥3 second-line treatments), we showed that r-cITP occurred at a rate of 1.15% new patients per year and did not plateau over time. In multivariate analysis, older age was associated with r-cITP. One patient (1%) experienced two grade five bleeding events after meeting r-cITP criteria and while not receiving second-line treatment. The cumulative incidence of continuous complete remission (CCR) at 2 years after r-cITP diagnosis was 9%. In this analysis, splenectomy was associated with a higher cumulative incidence of CCR (hazard ratio: 5.43, 95% confidence interval: 1.48-19.84, p = 7.8 × 10
-4 ). In sum, children with cITP may be diagnosed with r-cITP at any time point of the follow-up and are at increased risk of IM and SLE. Second-line treatments seem to be effective for preventing grade 5 bleeding. Splenectomy may be considered to achieve CCR., (© 2024 The Authors. American Journal of Hematology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)- Published
- 2024
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40. Human inherited CCR2 deficiency underlies progressive polycystic lung disease.
- Author
Neehus AL, Carey B, Landekic M, Panikulam P, Deutsch G, Ogishi M, Arango-Franco CA, Philippot Q, Modaresi M, Mohammadzadeh I, Berndt MC, Rinchai D, Le Voyer T, Rosain J, Momenilandi M, Martin-Fernandez M, Khan T, Bohlen J, Han JE, Deslys A, Bernard M, Gajardo-Carrasco T, Soudée C, Le Floc'h C, Migaud M, Seeleuthner Y, Jang MS, Nikolouli E, Seyedpour S, Begueret H, Emile JF, Le Guen P, Tavazzi G, Julia Colombo CN, Marzani FC, Angelini M, Trespidi F, Ghirardello S, Alipour N, Molitor A, Carapito R, Mazloomrezaei M, Rokni-Zadeh H, Changi-Ashtiani M, Brouzes C, Vargas P, Borghesi A, Lachmann N, Bahram S, Crestani B, Fayon M, Galode F, Pahari S, Schlesinger LS, Marr N, Bogunovic D, Boisson-Dupuis S, Béziat V, Abel L, Borie R, Young LR, Deterding R, Shahrooei M, Rezaei N, Parvaneh N, Craven D, Gros P, Malo D, Sepulveda FE, Nogee LM, Aladjidi N, Trapnell BC, Casanova JL, and Bustamante J
- Published
- 2024
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41. Autoimmune cytopenia and Kabuki syndrome in paediatrics: Insights in 11 patients.
- Author
Bianchi C, Margot H, Fernandes H, Pasquet M, Priqueler L, Roy-Peaud F, Bauduer F, Bayart S, Garnier N, Fain O, Van Gils J, Joly SB, Rialland F, Paillard C, Deparis M, Lambilliotte A, Leblanc T, Fahd M, Leverger G, Héritier S, Geneviève D, Rieux-Laucat F, Picard C, Neyraud C, and Aladjidi N
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Female, Male, Child, Preschool, Adolescent, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic genetics, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic diagnosis, Infant, Thrombocytopenia genetics, Thrombocytopenia diagnosis, Thrombocytopenia etiology, Thrombocytopenia therapy, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune genetics, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune diagnosis, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune therapy, Autoimmune Diseases genetics, Autoimmune Diseases diagnosis, Rituximab therapeutic use, Mutation, Cytopenia, Vestibular Diseases genetics, Vestibular Diseases diagnosis, Face abnormalities, Abnormalities, Multiple genetics, Histone Demethylases genetics, Neoplasm Proteins genetics, Hematologic Diseases genetics, DNA-Binding Proteins genetics
- Abstract
Kabuki syndrome (KS) is now listed in the Human Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) Classification. It is a rare disease caused by KMT2D and KDM6A variants, dominated by intellectual disability and characteristic facial features. Recurrently, pathogenic variants are identified in those genes in patients examined for autoimmune cytopenia (AIC), but interpretation remains challenging. This study aims to describe the genetic diagnosis and the clinical management of patients with paediatric-onset AIC and KS. Among 11 patients with AIC and KS, all had chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, and seven had Evans syndrome. All had other associated immunopathological manifestations, mainly symptomatic hypogammaglobinaemia. They had a median of 8 (5-10) KS-associated manifestations. Pathogenic variants were detected in KMT2D gene without clustering, during the immunological work-up of AIC in three cases, and the clinical strategy to validate them is emphasized. Eight patients received second-line treatments, mainly rituximab and mycophenolate mofetil. With a median follow-up of 17 (2-31) years, 8/10 alive patients still needed treatment for AIC. First-line paediatricians should be able to recognize and confirm KS in children with ITP or multiple AIC, to provide early appropriate clinical management and specific long-term follow-up. The epigenetic immune dysregulation in KS opens exciting new perspectives., (© 2024 British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2024
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42. Antinuclear antibody-associated autoimmune cytopenia in childhood is a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Author
Granel J, Fernandes H, Bader-Meunier B, Guth A, Richer O, Pillet P, Leverger G, Ducassou S, Fahd M, Pasquet M, Garnier N, Barlogis V, Guitton C, Jeziorski E, Thomas C, Bayart S, Cheikh N, Paillard C, Abou Chahla W, Chastagner P, Neven B, Millot F, Lejeune J, Li-Thiao Te V, Armari-Alla C, Briandet C, Carausu L, Deparis M, Piguet C, Benadiba J, Marie-Cardine A, Stephan JL, Pellier I, Pluchart C, Doré E, Michaux K, Héritier S, Leblanc T, and Aladjidi N
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Child, Humans, Young Adult, Antibodies, Antinuclear, Prospective Studies, Risk Factors, Cytopenia, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic diagnosis
- Abstract
Abstract: Autoimmune cytopenia (AIC) in children may be associated with positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and may progress to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We evaluated the risk of progression to SLE of childhood-onset ANA-associated AIC. In the French national prospective OBS'CEREVANCE cohort, the long-term outcome of children with ANA-associated AIC (ANA titer ≥1/160) and a subgroup of children who developed SLE were described. ANA were positive in 355 of 1803 (20%) children with AIC. With a median follow-up of 5.8 (range, 0.1-29.6) years, 79 of 355 (22%) patients developed SLE at a median age of 14.5 (1.1-21.4) years; 20% of chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, 19% of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and 45% of Evans syndrome. None of the patients with ANA-negative test developed SLE. Severe manifestations of SLE were observed in 21 patients, and 2 patients died. In multivariate analysis including patients with positive ANA within the first 3 months after AIC diagnosis, age >10 years at AIC diagnosis (relative risk [RR], 3.67; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.18-11.4; P = .024) and ANA titer >1/160 (RR, 5.28; 95% CI, 1.20-23.17; P = .027) were associated with the occurrence of SLE after AIC diagnosis. ANA-associated AIC is a risk factor for progression to SLE, especially in children with an initial ANA titer >1/160 and an age >10 years at AIC diagnosis. ANA screening should be recommended in children with AIC, and patients with ANA should be monitored long-term for SLE, with special attention to the transition period. This trial was registered at www.ClinicalTrials.gov as #NCT05937828., (© 2024 American Society of Hematology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.)
- Published
- 2024
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43. Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in humans with alternative NF-κB pathway deficiency.
- Author
Le Voyer T, Parent AV, Liu X, Cederholm A, Gervais A, Rosain J, Nguyen T, Perez Lorenzo M, Rackaityte E, Rinchai D, Zhang P, Bizien L, Hancioglu G, Ghillani-Dalbin P, Charuel JL, Philippot Q, Gueye MS, Maglorius Renkilaraj MRL, Ogishi M, Soudée C, Migaud M, Rozenberg F, Momenilandi M, Riller Q, Imberti L, Delmonte OM, Müller G, Keller B, Orrego J, Franco Gallego WA, Rubin T, Emiroglu M, Parvaneh N, Eriksson D, Aranda-Guillen M, Berrios DI, Vong L, Katelaris CH, Mustillo P, Raedler J, Bohlen J, Bengi Celik J, Astudillo C, Winter S, McLean C, Guffroy A, DeRisi JL, Yu D, Miller C, Feng Y, Guichard A, Béziat V, Bustamante J, Pan-Hammarström Q, Zhang Y, Rosen LB, Holland SM, Bosticardo M, Kenney H, Castagnoli R, Slade CA, Boztuğ K, Mahlaoui N, Latour S, Abraham RS, Lougaris V, Hauck F, Sediva A, Atschekzei F, Sogkas G, Poli MC, Slatter MA, Palterer B, Keller MD, Pinzon-Charry A, Sullivan A, Droney L, Suan D, Wong M, Kane A, Hu H, Ma C, Grombiříková H, Ciznar P, Dalal I, Aladjidi N, Hie M, Lazaro E, Franco J, Keles S, Malphettes M, Pasquet M, Maccari ME, Meinhardt A, Ikinciogullari A, Shahrooei M, Celmeli F, Frosk P, Goodnow CC, Gray PE, Belot A, Kuehn HS, Rosenzweig SD, Miyara M, Licciardi F, Servettaz A, Barlogis V, Le Guenno G, Herrmann VM, Kuijpers T, Ducoux G, Sarrot-Reynauld F, Schuetz C, Cunningham-Rundles C, Rieux-Laucat F, Tangye SG, Sobacchi C, Doffinger R, Warnatz K, Grimbacher B, Fieschi C, Berteloot L, Bryant VL, Trouillet Assant S, Su H, Neven B, Abel L, Zhang Q, Boisson B, Cobat A, Jouanguy E, Kampe O, Bastard P, Roifman CM, Landegren N, Notarangelo LD, Anderson MS, Casanova JL, and Puel A
- Subjects
- Pneumonia, Viral genetics, Pneumonia, Viral immunology, NF-kappa B p52 Subunit deficiency, NF-kappa B p52 Subunit genetics, AIRE Protein, NF-kappaB-Inducing Kinase, I-kappa B Proteins deficiency, I-kappa B Proteins genetics, Loss of Function Mutation, Gain of Function Mutation, Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune, COVID-19 genetics, COVID-19 immunology, Thyroid Epithelial Cells metabolism, Thyroid Epithelial Cells pathology, Humans, Heterozygote, Thymus Gland abnormalities, Thymus Gland immunology, Thymus Gland pathology, Autoantibodies immunology, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Interferon Type I antagonists & inhibitors, Interferon Type I immunology, NF-kappa B deficiency, NF-kappa B genetics
- Abstract
Patients with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome type 1 (APS-1) caused by autosomal recessive AIRE deficiency produce autoantibodies that neutralize type I interferons (IFNs)
1,2 , conferring a predisposition to life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia3 . Here we report that patients with autosomal recessive NIK or RELB deficiency, or a specific type of autosomal-dominant NF-κB2 deficiency, also have neutralizing autoantibodies against type I IFNs and are at higher risk of getting life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia. In patients with autosomal-dominant NF-κB2 deficiency, these autoantibodies are found only in individuals who are heterozygous for variants associated with both transcription (p52 activity) loss of function (LOF) due to impaired p100 processing to generate p52, and regulatory (IκBδ activity) gain of function (GOF) due to the accumulation of unprocessed p100, therefore increasing the inhibitory activity of IκBδ (hereafter, p52LOF /IκBδGOF ). By contrast, neutralizing autoantibodies against type I IFNs are not found in individuals who are heterozygous for NFKB2 variants causing haploinsufficiency of p100 and p52 (hereafter, p52LOF /IκBδLOF ) or gain-of-function of p52 (hereafter, p52GOF /IκBδLOF ). In contrast to patients with APS-1, patients with disorders of NIK, RELB or NF-κB2 have very few tissue-specific autoantibodies. However, their thymuses have an abnormal structure, with few AIRE-expressing medullary thymic epithelial cells. Human inborn errors of the alternative NF-κB pathway impair the development of AIRE-expressing medullary thymic epithelial cells, thereby underlying the production of autoantibodies against type I IFNs and predisposition to viral diseases., (© 2023. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2023
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44. Clinical, Radiologic, and Immunologic Features of Patients With CTLA4 Deficiency With Neurologic Involvement.
- Author
Coustal C, Goulabchand R, Labauge P, Guilpain P, Carra-Dallière C, Januel E, Jeziorski E, Salle V, Viallard JF, Boutboul D, Fieschi C, Gobert D, Aladjidi N, Rullier P, Graveleau J, Piel-Julian M, Suarez F, Neven B, Mahlaoui N, and Ayrignac X
- Subjects
- Humans, Adolescent, Young Adult, Adult, Middle Aged, CTLA-4 Antigen genetics, Abatacept therapeutic use, Cross-Sectional Studies, Spinal Cord Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis
- Abstract
Objectives: CTLA4 deficiency (CTLA4d) is a disease with multisystem autoimmune features, including neurologic manifestations. We aimed to describe neurologic involvement in these patients., Methods: We performed a cross-sectional observational study using the French Reference Centre for Primary Immunodeficiencies (CEREDIH) registry plus a surveillance in national society networks. Participants with confirmed CTLA4d and neurologic involvement were included. Clinical, laboratory, and radiologic features were collected, as well as treatments. Available MRI was double-reviewed., Results: Among 70 patients with CTLA4d, 13 patients (21%) had neurologic involvement. Neurologic symptoms began at a median age of 18 [15-45] years, mostly occurring after systemic manifestations (median delay: 8.5 [4.5-10.5] years). Main symptoms included headaches, focal deficit (54% each), and seizures (38%). MRI detected at least 1 large contrast-enhancing lesion in 8 patients. Lesions reminiscent of multiple sclerosis lesions were found in 6 patients. Cerebellar (6 patients) and large spinal cord lesions (3 patients) were common. Ten patients were treated with abatacept, of whom 9 (90%) showed good clinical and radiologic response., Discussion: Neurologic involvement is common among patients with CTLA4d. Despite its rarity, and considering the suspected efficacy of abatacept, neurologists should be aware of the characteristics of CTLA4d neurologic involvement., (© 2023 American Academy of Neurology.)
- Published
- 2023
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45. Real-world experience with CLAIRYG® 50 mg/mL (intravenous immunoglobulin) in children under 12 years with primary immunodeficiency or immmune thrombocytopenia: a post-approval safety study.
- Author
Mahlaoui N, Fouyssac F, Mazingue F, Mallebranche C, Barthez-Toullec M, Denti L, Ruhier K, André-Bonnet MH, Marie-Cardine A, Aladjidi N, and Stephan JL
- Abstract
Introduction: This study presents the results of a real-life, multicenter, prospective, post-approval safety evaluation of Clairyg® 50 mg/mL, a 5% intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) liquid, in 59 children (aged < 12 years) with primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) ( n = 32) or immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) ( n = 27) in France., Methods: The primary objective of the study was to assess the safety and tolerability of Clairyg®, recording all serious and non-serious adverse events (AEs), whether related (rAEs) or not related to the product. Secondary objectives aimed at evaluating the administration of Clairyg® under routine conditions and the available efficacy data to better document the benefit/risk ratio in this pediatric population. An exploratory objective was added to evaluate the potential factors associated with the occurrence of rAEs. Patients received Clairyg® according to the approved dosage under normal conditions of prescriptions over a median follow-up period of 11.8 months., Results: A total of 549 infusions (PID: n = 464 and ITP: n = 85), were administered, of which 58.8% were preceded by premedication. The most frequent rAEs were headache, vomiting, and pyrexia in both indications. Most of them were considered non-serious and mild or moderate in intensity. A severe single rAE was observed (aseptic meningitis) in a 4-year-old girl presenting with chronic ITP. The exploratory multivariate analysis of potential co-factors showed that the occurrence of rAEs is significantly linked to high IVIg doses and possibly to female gender. The annualized rate of serious bacterial infections was 0.11 for patients with PID. For patients with ITP, 74.1% experienced at least one bleeding episode during the follow-up, mostly a cutaneous one, and none had gastrointestinal, genitourinary, or central nervous system bleeding., Conclusion: Clairyg® was well tolerated and allowed for control of serious bacterial infection in PID and serious bleeding in ITP, which are the main complications in these respective pediatric disorders. No new safety signal was detected in children less than 12 years-old in real-life conditions of use., Competing Interests: CEREDIH receives unrestricted grant from the following pharmaceutical companies: LFB biomédicaments, Grifols, Takeda, CSL Behring, Binding Site, Octapharma, Pharming, LVL medical. NM received honorarium for advisory boards, participation to symposia or production of educational material from LFB biomédicaments, Grifols, Takeda, CSL Behring, Octapharma, Pharming, LVL medical, X4 Pharma. MBT, LD, KR and MHAB are employees of LFB. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (© 2023 Mahlaoui, Fouyssac, Mazingue, Mallebranche, Barthez-Toullec, Denti, Ruhier, André-Bonnet, Marie-Cardine, Aladjidi and Stephan.)
- Published
- 2023
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46. Chronic refractory immune thrombocytopenia in adolescents and young adults.
- Author
Schifferli A, Le Gavrian G, Aladjidi N, Moulis G, Godeau B, and Kühne T
- Subjects
- Male, Humans, Adolescent, Female, Young Adult, Platelet Count, Cost of Illness, Registries, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic epidemiology, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Thrombocytopenia
- Abstract
Defining immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in two age groups-children and adults-overlooks the specific clinical features and needs of adolescents and young adults (AYAS). We previously reported a high risk of chronic disease at 12 months (50%); however, data on the course of chronic ITP, the risk of refractoriness and treatment strategies in AYAS are limited. Data from patients aged 12-25 years with chronic primary ITP at 12 months were extracted from three large registries between 2004 and 2021. Clinical and laboratory data were evaluated until 48 months of follow-up (FU). Refractory ITP was defined as the administration of ≥3 different lines of therapy. A total of 427 AYAS (64% female) with chronic ITP were included. Overall, 7% and 14% were classified as 'refractory' at 12 and 48 months of FU respectively. The proportion of males was greater in the refractory group than in the non-refractory group (43% vs. 35%). AYAS with refractory disease displayed lower median platelet counts, more bleeding and a higher need for treatment at initial diagnosis and FU than non-refractory patients. This study reveals that refractory ITP is uncommon in AYAS; however, AYAS with refractory ITP display a high disease burden at all time points, including at initial diagnosis., (© 2023 The Authors. British Journal of Haematology published by British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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47. Adolescents and young adults with newly diagnosed primary immune thrombocytopenia.
- Author
Schifferli A, Moulis G, Godeau B, Leblanc T, Aladjidi N, Michel M, Leverger G, Elalfy M, Grainger J, Chitlur M, Heiri A, Holzhauer S, Le Gavrian G, Imbach P, and Kühne T
- Subjects
- Male, Child, Humans, Female, Adolescent, Young Adult, Pregnancy, Prospective Studies, Platelet Count, Hemorrhage diagnosis, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic drug therapy, Thrombocytopenia
- Abstract
Current immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) guidelines target children and adults, leading to oversimplification. Adolescents and young adults (AYAS) comprise a separate group with distinct health and psychosocial issues. This study aimed to describe the clinical presentation and therapeutic strategies of ITP among AYAS. We analyzed data from two large ITP registries (PARC-ITP; CARMEN-France) and included newly diagnosed ITP patients (aged 12-25 years) with an initial platelet counts of <100×109/L. Patients with secondary ITP or non-immune thrombocytopenia (n=57) and pregnant women (n=10) were excluded. Of the 656 cases of AYAS with primary ITP registered from 2004 up to 2021, 12-month follow-up data were available for 72%. The initial median platelet count was 12×109/L. In 109 patients (17%), the diagnosis was incidental, without documented bleeding. Apart from gynecological bleeding, the clinical and therapeutical characteristics of females and males were similar. Platelet-enhancing drugs were reported in 66%, 45%, and 30% of patients at diagnosis, 1-6 months, and 6-12 months after diagnosis, respectively. Corticosteroids were the preferred treatment at all time points. At 12 months, 50% of all patients developed chronic ITP. In the subgroup of patients with initial severe thrombocytopenia (<20×109/L), those receiving frontline treatment had a higher remission rate at 1 year than those who followed an initial watch-and-wait strategy (53% and 32%; P<0.05). Our analysis indicates that the remission rate at 1 year may be associated with the initial treatment strategy. This hypothesis must be confirmed in prospective studies.
- Published
- 2023
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48. Paediatric-onset Evans syndrome: Breaking away from refractory immune thrombocytopenia.
- Author
Aladjidi N, Pincez T, Rieux-Laucat F, and Nugent D
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Child, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune diagnosis, Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune therapy, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic diagnosis, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic therapy, Thrombocytopenia etiology, Thrombocytopenia therapy, Neutropenia
- Abstract
Since its first description by Evans in 1951, this syndrome has been linked to chronic immune thrombocytopenia with the concurrent or delayed onset of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia or neutropenia. For decades, the evolution of Evans syndrome (ES) has carried a poor prognosis and often resulted in chronic steroid exposure, multiple immune suppressing medications directed against T or B lymphocytes, and splenectomy. This paper presents a new view of ES based on recent advances in genomics which begin to classify patients based on their underlying molecular variants in previously described primary immune disorders. This has opened up new avenues of targeted therapy or bone marrow transplant at rather than broad long-term immune suppression or splenectomy. Importantly, recent studies of the full lifespan of ES suggest that at least 80% of those paediatric patients will progress to various clinical or biological immunopathological manifestations with age despite the resolution of their cytopenias. Those patients merit long-term follow-up and monitoring in dedicated transition programs to improve outcome at the adult age., (© 2023 The Authors. British Journal of Haematology published by British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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49. Clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in primary immune thrombocytopenia.
- Author
Moulis G, Aladjidi N, and Godeau B
- Subjects
- Humans, Clinical Relevance, Antibodies, Antinuclear, Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic diagnosis
- Abstract
There are discrepancies across guidelines about whether the dosage of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) is of use at the diagnosis of primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). This review describes the current knowledge about ANA prevalence in patients with primary ITP, and their potential usefulness as biomarkers for ITP evolution, response to treatments and increased risk of subsequent development of systemic lupus and thrombosis., (© 2023 British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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50. Molecular and clinicopathologic characterization of pediatric histiocytoses.
- Author
Hélias-Rodzewicz Z, Donadieu J, Terrones N, Barkaoui MA, Lambilliotte A, Moshous D, Thomas C, Azarnoush S, Pasquet M, Mansuy L, Aladjidi N, Jeziorski E, Marec-Berard P, Gilibert-Yvert M, Spiegel A, Saultier P, Pellier I, Pagnier A, Pertuisel S, Poiree M, Bodet D, Millot F, Isfan F, Stephan JL, Leruste A, Rigaud C, Filhon B, Carausu L, Reguerre Y, Kieffer I, Brichard B, Ben Jannet R, Bakari M, Idbaih A, Bodemer C, Cohen-Aubart F, Haroche J, Tazi A, Boudjemaa S, Fraitag S, Emile JF, and Heritier S
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf genetics, Mutation, Exons, Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell genetics, Erdheim-Chester Disease genetics
- Abstract
The spectrum of somatic mutations in pediatric histiocytoses and their clinical implications are not fully characterized, especially for non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis (-LCH) subtypes. A cohort of 415 children with histiocytosis from the French histiocytosis registry was reviewed and analyzed for BRAF
V600E . Most BRAFWT samples were analyzed by next-generation sequencing (NGS) with a custom panel of genes for histiocytosis and myeloid neoplasia. Of 415 case samples, there were 366 LCH, 1 Erdheim-Chester disease, 21 Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), 21 juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG, mostly with severe presentation), and 6 malignant histiocytosis (MH). BRAFV600E was the most common mutation found in LCH (50.3%, n = 184). Among 105 non-BRAFV600E -mutated LCH case samples, NGS revealed mutations as follows: MAP2K1 (n = 44), BRAF exon 12 deletions (n = 26), and duplications (n = 8), other BRAF V600 codon mutation (n = 4), and non-MAP-kinase pathway genes (n = 5). Wild-type sequences were identified in 17.1% of samples. BRAFV600E was the only variant significantly correlated with critical presentations: organ-risk involvement and neurodegeneration. MAP-kinase pathway mutations were identified in seven RDD (mostly MAP2K1) and three JXG samples, but most samples were wild-type on NGS. Finally, two MH samples had KRAS mutations, and one had a novel BRAFG469R mutation. Rarely, we identified mutations unrelated to MAP-kinase pathway genes. In conclusion, we characterized the mutational spectrum of childhood LCH and clinical correlations of variants and subtypes. Variants responsible for JXG and RDD were not elucidated in more than half of the cases, calling for other sequencing approaches., (© 2023 The Authors. American Journal of Hematology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)- Published
- 2023
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