35 results on '"Nyfeler, B"'
Search Results
2. The lymphocyte transformation test for the diagnosis of drug allergy: sensitivity and specificity
- Author
- Published
- 1997
3. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
- Author
Klionsky, D.J. Abdalla, F.C. Abeliovich, H. Abraham, R.T. Acevedo-Arozena, A. Adeli, K. Agholme, L. Agnello, M. Agostinis, P. Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A. Ahn, H.J. Ait-Mohamed, O. Ait-Si-Ali, S. Akematsu, T. Akira, S. Al-Younes, H.M. Al-Zeer, M.A. Albert, M.L. Albin, R.L. Alegre-Abarrategui, J. Aleo, M.F. Alirezaei, M. Almasan, A. Almonte-Becerril, M. Amano, A. Amaravadi, R. Amarnath, S. Amer, A.O. Andrieu-Abadie, N. Anantharam, V. Ann, D.K. Anoopkumar-Dukie, S. Aoki, H. Apostolova, N. Arancia, G. Aris, J.P. Asanuma, K. Asare, N.Y.O. Ashida, H. Askanas, V. Askew, D.S. Auberger, P. Baba, M. Backues, S.K. Baehrecke, E.H. Bahr, B.A. Bai, X.-Y. Bailly, Y. Baiocchi, R. Baldini, G. Balduini, W. Ballabio, A. Bamber, B.A. Bampton, E.T.W. Bánhegyi, G. Bartholomew, C.R. Bassham, D.C. Bast Jr., R.C. Batoko, H. Bay, B.-H. Beau, I. Béchet, D.M. Begley, T.J. Behl, C. Behrends, C. Bekri, S. Bellaire, B. Bendall, L.J. Benetti, L. Berliocchi, L. Bernardi, H. Bernassola, F. Besteiro, S. Bhatia-Kissova, I. Bi, X. Biard-Piechaczyk, M. Blum, J.S. Boise, L.H. Bonaldo, P. Boone, D.L. Bornhauser, B.C. Bortoluci, K.R. Bossis, I. Bost, F. Bourquin, J.-P. Boya, P. Boyer-Guittaut, M. Bozhkov, P.V. Brady, N.R. Brancolini, C. Brech, A. Brenman, J.E. Brennand, A. Bresnick, E.H. Brest, P. Bridges, D. Bristol, M.L. Brookes, P.S. Brown, E.J. Brumell, J.H. Brunetti-Pierri, N. Brunk, U.T. Bulman, D.E. Bultman, S.J. Bultynck, G. Burbulla, L.F. Bursch, W. Butchar, J.P. Buzgariu, W. Bydlowski, S.P. Cadwell, K. Cahová, M. Cai, D. Cai, J. Cai, Q. Calabretta, B. Calvo-Garrido, J. Camougrand, N. Campanella, M. Campos-Salinas, J. Candi, E. Cao, L. Caplan, A.B. Carding, S.R. Cardoso, S.M. Carew, J.S. Carlin, C.R. Carmignac, V. Carneiro, L.A.M. Carra, S. Caruso, R.A. Casari, G. Casas, C. Castino, R. Cebollero, E. Cecconi, F. Celli, J. Chaachouay, H. Chae, H.-J. Chai, C.-Y. Chan, D.C. Chan, E.Y. Chang, R.C.-C. Che, C.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chen, G.-C. Chen, G.-Q. Chen, M. Chen, Q. Chen, S.S.-L. Chen, W. Chen, X. Chen, X. Chen, X. Chen, Y.-G. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, Z. Cheng, A. Cheng, C.H.K. Cheng, Y. Cheong, H. Cheong, J.-H. Cherry, S. Chess-Williams, R. Cheung, Z.H. Chevet, E. Chiang, H.-L. Chiarelli, R. Chiba, T. Chin, L.-S. Chiou, S.-H. Chisari, F.V. Cho, C.H. Cho, D.-H. Choi, A.M.K. Choi, D. Choi, K.S. Choi, M.E. Chouaib, S. Choubey, D. Choubey, V. Chu, C.T. Chuang, T.-H. Chueh, S.-H. Chun, T. Chwae, Y.-J. Chye, M.-L. Ciarcia, R. Ciriolo, M.R. Clague, M.J. Clark, R.S.B. Clarke, P.G.H. Clarke, R. Codogno, P. Coller, H.A. Colombo, M.I. Comincini, S. Condello, M. Condorelli, F. Cookson, M.R. Coombs, G.H. Coppens, I. Corbalan, R. Cossart, P. Costelli, P. Costes, S. Coto-Montes, A. Couve, E. Coxon, F.P. Cregg, J.M. Crespo, J.L. Cronjé, M.J. Cuervo, A.M. Cullen, J.J. Czaja, M.J. D'Amelio, M. Darfeuille-Michaud, A. Davids, L.M. Davies, F.E. De Felici, M. De Groot, J.F. De Haan, C.A.M. De Martino, L. De Milito, A. De Tata, V. Debnath, J. Degterev, A. Dehay, B. Delbridge, L.M.D. Demarchi, F. Deng, Y.Z. Dengjel, J. Dent, P. Denton, D. Deretic, V. Desai, S.D. Devenish, R.J. Di Gioacchino, M. Di Paolo, G. Di Pietro, C. Díaz-Araya, G. Díaz-Laviada, I. Diaz-Meco, M.T. Diaz-Nido, J. Dikic, I. Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. Ding, W.-X. Distelhorst, C.W. Diwan, A. Djavaheri-Mergny, M. Dokudovskaya, S. Dong, Z. Dorsey, F.C. Dosenko, V. Dowling, J.J. Doxsey, S. Dreux, M. Drew, M.E. Duan, Q. Duchosal, M.A. Duff, K. Dugail, I. Durbeej, M. Duszenko, M. Edelstein, C.L. Edinger, A.L. Egea, G. Eichinger, L. Eissa, N.T. Ekmekcioglu, S. El-Deiry, W.S. Elazar, Z. Elgendy, M. Ellerby, L.M. Er Eng, K. Engelbrecht, A.-M. Engelender, S. Erenpreisa, J. Escalante, R. Esclatine, A. Eskelinen, E.-L. Espert, L. Espina, V. Fan, H. Fan, J. Fan, Q.-W. Fan, Z. Fang, S. Fang, Y. Fanto, M. Fanzani, A. Farkas, T. Farré, J.-C. Faure, M. Fechheimer, M. Feng, C.G. Feng, J. Feng, Q. Feng, Y. Fésüs, L. Feuer, R. Figueiredo-Pereira, M.E. Fimia, G.M. Fingar, D.C. Finkbeiner, S. Finkel, T. Finley, K.D. Fiorito, F. Fisher, E.A. Fisher, P.B. Flajolet, M. Florez-McClure, M.L. Florio, S. Fon, E.A. Fornai, F. Fortunato, F. Fotedar, R. Fowler, D.H. Fox, H.S. Franco, R. Frankel, L.B. Fransen, M. Fuentes, J.M. Fueyo, J. Fujii, J. Fujisaki, K. Fujita, E. Fukuda, M. Furukawa, R.H. Gaestel, M. Gailly, P. Gajewska, M. Galliot, B. Galy, V. Ganesh, S. Ganetzky, B. Ganley, I.G. Gao, F.-B. Gao, G.F. Gao, J. Garcia, L. Garcia-Manero, G. Garcia-Marcos, M. Garmyn, M. Gartel, A.L. Gatti, E. Gautel, M. Gawriluk, T.R. Gegg, M.E. Geng, J. Germain, M. Gestwicki, J.E. Gewirtz, D.A. Ghavami, S. Ghosh, P. Giammarioli, A.M. Giatromanolaki, A.N. Gibson, S.B. Gilkerson, R.W. Ginger, M.L. Ginsberg, H.N. Golab, J. Goligorsky, M.S. Golstein, P. Gomez-Manzano, C. Goncu, E. Gongora, C. Gonzalez, C.D. Gonzalez, R. González-Estévez, C. González-Polo, R.A. Gonzalez-Rey, E. Gorbunov, N.V. Gorski, S. Goruppi, S. Gottlieb, R.A. Gozuacik, D. Granato, G.E. Grant, G.D. Green, K.N. Gregorc, A. Gros, F. Grose, C. Grunt, T.W. Gual, P. Guan, J.-L. Guan, K.-L. Guichard, S.M. Gukovskaya, A.S. Gukovsky, I. Gunst, J. Gustafsson, A.B. Halayko, A.J. Hale, A.N. Halonen, S.K. Hamasaki, M. Han, F. Han, T. Hancock, M.K. Hansen, M. Harada, H. Harada, M. Hardt, S.E. Harper, J.W. Harris, A.L. Harris, J. Harris, S.D. Hashimoto, M. Haspel, J.A. Hayashi, S.-I. Hazelhurst, L.A. He, C. He, Y.-W. Hébert, M.-J. Heidenreich, K.A. Helfrich, M.H. Helgason, G.V. Henske, E.P. Herman, B. Herman, P.K. Hetz, C. Hilfiker, S. Hill, J.A. Hocking, L.J. Hofman, P. Hofmann, T.G. Höhfeld, J. Holyoake, T.L. Hong, M.-H. Hood, D.A. Hotamisligil, G.S. Houwerzijl, E.J. Høyer-Hansen, M. Hu, B. Hu, C.-A.A. Hu, H.-M. Hua, Y. Huang, C. Huang, J. Huang, S. Huang, W.-P. Huber, T.B. Huh, W.-K. Hung, T.-H. Hupp, T.R. Hur, G.M. Hurley, J.B. Hussain, S.N.A. Hussey, P.J. Hwang, J.J. Hwang, S. Ichihara, A. Ilkhanizadeh, S. Inoki, K. Into, T. Iovane, V. Iovanna, J.L. Ip, N.Y. Isaka, Y. Ishida, H. Isidoro, C. Isobe, K.-I. Iwasaki, A. Izquierdo, M. Izumi, Y. Jaakkola, P.M. Jäättelä, M. Jackson, G.R. Jackson, W.T. Janji, B. Jendrach, M. Jeon, J.-H. Jeung, E.-B. Jiang, H. Jiang, H. Jiang, J.X. Jiang, M. Jiang, Q. Jiang, X. Jiménez, A. Jin, M. Jin, S. Joe, C.O. Johansen, T. Johnson, D.E. Johnson, G.V.W. Jones, N.L. Joseph, B. Joseph, S.K. Joubert, A.M. Juhász, G. Juillerat-Jeanneret, L. Jung, C.H. Jung, Y.-K. Kaarniranta, K. Kaasik, A. Kabuta, T. Kadowaki, M. Kagedal, K. Kamada, Y. Kaminskyy, V.O. Kampinga, H.H. Kanamori, H. Kang, C. Kang, K.B. Il Kang, K. Kang, R. Kang, Y.-A. Kanki, T. Kanneganti, T.-D. Kanno, H. Kanthasamy, A.G. Kanthasamy, A. Karantza, V. Kaushal, G.P. Kaushik, S. Kawazoe, Y. Ke, P.-Y. Kehrl, J.H. Kelekar, A. Kerkhoff, C. Kessel, D.H. Khalil, H. Kiel, J.A.K.W. Kiger, A.A. Kihara, A. Kim, D.R. Kim, D.-H. Kim, D.-H. Kim, E.-K. Kim, H.-R. Kim, J.-S. Kim, J.H. Kim, J.C. Kim, J.K. Kim, P.K. Kim, S.W. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, Y. Kimchi, A. Kimmelman, A.C. King, J.S. Kinsella, T.J. Kirkin, V. Kirshenbaum, L.A. Kitamoto, K. Kitazato, K. Klein, L. Klimecki, W.T. Klucken, J. Knecht, E. Ko, B.C.B. Koch, J.C. Koga, H. Koh, J.-Y. Koh, Y.H. Koike, M. Komatsu, M. Kominami, E. Kong, H.J. Kong, W.-J. Korolchuk, V.I. Kotake, Y. Koukourakis, M.I. Kouri Flores, J.B. Kovács, A.L. Kraft, C. Krainc, D. Krämer, H. Kretz-Remy, C. Krichevsky, A.M. Kroemer, G. Krüger, R. Krut, O. Ktistakis, N.T. Kuan, C.-Y. Kucharczyk, R. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Kundu, M. Kung, H.-J. Kurz, T. Kwon, H.J. La Spada, A.R. Lafont, F. Lamark, T. Landry, J. Lane, J.D. Lapaquette, P. Laporte, J.F. László, L. Lavandero, S. Lavoie, J.N. Layfield, R. Lazo, P.A. Le, W. Le Cam, L. Ledbetter, D.J. Lee, A.J.X. Lee, B.-W. Lee, G.M. Lee, J. Lee, J.-H. Lee, M. Lee, M.-S. Lee, S.H. Leeuwenburgh, C. Legembre, P. Legouis, R. Lehmann, M. Lei, H.-Y. Lei, Q.-Y. Leib, D.A. Leiro, J. Lemasters, J.J. Lemoine, A. Lesniak, M.S. Lev, D. Levenson, V.V. Levine, B. Levy, E. Li, F. Li, J.-L. Li, L. Li, S. Li, W. Li, X.-J. Li, Y.-B. Li, Y.-P. Liang, C. Liang, Q. Liao, Y.-F. Liberski, P.P. Lieberman, A. Lim, H.J. Lim, K.-L. Lim, K. Lin, C.-F. Lin, F.-C. Lin, J. Lin, J.D. Lin, K. Lin, W.-W. Lin, W.-C. Lin, Y.-L. Linden, R. Lingor, P. Lippincott-Schwartz, J. Lisanti, M.P. Liton, P.B. Liu, B. Liu, C.-F. Liu, K. Liu, L. Liu, Q.A. Liu, W. Liu, Y.-C. Liu, Y. Lockshin, R.A. Lok, C.-N. Lonial, S. Loos, B. Lopez-Berestein, G. López-Otín, C. Lossi, L. Lotze, M.T. Lõw, P. Lu, B. Lu, B. Lu, B. Lu, Z. Luciano, F. Lukacs, N.W. Lund, A.H. Lynch-Day, M.A. Ma, Y. Macian, F. MacKeigan, J.P. Macleod, K.F. Madeo, F. Maiuri, L. Maiuri, M.C. Malagoli, D. Malicdan, M.C.V. Malorni, W. Man, N. Mandelkow, E.-M. Manon, S. Manov, I. Mao, K. Mao, X. Mao, Z. Marambaud, P. Marazziti, D. Marcel, Y.L. Marchbank, K. Marchetti, P. Marciniak, S.J. Marcondes, M. Mardi, M. Marfe, G. Mariño, G. Markaki, M. Marten, M.R. Martin, S.J. Martinand-Mari, C. Martinet, W. Martinez-Vicente, M. Masini, M. Matarrese, P. Matsuo, S. Matteoni, R. Mayer, A. Mazure, N.M. McConkey, D.J. McConnell, M.J. McDermott, C. McDonald, C. McInerney, G.M. McKenna, S.L. McLaughlin, B. McLean, P.J. McMaster, C.R. McQuibban, G.A. Meijer, A.J. Meisler, M.H. Meléndez, A. Melia, T.J. Melino, G. Mena, M.A. Menendez, J.A. Menna-Barreto, R.F.S. Menon, M.B. Menzies, F.M. Mercer, C.A. Merighi, A. Merry, D.E. Meschini, S. Meyer, C.G. Meyer, T.F. Miao, C.-Y. Miao, J.-Y. Michels, P.A.M. Michiels, C. Mijaljica, D. Milojkovic, A. Minucci, S. Miracco, C. Miranti, C.K. Mitroulis, I. Miyazawa, K. Mizushima, N. Mograbi, B. Mohseni, S. Molero, X. Mollereau, B. Mollinedo, F. Momoi, T. Monastyrska, I. Monick, M.M. Monteiro, M.J. Moore, M.N. Mora, R. Moreau, K. Moreira, P.I. Moriyasu, Y. Moscat, J. Mostowy, S. Mottram, J.C. Motyl, T. Moussa, C.E.-H. Müller, S. Muller, S. Münger, K. Münz, C. Murphy, L.O. Murphy, M.E. Musarò, A. Mysorekar, I. Nagata, E. Nagata, K. Nahimana, A. Nair, U. Nakagawa, T. Nakahira, K. Nakano, H. Nakatogawa, H. Nanjundan, M. Naqvi, N.I. Narendra, D.P. Narita, M. Navarro, M. Nawrocki, S.T. Nazarko, T.Y. Nemchenko, A. Netea, M.G. Neufeld, T.P. Ney, P.A. Nezis, I.P. Nguyen, H.P. Nie, D. Nishino, I. Nislow, C. Nixon, R.A. Noda, T. Noegel, A.A. Nogalska, A. Noguchi, S. Notterpek, L. Novak, I. Nozaki, T. Nukina, N. Nürnberger, T. Nyfeler, B. Obara, K. Oberley, T.D. Oddo, S. Ogawa, M. Ohashi, T. Okamoto, K. Oleinick, N.L. Oliver, F.J. Olsen, L.J. Olsson, S. Opota, O. Osborne, T.F. Ostrander, G.K. Otsu, K. Ou, J.-H.J. Ouimet, M. Overholtzer, M. Ozpolat, B. Paganetti, P. Pagnini, U. Pallet, N. Palmer, G.E. Palumbo, C. Pan, T. Panaretakis, T. Pandey, U.B. Papackova, Z. Papassideri, I. Paris, I. Park, J. Park, O.K. Parys, J.B. Parzych, K.R. Patschan, S. Patterson, C. Pattingre, S. Pawelek, J.M. Peng, J. Perlmutter, D.H. Perrotta, I. Perry, G. Pervaiz, S. Peter, M. Peters, G.J. Petersen, M. Petrovski, G. Phang, J.M. Piacentini, M. Pierre, P. Pierrefite-Carle, V. Pierron, G. Pinkas-Kramarski, R. Piras, A. Piri, N. Platanias, L.C. Pöggeler, S. Poirot, M. Poletti, A. Poüs, C. Pozuelo-Rubio, M. Prætorius-Ibba, M. Prasad, A. Prescott, M. Priault, M. Produit-Zengaffinen, N. Progulske-Fox, A. Proikas-Cezanne, T. Przedborski, S. Przyklenk, K. Puertollano, R. Puyal, J. Qian, S.-B. Qin, L. Qin, Z.-H. Quaggin, S.E. Raben, N. Rabinowich, H. Rabkin, S.W. Rahman, I. Rami, A. Ramm, G. Randall, G. Randow, F. Rao, V.A. Rathmell, J.C. Ravikumar, B. Ray, S.K. Reed, B.H. Reed, J.C. Reggiori, F. Régnier-Vigouroux, A. Reichert, A.S. Reiners Jr., J.J. Reiter, R.J. Ren, J. Revuelta, J.L. Rhodes, C.J. Ritis, K. Rizzo, E. Robbins, J. Roberge, M. Roca, H. Roccheri, M.C. Rocchi, S. Rodemann, H.P. De Córdoba, S.R. Rohrer, B. Roninson, I.B. Rosen, K. Rost-Roszkowska, M.M. Rouis, M. Rouschop, K.M.A. Rovetta, F. Rubin, B.P. Rubinsztein, D.C. Ruckdeschel, K. Rucker III, E.B. Rudich, A. Rudolf, E. Ruiz-Opazo, N. Russo, R. Rusten, T.E. Ryan, K.M. Ryter, S.W. Sabatini, D.M. Sadoshima, J. Saha, T. Saitoh, T. Sakagami, H. Sakai, Y. Salekdeh, G.H. Salomoni, P. Salvaterra, P.M. Salvesen, G. Salvioli, R. Sanchez, A.M.J. Sánchez-Alcázar, J.A. Sánchez-Prieto, R. Sandri, M. Sankar, U. Sansanwal, P. Santambrogio, L. Saran, S. Sarkar, S. Sarwal, M. Sasakawa, C. Sasnauskiene, A. Sass, M. Sato, K. Sato, M. Schapira, A.H.V. Scharl, M. Schätzl, H.M. Scheper, W. Schiaffino, S. Schneider, C. Schneider, M.E. Schneider-Stock, R. Schoenlein, P.V. Schorderet, D.F. Schüller, C. Schwartz, G.K. Scorrano, L. Sealy, L. Seglen, P.O. Segura-Aguilar, J. Seiliez, I. Seleverstov, O. Sell, C. Seo, J.B. Separovic, D. Setaluri, V. Setoguchi, T. Settembre, C. Shacka, J.J. Shanmugam, M. Shapiro, I.M. Shaulian, E. Shaw, R.J. Shelhamer, J.H. Shen, H.-M. Shen, W.-C. Sheng, Z.-H. Shi, Y. Shibuya, K. Shidoji, Y. Shieh, J.-J. Shih, C.-M. Shimada, Y. Shimizu, S. Shintani, T. Shirihai, O.S. Shore, G.C. Sibirny, A.A. Sidhu, S.B. Sikorska, B. Silva-Zacarin, E.C.M. Simmons, A. Simon, A.K. Simon, H.-U. Simone, C. Simonsen, A. Sinclair, D.A. Singh, R. Sinha, D. Sinicrope, F.A. Sirko, A. Siu, P.M. Sivridis, E. Skop, V. Skulachev, V.P. Slack, R.S. Smaili, S.S. Smith, D.R. Soengas, M.S. Soldati, T. Song, X. Sood, A.K. Soong, T.W. Sotgia, F. Spector, S.A. Spies, C.D. Springer, W. Srinivasula, S.M. Stefanis, L. Steffan, J.S. Stendel, R. Stenmark, H. Stephanou, A. Stern, S.T. Sternberg, C. Stork, B. Strålfors, P. Subauste, C.S. Sui, X. Sulzer, D. Sun, J. Sun, S.-Y. Sun, Z.-J. Sung, J.J.Y. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, T. Swanson, M.S. Swanton, C. Sweeney, S.T. Sy, L.-K. Szabadkai, G. Tabas, I. Taegtmeyer, H. Tafani, M. Takács-Vellai, K. Takano, Y. Takegawa, K. Takemura, G. Takeshita, F. Talbot, N.J. Tan, K.S.W. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, K. Tang, D. Tang, D. Tanida, I. Tannous, B.A. Tavernarakis, N. Taylor, G.S. Taylor, G.A. Taylor, J.P. Terada, A.S. Terman, A. Tettamanti, G. Thevissen, K. Thompson, C.B. Thorburn, A. Thumm, M. Tian, F. Tian, Y. Tocchini-Valentini, G. Tolkovsky, A.M. Tomino, Y. Tönges, L. Tooze, S.A. Tournier, C. Tower, J. Towns, R. Trajkovic, V. Travassos, L.H. Tsai, T.-F. Tschan, M.P. Tsubata, T. Tsung, A. Turk, B. Turner, L.S. Tyagi, S.C. Uchiyama, Y. Ueno, T. Umekawa, M. Umemiya-Shirafuji, R. Unni, V.K. Vaccaro, M.I. Valente, E.M. Van Den Berghe, G. Van Der Klei, I.J. Van Doorn, W.G. Van Dyk, L.F. Van Egmond, M. Van Grunsven, L.A. Vandenabeele, P. Vandenberghe, W.P. Vanhorebeek, I. Vaquero, E.C. Velasco, G. Vellai, T. Vicencio, J.M. Vierstra, R.D. Vila, M. Vindis, C. Viola, G. Viscomi, M.T. Voitsekhovskaja, O.V. Von Haefen, C. Votruba, M. Wada, K. Wade-Martins, R. Walker, C.L. Walsh, C.M. Walter, J. Wan, X.-B. Wang, A. Wang, C. Wang, D. Wang, F. Wang, F. Wang, G. Wang, H. Wang, H.-G. Wang, H.-D. Wang, J. Wang, K. Wang, M. Wang, R.C. Wang, X. Wang, X. Wang, Y.-J. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Z.C. Wang, Z. Wansink, D.G. Ward, D.M. Watada, H. Waters, S.L. Webster, P. Wei, L. Weihl, C.C. Weiss, W.A. Welford, S.M. Wen, L.-P. Whitehouse, C.A. Whitton, J.L. Whitworth, A.J. Wileman, T. Wiley, J.W. Wilkinson, S. Willbold, D. Williams, R.L. Williamson, P.R. Wouters, B.G. Wu, C. Wu, D.-C. Wu, W.K.K. Wyttenbach, A. Xavier, R.J. Xi, Z. Xia, P. Xiao, G. Xie, Z. Xie, Z. Xu, D.-Z. Xu, J. Xu, L. Xu, X. Yamamoto, A. Yamamoto, A. Yamashina, S. Yamashita, M. Yan, X. Yanagida, M. Yang, D.-S. Yang, E. Yang, J.-M. Yang, S.Y. Yang, W. Yang, W.Y. Yang, Z. Yao, M.-C. Yao, T.-P. Yeganeh, B. Yen, W.-L. Yin, J.-J. Yin, X.-M. Yoo, O.-J. Yoon, G. Yoon, S.-Y. Yorimitsu, T. Yoshikawa, Y. Yoshimori, T. Yoshimoto, K. You, H.J. Youle, R.J. Younes, A. Yu, L. Yu, L. Yu, S.-W. Yu, W.H. Yuan, Z.-M. Yue, Z. Yun, C.-H. Yuzaki, M. Zabirnyk, O. Silva-Zacarin, E. David Zacks, E. Zacksenhaus, L. Zaffaroni, N. Zakeri, Z. Zeh III, H.J. Zeitlin, S.O. Zhang, H. Zhang, H.-L. Zhang, J. Zhang, J.-P. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, M.-Y. Zhang, X.D. Zhao, M. Zhao, Y.-F. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Z.J. Zheng, X. Zhivotovsky, B. Zhong, Q. Zhou, C.-Z. Zhu, C. Zhu, W.-G. Zhu, X.-F. Zhu, X. Zhu, Y. Zoladek, T. Zong, W.-X. Zorzano, A. Zschocke, J. Zuckerbraun, B.
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field. © 2012 Landes Bioscience.
- Published
- 2012
4. Measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase in the full CDF data set
- Author
Aaltonen, T., Alvarez, González, Amerio, B., Amidei, S., Anastassov, D., Annovi, A., Antos, A., Apollinari, J., Appel, G., J. A., Arisawa, Artikov, T., Asaadi, A., Ashmanskas, J., Auerbach, W., Aurisano, B., Azfar, A., Badgett, F., Bae, W., Barbaro, Galtieri, Barnes, A., V. E., Barnett, B. A., Barria, Bartos, P., Bauce, P., Bedeschi, M., Behari, F., Bellettini, S., Bellinger, G., Benjamin, J., Beretvas, D., Bhatti, A., Bisello, A., Bizjak, D., Bland, I., K. R., Blumenfeld, Bocci, B., Bodek, A., Bortoletto, A., Boudreau, D., Boveia, J., Brigliadori, A., Bromberg, L., Brucken, C., Budagov, E., Budd, J., H. S., Burkett, Busetto, K., Bussey, G., Buzatu, P., Calamba, A., Calancha, A., Camarda, C., Campanelli, S., Campbell, M., Canelli, M., Carls, F., Carlsmith, B., Carosi, D., Carrillo, R., Carron, S., Casal, S., Casarsa, B., Castro, M., Catastini, A., Cauz, P., Cavaliere, D., Cavalli, Sforza, Cerri, M., Cerrito, A., Chen, L., Y. C., Chertok, Chiarelli, M., Chlachidze, G., Chlebana, G., Cho, F., Chokheli, K., Chung, D., W. H., Chung, Y. S., Ciocci, M. A., Clark, Clarke, A., Compostella, C., Convery, G., M. E., Conway, Corbo, J., Cordelli, M., Cox, M., C. A., Cox, D. J., Crescioli, Cuevas, F., Culbertson, J., Dagenhart, R., D'Ascenzo, D., Datta, N., Barbaro, De, Dell'Orso, Mauro, Demortier, M., Deninno, L., Devoto, M., D'Errico, F., Canto, Di, Ruzza, Di, Dittmann, B., J. R., D'Onofrio, Donati, Simone, Dong, P., Dorigo, M., Dorigo, T., Ebina, K., Elagin, A., Eppig, A., Erbacher, R., Errede, S., Ershaidat, N., Eusebi, R., Farrington, S., Feindt, M., Fernandez, J. P., Field, R., Flanagan, G., Forrest, R., Frank, M. J., Franklin, M., Freeman, J. C., Funakoshi, Y., Furic, I., Gallinaro, M., Garcia, J. E., Garfinkel, A. F., Garosi, P., Gerberich, H., Gerchtein, E., Giagu, S., Giakoumopoulou, V., Giannetti, P., Gibson, K., Ginsburg, C. M., Giokaris, N., Giromini, P., Giurgiu, G., Glagolev, V., Glenzinski, D., Gold, M., Goldin, D., Goldschmidt, N., Golossanov, A., Gomez, G., Gomez, Ceballos, Goncharov, G., González, M., Gorelov, O., Goshaw, I., A. T., Goulianos, Grillo, K., Grinstein, L., Grosso, Pilcher, Group, C., R. C., Guimaraes Da Costa, Hahn, J., S. R., Halkiadakis, Hamaguchi, E., Han, A., J. Y., Happacher, Hara, F., Hare, K., Hare, D., Harr, M., R. F., Hatakeyama, Hays, K., Heck, C., Heinrich, M., Herndon, J., Hewamanage, M., Hocker, S., Hopkins, A., Horn, W., Hou, D., Hughes, S., R. E., Hurwitz, Husemann, M., Hussain, U., Hussein, N., Huston, M., Introzzi, J., Iori, G., Ivanov, M., James, A., Jang, E., Jayatilaka, D., Jeon, B., E. J., Jindariani, Jones, S., Joo, M., K. K., Jun, S. Y., Junk, T. R., Kamon, Karchin, T., P. E., Kasmi, Kato, A., Ketchum, Y., Keung, W., Khotilovich, J., Kilminster, V., Kim, B., D. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. E., Kim, M. J., Kim, S. B., Kim, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Kim, Y. J., Kimura, Kirby, N., Klimenko, M., Knoepfel, S., Kondo, K., Kong, K., D. J., Konigsberg, Kotwal, J., A. V., Kreps, Kroll, M., Krop, J., Kruse, D., Krutelyov, M., Kuhr, V., Kurata, T., Kwang, M., Laasanen, S., A. T., Lami, Lammel, S., Lancaster, S., Lander, M., R. L., Lannon, Lath, K., Latino, A., Lecompte, G., Lee, T., Lee, E., H. S., Lee, J. S., Lee, S. W., Leo, Leone, S., Lewis, S., J. D., Limosani, Lin, A., C. J., Lindgren, Lipeles, M., Lister, E., Litvintsev, A., D. O., Liu, Liu, C., Liu, H., Liu, Q., Lockwitz, T., Loginov, S., Lucchesi, A., Lueck, D., Lujan, J., Lukens, P., Lungu, P., Lys, G., Lysak, J., Madrak, R., Maeshima, R., Maestro, K., Malik, P., Manca, S., Manousakis, Katsikakis, Margaroli, A., Marino, F., Martínez, C., Mastrandrea, M., Matera, P., Mattson, K., M. E., Mazzacane, Mazzanti, A., Mcfarland, P., K. S., Mcintyre, Mcnulty, P., Mehta, R., Mehtala, A., Mesropian, P., Miao, C., Mietlicki, T., Mitra, D., Miyake, A., Moed, H., Moggi, S., Mondragon, N., M. N., Moon, C. S., Moore, Morello, R., M. J., Morlock, Movilla, Fernandez, Mukherjee, P., Muller, A., Murat, T., Mussini, P., Nachtman, M., Nagai, J., Naganoma, Y., Nakano, J., Napier, I., Nett, A., Neu, J., Neubauer, C., M. S., Nielsen, Nodulman, J., Noh, L., S. Y., Norniella, Oakes, O., Oh, L., S. H., Oh, Y. D., Oksuzian, Okusawa, I., Orava, T., Ortolan, R., Pagan, Griso, Pagliarone, S., Palencia, C., Papadimitriou, E., Paramonov, V., A. A., Patrick, Pauletta, J., Paulini, G., Paus, M., Pellett, C., D. E., Penzo, Phillips, A., T. J., Piacentino, Pianori, G., Pilot, E., Pitts, J., Plager, K., Pondrom, C., Poprocki, L., Potamianos, S., Prokoshin, K., Pranko, F., Ptohos, A., Punzi, Giovanni, Rahaman, G., Ramakrishnan, A., Ranjan, V., Redondo, N., Renton, I., Rescigno, P., Riddick, M., Rimondi, T., Ristori, F., Robson, L., Rodrigo, A., Rodriguez, T., Rogers, T., Rolli, E., Roser, S., Ruffini, R., Ruiz, F., Russ, A., Rusu, J., Safonov, V., Sakumoto, A., W. K., Sakurai, Santi, Y., Sato, L., Saveliev, K., Savoy, Navarro, Schlabach, A., Schmidt, P., Schmidt, A., E. E., Schwarz, Scodellaro, T., Scribano, L., Scuri, A., Seidel, F., Seiya, S., Semenov, Y., Sforza, A., Shalhout, F., S. Z., Shears, Shepard, T., P. F., Shimojima, Shochet, M., Shreyber, Tecker, Simonenko, I., Sinervo, A., Sliwa, P., Smith, K., J. R., Snider, F. D., Soha, Sorin, A., Song, V., Squillacioti, H., Stancari, P., Denis, S. t., Stelzer, R., Stelzer, Chilton, Stentz, O., Strologas, D., Strycker, J., G. L., Sudo, Sukhanov, Y., Suslov, A., Takemasa, I., Takeuchi, K., Tang, Y., Tecchio, J., Teng, M., P. K., Thom, Thome, J., Thompson, J., G. A., Thomson, Toback, E., Tokar, D., Tollefson, S., Tomura, K., Tonelli, T., Torre, D., Torretta, S., Totaro, D., Trovato, P., Ukegawa, M., Uozumi, F., Varganov, S., Vázquez, A., Velev, F., Vellidis, G., Vidal, C., Vila, M., Vilar, I., Vizán, R., Vogel, J., Volpi, M., Wagner, G., Wagner, P., R. L., Wakisaka, Wallny, T., Wang, R., S. M., Warburton, Waters, A., Wester, D., W. C., Whiteson, Wicklund, D., A. B., Wicklund, Wilbur, E., Wick, S., Williams, F., H. H., Wilson, J. S., Wilson, Winer, P., B. L., Wittich, Wolbers, P., Wolfe, S., Wright, H., Wu, T., Wu, X., Yamamoto, Z., Yamato, K., Yang, D., Yang, T., U. K., Yang, Y. C., Yao, W. M., Yeh, G. P., Yi, Yoh, K., Yorita, J., Yoshida, K., Yu, T., G. B., Yu, Yu, I., S. S., Yun, J. C., Zanetti, Zeng, A., Zhou, Y., Zucchelli, C., Jy, S., Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores JB, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada AR, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Ms, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, Ms, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez Berestein, G, López Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch Day MA, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna Barreto RF, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo Rubio, M, Prætorius Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit Zengaffinen, N, Progulske Fox, A, Proikas Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier Vigouroux, A, Reichert, As, Reiners JJ Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost Roszkowska MM, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez Alcázar JA, Sánchez Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, Os, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva Zacarin EC, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, Rs, Smaili, Ss, Smith, Dr, Soengas, Ms, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, Js, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, Cs, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, Ms, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, Ks, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, Gs, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, Ls, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, Ls, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya, Shira, T., Aaltonen, B. A., Gonzalez, S., Amerio, D., Amidei, A., Anastassov, A., Annovi, J., Anto, G., Apollinari, J. A., Appel, T., Arisawa, A., Artikov, J., Asaadi, W., Ashmanska, B., Auerbach, A., Aurisano, F., Azfar, W., Badgett, T., Bae, A., Barbaro Galtieri, V. E., Barne, B. A., Barnett, P., Barria, P., Barto, M., Bauce, F., Bedeschi, S., Behari, G., Bellettini, J., Bellinger, D., Benjamin, A., Beretva, A., Bhatti, D., Bisello, I., Bizjak, K. R., Bland, B., Blumenfeld, A., Bocci, A., Bodek, D., Bortoletto, J., Boudreau, A., Boveia, L., Brigliadori, C., Bromberg, E., Brucken, J., Budagov, H. S., Budd, K., Burkett, G., Busetto, P., Bussey, A., Buzatu, A., Calamba, C., Calancha, S., Camarda, M., Campanelli, M., Campbell, F., Canelli, B., Carl, D., Carlsmith, R., Carosi, S., Carrillo, S., Carron, B., Casal, M., Casarsa, A., Castro, P., Catastini, D., Cauz, V., Cavaliere, M., Cavalli Sforza, A., Cerri, L., Cerrito, Y. C., Chen, M., Chertok, G., Chiarelli, G., Chlachidze, F., Chlebana, K., Cho, D., Chokheli, W. H., Chung, Y. S., Chung, M. A., Ciocci, A., Clark, C., Clarke, G., Compostella, M. E., Convery, J., Conway, M., Corbo, M., Cordelli, C. A., Cox, D. J., Cox, F., Crescioli, J., Cueva, R., Culbertson, D., Dagenhart, N., D'Ascenzo, M., Datta, P. D., Barbaro, M., Dell'Orso, L., Demortier, M., Deninno, F., Devoto, M., D'Errico, A. D., Canto, B. D., Ruzza, J. R., Dittmann, M., D'Onofrio, S., Donati, P., Dong, M., Dorigo, T., Dorigo, K., Ebina, A., Elagin, A., Eppig, R., Erbacher, S., Errede, N., Ershaidat, R., Eusebi, S., Farrington, M., Feindt, J. P., Fernandez, R., Field, G., Flanagan, R., Forrest, M. J., Frank, M., Franklin, J. C., Freeman, Y., Funakoshi, I., Furic, M., Gallinaro, J. E., Garcia, A. F., Garfinkel, P., Garosi, H., Gerberich, E., Gerchtein, S., Giagu, V., Giakoumopoulou, P., Giannetti, K., Gibson, C. M., Ginsburg, N., Giokari, P., Giromini, G., Giurgiu, V., Glagolev, D., Glenzinski, M., Gold, D., Goldin, N., Goldschmidt, A., Golossanov, G., Gomez, G., Gomez Ceballo, M., Goncharov, O., Gonzalez, I., Gorelov, A. T., Goshaw, K., Gouliano, L., Grillo, S., Grinstein, C., Grosso Pilcher, R. C., Group, J. G., Da, S. R., Hahn, E., Halkiadaki, A., Hamaguchi, J. Y., Han, F., Happacher, K., Hara, D., Hare, M., Hare, R. F., Harr, K., Hatakeyama, C., Hay, M., Heck, J., Heinrich, M., Herndon, S., Hewamanage, A., Hocker, W., Hopkin, D., Horn, S., Hou, R. E., Hughe, M., Hurwitz, U., Husemann, N., Hussain, M., Hussein, J., Huston, G., Introzzi, M., Iori, A., Ivanov, E., Jame, D., Jang, B., Jayatilaka, E. J., Jeon, S., Jindariani, M., Jone, K. K., Joo, S. Y., Jun, T. R., Junk, T., Kamon, P. E., Karchin, A., Kasmi, Y., Kato, W., Ketchum, J., Keung, V., Khotilovich, B., Kilminster, D. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. E., Kim, M. J., Kim, S. B., Kim, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Kim, Y. J., Kim, N., Kimura, M., Kirby, S., Klimenko, K., Knoepfel, K., Kondo, D. J., Kong, J., Konigsberg, A. V., Kotwal, M., Krep, J., Kroll, D., Krop, M., Kruse, V., Krutelyov, T., Kuhr, M., Kurata, S., Kwang, A. T., Laasanen, S., Lami, S., Lammel, M., Lancaster, R. L., Lander, K., Lannon, A., Lath, G., Latino, T., Lecompte, E., Lee, H. S., Lee, J. S., Lee, S. W., Lee, S., Leo, S., Leone, J. D., Lewi, A., Limosani, C. J., Lin, M., Lindgren, E., Lipele, A., Lister, D. O., Litvintsev, C., Liu, H., Liu, Q., Liu, T., Liu, S., Lockwitz, A., Loginov, D., Lucchesi, J., Lueck, P., Lujan, P., Luken, G., Lungu, J., Ly, R., Lysak, R., Madrak, K., Maeshima, P., Maestro, S., Malik, G., Manca, A., Manousakis Katsikaki, F., Margaroli, C., Marino, M., Martinez, P., Mastrandrea, K., Matera, M. E., Mattson, A., Mazzacane, P., Mazzanti, K. S., Mcfarland, P., Mcintyre, R., Mcnulty, A., Mehta, P., Mehtala, C., Mesropian, T., Miao, D., Mietlicki, A., Mitra, H., Miyake, S., Moed, N., Moggi, M. N., Mondragon, C. S., Moon, R., Moore, Morello, MICHAEL JOSEPH, J., Morlock, P. M., Fernandez, A., Mukherjee, T., Muller, P., Murat, M., Mussini, J., Nachtman, Y., Nagai, J., Naganoma, I., Nakano, A., Napier, J., Nett, C., Neu, M. S., Neubauer, J., Nielsen, L., Nodulman, S. Y., Noh, O., Norniella, L., Oake, S. H., Oh, Y. D., Oh, I., Oksuzian, T., Okusawa, R., Orava, L., Ortolan, S. P., Griso, C., Pagliarone, E., Palencia, V., Papadimitriou, A. A., Paramonov, J., Patrick, G., Pauletta, M., Paulini, C., Pau, D. E., Pellett, A., Penzo, T. J., Phillip, G., Piacentino, E., Pianori, J., Pilot, K., Pitt, C., Plager, L., Pondrom, S., Poprocki, K., Potamiano, F., Prokoshin, A., Pranko, F., Ptoho, G., Punzi, A., Rahaman, V., Ramakrishnan, N., Ranjan, I., Redondo, P., Renton, M., Rescigno, T., Riddick, F., Rimondi, L., Ristori, A., Robson, T., Rodrigo, T., Rodriguez, E., Roger, S., Rolli, R., Roser, F., Ruffini, A., Ruiz, J., Ru, V., Rusu, A., Safonov, W. K., Sakumoto, Y., Sakurai, L., Santi, K., Sato, V., Saveliev, A., Savoy Navarro, P., Schlabach, A., Schmidt, E. E., Schmidt, T., Schwarz, L., Scodellaro, A., Scribano, F., Scuri, S., Seidel, Y., Seiya, A., Semenov, F., Sforza, S. Z., Shalhout, T., Shear, P. F., Shepard, M., Shimojima, M., Shochet, I., Shreyber Tecker, A., Simonenko, P., Sinervo, K., Sliwa, J. R., Smith, F. D., Snider, A., Soha, V., Sorin, H., Song, P., Squillacioti, M., Stancari, R. S., Deni, B., Stelzer, O., Stelzer Chilton, D., Stentz, J., Strologa, G. L., Strycker, Y., Sudo, A., Sukhanov, I., Suslov, K., Takemasa, Y., Takeuchi, J., Tang, M., Tecchio, P. K., Teng, J., Thom, J., Thome, G. A., Thompson, E., Thomson, D., Toback, S., Tokar, K., Tollefson, T., Tomura, D., Tonelli, S., Torre, D., Torretta, P., Totaro, M., Trovato, F., Ukegawa, S., Uozumi, A., Varganov, F., Vazquez, G., Velev, C., Vellidi, M., Vidal, I., Vila, R., Vilar, J., Vizan, M., Vogel, G., Volpi, P., Wagner, R. L., Wagner, T., Wakisaka, R., Wallny, S. M., Wang, A., Warburton, D., Water, W. C., Wester, D., Whiteson, A. B., Wicklund, E., Wicklund, S., Wilbur, F., Wick, H. H., William, J. S., Wilson, P., Wilson, B. L., Winer, P., Wittich, S., Wolber, H., Wolfe, T., Wright, X., Wu, Z., Wu, K., Yamamoto, D., Yamato, T., Yang, U. K., Yang, Y. C., Yang, W. M., Yao, G. P., Yeh, K., Yi, J., Yoh, K., Yorita, T., Yoshida, G. B., Yu, I., Yu, S. S., Yu, J. C., Yun, A., Zanetti, Y., Zeng, C., Zhou, S., Zucchelli, B. c., Alvarez, A. c., Anastassov, J. c., Anto, J., Appel, T. c., Ct, V., Barne, B., Barnett, P. a., Barria, P. c., Barto, M. a., Bauce, G. a., Bellettini, D. a., Bisello, K., Bland, L. g., Brigliadori, H., Budd, G. a., Busetto, A. b., Cx, F. p., Canelli, S. b., Carrillo, B. b., Casal, A. g., Castro, A. b., Cerri, L. c., Cerrito, Y., Chen, K. c., Ct, W., Chung, Y., Chung, M. a., Ciocci, G. a., Compostella, M., Convery, C., Cox, D., Cox, F. a., Crescioli, J. c., Cueva, N. c., D'Ascenzo, M. a., Dell'Orso, M. a., D'Errico, A. a., Di, J., Dittmann, S. a., Donati, Dorigo, Mirco, N. c., Ershaidat, J., Fernandez, G. c., Flanagan, M., Frank, J., Freeman, J., Garcia, A., Garfinkel, P. a., Garosi, C., Ginsburg, O., González, A., Goshaw, R. b., Group, S., Hahn, J., Han, R., Harr, W. b., Hopkin, R., Hughe, N. b., Cx, M. b., Iori, A. c., Ivanov, E. c., Ct, S., Jun, T., Junk, T. b., C, P., Karchin, Y. c., Kato, D. c., Ct, H. c., Ct, J. c., Ct, M., Kim, S. c., Ct, S., Kim, Y., Kim, Y. c., Ct, A., Kotwal, V. b., Krutelyov, A., Laasanen, R., Lander, K. c., Lannon, G. a., Latino, H. c., Lee, S. c., Lee, S. a., Leo, J., Lewi, A. c., Limosani, C., Lin, D., Litvintsev, D. a., Lucchesi, R. b., Cr, P. a., Maestro, G. b., Manca, M., Martínez, M., Mattson, K., Mcfarland, R. b., Mcnulty, M. b., Mondragon, C. c., Ct, M. a., Morello, M. g., Mussini, J. c., Nachtman, M., Neubauer, J. b., Nielsen, S., Oh, S. a., Pagan, E. b., Palencia, A., Paramonov, G. b., Pauletta, D., Pellett, T., Phillip, S. b., Poprocki, F. c., Prokoshin, F. b., Ptoho, G. a., Punzi, F. g., Rimondi, L. a., Ristori, S. b., Rolli, F. a., Ruffini, W., Sakumoto, L. b., Santi, V. c., Saveliev, A. c., Savoy Navarro, E., Schmidt, A. a., Scribano, F. a., Sforza, S., Shalhout, P., Shepard, M. c., Shimojima, P. b., Cx, J., Smith, F., Snider, P. a., Squillacioti, B. b., Cx, O. b., Cx, D. c., Stentz, G., Strycker, P., Teng, J. b., Thom, G., Thompson, S. c., Tokar, M. a., Trovato, F. b., Vázquez, J., Vizán, R., Wagner, S., Wang, W., Wester, D. b., Whiteson, A., Wicklund, H., William, J., Wilson, B., Winer, P. b., Wittich, U. c., Yang, W., Yao, G., Yeh, K. c., Yi, T. b., Yoshida, G., Yu, I. c., Ct, S., Yu, J., Yun, S. g., Zucchelli, T. Aaltonen, B. Álvarez González, S. Amerio, D. Amidei, A. Anastassov, A. Annovi, J. Anto, G. Apollinari, J. Appel, T. Arisawa, A. Artikov, J. Asaadi, W. Ashmanska, B. Auerbach, A. Aurisano, F. Azfar, W. Badgett, T. Bae, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, V. Barne, B. Barnett, P. Barria, P. Barto, M. Bauce, F. Bedeschi, S. Behari, G. Bellettini, J. Bellinger, D. Benjamin, A. Beretva, A. Bhatti, D. Bisello, I. Bizjak, K. Bland, B. Blumenfeld, A. Bocci, A. Bodek, D. Bortoletto, J. Boudreau, A. Boveia, L. Brigliadori, C. Bromberg, E. Brucken, J. Budagov, H. Budd, K. Burkett, G. Busetto, P. Bussey, A. Buzatu, A. Calamba, C. Calancha, S. Camarda, M. Campanelli, M. Campbell, F. Canelli, B. Carl, D. Carlsmith, R. Carosi, S. Carrillo, S. Carron, B. Casal, M. Casarsa, A. Castro, P. Catastini, D. Cauz, V. Cavaliere, M. Cavalli-Sforza, A. Cerri, L. Cerrito, Y. Chen, M. Chertok, G. Chiarelli, G. Chlachidze, F. Chlebana, K. Cho, D. Chokheli, W. Chung, Y. Chung, M. Ciocci, A. Clark, C. Clarke, G. Compostella, M. Convery, J. Conway, M. Corbo, M. Cordelli, C. Cox, D. Cox, F. Crescioli, J. Cueva, R. Culbertson, D. Dagenhart, N. d’Ascenzo, M. Datta, P. de Barbaro, M. Dell’Orso, L. Demortier, M. Deninno, F. Devoto, M. d’Errico, A. Di Canto, B. Di Ruzza, J. Dittmann, M. D’Onofrio, S. Donati, P. Dong, M. Dorigo, T. Dorigo, K. Ebina, A. Elagin, A. Eppig, R. Erbacher, S. Errede, N. Ershaidat, R. Eusebi, S. Farrington, M. Feindt, J. Fernandez, R. Field, G. Flanagan, R. Forrest, M. Frank, M. Franklin, J. Freeman, Y. Funakoshi, I. Furic, M. Gallinaro, J. Garcia, A. Garfinkel, P. Garosi, H. Gerberich, E. Gerchtein, S. Giagu, V. Giakoumopoulou, P. Giannetti, K. Gibson, C. Ginsburg, N. Giokari, P. Giromini, G. Giurgiu, V. Glagolev, D. Glenzinski, M. Gold, D. Goldin, N. Goldschmidt, A. Golossanov, G. Gomez, G. Gomez-Ceballo, M. Goncharov, O. González, I. Gorelov, A. Goshaw, K. Gouliano, L. Grillo, S. Grinstein, C. Grosso-Pilcher, R. Group, J. Guimaraes da Costa, S. Hahn, E. Halkiadaki, A. Hamaguchi, J. Han, F. Happacher, K. Hara, D. Hare, M. Hare, R. Harr, K. Hatakeyama, C. Hay, M. Heck, J. Heinrich, M. Herndon, S. Hewamanage, A. Hocker, W. Hopkin, D. Horn, S. Hou, R. Hughe, M. Hurwitz, U. Husemann, N. Hussain, M. Hussein, J. Huston, G. Introzzi, M. Iori, A. Ivanov, E. Jame, D. Jang, B. Jayatilaka, E. Jeon, S. Jindariani, M. Jone, K. Joo, S. Jun, T. Junk, T. Kamon, P. Karchin, A. Kasmi, Y. Kato, W. Ketchum, J. Keung, V. Khotilovich, B. Kilminster, D. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Kim, N. Kimura, M. Kirby, S. Klimenko, K. Knoepfel, K. Kondo, D. Kong, J. Konigsberg, A. Kotwal, M. Krep, J. Kroll, D. Krop, M. Kruse, V. Krutelyov, T. Kuhr, M. Kurata, S. Kwang, A. Laasanen, S. Lami, S. Lammel, M. Lancaster, R. Lander, K. Lannon, A. Lath, G. Latino, T. LeCompte, E. Lee, H. Lee, J. Lee, S. Lee, S. Leo, S. Leone, J. Lewi, A. Limosani, C.-J. Lin, M. Lindgren, E. Lipele, A. Lister, D. Litvintsev, C. Liu, H. Liu, Q. Liu, T. Liu, S. Lockwitz, A. Loginov, D. Lucchesi, J. Lueck, P. Lujan, P. Luken, G. Lungu, J. Ly, R. Lysak, R. Madrak, K. Maeshima, P. Maestro, S. Malik, G. Manca, A. Manousakis-Katsikaki, F. Margaroli, C. Marino, M. Martínez, P. Mastrandrea, K. Matera, M. Mattson, A. Mazzacane, P. Mazzanti, K. McFarland, P. McIntyre, R. McNulty, A. Mehta, P. Mehtala, C. Mesropian, T. Miao, D. Mietlicki, A. Mitra, H. Miyake, S. Moed, N. Moggi, M. Mondragon, C. Moon, R. Moore, M. Morello, J. Morlock, P. Movilla Fernandez, A. Mukherjee, Th. Muller, P. Murat, M. Mussini, J. Nachtman, Y. Nagai, J. Naganoma, I. Nakano, A. Napier, J. Nett, C. Neu, M. Neubauer, J. Nielsen, L. Nodulman, S. Noh, O. Norniella, L. Oake, S. Oh, Y. Oh, I. Oksuzian, T. Okusawa, R. Orava, L. Ortolan, S. Pagan Griso, C. Pagliarone, E. Palencia, V. Papadimitriou, A. Paramonov, J. Patrick, G. Pauletta, M. Paulini, C. Pau, D. Pellett, A. Penzo, T. Phillip, G. Piacentino, E. Pianori, J. Pilot, K. Pitt, C. Plager, L. Pondrom, S. Poprocki, K. Potamiano, F. Prokoshin, A. Pranko, F. Ptoho, G. Punzi, A. Rahaman, V. Ramakrishnan, N. Ranjan, I. Redondo, P. Renton, M. Rescigno, T. Riddick, F. Rimondi, L. Ristori, A. Robson, T. Rodrigo, T. Rodriguez, E. Roger, S. Rolli, R. Roser, F. Ruffini, A. Ruiz, J. Ru, V. Rusu, A. Safonov, W. Sakumoto, Y. Sakurai, L. Santi, K. Sato, V. Saveliev, A. Savoy-Navarro, P. Schlabach, A. Schmidt, E. Schmidt, T. Schwarz, L. Scodellaro, A. Scribano, F. Scuri, S. Seidel, Y. Seiya, A. Semenov, F. Sforza, S. Shalhout, T. Shear, P. Shepard, M. Shimojima, M. Shochet, I. Shreyber-Tecker, A. Simonenko, P. Sinervo, K. Sliwa, J. Smith, F. Snider, A. Soha, V. Sorin, H. Song, P. Squillacioti, M. Stancari, R. St. Deni, B. Stelzer, O. Stelzer-Chilton, D. Stentz, J. Strologa, G. Strycker, Y. Sudo, A. Sukhanov, I. Suslov, K. Takemasa, Y. Takeuchi, J. Tang, M. Tecchio, P. Teng, J. Thom, J. Thome, G. Thompson, E. Thomson, D. Toback, S. Tokar, K. Tollefson, T. Tomura, D. Tonelli, S. Torre, D. Torretta, P. Totaro, M. Trovato, F. Ukegawa, S. Uozumi, A. Varganov, F. Vázquez, G. Velev, C. Vellidi, M. Vidal, I. Vila, R. Vilar, J. Vizán, M. Vogel, G. Volpi, P. Wagner, R. Wagner, T. Wakisaka, R. Wallny, S. Wang, A. Warburton, D. Water, W. Wester, D. Whiteson, A. Wicklund, E. Wicklund, S. Wilbur, F. Wick, H. William, J. Wilson, P. Wilson, B. Winer, P. Wittich, S. Wolber, H. Wolfe, T. Wright, X. Wu, Z. Wu, K. Yamamoto, D. Yamato, T. Yang, U. Yang, Y. Yang, W.-M. Yao, G. Yeh, K. Yi, J. Yoh, K. Yorita, T. Yoshida, G. Yu, I. Yu, S. Yu, J. Yun, A. Zanetti, Y. Zeng, C. Zhou, S. Zucchelli, and Universidad de Cantabria
- Subjects
FERMILAB TEVATRON COLLIDER ,Particle physics ,CP-violating asymmetries ,Meson ,B physic ,General Physics and Astronomy ,FOS: Physical sciences ,B physics ,Angle distribution, Branching ratio, CDF experiments, CP violations, CP-violating asymmetries, Data sample, Fermilab Tevatron collider, Integrated luminosity, Longitudinal polarization, Vector meson ,Longitudinal polarization ,7. Clean energy ,01 natural sciences ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Vector meson ,Physics and Astronomy (all) ,High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,Mixing (mathematics) ,Strange b mesons ,Phase (matter) ,0103 physical sciences ,STRANGE QUARK ,mixing ,Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase ,proton antiproton collisions ,010306 general physics ,TEVATRON ,Nuclear Experiment ,BOTTOM QUARK ,Physics ,Integrated luminosity ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Branching ratio ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,CDF experiments ,CP violations ,Full data ,Content (measure theory) ,Angle distribution ,CDF ,Production (computer science) ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Data sample - Abstract
We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase βs using the time evolution of Bs0→J/ψ(→μ+μ-)ϕ(→K+K-) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of βs and the Bs0 decay-width difference ΔΓs and measure βs∈[-π/2,-1.51]∪[-0.06,0.30]∪[1.26,π/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of βs, we also determine ΔΓs=0.068±0.026(stat)±0.009(syst) ps-1 and the mean Bs0 lifetime τs=1.528±0.019(stat)±0.009(syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments., This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation; the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; the National Science Council of the Republic of China; the Swiss National Science Foundation; the A. P. Sloan Foundation; the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany; the Korean World Class University Program, the National Research Foundation of Korea; the Science and Technology Facilities Council and the Royal Society, UK; the Russian Foundation for Basic Research; the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010, Spain; the Slovak R&D Agency; the Academy of Finland; and the Australian Research Council (ARC).
- Published
- 2012
5. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
- Author
Klionsky, Dj, Abdalla, Fc, Abeliovich, H, Abraham, Rt, Acevedo-Arozena, A, Adeli, K, Agholme, L, Agnello, M, Agostinis, P, Aguirre-Ghiso, Ja, Ahn, Hj, Ait-Mohamed, O, Ait-Si-Ali, S, Akematsu, T, Akira, S, Al-Younes, Hm, Al-Zeer, Ma, Albert, Ml, Albin, Rl, Alegre-Abarrategui, J, Aleo, Mf, Alirezaei, M, Almasan, A, Almonte-Becerril, M, Amano, A, Amaravadi, R, Amarnath, S, Amer, Ao, Andrieu-Abadie, N, Anantharam, V, Ann, Dk, Anoopkumar-Dukie, S, Aoki, H, Apostolova, N, Arancia, G, Aris, Jp, Asanuma, K, Asare, Ny, Ashida, H, Askanas, V, Askew, D, Auberger, P, Baba, M, Backues, Sk, Baehrecke, Eh, Bahr, Ba, Bai, Xy, Bailly, Y, Baiocchi, R, Baldini, G, Balduini, W, Ballabio, A, Bamber, Ba, Bampton, Et, Bánhegyi, G, Bartholomew, Cr, Bassham, Dc, Bast RC, Jr, Batoko, H, Bay, Bh, Beau, I, Béchet, Dm, Begley, Tj, Behl, C, Behrends, C, Bekri, S, Bellaire, B, Bendall, Lj, Benetti, L, Berliocchi, L, Bernardi, H, Bernassola, F, Besteiro, S, Bhatia-Kissova, I, Bi, X, Biard-Piechaczyk, M, Blum, J, Boise, Lh, Bonaldo, P, Boone, Dl, Bornhauser, Bc, Bortoluci, Kr, Bossis, I, Bost, F, Bourquin, Jp, Boya, P, Boyer-Guittaut, M, Bozhkov, Pv, Brady, Nr, Brancolini, C, Brech, A, Brenman, Je, Brennand, A, Bresnick, Eh, Brest, P, Bridges, D, Bristol, Ml, Brookes, P, Brown, Ej, Brumell, Jh, Brunetti-Pierri, N, Brunk, Ut, Bulman, De, Bultman, Sj, Bultynck, G, Burbulla, Lf, Bursch, W, Butchar, Jp, Buzgariu, W, Bydlowski, Sp, Cadwell, K, Cahová, M, Cai, D, Cai, J, Cai, Q, Calabretta, B, Calvo-Garrido, J, Camougrand, N, Campanella, M, Campos-Salinas, J, Candi, E, Cao, L, Caplan, Ab, Carding, Sr, Cardoso, Sm, Carew, J, Carlin, Cr, Carmignac, V, Carneiro, La, Carra, S, Caruso, Ra, Casari, G, Casas, C, Castino, R, Cebollero, E, Cecconi, F, Celli, J, Chaachouay, H, Chae, Hj, Chai, Cy, Chan, Dc, Chan, Ey, Chang, Rc, Che, Cm, Chen, Cc, Chen, Gc, Chen, Gq, Chen, M, Chen, Q, Chen, S, Chen, W, Chen, X, Chen, Yg, Chen, Y, Chen, Yj, Chen, Z, Cheng, A, Cheng, Ch, Cheng, Y, Cheong, H, Cheong, Jh, Cherry, S, Chess-Williams, R, Cheung, Zh, Chevet, E, Chiang, Hl, Chiarelli, R, Chiba, T, Chin, L, Chiou, Sh, Chisari, Fv, Cho, Ch, Cho, Dh, Choi, Am, Choi, D, Choi, K, Choi, Me, Chouaib, S, Choubey, D, Choubey, V, Chu, Ct, Chuang, Th, Chueh, Sh, Chun, T, Chwae, Yj, Chye, Ml, Ciarcia, R, Ciriolo, Mr, Clague, Mj, Clark, R, Clarke, Pg, Clarke, R, Codogno, P, Coller, Ha, Colombo, Mi, Comincini, S, Condello, M, Condorelli, F, Cookson, Mr, Coombs, Gh, Coppens, I, Corbalan, R, Cossart, P, Costelli, P, Costes, S, Coto-Montes, A, Couve, E, Coxon, Fp, Cregg, Jm, Crespo, Jl, Cronjé, Mj, Cuervo, Am, Cullen, Jj, Czaja, Mj, D'Amelio, M, Darfeuille-Michaud, A, Davids, Lm, Davies, Fe, De Felici, M, de Groot, Jf, de Haan, Ca, De Martino, L, De Milito, A, De Tata, V, Debnath, J, Degterev, A, Dehay, B, Delbridge, Lm, Demarchi, F, Deng, Yz, Dengjel, J, Dent, P, Denton, D, Deretic, V, Desai, Sd, Devenish, Rj, Di Gioacchino, M, Di Paolo, G, Di Pietro, C, Díaz-Araya, G, Díaz-Laviada, I, Diaz-Meco, Mt, Diaz-Nido, J, Dikic, I, Dinesh-Kumar, Sp, Ding, Wx, Distelhorst, Cw, Diwan, A, Djavaheri-Mergny, M, Dokudovskaya, S, Dong, Z, Dorsey, Fc, Dosenko, V, Dowling, Jj, Doxsey, S, Dreux, M, Drew, Me, Duan, Q, Duchosal, Ma, Duff, K, Dugail, I, Durbeej, M, Duszenko, M, Edelstein, Cl, Edinger, Al, Egea, G, Eichinger, L, Eissa, Nt, Ekmekcioglu, S, El-Deiry, W, Elazar, Z, Elgendy, M, Ellerby, Lm, Eng, Ke, Engelbrecht, Am, Engelender, S, Erenpreisa, J, Escalante, R, Esclatine, A, Eskelinen, El, Espert, L, Espina, V, Fan, H, Fan, J, Fan, Qw, Fan, Z, Fang, S, Fang, Y, Fanto, M, Fanzani, A, Farkas, T, Farré, Jc, Faure, M, Fechheimer, M, Feng, Cg, Feng, J, Feng, Q, Feng, Y, Fésüs, L, Feuer, R, Figueiredo-Pereira, Me, Fimia, Gm, Fingar, Dc, Finkbeiner, S, Finkel, T, Finley, Kd, Fiorito, F, Fisher, Ea, Fisher, Pb, Flajolet, M, Florez-McClure, Ml, Florio, S, Fon, Ea, Fornai, F, Fortunato, F, Fotedar, R, Fowler, Dh, Fox, H, Franco, R, Frankel, Lb, Fransen, M, Fuentes, Jm, Fueyo, J, Fujii, J, Fujisaki, K, Fujita, E, Fukuda, M, Furukawa, Rh, Gaestel, M, Gailly, P, Gajewska, M, Galliot, B, Galy, V, Ganesh, S, Ganetzky, B, Ganley, Ig, Gao, Fb, Gao, Gf, Gao, J, Garcia, L, Garcia-Manero, G, Garcia-Marcos, M, Garmyn, M, Gartel, Al, Gatti, E, Gautel, M, Gawriluk, Tr, Gegg, Me, Geng, J, Germain, M, Gestwicki, Je, Gewirtz, Da, Ghavami, S, Ghosh, P, Giammarioli, Am, Giatromanolaki, An, Gibson, Sb, Gilkerson, Rw, Ginger, Ml, Ginsberg, Hn, Golab, J, Goligorsky, M, Golstein, P, Gomez-Manzano, C, Goncu, E, Gongora, C, Gonzalez, Cd, Gonzalez, R, González-Estévez, C, González-Polo, Ra, Gonzalez-Rey, E, Gorbunov, Nv, Gorski, S, Goruppi, S, Gottlieb, Ra, Gozuacik, D, Granato, Ge, Grant, Gd, Green, Kn, Gregorc, A, Gros, F, Grose, C, Grunt, Tw, Gual, P, Guan, Jl, Guan, Kl, Guichard, Sm, Gukovskaya, A, Gukovsky, I, Gunst, J, Gustafsson, Ab, Halayko, Aj, Hale, An, Halonen, Sk, Hamasaki, M, Han, F, Han, T, Hancock, Mk, Hansen, M, Harada, H, Harada, M, Hardt, Se, Harper, Jw, Harris, Al, Harris, J, Harris, Sd, Hashimoto, M, Haspel, Ja, Hayashi, S, Hazelhurst, La, He, C, He, Yw, Hébert, Mj, Heidenreich, Ka, Helfrich, Mh, Helgason, Gv, Henske, Ep, Herman, B, Herman, Pk, Hetz, C, Hilfiker, S, Hill, Ja, Hocking, Lj, Hofman, P, Hofmann, Tg, Höhfeld, J, Holyoake, Tl, Hong, Mh, Hood, Da, Hotamisligil, G, Houwerzijl, Ej, Høyer-Hansen, M, Hu, B, Hu, Ca, Hu, Hm, Hua, Y, Huang, C, Huang, J, Huang, S, Huang, Wp, Huber, Tb, Huh, Wk, Hung, Th, Hupp, Tr, Hur, Gm, Hurley, Jb, Hussain, Sn, Hussey, Pj, Hwang, Jj, Hwang, S, Ichihara, A, Ilkhanizadeh, S, Inoki, K, Into, T, Iovane, V, Iovanna, Jl, Ip, Ny, Isaka, Y, Ishida, H, Isidoro, C, Isobe, K, Iwasaki, A, Izquierdo, M, Izumi, Y, Jaakkola, Pm, Jäättelä, M, Jackson, Gr, Jackson, Wt, Janji, B, Jendrach, M, Jeon, Jh, Jeung, Eb, Jiang, H, Jiang, Jx, Jiang, M, Jiang, Q, Jiang, X, Jiménez, A, Jin, M, Jin, S, Joe, Co, Johansen, T, Johnson, De, Johnson, Gv, Jones, Nl, Joseph, B, Joseph, Sk, Joubert, Am, Juhász, G, Juillerat-Jeanneret, L, Jung, Ch, Jung, Yk, Kaarniranta, K, Kaasik, A, Kabuta, T, Kadowaki, M, Kagedal, K, Kamada, Y, Kaminskyy, Vo, Kampinga, Hh, Kanamori, H, Kang, C, Kang, Kb, Kang, Ki, Kang, R, Kang, Ya, Kanki, T, Kanneganti, Td, Kanno, H, Kanthasamy, Ag, Kanthasamy, A, Karantza, V, Kaushal, Gp, Kaushik, S, Kawazoe, Y, Ke, Py, Kehrl, Jh, Kelekar, A, Kerkhoff, C, Kessel, Dh, Khalil, H, Kiel, Ja, Kiger, Aa, Kihara, A, Kim, Dr, Kim, Dh, Kim, Ek, Kim, Hr, Kim, J, Kim, Jh, Kim, Jc, Kim, Jk, Kim, Pk, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Kimchi, A, Kimmelman, Ac, King, J, Kinsella, Tj, Kirkin, V, Kirshenbaum, La, Kitamoto, K, Kitazato, K, Klein, L, Klimecki, Wt, Klucken, J, Knecht, E, Ko, Bc, Koch, Jc, Koga, H, Koh, Jy, Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores, Jb, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz-Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada, Ar, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, M, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott-Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez-Berestein, G, López-Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch-Day, Ma, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand-Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez-Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna-Barreto, Rf, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite-Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas-Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo-Rubio, M, Prætorius-Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit-Zengaffinen, N, Progulske-Fox, A, Proikas-Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier-Vigouroux, A, Reichert, A, Reiners JJ, Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost-Roszkowska, Mm, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz-Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez-Alcázar, Ja, Sánchez-Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider-Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura-Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, O, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva-Zacarin, Ec, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, R, Smaili, S, Smith, Dr, Soengas, M, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, J, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, C, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, M, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács-Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, K, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, G, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, L, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini-Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, L, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya-Shirafuji, R, Unni, Vk, Vaccaro, Mi, Valente, Em, Van den Berghe, G, van der Klei, Ij, van Doorn, W, van Dyk, Lf, van Egmond, M, van Grunsven, La, Vandenabeele, P, Vandenberghe, Wp, Vanhorebeek, I, Vaquero, Ec, Velasco, G, Vellai, T, Vicencio, Jm, Vierstra, Rd, Vila, M, Vindis, C, Viola, G, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Voitsekhovskaja, Ov, von Haefen, C, Votruba, M, Wada, K, Wade-Martins, R, Walker, Cl, Walsh, Cm, Walter, J, Wan, Xb, Wang, A, Wang, C, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, Hg, Wang, Hd, Wang, J, Wang, K, Wang, M, Wang, Rc, Wang, X, Wang, Yj, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, Zc, Wansink, Dg, Ward, Dm, Watada, H, Waters, Sl, Webster, P, Wei, L, Weihl, Cc, Weiss, Wa, Welford, Sm, Wen, Lp, Whitehouse, Ca, Whitton, Jl, Whitworth, Aj, Wileman, T, Wiley, Jw, Wilkinson, S, Willbold, D, Williams, Rl, Williamson, Pr, Wouters, Bg, Wu, C, Wu, Dc, Wu, Wk, Wyttenbach, A, Xavier, Rj, Xi, Z, Xia, P, Xiao, G, Xie, Z, Xu, Dz, Xu, J, Xu, L, Xu, X, Yamamoto, A, Yamashina, S, Yamashita, M, Yan, X, Yanagida, M, Yang, D, Yang, E, Yang, Jm, Yang, Sy, Yang, W, Yang, Wy, Yang, Z, Yao, Mc, Yao, Tp, Yeganeh, B, Yen, Wl, Yin, Jj, Yin, Xm, Yoo, Oj, Yoon, G, Yoon, Sy, Yorimitsu, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Yoshimori, T, Yoshimoto, K, You, Hj, Youle, Rj, Younes, A, Yu, L, Yu, Sw, Yu, Wh, Yuan, Zm, Yue, Z, Yun, Ch, Yuzaki, M, Zabirnyk, O, Silva-Zacarin, E, Zacks, D, Zacksenhaus, E, Zaffaroni, N, Zakeri, Z, Zeh HJ, 3rd, Zeitlin, So, Zhang, H, Zhang, Hl, Zhang, J, Zhang, Jp, Zhang, L, Zhang, My, Zhang, Xd, Zhao, M, Zhao, Yf, Zhao, Y, Zhao, Zj, Zheng, X, Zhivotovsky, B, Zhong, Q, Zhou, Cz, Zhu, C, Zhu, Wg, Zhu, Xf, Zhu, X, Zhu, Y, Zoladek, T, Zong, Wx, Zorzano, A, Zschocke, J, Zuckerbraun, B., Viscomi M. T. (ORCID:0000-0002-9096-4967), Klionsky, Dj, Abdalla, Fc, Abeliovich, H, Abraham, Rt, Acevedo-Arozena, A, Adeli, K, Agholme, L, Agnello, M, Agostinis, P, Aguirre-Ghiso, Ja, Ahn, Hj, Ait-Mohamed, O, Ait-Si-Ali, S, Akematsu, T, Akira, S, Al-Younes, Hm, Al-Zeer, Ma, Albert, Ml, Albin, Rl, Alegre-Abarrategui, J, Aleo, Mf, Alirezaei, M, Almasan, A, Almonte-Becerril, M, Amano, A, Amaravadi, R, Amarnath, S, Amer, Ao, Andrieu-Abadie, N, Anantharam, V, Ann, Dk, Anoopkumar-Dukie, S, Aoki, H, Apostolova, N, Arancia, G, Aris, Jp, Asanuma, K, Asare, Ny, Ashida, H, Askanas, V, Askew, D, Auberger, P, Baba, M, Backues, Sk, Baehrecke, Eh, Bahr, Ba, Bai, Xy, Bailly, Y, Baiocchi, R, Baldini, G, Balduini, W, Ballabio, A, Bamber, Ba, Bampton, Et, Bánhegyi, G, Bartholomew, Cr, Bassham, Dc, Bast RC, Jr, Batoko, H, Bay, Bh, Beau, I, Béchet, Dm, Begley, Tj, Behl, C, Behrends, C, Bekri, S, Bellaire, B, Bendall, Lj, Benetti, L, Berliocchi, L, Bernardi, H, Bernassola, F, Besteiro, S, Bhatia-Kissova, I, Bi, X, Biard-Piechaczyk, M, Blum, J, Boise, Lh, Bonaldo, P, Boone, Dl, Bornhauser, Bc, Bortoluci, Kr, Bossis, I, Bost, F, Bourquin, Jp, Boya, P, Boyer-Guittaut, M, Bozhkov, Pv, Brady, Nr, Brancolini, C, Brech, A, Brenman, Je, Brennand, A, Bresnick, Eh, Brest, P, Bridges, D, Bristol, Ml, Brookes, P, Brown, Ej, Brumell, Jh, Brunetti-Pierri, N, Brunk, Ut, Bulman, De, Bultman, Sj, Bultynck, G, Burbulla, Lf, Bursch, W, Butchar, Jp, Buzgariu, W, Bydlowski, Sp, Cadwell, K, Cahová, M, Cai, D, Cai, J, Cai, Q, Calabretta, B, Calvo-Garrido, J, Camougrand, N, Campanella, M, Campos-Salinas, J, Candi, E, Cao, L, Caplan, Ab, Carding, Sr, Cardoso, Sm, Carew, J, Carlin, Cr, Carmignac, V, Carneiro, La, Carra, S, Caruso, Ra, Casari, G, Casas, C, Castino, R, Cebollero, E, Cecconi, F, Celli, J, Chaachouay, H, Chae, Hj, Chai, Cy, Chan, Dc, Chan, Ey, Chang, Rc, Che, Cm, Chen, Cc, Chen, Gc, Chen, Gq, Chen, M, Chen, Q, Chen, S, Chen, W, Chen, X, Chen, Yg, Chen, Y, Chen, Yj, Chen, Z, Cheng, A, Cheng, Ch, Cheng, Y, Cheong, H, Cheong, Jh, Cherry, S, Chess-Williams, R, Cheung, Zh, Chevet, E, Chiang, Hl, Chiarelli, R, Chiba, T, Chin, L, Chiou, Sh, Chisari, Fv, Cho, Ch, Cho, Dh, Choi, Am, Choi, D, Choi, K, Choi, Me, Chouaib, S, Choubey, D, Choubey, V, Chu, Ct, Chuang, Th, Chueh, Sh, Chun, T, Chwae, Yj, Chye, Ml, Ciarcia, R, Ciriolo, Mr, Clague, Mj, Clark, R, Clarke, Pg, Clarke, R, Codogno, P, Coller, Ha, Colombo, Mi, Comincini, S, Condello, M, Condorelli, F, Cookson, Mr, Coombs, Gh, Coppens, I, Corbalan, R, Cossart, P, Costelli, P, Costes, S, Coto-Montes, A, Couve, E, Coxon, Fp, Cregg, Jm, Crespo, Jl, Cronjé, Mj, Cuervo, Am, Cullen, Jj, Czaja, Mj, D'Amelio, M, Darfeuille-Michaud, A, Davids, Lm, Davies, Fe, De Felici, M, de Groot, Jf, de Haan, Ca, De Martino, L, De Milito, A, De Tata, V, Debnath, J, Degterev, A, Dehay, B, Delbridge, Lm, Demarchi, F, Deng, Yz, Dengjel, J, Dent, P, Denton, D, Deretic, V, Desai, Sd, Devenish, Rj, Di Gioacchino, M, Di Paolo, G, Di Pietro, C, Díaz-Araya, G, Díaz-Laviada, I, Diaz-Meco, Mt, Diaz-Nido, J, Dikic, I, Dinesh-Kumar, Sp, Ding, Wx, Distelhorst, Cw, Diwan, A, Djavaheri-Mergny, M, Dokudovskaya, S, Dong, Z, Dorsey, Fc, Dosenko, V, Dowling, Jj, Doxsey, S, Dreux, M, Drew, Me, Duan, Q, Duchosal, Ma, Duff, K, Dugail, I, Durbeej, M, Duszenko, M, Edelstein, Cl, Edinger, Al, Egea, G, Eichinger, L, Eissa, Nt, Ekmekcioglu, S, El-Deiry, W, Elazar, Z, Elgendy, M, Ellerby, Lm, Eng, Ke, Engelbrecht, Am, Engelender, S, Erenpreisa, J, Escalante, R, Esclatine, A, Eskelinen, El, Espert, L, Espina, V, Fan, H, Fan, J, Fan, Qw, Fan, Z, Fang, S, Fang, Y, Fanto, M, Fanzani, A, Farkas, T, Farré, Jc, Faure, M, Fechheimer, M, Feng, Cg, Feng, J, Feng, Q, Feng, Y, Fésüs, L, Feuer, R, Figueiredo-Pereira, Me, Fimia, Gm, Fingar, Dc, Finkbeiner, S, Finkel, T, Finley, Kd, Fiorito, F, Fisher, Ea, Fisher, Pb, Flajolet, M, Florez-McClure, Ml, Florio, S, Fon, Ea, Fornai, F, Fortunato, F, Fotedar, R, Fowler, Dh, Fox, H, Franco, R, Frankel, Lb, Fransen, M, Fuentes, Jm, Fueyo, J, Fujii, J, Fujisaki, K, Fujita, E, Fukuda, M, Furukawa, Rh, Gaestel, M, Gailly, P, Gajewska, M, Galliot, B, Galy, V, Ganesh, S, Ganetzky, B, Ganley, Ig, Gao, Fb, Gao, Gf, Gao, J, Garcia, L, Garcia-Manero, G, Garcia-Marcos, M, Garmyn, M, Gartel, Al, Gatti, E, Gautel, M, Gawriluk, Tr, Gegg, Me, Geng, J, Germain, M, Gestwicki, Je, Gewirtz, Da, Ghavami, S, Ghosh, P, Giammarioli, Am, Giatromanolaki, An, Gibson, Sb, Gilkerson, Rw, Ginger, Ml, Ginsberg, Hn, Golab, J, Goligorsky, M, Golstein, P, Gomez-Manzano, C, Goncu, E, Gongora, C, Gonzalez, Cd, Gonzalez, R, González-Estévez, C, González-Polo, Ra, Gonzalez-Rey, E, Gorbunov, Nv, Gorski, S, Goruppi, S, Gottlieb, Ra, Gozuacik, D, Granato, Ge, Grant, Gd, Green, Kn, Gregorc, A, Gros, F, Grose, C, Grunt, Tw, Gual, P, Guan, Jl, Guan, Kl, Guichard, Sm, Gukovskaya, A, Gukovsky, I, Gunst, J, Gustafsson, Ab, Halayko, Aj, Hale, An, Halonen, Sk, Hamasaki, M, Han, F, Han, T, Hancock, Mk, Hansen, M, Harada, H, Harada, M, Hardt, Se, Harper, Jw, Harris, Al, Harris, J, Harris, Sd, Hashimoto, M, Haspel, Ja, Hayashi, S, Hazelhurst, La, He, C, He, Yw, Hébert, Mj, Heidenreich, Ka, Helfrich, Mh, Helgason, Gv, Henske, Ep, Herman, B, Herman, Pk, Hetz, C, Hilfiker, S, Hill, Ja, Hocking, Lj, Hofman, P, Hofmann, Tg, Höhfeld, J, Holyoake, Tl, Hong, Mh, Hood, Da, Hotamisligil, G, Houwerzijl, Ej, Høyer-Hansen, M, Hu, B, Hu, Ca, Hu, Hm, Hua, Y, Huang, C, Huang, J, Huang, S, Huang, Wp, Huber, Tb, Huh, Wk, Hung, Th, Hupp, Tr, Hur, Gm, Hurley, Jb, Hussain, Sn, Hussey, Pj, Hwang, Jj, Hwang, S, Ichihara, A, Ilkhanizadeh, S, Inoki, K, Into, T, Iovane, V, Iovanna, Jl, Ip, Ny, Isaka, Y, Ishida, H, Isidoro, C, Isobe, K, Iwasaki, A, Izquierdo, M, Izumi, Y, Jaakkola, Pm, Jäättelä, M, Jackson, Gr, Jackson, Wt, Janji, B, Jendrach, M, Jeon, Jh, Jeung, Eb, Jiang, H, Jiang, Jx, Jiang, M, Jiang, Q, Jiang, X, Jiménez, A, Jin, M, Jin, S, Joe, Co, Johansen, T, Johnson, De, Johnson, Gv, Jones, Nl, Joseph, B, Joseph, Sk, Joubert, Am, Juhász, G, Juillerat-Jeanneret, L, Jung, Ch, Jung, Yk, Kaarniranta, K, Kaasik, A, Kabuta, T, Kadowaki, M, Kagedal, K, Kamada, Y, Kaminskyy, Vo, Kampinga, Hh, Kanamori, H, Kang, C, Kang, Kb, Kang, Ki, Kang, R, Kang, Ya, Kanki, T, Kanneganti, Td, Kanno, H, Kanthasamy, Ag, Kanthasamy, A, Karantza, V, Kaushal, Gp, Kaushik, S, Kawazoe, Y, Ke, Py, Kehrl, Jh, Kelekar, A, Kerkhoff, C, Kessel, Dh, Khalil, H, Kiel, Ja, Kiger, Aa, Kihara, A, Kim, Dr, Kim, Dh, Kim, Ek, Kim, Hr, Kim, J, Kim, Jh, Kim, Jc, Kim, Jk, Kim, Pk, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Kimchi, A, Kimmelman, Ac, King, J, Kinsella, Tj, Kirkin, V, Kirshenbaum, La, Kitamoto, K, Kitazato, K, Klein, L, Klimecki, Wt, Klucken, J, Knecht, E, Ko, Bc, Koch, Jc, Koga, H, Koh, Jy, Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores, Jb, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz-Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada, Ar, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, M, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott-Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez-Berestein, G, López-Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch-Day, Ma, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand-Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez-Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna-Barreto, Rf, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite-Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas-Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo-Rubio, M, Prætorius-Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit-Zengaffinen, N, Progulske-Fox, A, Proikas-Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier-Vigouroux, A, Reichert, A, Reiners JJ, Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost-Roszkowska, Mm, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz-Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez-Alcázar, Ja, Sánchez-Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider-Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura-Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, O, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva-Zacarin, Ec, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, R, Smaili, S, Smith, Dr, Soengas, M, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, J, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, C, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, M, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács-Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, K, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, G, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, L, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini-Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, L, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya-Shirafuji, R, Unni, Vk, Vaccaro, Mi, Valente, Em, Van den Berghe, G, van der Klei, Ij, van Doorn, W, van Dyk, Lf, van Egmond, M, van Grunsven, La, Vandenabeele, P, Vandenberghe, Wp, Vanhorebeek, I, Vaquero, Ec, Velasco, G, Vellai, T, Vicencio, Jm, Vierstra, Rd, Vila, M, Vindis, C, Viola, G, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Voitsekhovskaja, Ov, von Haefen, C, Votruba, M, Wada, K, Wade-Martins, R, Walker, Cl, Walsh, Cm, Walter, J, Wan, Xb, Wang, A, Wang, C, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, Hg, Wang, Hd, Wang, J, Wang, K, Wang, M, Wang, Rc, Wang, X, Wang, Yj, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, Zc, Wansink, Dg, Ward, Dm, Watada, H, Waters, Sl, Webster, P, Wei, L, Weihl, Cc, Weiss, Wa, Welford, Sm, Wen, Lp, Whitehouse, Ca, Whitton, Jl, Whitworth, Aj, Wileman, T, Wiley, Jw, Wilkinson, S, Willbold, D, Williams, Rl, Williamson, Pr, Wouters, Bg, Wu, C, Wu, Dc, Wu, Wk, Wyttenbach, A, Xavier, Rj, Xi, Z, Xia, P, Xiao, G, Xie, Z, Xu, Dz, Xu, J, Xu, L, Xu, X, Yamamoto, A, Yamashina, S, Yamashita, M, Yan, X, Yanagida, M, Yang, D, Yang, E, Yang, Jm, Yang, Sy, Yang, W, Yang, Wy, Yang, Z, Yao, Mc, Yao, Tp, Yeganeh, B, Yen, Wl, Yin, Jj, Yin, Xm, Yoo, Oj, Yoon, G, Yoon, Sy, Yorimitsu, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Yoshimori, T, Yoshimoto, K, You, Hj, Youle, Rj, Younes, A, Yu, L, Yu, Sw, Yu, Wh, Yuan, Zm, Yue, Z, Yun, Ch, Yuzaki, M, Zabirnyk, O, Silva-Zacarin, E, Zacks, D, Zacksenhaus, E, Zaffaroni, N, Zakeri, Z, Zeh HJ, 3rd, Zeitlin, So, Zhang, H, Zhang, Hl, Zhang, J, Zhang, Jp, Zhang, L, Zhang, My, Zhang, Xd, Zhao, M, Zhao, Yf, Zhao, Y, Zhao, Zj, Zheng, X, Zhivotovsky, B, Zhong, Q, Zhou, Cz, Zhu, C, Zhu, Wg, Zhu, Xf, Zhu, X, Zhu, Y, Zoladek, T, Zong, Wx, Zorzano, A, Zschocke, J, Zuckerbraun, B., and Viscomi M. T. (ORCID:0000-0002-9096-4967)
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused o
- Published
- 2012
6. Pneumomediastinum nach Zahnextraktion
- Author
Norlindh Ts, Gerber D, Nyfeler B, Achermann E, and Liechti Me
- Subjects
business.industry ,medicine ,General Medicine ,Pneumomediastinum ,medicine.disease ,Nuclear medicine ,business - Abstract
Ein Pneumomediastinum ist eine seltene Komplikation nach Extraktion eines Weisheitszahns aus dem Unterkiefer. Pathognomonisch sind eine krepitierende Schwellung der Halsweichteile, retrosternale Schmerzen, Dyspnoe und der Nachweis von Luft entlang der linken Herzkontur in der konventionellen Thoraxaufnahme. Die Therapie ist konservativ. Die Differentialdiagnose wird anhand eines Fallbeispiels dargestellt.
- Published
- 2002
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
7. Visualization of protein interactions inside the secretory pathway
- Author
Nyfeler, B., primary and Hauri, H.-P., additional
- Published
- 2007
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
8. Messung physikalischer Kenngrössen in Fleisch und Fleischwaren (I)
- Author
Prabucki, A.L. and Nyfeler, B.
- Published
- 1979
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
9. Zur Messung des Wasserbindungsvermögens von Schweinefleisch
- Author
Nyfeler, B. and Prabucki, A.L.
- Published
- 1978
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
10. Multiple Genes Core to ERAD, Macroautophagy and Lysosomal Degradation Pathways Participate in the Proteostasis Response in α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency.
- Author
Li J, Moretti F, Hidvegi T, Sviben S, Fitzpatrick JAJ, Sundaramoorthi H, Pak SC, Silverman GA, Knapp B, Filipuzzi I, Alford J, Reece-Hoyes J, Nigsch F, Murphy LO, Nyfeler B, and Perlmutter DH
- Subjects
- Humans, CRISPR-Cas Systems, Autophagy genetics, Gene Editing, alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency pathology, alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency genetics, alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency metabolism, Proteostasis, Lysosomes metabolism, alpha 1-Antitrypsin metabolism, alpha 1-Antitrypsin genetics, Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation, Macroautophagy, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism
- Abstract
Background & Aims: In the classic form of α1-antitrypsin deficiency (ATD), the misfolded α1-antitrypsin Z (ATZ) variant accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of liver cells. A gain-of-function proteotoxic mechanism is responsible for chronic liver disease in a subgroup of homozygotes. Proteostatic response pathways, including conventional endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and autophagy, have been proposed as the mechanisms that allow cellular adaptation and presumably protection from the liver disease phenotype. Recent studies have concluded that a distinct lysosomal pathway called endoplasmic reticulum-to-lysosome completely supplants the role of the conventional macroautophagy pathway in degradation of ATZ. Here, we used several state-of-the-art approaches to characterize the proteostatic responses more fully in cellular systems that model ATD., Methods: We used clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-mediated genome editing coupled to a cell selection step by fluorescence-activated cell sorter to perform screening for proteostasis genes that regulate ATZ accumulation and combined that with selective genome editing in 2 other model systems., Results: Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation genes are key early regulators and multiple autophagy genes, from classic as well as from ER-to-lysosome and other newly described ER-phagy pathways, participate in degradation of ATZ in a manner that is temporally regulated and evolves as ATZ accumulation persists. Time-dependent changes in gene expression are accompanied by specific ultrastructural changes including dilation of the ER, formation of globular inclusions, budding of autophagic vesicles, and alterations in the overall shape and component parts of mitochondria., Conclusions: Macroautophagy is a critical component of the proteostasis response to cellular ATZ accumulation and it becomes more important over time as ATZ synthesis continues unabated. Multiple subtypes of macroautophagy and nonautophagic lysosomal degradative pathways are needed to respond to the high concentrations of misfolded protein that characterizes ATD and these pathways are attractive candidates for genetic variants that predispose to the hepatic phenotype., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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11. Molecular targets and approaches to restore autophagy and lysosomal capacity in neurodegenerative disorders.
- Author
Bastien J, Menon S, Messa M, and Nyfeler B
- Subjects
- Autophagy genetics, Humans, Neurons, Lysosomes, Neurodegenerative Diseases genetics
- Abstract
Autophagy is a catabolic process that promotes cellular fitness by clearing aggregated protein species, pathogens and damaged organelles through lysosomal degradation. The autophagic process is particularly important in the nervous system where post-mitotic neurons rely heavily on protein and organelle quality control in order to maintain cellular health throughout the lifetime of the organism. Alterations of autophagy and lysosomal function are hallmarks of various neurodegenerative disorders. In this review, we conceptualize some of the mechanistic and genetic evidence pointing towards autophagy and lysosomal dysfunction as a causal driver of neurodegeneration. Furthermore, we discuss rate-limiting pathway nodes and potential approaches to restore pathway activity, from autophagy initiation, cargo sequestration to lysosomal capacity., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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12. TFEB Transcriptional Responses Reveal Negative Feedback by BHLHE40 and BHLHE41.
- Author
Carey KL, Paulus GLC, Wang L, Balce DR, Luo JW, Bergman P, Ferder IC, Kong L, Renaud N, Singh S, Kost-Alimova M, Nyfeler B, Lassen KG, Virgin HW, and Xavier RJ
- Subjects
- Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors genetics, Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors genetics, Cell Nucleus genetics, Cell Nucleus metabolism, Gene Knockout Techniques, HeLa Cells, Homeodomain Proteins genetics, Humans, Lysosomes metabolism, Mitochondria metabolism, Transcription, Genetic, Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors metabolism, Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors metabolism, Homeodomain Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Transcription factor EB (TFEB) activates lysosomal biogenesis genes in response to environmental cues. Given implications of impaired TFEB signaling and lysosomal dysfunction in metabolic, neurological, and infectious diseases, we aim to systematically identify TFEB-directed circuits by examining transcriptional responses to TFEB subcellular localization and stimulation. We reveal that steady-state nuclear TFEB is sufficient to activate transcription of lysosomal, autophagy, and innate immunity genes, whereas other targets require higher thresholds of stimulation. Furthermore, we identify shared and distinct transcriptional signatures between mTOR inhibition and bacterial autophagy. Using a genome-wide CRISPR library, we find TFEB targets that protect cells from or sensitize cells to lysosomal cell death. BHLHE40 and BHLHE41, genes responsive to high, sustained levels of nuclear TFEB, act in opposition to TFEB upon lysosomal cell death induction. Further investigation identifies genes counter-regulated by TFEB and BHLHE40/41, adding this negative feedback to the current understanding of TFEB regulatory mechanisms., Competing Interests: Declaration of Interests P.B., N.R., and B.N. are employees of Novartis. D.R.B. and H.W.V. are employees of Vir Biotechnology. R.J.X. is a consultant to Novartis and a cofounder of Jnana Therapeutics and Celsius Therapeutics. H.W.V. is a founder of Casma Therapeutics and PierianDx. These organizations did not participate in funding this work., (Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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13. An iron-dependent metabolic vulnerability underlies VPS34-dependence in RKO cancer cells.
- Author
Kobylarz MJ, Goodwin JM, Kang ZB, Annand JW, Hevi S, O'Mahony E, McAllister G, Reece-Hoyes J, Wang Q, Alford J, Russ C, Lindeman A, Beibel M, Roma G, Carbone W, Knehr J, Loureiro J, Antczak C, Wiederschain D, Murphy LO, Menon S, and Nyfeler B
- Subjects
- Cell Hypoxia, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Proliferation, Cholesterol biosynthesis, Cholesterol genetics, Class III Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases genetics, Endosomes metabolism, HEK293 Cells, Humans, Lysosomes metabolism, Receptors, LDL metabolism, Transferrin metabolism, rab GTP-Binding Proteins genetics, rab GTP-Binding Proteins metabolism, rab7 GTP-Binding Proteins, Class III Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases metabolism, Iron metabolism, Neoplasms metabolism
- Abstract
VPS34 is a key regulator of endomembrane dynamics and cargo trafficking, and is essential in cultured cell lines and in mice. To better characterize the role of VPS34 in cell growth, we performed unbiased cell line profiling studies with the selective VPS34 inhibitor PIK-III and identified RKO as a VPS34-dependent cellular model. Pooled CRISPR screen in the presence of PIK-III revealed endolysosomal genes as genetic suppressors. Dissecting VPS34-dependent alterations with transcriptional profiling, we found the induction of hypoxia response and cholesterol biosynthesis as key signatures. Mechanistically, acute VPS34 inhibition enhanced lysosomal degradation of transferrin and low-density lipoprotein receptors leading to impaired iron and cholesterol uptake. Excess soluble iron, but not cholesterol, was sufficient to partially rescue the effects of VPS34 inhibition on mitochondrial respiration and cell growth, indicating that iron limitation is the primary driver of VPS34-dependency in RKO cells. Loss of RAB7A, an endolysosomal marker and top suppressor in our genetic screen, blocked transferrin receptor degradation, restored iron homeostasis and reversed the growth defect as well as metabolic alterations due to VPS34 inhibition. Altogether, our findings suggest that impaired iron mobilization via the VPS34-RAB7A axis drive VPS34-dependence in certain cancer cells., Competing Interests: The authors are, at present, or were during the time of their contribution to this manuscript, employed by Novartis Pharma AG. As such, the authors received salaries and own stock in Novartis as part of their remuneration for employment. There are no competing interests as regards consultancies, patents or products in development or currently marketed. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
- Published
- 2020
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14. Fluopack screening platform for unbiased cellular phenotype profiling.
- Author
Kang ZB, Moutsatsos I, Moretti F, Bergman P, Zhang X, Nyfeler B, and Antczak C
- Abstract
Gene and compound functions are often interrogated by perturbation. However, we have limited methods to capture associated phenotypes in an unbiased and holistic manner. Here, we describe Fluopack screening as a novel platform enabling the profiling of subcellular phenotypes associated with perturbation. Our approach leverages imaging of a panel of fluorescent chemical probes to survey cellular processes in an unbiased and high throughput fashion. Segmentation-free, whole image analysis applied to Fluopack images identifies probes revealing distinct phenotypes upon perturbation, thereby informing on the function and mechanism of action of perturbagens. This chemical biology approach allows to interrogate phenotypes that tend to be overlooked by other methods, such as lipid trafficking and ion concentration inside the cell. Fluopack screening is a powerful approach to study orphan protein function, as exemplified by the characterization of TMEM41B as novel regulator of lipid mobilization.
- Published
- 2020
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15. TMEM41B is a novel regulator of autophagy and lipid mobilization.
- Author
Moretti F, Bergman P, Dodgson S, Marcellin D, Claerr I, Goodwin JM, DeJesus R, Kang Z, Antczak C, Begue D, Bonenfant D, Graff A, Genoud C, Reece-Hoyes JS, Russ C, Yang Z, Hoffman GR, Mueller M, Murphy LO, Xavier RJ, and Nyfeler B
- Subjects
- Autophagosomes metabolism, Autophagy genetics, Autophagy-Related Proteins metabolism, CRISPR-Associated Protein 9 metabolism, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats physiology, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Fatty Acids metabolism, Gene Knockout Techniques, HeLa Cells, Homeostasis, Humans, Lentivirus, Lipid Droplets metabolism, Lipid Mobilization genetics, Lysosomes metabolism, Microtubule-Associated Proteins metabolism, Autophagy physiology, Lipid Mobilization physiology, Membrane Proteins genetics, Membrane Proteins physiology
- Abstract
Autophagy maintains cellular homeostasis by targeting damaged organelles, pathogens, or misfolded protein aggregates for lysosomal degradation. The autophagic process is initiated by the formation of autophagosomes, which can selectively enclose cargo via autophagy cargo receptors. A machinery of well-characterized autophagy-related proteins orchestrates the biogenesis of autophagosomes; however, the origin of the required membranes is incompletely understood. Here, we have applied sensitized pooled CRISPR screens and identify the uncharacterized transmembrane protein TMEM41B as a novel regulator of autophagy. In the absence of TMEM41B, autophagosome biogenesis is stalled, LC3 accumulates at WIPI2- and DFCP1-positive isolation membranes, and lysosomal flux of autophagy cargo receptors and intracellular bacteria is impaired. In addition to defective autophagy, TMEM41B knockout cells display significantly enlarged lipid droplets and reduced mobilization and β-oxidation of fatty acids. Immunostaining and interaction proteomics data suggest that TMEM41B localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Taken together, we propose that TMEM41B is a novel ER-localized regulator of autophagosome biogenesis and lipid mobilization., (© 2018 Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research.)
- Published
- 2018
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16. Autophagy-Independent Lysosomal Targeting Regulated by ULK1/2-FIP200 and ATG9.
- Author
Goodwin JM, Dowdle WE, DeJesus R, Wang Z, Bergman P, Kobylarz M, Lindeman A, Xavier RJ, McAllister G, Nyfeler B, Hoffman G, and Murphy LO
- Subjects
- Autophagy genetics, Autophagy-Related Protein-1 Homolog genetics, Autophagy-Related Proteins genetics, Cell Line, Cell Line, Tumor, Ferritins genetics, Ferritins metabolism, HEK293 Cells, Humans, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins genetics, Membrane Proteins genetics, Neoplasm Proteins genetics, Neoplasm Proteins metabolism, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases genetics, Protein-Tyrosine Kinases genetics, Vesicular Transport Proteins genetics, Autophagy physiology, Autophagy-Related Protein-1 Homolog metabolism, Autophagy-Related Proteins metabolism, DNA, Complementary genetics, Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins metabolism, Lysosomes metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism, Protein-Tyrosine Kinases metabolism, Vesicular Transport Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Iron is vital for many homeostatic processes, and its liberation from ferritin nanocages occurs in the lysosome. Studies indicate that ferritin and its binding partner nuclear receptor coactivator-4 (NCOA4) are targeted to lysosomes by a form of selective autophagy. By using genome-scale functional screening, we identify an alternative lysosomal transport pathway for ferritin that requires FIP200, ATG9A, VPS34, and TAX1BP1 but lacks involvement of the ATG8 lipidation machinery that constitutes classical macroautophagy. TAX1BP1 binds directly to NCOA4 and is required for lysosomal trafficking of ferritin under basal and iron-depleted conditions. Under basal conditions ULK1/2-FIP200 controls ferritin turnover, but its deletion leads to TAX1BP1-dependent activation of TBK1 that regulates redistribution of ATG9A to the Golgi enabling continued trafficking of ferritin. Cells expressing an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated TBK1 allele are incapable of degrading ferritin suggesting a molecular mechanism that explains the presence of iron deposits in patient brain biopsies., (Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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17. Revisiting autophagy addiction of tumor cells.
- Author
Nyfeler B and Eng CH
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Line, Tumor, Humans, Antirheumatic Agents pharmacology, Autophagy drug effects, Chloroquine pharmacology, Proto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras) metabolism
- Abstract
Inhibition of autophagy has been widely explored as a potential therapeutic intervention for cancer. Different factors such as tumor origin, tumor stage and genetic background can define a tumor's response to autophagy modulation. Notably, tumors with oncogenic mutations in KRAS were reported to depend on macroautophagy in order to cope with oncogene-induced metabolic stress. Our recent report details the unexpected finding that autophagy is dispensable for KRAS-driven tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, we clarify that the antitumorigenic effects of chloroquine, a frequently used nonspecific inhibitor of autophagy, are not connected to the inhibition of macroautophagy. Our data suggest that caution should be exercised when using chloroquine and its analogs to decipher the roles of autophagy in cancer.
- Published
- 2016
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18. Functional CRISPR screening identifies the ufmylation pathway as a regulator of SQSTM1/p62.
- Author
DeJesus R, Moretti F, McAllister G, Wang Z, Bergman P, Liu S, Frias E, Alford J, Reece-Hoyes JS, Lindeman A, Kelliher J, Russ C, Knehr J, Carbone W, Beibel M, Roma G, Ng A, Tallarico JA, Porter JA, Xavier RJ, Mickanin C, Murphy LO, Hoffman GR, and Nyfeler B
- Subjects
- Autophagy, Cell Line, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, Flow Cytometry, Gene Targeting, Genetic Testing, Humans, Signal Transduction, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Protein Processing, Post-Translational, Proteins metabolism, Sequestosome-1 Protein metabolism
- Abstract
SQSTM1 is an adaptor protein that integrates multiple cellular signaling pathways and whose expression is tightly regulated at the transcriptional and post-translational level. Here, we describe a forward genetic screening paradigm exploiting CRISPR-mediated genome editing coupled to a cell selection step by FACS to identify regulators of SQSTM1. Through systematic comparison of pooled libraries, we show that CRISPR is superior to RNAi in identifying known SQSTM1 modulators. A genome-wide CRISPR screen exposed MTOR signalling and the entire macroautophagy machinery as key regulators of SQSTM1 and identified several novel modulators including HNRNPM, SLC39A14, SRRD, PGK1 and the ufmylation cascade. We show that ufmylation regulates SQSTM1 by eliciting a cell type-specific ER stress response which induces SQSTM1 expression and results in its accumulation in the cytosol. This study validates pooled CRISPR screening as a powerful method to map the repertoire of cellular pathways that regulate the fate of an individual target protein.
- Published
- 2016
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19. Macroautophagy is dispensable for growth of KRAS mutant tumors and chloroquine efficacy.
- Author
Eng CH, Wang Z, Tkach D, Toral-Barza L, Ugwonali S, Liu S, Fitzgerald SL, George E, Frias E, Cochran N, De Jesus R, McAllister G, Hoffman GR, Bray K, Lemon L, Lucas J, Fantin VR, Abraham RT, Murphy LO, and Nyfeler B
- Subjects
- Autophagy genetics, Autophagy-Related Protein 7, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic genetics, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic pathology, Erlotinib Hydrochloride pharmacology, Gene Knockout Techniques, Humans, Indoles pharmacology, Mutation, Protein Kinase Inhibitors pharmacology, Pyrroles pharmacology, Radiation Tolerance genetics, Sunitinib, Ubiquitin-Activating Enzymes genetics, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Autophagy drug effects, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic drug effects, Chloroquine pharmacology, Drug Resistance, Neoplasm genetics, Proto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras) genetics
- Abstract
Macroautophagy is a key stress-response pathway that can suppress or promote tumorigenesis depending on the cellular context. Notably, Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS)-driven tumors have been reported to rely on macroautophagy for growth and survival, suggesting a potential therapeutic approach of using autophagy inhibitors based on genetic stratification. In this study, we evaluated whether KRAS mutation status can predict the efficacy to macroautophagy inhibition. By profiling 47 cell lines with pharmacological and genetic loss-of-function tools, we were unable to confirm that KRAS-driven tumor lines require macroautophagy for growth. Deletion of autophagy-related 7 (ATG7) by genome editing completely blocked macroautophagy in several tumor lines with oncogenic mutations in KRAS but did not inhibit cell proliferation in vitro or tumorigenesis in vivo. Furthermore, ATG7 knockout did not sensitize cells to irradiation or to several anticancer agents tested. Interestingly, ATG7-deficient and -proficient cells were equally sensitive to the antiproliferative effect of chloroquine, a lysosomotropic agent often used as a pharmacological tool to evaluate the response to macroautophagy inhibition. Moreover, both cell types manifested synergistic growth inhibition when treated with chloroquine plus the tyrosine kinase inhibitors erlotinib or sunitinib, suggesting that the antiproliferative effects of chloroquine are independent of its suppressive actions on autophagy.
- Published
- 2016
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20. Selective VPS34 inhibitor blocks autophagy and uncovers a role for NCOA4 in ferritin degradation and iron homeostasis in vivo.
- Author
Dowdle WE, Nyfeler B, Nagel J, Elling RA, Liu S, Triantafellow E, Menon S, Wang Z, Honda A, Pardee G, Cantwell J, Luu C, Cornella-Taracido I, Harrington E, Fekkes P, Lei H, Fang Q, Digan ME, Burdick D, Powers AF, Helliwell SB, D'Aquin S, Bastien J, Wang H, Wiederschain D, Kuerth J, Bergman P, Schwalb D, Thomas J, Ugwonali S, Harbinski F, Tallarico J, Wilson CJ, Myer VE, Porter JA, Bussiere DE, Finan PM, Labow MA, Mao X, Hamann LG, Manning BD, Valdez RA, Nicholson T, Schirle M, Knapp MS, Keaney EP, and Murphy LO
- Subjects
- Animals, Autophagy drug effects, Cells, Cultured, Humans, Lysosomes metabolism, Mice, Phagosomes metabolism, Protein Binding, Autophagy physiology, Class III Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases antagonists & inhibitors, Ferritins metabolism, Homeostasis physiology, Iron metabolism, Nuclear Receptor Coactivators metabolism
- Abstract
Cells rely on autophagy to clear misfolded proteins and damaged organelles to maintain cellular homeostasis. In this study we use the new autophagy inhibitor PIK-III to screen for autophagy substrates. PIK-III is a selective inhibitor of VPS34 that binds a unique hydrophobic pocket not present in related kinases such as PI(3)Kα. PIK-III acutely inhibits autophagy and de novo lipidation of LC3, and leads to the stabilization of autophagy substrates. By performing ubiquitin-affinity proteomics on PIK-III-treated cells we identified substrates including NCOA4, which accumulates in ATG7-deficient cells and co-localizes with autolysosomes. NCOA4 directly binds ferritin heavy chain-1 (FTH1) to target the iron-binding ferritin complex with a relative molecular mass of 450,000 to autolysosomes following starvation or iron depletion. Interestingly, Ncoa4(-/-) mice exhibit a profound accumulation of iron in splenic macrophages, which are critical for the reutilization of iron from engulfed red blood cells. Taken together, the results of this study provide a new mechanism for selective autophagy of ferritin and reveal a previously unappreciated role for autophagy and NCOA4 in the control of iron homeostasis in vivo.
- Published
- 2014
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21. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
- Author
Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Acevedo-Arozena A, Adeli K, Agholme L, Agnello M, Agostinis P, Aguirre-Ghiso JA, Ahn HJ, Ait-Mohamed O, Ait-Si-Ali S, Akematsu T, Akira S, Al-Younes HM, Al-Zeer MA, Albert ML, Albin RL, Alegre-Abarrategui J, Aleo MF, Alirezaei M, Almasan A, Almonte-Becerril M, Amano A, Amaravadi R, Amarnath S, Amer AO, Andrieu-Abadie N, Anantharam V, Ann DK, Anoopkumar-Dukie S, Aoki H, Apostolova N, Arancia G, Aris JP, Asanuma K, Asare NY, Ashida H, Askanas V, Askew DS, Auberger P, Baba M, Backues SK, Baehrecke EH, Bahr BA, Bai XY, Bailly Y, Baiocchi R, Baldini G, Balduini W, Ballabio A, Bamber BA, Bampton ET, Bánhegyi G, Bartholomew CR, Bassham DC, Bast RC Jr, Batoko H, Bay BH, Beau I, Béchet DM, Begley TJ, Behl C, Behrends C, Bekri S, Bellaire B, Bendall LJ, Benetti L, Berliocchi L, Bernardi H, Bernassola F, Besteiro S, Bhatia-Kissova I, Bi X, Biard-Piechaczyk M, Blum JS, Boise LH, Bonaldo P, Boone DL, Bornhauser BC, Bortoluci KR, Bossis I, Bost F, Bourquin JP, Boya P, Boyer-Guittaut M, Bozhkov PV, Brady NR, Brancolini C, Brech A, Brenman JE, Brennand A, Bresnick EH, Brest P, Bridges D, Bristol ML, Brookes PS, Brown EJ, Brumell JH, Brunetti-Pierri N, Brunk UT, Bulman DE, Bultman SJ, Bultynck G, Burbulla LF, Bursch W, Butchar JP, Buzgariu W, Bydlowski SP, Cadwell K, Cahová M, Cai D, Cai J, Cai Q, Calabretta B, Calvo-Garrido J, Camougrand N, Campanella M, Campos-Salinas J, Candi E, Cao L, Caplan AB, Carding SR, Cardoso SM, Carew JS, Carlin CR, Carmignac V, Carneiro LA, Carra S, Caruso RA, Casari G, Casas C, Castino R, Cebollero E, Cecconi F, Celli J, Chaachouay H, Chae HJ, Chai CY, Chan DC, Chan EY, Chang RC, Che CM, Chen CC, Chen GC, Chen GQ, Chen M, Chen Q, Chen SS, Chen W, Chen X, Chen X, Chen X, Chen YG, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen YJ, Chen Z, Cheng A, Cheng CH, Cheng Y, Cheong H, Cheong JH, Cherry S, Chess-Williams R, Cheung ZH, Chevet E, Chiang HL, Chiarelli R, Chiba T, Chin LS, Chiou SH, Chisari FV, Cho CH, Cho DH, Choi AM, Choi D, Choi KS, Choi ME, Chouaib S, Choubey D, Choubey V, Chu CT, Chuang TH, Chueh SH, Chun T, Chwae YJ, Chye ML, Ciarcia R, Ciriolo MR, Clague MJ, Clark RS, Clarke PG, Clarke R, Codogno P, Coller HA, Colombo MI, Comincini S, Condello M, Condorelli F, Cookson MR, Coombs GH, Coppens I, Corbalan R, Cossart P, Costelli P, Costes S, Coto-Montes A, Couve E, Coxon FP, Cregg JM, Crespo JL, Cronjé MJ, Cuervo AM, Cullen JJ, Czaja MJ, D'Amelio M, Darfeuille-Michaud A, Davids LM, Davies FE, De Felici M, de Groot JF, de Haan CA, De Martino L, De Milito A, De Tata V, Debnath J, Degterev A, Dehay B, Delbridge LM, Demarchi F, Deng YZ, Dengjel J, Dent P, Denton D, Deretic V, Desai SD, Devenish RJ, Di Gioacchino M, Di Paolo G, Di Pietro C, Díaz-Araya G, Díaz-Laviada I, Diaz-Meco MT, Diaz-Nido J, Dikic I, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Ding WX, Distelhorst CW, Diwan A, Djavaheri-Mergny M, Dokudovskaya S, Dong Z, Dorsey FC, Dosenko V, Dowling JJ, Doxsey S, Dreux M, Drew ME, Duan Q, Duchosal MA, Duff K, Dugail I, Durbeej M, Duszenko M, Edelstein CL, Edinger AL, Egea G, Eichinger L, Eissa NT, Ekmekcioglu S, El-Deiry WS, Elazar Z, Elgendy M, Ellerby LM, Eng KE, Engelbrecht AM, Engelender S, Erenpreisa J, Escalante R, Esclatine A, Eskelinen EL, Espert L, Espina V, Fan H, Fan J, Fan QW, Fan Z, Fang S, Fang Y, Fanto M, Fanzani A, Farkas T, Farré JC, Faure M, Fechheimer M, Feng CG, Feng J, Feng Q, Feng Y, Fésüs L, Feuer R, Figueiredo-Pereira ME, Fimia GM, Fingar DC, Finkbeiner S, Finkel T, Finley KD, Fiorito F, Fisher EA, Fisher PB, Flajolet M, Florez-McClure ML, Florio S, Fon EA, Fornai F, Fortunato F, Fotedar R, Fowler DH, Fox HS, Franco R, Frankel LB, Fransen M, Fuentes JM, Fueyo J, Fujii J, Fujisaki K, Fujita E, Fukuda M, Furukawa RH, Gaestel M, Gailly P, Gajewska M, Galliot B, Galy V, Ganesh S, Ganetzky B, Ganley IG, Gao FB, Gao GF, Gao J, Garcia L, Garcia-Manero G, Garcia-Marcos M, Garmyn M, Gartel AL, Gatti E, Gautel M, Gawriluk TR, Gegg ME, Geng J, Germain M, Gestwicki JE, Gewirtz DA, Ghavami S, Ghosh P, Giammarioli AM, Giatromanolaki AN, Gibson SB, Gilkerson RW, Ginger ML, Ginsberg HN, Golab J, Goligorsky MS, Golstein P, Gomez-Manzano C, Goncu E, Gongora C, Gonzalez CD, Gonzalez R, González-Estévez C, González-Polo RA, Gonzalez-Rey E, Gorbunov NV, Gorski S, Goruppi S, Gottlieb RA, Gozuacik D, Granato GE, Grant GD, Green KN, Gregorc A, Gros F, Grose C, Grunt TW, Gual P, Guan JL, Guan KL, Guichard SM, Gukovskaya AS, Gukovsky I, Gunst J, Gustafsson AB, Halayko AJ, Hale AN, Halonen SK, Hamasaki M, Han F, Han T, Hancock MK, Hansen M, Harada H, Harada M, Hardt SE, Harper JW, Harris AL, Harris J, Harris SD, Hashimoto M, Haspel JA, Hayashi S, Hazelhurst LA, He C, He YW, Hébert MJ, Heidenreich KA, Helfrich MH, Helgason GV, Henske EP, Herman B, Herman PK, Hetz C, Hilfiker S, Hill JA, Hocking LJ, Hofman P, Hofmann TG, Höhfeld J, Holyoake TL, Hong MH, Hood DA, Hotamisligil GS, Houwerzijl EJ, Høyer-Hansen M, Hu B, Hu CA, Hu HM, Hua Y, Huang C, Huang J, Huang S, Huang WP, Huber TB, Huh WK, Hung TH, Hupp TR, Hur GM, Hurley JB, Hussain SN, Hussey PJ, Hwang JJ, Hwang S, Ichihara A, Ilkhanizadeh S, Inoki K, Into T, Iovane V, Iovanna JL, Ip NY, Isaka Y, Ishida H, Isidoro C, Isobe K, Iwasaki A, Izquierdo M, Izumi Y, Jaakkola PM, Jäättelä M, Jackson GR, Jackson WT, Janji B, Jendrach M, Jeon JH, Jeung EB, Jiang H, Jiang H, Jiang JX, Jiang M, Jiang Q, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiménez A, Jin M, Jin S, Joe CO, Johansen T, Johnson DE, Johnson GV, Jones NL, Joseph B, Joseph SK, Joubert AM, Juhász G, Juillerat-Jeanneret L, Jung CH, Jung YK, Kaarniranta K, Kaasik A, Kabuta T, Kadowaki M, Kagedal K, Kamada Y, Kaminskyy VO, Kampinga HH, Kanamori H, Kang C, Kang KB, Kang KI, Kang R, Kang YA, Kanki T, Kanneganti TD, Kanno H, Kanthasamy AG, Kanthasamy A, Karantza V, Kaushal GP, Kaushik S, Kawazoe Y, Ke PY, Kehrl JH, Kelekar A, Kerkhoff C, Kessel DH, Khalil H, Kiel JA, Kiger AA, Kihara A, Kim DR, Kim DH, Kim DH, Kim EK, Kim HR, Kim JS, Kim JH, Kim JC, Kim JK, Kim PK, Kim SW, Kim YS, Kim Y, Kimchi A, Kimmelman AC, King JS, Kinsella TJ, Kirkin V, Kirshenbaum LA, Kitamoto K, Kitazato K, Klein L, Klimecki WT, Klucken J, Knecht E, Ko BC, Koch JC, Koga H, Koh JY, Koh YH, Koike M, Komatsu M, Kominami E, Kong HJ, Kong WJ, Korolchuk VI, Kotake Y, Koukourakis MI, Kouri Flores JB, Kovács AL, Kraft C, Krainc D, Krämer H, Kretz-Remy C, Krichevsky AM, Kroemer G, Krüger R, Krut O, Ktistakis NT, Kuan CY, Kucharczyk R, Kumar A, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kundu M, Kung HJ, Kurz T, Kwon HJ, La Spada AR, Lafont F, Lamark T, Landry J, Lane JD, Lapaquette P, Laporte JF, László L, Lavandero S, Lavoie JN, Layfield R, Lazo PA, Le W, Le Cam L, Ledbetter DJ, Lee AJ, Lee BW, Lee GM, Lee J, Lee JH, Lee M, Lee MS, Lee SH, Leeuwenburgh C, Legembre P, Legouis R, Lehmann M, Lei HY, Lei QY, Leib DA, Leiro J, Lemasters JJ, Lemoine A, Lesniak MS, Lev D, Levenson VV, Levine B, Levy E, Li F, Li JL, Li L, Li S, Li W, Li XJ, Li YB, Li YP, Liang C, Liang Q, Liao YF, Liberski PP, Lieberman A, Lim HJ, Lim KL, Lim K, Lin CF, Lin FC, Lin J, Lin JD, Lin K, Lin WW, Lin WC, Lin YL, Linden R, Lingor P, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Lisanti MP, Liton PB, Liu B, Liu CF, Liu K, Liu L, Liu QA, Liu W, Liu YC, Liu Y, Lockshin RA, Lok CN, Lonial S, Loos B, Lopez-Berestein G, López-Otín C, Lossi L, Lotze MT, Lőw P, Lu B, Lu B, Lu B, Lu Z, Luciano F, Lukacs NW, Lund AH, Lynch-Day MA, Ma Y, Macian F, MacKeigan JP, Macleod KF, Madeo F, Maiuri L, Maiuri MC, Malagoli D, Malicdan MC, Malorni W, Man N, Mandelkow EM, Manon S, Manov I, Mao K, Mao X, Mao Z, Marambaud P, Marazziti D, Marcel YL, Marchbank K, Marchetti P, Marciniak SJ, Marcondes M, Mardi M, Marfe G, Mariño G, Markaki M, Marten MR, Martin SJ, Martinand-Mari C, Martinet W, Martinez-Vicente M, Masini M, Matarrese P, Matsuo S, Matteoni R, Mayer A, Mazure NM, McConkey DJ, McConnell MJ, McDermott C, McDonald C, McInerney GM, McKenna SL, McLaughlin B, McLean PJ, McMaster CR, McQuibban GA, Meijer AJ, Meisler MH, Meléndez A, Melia TJ, Melino G, Mena MA, Menendez JA, Menna-Barreto RF, Menon MB, Menzies FM, Mercer CA, Merighi A, Merry DE, Meschini S, Meyer CG, Meyer TF, Miao CY, Miao JY, Michels PA, Michiels C, Mijaljica D, Milojkovic A, Minucci S, Miracco C, Miranti CK, Mitroulis I, Miyazawa K, Mizushima N, Mograbi B, Mohseni S, Molero X, Mollereau B, Mollinedo F, Momoi T, Monastyrska I, Monick MM, Monteiro MJ, Moore MN, Mora R, Moreau K, Moreira PI, Moriyasu Y, Moscat J, Mostowy S, Mottram JC, Motyl T, Moussa CE, Müller S, Muller S, Münger K, Münz C, Murphy LO, Murphy ME, Musarò A, Mysorekar I, Nagata E, Nagata K, Nahimana A, Nair U, Nakagawa T, Nakahira K, Nakano H, Nakatogawa H, Nanjundan M, Naqvi NI, Narendra DP, Narita M, Navarro M, Nawrocki ST, Nazarko TY, Nemchenko A, Netea MG, Neufeld TP, Ney PA, Nezis IP, Nguyen HP, Nie D, Nishino I, Nislow C, Nixon RA, Noda T, Noegel AA, Nogalska A, Noguchi S, Notterpek L, Novak I, Nozaki T, Nukina N, Nürnberger T, Nyfeler B, Obara K, Oberley TD, Oddo S, Ogawa M, Ohashi T, Okamoto K, Oleinick NL, Oliver FJ, Olsen LJ, Olsson S, Opota O, Osborne TF, Ostrander GK, Otsu K, Ou JH, Ouimet M, Overholtzer M, Ozpolat B, Paganetti P, Pagnini U, Pallet N, Palmer GE, Palumbo C, Pan T, Panaretakis T, Pandey UB, Papackova Z, Papassideri I, Paris I, Park J, Park OK, Parys JB, Parzych KR, Patschan S, Patterson C, Pattingre S, Pawelek JM, Peng J, Perlmutter DH, Perrotta I, Perry G, Pervaiz S, Peter M, Peters GJ, Petersen M, Petrovski G, Phang JM, Piacentini M, Pierre P, Pierrefite-Carle V, Pierron G, Pinkas-Kramarski R, Piras A, Piri N, Platanias LC, Pöggeler S, Poirot M, Poletti A, Poüs C, Pozuelo-Rubio M, Prætorius-Ibba M, Prasad A, Prescott M, Priault M, Produit-Zengaffinen N, Progulske-Fox A, Proikas-Cezanne T, Przedborski S, Przyklenk K, Puertollano R, Puyal J, Qian SB, Qin L, Qin ZH, Quaggin SE, Raben N, Rabinowich H, Rabkin SW, Rahman I, Rami A, Ramm G, Randall G, Randow F, Rao VA, Rathmell JC, Ravikumar B, Ray SK, Reed BH, Reed JC, Reggiori F, Régnier-Vigouroux A, Reichert AS, Reiners JJ Jr, Reiter RJ, Ren J, Revuelta JL, Rhodes CJ, Ritis K, Rizzo E, Robbins J, Roberge M, Roca H, Roccheri MC, Rocchi S, Rodemann HP, Rodríguez de Córdoba S, Rohrer B, Roninson IB, Rosen K, Rost-Roszkowska MM, Rouis M, Rouschop KM, Rovetta F, Rubin BP, Rubinsztein DC, Ruckdeschel K, Rucker EB 3rd, Rudich A, Rudolf E, Ruiz-Opazo N, Russo R, Rusten TE, Ryan KM, Ryter SW, Sabatini DM, Sadoshima J, Saha T, Saitoh T, Sakagami H, Sakai Y, Salekdeh GH, Salomoni P, Salvaterra PM, Salvesen G, Salvioli R, Sanchez AM, Sánchez-Alcázar JA, Sánchez-Prieto R, Sandri M, Sankar U, Sansanwal P, Santambrogio L, Saran S, Sarkar S, Sarwal M, Sasakawa C, Sasnauskiene A, Sass M, Sato K, Sato M, Schapira AH, Scharl M, Schätzl HM, Scheper W, Schiaffino S, Schneider C, Schneider ME, Schneider-Stock R, Schoenlein PV, Schorderet DF, Schüller C, Schwartz GK, Scorrano L, Sealy L, Seglen PO, Segura-Aguilar J, Seiliez I, Seleverstov O, Sell C, Seo JB, Separovic D, Setaluri V, Setoguchi T, Settembre C, Shacka JJ, Shanmugam M, Shapiro IM, Shaulian E, Shaw RJ, Shelhamer JH, Shen HM, Shen WC, Sheng ZH, Shi Y, Shibuya K, Shidoji Y, Shieh JJ, Shih CM, Shimada Y, Shimizu S, Shintani T, Shirihai OS, Shore GC, Sibirny AA, Sidhu SB, Sikorska B, Silva-Zacarin EC, Simmons A, Simon AK, Simon HU, Simone C, Simonsen A, Sinclair DA, Singh R, Sinha D, Sinicrope FA, Sirko A, Siu PM, Sivridis E, Skop V, Skulachev VP, Slack RS, Smaili SS, Smith DR, Soengas MS, Soldati T, Song X, Sood AK, Soong TW, Sotgia F, Spector SA, Spies CD, Springer W, Srinivasula SM, Stefanis L, Steffan JS, Stendel R, Stenmark H, Stephanou A, Stern ST, Sternberg C, Stork B, Strålfors P, Subauste CS, Sui X, Sulzer D, Sun J, Sun SY, Sun ZJ, Sung JJ, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Swanson MS, Swanton C, Sweeney ST, Sy LK, Szabadkai G, Tabas I, Taegtmeyer H, Tafani M, Takács-Vellai K, Takano Y, Takegawa K, Takemura G, Takeshita F, Talbot NJ, Tan KS, Tanaka K, Tanaka K, Tang D, Tang D, Tanida I, Tannous BA, Tavernarakis N, Taylor GS, Taylor GA, Taylor JP, Terada LS, Terman A, Tettamanti G, Thevissen K, Thompson CB, Thorburn A, Thumm M, Tian F, Tian Y, Tocchini-Valentini G, Tolkovsky AM, Tomino Y, Tönges L, Tooze SA, Tournier C, Tower J, Towns R, Trajkovic V, Travassos LH, Tsai TF, Tschan MP, Tsubata T, Tsung A, Turk B, Turner LS, Tyagi SC, Uchiyama Y, Ueno T, Umekawa M, Umemiya-Shirafuji R, Unni VK, Vaccaro MI, Valente EM, Van den Berghe G, van der Klei IJ, van Doorn W, van Dyk LF, van Egmond M, van Grunsven LA, Vandenabeele P, Vandenberghe WP, Vanhorebeek I, Vaquero EC, Velasco G, Vellai T, Vicencio JM, Vierstra RD, Vila M, Vindis C, Viola G, Viscomi MT, Voitsekhovskaja OV, von Haefen C, Votruba M, Wada K, Wade-Martins R, Walker CL, Walsh CM, Walter J, Wan XB, Wang A, Wang C, Wang D, Wang F, Wang F, Wang G, Wang H, Wang HG, Wang HD, Wang J, Wang K, Wang M, Wang RC, Wang X, Wang X, Wang YJ, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang ZC, Wang Z, Wansink DG, Ward DM, Watada H, Waters SL, Webster P, Wei L, Weihl CC, Weiss WA, Welford SM, Wen LP, Whitehouse CA, Whitton JL, Whitworth AJ, Wileman T, Wiley JW, Wilkinson S, Willbold D, Williams RL, Williamson PR, Wouters BG, Wu C, Wu DC, Wu WK, Wyttenbach A, Xavier RJ, Xi Z, Xia P, Xiao G, Xie Z, Xie Z, Xu DZ, Xu J, Xu L, Xu X, Yamamoto A, Yamamoto A, Yamashina S, Yamashita M, Yan X, Yanagida M, Yang DS, Yang E, Yang JM, Yang SY, Yang W, Yang WY, Yang Z, Yao MC, Yao TP, Yeganeh B, Yen WL, Yin JJ, Yin XM, Yoo OJ, Yoon G, Yoon SY, Yorimitsu T, Yoshikawa Y, Yoshimori T, Yoshimoto K, You HJ, Youle RJ, Younes A, Yu L, Yu L, Yu SW, Yu WH, Yuan ZM, Yue Z, Yun CH, Yuzaki M, Zabirnyk O, Silva-Zacarin E, Zacks D, Zacksenhaus E, Zaffaroni N, Zakeri Z, Zeh HJ 3rd, Zeitlin SO, Zhang H, Zhang HL, Zhang J, Zhang JP, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang MY, Zhang XD, Zhao M, Zhao YF, Zhao Y, Zhao ZJ, Zheng X, Zhivotovsky B, Zhong Q, Zhou CZ, Zhu C, Zhu WG, Zhu XF, Zhu X, Zhu Y, Zoladek T, Zong WX, Zorzano A, Zschocke J, and Zuckerbraun B
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Models, Biological, Autophagy genetics, Biological Assay methods
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
- Published
- 2012
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22. RAD001 enhances the potency of BEZ235 to inhibit mTOR signaling and tumor growth.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Chen Y, Li X, Pinzon-Ortiz M, Wang Z, Reddy A, Pradhan E, Das R, Lehár J, Schlegel R, Finan PM, Cao ZA, Murphy LO, and Huang A
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Tumor, Drug Synergism, Everolimus, Humans, Sirolimus pharmacology, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic drug effects, Imidazoles pharmacology, Quinolines pharmacology, Signal Transduction drug effects, Sirolimus analogs & derivatives, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism
- Abstract
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is regulated by oncogenic growth factor signals and plays a pivotal role in controlling cellular metabolism, growth and survival. Everolimus (RAD001) is an allosteric mTOR inhibitor that has shown marked efficacy in certain cancers but is unable to completely inhibit mTOR activity. ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitors such as NVP-BEZ235 can block rapamycin-insensitive mTOR readouts and have entered clinical development as anti-cancer agents. Here, we show the degree to which RAD001 and BEZ235 can be synergistically combined to inhibit mTOR pathway activation, cell proliferation and tumor growth, both in vitro and in vivo. RAD001 and BEZ235 synergized in cancer lines representing different lineages and genetic backgrounds. Strong synergy is seen in neuronal, renal, breast, lung, and haematopoietic cancer cells harboring abnormalities in PTEN, VHL, LKB1, Her2, or KRAS. Critically, in the presence of RAD001, the mTOR-4EBP1 pathway and tumorigenesis can be fully inhibited using lower doses of BEZ235. This is relevant since RAD001 is relatively well tolerated in patients while the toxicity profiles of ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitors are currently unknown.
- Published
- 2012
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23. Identification of elongation factor G as the conserved cellular target of argyrin B.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Hoepfner D, Palestrant D, Kirby CA, Whitehead L, Yu R, Deng G, Caughlan RE, Woods AL, Jones AK, Barnes SW, Walker JR, Gaulis S, Hauy E, Brachmann SM, Krastel P, Studer C, Riedl R, Estoppey D, Aust T, Movva NR, Wang Z, Salcius M, Michaud GA, McAllister G, Murphy LO, Tallarico JA, Wilson CJ, and Dean CR
- Subjects
- Allosteric Site, Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Burkholderia drug effects, Cell Line, Tumor, Conserved Sequence, Crystallography, X-Ray, Humans, Mammals, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Mitochondrial Proteins metabolism, Molecular Sequence Data, Mutant Proteins chemistry, Mutant Proteins metabolism, Oligopeptides chemistry, Oligopeptides pharmacology, Peptide Elongation Factor G antagonists & inhibitors, Peptide Elongation Factor G chemistry, Protein Binding drug effects, Pseudomonas aeruginosa drug effects, Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, Sequence Homology, Amino Acid, Oligopeptides metabolism, Peptide Elongation Factor G metabolism
- Abstract
Argyrins, produced by myxobacteria and actinomycetes, are cyclic octapeptides with antibacterial and antitumor activity. Here, we identify elongation factor G (EF-G) as the cellular target of argyrin B in bacteria, via resistant mutant selection and whole genome sequencing, biophysical binding studies and crystallography. Argyrin B binds a novel allosteric pocket in EF-G, distinct from the known EF-G inhibitor antibiotic fusidic acid, revealing a new mode of protein synthesis inhibition. In eukaryotic cells, argyrin B was found to target mitochondrial elongation factor G1 (EF-G1), the closest homologue of bacterial EF-G. By blocking mitochondrial translation, argyrin B depletes electron transport components and inhibits the growth of yeast and tumor cells. Further supporting direct inhibition of EF-G1, expression of an argyrin B-binding deficient EF-G1 L693Q variant partially rescued argyrin B-sensitivity in tumor cells. In summary, we show that argyrin B is an antibacterial and cytotoxic agent that inhibits the evolutionarily conserved target EF-G, blocking protein synthesis in bacteria and mitochondrial translation in yeast and mammalian cells.
- Published
- 2012
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24. Quantitative visualization of autophagy induction by mTOR inhibitors.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Bergman P, Wilson CJ, and Murphy LO
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Genetic Vectors, Green Fluorescent Proteins analysis, Humans, Microtubule-Associated Proteins analysis, Molecular Sequence Data, Morpholines pharmacology, Pyrimidines pharmacology, Sirolimus pharmacology, Autophagy drug effects, Microscopy, Fluorescence methods, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
Autophagy is a catabolic pathway that degrades bulk cytosol in lysosomal compartments enabling amino acids and fatty acids to be recycled. One of the key regulators of autophagy is the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a conserved serine/threonine kinase which suppresses the initiation of the autophagic process when nutrients, growth factors, and energy are available. Inhibition of mTOR, e.g., by small molecules such as rapamycin, results in activation of autophagy. To quantify autophagy induction by mTOR inhibitors, we use an mCherry-GFP-LC3 reporter which is amenable to retroviral delivery into mammalian cells, stable expression, and analysis by fluorescence microscopy. Here, we describe our imaging protocol and image recognition algorithm to visualize and measure changes in the autophagic pathway.
- Published
- 2012
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25. Relieving autophagy and 4EBP1 from rapamycin resistance.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Bergman P, Triantafellow E, Wilson CJ, Zhu Y, Radetich B, Finan PM, Klionsky DJ, and Murphy LO
- Subjects
- Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing genetics, Cell Cycle Proteins, Cell Line, Fluorescent Dyes metabolism, Humans, Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1, Multiprotein Complexes, Proteins genetics, Proteins metabolism, RNA, Small Interfering genetics, RNA, Small Interfering metabolism, Regulatory-Associated Protein of mTOR, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases antagonists & inhibitors, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases genetics, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism, Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing metabolism, Antibiotics, Antineoplastic pharmacology, Autophagy drug effects, Drug Resistance physiology, Phosphoproteins metabolism, Sirolimus pharmacology
- Abstract
The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a multiprotein signaling complex regulated by oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Outputs downstream of mTORC1 include ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), and autophagy, and their modulation leads to changes in cell growth, proliferation, and metabolism. Rapamycin, an allosteric mTORC1 inhibitor, does not antagonize equally these outputs, but the reason for this is unknown. Here, we show that the ability of rapamycin to activate autophagy in different cell lines correlates with mTORC1 stability. Rapamycin exposure destabilizes mTORC1, but in cell lines where autophagy is drug insensitive, higher levels of mTOR-bound raptor are detected than in cells where rapamycin stimulates autophagy. Using small interfering RNA (siRNA), we find that knockdown of raptor relieves autophagy and the eIF4E effector pathway from rapamycin resistance. Importantly, nonefficacious concentrations of an ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitor can be combined with rapamycin to synergistically inhibit mTORC1 and activate autophagy but leave mTORC2 signaling intact. These data suggest that partial inhibition of mTORC1 by rapamycin can be overcome using combination strategies and offer a therapeutic avenue to achieve complete and selective inhibition of mTORC1.
- Published
- 2011
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26. Role of the lectin VIP36 in post-ER quality control of human alpha1-antitrypsin.
- Author
Reiterer V, Nyfeler B, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Animals, COS Cells, Chlorocebus aethiops, Golgi Apparatus metabolism, HeLa Cells, Humans, Luminescent Proteins genetics, Luminescent Proteins metabolism, Mannose metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins genetics, Membrane Transport Proteins genetics, Protein Binding, RNA, Small Interfering genetics, RNA, Small Interfering metabolism, Recombinant Fusion Proteins genetics, Recombinant Fusion Proteins metabolism, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Transport Proteins metabolism, alpha 1-Antitrypsin metabolism
- Abstract
The leguminous-type (L-type) lectin VIP36 localizes to the Golgi apparatus and cycles early in the secretory pathway. In vitro, VIP36 binds high-mannose glycans with a pH optimum of 6.5, a value similar to the luminal pH of the Golgi apparatus. Although the sugar-binding properties of VIP36 in vitro have been characterized in detail, the function of VIP36 in the intact cell remains unclear as no convincing glycoprotein cargo has been identified. Here, we used yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fragment complementation to identify luminal interaction partners of VIP36. By screening a human liver cDNA library, we identified the glycoprotein alpha1-antitrypsin (alpha1-AT) as a cargo of VIP36. The VIP36/alpha1-AT complex localized to Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the living cell, VIP36 bound exclusively to the high-mannose form of alpha1-AT. The binding was increased when complex glycosylation was prevented by kifunensine and abolished when the glycosylation sites of alpha1-AT were inactivated by mutagenesis. Silencing VIP36 accelerated alpha1-AT transport, arguing against a role of VIP36 in anterograde traffic. The complex formed by VIP36 and alpha1-AT in the Golgi recycled back to the ER. The combined data are most consistent with a function of VIP36 in post-ER quality control of alpha1-AT.
- Published
- 2010
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27. Bidirectional transport of amino acids regulates mTOR and autophagy.
- Author
Nicklin P, Bergman P, Zhang B, Triantafellow E, Wang H, Nyfeler B, Yang H, Hild M, Kung C, Wilson C, Myer VE, MacKeigan JP, Porter JA, Wang YK, Cantley LC, Finan PM, and Murphy LO
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Transport System ASC metabolism, Animals, Cell Line, Tumor, Drosophila melanogaster, Humans, Leucine metabolism, Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1, Multiprotein Complexes, Proteins, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases, Transcription Factors metabolism, Autophagy, Glutamine metabolism, Protein Kinases metabolism
- Abstract
Amino acids are required for activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase which regulates protein translation, cell growth, and autophagy. Cell surface transporters that allow amino acids to enter the cell and signal to mTOR are unknown. We show that cellular uptake of L-glutamine and its subsequent rapid efflux in the presence of essential amino acids (EAA) is the rate-limiting step that activates mTOR. L-glutamine uptake is regulated by SLC1A5 and loss of SLC1A5 function inhibits cell growth and activates autophagy. The molecular basis for L-glutamine sensitivity is due to SLC7A5/SLC3A2, a bidirectional transporter that regulates the simultaneous efflux of L-glutamine out of cells and transport of L-leucine/EAA into cells. Certain tumor cell lines with high basal cellular levels of L-glutamine bypass the need for L-glutamine uptake and are primed for mTOR activation. Thus, L-glutamine flux regulates mTOR, translation and autophagy to coordinate cell growth and proliferation.
- Published
- 2009
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28. Identification of ERGIC-53 as an intracellular transport receptor of alpha1-antitrypsin.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Reiterer V, Wendeler MW, Stefan E, Zhang B, Michnick SW, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Animals, Biological Assay, COS Cells, Carbohydrates chemistry, Chlorocebus aethiops, Down-Regulation genetics, Fibroblasts, Gene Library, HeLa Cells, Humans, Luminescent Proteins, Mannose-Binding Lectins genetics, Membrane Proteins genetics, Mice, Protein Structure, Tertiary physiology, Protein Transport physiology, Proteomics methods, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Intracellular Fluid metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, alpha 1-Antitrypsin metabolism
- Abstract
Secretory proteins are exported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by bulk flow and/or receptor-mediated transport. Our understanding of this process is limited because of the low number of identified transport receptors and cognate cargo proteins. In mammalian cells, the lectin ER Golgi intermediate compartment 53-kD protein (ERGIC-53) represents the best characterized cargo receptor. It assists ER export of a subset of glycoproteins including coagulation factors V and VIII and cathepsin C and Z. Here, we report a novel screening strategy to identify protein interactions in the lumen of the secretory pathway using a yellow fluorescent protein-based protein fragment complementation assay. By screening a human liver complementary DNA library, we identify alpha1-antitrypsin (alpha1-AT) as previously unrecognized cargo of ERGIC-53 and show that cargo capture is carbohydrate- and conformation-dependent. ERGIC-53 knockdown and knockout cells display a specific secretion defect of alpha1-AT that is corrected by reintroducing ERGIC-53. The results reveal ERGIC-53 to be an intracellular transport receptor of alpha1-AT and provide direct evidence for active receptor-mediated ER export of a soluble secretory protein in higher eukaryotes.
- Published
- 2008
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29. Deletion of 3 residues from the C-terminus of MCFD2 affects binding to ERGIC-53 and causes combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Kamiya Y, Boehlen F, Yamamoto K, Kato K, de Moerloose P, Hauri HP, and Neerman-Arbez M
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Child, Factor V Deficiency genetics, Female, Gene Deletion, Hemophilia A genetics, Humans, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, Protein Binding, Vesicular Transport Proteins chemistry, Vesicular Transport Proteins genetics, Factor V Deficiency metabolism, Hemophilia A metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Vesicular Transport Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency (F5F8D) is a rare, autosomal recessive coagulation disorder. F5F8D is genetically linked to mutations in the transmembrane lectin ERGIC-53 and its soluble interaction partner MCFD2. The ERGIC-53/MCFD2 protein complex functions as transport receptor of coagulation factors V and VIII by mediating their export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we studied a F5F8D patient who was found to be a compound heterozygote for 2 novel mutations in MCFD2: a large deletion of 8.4 kb eliminating the 5'UTR of the gene and a nonsense mutation resulting in the deletion of only 3 amino acids (DeltaSLQ) from the C-terminus of MCFD2. Biochemical and structural analysis of the DeltaSLQ mutant demonstrated impaired binding to ERGIC-53 due to modification of the 3-dimensional structure of MCFD2. Our results highlight the importance of the ERGIC-53/MCFD2 protein interaction for the efficient secretion of coagulation factors V and VIII.
- Published
- 2008
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30. Molecular basis of sugar recognition by the human L-type lectins ERGIC-53, VIPL, and VIP36.
- Author
Kamiya Y, Kamiya D, Yamamoto K, Nyfeler B, Hauri HP, and Kato K
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Substitution, Calcium chemistry, Calcium metabolism, Cell Line, Endoplasmic Reticulum genetics, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Glycoproteins chemistry, Glycoproteins genetics, Glycoproteins metabolism, Golgi Apparatus genetics, Golgi Apparatus metabolism, Humans, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Lectins genetics, Lectins metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins genetics, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins genetics, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Membrane Transport Proteins genetics, Membrane Transport Proteins metabolism, Oligosaccharides genetics, Oligosaccharides metabolism, Protein Binding physiology, Protein Transport physiology, Recombinant Proteins chemistry, Recombinant Proteins genetics, Recombinant Proteins metabolism, Structure-Activity Relationship, Substrate Specificity physiology, Lectins chemistry, Mannose-Binding Lectins chemistry, Membrane Proteins chemistry, Membrane Transport Proteins chemistry, Oligosaccharides chemistry
- Abstract
ERGIC-53, VIPL, and VIP36 are related type 1 membrane proteins of the mammalian early secretory pathway. They are classified as L-type lectins because of their luminal carbohydrate recognition domain, which exhibits homology to leguminous lectins. These L-type lectins have different intracellular distributions and dynamics in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi system of the secretory pathway and interact with N-glycans of glycoproteins in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, suggesting a role in glycoprotein sorting and trafficking. To understand the function of these lectins, knowledge of their carbohydrate specificity is crucial but only available for VIP36 (Kamiya, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Arata, Y., Kasai, K. I., Ihara, Y., Matsuo, I., Ito, Y., Yamamoto, K., and Kato, K. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 37178-37182). Here we provide a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of sugar recognition of the carbohydrate recognition domains of ERGIC-53 and VIPL in comparison with VIP36 using a pyridylaminated sugar library in conjunction with frontal affinity chromatography. Frontal affinity chromatography revealed selective interaction of VIPL and VIP36 with the deglucosylated trimannose in the D1 branch of high-mannose-type oligosaccharides but with different pH dependence. ERGIC-53 bound high-mannose-type oligosaccharides with low affinity and broad specificity, not discriminating between monoglucosylated and deglucosylated high-mannosetype oligosaccharides. Based on the sugar-binding properties in conjunction with known features of these proteins, we propose a model for the action of the three lectins in glycoprotein guidance and trafficking. Moreover, structure-based mutagenesis revealed that the sugar-binding properties of these L-type lectins can be switched by single amino acid substitutions.
- Published
- 2008
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31. Cargo selectivity of the ERGIC-53/MCFD2 transport receptor complex.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Zhang B, Ginsburg D, Kaufman RJ, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Bacterial Proteins genetics, Bacterial Proteins metabolism, Brefeldin A pharmacology, Cathepsin C genetics, Cathepsin C metabolism, Cathepsin K, Cathepsin Z, Cathepsins genetics, Cathepsins metabolism, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, HeLa Cells, Humans, Luminescent Proteins genetics, Luminescent Proteins metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins genetics, Membrane Proteins genetics, Protein Binding, Protein Interaction Mapping, Protein Transport drug effects, RNA, Small Interfering genetics, Vesicular Transport Proteins genetics, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Vesicular Transport Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
Exit of soluble secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can occur by receptor-mediated export as exemplified by blood coagulation factors V and VIII. Their efficient secretion requires the membrane lectin ER Golgi intermediate compartment protein-53 (ERGIC-53) and its soluble luminal interaction partner multiple coagulation factor deficiency protein 2 (MCFD2), which form a cargo receptor complex in the early secretory pathway. ERGIC-53 also interacts with the two lysosomal glycoproteins cathepsin Z and cathepsin C. Here, we tested the subunit interdependence and cargo selectivity of ERGIC-53 and MCFD2 by short interference RNA-based knockdown. In the absence of ERGIC-53, MCFD2 was secreted, whereas knocking down MCFD2 had no effect on the localization of ERGIC-53. Cargo binding properties of the ERGIC-53/MCFD2 complex were analyzed in vivo using yellow fluorescent protein fragment complementation. We found that MCFD2 is dispensable for the binding of cathepsin Z and cathepsin C to ERGIC-53. The results indicate that ERGIC-53 can bind cargo glycoproteins in an MCFD2-independent fashion and suggest that MCFD2 is a recruitment factor for blood coagulation factors V and VIII.
- Published
- 2006
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32. Capturing protein interactions in the secretory pathway of living cells.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Michnick SW, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Bacterial Proteins, Carrier Proteins metabolism, Cathepsin K, Cathepsin Z, Cathepsins metabolism, Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Fluorometry, Genetic Complementation Test methods, Genetic Vectors, HeLa Cells, Humans, Immunoblotting, Luminescent Proteins, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Protein Engineering, Protein Transport physiology, Transfection, Vesicular Transport Proteins, Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
The secretory pathway is composed of membrane compartments specialized in protein folding, modification, transport, and sorting. Numerous transient protein-protein interactions guide the transport-competent proteins through the secretory pathway. Here we have adapted the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-based protein fragment complementation assay (PCA) to detect protein-protein interactions in the secretory pathway of living cells. Fragments of YFP were fused to the homooligomeric cargo-receptor lectin endoplasmic reticulum Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC)-53, to the ERGIC-53-interacting multi-coagulation factor deficiency protein MCFD2, and to ERGIC-53's cargo glycoprotein cathepsin Z. YFP PCA analysis revealed the oligomerization of ERGIC-53 and its interaction with MCFD2, as well as its lectin-mediated interaction with cathepsin Z. Mutation of the lectin domain of ERGIC-53 selectively decreased YFP complementation with cathepsin Z. Using YFP PCA, we discovered a carbohydrate-mediated interaction between ERGIC-53 and cathepsin C. We conclude that YFP PCA can detect weak and transient protein interactions in the secretory pathway and hence is a powerful approach to study luminal processes involved in protein secretion. The study extends the application of PCA to carbohydrate-mediated protein-protein interactions of low affinity.
- Published
- 2005
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33. Carbohydrate- and conformation-dependent cargo capture for ER-exit.
- Author
Appenzeller-Herzog C, Nyfeler B, Burkhard P, Santamaria I, Lopez-Otin C, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Motifs, Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Biological Transport, CHO Cells, Carrier Proteins chemistry, Cathepsin C chemistry, Cathepsin K, Cathepsins chemistry, Cricetinae, Cross-Linking Reagents pharmacology, DNA chemistry, DNA, Complementary metabolism, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel, Glycoproteins chemistry, Glycoside Hydrolases pharmacology, Humans, Immunoprecipitation, Lectins chemistry, Lectins metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins chemistry, Membrane Proteins chemistry, Mice, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, Molecular Sequence Data, Mutation, Polysaccharides chemistry, Protein Conformation, Protein Folding, Protein Structure, Secondary, Sequence Homology, Amino Acid, Transfection, Carbohydrates chemistry, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Oligosaccharides chemistry, Protein Sorting Signals
- Abstract
Some secretory proteins leave the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by a receptor-mediated cargo capture mechanism, but the signals required for the cargo-receptor interaction are largely unknown. Here, we describe a novel targeting motif that is composed of a high-mannose type oligosaccharide intimately associated with a surface-exposed peptide beta-hairpin loop. The motif accounts for lectin ERGIC-53-assisted ER-export of the lyososomal enzyme procathepsin Z. The second oligosaccharide chain of procathepsin Z exhibits no binding activity for ERGIC-53, illustrating the selective lectin properties of ERGIC-53. Our data suggest that the conformation-based motif is only present in fully folded procathepsin Z and that its recognition by ERGIC-53 reflects a quality control mechanism that acts complementary to the primary folding machinery in the ER. A similar oligosaccharide/beta-hairpin loop structure is present in cathepsin C, another cargo of ERGIC-53, suggesting the general nature of this ER-exit signal. To our knowledge this is the first documentation of an ER-exit signal in soluble cargo in conjunction with its decoding by a transport receptor.
- Published
- 2005
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34. The cargo receptor ERGIC-53 is a target of the unfolded protein response.
- Author
Nyfeler B, Nufer O, Matsui T, Mori K, and Hauri HP
- Subjects
- Activating Transcription Factor 6, Animals, Anti-Bacterial Agents metabolism, Carrier Proteins metabolism, Cell Line, DNA-Binding Proteins metabolism, Enzyme Inhibitors metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Mannose-Binding Lectins genetics, Membrane Proteins genetics, Methionine metabolism, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Thapsigargin metabolism, Transcription Factors metabolism, Tunicamycin metabolism, Endoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Mannose-Binding Lectins metabolism, Membrane Proteins metabolism, Membrane Transport Proteins, Protein Folding
- Abstract
The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER triggers a signaling response known as unfolded protein response (UPR). In yeast the UPR affects several hundred genes that encode ER chaperones and proteins operating at later stages of secretion. In mammalian cells the UPR appears to be more limited to chaperones of the ER and genes assumed to be important after cell recovery from ER stress that are not important for secretion. Here, we report that the mRNA of lectin ERGIC-53, a cargo receptor for the transport of glycoproteins from ER to ERGIC, and of its related protein VIP36 is induced by the known inducers of ER stress, tunicamycin and thapsigargin. In parallel, the rate of synthesis of the ERGIC-53 protein was induced by these agents. The response was due to the UPR since it was also triggered by castanospermine, a specific inducer of UPR, and inhibited by genistein. Thapsigargin-induced upregulation of ERGIC-53 could be fully accounted for by the ATF6 pathway of UPR. The results suggest that in mammalian cells the UPR also affects traffic from and beyond the ER.
- Published
- 2003
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35. Arabidopsis genes essential for seedling viability: isolation of insertional mutants and molecular cloning.
- Author
Budziszewski GJ, Lewis SP, Glover LW, Reineke J, Jones G, Ziemnik LS, Lonowski J, Nyfeler B, Aux G, Zhou Q, McElver J, Patton DA, Martienssen R, Grossniklaus U, Ma H, Law M, and Levin JZ
- Subjects
- Cell Survival, Chloroplasts metabolism, DNA Transposable Elements genetics, Models, Genetic, Multigene Family, Phenotype, Plasmids metabolism, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Arabidopsis genetics, Cloning, Molecular, Mutagenesis, Insertional, Mutation, Seeds genetics, Seeds physiology
- Abstract
We have undertaken a large-scale genetic screen to identify genes with a seedling-lethal mutant phenotype. From screening approximately 38,000 insertional mutant lines, we identified >500 seedling-lethal mutants, completed cosegregation analysis of the insertion and the lethal phenotype for >200 mutants, molecularly characterized 54 mutants, and provided a detailed description for 22 of them. Most of the seedling-lethal mutants seem to affect chloroplast function because they display altered pigmentation and affect genes encoding proteins predicted to have chloroplast localization. Although a high level of functional redundancy in Arabidopsis might be expected because 65% of genes are members of gene families, we found that 41% of the essential genes found in this study are members of Arabidopsis gene families. In addition, we isolated several interesting classes of mutants and genes. We found three mutants in the recently discovered nonmevalonate isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway and mutants disrupting genes similar to Tic40 and tatC, which are likely to be involved in chloroplast protein translocation. Finally, we directly compared T-DNA and Ac/Ds transposon mutagenesis methods in Arabidopsis on a genome scale. In each population, we found only about one-third of the insertion mutations cosegregated with a mutant phenotype.
- Published
- 2001
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