400 results on '"O. Grimm"'
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2. FCC Physics Opportunities
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A. Abada, M. Abbrescia, S. S. AbdusSalam, I. Abdyukhanov, J. Abelleira Fernandez, A. Abramov, M. Aburaia, A. O. Acar, P. R. Adzic, P. Agrawal, J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, J. J. Aguilera-Verdugo, M. Aiba, I. Aichinger, G. Aielli, A. Akay, A. Akhundov, H. Aksakal, J. L. Albacete, S. Albergo, A. Alekou, M. Aleksa, R. Aleksan, R. M. Alemany Fernandez, Y. Alexahin, R. G. Alía, S. Alioli, N. Alipour Tehrani, B. C. Allanach, P. P. Allport, M. Altınlı, W. Altmannshofer, G. Ambrosio, D. Amorim, O. Amstutz, L. Anderlini, A. Andreazza, M. Andreini, A. Andriatis, C. Andris, A. Andronic, M. Angelucci, F. Antinori, S. A. Antipov, M. Antonelli, M. Antonello, P. Antonioli, S. Antusch, F. Anulli, L. Apolinário, G. Apollinari, A. Apollonio, D. Appelö, R. B. Appleby, Ara. Apyan, Arm. Apyan, A. Arbey, A. Arbuzov, G. Arduini, V. Arı, S. Arias, N. Armesto, R. Arnaldi, S. A. Arsenyev, M. Arzeo, S. Asai, E. Aslanides, R. W. Aßmann, D. Astapovych, M. Atanasov, S. Atieh, D. Attié, B. Auchmann, A. Audurier, S. Aull, S. Aumon, S. Aune, F. Avino, G. Avrillaud, G. Aydın, A. Azatov, G. Azuelos, P. Azzi, O. Azzolini, P. Azzurri, N. Bacchetta, E. Bacchiocchi, H. Bachacou, Y. W. Baek, V. Baglin, Y. Bai, S. Baird, M. J. Baker, M. J. Baldwin, A. H. Ball, A. Ballarino, S. Banerjee, D. P. Barber, D. Barducci, P. Barjhoux, D. Barna, G. G. Barnaföldi, M. J. Barnes, A. Barr, J. Barranco García, J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, W. Bartmann, V. Baryshevsky, E. Barzi, S. A. Bass, A. Bastianin, B. Baudouy, F. Bauer, M. Bauer, T. Baumgartner, I. Bautista-Guzmán, C. Bayındır, F. Beaudette, F. Bedeschi, M. Béguin, I. Bellafont, L. Bellagamba, N. Bellegarde, E. Belli, E. Bellingeri, F. Bellini, G. Bellomo, S. Belomestnykh, G. Bencivenni, M. Benedikt, G. Bernardi, J. Bernardi, C. Bernet, J. M. Bernhardt, C. Bernini, C. Berriaud, A. Bertarelli, S. Bertolucci, M. I. Besana, M. Besançon, O. Beznosov, P. Bhat, C. Bhat, M. E. Biagini, J.-L. Biarrotte, A. Bibet Chevalier, E. R. Bielert, M. Biglietti, G. M. Bilei, B. Bilki, C. Biscari, F. Bishara, O. R. Blanco-García, F. R. Blánquez, F. Blekman, A. Blondel, J. Blümlein, T. Boccali, R. Boels, S. A. Bogacz, A. Bogomyagkov, O. Boine-Frankenheim, M. J. Boland, S. Bologna, O. Bolukbasi, M. Bomben, S. Bondarenko, M. Bonvini, E. Boos, B. Bordini, F. Bordry, G. Borghello, L. Borgonovi, S. Borowka, D. Bortoletto, D. Boscherini, M. Boscolo, S. Boselli, R. R. Bosley, F. Bossu, C. Botta, L. Bottura, R. Boughezal, D. Boutin, G. Bovone, I. Božović Jelisavc̆ić, A. Bozbey, C. Bozzi, D. Bozzini, V. Braccini, S. Braibant-Giacomelli, J. Bramante, P. Braun-Munzinger, J. A. Briffa, D. Britzger, S. J. Brodsky, J. J. Brooke, R. Bruce, P. Brückman De Renstrom, E. Bruna, O. Brüning, O. Brunner, K. Brunner, P. Bruzzone, X. Buffat, E. Bulyak, F. Burkart, H. Burkhardt, J.-P. Burnet, F. Butin, D. Buttazzo, A. Butterworth, M. Caccia, Y. Cai, B. Caiffi, V. Cairo, O. Cakir, R. Calaga, S. Calatroni, G. Calderini, G. Calderola, A. Caliskan, D. Calvet, M. Calviani, J. M. Camalich, P. Camarri, M. Campanelli, T. Camporesi, A. C. Canbay, A. Canepa, E. Cantergiani, D. Cantore-Cavalli, M. Capeans, R. Cardarelli, U. Cardella, A. Cardini, C. M. Carloni Calame, F. Carra, S. Carra, A. Carvalho, S. Casalbuoni, J. Casas, M. Cascella, P. Castelnovo, G. Castorina, G. Catalano, V. Cavasinni, E. Cazzato, E. Cennini, A. Cerri, F. Cerutti, J. Cervantes, I. Chaikovska, J. Chakrabortty, M. Chala, M. Chamizo-Llatas, H. Chanal, D. Chanal, S. Chance, A. Chancé, P. Charitos, J. Charles, T. K. Charles, S. Chattopadhyay, R. Chehab, S. V. Chekanov, N. Chen, A. Chernoded, V. Chetvertkova, L. Chevalier, G. Chiarelli, G. Chiarello, M. Chiesa, P. Chiggiato, J. T. Childers, A. Chmielińska, A. Cholakian, P. Chomaz, M. Chorowski, W. Chou, M. Chrzaszcz, E. Chyhyrynets, G. Cibinetto, A. K. Ciftci, R. Ciftci, R. Cimino, M. Ciuchini, P. J. Clark, Y. Coadou, M. Cobal, A. Coccaro, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, F. Collamati, C. Colldelram, P. Collier, J. Collot, R. Contino, F. Conventi, C. T. A. Cook, L. Cooley, G. Corcella, A. S. Cornell, G. H. Corral, H. Correia-Rodrigues, F. Costanza, P. Costa Pinto, F. Couderc, J. Coupard, N. Craig, I. Crespo Garrido, A. Crivellin, J. F. Croteau, M. Crouch, E. Cruz Alaniz, B. Curé, J. Curti, D. Curtin, M. Czech, C. Dachauer, R. T. D’Agnolo, M. Daibo, A. Dainese, B. Dalena, A. Daljevec, W. Dallapiazza, L. D’Aloia Schwartzentruber, M. Dam, G. D’Ambrosio, S. P. Das, S. DasBakshi, W. da Silva, G. G. da Silveira, V. D’Auria, S. D’Auria, A. David, T. Davidek, A. Deandrea, J. de Blas, C. J. Debono, S. De Curtis, N. De Filippis, D. de Florian, S. Deghaye, S. J. de Jong, C. Del Bo, V. Del Duca, D. Delikaris, F. Deliot, A. Dell’Acqua, L. Delle Rose, M. Delmastro, E. De Lucia, M. Demarteau, D. Denegri, L. Deniau, D. Denisov, H. Denizli, A. Denner, D. d’Enterria, G. de Rijk, A. De Roeck, F. Derue, O. Deschamps, S. Descotes-Genon, P. S. B. Dev, J. B. de Vivie de Régie, R. K. Dewanjee, A. Di Ciaccio, A. Di Cicco, B. M. Dillon, B. Di Micco, P. Di Nezza, S. Di Vita, A. Doblhammer, A. Dominjon, M. D’Onofrio, F. Dordei, A. Drago, P. Draper, Z. Drasal, M. Drewes, L. Duarte, I. Dubovyk, P. Duda, A. Dudarev, L. Dudko, D. Duellmann, M. Dünser, T. du Pree, M. Durante, H. Duran Yildiz, S. Dutta, F. Duval, J. M. Duval, Ya. Dydyshka, B. Dziewit, S. Eisenhardt, M. Eisterer, T. Ekelof, D. El Khechen, S. A. Ellis, J. Ellis, J. A. Ellison, K. Elsener, M. Elsing, Y. Enari, C. Englert, H. Eriksson, K. J. Eskola, L. S. Esposito, O. Etisken, E. Etzion, P. Fabbricatore, A. Falkowski, A. Falou, J. Faltova, J. Fan, L. Fanò, A. Farilla, R. Farinelli, S. Farinon, D. A. Faroughy, S. D. Fartoukh, A. Faus-Golfe, W. J. Fawcett, G. Felici, L. Felsberger, C. Ferdeghini, A. M. Fernandez Navarro, A. Fernández-Téllez, J. Ferradas Troitino, G. Ferrara, R. Ferrari, L. Ferreira, P. Ferreira da Silva, G. Ferrera, F. Ferro, M. Fiascaris, S. Fiorendi, C. Fiorio, O. Fischer, E. Fischer, W. Flieger, M. Florio, D. Fonnesu, E. Fontanesi, N. Foppiani, K. Foraz, D. Forkel-Wirth, S. Forte, M. Fouaidy, D. Fournier, T. Fowler, J. Fox, P. Francavilla, R. Franceschini, S. Franchino, E. Franco, A. Freitas, B. Fuks, K. Furukawa, S. V. Furuseth, E. Gabrielli, A. Gaddi, M. Galanti, E. Gallo, S. Ganjour, Jia. Gao, Jie. Gao, V. Garcia Diaz, M. García Pérez, L. García Tabarés, C. Garion, M. V. Garzelli, I. Garzia, S. M. Gascon-Shotkin, G. Gaudio, P. Gay, S.-F. Ge, T. Gehrmann, M. H. Genest, R. Gerard, F. Gerigk, H. Gerwig, P. Giacomelli, S. Giagu, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, F. Gianotti, F. Giffoni, S. S. Gilardoni, M. Gil Costa, M. Giovannetti, M. Giovannozzi, P. Giubellino, G. F. Giudice, A. Giunta, L. K. Gladilin, S. Glukhov, J. Gluza, G. Gobbi, B. Goddard, F. Goertz, T. Golling, D. Gonçalves, V. P. Goncalves, R. Gonçalo, L. A. Gonzalez Gomez, S. Gorgi Zadeh, G. Gorine, E. Gorini, S. A. Gourlay, L. Gouskos, F. Grancagnolo, A. Grassellino, A. Grau, E. Graverini, H. M. Gray, Ma. Greco, Mi. Greco, J.-L. Grenard, O. Grimm, C. Grojean, V. A. Gromov, J. F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, A. Grudiev, K. Grzanka, J. Gu, D. Guadagnoli, V. Guidi, S. Guiducci, G. Guillermo Canton, Y. O. Günaydin, R. Gupta, R. S. Gupta, J. Gutierrez, J. Gutleber, C. Guyot, V. Guzey, C. Gwenlan, Ch. Haberstroh, B. Hacışahinoğlu, B. Haerer, K. Hahn, T. Hahn, A. Hammad, C. Han, M. Hance, A. Hannah, P. C. Harris, C. Hati, S. Haug, J. Hauptman, V. Haurylavets, H-J. He, A. Hegglin, B. Hegner, K. Heinemann, S. Heinemeyer, C. Helsens, Ana. Henriques, And. Henriques, P. Hernandez, R. J. Hernández-Pinto, J. Hernandez-Sanchez, T. Herzig, I. Hiekkanen, W. Hillert, T. Hoehn, M. Hofer, W. Höfle, F. Holdener, S. Holleis, B. Holzer, D. K. Hong, C. G. Honorato, S. C. Hopkins, J. Hrdinka, F. Hug, B. Humann, H. Humer, T. Hurth, A. Hutton, G. Iacobucci, N. Ibarrola, L. Iconomidou-Fayard, K. Ilyina-Brunner, J. Incandela, A. Infantino, V. Ippolito, M. Ishino, R. Islam, H. Ita, A. Ivanovs, S. Iwamoto, A. Iyer, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, S. Jadach, D. O. Jamin, P. Janot, P. Jarry, A. Jeff, P. Jenny, E. Jensen, M. Jensen, X. Jiang, J. M. Jiménez, M. A. Jones, O. R. Jones, J. M. Jowett, S. Jung, W. Kaabi, M. Kado, K. Kahle, L. Kalinovskaya, J. Kalinowski, J. F. Kamenik, K. Kannike, S. O. Kara, H. Karadeniz, V. Karaventzas, I. Karpov, S. Kartal, A. Karyukhin, V. Kashikhin, J. Katharina Behr, U. Kaya, J. Keintzel, P. A. Keinz, K. Keppel, R. Kersevan, K. Kershaw, H. Khanpour, S. Khatibi, M. Khatiri Yanehsari, V. V. Khoze, J. Kieseler, A. Kilic, A. Kilpinen, Y.-K. Kim, D. W. Kim, U. Klein, M. Klein, F. Kling, N. Klinkenberg, S. Klöppel, M. Klute, V. I. Klyukhin, M. Knecht, B. Kniehl, F. Kocak, C. Koeberl, A. M. Kolano, A. Kollegger, K. Kołodziej, A. A. Kolomiets, J. Komppula, I. Koop, P. Koppenburg, M. Koratzinos, M. Kordiaczyńska, M. Korjik, O. Kortner, P. Kostka, W. Kotlarski, C. Kotnig, T. Köttig, A. V. Kotwal, A. D. Kovalenko, S. Kowalski, J. Kozaczuk, G. A. Kozlov, S. S. Kozub, A. M. Krainer, T. Kramer, M. Krämer, M. Krammer, A. A. Krasnov, F. Krauss, K. Kravalis, L. Kretzschmar, R. M. Kriske, H. Kritscher, P. Krkotic, H. Kroha, M. Kucharczyk, S. Kuday, A. Kuendig, G. Kuhlmann, A. Kulesza, Mi. Kumar, Mu. Kumar, A. Kusina, S. Kuttimalai, M. Kuze, T. Kwon, F. Lackner, M. Lackner, E. La Francesca, M. Laine, G. Lamanna, S. La Mendola, E. Lançon, G. Landsberg, P. Langacker, C. Lange, A. Langner, A. J. Lankford, J. P. Lansberg, T. Lari, P. J. Laycock, P. Lebrun, A. Lechner, K. Lee, S. Lee, R. Lee, T. Lefevre, P. Le Guen, T. Lehtinen, S. B. Leith, P. Lenzi, E. Leogrande, C. Leonidopoulos, I. Leon-Monzon, G. Lerner, O. Leroy, T. Lesiak, P. Lévai, A. Leveratto, E. Levichev, G. Li, S. Li, R. Li, D. Liberati, M. Liepe, D. A. Lissauer, Z. Liu, A. Lobko, E. Locci, E. Logothetis Agaliotis, M. P. Lombardo, A. J. Long, C. Lorin, R. Losito, A. Louzguiti, I. Low, D. Lucchesi, M. T. Lucchini, A. Luciani, M. Lueckhof, A. J. G. Lunt, M. Luzum, D. A. Lyubimtsev, M. Maggiora, N. Magnin, M. A. Mahmoud, F. Mahmoudi, J. Maitre, V. Makarenko, A. Malagoli, J. Malclés, L. Malgeri, P. J. Mallon, F. Maltoni, S. Malvezzi, O. B. Malyshev, G. Mancinelli, P. Mandrik, P. Manfrinetti, M. Mangano, P. Manil, M. Mannelli, G. Marchiori, F. Marhauser, V. Mariani, V. Marinozzi, S. Mariotto, P. Marquard, C. Marquet, T. Marriott-Dodington, R. Martin, O. Martin, J. Martin Camalich, T. Martinez, H. Martinez Bruzual, M. I. Martínez-Hernández, D. E. Martins, S. Marzani, D. Marzocca, L. Marzola, S. Masciocchi, I. Masina, A. Massimiliano, A. Massironi, T. Masubuchi, V. A. Matveev, M. A. Mazzoni, M. McCullough, P. A. McIntosh, P. Meade, L. Medina, A. Meier, J. Meignan, B. Mele, J. G. Mendes Saraiva, F. Menez, M. Mentink, E. Meoni, P. Meridiani, M. Merk, P. Mermod, V. Mertens, L. Mether, E. Métral, M. Migliorati, A. Milanese, C. Milardi, G. Milhano, B. L. Militsyn, F. Millet, I. Minashvili, J. V. Minervini, L. S. Miralles, D. Mirarchi, S. Mishima, D. P. Missiaen, G. Mitselmakher, T. Mitsuhashi, J. Mnich, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi, R. N. Mohapatra, N. Mokhov, J. G. Molson, R. Monge, C. Montag, G. Montagna, S. Monteil, G. Montenero, E. Montesinos, F. Moortgat, N. Morange, G. Morello, M. Moreno Llácer, M. Moretti, S. Moretti, A. K. Morley, A. Moros, I. Morozov, V. Morretta, M. Morrone, A. Mostacci, S. Muanza, N. Muchnoi, M. Mühlegger, M. Mulder, M. Mulders, B. Müller, F. Müller, A.-S. Müller, J. Munilla, M. J. Murray, Y. Muttoni, S. Myers, M. Mylona, J. Nachtman, T. Nakamoto, M. Nardecchia, G. Nardini, P. Nason, Z. Nergiz, A. V. Nesterenko, A. Nettsträter, C. Neubüser, J. Neundorf, F. Niccoli, O. Nicrosini, Y. Nie, U. Niedermayer, J. Niedziela, A. Niemi, S. A. Nikitin, A. Nisati, J. M. No, M. Nonis, Y. Nosochkov, M. Novák, A. Novokhatski, J. M. O’Callaghan, C. Ochando, S. Ogur, K. Ohmi, K. Oide, V. A. Okorokov, Y. Okumura, C. Oleari, F. I. Olness, Y. Onel, M. Ortino, J. Osborne, P. Osland, T. Otto, K. Y. Oyulmaz, A. Ozansoy, V. Özcan, K. Özdemir, C. E. Pagliarone, H. F. Pais da Silva, E. Palmieri, L. Palumbo, A. Pampaloni, R.-Q. Pan, M. Panareo, O. Panella, G. Panico, G. Panizzo, A. A. Pankov, V. Pantsyrny, C. G. Papadopoulos, A. Papaefstathiou, Y. Papaphilippou, M. A. Parker, V. Parma, M. Pasquali, S. K. Patra, R. Patterson, H. Paukkunen, F. Pauss, S. Peggs, J.-P. Penttinen, G. Peón, E. E. Perepelkin, E. Perez, J. C. Perez, G. Perez, F. Pérez, E. Perez Codina, J. Perez Morales, M. Perfilov, H. Pernegger, M. Peruzzi, C. Pes, K. Peters, S. Petracca, F. Petriello, L. Pezzotti, S. Pfeiffer, F. Piccinini, T. Pieloni, M. Pierini, H. Pikhartova, G. Pikurs, E. Pilicer, P. Piminov, C. Pira, R. Pittau, W. Płaczek, M. Plagge, T. Plehn, M.-A. Pleier, M. Płoskoń, M. Podeur, H. Podlech, T. Podzorny, L. Poggioli, A. Poiron, G. Polesello, M. Poli Lener, A. Polini, J. Polinski, S. M. Polozov, L. Ponce, M. Pont, L. Pontecorvo, T. Portaluri, K. Potamianos, C. Prasse, M. Prausa, A. Preinerstorfer, E. Premat, T. Price, M. Primavera, F. Prino, M. Prioli, J. Proudfoot, A. Provino, T. Pugnat, N. Pukhaeva, S. Puławski, D. Pulikowski, G. Punzi, M. Putti, A. Pyarelal, H. Quack, M. Quispe, A. Racioppi, H. Rafique, V. Raginel, M. Raidal, N. S. Ramírez-Uribe, M. J. Ramsey-Musolf, R. Rata, P. Ratoff, F. Ravotti, P. Rebello Teles, M. Reboud, S. Redaelli, E. Renner, A. E. Rentería-Olivo, M. Rescigno, J. Reuter, A. Ribon, A. M. Ricci, W. Riegler, S. Riemann, B. Riemann, T. Riemann, J. M. Rifflet, R. A. Rimmer, R. Rinaldesi, L. Rinolfi, O. Rios Rubiras, T. Risselada, A. Rivetti, L. Rivkin, T. Rizzo, T. Robens, F. Robert, A. J. Robson, E. Rochepault, C. Roda, G. Rodrigo, M. Rodríguez-Cahuantzi, C. Rogan, M. Roig, S. Rojas-Torres, J. Rojo, G. Rolandi, G. Rolando, P. Roloff, A. Romanenko, A. Romanov, F. Roncarolo, A. Rosado Sanchez, G. Rosaz, L. Rossi, A. Rossi, R. Rossmanith, B. Rousset, C. Royon, X. Ruan, I. Ruehl, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, R. Ruiz, L. Rumyantsev, R. Ruprecht, A. I. Ryazanov, A. Saba, R. Sadykov, D. Saez de Jauregui, M. Sahin, B. Sailer, M. Saito, F. Sala, G. P. Salam, J. Salfeld-Nebgen, C. A. Salgado, S. Salini, J. M. Sallese, T. Salmi, A. Salzburger, O. A. Sampayo, S. Sanfilippo, J. Santiago, E. Santopinto, R. Santoro, A. Sanz Ull, X. Sarasola, I. H. Sarpün, M. Sauvain, S. Savelyeva, R. Sawada, G. F. R. Sborlini, A. Schaffer, M. Schaumann, M. Schenk, C. Scheuerlein, I. Schienbein, K. Schlenga, H. Schmickler, R. Schmidt, D. Schoerling, A. Schoning, T. Schörner-Sadenius, M. Schott, D. Schulte, P. Schwaller, C. Schwanenberger, P. Schwemling, N. Schwerg, L. Scibile, A. Sciuto, E. Scomparin, C. Sebastiani, B. Seeber, M. Segreti, P. Selva, M. Selvaggi, C. Senatore, A. Senol, L. Serin, M. Serluca, N. Serra, A. Seryi, L. Sestini, A. Sfyrla, M. Shaposhnikov, E. Shaposhnikova, B. Yu. Sharkov, D. Shatilov, J. Shelton, V. Shiltsev, I. P. Shipsey, G. D. Shirkov, A. Shivaji, D. Shwartz, T. Sian, S. Sidorov, A. Siemko, L. Silvestrini, N. Simand, F. Simon, B. K. Singh, A. Siódmok, Y. Sirois, E. Sirtori, R. Sirvinskaite, B. Sitar, T. Sjöstrand, P. Skands, E. Skordis, K. Skovpen, M. Skrzypek, E. Slade, P. Slavich, R. Slovak, V. Smaluk, V. Smirnov, W. Snoeys, L. Soffi, P. Sollander, O. Solovyanov, H. K. Soltveit, H. Song, P. Sopicki, M. Sorbi, L. Spallino, M. Spannowsky, B. Spataro, P. Sphicas, H. Spiesberger, P. Spiller, M. Spira, T. Srivastava, J. Stachel, A. Stakia, J. L. Stanyard, E. Starchenko, A. Yu. Starikov, A. M. Staśto, M. Statera, R. Steerenberg, J. Steggemann, A. Stenvall, F. Stivanello, D. Stöckinger, L. S. Stoel, M. Stöger-Pollach, B. Strauss, M. Stuart, G. Stupakov, S. Su, A. Sublet, K. Sugita, L. Sulak, M. K. Sullivan, S. Sultansoy, T. Sumida, K. Suzuki, G. Sylva, M. J. Syphers, A. Sznajder, M. Taborelli, N. A. Tahir, E. Tal Hod, M. Takeuchi, C. Tambasco, J. Tanaka, K. Tang, I. Tapan, S. Taroni, G. F. Tartarelli, G. Tassielli, L. Tavian, T. M. Taylor, G. N. Taylor, A. M. Teixeira, G. Tejeda-Muñoz, V. I. Telnov, R. Tenchini, H. H. J. ten Kate, K. Terashi, A. Tesi, M. Testa, C. Tetrel, D. Teytelman, J. Thaler, A. Thamm, S. Thomas, M. T. Tiirakari, V. Tikhomirov, D. Tikhonov, H. Timko, V. Tisserand, L. M. Tkachenko, J. Tkaczuk, J. Ph. Tock, B. Todd, E. Todesco, R. Tomás Garcia, D. Tommasini, G. Tonelli, F. Toral, T. Torims, R. Torre, Z. Townsend, R. Trant, D. Treille, L. Trentadue, A. Tricoli, A. Tricomi, W. Trischuk, I. S. Tropin, B. Tuchming, A. A. Tudora, B. Turbiarz, I. Turk Cakir, M. Turri, T. Tydecks, J. Usovitsch, J. Uythoven, R. Vaglio, A. Valassi, F. Valchkova, M. A. Valdivia Garcia, P. Valente, R. U. Valente, A.-M. Valente-Feliciano, G. Valentino, L. Vale Silva, J. M. Valet, R. Valizadeh, J. W. F. Valle, S. Vallecorsa, G. Vallone, M. van Leeuwen, U. H. van Rienen, L. van Riesen-Haupt, M. Varasteh, L. Vecchi, P. Vedrine, G. Velev, R. Veness, A. Ventura, W. Venturini Delsolaro, M. Verducci, C. B. Verhaaren, C. Vernieri, A. P. Verweij, O. Verwilligen, O. Viazlo, A. Vicini, G. Viehhauser, N. Vignaroli, M. Vignolo, A. Vitrano, I. Vivarelli, S. Vlachos, M. Vogel, D. M. Vogt, V. Völkl, P. Volkov, G. Volpini, J. von Ahnen, G. Vorotnikov, G. G. Voutsinas, V. Vysotsky, U. Wagner, R. Wallny, L.-T. Wang, R. Wang, K. Wang, B. F. L. Ward, T. P. Watson, N. K. Watson, Z. Wa̧s, C. Weiland, S. Weinzierl, C. P. Welsch, J. Wenninger, M. Widorski, U. A. Wiedemann, H.-U. Wienands, G. Wilkinson, P. H. Williams, A. Winter, A. Wohlfahrt, T. Wojtoń, D. Wollmann, J. Womersley, D. Woog, X. Wu, A. Wulzer, M. K. Yanehsari, G. Yang, H. J. Yang, W.-M. Yao, E. Yazgan, V. Yermolchik, Ay. Yilmaz, Al. Yilmaz, H.-D. Yoo, S. A. Yost, T. You, C. Young, T.-T. Yu, F. Yu, A. Zaborowska, S. G. Zadeh, M. Zahnd, M. Zanetti, L. Zanotto, L. Zawiejski, P. Zeiler, M. Zerlauth, S. M. Zernov, G. Zevi Dell Porta, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, H. Zhang, Z. Zhao, Y.-M. Zhong, J. Zhou, D. Zhou, P. Zhuang, G. Zick, F. Zimmermann, J. Zinn-Justin, L. Zivkovic, A. V. Zlobin, M. Zobov, J. Zupan, J. Zurita, and The FCC Collaboration
- Subjects
Astrophysics ,QB460-466 ,Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity ,QC770-798 - Abstract
Abstract We review the physics opportunities of the Future Circular Collider, covering its e+e-, pp, ep and heavy ion programmes. We describe the measurement capabilities of each FCC component, addressing the study of electroweak, Higgs and strong interactions, the top quark and flavour, as well as phenomena beyond the Standard Model. We highlight the synergy and complementarity of the different colliders, which will contribute to a uniquely coherent and ambitious research programme, providing an unmatchable combination of precision and sensitivity to new physics.
- Published
- 2019
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3. Staging accuracy of MRI of the prostate with special reference to the influence of the time of last ejaculation on the detection of seminal vesicle invasion
- Author
F. Blasi, A. Malouhi, C.-H. Cho, D. Nißler, F.P. Berger, M.-O. Grimm, M. Abubrig, U. Teichgräber, and T. Franiel
- Subjects
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,General Medicine - Published
- 2023
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4. IO-Synthesise RCC: A pooled analysis of real-world outcomes for advanced renal cell carcinoma patients treated with nivolumab in France and Germany
- Author
A. Thiery-Vuillemin, J. Bedke, L. Albigès, P. Bigot, B. Escudier, E. von der Heyde, V. Grünwald, H. Müller-Huesmann, B. Narciso, M. Schostak, W. Schultze-Seemann, Y-A. Vano, V. Allan, M. Chartier, M. Herber, L. McDonald, C. Quentric, P. Barthélémy, and M-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 ,Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,RC254-282 - Published
- 2020
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5. Die minimal-invasive Chirurgie beim Blasenkarzinom – Vorteile und neue Entwicklungen
- Author
F. P. Berger, K. Leucht, S. Foller, and M.-O. Grimm
- Published
- 2022
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6. Das Urothelkarzinom – aktuelle Standards und zukünftige Entwicklungen
- Author
A. Lorch, M.-O. Grimm, C. Weiss, and C. Bruns
- Published
- 2022
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7. Kombinationstherapie beim nicht muskelinvasiven Hochrisiko-Blasenkarzinom (HR-NMIBC) mit und ohne BCG-Vorbehandlung
- Author
H. Rexer, C.-H. Ohlmann, and M.-O. Grimm
- Published
- 2022
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8. Studie zum abgestuften immuntherapeutischen Ansatz bei fortgeschrittenem oder metastasiertem Transitionalzellkarzinom
- Author
M. O. Grimm, Heidrun Rexer, and A. Merseburger
- Subjects
business.industry ,Surgical oncology ,Medicine ,business ,Nuclear medicine - Published
- 2020
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9. Association of C-reactive protein with efficacy of avelumab plus axitinib in advanced renal cell carcinoma: long-term follow-up results from JAVELIN Renal 101
- Author
Y. Tomita, J. Larkin, B. Venugopal, J. Haanen, H. Kanayama, M. Eto, M.-O. Grimm, Y. Fujii, Y. Umeyama, B. Huang, M. Mariani, A. di Pietro, and T.K. Choueiri
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,C-Reactive Protein ,Oncology ,Axitinib ,Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols ,Sunitinib ,Humans ,Carcinoma, Renal Cell ,Kidney Neoplasms ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an important prognostic and predictive factor in advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC). We report the association of CRP levels at baseline and early after treatment with efficacy of avelumab plus axitinib or sunitinib from the phase III JAVELIN Renal 101 trial.Patients were categorized into normal (baseline CRP10 mg/l), normalized (baseline CRP ≥10 mg/l and ≥1 CRP value decreased to10 mg/l during 6-week treatment), and non-normalized (CRP ≥10 mg/l at baseline and during 6-week treatment) CRP groups. Progression-free survival and best overall response from the second interim analysis and overall survival (OS) from the third interim analysis were assessed.In the avelumab plus axitinib and sunitinib arms, respectively, 234, 51, and 108 patients and 232, 36, and 128 patients were categorized into normal, normalized, and non-normalized CRP groups. In respective CRP groups, objective response rates [95% confidence interval (CI)] were 56.0% (49.4% to 62.4%), 66.7% (52.1% to 79.2%), and 45.4% (35.8% to 55.2%) with avelumab plus axitinib and 30.6% (24.7% to 37.0%), 41.7% (25.5% to 59.2%), and 19.5% (13.1% to 27.5%) with sunitinib; complete response rates were 3.8%, 11.8%, and 0.9% and 3.0%, 0%, and 1.6%, respectively. Median progression-free survival (95% CI) was 15.2 months (12.5-21.0 months), not reached (NR) [11.1 months-not estimable (NE)], and 7.0 months (5.6-9.9 months) with avelumab plus axitinib and 11.2 months (8.4-13.9 months), 11.2 months (6.7-13.8 months), and 4.2 months (2.8-5.6 months) with sunitinib; median OS (95% CI) was NR (42.2 months-NE), NR (30.4 months-NE), and 23.0 months (18.4-33.1 months) and NR (39.0 months-NE), 39.8 months (21.7-NE), and 19.1 months (16.3-25.3 months), respectively. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that normalized or non-normalized CRP levels were independent factors for the prediction of objective response rate or OS, respectively, with avelumab plus axitinib.In patients with aRCC, CRP levels at baseline and early after treatment may predict efficacy with avelumab plus axitinib.
- Published
- 2022
10. Tumor and immune features associated with disease-free survival with adjuvant nivolumab in the phase 3 CheckMate 274 trial
- Author
A. Necchi, D.F. Bajorin, Y. Tomita, D. Ye, M. Agerbaek, D. Enting, A. Peer, M. Milowsky, K. Kobayashi, M-O. Grimm, F. Stenner, J.M. David, J. Li, S.D. Chasalow, F. Nasroulah, A. Apfel, K. Ünsal-Kaçmaz, and M.D. Galsky
- Subjects
Urology - Published
- 2022
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11. 661P Conditional survival and 5-year follow-up in CheckMate 214: First-line nivolumab + ipilimumab (N+I) versus sunitinib (S) in advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC)
- Author
Brian I. Rini, Mauricio Burotto, Bernard Escudier, C-W. Lee, M.-O. Grimm, David F. McDermott, Howard Gurney, Christian K. Kollmannsberger, Saby George, Yoshihiko Tomita, Camillo Porta, Thomas Powles, Elizabeth R. Plimack, M.B. McHenry, Frede Donskov, Toni K. Choueiri, Robert J. Motzer, Hans J. Hammers, and Nizar M. Tannir
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,5 year follow up ,Sunitinib ,business.industry ,First line ,Checkmate ,Ipilimumab ,Hematology ,medicine.disease ,Conditional survival ,Renal cell carcinoma ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Nivolumab ,business ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2021
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12. 1450MO Efficacy of a tailored approach with nivolumab and nivolumab/ipilimumab as immunotherapeutic boost in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Final results of TITAN-RCC
- Author
M-O. Grimm, E. Esteban Gonzalez, P. Barthelemy, M. Schmidinger, J. Busch, B. Perez Valderrama, N. Charnley, M. Schmitz, U. Schumacher, G. Baretton, I. Duran Martinez, G.A. De Velasco Oria, F. Priou, J.P. Maroto Rey, and L. Albiges
- Subjects
Oncology ,Hematology - Published
- 2022
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13. 1460P IO-Synthesise RCC: Analysis of real-world (RW) health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes with nivolumab for previously treated metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) using pooled data from France and Germany
- Author
G. Mouillet, J. Bedke, L. Albiges, P. Barthelemy, B. Escudier, V. Gruenwald, P. Ivanyi, H. Mueller-Huesmann, Y-A. Vano, E. von der Heyde, F. Ejzykowicz, F. Brellier, M. Herber, C. Quentric, B.M. Bennett, S. Nere, A. Autengruber, A. Thiery-Vuillemin, and M-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Oncology ,Hematology - Published
- 2022
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14. 1468P IO-synthesise RCC: Real-world outcomes of nivolumab in patients (pts) with previously treated advanced non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (nccRCC) – A pooled analysis from France and Germany
- Author
P. Barthelemy, J. Bedke, L. Albiges, V. Grünwald, B. Escudier, H. Mueller-Huesmann, Y-A. Vano, P. Ivanyi, P. Bigot, E. von der Heyde, B. Narciso, H. Belz, S. Nere, C. Quentric, F. Brellier, M. Herber, A. Thiery-Vuillemin, and M-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Oncology ,Hematology - Published
- 2022
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15. 1737MO Tumor and immune features associated with disease-free survival with adjuvant nivolumab in the phase III CheckMate 274 trial
- Author
A. Necchi, D.F. Bajorin, Y. Tomita, D. Ye, M. Agerbæk, D. Enting, A. Peer, M. Milowsky, K. Kobayashi, M-O. Grimm, F. Stenner-Liewen, J.M. David, J. Li, S.D. Chasalow, F. Nasroulah, A. Apfel, K. Unsal-Kacmaz, and M.D. Galsky
- Subjects
Oncology ,Hematology - Published
- 2022
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16. Role of prior nephrectomy for synchronous metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) on efficacy in patients treated with Avelumab + Axitinib (A + Ax) or Sunitinib (S): Results from JAVELIN Renal 101
- Author
M-O. Grimm, M. Oya, T. Choueiri, M. Schmidinger, D.I. Quinn, G. Gravis-Mescam, E. Marseille, A.J.M. Van Den Eertwegh, A. Di Pietro, M. Mariani, J. Wang, D. Thomaidou, and L. Albiges
- Subjects
Urology - Published
- 2022
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17. Neprilysin and Aβ-clearance: impact of the APP intracellular domain in NEP regulation and implications in Alzheimer´s disease
- Author
Marcus O Grimm, Janine eMett, Christoph Peter Stahlmann, Viola Jessica Haupenthal, Valerie Christin Zimmer, and Tobias eHartmann
- Subjects
Neprilysin ,Transcriptional regulation ,Alzheimer´s disease ,Amyloid beta ,AICD ,Abeta degradation ,Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry ,RC321-571 - Abstract
Abstract: One of the characteristic hallmarks of Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is an accumulation of Amyloid β (Aβ) leading to plaque formation and toxic oligomeric Aβ complexes. Besides the de novo synthesis of Aβ caused by amyloidogenic processing of the Amyloid precursor protein (APP), Aβ levels are also highly dependent on Aβ degradation. Several enzymes are described to cleave Aβ. In this review we focus on one of the most prominent Aβ degrading enzymes, the zinc metalloprotease Neprilysin (NEP). In the first part of the review we discuss beside the general role of NEP in Aβ degradation the alterations of the enzyme observed during normal aging and the progression of AD. In vivo and cell culture experiments reveal that a decreased NEP level results in an increased Aβ level and vice versa. In a pathological situation like AD, it has been reported that NEP levels and activity are decreased and it has been suggested that certain polymorphisms in the NEP gene result in an increased risk for AD. Conversely, increasing NEP activity in AD mouse models revealed an improvement in some behavioral tests. Therefore it has been suggested that increasing NEP might be an interesting potential target to treat or to be protective for AD making it indispensable to understand the regulation of NEP. Interestingly, it is discussed that the APP intracellular domain (AICD), one of the cleavage products of APP processing, which has high similarities to Notch receptor processing, might be involved in the transcriptional regulation of NEP. However, the mechanisms of NEP regulation by AICD, which might be helpful to develop new therapeutic strategies, are up to now controversially discussed and summarized in the second part of this review. In addition, we review the impact of AICD not only in the transcriptional regulation of NEP but also of further genes.
- Published
- 2013
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18. P.0328 Adult bipolar disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - a common comorbidity?
- Author
M. Aichholzer, C. Schiweck, G. Arteaga-Henriquez, S. Edwin Thanarajah, S. Vargas-Cáceres, S. Matura, O. Grimm, J. Haavik, S. Kittel-Schneider, J.A. Ramos-Quiroga, S.V. Faraone, and A. Reif
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Neurology ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Neurology (clinical) ,Biological Psychiatry - Published
- 2021
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19. P.0774 The link between physical fitness and the reward system in schizophrenia
- Author
L. Hamzehpour, T. Bohn, L. Jaspers, and O. Grimm
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Neurology ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Neurology (clinical) ,Biological Psychiatry - Published
- 2021
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20. Treatment of EAU intermediate risk category non-muscle invasive bladder carcinoma by standard number and dose of BCG instillations versus reduced number and standard dose of BCG instillations. A subgroup analysis of the ‘NIMBUS’ phase III clinical trial
- Author
R. Schipper, N. Karşıyakalı, Wim P.J. Witjes, A. Patel, Levent Türkeri, Tim Muilwijk, Juan Palou, A.G. Van Der Heijden, Marek Babjuk, M-O. Grimm, Marc Colombel, Luis Martínez-Piñeiro, Anders Bjartell, and C. Caris
- Subjects
Clinical trial ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,Carcinoma ,medicine ,Subgroup analysis ,Non muscle invasive ,medicine.disease ,business ,Intermediate risk - Published
- 2021
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21. IO-Synthesise RCC: Real-world outcomes with nivolumab in previously treated advanced renal cell carcinoma, a pooled analysis of patients from France and Germany
- Author
C. Quentric, Martin Schostak, Viktor Grünwald, Y. Vano, Bernard Escudier, V. Allan, M. Herber, M-O. Grimm, S. Néré, Jens Bedke, Antoine Thiery-Vuillemin, Laurence Albiges, Philippe Barthélémy, and H. Mueller-Huesmann
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pooled analysis ,business.industry ,Renal cell carcinoma ,Urology ,Internal medicine ,Real world outcomes ,Medicine ,Nivolumab ,business ,medicine.disease ,Previously treated - Published
- 2021
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22. Influence of prostate artery embolization on different qualities of micturition disorders
- Author
Ulf Teichgräber, L. Leistritz, M-O. Grimm, A.T. Theurich, Tobias Franiel, and Susan Foller
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,lcsh:Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,lcsh:RC870-923 ,lcsh:Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,Urination ,lcsh:RC254-282 ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Prostate ,Artery embolization ,Medicine ,business ,media_common - Published
- 2020
23. Förderung und Unterstützung der erfolgreichen Ausbildung zum Urologen durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie
- Author
M. Burger, Maurice-Stephan Michel, M.-O. Grimm, and F. Petersilie
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie (DGU) hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Assistenzarzte auf ihrem Weg zum Facharzt fur Urologie zu unterstutzen. Dabei wird dem urologischen Nachwuchs durch die sog. Juniormitgliedschaft in der DGU bereits fruhzeitig die Moglichkeit eroffnet, Teil der urologischen Gemeinschaft zu sein. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Junge Urologen“ der DGU adressiert insbesondere Themen wie die Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Nachwuchsforderung, Verbesserung der Weiterbildung, Modelle zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Freizeit/Familie und Beruf sowie die Vereinbarkeit von klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Tatigkeit. Im Rahmen des DGU-Kongresses konnen sich urologische Assistenten durch die Einreichung von Abstracts fur Vortrags- oder Postersitzungen aktiv einbringen. Andererseits adressieren aber auch Seminare und Foren spezifisch weiterbildungsrelevante Themen. Um dies zu gewahrleisten, sind Vertreter der Assistenten Mitglied der Programmkommission der DGU. Ziel der JuniorAkademie ist es, den urologischen Nachwuchs auf seinem Weg zum Facharzt mit qualitativ hochwertigen Seminaren zu begleiten. Zusatzlich bietet die JuniorAkademie eine personliche Begleitung auf dem Weg zum anvisierten Karriereziel. Die JuniorAkademie verfugt uber ein groses Netzwerk, das es ermoglicht, von den Besten zu lernen. Die etablierten Ferdinand-Eisenberger-Forschungsstipendien ermoglichen es, Nachwuchswissenschaftlern in der Urologie fur ein Jahr von ihrer klinischen Routine freizustellen, um an einer renommierten Forschungsinstitution in Deutschland selbststandiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten zu vertiefen. AuF(Arbeitsgemeinschaft urologische Forschung)-Symposien und Workshops richten sich ebenfalls an den Nachwuchswissenschaftler. Weitere Forderprojekte wie die Unterstutzung bei DFG-Antragen sind einzigartig fur eine wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft.
- Published
- 2019
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24. Erstlinientherapie des mRCC: ein Update
- Author
Viktor Grünwald and M.-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cabozantinib ,Tivozanib ,business.industry ,Hematology ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Oncology ,chemistry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Neue medikamentose Perspektiven lassen auf Fortschritte in der Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinoms (mRCC) hoffen. Die aktuelle First-Line-Therapie beim mRCC, Erweiterung der Therapieoptionen durch Tivozanib und Cabozantinib und zukunftig erwartete Substanzen werden diskutiert. Aktuelle DGHO-Empfehlungen, Diskussion pivotaler Studien zur Erstlinientherapie des mRCC. Derzeit sind 6 zielgerichtete Wirkstoffe in der Erstlinie des mRCC relevant: Bevacizumab plus Interferon-α (INF-α), Pazopanib, Sunitinib, Tivozanib, Cabozantinib und Temsirolimus. Die Substanzen werden risikostratifiziert eingesetzt. Ein neuer zugelassener Wirkstoff ist Tivozanib. In der zulassungsrelevanten Studie war der Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor (TKI) einer Therapie mit Sorafenib hinsichtlich des progressionsfreien Uberlebens (PFS) uberlegen (11,9 vs. 9,1 Monate; HR 0,797). Die Vertraglichkeit von Tivozanib erwies sich als gut mit weniger Hand-Fus-Syndromen und Diarrho: Off-Target-Effekte im Vergleich zu anderen VEGFR-TKI konnten hier einen Therapievorteil bedeuten. Eine Zulassungserweiterung fur Cabozantinib erganzt die Optionen in der Erstlinientherapie fur Patienten mit intermediarem und hohem Risiko. Die sich abzeichnende Einfuhrung der Immunkombinationstherapie aus Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab konnte kunftig eine wichtige Rolle spielen: Ergebnisse der CheckMate-214-Studie bestatigen die Verbesserung der Ansprechrate und die Verlangerung des Gesamtuberlebens gegenuber Sunitinib beim mRCC mit intermediarem oder hohem Risiko. Tivozanib erganzt die Erstlinientherapie des mRCC um eine wirksame und gut vertragliche Substanz. Auch fur Cabozantinib folgte eine Zulassungserweiterung fur die Erstlinie. Mit Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab wird die erste Immunkombinationstherapie in der Erstlinie erwartet.
- Published
- 2018
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25. Psilocybin modulates functional connectivity of the amygdala during emotional face discrimination
- Author
O. Grimm, Katrin H. Preller, Rainer Kraehenmann, Franz X. Vollenweider, Erich Seifritz, University of Zurich, and Grimm, O
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Emotions ,Clinical Neurology ,610 Medicine & health ,Striatum ,Amygdala ,Psilocybin ,Young Adult ,2738 Psychiatry and Mental Health ,03 medical and health sciences ,Discrimination, Psychological ,0302 clinical medicine ,Double-Blind Method ,Salience (neuroscience) ,Neural Pathways ,Reaction Time ,medicine ,Humans ,2736 Pharmacology (medical) ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Biological Psychiatry ,Pharmacology ,030227 psychiatry ,Face discrimination ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,3004 Pharmacology ,2728 Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,nervous system ,Neurology ,10054 Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics ,2808 Neurology ,Hallucinogens ,Antidepressant ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,Biological psychiatry ,Psychology ,Facial Recognition ,2803 Biological Psychiatry ,Neuroscience ,psychological phenomena and processes ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Frontal Pole ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Recent studies suggest that the antidepressant effects of the psychedelic 5-HT2A receptor agonist psilocybin are mediated through its modulatory properties on prefrontal and limbic brain regions including the amygdala. To further investigate the effects of psilocybin on emotion processing networks, we studied for the first-time psilocybin's acute effects on amygdala seed-to-voxel connectivity in an event-related face discrimination task in 18 healthy volunteers who received psilocybin and placebo in a double-blind balanced cross-over design. The amygdala has been implicated as a salience detector especially involved in the immediate response to emotional face content. We used beta-series amygdala seed-to-voxel connectivity during an emotional face discrimination task to elucidate the connectivity pattern of the amygdala over the entire brain. When we compared psilocybin to placebo, an increase in reaction time for all three categories of affective stimuli was found. Psilocybin decreased the connectivity between amygdala and the striatum during angry face discrimination. During happy face discrimination, the connectivity between the amygdala and the frontal pole was decreased. No effect was seen during discrimination of fearful faces. Thus, we show psilocybin's effect as a modulator of major connectivity hubs of the amygdala. Psilocybin decreases the connectivity between important nodes linked to emotion processing like the frontal pole or the striatum. Future studies are needed to clarify whether connectivity changes predict therapeutic effects in psychiatric patients.
- Published
- 2018
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26. 665P Role of prior nephrectomy for synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) on efficacy in patients treated with avelumab + axitinib (A + Ax) or sunitinib (S): Results from JAVELIN Renal 101
- Author
Jing Wang, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, G. Gravis Mescam, Despina Thomaidou, Elena Verzoni, A. di Pietro, Manuela Schmidinger, Mototsugu Oya, M.-O. Grimm, L. Albiges, Mariangela Mariani, David I. Quinn, Toni K. Choueiri, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC), Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut Paoli-Calmettes, and Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,biology ,Sunitinib ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Urology ,[SDV.CAN]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Cancer ,[SDV.IMM.IMM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Immunology/Immunotherapy ,Hematology ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Nephrectomy ,Avelumab ,Axitinib ,Oncology ,Javelin ,Renal cell carcinoma ,medicine ,In patient ,business ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,medicine.drug - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2021
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27. Neoadjuvante Therapieschemen kombiniert mit adjuvanter Therapie bei muskelinvasivem Blasenkrebs vor bzw. nach radikaler Zystektomie
- Author
M-O. Grimm Prof., M. Retz Prof., and H. Rexer
- Subjects
Cystectomy ,Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,medicine ,business ,Neoadjuvant therapy - Published
- 2021
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28. The link between physical fitness and the reward system in schizophrenia
- Author
L. Hamzehpour, T. Bohn, L. Jaspers, and O. Grimm
- Published
- 2022
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29. Neuroimaging of VTA-seed-connectivity to predict outcome in adult ADHD
- Author
O. Grimm, A. Elgohary, J. Leonards, and A. Reif
- Published
- 2022
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30. Altered functional connectivity patterns in schizophrenia – a possible link between psychopathology and decreased physical fitness?
- Author
L. Hamzehpour, T. Bohn, L. Jaspers, and O. Grimm
- Published
- 2022
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31. Association of local progression with deterioration of urinary symptoms and occurrence of genitourinary adverse events (AEs) in nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (nmCRPC): Post hoc analysis of PROSPER
- Author
T. Todenhöfer, Arnulf Stenzl, Cora N. Sternberg, Maha Hussain, Jennifer Sugg, R. Brauner, M-O. Grimm, M. Groß-Langenhoff, and Gabriel P. Haas
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Urinary symptoms ,business.industry ,Genitourinary system ,Urology ,Castration resistant ,medicine.disease ,Prostate cancer ,Internal medicine ,Post-hoc analysis ,Medicine ,business ,Adverse effect - Published
- 2021
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32. P.0631 Functional connectivity of basal ganglia nuclei in ADHD and pharmacologically challenged healthy volunteers with a genetic risk profile
- Author
O. Grimm, L. Thomä, T.M. Kranz, and A. Reif
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Neurology ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Neurology (clinical) ,Biological Psychiatry - Published
- 2021
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33. Survie conditionnelle et suivi à 5 ans dans l’étude checkmate 214 : Nivolumab + Ipilimumab (N+I) versus Sunitinib (S) dans le traitement de première ligne du carcinome rénal avancé (ACCR)
- Author
M.B. McHenry, Toni K. Choueiri, Thomas Powles, M.-O. Grimm, C. Porta, Bernard Escudier, Howard Gurney, Robert J. Motzer, Yoshihiko Tomita, Frede Donskov, Brian I. Rini, David F. McDermott, Christian Kollmannsberger, C-W. Lee, Elizabeth R. Plimack, Mauricio Burotto, Saby George, Hans J. Hammers, and Nizar M. Tannir
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,medicine ,business - Published
- 2021
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34. Alpharadin-Therapie bei Patienten mit metastasiertem kastrationsrefraktärem Prostatakarzinom
- Author
F.-C. von Rundstedt, B. M. Winter, and M-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Oncology ,Radium-223 ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,Bone metastasis ,medicine.disease ,Clinical trial ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Prostate cancer ,0302 clinical medicine ,Denosumab ,Docetaxel ,chemistry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Enzalutamide ,030212 general & internal medicine ,business ,Adverse effect ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Since November 2013, the alpha emitter radium-223 dichloride (Alpharadin/Xofigo®) has been approved for the treatment of men with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) with symptomatic bone metastases and no known visceral metastatic disease. In the ASYMPCA clinical trial, radium-223 was shown to improve overall survival and to reduce the time to the first symptomatic skeletal event. The use of radium-223 was associated with a reduction of pain and an improvement of health-related quality of life compared to the placebo arm. The efficacy of radium-223 dichloride was not inhibited by the use of chemotherapy with docetaxel. Studies have demonstrated a longer overall survival (OS) in patients with a combined treatment of abiraterone or enzalutamide; however, until this data is validated in larger clinical trials, the combination of radium-223 and abiraterone/enzalutamide cannot be recommended. Patients who have received concomitant medication with denosumab appeared to have a longer OS compared to patients who did not. A second treatment cycle of radium-223 was not associated with any adverse events when compared to the outcomes reported in the ASLYMPCA trial. Here the median radiographic progression-free survival was 9 months.
- Published
- 2017
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35. Metastasiertes Prostatakarzinom
- Author
Andres J. Schrader, M-O. Grimm, Carsten-Henning Ohlmann, P. J. Goebell, P. Albers, Martin Schostak, J. Klier, Stefan Machtens, and F. König
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chemotherapy ,business.industry ,Urology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Evidence-based medicine ,medicine.disease ,Androgen deprivation therapy ,03 medical and health sciences ,Prostate cancer ,0302 clinical medicine ,Docetaxel ,Cabazitaxel ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Position paper ,030212 general & internal medicine ,business ,Survival rate ,medicine.drug - Abstract
BACKGROUND Taxen-based chemotherapy has been established as an effective treatment option in castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer (mCRPC). Randomized phase III studies, however, have shown that even in the hormone-naive metastatic state, the early use of chemotherapy in addition to the classical androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) approach leads to a significant increase in median overall survival. OBJECTIVE This position paper aims to provide current data and orientation in the evidence-based treatment of mPC patients in daily clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS A German group of clinical experts analyzed the current data and developed criteria for the treatment of mPC patients in daily clinical practice. RESULTS In the current treatment of hormone-naive mPC, a beneficial effect of chemotherapy in addition to ADT has become evident. Provided patients are in an appropriate condition, those with a high metastatic load should receive chemotherapy in addition to ADT. Especially in high-risk mCRPC patients (PSA >114 ng/ml, visceral metastasis, ADT response
- Published
- 2017
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36. Nivolumab + ipilimumab (N + I) vs sunitinib (S) dans le traitement de première ligne du carcinome rénal avancé (aRCC) dans l’étude CheckMate 214 : suivi à 4 ans et analyse en sous-groupe des patients (pts) non néphrectomisés
- Author
S. Shally Saggi, Elizabeth R. Plimack, Saby George, C. Porta, M.B. McHenry, Robert J. Motzer, Toni K. Choueiri, Frede Donskov, Nizar M. Tannir, Howard Gurney, Mauricio Burotto, Laurence Albiges, Thomas Powles, Yoshihiko Tomita, M.-O. Grimm, David F. McDermott, Christian Kollmannsberger, Brian I. Rini, Daniel Castellano, and Philippe Barthélémy
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
Objectifs Dans la CheckMate 214, N + I etait superieur a S chez les pts de pronostic intermediaire/defavorable (IP) et chez les pts en ITT. Nous rapportons ici la survie, la reponse selon un comite de revue des examens radiologiques independant (IRRC) et la tolerance apres 4 ans minimum de suivi, et une analyse exploratoire post-hoc dans un sous-groupe de pts sans nephrectomie prealable presentant une lesion cible au niveau du rein. Methodes Les pts avec aRCC a cellules claires ont ete randomises selon un rapport 1 :1 avec N 3 mg/kg + I 1 mg/kg toutes les 3 semaines × 4 puis N 3 mg/kg toutes les 2 semaines vs S 50 mg par jour pendant 4 semaines, suivi d’une fenetre therapeutique de 2 semaines, par cycle. Criteres d’evaluation : survie globale (OS), taux de reponse objective (ORR) et survie sans progression (PFS) selon IRRC en utilisant les criteres RECIST v1.1 chez les patients IP (primaire), ITT (secondaire) et favorable (FAV ; exploratoire). Resultats Une OS superieure avec N + I vs S etait maintenue chez les pts IP (HR 0,65) et ITT (HR 0,69) ; la difference d’OS est restee non significative chez les pts FAV (HR 0,93 ; Tableau 1 ). L’ORR etait plus eleve, avec plus de patients toujours en reponse avec N + I vs S chez les pts IP (65 % vs 50 %) et ITT (65 % vs 52 %). Chez les pts FAV, l’ORR etait plus faible avec N + I vs S, mais davantage de reponses etaient en cours (65 % contre 56 %). Le taux de reponse complete (CR) etait plus eleve avec N + I v S quel que soit le groupe IMDC ( Tableau 1 ). La PFS etait conforme aux rapports precedents. L’incidence des EI lies au traitement de tout grade et de grade ≥ 3 est restee inchangee. Dans le sous-groupe exploratoire de patients non nephrectomises et avec une lesion cible au niveau renal, le HR de l’OS (0,63) etait coherent avec celles des pts I/P et ITT ; L’ORR etait plus eleve avec N + I vs S (34 % contre 15 %) sans CR dans les deux bras, et le HR de la PFS etait de 0,99 (Tableau 1 ; n = 53 contre 55). Une reduction des lesions renales cibles de ≥ 30 % s’est produite chez 35 % vs 20 % (N + I vs S) des pts. Conclusion Apres 4 ans de suivi, le benefice clinique (OS, ORR) etait maintenu avec N + I vs S chez les pts IP et ITT. Les reponses avec N + I etaient durables sans nouveau signal de toxicite. Un retrecissement des lesions renales a ete observe chez les pts non nephrectomises traites par N + I, et l’OS dans ce sous-groupe etait coherente avec celle la population globale de l’etude.
- Published
- 2020
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37. 711P Nivolumab + ipilimumab (N+I) vs sunitinib (S) for first-line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC) in CheckMate 214: 4-year follow-up and subgroup analysis of patients (pts) without nephrectomy
- Author
Howard Gurney, M.-O. Grimm, Christian K. Kollmannsberger, Nizar M. Tannir, Philippe Barthélémy, D. Castellano Gauna, David F. McDermott, C. Porta, Brian I. Rini, Laurence Albiges, Thomas Powles, M.B. McHenry, Toni K. Choueiri, Saby George, Yoshihiko Tomita, Mauricio Burotto, Elizabeth R. Plimack, Robert J. Motzer, Shruti Shally Saggi, and Frede Donskov
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Sunitinib ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Urology ,Checkmate ,Subgroup analysis ,Ipilimumab ,Hematology ,medicine.disease ,Nephrectomy ,First line treatment ,Oncology ,Renal cell carcinoma ,medicine ,Nivolumab ,business ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2020
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38. [Risk-adapted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma]
- Author
M-O, Grimm, K, Leucht, S, Foller, and V, Grünwald
- Subjects
Axitinib ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,Ipilimumab ,Kidney Neoplasms ,Immunomodulation ,Antineoplastic Agents, Immunological ,Nivolumab ,Treatment Outcome ,Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols ,Quality of Life ,Sunitinib ,Humans ,Neoplasm Metastasis ,Carcinoma, Renal Cell - Abstract
Current pivotal phase 3 studies have permanently changed the first-line treatment landscape in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. These studies showed that immune checkpoint combinations were more efficacious than sunitinib, a previous standard of care. Nivolumab plus ipilimumab is characterized by a survival advantage, a high rate of complete response and durable remission in patients with intermediate and unfavorable prognosis. Despite frequent immune-mediated side effects, fewer symptoms and a better quality of life were observed compared to sunitinib. Pembrolizumab or avelumab plus axitinib were characterized by an improved PFS and a high response rate with a low rate of intrinsic resistance. In addition, a significant survival benefit was achieved with pembrolizumab plus axitinib. The side effect profile is driven by the "chronic" toxicity of axitinib, but there is additional risk of immune-mediated side effects of the PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitors. The quality-of-life data published so far do not suggest any improvement compared to the previous standard sunitinib. The PD-1/PD-L1 immune-check-point inhibitors thus form the "backbone" of the first-line therapy of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Monotherapy with VEGFR-TKI remains an option in cases with contraindications and possibly for subgroups with favorable prognosis.
- Published
- 2020
39. HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4
- Author
Pushpalatha C Bhat, B. Seeber, C. Pagliarone, Marco Statera, Victor P. Goncalves, Daria Astapovych, W. Bartmann, S. Iwamoto, M. Mentink, Alessandro Tricoli, E. R. Bielert, Laurent Chevalier, Patrick Koppenburg, Marco Calviani, C. Montag, P. Spiller, Jan Uythoven, P. Di Nezza, G. Guillermo Canton, B. Sailer, Markus Elsing, Sara Khatibi, Luca Vecchi, Luigi Palumbo, J. P. Penttinen, T. Podzorny, Maneesh Kumar, J. M. Rifflet, C. Kotnig, Jean Zinn-Justin, Christopher B. Verhaaren, A. Chernoded, Alessandro Bertarelli, L. M. Tkachenko, C. Koeberl, P. J. Mallon, M. Takeuchi, W. Venturini Delsolaro, G. Lamanna, S. Weinzierl, J. Gao, W. Kaabi, David D'Enterria, D. Barna, Paolo Castelnovo, Rajat Gupta, Oliver Boine-Frankenheim, Adarsh Pyarelal, Andreas Salzburger, Tessa Charles, M.E. Biagini, O. Panella, M. Stuart, A. Kollegger, V. Garcia Diaz, Olcay Bolukbasi, Maurizio Pierini, H. Aksakal, Tord Riemann, Abhishek M. Iyer, V. Shiltsev, D. Buttazzo, J. Blümlein, Prateek Agrawal, L. Sestini, Martin Bauer, Felicitas Pauss, S. Fiorendi, F. Bossu, Marco Nardecchia, C. Leonidopoulos, Wojciech Kotlarski, A. Saba, I. Bautista-Guzmán, W. Hillert, Giorgio Ambrosio, T. Lehtinen, Michael Andrew Parker, Silvia Taroni, Gian F. Giudice, Ph. Lebrun, Johann A. Briffa, T. Risselada, Giuseppe Lerner, A. Lechner, L. S. Miralles, M. Kuze, J. M. Valet, P. S. B. Dev, S. Holleis, Ph. Schwemling, M. Biglietti, S. Banerjee, Thomas Schörner-Sadenius, A. Sanz Ull, V. Tikhomirov, S. Savelyeva, Jiayin Gu, D. Zhou, Federico Ravotti, S. A. Bogacz, Daniele Mirarchi, R. Tomás García, Yann Coadou, F. Yu, Y. Cai, T. Lari, F. Holdener, D. Shwartz, C. Bhat, Ramesh Gupta, Markus Klute, E. Palmieri, P. Collier, Branislav Sitar, Yves Sirois, Livio Fanò, S. Rojas-Torres, E. Locci, Ruben Garcia Alia, I. Božović Jelisavić, R. Chehab, J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, M. Pasquali, A. Di Cicco, Bernhard Auchmann, Klaus Heinemann, Alessia Tricomi, D. Lucchesi, B. Haerer, M. Morrone, Paolo Giacomelli, Sonia Carra, A. Senol, Ivan Koop, Luca Silvestrini, Anna Stakia, Heather Gray, E. Skordis, A. D. Kovalenko, Paul Langacker, R. Li, Bernardo Bordini, R. Rata, Arjan Verweij, Shehu S. AbdusSalam, Andrey Karyukhin, U. van Rienen, Gianluigi Arduini, Bernhard Holzer, S. A. Nikitin, S. S. Kozub, Satoshi Mishima, B. Di Micco, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, N. Pukhaeva, Nigel Watson, F. Prino, Jean-Michel Sallese, Sotirios Vlachos, Alessandro Vicini, A. Valassi, Daniel Treille, F. Dordei, A. M. Fernandez Navarro, B. Dziewit, Marcello Abbrescia, J. M. Hauptman, I. Chaikovska, Paolo Giubellino, Michael J. Baker, V.V. Kashikhin, Friedrich Lackner, Filippo Sala, A. Langner, D. Pulikowski, H. Eriksson, Matteo Turri, Andrea Wulzer, M. Aiba, Lisa Borgonovi, I. Morozov, V. Haurylavets, J. F. Croteau, S. Boselli, L. A. Gonzalez Gomez, Claudia Tambasco, F. Mahmoudi, Sébastien Descotes-Genon, A. Luciani, Pavel Piminov, M. Varasteh, T. Herzig, Sandra Aumon, Cristina Bernini, Joseph Bramante, Roberta Arnaldi, G. Zick, Daniel Schulte, R. Santoro, Anna Kulesza, I. Turk Cakir, M. Nonis, Silvia Posada Arias, Livia Soffi, T. Wojtoń, E. Cennini, Florian Bauer, B. Rousset, J.-L. Grenard, C. Neubüser, Frederic Derue, Loukas Gouskos, Rainer Wallny, G. Calderini, M. Merk, M. Mühlegger, Roberto Cimino, M. Ramsey-Musolf, P. Rebello Teles, Mario Galanti, Mikhail Shaposhnikov, A. Andreazza, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Masaya Ishino, José W. F. Valle, Colin Bernet, G. Velev, Cristina Botta, E. Fischer, J. Malclés, Giuseppe Montenero, Tripurari Srivastava, E. Renner, Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh, D. Cantore-Cavalli, Paul Laycock, J. Komppula, Simon C. Hopkins, Helmut Burkhardt, Eric Lancon, I. Aichinger, Andre Sznajder, F. Bordry, Massimo Giovannozzi, Aidan Robson, Anna Giunta, A. Carvalho, S. Farinon, Daniel Wollmann, M. Fouaidy, Martti Raidal, R. Gerard, Giovanni Volpini, U. Niedermayer, A. Alekou, Alexander J.G. Lunt, Vincenzo Cavasinni, Andrzej Siodmok, U. Kaya, Matthias Schott, Marumi Kado, S. A. Arsenyev, José Zurita, John Osborne, Patrick Meade, Gianmarco Bovone, G. Li, Klaus Schlenga, Antti Stenvall, D. Duellmann, Werner Riegler, I. Garzia, Yasuyuki Okumura, G. Pikurs, F. Maltoni, Massimo Sorbi, M. Arzeo, B. Strauss, Y. W. Baek, Mauro Chiesa, K. Ilyina-Brunner, Javier L. Albacete, R. Farinelli, C. Pes, Nicolas Morange, S. M. Zernov, U. Wagner, Emmanuelle Perez, G. G. Da Silveira, J. Neundorf, Néstor Armesto, T. Hahn, Roman N. Lee, Roderik Bruce, B. Y. Sharkov, T. du Pree, G. Cibinetto, Evelin Meoni, R. Rinaldesi, James A. Ellison, Radim Slovak, Silvia Franchino, Mikko Laine, T. Pugnat, S. P. Das, Yuji Enari, Emanuela Barzi, Cihan Bayindir, R. Boels, Jana Faltova, M. Moreno Llácer, Scott A. Yost, Michael Spannowsky, Florian Burkart, Marcin Chrzaszcz, K. Suzuki, Luca Trentadue, S. Masciocchi, Gilad Perez, Steve Peggs, K. Sugita, Eleonora Belli, Carmine Senatore, K. Y. Oyulmaz, Aldo Deandrea, Irakli Minashvili, Desmond P. Barber, M. I. Martínez-Hernández, A. Apyan, S. Petracca, Mikael Chala, Urs Achim Wiedemann, T. Sian, Olivier Deschamps, R. Monge, G. Avrillaud, Jan Kieseler, Hubert Spiesberger, J. Maitre, G. D. Shirkov, M. Hofer, Emanuela Sirtori, Sinan Kuday, Kirill Skovpen, Sara Casalbuoni, Johann Usovitsch, N. Chen, G. Tejeda-Muñoz, F. Bellini, E. Chyhyrynets, Michael Stöger-Pollach, M. Vogel, J. G. Mendes Saraiva, A. Rivetti, M. Podeur, Luc Poggioli, V. A. Gromov, R. Sirvinskaite, S. B. Leith, Giancarlo D'Ambrosio, Tony Price, Philippe Mermod, Rabindra N. Mohapatra, T. Mitshuhashi, Koji Terashi, Leonel Ferreira, L. Vale Silva, N. Muchnoi, J. L. Stanyard, Thomas Marriott-Dodington, A. Andriatis, Oleg Solovyanov, A. Daljevec, A. Butterworth, S. Myers, D. Chanal, Tatiana Pieloni, M. Rodríguez-Cahuantzi, G. Nardini, D. Boscherini, Kazuhito Ohmi, James Molson, S. Kowalski, Christoph Haberstroh, Martin Aleksa, K. Kershaw, M. Mulder, Leonid Rivkin, G. Vorotnikov, Luigi Salvatore Esposito, J. Kalinowski, Michele Cascella, Francesco Giffoni, Alessandro Polini, Georges Azuelos, M. Prioli, Wolfgang Altmannshofer, S. K. Patra, H. J. He, J. J. Aguilera-Verdugo, Hannu Paukkunen, P. Chomaz, Shoji Asai, Nicolas Magnin, Gavin P. Salam, R. Wang, F. Avino, Alexander Romanenko, A. Rossi, Steve Muanza, Richard Ruiz, Dmitry Teytelman, S. Klöppel, S. Atieh, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi, L. Apolinario, Andrea Tesi, M. Maggiora, A. Falkowski, Janusz Gluza, M. Sauvain, Hamzeh Khanpour, S. Chance, Ansgar Denner, Ma. Greco, Andreas Papaefstathiou, Manuela Boscolo, Joydeep Chakrabortty, E. Franco, R. R. Bosley, G. Peón, Fred Olness, Simone Alioli, Andrea Gaddi, M. K. Sullivan, M. Segreti, M. Panareo, Florian Goertz, Z. G. Zhao, H. Chanal, O. Martin, P. Azzurri, Agnieszka Chmielinska, M. Kordiaczyńska, O. Brunner, J. Von Ahnen, Jose Santiago, K. Foraz, Y. Alexahin, Marcello Mannelli, Christian Schwanenberger, S. Ganjour, Simone Marzani, T. M. Taylor, S. Di Vita, J. Womersley, I. Karpov, Valentina Morretta, Saverio D'Auria, Patrick Draper, B. Hacışahinoğlu, E. Gorini, Andrew J. Long, S. La Mendola, G. Zevi Dell Porta, I. Abdyukhanov, M. Cobal, Luca Marzola, E. Rochepault, A. Kusina, German Rodrigo, R. Schmidt, Jan Steggemann, E. Premat, P. Slavich, F. Gianotti, P. Jarry, Ram Krishna Dewanjee, L. Felsberger, T. Martinez, A. Niemi, Jürgen Reuter, P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom, Ryu Sawada, J. T. Childers, Gelsomina Catalano, P. Barjhoux, O. R. Blanco-García, Pilar Hernández, H. Correia-Rodrigues, V. Ippolito, S. De Curtis, Juan Rojo, Ayberk Yilmaz, S. Baird, Morteza Khatiri Yanehsari, Enrico Scomparin, Daniel Appelö, J. Kozaczuk, Matthew Jones, B. Caiffi, C. Del Bo, Susanna Guiducci, Giuliano Panico, M. Knecht, J. Coupard, M. Ciuchini, H. Kritscher, Claire Gwenlan, P. Costa Pinto, Thibaut Lefèvre, N. Bellegarde, Christian Scheuerlein, P. Ferreira da Silva, M. Verducci, X. Ruan, H. Pikhartova, Juan M. O'Callaghan, Kazuro Furukawa, D. Saez de Jauregui, Maria Rescigno, Stephan Eisenhardt, Andrea Dainese, Z. Drásal, G. H. Corral, J. M. Camalich, John Ellis, E. Gabrielli, L. Rumyantsev, A. Caliskan, K. Brunner, K. Tang, P. Sopicki, J. Fan, Marcin Kucharczyk, S. Gorgi Zadeh, Carlos A. Salgado, Simone Bologna, Y. Muttoni, A. Chancé, Patrick Jenny, Mark Boland, G. Yang, G. Wilkinson, Roger J. Hernández-Pinto, M. Novák, Gennady Stupakov, E. Jensen, Lance D. Cooley, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, S. Su, Matthew Luzum, J. Casas, Per Osland, T. Robens, Oscar A. Sampayo, Evgeny Levichev, P. N. Ratoff, G. Rolandi, M. A. Valdivia Garcia, Anthony Keith Morley, L. van Riesen-Haupt, A. Sublet, M. A. Mazzoni, J.L. Gutierrez, A. Abramov, Abbas Kenan Ciftci, A. Provino, L. Delle Rose, John Fox, Barry M. Dillon, V. Smirnov, G. N. Taylor, Anke-Susanne Müller, C. Pira, Fulvio Piccinini, A. Faus-Golfe, Pietro Antonioli, S. Sanfilippo, Julien Cogan, A. Ribon, Andrew Hutton, Frank Zimmermann, Lev Dudko, Erez Etzion, J. Polinski, G. Bencivenni, M. Gil Costa, L. K. Gladilin, Yannis Papaphilippou, Michael Spira, Maria Paola Lombardo, M. Fiascaris, Darius A. Faroughy, S. O. Kara, Peter Braun-Munzinger, A. Wohlfahrt, A. A. Krasnov, S.A. Gourlay, W. Da Silva, Jacqueline Keintzel, Radja Boughezal, Renat Sadykov, L. R. Sulak, Valentin V. Khoze, T. Tydecks, S. Puławski, Daniel de Florian, Pedro Schwaller, A. Akay, Nicola Serra, Sukanta Dutta, Christophe Royon, Alessandro Ricci, A. Kuendig, C. G. Honorato, K. Kołodziej, L. Deniau, Michael Kramer, J. Ferradas Troitino, A. Arbey, A. M. Staśto, Marcel Demarteau, Ralph Aßmann, O. Grimm, D. Forkel-Wirth, Owain Rhodri Jones, A. M. Kolano, G. Chiarello, William Trischuk, Andrea Dell'Acqua, Elisabetta Gallo, H. Song, Frank Petriello, N. Ibarrola, C. Colldelram, A. I. Ryazanov, A. Meier, Phillip Allport, J. de Blas, S. Chattopadhyay, Massimo Florio, X. Jiang, Bertrand Baudouy, T. Otto, Tevong You, Christoph Englert, Roberto Pittau, G. M. Bilei, Matthew McCullough, N. S. Ramírez-Uribe, J. Charles, Amalia Ballarino, Federico Antinori, A. V. Kotwal, P. Le Guen, Berndt Müller, Chiara Roda, Xavier Buffat, D. K. Hong, Matthias Liepe, G. Gorine, V. A. Okorokov, D. Bozzini, N. Simand, Giuseppe Francesco Tartarelli, C. Marquet, R. Contino, A. M. Teixeira, R. Trant, Roberto Losito, M. Quispe, Valery I. Telnov, Helga Timko, D. Lissauer, Giulio Aielli, Giorgio Chiarelli, M. J. Baldwin, A. Winter, X. Sarasola, E. E. Boos, Aleandro Nisati, Cedric Garion, Monica D'Onofrio, S. M. Gascon-Shotkin, Daniele Barducci, G. Rosaz, Nathaniel Craig, L. D’Aloia Schwartzentruber, A. Falou, A. Henriques, Tobias Hurth, Michael Eisterer, Andreas Grau, Austin Ball, D. Delikaris, P. A. McIntosh, E. Graverini, Kadri Ozdemir, F. Valchkova, Marco Zanetti, Guenakh Mitselmakher, S. Albergo, Peter Levai, Caterina Vernieri, F. Stivanello, Michael Barnes, Henri Bachacou, Daniel Fournier, L. T. Wang, D. Boutin, S. Moretti, B. Riemann, Michael Murray, Aleksandr Azatov, C. T. A. Cook, Valentina Maria Cairo, J. B. De Vivie De Regie, H. Schmickler, M. Schenk, Georgios Voutsinas, André Schöning, S. G. Bondarenko, Giorgio Bellomo, Andrei Seryi, Jane Nachtman, Clement Helsens, E. De Lucia, Jakob Salfeld-Nebgen, Lorenzo Pezzotti, Z. Townsend, B. Dalena, Mogens Dam, Yasar Onel, Yi-Ming Zhong, B. Curé, A. A. Kolomiets, A. M. Valente-Feliciano, Laurette Ponce, David Olivier Jamin, P. Krkotic, Alexandre Louzguiti, Marina Putti, Holger Podlech, Petr Volkov, M. Angelucci, F. Duval, I. Hiekkanen, W. M. Yao, Giancarlo Ferrera, C. Lorin, Y. Dydyshka, Kurt R. Peters, Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi, V. Vysotsky, V. Arı, E. Pilicer, M. Chamizo-Llatas, G. Kuhlmann, Hans Quack, R. Valizadeh, Tiina Salmi, Thomas Kramer, Adam Jeff, A. Abada, J. M. Duval, J. Abelleira Fernandez, A. Leveratto, E. Tal Hod, X. Wu, Laurent Serin, Sarah Aull, Samuele Mariotto, A. Poiron, Sabine Riemann, P. Selva, V. I. Pantsyrny, Gianluca Valentino, K. Kahle, S. Aune, K. Potamianos, Eros Cazzato, M. Giovannetti, Petr Mandrik, S. Sidorov, F. Collamati, Simone Gilardoni, S. Bertolucci, Alexander V. Zlobin, Mehmet Sahin, Marco Delmastro, G. Aydın, A. Doblhammer, Alan S. Cornell, S. J. De Jong, M. Caccia, M. Lueckhof, P. Sollander, Mauro Taborelli, J. Shelton, Frank Gerigk, Robert Rimmer, Ayres Freitas, Pierluigi Bruzzone, Brajesh K. Singh, K. Keppel, N. Alipour Tehrani, C. Prasse, Louis Rinolfi, Emma Slade, W. Flieger, Alexey Dudarev, H. J. Yang, T. Köttig, L. Mether, C. Weiland, Andrea Malagoli, Sunghoon Jung, F. Conventi, I. Tropin, G. H. A. Viehhauser, Tomas Davidek, Y. O. Günaydin, Daniel Andreas Britzger, F. Toral, James John Brooke, R. Steerenberg, G. Morello, Mauro Migliorati, Alexej Grudiev, C. Tetrel, Wolfgang Höfle, J. V. Minervini, L. García Tabarés, V. Yermolchik, Claude Guyot, D. Guadagnoli, Giorgio Vallone, N. De Filippis, Oleksii Beznosov, P. Charitos, N. Schwerg, Ahmed Hammad, P. Manil, F. Niccoli, Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard, R. Aleksan, K. Hahn, P. Meridiani, Peter Skands, Tobias Golling, Lucio Rossi, G. Gobbi, Michael Hance, A. J. Barr, V. Del Duca, V. Guzey, M. Pont, Michele Selvaggi, Oliver Brüning, J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, A. Drago, Y. Zhang, Giovanni Punzi, Viktor Matveev, Anadi Canepa, Clemens Lange, B. L. Militsyn, Martijn Mulders, Max Klein, V. D’Auria, M. Mylona, Valeria Braccini, S. DasBakshi, David Calvet, Sophia Borowka, David Marzocca, S. Jadach, A. A. Pankov, Christophe Ochando, A. A. Tudora, I. Masina, Jure Zupan, A. Preinerstorfer, Benjamin Fuks, H. K. Soltveit, G. Rolando, E.E. Perepelkin, T. G. Rizzo, Saleh Sultansoy, Federico Roncarolo, K. Elsener, R. Q. Pan, P. Zhuang, David Attié, Jac Perez, K. Kravalis, F. Anulli, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, S. Malvezzi, Steffen A. Bass, E. La Francesca, Heinz Pernegger, K. Grzanka, M. T. Tiirakari, Alberto Ventura, Alessandro Cerri, Marco Peruzzi, Eric Montesinos, O. Etisken, F. Grancagnolo, S. Kartal, H. Humer, Oliver Fischer, M. Primavera, Marco Toliman Lucchini, P. Vedrine, Felix Kling, M. Altınlı, Sergio Calatroni, C. Han, Olivier Leroy, R. T. D’Agnolo, N. Klinkenberg, A. Audurier, Tatsushi Nakamoto, Ali Bozbey, Bernd A. Kniehl, Carl J. Debono, I. P. J. Shipsey, Gregorio Bernardi, Paolo Nason, William James Fawcett, J. M. Jiménez, D. Denisov, M. Serluca, David Curtin, Arif Akhundov, M. García Pérez, Iacopo Vivarelli, Emanuele Bacchiocchi, Markus Zerlauth, Julia Hrdinka, F. Butin, F. Müller, D. Tikhonov, Jorg Wenninger, A. Kilic, Fabrizio Ferro, J. Tanaka, S. A. Antipov, Miroslav Atanasov, S. Kuttimalai, A. Y. Starikov, F. R. Blánquez, S. V. Furuseth, G. Gaudio, L. Malgeri, J. Curti, B. Turbiarz, S. Li, A. Romanov, Costas G. Papadopoulos, Brennan Goddard, Frank Krauss, Lidija Zivkovic, Toms Torims, Michaela Lackner, D. A. Lyubimtsev, G. Borghello, J. F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, A. Bogomyagkov, H. Duran Yildiz, N. Foppiani, Arthur Schaffer, J. Zhou, D. Liberati, Vincenzo Guidi, Naeem A. Tahir, M. Besançon, Daniel Schoerling, Joe Incandela, Giacomo Polesello, O. Cakir, I. Ruehl, Ruggero Vaglio, Z. Zhang, Bruno Spataro, Davide Tommasini, F. Millet, H. D. Yoo, Carlo V. Fiorio, S. Deghaye, C. Bozzi, A. Shivaji, G. Corcella, I. Bellafont, Valentina Mariani, D. E. Martins, Michael Syphers, C. Hati, Peter Marquard, Nicola Bacchetta, Matthew Crouch, David Woog, Oliver Kortner, A. Milanese, Ricardo Gonçalo, Guido Montagna, Mikhail Zobov, F. Bedeschi, Eugene Bulyak, M. Aburaia, R. Tenchini, G. Marchiori, H. Rafique, G. Calderola, M. Antonello, Andrea Thamm, S. Glukhov, F. Hug, Robert Ruprecht, Veysi Erkcan Ozcan, K. Lee, Angelo Infantino, V. Makarenko, Z. Nergiz, Sergei Chekanov, Benjamin C. Allanach, C. Dachauer, H. Zhang, C. Biscari, A. J. Lankford, Scott Thomas, P. Kostka, Thomas Gehrmann, O. Azzolini, M. Ploskon, S. F. Ge, K. Oide, Andrea Bastianin, Daniela Bortoletto, Ingo Schienbein, J. L. Biarrotte, M. van Leeuwen, D. Stöckinger, Harald Ita, J. Katharina Behr, A. Cholakian, T. Kwon, L. Medina, Evgeny Starchenko, G. Mancinelli, L. Zanotto, F. Menez, L. Bellagamba, J. P. Burnet, Mogens H. Jensen, J. P. Tock, V. Raginel, J. Cervantes, L. V. Kalinovskaya, S. Vallecorsa, Peter Williams, I. Leon-Monzon, Christophe Grojean, Marco Andreini, J. Perez Morales, A. O. Acar, A.S. Lobko, Tian Yu, Joachim Mnich, V. Völkl, Ievgen Dubovyk, Tatsuya Masubuchi, P. Sphicas, F. Cerutti, P. Francavilla, A. Apollonio, Sylvie Braibant-Giacomelli, D. Denegri, Elie Aslanides, M. Zahnd, J. M. Bernhardt, Maxim Perfilov, G. Felici, E. Cantergiani, M. Daibo, F. Costanza, Christopher Rogan, M. Khatiri Yanehsari, R. Kriske, Vladimir G. Baryshevsky, Curtis R. Young, T. Baumgartner, Rafael de la Torre, Yuri Nosochkov, T. P. Watson, L. Pontecorvo, D. W. Kim, Patrick Janot, Benjamin Todd, Giulia Sylva, Maciej Chorowski, Stephane Monteil, J. Proudfoot, Dmitry Shatilov, Tord Ekelof, L. Bottura, M. Ortino, Paolo Chiggiato, L. Scibile, Stefano Giagu, G. Ferrara, M. Testa, A. M. Krainer, P. A. Keinz, E. Leogrande, Johann Collot, J. Barranco García, Vera Chetvertkova, G. Panizzo, Antonio Racioppi, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, Rashidul Islam, U. Cardella, Y. Bai, A. Novokhatski, P. Zeiler, A. Coccaro, Toshi Sumida, Andrzej Siemko, R. Franceschini, C. M. Carloni Calame, Elisa Fontanesi, G. Kozlov, J. Tkaczuk, Rama Calaga, F. Beaudette, Paolo Camarri, A. Pampaloni, E. Cruz Alaniz, M. Durante, Kari J. Eskola, S. A. Ellis, T. Lesiak, W. Chou, German F. R. Sborlini, Carlo Oleari, T. Fowler, A. Di Ciaccio, A. Bibet Chevalier, Stefano Forte, C. Berriaud, I. Tapan, Ezio Todesco, S. Lee, Jaime Hernández-Sánchez, D. M. Vogt, Oreste Nicrosini, Vittorio Marinozzi, Roberto Ferrari, M. I. Besana, Anna Sfyrla, Stanley J. Brodsky, G. de Rijk, Stefano Redaelli, Giorgio Apollinari, A. Zaborowska, Alessandro Cardini, J. F. Kamenik, V. Smaluk, Uta Klein, M. Bomben, P. Manfrinetti, M. Poli Lener, Jose Miguel No, Tiziano Camporesi, H. Gerwig, Francis Pérez, M. Koratzinos, V. Karaventzas, Jesse Thaler, T. Hoehn, M. Capeans, Sven Pfeiffer, P. Duda, H. Ten Kate, Petar Adzic, Kechen Wang, Sergey Belomestnykh, F. Kocak, H. Karadeniz, R. Alemany Fernandez, Johanna Stachel, A. Mostacci, John Jowett, A. Hegglin, H. Pais Da Silva, Marc Dünser, M. Roig, Sven Heinemeyer, V. Baglin, Stephane Fartoukh, C. Andris, Z. Ws, A. Nettsträter, Marco Bonvini, A. C. Canbay, Federico Carra, Silvia Salini, Kristjan Kannike, E. Cogneras, Frank Simon, Manfred Krammer, Johannes Bernardi, P. Valente, M. Moretti, L. Stoel, I. Low, Barbara Mele, E. Shaposhnikova, D. Fonnesu, Anton Andronic, Haluk Denizli, A. Fernández-Téllez, A. V. Nesterenko, M. Korjik, Philip Harris, Roberto Kersevan, Tommaso Portaluri, V. Parma, N.V. Mokhov, B. Humann, B. Tuchming, Stefan Antusch, L. Anderlini, J. Meignan, I. H. Sarpün, L. Tavian, Michelangelo L. Mangano, H. Martinez Bruzual, C. Sebastiani, Chao Zhang, M. A. Pleier, R. Ciftci, A. Crivellin, A. Blondel, O. Viazlo, Burak Bilki, A. Rosado Sanchez, Andrea Massironi, M. Greco, J. Martin Camalich, M. Reboud, Frederic Deliot, M. Béguin, Roberto Cardarelli, C. Milardi, G. Tassielli, Mario Campanelli, P. Fabbricatore, R. Rossmanith, Piergiulio Lenzi, D. P. Missiaen, R. Patterson, Sigve Haug, A. Farilla, Guilherme Milhano, D. El Khechen, Freya Blekman, O. B. Malyshev, Carlo Ferdeghini, A. Hannah, Michael Benedikt, E. Logothetis Agaliotis, M. Prausa, Maurizio Vignolo, M. Drewes, F. Marhauser, A. Ivanovs, M. Widorski, E. Santopinto, Javier Munilla, V. Mertens, Filip Moortgat, Salim Ogur, Michaela Schaumann, O. Rios Rubiras, Carsten Welsch, Fady Bishara, Michael Plagge, M. Czech, Giuseppe Iacobucci, I. Crespo Garrido, W. Dallapiazza, A. Moros, Wieslaw Placzek, A. E. Rentería-Olivo, M. Saito, H. U. Wienands, O. Verwilligen, L. Spallino, W. Snoeys, L. Duarte, A. Massimiliano, Greg Landsberg, Z. Liu, A. Ozansoy, Antonella Sciuto, T. Boccali, R. B. Appleby, M. Antonelli, J. A. Netto, Y. Nie, Johannes Gutleber, M. Skrzypek, N. Vignaroli, P. J. Clark, Emilio Bellingeri, Bennie F.L. Ward, P. Roloff, E. Perez Codina, Roman Martin, Elias Metral, B. Hegner, L. Zawiejski, Efe Yazgan, F. Couderc, G. Tonelli, G. Castorina, Patrizia Azzi, A. De Roeck, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Riccardo Valente, A. David, F. Robert, Jeremi Niedziela, Anna Grassellino, Marie-Hélène Genest, V. Tisserand, A. Kilpinen, Y. K. Kim, A. Dominjon, Andrej Arbuzov, David Amorim, L. Kretzschmar, E. Bruna, Sergey Polozov, Vyacheslav Klyukhin, Hubert Kroha, O. Amstutz, A. Vitrano, Raymond Veness, Tilman Plehn, M. A. Mahmoud, Uşak Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, FCC Collaboration (Ukupan broj autora: 1363), FCC Collaboration, Abada, A., Abbrescia, M., Abdussalam, S. S., Abdyukhanov, I., Abelleira Fernandez, J., Abramov, A., Aburaia, M., Acar, A. O., Adzic, P. R., Agrawal, P., Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo, J. J., Aiba, M., Aichinger, I., Aielli, G., Akay, A., Akhundov, A., Aksakal, H., Albacete, J. L., Albergo, S., Alekou, A., Aleksa, M., Aleksan, R., Alemany Fernandez, R. M., Alexahin, Y., Alia, R. G., Alioli, S., Alipour Tehrani, N., Allanach, B. C., Allport, P. P., Altinli, M., Altmannshofer, W., Ambrosio, G., Amorim, D., Amstutz, O., Anderlini, L., Andreazza, A., Andreini, M., Andriatis, A., Andris, C., Andronic, A., Angelucci, M., Antinori, F., Antipov, S. A., Antonelli, M., Antonello, M., Antonioli, P., Antusch, S., Anulli, F., Apolinario, L., Apollinari, G., Apollonio, A., Appelo, D., Appleby, R. B., Apyan, A., Arbey, A., Arbuzov, A., Arduini, G., Ari, V., Arias, S., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Arsenyev, S. A., Arzeo, M., Asai, S., Aslanides, E., Assmann, R. W., Astapovych, D., Atanasov, M., Atieh, S., Attie, D., Auchmann, B., Audurier, A., Aull, S., Aumon, S., Aune, S., Avino, F., Avrillaud, G., Aydin, G., Azatov, A., Azuelos, G., Azzi, P., Azzolini, O., Azzurri, P., Bacchetta, N., Bacchiocchi, E., Bachacou, H., Baek, Y. W., Baglin, V., Bai, Y., Baird, S., Baker, M. J., Baldwin, M. J., Ball, A. H., Ballarino, A., Banerjee, S., Barber, D. P., Barducci, D., Barjhoux, P., Barna, D., Barnafoldi, G. G., Barnes, M. J., Barr, A., Barranco Garcia, J., Barreiro Guimaraes da Costa, J., Bartmann, W., Baryshevsky, V., Barzi, E., Bass, S. A., Bastianin, A., Baudouy, B., Bauer, F., Bauer, M., Baumgartner, T., Bautista-Guzman, I., Bayindir, C., Beaudette, F., Bedeschi, F., Beguin, M., Bellafont, I., Bellagamba, L., Bellegarde, N., Belli, E., Bellingeri, E., Bellini, F., Bellomo, G., Belomestnykh, S., Bencivenni, G., Benedikt, M., Bernardi, G., Bernardi, J., Bernet, C., Bernhardt, J. M., Bernini, C., Berriaud, C., Bertarelli, A., Bertolucci, S., Besana, M. I., Besancon, M., Beznosov, O., Bhat, P., Bhat, C., Biagini, M. E., Biarrotte, J. -L., Bibet Chevalier, A., Bielert, E. R., Biglietti, M., Bilei, G. M., Bilki, B., Biscari, C., Bishara, F., Blanco-Garcia, O. R., Blanquez, F. R., Blekman, F., Blondel, A., Blumlein, J., Boccali, T., Boels, R., Bogacz, S. A., Bogomyagkov, A., Boine-Frankenheim, O., Boland, M. J., Bologna, S., Bolukbasi, O., Bomben, M., Bondarenko, S., Bonvini, M., Boos, E., Bordini, B., Bordry, F., Borghello, G., Borgonovi, L., Borowka, S., Bortoletto, D., Boscherini, D., Boscolo, M., Boselli, S., Bosley, R. R., Bossu, F., Botta, C., Bottura, L., Boughezal, R., Boutin, D., Bovone, G., Bozovic Jelisavic, I., Bozbey, A., Bozzi, C., Bozzini, D., Braccini, V., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Bramante, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Briffa, J. A., Britzger, D., Brodsky, S. J., Brooke, J. J., Bruce, R., Bruckman De Renstrom, P., Bruna, E., Bruning, O., Brunner, O., Brunner, K., Bruzzone, P., Buffat, X., Bulyak, E., Burkart, F., Burkhardt, H., Burnet, J. -P., Butin, F., Buttazzo, D., Butterworth, A., Caccia, M., Cai, Y., Caiffi, B., Cairo, V., Cakir, O., Calaga, R., Calatroni, S., Calderini, G., Calderola, G., Caliskan, A., Calvet, D., Calviani, M., Camalich, J. M., Camarri, P., Campanelli, M., Camporesi, T., Canbay, A. C., Canepa, A., Cantergiani, E., Cantore-Cavalli, D., Capeans, M., Cardarelli, R., Cardella, U., Cardini, A., Carloni Calame, C. M., Carra, F., Carra, S., Carvalho, A., Casalbuoni, S., Casas, J., Cascella, M., Castelnovo, P., Castorina, G., Catalano, G., Cavasinni, V., Cazzato, E., Cennini, E., Cerri, A., Cerutti, F., Cervantes, J., Chaikovska, I., Chakrabortty, J., Chala, M., Chamizo-Llatas, M., Chanal, H., Chanal, D., Chance, S., Chance, A., Charitos, P., Charles, J., Charles, T. K., Chattopadhyay, S., Chehab, R., Chekanov, S. V., Chen, N., Chernoded, A., Chetvertkova, V., Chevalier, L., Chiarelli, G., Chiarello, G., Chiesa, M., Chiggiato, P., Childers, J. T., Chmielinska, A., Cholakian, A., Chomaz, P., Chorowski, M., Chou, W., Chrzaszcz, M., Chyhyrynets, E., Cibinetto, G., Ciftci, A. K., Ciftci, R., Cimino, R., Ciuchini, M., Clark, P. J., Coadou, Y., Cobal, M., Coccaro, A., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Collamati, F., Colldelram, C., Collier, P., Collot, J., Contino, R., Conventi, F., Cook, C. T. A., Cooley, L., Corcella, G., Cornell, A. S., Corral, G. H., Correia-Rodrigues, H., Costanza, F., Costa Pinto, P., Couderc, F., Coupard, J., Craig, N., Crespo Garrido, I., Crivellin, A., Croteau, J. F., Crouch, M., Cruz Alaniz, E., Cure, B., Curti, J., Curtin, D., Czech, M., Dachauer, C., D'Agnolo, R. T., Daibo, M., Dainese, A., Dalena, B., Daljevec, A., Dallapiazza, W., D'Aloia Schwartzentruber, L., Dam, M., D'Ambrosio, G., Das, S. P., Dasbakshi, S., da Silva, W., da Silveira, G. G., D'Auria, V., D'Auria, S., David, A., Davidek, T., Deandrea, A., de Blas, J., Debono, C. J., De Curtis, S., De Filippis, N., de Florian, D., Deghaye, S., de Jong, S. J., Del Bo, C., Del Duca, V., Delikaris, D., Deliot, F., Dell'Acqua, A., Delle Rose, L., Delmastro, M., De Lucia, E., Demarteau, M., Denegri, D., Deniau, L., Denisov, D., Denizli, H., Denner, A., D'Enterria, D., de Rijk, G., De Roeck, A., Derue, F., Deschamps, O., Descotes-Genon, S., Dev, P. S. B., de Vivie de Regie, J. B., Dewanjee, R. K., Di Ciaccio, A., Di Cicco, A., Dillon, B. M., Di Micco, B., Di Nezza, P., Di Vita, S., Doblhammer, A., Dominjon, A., D'Onofrio, M., Dordei, F., Drago, A., Draper, P., Drasal, Z., Drewes, M., Duarte, L., Dubovyk, I., Duda, P., Dudarev, A., Dudko, L., Duellmann, D., Dunser, M., du Pree, T., Durante, M., Duran Yildiz, H., Dutta, S., Duval, F., Duval, J. M., Dydyshka, Y., Dziewit, B., Eisenhardt, S., Eisterer, M., Ekelof, T., El Khechen, D., Ellis, S. A., Ellis, J., Ellison, J. A., Elsener, K., Elsing, M., Enari, Y., Englert, C., Eriksson, H., Eskola, K. J., Esposito, L. S., Etisken, O., Etzion, E., Fabbricatore, P., Falkowski, A., Falou, A., Faltova, J., Fan, J., Fano, L., Farilla, A., Farinelli, R., Farinon, S., Faroughy, D. A., Fartoukh, S. D., Faus-Golfe, A., Fawcett, W. J., Felici, G., Felsberger, L., Ferdeghini, C., Fernandez Navarro, A. M., Fernandez-Tellez, A., Ferradas Troitino, J., Ferrara, G., Ferrari, R., Ferreira, L., Ferreira da Silva, P., Ferrera, G., Ferro, F., Fiascaris, M., Fiorendi, S., Fiorio, C., Fischer, O., Fischer, E., Flieger, W., Florio, M., Fonnesu, D., Fontanesi, E., Foppiani, N., Foraz, K., Forkel-Wirth, D., Forte, S., Fouaidy, M., Fournier, D., Fowler, T., Fox, J., Francavilla, P., Franceschini, R., Franchino, S., Franco, E., Freitas, A., Fuks, B., Furukawa, K., Furuseth, S. V., Gabrielli, E., Gaddi, A., Galanti, M., Gallo, E., Ganjour, S., Gao, J., Garcia Diaz, V., Garcia Perez, M., Garcia Tabares, L., Garion, C., Garzelli, M. V., Garzia, I., Gascon-Shotkin, S. M., Gaudio, G., Gay, P., Ge, S. -F., Gehrmann, T., Genest, M. H., Gerard, R., Gerigk, F., Gerwig, H., Giacomelli, P., Giagu, S., Gianfelice-Wendt, E., Gianotti, F., Giffoni, F., Gilardoni, S. S., Gil Costa, M., Giovannetti, M., Giovannozzi, M., Giubellino, P., Giudice, G. F., Giunta, A., Gladilin, L. K., Glukhov, S., Gluza, J., Gobbi, G., Goddard, B., Goertz, F., Golling, T., Goncalves, V. P., Goncalo, R., Gonzalez Gomez, L. A., Gorgi Zadeh, S., Gorine, G., Gorini, E., Gourlay, S. A., Gouskos, L., Grancagnolo, F., Grassellino, A., Grau, A., Graverini, E., Gray, H. M., Greco, M., Grenard, J. -L., Grimm, O., Grojean, C., Gromov, V. A., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Grudiev, A., Grzanka, K., Gu, J., Guadagnoli, D., Guidi, V., Guiducci, S., Guillermo Canton, G., Gunaydin, Y. O., Gupta, R., Gupta, R. S., Gutierrez, J., Gutleber, J., Guyot, C., Guzey, V., Gwenlan, C., Haberstroh, C., Hacisahinoglu, B., Haerer, B., Hahn, K., Hahn, T., Hammad, A., Han, C., Hance, M., Hannah, A., Harris, P. C., Hati, C., Haug, S., Hauptman, J., Haurylavets, V., He, H. -J., Hegglin, A., Hegner, B., Heinemann, K., Heinemeyer, S., Helsens, C., Henriques, A., Hernandez, P., Hernandez-Pinto, R. J., Hernandez-Sanchez, J., Herzig, T., Hiekkanen, I., Hillert, W., Hoehn, T., Hofer, M., Hofle, W., Holdener, F., Holleis, S., Holzer, B., Hong, D. K., Honorato, C. G., Hopkins, S. C., Hrdinka, J., Hug, F., Humann, B., Humer, H., Hurth, T., Hutton, A., Iacobucci, G., Ibarrola, N., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ilyina-Brunner, K., Incandela, J., Infantino, A., Ippolito, V., Ishino, M., Islam, R., Ita, H., Ivanovs, A., Iwamoto, S., Iyer, A., Izquierdo Bermudez, S., Jadach, S., Jamin, D. O., Janot, P., Jarry, P., Jeff, A., Jenny, P., Jensen, E., Jensen, M., Jiang, X., Jimenez, J. M., Jones, M. A., Jones, O. R., Jowett, J. M., Jung, S., Kaabi, W., Kado, M., Kahle, K., Kalinovskaya, L., Kalinowski, J., Kamenik, J. F., Kannike, K., Kara, S. O., Karadeniz, H., Karaventzas, V., Karpov, I., Kartal, S., Karyukhin, A., Kashikhin, V., Katharina Behr, J., Kaya, U., Keintzel, J., Keinz, P. A., Keppel, K., Kersevan, R., Kershaw, K., Khanpour, H., Khatibi, S., Khatiri Yanehsari, M., Khoze, V. V., Kieseler, J., Kilic, A., Kilpinen, A., Kim, Y. -K., Kim, D. W., Klein, U., Klein, M., Kling, F., Klinkenberg, N., Kloppel, S., Klute, M., Klyukhin, V. I., Knecht, M., Kniehl, B., Kocak, F., Koeberl, C., Kolano, A. M., Kollegger, A., Kolodziej, K., Kolomiets, A. A., Komppula, J., Koop, I., Koppenburg, P., Koratzinos, M., Kordiaczynska, M., Korjik, M., Kortner, O., Kostka, P., Kotlarski, W., Kotnig, C., Kottig, T., Kotwal, A. V., Kovalenko, A. D., Kowalski, S., Kozaczuk, J., Kozlov, G. A., Kozub, S. S., Krainer, A. M., Kramer, T., Kramer, M., Krammer, M., Krasnov, A. A., Krauss, F., Kravalis, K., Kretzschmar, L., Kriske, R. M., Kritscher, H., Krkotic, P., Kroha, H., Kucharczyk, M., Kuday, S., Kuendig, A., Kuhlmann, G., Kulesza, A., Kumar, M., Kusina, A., Kuttimalai, S., Kuze, M., Kwon, T., Lackner, F., Lackner, M., La Francesca, E., Laine, M., Lamanna, G., La Mendola, S., Lancon, E., Landsberg, G., Langacker, P., Lange, C., Langner, A., Lankford, A. J., Lansberg, J. P., Lari, T., Laycock, P. J., Lebrun, P., Lechner, A., Lee, K., Lee, S., Lee, R., Lefevre, T., Le Guen, P., Lehtinen, T., Leith, S. B., Lenzi, P., Leogrande, E., Leonidopoulos, C., Leon-Monzon, I., Lerner, G., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Levai, P., Leveratto, A., Levichev, E., Li, G., Li, S., Li, R., Liberati, D., Liepe, M., Lissauer, D. A., Liu, Z., Lobko, A., Locci, E., Logothetis Agaliotis, E., Lombardo, M. P., Long, A. J., Lorin, C., Losito, R., Louzguiti, A., Low, I., Lucchesi, D., Lucchini, M. T., Luciani, A., Lueckhof, M., Lunt, A. J. G., Luzum, M., Lyubimtsev, D. A., Maggiora, M., Magnin, N., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, F., Maitre, J., Makarenko, V., Malagoli, A., Malcles, J., Malgeri, L., Mallon, P. J., Maltoni, F., Malvezzi, S., Malyshev, O. B., Mancinelli, G., Mandrik, P., Manfrinetti, P., Mangano, M., Manil, P., Mannelli, M., Marchiori, G., Marhauser, F., Mariani, V., Marinozzi, V., Mariotto, S., Marquard, P., Marquet, C., Marriott-Dodington, T., Martin, R., Martin, O., Martin Camalich, J., Martinez, T., Martinez Bruzual, H., Martinez-Hernandez, M. I., Martins, D. E., Marzani, S., Marzocca, D., Marzola, L., Masciocchi, S., Masina, I., Massimiliano, A., Massironi, A., Masubuchi, T., Matveev, V. A., Mazzoni, M. A., Mccullough, M., Mcintosh, P. A., Meade, P., Medina, L., Meier, A., Meignan, J., Mele, B., Mendes Saraiva, J. G., Menez, F., Mentink, M., Meoni, E., Meridiani, P., Merk, M., Mermod, P., Mertens, V., Mether, L., Metral, E., Migliorati, M., Milanese, A., Milardi, C., Milhano, G., Militsyn, B. L., Millet, F., Minashvili, I., Minervini, J. V., Miralles, L. S., Mirarchi, D., Mishima, S., Missiaen, D. P., Mitselmakher, G., Mitshuhashi, T., Mnich, J., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Mohapatra, R. N., Mokhov, N., Molson, J. G., Monge, R., Montag, C., Montagna, G., Monteil, S., Montenero, G., Montesinos, E., Moortgat, F., Morange, N., Morello, G., Moreno Llacer, M., Moretti, M., Moretti, S., Morley, A. K., Moros, A., Morozov, I., Morretta, V., Morrone, M., Mostacci, A., Muanza, S., Muchnoi, N., Muhlegger, M., Mulder, M., Mulders, M., Muller, B., Muller, F., Muller, A. -S., Munilla, J., Murray, M. J., Muttoni, Y., Myers, S., Mylona, M., Nachtman, J., Nakamoto, T., Nardecchia, M., Nardini, G., Nason, P., Nergiz, Z., Nesterenko, A. V., Netto, J. A., Nettstrater, A., Neubuser, C., Neundorf, J., Niccoli, F., Nicrosini, O., Nie, Y., Niedermayer, U., Niedziela, J., Niemi, A., Nikitin, S. A., Nisati, A., No, J. M., Nonis, M., Nosochkov, Y., Novak, M., Novokhatski, A., O'Callaghan, J. M., Ochando, C., Ogur, S., Ohmi, K., Oide, K., Okorokov, V. A., Okumura, Y., Oleari, C., Olness, F. I., Onel, Y., Ortino, M., Osborne, J., Osland, P., Otto, T., Oyulmaz, K. Y., Ozansoy, A., Ozcan, V., Ozdemir, K., Pagliarone, C. E., Pais da Silva, H. F., Palmieri, E., Palumbo, L., Pampaloni, A., Pan, R. -Q., Panareo, M., Panella, O., Panico, G., Panizzo, G., Pankov, A. A., Pantsyrny, V., Papadopoulos, C. G., Papaefstathiou, A., Papaphilippou, Y., Parker, M. A., Parma, V., Pasquali, M., Patra, S. K., Patterson, R., Paukkunen, H., Pauss, F., Peggs, S., Penttinen, J. -P., Peon, G., Perepelkin, E. E., Perez, E., Perez, J. C., Perez, G., Perez, F., Perez Codina, E., Perez Morales, J., Perfilov, M., Pernegger, H., Peruzzi, M., Pes, C., Peters, K., Petracca, S., Petriello, F., Pezzotti, L., Pfeiffer, S., Piccinini, F., Pieloni, T., Pierini, M., Pikhartova, H., Pikurs, G., Pilicer, E., Piminov, P., Pira, C., Pittau, R., Placzek, W., Plagge, M., Plehn, T., Pleier, M. -A., Ploskon, M., Podeur, M., Podlech, H., Podzorny, T., Poggioli, L., Poiron, A., Polesello, G., Poli Lener, M., Polini, A., Polinski, J., Polozov, S. M., Ponce, L., Pont, M., Pontecorvo, L., Portaluri, T., Potamianos, K., Prasse, C., Prausa, M., Preinerstorfer, A., Premat, E., Price, T., Primavera, M., Prino, F., Prioli, M., Proudfoot, J., Provino, A., Pugnat, T., Pukhaeva, N., Pulawski, S., Pulikowski, D., Punzi, G., Putti, M., Pyarelal, A., Quack, H., Quispe, M., Racioppi, A., Rafique, H., Raginel, V., Raidal, M., Ramirez-Uribe, N. S., Ramsey-Musolf, M. J., Rata, R., Ratoff, P., Ravotti, F., Rebello Teles, P., Reboud, M., Redaelli, S., Renner, E., Renteria-Olivo, A. E., Rescigno, M., Reuter, J., Ribon, A., Ricci, A. M., Riegler, W., Riemann, S., Riemann, B., Riemann, T., Rifflet, J. M., Rimmer, R. A., Rinaldesi, R., Rinolfi, L., Rios Rubiras, O., Risselada, T., Rivetti, A., Rivkin, L., Rizzo, T., Robens, T., Robert, F., Robson, A. J., Rochepault, E., Roda, C., Rodrigo, G., Rodriguez-Cahuantzi, M., Rogan, C., Roig, M., Rojas-Torres, S., Rojo, J., Rolandi, G., Rolando, G., Roloff, P., Romanenko, A., Romanov, A., Roncarolo, F., Rosado Sanchez, A., Rosaz, G., Rossi, L., Rossi, A., Rossmanith, R., Rousset, B., Royon, C., Ruan, X., Ruehl, I., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, R., Rumyantsev, L., Ruprecht, R., Ryazanov, A. I., Saba, A., Sadykov, R., Saez de Jauregui, D., Sahin, M., Sailer, B., Saito, M., Sala, F., Salam, G. P., Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Salgado, C. A., Salini, S., Sallese, J. M., Salmi, T., Salzburger, A., Sampayo, O. A., Sanfilippo, S., Santiago, J., Santopinto, E., Santoro, R., Sanz Ull, A., Sarasola, X., Sarpun, I. H., Sauvain, M., Savelyeva, S., Sawada, R., Sborlini, G. F. R., Schaffer, A., Schaumann, M., Schenk, M., Scheuerlein, C., Schienbein, I., Schlenga, K., Schmickler, H., Schmidt, R., Schoerling, D., Schoning, A., Schorner-Sadenius, T., Schott, M., Schulte, D., Schwaller, P., Schwanenberger, C., Schwemling, P., Schwerg, N., Scibile, L., Sciuto, A., Scomparin, E., Sebastiani, C., Seeber, B., Segreti, M., Selva, P., Selvaggi, M., Senatore, C., Senol, A., Serin, L., Serluca, M., Serra, N., Seryi, A., Sestini, L., Sfyrla, A., Shaposhnikov, M., Shaposhnikova, E., Sharkov, B. Y., Shatilov, D., Shelton, J., Shiltsev, V., Shipsey, I. P., Shirkov, G. D., Shivaji, A., Shwartz, D., Sian, T., Sidorov, S., Siemko, A., Silvestrini, L., Simand, N., Simon, F., Singh, B. K., Siodmok, A., Sirois, Y., Sirtori, E., Sirvinskaite, R., Sitar, B., Sjostrand, T., Skands, P., Skordis, E., Skovpen, K., Skrzypek, M., Slade, E., Slavich, P., Slovak, R., Smaluk, V., Smirnov, V., Snoeys, W., Soffi, L., Sollander, P., Solovyanov, O., Soltveit, H. K., Song, H., Sopicki, P., Sorbi, M., Spallino, L., Spannowsky, M., Spataro, B., Sphicas, P., Spiesberger, H., Spiller, P., Spira, M., Srivastava, T., Stachel, J., Stakia, A., Stanyard, J. L., Starchenko, E., Starikov, A. Y., Stasto, A. M., Statera, M., Steerenberg, R., Steggemann, J., Stenvall, A., Stivanello, F., Stockinger, D., Stoel, L. S., Stoger-Pollach, M., Strauss, B., Stuart, M., Stupakov, G., Su, S., Sublet, A., Sugita, K., Sulak, L., Sullivan, M. K., Sultansoy, S., Sumida, T., Suzuki, K., Sylva, G., Syphers, M. J., Sznajder, A., Taborelli, M., Tahir, N. A., Takeuchi, M., Tal Hod, E., Tambasco, C., Tanaka, J., Tang, K., Tapan, I., Taroni, S., Tartarelli, G. F., Tassielli, G., Tavian, L., Taylor, T. M., Taylor, G. N., Teixeira, A. M., Tejeda-Munoz, G., Telnov, V. I., Tenchini, R., ten Kate, H. H. J., Terashi, K., Tesi, A., Testa, M., Tetrel, C., Teytelman, D., Thaler, J., Thamm, A., Thomas, S., Tiirakari, M. T., Tikhomirov, V., Tikhonov, D., Timko, H., Tisserand, V., Tkachenko, L. M., Tkaczuk, J., Tock, J. P., Todd, B., Todesco, E., Tomas Garcia, R., Tommasini, D., Tonelli, G., Toral, F., Torims, T., Torre, R., Townsend, Z., Trant, R., Treille, D., Trentadue, L., Tricoli, A., Tricomi, A., Trischuk, W., Tropin, I. S., Tuchming, B., Tudora, A. A., Turbiarz, B., Turk Cakir, I., Turri, M., Tydecks, T., Usovitsch, J., Uythoven, J., Vaglio, R., Valassi, A., Valchkova, F., Valdivia Garcia, M. A., Valente, P., Valente, R. U., Valente-Feliciano, A. -M., Valentino, G., Vale Silva, L., Valet, J. M., Valizadeh, R., Valle, J. W. F., Vallecorsa, S., Vallone, G., van Leeuwen, M., van Rienen, U. H., van Riesen-Haupt, L., Varasteh, M., Vecchi, L., Vedrine, P., Velev, G., Veness, R., Ventura, A., Venturini Delsolaro, W., Verducci, M., Verhaaren, C. B., Vernieri, C., Verweij, A. P., Verwilligen, O., Viazlo, O., Vicini, A., Viehhauser, G., Vignaroli, N., Vignolo, M., Vitrano, A., Vivarelli, I., Vlachos, S., Vogel, M., Vogt, D. M., Volkl, V., Volkov, P., Volpini, G., von Ahnen, J., Vorotnikov, G., Voutsinas, G. G., Vysotsky, V., Wagner, U., Wallny, R., Wang, L. -T., Wang, R., Wang, K., Ward, B. F. L., Watson, T. P., Watson, N. K., Ws, Z., Weiland, C., Weinzierl, S., Welsch, C. P., Wenninger, J., Widorski, M., Wiedemann, U. A., Wienands, H. -U., Wilkinson, G., Williams, P. H., Winter, A., Wohlfahrt, A., Wojton, T., Wollmann, D., Womersley, J., Woog, D., Wu, X., Wulzer, A., Yanehsari, M. K., Yang, G., Yang, H. J., Yao, W. -M., Yazgan, E., Yermolchik, V., Yilmaz, A., Yoo, H. -D., Yost, S. A., You, T., Young, C., Yu, T. -T., Yu, F., Zaborowska, A., Zadeh, S. G., Zahnd, M., Zanetti, M., Zanotto, L., Zawiejski, L., Zeiler, P., Zerlauth, M., Zernov, S. M., Zevi Dell Porta, G., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, H., Zhao, Z., Zhong, Y. -M., Zhou, J., Zhou, D., Zhuang, P., Zick, G., Zimmermann, F., Zinn-Justin, J., Zivkovic, L., Zlobin, A. V., Zobov, M., Zupan, J., Zurita, J., Abada, A, Abbrescia, M, Abdussalam, S, Abdyukhanov, I, Abelleira Fernandez, J, Abramov, A, Aburaia, M, Acar, A, Adzic, P, Agrawal, P, Aguilar-Saavedra, J, Aguilera-Verdugo, J, Aiba, M, Aichinger, I, Aielli, G, Akay, A, Akhundov, A, Aksakal, H, Albacete, J, Albergo, S, Alekou, A, Aleksa, M, Aleksan, R, Alemany Fernandez, R, Alexahin, Y, Alia, R, Alioli, S, Alipour Tehrani, N, Allanach, B, Allport, P, Altinli, M, Altmannshofer, W, Ambrosio, G, Amorim, D, Amstutz, O, Anderlini, L, Andreazza, A, Andreini, M, Andriatis, A, Andris, C, Andronic, A, Angelucci, M, Antinori, F, Antipov, S, Antonelli, M, Antonello, M, Antonioli, P, Antusch, S, Anulli, F, Apolinario, L, Apollinari, G, Apollonio, A, Appelo, D, Appleby, R, Apyan, A, Arbey, A, Arbuzov, A, Arduini, G, Ari, V, Arias, S, Armesto, N, Arnaldi, R, Arsenyev, S, Arzeo, M, Asai, S, Aslanides, E, Assmann, R, Astapovych, D, Atanasov, M, Atieh, S, Attie, D, Auchmann, B, Audurier, A, Aull, S, Aumon, S, Aune, S, Avino, F, Avrillaud, G, Aydin, G, Azatov, A, Azuelos, G, Azzi, P, Azzolini, O, Azzurri, P, Bacchetta, N, Bacchiocchi, E, Bachacou, H, Baek, Y, Baglin, V, Bai, Y, Baird, S, Baker, M, Baldwin, M, Ball, A, Ballarino, A, Banerjee, S, Barber, D, Barducci, D, Barjhoux, P, Barna, D, Barnafoldi, G, Barnes, M, Barr, A, Barranco Garcia, J, Barreiro Guimaraes da Costa, J, Bartmann, W, Baryshevsky, V, Barzi, E, Bass, S, Bastianin, A, Baudouy, B, Bauer, F, Bauer, M, Baumgartner, T, Bautista-Guzman, I, Bayindir, C, Beaudette, F, Bedeschi, F, Beguin, M, Bellafont, I, Bellagamba, L, Bellegarde, N, Belli, E, Bellingeri, E, Bellini, F, Bellomo, G, Belomestnykh, S, Bencivenni, G, Benedikt, M, Bernardi, G, Bernardi, J, Bernet, C, Bernhardt, J, Bernini, C, Berriaud, C, Bertarelli, A, Bertolucci, S, Besana, M, Besancon, M, Beznosov, O, Bhat, P, Bhat, C, Biagini, M, Biarrotte, J, Bibet Chevalier, A, Bielert, E, Biglietti, M, Bilei, G, Bilki, B, Biscari, C, Bishara, F, Blanco-Garcia, O, Blanquez, F, Blekman, F, Blondel, A, Blumlein, J, Boccali, T, Boels, R, Bogacz, S, Bogomyagkov, A, Boine-Frankenheim, O, Boland, M, Bologna, S, Bolukbasi, O, Bomben, M, Bondarenko, S, Bonvini, M, Boos, E, Bordini, B, Bordry, F, Borghello, G, Borgonovi, L, Borowka, S, Bortoletto, D, Boscherini, D, Boscolo, M, Boselli, S, Bosley, R, Bossu, F, Botta, C, Bottura, L, Boughezal, R, Boutin, D, Bovone, G, Bozovic Jelisavic, I, Bozbey, A, Bozzi, C, Bozzini, D, Braccini, V, Braibant-Giacomelli, S, Bramante, J, Braun-Munzinger, P, Briffa, J, Britzger, D, Brodsky, S, Brooke, J, Bruce, R, Bruckman De Renstrom, P, Bruna, E, Bruning, O, Brunner, O, Brunner, K, Bruzzone, P, Buffat, X, Bulyak, E, Burkart, F, Burkhardt, H, Burnet, J, Butin, F, Buttazzo, D, Butterworth, A, Caccia, M, Cai, Y, Caiffi, B, Cairo, V, Cakir, O, Calaga, R, Calatroni, S, Calderini, G, Calderola, G, Caliskan, A, Calvet, D, Calviani, M, Camalich, J, Camarri, P, Campanelli, M, Camporesi, T, Canbay, A, Canepa, A, Cantergiani, E, Cantore-Cavalli, D, Capeans, M, Cardarelli, R, Cardella, U, Cardini, A, Carloni Calame, C, Carra, F, Carra, S, Carvalho, A, Casalbuoni, S, Casas, J, Cascella, M, Castelnovo, P, Castorina, G, Catalano, G, Cavasinni, V, Cazzato, E, Cennini, E, Cerri, A, Cerutti, F, Cervantes, J, Chaikovska, I, Chakrabortty, J, Chala, M, Chamizo-Llatas, M, Chanal, H, Chanal, D, Chance, S, Chance, A, Charitos, P, Charles, J, Charles, T, Chattopadhyay, S, Chehab, R, Chekanov, S, Chen, N, Chernoded, A, Chetvertkova, V, Chevalier, L, Chiarelli, G, Chiarello, G, Chiesa, M, Chiggiato, P, Childers, J, Chmielinska, A, Cholakian, A, Chomaz, P, Chorowski, M, Chou, W, Chrzaszcz, M, Chyhyrynets, E, Cibinetto, G, Ciftci, A, Ciftci, R, Cimino, R, Ciuchini, M, Clark, P, Coadou, Y, Cobal, M, Coccaro, A, Cogan, J, Cogneras, E, Collamati, F, Colldelram, C, Collier, P, Collot, J, Contino, R, Conventi, F, Cook, C, Cooley, L, Corcella, G, Cornell, A, Corral, G, Correia-Rodrigues, H, Costanza, F, Costa Pinto, P, Couderc, F, Coupard, J, Craig, N, Crespo Garrido, I, Crivellin, A, Croteau, J, Crouch, M, Cruz Alaniz, E, Cure, B, Curti, J, Curtin, D, Czech, M, Dachauer, C, D'Agnolo, R, Daibo, M, Dainese, A, Dalena, B, Daljevec, A, Dallapiazza, W, D'Aloia Schwartzentruber, L, Dam, M, D'Ambrosio, G, Das, S, Dasbakshi, S, da Silva, W, da Silveira, G, D'Auria, V, D'Auria, S, David, A, Davidek, T, Deandrea, A, de Blas, J, Debono, C, De Curtis, S, De Filippis, N, de Florian, D, Deghaye, S, de Jong, S, Del Bo, C, Del Duca, V, Delikaris, D, Deliot, F, Dell'Acqua, A, Delle Rose, L, Delmastro, M, De Lucia, E, Demarteau, M, Denegri, D, Deniau, L, Denisov, D, Denizli, H, Denner, A, D'Enterria, D, de Rijk, G, De Roeck, A, Derue, F, Deschamps, O, Descotes-Genon, S, Dev, P, de Vivie de Regie, J, Dewanjee, R, Di Ciaccio, A, Di Cicco, A, Dillon, B, Di Micco, B, Di Nezza, P, Di Vita, S, Doblhammer, A, Dominjon, A, D'Onofrio, M, Dordei, F, Drago, A, Draper, P, Drasal, Z, Drewes, M, Duarte, L, Dubovyk, I, Duda, P, Dudarev, A, Dudko, L, Duellmann, D, Dunser, M, du Pree, T, Durante, M, Duran Yildiz, H, Dutta, S, Duval, F, Duval, J, Dydyshka, Y, Dziewit, B, Eisenhardt, S, Eisterer, M, Ekelof, T, El Khechen, D, Ellis, S, Ellis, J, Ellison, J, Elsener, K, Elsing, M, Enari, Y, Englert, C, Eriksson, H, Eskola, K, Esposito, L, Etisken, O, Etzion, E, Fabbricatore, P, Falkowski, A, Falou, A, Faltova, J, Fan, J, Fano, L, Farilla, A, Farinelli, R, Farinon, S, Faroughy, D, Fartoukh, S, Faus-Golfe, A, Fawcett, W, Felici, G, Felsberger, L, Ferdeghini, C, Fernandez Navarro, A, Fernandez-Tellez, A, Ferradas Troitino, J, Ferrara, G, Ferrari, R, Ferreira, L, Ferreira da Silva, P, Ferrera, G, Ferro, F, Fiascaris, M, Fiorendi, S, Fiorio, C, Fischer, O, Fischer, E, Flieger, W, Florio, M, Fonnesu, D, Fontanesi, E, Foppiani, N, Foraz, K, Forkel-Wirth, D, Forte, S, Fouaidy, M, Fournier, D, Fowler, T, Fox, J, Francavilla, P, Franceschini, R, Franchino, S, Franco, E, Freitas, A, Fuks, B, Furukawa, K, Furuseth, S, Gabrielli, E, Gaddi, A, Galanti, M, Gallo, E, Ganjour, S, Gao, J, Garcia Diaz, V, Garcia Perez, M, Garcia Tabares, L, Garion, C, Garzelli, M, Garzia, I, Gascon-Shotkin, S, Gaudio, G, Gay, P, Ge, S, Gehrmann, T, Genest, M, Gerard, R, Gerigk, F, Gerwig, H, Giacomelli, P, Giagu, S, Gianfelice-Wendt, E, Gianotti, F, Giffoni, F, Gilardoni, S, Gil Costa, M, Giovannetti, M, Giovannozzi, M, Giubellino, P, Giudice, G, Giunta, A, Gladilin, L, Glukhov, S, Gluza, J, Gobbi, G, Goddard, B, Goertz, F, Golling, T, Goncalves, V, Goncalo, R, Gonzalez Gomez, L, Gorgi Zadeh, S, Gorine, G, Gorini, E, Gourlay, S, Gouskos, L, Grancagnolo, F, Grassellino, A, Grau, A, Graverini, E, Gray, H, Greco, M, Grenard, J, Grimm, O, Grojean, C, Gromov, V, Grosse-Oetringhaus, J, Grudiev, A, Grzanka, K, Gu, J, Guadagnoli, D, Guidi, V, Guiducci, S, Guillermo Canton, G, Gunaydin, Y, Gupta, R, Gutierrez, J, Gutleber, J, Guyot, C, Guzey, V, Gwenlan, C, Haberstroh, C, Hacisahinoglu, B, Haerer, B, Hahn, K, Hahn, T, Hammad, A, Han, C, Hance, M, Hannah, A, Harris, P, Hati, C, Haug, S, Hauptman, J, Haurylavets, V, He, H, Hegglin, A, Hegner, B, Heinemann, K, Heinemeyer, S, Helsens, C, Henriques, A, Hernandez, P, Hernandez-Pinto, R, Hernandez-Sanchez, J, Herzig, T, Hiekkanen, I, Hillert, W, Hoehn, T, Hofer, M, Hofle, W, Holdener, F, Holleis, S, Holzer, B, Hong, D, Honorato, C, Hopkins, S, Hrdinka, J, Hug, F, Humann, B, Humer, H, Hurth, T, Hutton, A, Iacobucci, G, Ibarrola, N, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Ilyina-Brunner, K, Incandela, J, Infantino, A, Ippolito, V, Ishino, M, Islam, R, Ita, H, Ivanovs, A, Iwamoto, S, Iyer, A, Izquierdo Bermudez, S, Jadach, S, Jamin, D, Janot, P, Jarry, P, Jeff, A, Jenny, P, Jensen, E, Jensen, M, Jiang, X, Jimenez, J, Jones, M, Jones, O, Jowett, J, Jung, S, Kaabi, W, Kado, M, Kahle, K, Kalinovskaya, L, Kalinowski, J, Kamenik, J, Kannike, K, Kara, S, Karadeniz, H, Karaventzas, V, Karpov, I, Kartal, S, Karyukhin, A, Kashikhin, V, Katharina Behr, J, Kaya, U, Keintzel, J, Keinz, P, Keppel, K, Kersevan, R, Kershaw, K, Khanpour, H, Khatibi, S, Khatiri Yanehsari, M, Khoze, V, Kieseler, J, Kilic, A, Kilpinen, A, Kim, Y, Kim, D, Klein, U, Klein, M, Kling, F, Klinkenberg, N, Kloppel, S, Klute, M, Klyukhin, V, Knecht, M, Kniehl, B, Kocak, F, Koeberl, C, Kolano, A, Kollegger, A, Kolodziej, K, Kolomiets, A, Komppula, J, Koop, I, Koppenburg, P, Koratzinos, M, Kordiaczynska, M, Korjik, M, Kortner, O, Kostka, P, Kotlarski, W, Kotnig, C, Kottig, T, Kotwal, A, Kovalenko, A, Kowalski, S, Kozaczuk, J, Kozlov, G, Kozub, S, Krainer, A, Kramer, T, Kramer, M, Krammer, M, Krasnov, A, Krauss, F, Kravalis, K, Kretzschmar, L, Kriske, R, Kritscher, H, Krkotic, P, Kroha, H, Kucharczyk, M, Kuday, S, Kuendig, A, Kuhlmann, G, Kulesza, A, Kumar, M, Kusina, A, Kuttimalai, S, Kuze, M, Kwon, T, Lackner, F, Lackner, M, La Francesca, E, Laine, M, Lamanna, G, La Mendola, S, Lancon, E, Landsberg, G, Langacker, P, Lange, C, Langner, A, Lankford, A, Lansberg, J, Lari, T, Laycock, P, Lebrun, P, Lechner, A, Lee, K, Lee, S, Lee, R, Lefevre, T, Le Guen, P, Lehtinen, T, Leith, S, Lenzi, P, Leogrande, E, Leonidopoulos, C, Leon-Monzon, I, Lerner, G, Leroy, O, Lesiak, T, Levai, P, Leveratto, A, Levichev, E, Li, G, Li, S, Li, R, Liberati, D, Liepe, M, Lissauer, D, Liu, Z, Lobko, A, Locci, E, Logothetis Agaliotis, E, Lombardo, M, Long, A, Lorin, C, Losito, R, Louzguiti, A, Low, I, Lucchesi, D, Lucchini, M, Luciani, A, Lueckhof, M, Lunt, A, Luzum, M, Lyubimtsev, D, Maggiora, M, Magnin, N, Mahmoud, M, Mahmoudi, F, Maitre, J, Makarenko, V, Malagoli, A, Malcles, J, Malgeri, L, Mallon, P, Maltoni, F, Malvezzi, S, Malyshev, O, Mancinelli, G, Mandrik, P, Manfrinetti, P, Mangano, M, Manil, P, Mannelli, M, Marchiori, G, Marhauser, F, Mariani, V, Marinozzi, V, Mariotto, S, Marquard, P, Marquet, C, Marriott-Dodington, T, Martin, R, Martin, O, Martin Camalich, J, Martinez, T, Martinez Bruzual, H, Martinez-Hernandez, M, Martins, D, Marzani, S, Marzocca, D, Marzola, L, Masciocchi, S, Masina, I, Massimiliano, A, Massironi, A, Masubuchi, T, Matveev, V, Mazzoni, M, Mccullough, M, Mcintosh, P, Meade, P, Medina, L, Meier, A, Meignan, J, Mele, B, Mendes Saraiva, J, Menez, F, Mentink, M, Meoni, E, Meridiani, P, Merk, M, Mermod, P, Mertens, V, Mether, L, Metral, E, Migliorati, M, Milanese, A, Milardi, C, Milhano, G, Militsyn, B, Millet, F, Minashvili, I, Minervini, J, Miralles, L, Mirarchi, D, Mishima, S, Missiaen, D, Mitselmakher, G, Mitshuhashi, T, Mnich, J, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, Mohapatra, R, Mokhov, N, Molson, J, Monge, R, Montag, C, Montagna, G, Monteil, S, Montenero, G, Montesinos, E, Moortgat, F, Morange, N, Morello, G, Moreno Llacer, M, Moretti, M, Moretti, S, Morley, A, Moros, A, Morozov, I, Morretta, V, Morrone, M, Mostacci, A, Muanza, S, Muchnoi, N, Muhlegger, M, Mulder, M, Mulders, M, Muller, B, Muller, F, Muller, A, Munilla, J, Murray, M, Muttoni, Y, Myers, S, Mylona, M, Nachtman, J, Nakamoto, T, Nardecchia, M, Nardini, G, Nason, P, Nergiz, Z, Nesterenko, A, Netto, J, Nettstrater, A, Neubuser, C, Neundorf, J, Niccoli, F, Nicrosini, O, Nie, Y, Niedermayer, U, Niedziela, J, Niemi, A, Nikitin, S, Nisati, A, No, J, Nonis, M, Nosochkov, Y, Novak, M, Novokhatski, A, O'Callaghan, J, Ochando, C, Ogur, S, Ohmi, K, Oide, K, Okorokov, V, Okumura, Y, Oleari, C, Olness, F, Onel, Y, Ortino, M, Osborne, J, Osland, P, Otto, T, Oyulmaz, K, Ozansoy, A, Ozcan, V, Ozdemir, K, Pagliarone, C, Pais da Silva, H, Palmieri, E, Palumbo, L, Pampaloni, A, Pan, R, Panareo, M, Panella, O, Panico, G, Panizzo, G, Pankov, A, Pantsyrny, V, Papadopoulos, C, Papaefstathiou, A, Papaphilippou, Y, Parker, M, Parma, V, Pasquali, M, Patra, S, Patterson, R, Paukkunen, H, Pauss, F, Peggs, S, Penttinen, J, Peon, G, Perepelkin, E, Perez, E, Perez, J, Perez, G, Perez, F, Perez Codina, E, Perez Morales, J, Perfilov, M, Pernegger, H, Peruzzi, M, Pes, C, Peters, K, Petracca, S, Petriello, F, Pezzotti, L, Pfeiffer, S, Piccinini, F, Pieloni, T, Pierini, M, Pikhartova, H, Pikurs, G, Pilicer, E, Piminov, P, Pira, C, Pittau, R, Placzek, W, Plagge, M, Plehn, T, Pleier, M, Ploskon, M, Podeur, M, Podlech, H, Podzorny, T, Poggioli, L, Poiron, A, Polesello, G, Poli Lener, M, Polini, A, Polinski, J, Polozov, S, Ponce, L, Pont, M, Pontecorvo, L, Portaluri, T, Potamianos, K, Prasse, C, Prausa, M, Preinerstorfer, A, Premat, E, Price, T, Primavera, M, Prino, F, Prioli, M, Proudfoot, J, Provino, A, Pugnat, T, Pukhaeva, N, Pulawski, S, Pulikowski, D, Punzi, G, Putti, M, Pyarelal, A, Quack, H, Quispe, M, Racioppi, A, Rafique, H, Raginel, V, Raidal, M, Ramirez-Uribe, N, Ramsey-Musolf, M, Rata, R, Ratoff, P, Ravotti, F, Rebello Teles, P, Reboud, M, Redaelli, S, Renner, E, Renteria-Olivo, A, Rescigno, M, Reuter, J, Ribon, A, Ricci, A, Riegler, W, Riemann, S, Riemann, B, Riemann, T, Rifflet, J, Rimmer, R, Rinaldesi, R, Rinolfi, L, Rios Rubiras, O, Risselada, T, Rivetti, A, Rivkin, L, Rizzo, T, Robens, T, Robert, F, Robson, A, Rochepault, E, Roda, C, Rodrigo, G, Rodriguez-Cahuantzi, M, Rogan, C, Roig, M, Rojas-Torres, S, Rojo, J, Rolandi, G, Rolando, G, Roloff, P, Romanenko, A, Romanov, A, Roncarolo, F, Rosado Sanchez, A, Rosaz, G, Rossi, L, Rossi, A, Rossmanith, R, Rousset, B, Royon, C, Ruan, X, Ruehl, I, Ruhlmann-Kleider, V, Ruiz, R, Rumyantsev, L, Ruprecht, R, Ryazanov, A, Saba, A, Sadykov, R, Saez de Jauregui, D, Sahin, M, Sailer, B, Saito, M, Sala, F, Salam, G, Salfeld-Nebgen, J, Salgado, C, Salini, S, Sallese, J, Salmi, T, Salzburger, A, Sampayo, O, Sanfilippo, S, Santiago, J, Santopinto, E, Santoro, R, Sanz Ull, A, Sarasola, X, Sarpun, I, Sauvain, M, Savelyeva, S, Sawada, R, Sborlini, G, Schaffer, A, Schaumann, M, Schenk, M, Scheuerlein, C, Schienbein, I, Schlenga, K, Schmickler, H, Schmidt, R, Schoerling, D, Schoning, A, Schorner-Sadenius, T, Schott, M, Schulte, D, Schwaller, P, Schwanenberger, C, Schwemling, P, Schwerg, N, Scibile, L, Sciuto, A, Scomparin, E, Sebastiani, C, Seeber, B, Segreti, M, Selva, P, Selvaggi, M, Senatore, C, Senol, A, Serin, L, Serluca, M, Serra, N, Seryi, A, Sestini, L, Sfyrla, A, Shaposhnikov, M, Shaposhnikova, E, Sharkov, B, Shatilov, D, Shelton, J, Shiltsev, V, Shipsey, I, Shirkov, G, Shivaji, A, Shwartz, D, Sian, T, Sidorov, S, Siemko, A, Silvestrini, L, Simand, N, Simon, F, Singh, B, Siodmok, A, Sirois, Y, Sirtori, E, Sirvinskaite, R, Sitar, B, Sjostrand, T, Skands, P, Skordis, E, Skovpen, K, Skrzypek, M, Slade, E, Slavich, P, Slovak, R, Smaluk, V, Smirnov, V, Snoeys, W, Soffi, L, Sollander, P, Solovyanov, O, Soltveit, H, Song, H, Sopicki, P, Sorbi, M, Spallino, L, Spannowsky, M, Spataro, B, Sphicas, P, Spiesberger, H, Spiller, P, Spira, M, Srivastava, T, Stachel, J, Stakia, A, Stanyard, J, Starchenko, E, Starikov, A, Stasto, A, Statera, M, Steerenberg, R, Steggemann, J, Stenvall, A, Stivanello, F, Stockinger, D, Stoel, L, Stoger-Pollach, M, Strauss, B, Stuart, M, Stupakov, G, Su, S, Sublet, A, Sugita, K, Sulak, L, Sullivan, M, Sultansoy, S, Sumida, T, Suzuki, K, Sylva, G, Syphers, M, Sznajder, A, Taborelli, M, Tahir, N, Takeuchi, M, Tal Hod, E, Tambasco, C, Tanaka, J, Tang, K, Tapan, I, Taroni, S, Tartarelli, G, Tassielli, G, Tavian, L, Taylor, T, Taylor, G, Teixeira, A, Tejeda-Munoz, G, Telnov, V, Tenchini, R, ten Kate, H, Terashi, K, Tesi, A, Testa, M, Tetrel, C, Teytelman, D, Thaler, J, Thamm, A, Thomas, S, Tiirakari, M, Tikhomirov, V, Tikhonov, D, Timko, H, Tisserand, V, Tkachenko, L, Tkaczuk, J, Tock, J, Todd, B, Todesco, E, Tomas Garcia, R, Tommasini, D, Tonelli, G, Toral, F, Torims, T, Torre, R, Townsend, Z, Trant, R, Treille, D, Trentadue, L, Tricoli, A, Tricomi, A, Trischuk, W, Tropin, I, Tuchming, B, Tudora, A, Turbiarz, B, Turk Cakir, I, Turri, M, Tydecks, T, Usovitsch, J, Uythoven, J, Vaglio, R, Valassi, A, Valchkova, F, Valdivia Garcia, M, Valente, P, Valente, R, Valente-Feliciano, A, Valentino, G, Vale Silva, L, Valet, J, Valizadeh, R, Valle, J, Vallecorsa, S, Vallone, G, van Leeuwen, M, van Rienen, U, van Riesen-Haupt, L, Varasteh, M, Vecchi, L, Vedrine, P, Velev, G, Veness, R, Ventura, A, Venturini Delsolaro, W, Verducci, M, Verhaaren, C, Vernieri, C, Verweij, A, Verwilligen, O, Viazlo, O, Vicini, A, Viehhauser, G, Vignaroli, N, Vignolo, M, Vitrano, A, Vivarelli, I, Vlachos, S, Vogel, M, Vogt, D, Volkl, V, Volkov, P, Volpini, G, von Ahnen, J, Vorotnikov, G, Voutsinas, G, Vysotsky, V, Wagner, U, Wallny, R, Wang, L, Wang, R, Wang, K, Ward, B, Watson, T, Watson, N, Ws, Z, Weiland, C, Weinzierl, S, Welsch, C, Wenninger, J, Widorski, M, Wiedemann, U, Wienands, H, Wilkinson, G, Williams, P, Winter, A, Wohlfahrt, A, Wojton, T, Wollmann, D, Womersley, J, Woog, D, Wu, X, Wulzer, A, Yanehsari, M, Yang, G, Yang, H, Yao, W, Yazgan, E, Yermolchik, V, Yilmaz, A, Yoo, H, Yost, S, You, T, Young, C, Yu, T, Yu, F, Zaborowska, A, Zadeh, S, Zahnd, M, Zanetti, M, Zanotto, L, Zawiejski, L, Zeiler, P, Zerlauth, M, Zernov, S, Zevi Dell Porta, G, Zhang, Z, Zhang, Y, Zhang, C, Zhang, H, Zhao, Z, Zhong, Y, Zhou, J, Zhou, D, Zhuang, P, Zick, G, Zimmermann, F, Zinn-Justin, J, Zivkovic, L, Zlobin, A, Zobov, M, Zupan, J, Zurita, J, Işık Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Işık University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Bayındır, Cihan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. RF&MW - Grup de Recerca de sistemes, dispositius i materials de RF i microones, Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S.S., Abdyukhanov I., Abelleira Fernandez J., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A.O., Adzic P.R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J.A., Aguilera-Verdugo J.J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Albacete J.L., Albergo S., Alekou A., Aleksa M., Aleksan R., Alemany Fernandez R.M., Alexahin Y., Alia R.G., Alioli S., Alipour Tehrani N., Allanach B.C., Allport P.P., Altinli M., Altmannshofer W., Ambrosio G., Amorim D., Amstutz O., Anderlini L., Andreazza A., Andreini M., Andriatis A., Andris C., Andronic A., Angelucci M., Antinori F., Antipov S.A., Antonelli M., Antonello M., Antonioli P., Antusch S., Anulli F., Apolinario L., Apollinari G., Apollonio A., Appelo D., Appleby R.B., Apyan A., Arbey A., Arbuzov A., Arduini G., Ari V., Arias S., Armesto N., Arnaldi R., Arsenyev S.A., Arzeo M., Asai S., Aslanides E., Assmann R.W., Astapovych D., Atanasov M., Atieh S., Attie D., Auchmann B., Audurier A., Aull S., Aumon S., Aune S., Avino F., Avrillaud G., Aydin G., Azatov A., Azuelos G., Azzi P., Azzolini O., Azzurri P., Bacchetta N., Bacchiocchi E., Bachacou H., Baek Y.W., Baglin V., Bai Y., Baird S., Baker M.J., Baldwin M.J., Ball A.H., Ballarino A., Banerjee S., Barber D.P., Barducci D., Barjhoux P., Barna D., Barnafoldi G.G., Barnes M.J., Barr A., Barranco Garcia J., Barreiro Guimaraes da Costa J., Bartmann W., Baryshevsky V., Barzi E., Bass S.A., Bastianin A., Baudouy B., Bauer F., Bauer M., Baumgartner T., Bautista-Guzman I., Bayindir C., Beaudette F., Bedeschi F., Beguin M., Bellafont I., Bellagamba L., Bellegarde N., Belli E., Bellingeri E., Bellini F., Bellomo G., Belomestnykh S., Bencivenni G., Benedikt M., Bernardi G., Bernardi J., Bernet C., Bernhardt J.M., Bernini C., Berriaud C., Bertarelli A., Bertolucci S., Besana M.I., Besancon M., Beznosov O., Bhat P., Bhat C., Biagini M.E., Biarrotte J.-L., Bibet Chevalier A., Bielert E.R., Biglietti M., Bilei G.M., Bilki B., Biscari C., Bishara F., Blanco-Garcia O.R., Blanquez F.R., Blekman F., Blondel A., Blumlein J., Boccali T., Boels R., Bogacz S.A., Bogomyagkov A., Boine-Frankenheim O., Boland M.J., Bologna S., Bolukbasi O., Bomben M., Bondarenko S., Bonvini M., Boos E., Bordini B., Bordry F., Borghello G., Borgonovi L., Borowka S., Bortoletto D., Boscherini D., Boscolo M., Boselli S., Bosley R.R., Bossu F., Botta C., Bottura L., Boughezal R., Boutin D., Bovone G., Bozovic Jelisavic I., Bozbey A., Bozzi C., Bozzini D., Braccini V., Braibant-Giacomelli S., Bramante J., Braun-Munzinger P., Briffa J.A., Britzger D., Brodsky S.J., Brooke J.J., Bruce R., Bruckman De Renstrom P., Bruna E., Bruning O., Brunner O., Brunner K., Bruzzone P., Buffat X., Bulyak E., Burkart F., Burkhardt H., Burnet J.-P., Butin F., Buttazzo D., Butterworth A., Caccia M., Cai Y., Caiffi B., Cairo V., Cakir O., Calaga R., Calatroni S., Calderini G., Calderola G., Caliskan A., Calvet D., Calviani M., Camalich J.M., Camarri P., Campanelli M., Camporesi T., Canbay A.C., Canepa A., Cantergiani E., Cantore-Cavalli D., Capeans M., Cardarelli R., Cardella U., Cardini A., Carloni Calame C.M., Carra F., Carra S., Carvalho A., Casalbuoni S., Casas J., Cascella M., Castelnovo P., Castorina G., Catalano G., Cavasinni V., Cazzato E., Cennini E., Cerri A., Cerutti F., Cervantes J., Chaikovska I., Chakrabortty J., Chala M., Chamizo-Llatas M., Chanal H., Chanal D., Chance S., Chance A., Charitos P., Charles J., Charles T.K., Chattopadhyay S., Chehab R., Chekanov S.V., Chen N., Chernoded A., Chetvertkova V., Chevalier L., Chiarelli G., Chiarello G., Chiesa M., Chiggiato P., Childers J.T., Chmielinska A., Cholakian A., Chomaz P., Chorowski M., Chou W., Chrzaszcz M., Chyhyrynets E., Cibinetto G., Ciftci A.K., Ciftci R., Cimino R., Ciuchini M., Clark P.J., Coadou Y., Cobal M., Coccaro A., Cogan J., Cogneras E., Collamati F., Colldelram C., Collier P., Collot J., Contino R., Conventi F., Cook C.T.A., Cooley L., Corcella G., Cornell A.S., Corral G.H., Correia-Rodrigues H., Costanza F., Costa Pinto P., Couderc F., Coupard J., Craig N., Crespo Garrido I., Crivellin A., Croteau J.F., Crouch M., Cruz Alaniz E., Cure B., Curti J., Curtin D., Czech M., Dachauer C., D'Agnolo R.T., Daibo M., Dainese A., Dalena B., Daljevec A., Dallapiazza W., D'Aloia Schwartzentruber L., Dam M., D'Ambrosio G., Das S.P., DasBakshi S., da Silva W., da Silveira G.G., D'Auria V., D'Auria S., David A., Davidek T., Deandrea A., de Blas J., Debono C.J., De Curtis S., De Filippis N., de Florian D., Deghaye S., de Jong S.J., Del Bo C., Del Duca V., Delikaris D., Deliot F., Dell'Acqua A., Delle Rose L., Delmastro M., De Lucia E., Demarteau M., Denegri D., Deniau L., Denisov D., Denizli H., Denner A., d'Enterria D., de Rijk G., De Roeck A., Derue F., Deschamps O., Descotes-Genon S., Dev P.S.B., de Vivie de Regie J.B., Dewanjee R.K., Di Ciaccio A., Di Cicco A., Dillon B.M., Di Micco B., Di Nezza P., Di Vita S., Doblhammer A., Dominjon A., D'Onofrio M., Dordei F., Drago A., Draper P., Drasal Z., Drewes M., Duarte L., Dubovyk I., Duda P., Dudarev A., Dudko L., Duellmann D., Dunser M., du Pree T., Durante M., Duran Yildiz H., Dutta S., Duval F., Duval J.M., Dydyshka Y., Dziewit B., Eisenhardt S., Eisterer M., Ekelof T., El Khechen D., Ellis S.A., Ellis J., Ellison J.A., Elsener K., Elsing M., Enari Y., Englert C., Eriksson H., Eskola K.J., Esposito L.S., Etisken O., Etzion E., Fabbricatore P., Falkowski A., Falou A., Faltova J., Fan J., Fano L., Farilla A., Farinelli R., Farinon S., Faroughy D.A., Fartoukh S.D., Faus-Golfe A., Fawcett W.J., Felici G., Felsberger L., Ferdeghini C., Fernandez Navarro A.M., Fernandez-Tellez A., Ferradas Troitino J., Ferrara G., Ferrari R., Ferreira L., Ferreira da Silva P., Ferrera G., Ferro F., Fiascaris M., Fiorendi S., Fiorio C., Fischer O., Fischer E., Flieger W., Florio M., Fonnesu D., Fontanesi E., Foppiani N., Foraz K., Forkel-Wirth D., Forte S., Fouaidy M., Fournier D., Fowler T., Fox J., Francavilla P., Franceschini R., Franchino S., Franco E., Freitas A., Fuks B., Furukawa K., Furuseth S.V., Gabrielli E., Gaddi A., Galanti M., Gallo E., Ganjour S., Gao J., Garcia Diaz V., Garcia Perez M., Garcia Tabares L., Garion C., Garzelli M.V., Garzia I., Gascon-Shotkin S.M., Gaudio G., Gay P., Ge S.-F., Gehrmann T., Genest M.H., Gerard R., Gerigk F., Gerwig H., Giacomelli P., Giagu S., Gianfelice-Wendt E., Gianotti F., Giffoni F., Gilardoni S.S., Gil Costa M., Giovannetti M., Giovannozzi M., Giubellino P., Giudice G.F., Giunta A., Gladilin L.K., Glukhov S., Gluza J., Gobbi G., Goddard B., Goertz F., Golling T., Goncalves V.P., Goncalo R., Gonzalez Gomez L.A., Gorgi Zadeh S., Gorine G., Gorini E., Gourlay S.A., Gouskos L., Grancagnolo F., Grassellino A., Grau A., Graverini E., Gray H.M., Greco M., Grenard J.-L., Grimm O., Grojean C., Gromov V.A., Grosse-Oetringhaus J.F., Grudiev A., Grzanka K., Gu J., Guadagnoli D., Guidi V., Guiducci S., Guillermo Canton G., Gunaydin Y.O., Gupta R., Gupta R.S., Gutierrez J., Gutleber J., Guyot C., Guzey V., Gwenlan C., Haberstroh C., Hacisahinoglu B., Haerer B., Hahn K., Hahn T., Hammad A., Han C., Hance M., Hannah A., Harris P.C., Hati C., Haug S., Hauptman J., Haurylavets V., He H.-J., Hegglin A., Hegner B., Heinemann K., Heinemeyer S., Helsens C., Henriques A., Hernandez P., Hernandez-Pinto R.J., Hernandez-Sanchez J., Herzig T., Hiekkanen I., Hillert W., Hoehn T., Hofer M., Hofle W., Holdener F., Holleis S., Holzer B., Hong D.K., Honorato C.G., Hopkins S.C., Hrdinka J., Hug F., Humann B., Humer H., Hurth T., Hutton A., Iacobucci G., Ibarrola N., Iconomidou-Fayard L., Ilyina-Brunner K., Incandela J., Infantino A., Ippolito V., Ishino M., Islam R., Ita H., Ivanovs A., Iwamoto S., Iyer A., Izquierdo Bermudez S., Jadach S., Jamin D.O., Janot P., Jarry P., Jeff A., Jenny P., Jensen E., Jensen M., Jiang X., Jimenez J.M., Jones M.A., Jones O.R., Jowett J.M., Jung S., Kaabi W., Kado M., Kahle K., Kalinovskaya L., Kalinowski J., Kamenik J.F., Kannike K., Kara S.O., Karadeniz H., Karaventzas V., Karpov I., Kartal S., Karyukhin A., Kashikhin V., Katharina Behr J., Kaya U., Keintzel J., Keinz P.A., Keppel K., Kersevan R., Kershaw K., Khanpour H., Khatibi S., Khatiri Yanehsari M., Khoze V.V., Kieseler J., Kilic A., Kilpinen A., Kim Y.-K., Kim D.W., Klein U., Klein M., Kling F., Klinkenberg N., Kloppel S., Klute M., Klyukhin V.I., Knecht M., Kniehl B., Kocak F., Koeberl C., Kolano A.M., Kollegger A., Kolodziej K., Kolomiets A.A., Komppula J., Koop I., Koppenburg P., Koratzinos M., Kordiaczynska M., Korjik M., Kortner O., Kostka P., Kotlarski W., Kotnig C., Kottig T., Kotwal A.V., Kovalenko A.D., Kowalski S., Kozaczuk J., Kozlov G.A., Kozub S.S., Krainer A.M., Kramer T., Kramer M., Krammer M., Krasnov A.A., Krauss F., Kravalis K., Kretzschmar L., Kriske R.M., Kritscher H., Krkotic P., Kroha H., Kucharczyk M., Kuday S., Kuendig A., Kuhlmann G., Kulesza A., Kumar M., Kusina A., Kuttimalai S., Kuze M., Kwon T., Lackner F., Lackner M., La Francesca E., Laine M., Lamanna G., La Mendola S., Lancon E., Landsberg G., Langacker P., Lange C., Langner A., Lankford A.J., Lansberg J.P., Lari T., Laycock P.J., Lebrun P., Lechner A., Lee K., Lee S., Lee R., Lefevre T., Le Guen P., Lehtinen T., Leith S.B., Lenzi P., Leogrande E., Leonidopoulos C., Leon-Monzon I., Lerner G., Leroy O., Lesiak T., Levai P., Leveratto A., Levichev E., Li G., Li S., Li R., Liberati D., Liepe M., Lissauer D.A., Liu Z., Lobko A., Locci E., Logothetis Agaliotis E., Lombardo M.P., Long A.J., Lorin C., Losito R., Louzguiti A., Low I., Lucchesi D., Lucchini M.T., Luciani A., Lueckhof M., Lunt A.J.G., Luzum M., Lyubimtsev D.A., Maggiora M., Magnin N., Mahmoud M.A., Mahmoudi F., Maitre J., Makarenko V., Malagoli A., Malcles J., Malgeri L., Mallon P.J., Maltoni F., Malvezzi S., Malyshev O.B., Mancinelli G., Mandrik P., Manfrinetti P., Mangano M., Manil P., Mannelli M., Marchiori G., Marhauser F., Mariani V., Marinozzi V., Mariotto S., Marquard P., Marquet C., Marriott-Dodington T., Martin R., Martin O., Martin Camalich J., Martinez T., Martinez Bruzual H., Martinez-Hernandez M.I., Martins D.E., Marzani S., Marzocca D., Marzola L., Masciocchi S., Masina I., Massimiliano A., Massironi A., Masubuchi T., Matveev V.A., Mazzoni M.A., McCullough M., McIntosh P.A., Meade P., Medina L., Meier A., Meignan J., Mele B., Mendes Saraiva J.G., Menez F., Mentink M., Meoni E., Meridiani P., Merk M., Mermod P., Mertens V., Mether L., Metral E., Migliorati M., Milanese A., Milardi C., Milhano G., Militsyn B.L., Millet F., Minashvili I., Minervini J.V., Miralles L.S., Mirarchi D., Mishima S., Missiaen D.P., Mitselmakher G., Mitshuhashi T., Mnich J., Mohammadi Najafabadi M., Mohapatra R.N., Mokhov N., Molson J.G., Monge R., Montag C., Montagna G., Monteil S., Montenero G., Montesinos E., Moortgat F., Morange N., Morello G., Moreno Llacer M., Moretti M., Moretti S., Morley A.K., Moros A., Morozov I., Morretta V., Morrone M., Mostacci A., Muanza S., Muchnoi N., Muhlegger M., Mulder M., Mulders M., Muller B., Muller F., Muller A.-S., Munilla J., Murray M.J., Muttoni Y., Myers S., Mylona M., Nachtman J., Nakamoto T., Nardecchia M., Nardini G., Nason P., Nergiz Z., Nesterenko A.V., Netto J.A., Nettstrater A., Neubuser C., Neundorf J., Niccoli F., Nicrosini O., Nie Y., Niedermayer U., Niedziela J., Niemi A., Nikitin S.A., Nisati A., No J.M., Nonis M., Nosochkov Y., Novak M., Novokhatski A., O'Callaghan J.M., Ochando C., Ogur S., Ohmi K., Oide K., Okorokov V.A., Okumura Y., Oleari C., Olness F.I., Onel Y., Ortino M., Osborne J., Osland P., Otto T., Oyulmaz K.Y., Ozansoy A., Ozcan V., Ozdemir K., Pagliarone C.E., Pais da Silva H.F., Palmieri E., Palumbo L., Pampaloni A., Pan R.-Q., Panareo M., Panella O., Panico G., Panizzo G., Pankov A.A., Pantsyrny V., Papadopoulos C.G., Papaefstathiou A., Papaphilippou Y., Parker M.A., Parma V., Pasquali M., Patra S.K., Patterson R., Paukkunen H., Pauss F., Peggs S., Penttinen J.-P., Peon G., Perepelkin E.E., Perez E., Perez J.C., Perez G., Perez F., Perez Codina E., Perez Morales J., Perfilov M., Pernegger H., Peruzzi M., Pes C., Peters K., Petracca S., Petriello F., Pezzotti L., Pfeiffer S., Piccinini F., Pieloni T., Pierini M., Pikhartova H., Pikurs G., Pilicer E., Piminov P., Pira C., Pittau R., Placzek W., Plagge M., Plehn T., Pleier M.-A., Ploskon M., Podeur M., Podlech H., Podzorny T., Poggioli L., Poiron A., Polesello G., Poli Lener M., Polini A., Polinski J., Polozov S.M., Ponce L., Pont M., Pontecorvo L., Portaluri T., Potamianos K., Prasse C., Prausa M., Preinerstorfer A., Premat E., Price T., Primavera M., Prino F., Prioli M., Proudfoot J., Provino A., Pugnat T., Pukhaeva N., Pulawski S., Pulikowski D., Punzi G., Putti M., Pyarelal A., Quack H., Quispe M., Racioppi A., Rafique H., Raginel V., Raidal M., Ramirez-Uribe N.S., Ramsey-Musolf M.J., Rata R., Ratoff P., Ravotti F., Rebello Teles P., Reboud M., Redaelli S., Renner E., Renteria-Olivo A.E., Rescigno M., Reuter J., Ribon A., Ricci A.M., Riegler W., Riemann S., Riemann B., Riemann T., Rifflet J.M., Rimmer R.A., Rinaldesi R., Rinolfi L., Rios Rubiras O., Risselada T., Rivetti A., Rivkin L., Rizzo T., Robens T., Robert F., Robson A.J., Rochepault E., Roda C., Rodrigo G., Rodriguez-Cahuantzi M., Rogan C., Roig M., Rojas-Torres S., Rojo J., Rolandi G., Rolando G., Roloff P., Romanenko A., Romanov A., Roncarolo F., Rosado Sanchez A., Rosaz G., Rossi L., Rossi A., Rossmanith R., Rousset B., Royon C., Ruan X., Ruehl I., Ruhlmann-Kleider V., Ruiz R., Rumyantsev L., Ruprecht R., Ryazanov A.I., Saba A., Sadykov R., Saez de Jauregui D., Sahin M., Sailer B., Saito M., Sala F., Salam G.P., Salfeld-Nebgen J., Salgado C.A., Salini S., Sallese J.M., Salmi T., Salzburger A., Sampayo O.A., Sanfilippo S., Santiago J., Santopinto E., Santoro R., Sanz Ull A., Sarasola X., Sarpun I.H., Sauvain M., Savelyeva S., Sawada R., Sborlini G.F.R., Schaffer A., Schaumann M., Schenk M., Scheuerlein C., Schienbein I., Schlenga K., Schmickler H., Schmidt R., Schoerling D., Schoning A., Schorner-Sadenius T., Schott M., Schulte D., Schwaller P., Schwanenberger C., Schwemling P., Schwerg N., Scibile L., Sciuto A., Scomparin E., Sebastiani C., Seeber B., Segreti M., Selva P., Selvaggi M., Senatore C., Senol A., Serin L., Serluca M., Serra N., Seryi A., Sestini L., Sfyrla A., Shaposhnikov M., Shaposhnikova E., Sharkov B.Y., Shatilov D., Shelton J., Shiltsev V., Shipsey I.P., Shirkov G.D., Shivaji A., Shwartz D., Sian T., Sidorov S., Siemko A., Silvestrini L., Simand N., Simon F., Singh B.K., Siodmok A., Sirois Y., Sirtori E., Sirvinskaite R., Sitar B., Sjostrand T., Skands P., Skordis E., Skovpen K., Skrzypek M., Slade E., Slavich P., Slovak R., Smaluk V., Smirnov V., Snoeys W., Soffi L., Sollander P., Solovyanov O., Soltveit H.K., Song H., Sopicki P., Sorbi M., Spallino L., Spannowsky M., Spataro B., Sphicas P., Spiesberger H., Spiller P., Spira M., Srivastava T., Stachel J., Stakia A., Stanyard J.L., Starchenko E., Starikov A.Y., Stasto A.M., Statera M., Steerenberg R., Steggemann J., Stenvall A., Stivanello F., Stockinger D., Stoel L.S., Stoger-Pollach M., Strauss B., Stuart M., Stupakov G., Su S., Sublet A., Sugita K., Sulak L., Sullivan M.K., Sultansoy S., Sumida T., Suzuki K., Sylva G., Syphers M.J., Sznajder A., Taborelli M., Tahir N.A., Takeuchi M., Tal Hod E., Tambasco C., Tanaka J., Tang K., Tapan I., Taroni S., Tartarelli G.F., Tassielli G., Tavian L., Taylor T.M., Taylor G.N., Teixeira A.M., Tejeda-Munoz G., Telnov V.I., Tenchini R., ten Kate H.H.J., Terashi K., Tesi A., Testa M., Tetrel C., Teytelman D., Thaler J., Thamm A., Thomas S., Tiirakari M.T., Tikhomirov V., Tikhonov D., Timko H., Tisserand V., Tkachenko L.M., Tkaczuk J., Tock J.P., Todd B., Todesco E., Tomas Garcia R., Tommasini D., Tonelli G., Toral F., Torims T., Torre R., Townsend Z., Trant R., Treille D., Trentadue L., Tricoli A., Tricomi A., Trischuk W., Tropin I.S., Tuchming B., Tudora A.A., Turbiarz B., Turk Cakir I., Turri M., Tydecks T., Usovitsch J., Uythoven J., Vaglio R., Valassi A., Valchkova F., Valdivia Garcia M.A., Valente P., Valente R.U., Valente-Feliciano A.-M., Valentino G., Vale Silva L., Valet J.M., Valizadeh R., Valle J.W.F., Vallecorsa S., Vallone G., van Leeuwen M., van Rienen U.H., van Riesen-Haupt L., Varasteh M., Vecchi L., Vedrine P., Velev G., Veness R., Ventura A., Venturini Delsolaro W., Verducci M., Verhaaren C.B., Vernieri C., Verweij A.P., Verwilligen O., Viazlo O., Vicini A., Viehhauser G., Vignaroli N., Vignolo M., Vitrano A., Vivarelli I., Vlachos S., Vogel M., Vogt D.M., Volkl V., Volkov P., Volpini G., von Ahnen J., Vorotnikov G., Voutsinas G.G., Vysotsky V., Wagner U., Wallny R., Wang L.-T., Wang R., Wang K., Ward B.F.L., Watson T.P., Watson N.K., Ws Z., Weiland C., Weinzierl S., Welsch C.P., Wenninger J., Widorski M., Wiedemann U.A., Wienands H.-U., Wilkinson G., Williams P.H., Winter A., Wohlfahrt A., Wojton T., Wollmann D., Womersley J., Woog D., Wu X., Wulzer A., Yanehsari M.K., Yang G., Yang H.J., Yao W.-M., Yazgan E., Yermolchik V., Yilmaz A., Yoo H.-D., Yost S.A., You T., Young C., Yu T.-T., Yu F., Zaborowska A., Zadeh S.G., Zahnd M., Zanetti M., Zanotto L., Zawiejski L., Zeiler P., Zerlauth M., Zernov S.M., Zevi Dell Porta G., Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Zhang C., Zhang H., Zhao Z., Zhong Y.-M., Zhou J., Zhou D., Zhuang P., Zick G., Zimmermann F., Zinn-Justin J., Zivkovic L., Zlobin A.V., Zobov M., Zupan J., Zurita J., BAİBÜ, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, Denizli, Haluk, TOBB ETU, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, TOBB ETU, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science & Nanotechnology Engineering, TOBB ETÜ, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü, TOBB ETÜ, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Nanoteknoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Bozbey, Ali, Sultansoy, Saleh, Özdemir, Kadri, Giresun Üniversitesi, UCL - SST/IRMP - Institut de recherche en mathématique et physique, and Ege Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Beam losses ,IMPACT ,Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors ,Physics beyond the Standard Model ,EVENT BUILDER ,hadron collider ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Mathematics and natural science: 400::Physics: 430::Nuclear and elementary particle physics: 431 [VDP] ,01 natural sciences ,7. Clean energy ,law.invention ,Subatomär fysik ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Conceptual design ,Colliding beam accelerators ,law ,HE-LHC ,Subatomic Physics ,General Materials Science ,Hadron colliders ,Física::Física de partícules::Hadrons [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Large Hadron Collider ,Acceleradors de partícules ,Physics ,Settore FIS/01 - Fisica Sperimentale ,Beams (radiation) ,Settore FIS/02 - Fisica Teorica, Modelli e Metodi Matematici ,Upgrade ,Impact ,collimators ,partikkelfysikk ,Future Circular Collider ,High-Energy ,Systems engineering ,HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider ,Col·lisionadors d'hadrons ,Applied physics ,Collimators ,Socio-culturale ,Fizik ,Hadrons ,Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation ,HE-LHC physics ,Condensed Matter::Materials Science ,0103 physical sciences ,Physics::Atomic and Molecular Clusters ,beam losses ,ddc:530 ,High Energy Physics ,partikkelakselerator ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Niobium-tin ,010306 general physics ,Collider ,Particle Physics ,Beams (radiation) | Collimators | Beam losses ,Energies::Energia nuclear [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Large Hadron Collider HE-LHC ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Colliders (Nuclear physics) ,Acceleratorfysik och instrumentering ,Event builder ,Accelerators and Storage Rings ,Particle accelerators ,chemistry ,Experimental High Energy Physics ,Physics::Accelerator Physics ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Future Colliders - Abstract
Authors: A. AbadaM. AbbresciaS. S. AbdusSalamI. AbdyukhanovJ. Abelleira FernandezA. AbramovM. AburaiaA. O. AcarP. R. AdzicP. AgrawalJ. A. Aguilar-SaavedraJ. J. Aguilera-VerdugoM. AibaI. AichingerG. AielliA. AkayA. AkhundovH. AksakalJ. L. AlbaceteS. AlbergoA. AlekouM. AleksaR. AleksanR. M. Alemany FernandezY. AlexahinR. G. AlíaS. AlioliN. Alipour TehraniB. C. AllanachP. P. AllportM. AltınlıW. AltmannshoferG. AmbrosioD. AmorimO. AmstutzL. AnderliniA. AndreazzaM. AndreiniA. AndriatisC. AndrisA. AndronicM. AngelucciF. AntinoriS. A. AntipovM. AntonelliM. AntonelloP. AntonioliS. AntuschF. AnulliL. ApolinárioG. ApollinariA. ApollonioD. AppelöR. B. ApplebyA. ApyanA. ApyanA. ArbeyA. ArbuzovG. ArduiniV. ArıS. AriasN. ArmestoR. ArnaldiS. A. ArsenyevM. ArzeoS. AsaiE. AslanidesR. W. AßmannD. AstapovychM. AtanasovS. AtiehD. AttiéB. AuchmannA. AudurierS. AullS. AumonS. AuneF. AvinoG. AvrillaudG. AydınA. AzatovG. AzuelosP. AzziO. AzzoliniP. AzzurriN. BacchettaE. BacchiocchiH. BachacouY. W. BaekV. BaglinY. BaiS. BairdM. J. BakerM. J. BaldwinA. H. BallA. BallarinoS. BanerjeeD. P. BarberD. BarducciP. BarjhouxD. BarnaG. G. BarnaföldiM. J. BarnesA. BarrJ. Barranco GarcíaJ. Barreiro Guimarães da CostaW. BartmannV. BaryshevskyE. BarziS. A. BassA. BastianinB. BaudouyF. BauerM. BauerT. BaumgartnerI. Bautista-GuzmánC. BayındırF. BeaudetteF. BedeschiM. BéguinI. BellafontL. BellagambaN. BellegardeE. BelliE. BellingeriF. BelliniG. BellomoS. BelomestnykhG. BencivenniM. BenediktG. BernardiJ. BernardiC. BernetJ. M. BernhardtC. BerniniC. BerriaudA. BertarelliS. BertolucciM. I. BesanaM. BesançonO. BeznosovP. BhatC. BhatM. E. BiaginiJ. -L. BiarrotteA. Bibet ChevalierE. R. BielertM. BigliettiG. M. BileiB. BilkiC. BiscariF. BisharaO. R. Blanco-GarcíaF. R. BlánquezF. BlekmanA. BlondelJ. BlümleinT. BoccaliR. BoelsS. A. BogaczA. BogomyagkovO. Boine-FrankenheimM. J. BolandS. BolognaO. BolukbasiM. BombenS. BondarenkoM. BonviniE. BoosB. BordiniF. BordryG. BorghelloL. BorgonoviS. BorowkaD. BortolettoD. BoscheriniM. BoscoloS. BoselliR. R. BosleyF. BossuC. BottaL. BotturaR. BoughezalD. BoutinG. BovoneI. Božović JelisavićA. BozbeyC. BozziD. BozziniV. BracciniS. Braibant-GiacomelliJ. BramanteP. Braun-MunzingerJ. A. BriffaD. BritzgerS. J. BrodskyJ. J. BrookeR. BruceP. Brückman De RenstromE. BrunaO. BrüningO. BrunnerK. BrunnerP. BruzzoneX. BuffatE. BulyakF. BurkartH. BurkhardtJ. -P. BurnetF. ButinD. ButtazzoA. ButterworthM. CacciaY. CaiB. CaiffiV. CairoO. CakirR. CalagaS. CalatroniG. CalderiniG. CalderolaA. CaliskanD. CalvetM. CalvianiJ. M. CamalichP. CamarriM. CampanelliT. CamporesiA. C. CanbayA. CanepaE. CantergianiD. Cantore-CavalliM. CapeansR. CardarelliU. CardellaA. CardiniC. M. Carloni CalameF. CarraS. CarraA. CarvalhoS. CasalbuoniJ. CasasM. CascellaP. CastelnovoG. CastorinaG. CatalanoV. CavasinniE. CazzatoE. CenniniA. CerriF. CeruttiJ. CervantesI. ChaikovskaJ. ChakraborttyM. ChalaM. Chamizo-LlatasH. ChanalD. ChanalS. ChanceA. ChancéP. CharitosJ. CharlesT. K. CharlesS. ChattopadhyayR. ChehabS. V. ChekanovN. ChenA. ChernodedV. ChetvertkovaL. ChevalierG. ChiarelliG. ChiarelloM. ChiesaP. ChiggiatoJ. T. ChildersA. ChmielińskaA. CholakianP. ChomazM. ChorowskiW. ChouM. ChrzaszczE. ChyhyrynetsG. CibinettoA. K. CiftciR. CiftciR. CiminoM. CiuchiniP. J. ClarkY. CoadouM. CobalA. CoccaroJ. CoganE. CognerasF. CollamatiC. ColldelramP. CollierJ. CollotR. ContinoF. ConventiC. T. A. CookL. CooleyG. CorcellaA. S. CornellG. H. CorralH. Correia-RodriguesF. CostanzaP. Costa PintoF. CoudercJ. CoupardN. CraigI. Crespo GarridoA. CrivellinJ. F. CroteauM. CrouchE. Cruz AlanizB. CuréJ. CurtiD. CurtinM. CzechC. DachauerR. T. D’AgnoloM. DaiboA. DaineseB. DalenaA. DaljevecW. DallapiazzaL. D’Aloia SchwartzentruberM. DamG. D’AmbrosioS. P. DasS. DasBakshiW. da SilvaG. G. da SilveiraV. D’AuriaS. D’AuriaA. DavidT. DavidekA. DeandreaJ. de BlasC. J. DebonoS. De CurtisN. De FilippisD. de FlorianS. DeghayeS. J. de JongC. Del BoV. Del DucaD. DelikarisF. DeliotA. Dell’AcquaL. Delle RoseM. DelmastroE. De LuciaM. DemarteauD. DenegriL. DeniauD. DenisovH. DenizliA. DennerD. d’EnterriaG. de RijkA. De RoeckF. DerueO. DeschampsS. Descotes-GenonP. S. B. DevJ. B. de Vivie de RégieR. K. DewanjeeA. Di CiaccioA. Di CiccoB. M. DillonB. Di MiccoP. Di NezzaS. Di VitaA. DoblhammerA. DominjonM. D’OnofrioF. DordeiA. DragoP. DraperZ. DrasalM. DrewesL. DuarteI. DubovykP. DudaA. DudarevL. DudkoD. DuellmannM. DünserT. du PreeM. DuranteH. Duran YildizS. DuttaF. DuvalJ. M. DuvalY. DydyshkaB. DziewitS. EisenhardtM. EistererT. EkelofD. El KhechenS. A. EllisJ. EllisJ. A. EllisonK. ElsenerM. ElsingY. EnariC. EnglertH. ErikssonK. J. EskolaL. S. EspositoO. EtiskenE. EtzionP. FabbricatoreA. FalkowskiA. FalouJ. FaltovaJ. FanL. FanòA. FarillaR. FarinelliS. FarinonD. A. FaroughyS. D. FartoukhA. Faus-GolfeW. J. FawcettG. FeliciL. FelsbergerC. FerdeghiniA. M. Fernandez NavarroA. Fernández-TéllezJ. Ferradas TroitinoG. FerraraR. FerrariL. FerreiraP. Ferreira da SilvaG. FerreraF. FerroM. FiascarisS. FiorendiC. FiorioO. FischerE. FischerW. FliegerM. FlorioD. FonnesuE. FontanesiN. FoppianiK. ForazD. Forkel-WirthS. ForteM. FouaidyD. FournierT. FowlerJ. FoxP. FrancavillaR. FranceschiniS. FranchinoE. FrancoA. FreitasB. FuksK. FurukawaS. V. FurusethE. GabrielliA. GaddiM. GalantiE. GalloS. GanjourJ. GaoJ. GaoV. Garcia DiazM. García PérezL. García TabarésC. GarionM. V. GarzelliI. GarziaS. M. Gascon-ShotkinG. GaudioP. GayS. -F. GeT. GehrmannM. H. GenestR. GerardF. GerigkH. GerwigP. GiacomelliS. GiaguE. Gianfelice-WendtF. GianottiF. GiffoniS. S. GilardoniM. Gil CostaM. GiovannettiM. GiovannozziP. GiubellinoG. F. GiudiceA. GiuntaL. K. GladilinS. GlukhovJ. GluzaG. GobbiB. GoddardF. GoertzT. GollingV. P. GoncalvesR. GonçaloL. A. Gonzalez GomezS. Gorgi ZadehG. GorineE. GoriniS. A. GourlayL. GouskosF. GrancagnoloA. GrassellinoA. GrauE. GraveriniH. M. GrayMa. GrecoMi. GrecoJ. -L. GrenardO. GrimmC. GrojeanV. A. GromovJ. F. Grosse-OetringhausA. GrudievK. GrzankaJ. GuD. GuadagnoliV. GuidiS. GuiducciG. Guillermo CantonY. O. GünaydinR. GuptaR. S. GuptaJ. GutierrezJ. GutleberC. GuyotV. GuzeyC. GwenlanC. HaberstrohB. HacışahinoğluB. HaererK. HahnT. HahnA. HammadC. HanM. HanceA. HannahP. C. HarrisC. HatiS. HaugJ. HauptmanV. HaurylavetsH. -J. HeA. HegglinB. HegnerK. HeinemannS. HeinemeyerC. HelsensA. HenriquesA. HenriquesP. HernandezR. J. Hernández-PintoJ. Hernandez-SanchezT. HerzigI. HiekkanenW. HillertT. HoehnM. HoferW. HöfleF. HoldenerS. HolleisB. HolzerD. K. HongC. G. HonoratoS. C. HopkinsJ. HrdinkaF. HugB. HumannH. HumerT. HurthA. HuttonG. IacobucciN. IbarrolaL. Iconomidou-FayardK. Ilyina-BrunnerJ. IncandelaA. InfantinoV. IppolitoM. IshinoR. IslamH. ItaA. IvanovsS. IwamotoA. IyerS. Izquierdo BermudezS. JadachD. O. JaminP. JanotP. JarryA. JeffP. JennyE. JensenM. JensenX. JiangJ. M. JiménezM. A. JonesO. R. JonesJ. M. JowettS. JungW. KaabiM. KadoK. KahleL. KalinovskayaJ. KalinowskiJ. F. KamenikK. KannikeS. O. KaraH. KaradenizV. KaraventzasI. KarpovS. KartalA. KaryukhinV. KashikhinJ. Katharina BehrU. KayaJ. KeintzelP. A. KeinzK. KeppelR. KersevanK. KershawH. KhanpourS. KhatibiM. Khatiri YanehsariV. V. KhozeJ. KieselerA. KilicA. KilpinenY. -K. KimD. W. KimU. KleinM. KleinF. KlingN. KlinkenbergS. KlöppelM. KluteV. I. KlyukhinM. KnechtB. KniehlF. KocakC. KoeberlA. M. KolanoA. KolleggerK. KołodziejA. A. KolomietsJ. KomppulaI. KoopP. KoppenburgM. KoratzinosM. KordiaczyńskaM. KorjikO. KortnerP. KostkaW. KotlarskiC. KotnigT. KöttigA. V. KotwalA. D. KovalenkoS. KowalskiJ. KozaczukG. A. KozlovS. S. KozubA. M. KrainerT. KramerM. KrämerM. KrammerA. A. KrasnovF. KraussK. KravalisL. KretzschmarR. M. KriskeH. KritscherP. KrkoticH. KrohaM. KucharczykS. KudayA. KuendigG. KuhlmannA. KuleszaM. KumarM. KumarA. KusinaS. KuttimalaiM. KuzeT. KwonF. LacknerM. LacknerE. La FrancescaM. LaineG. LamannaS. La MendolaE. LançonG. LandsbergP. LangackerC. LangeA. LangnerA. J. LankfordJ. P. LansbergT. LariP. J. LaycockP. LebrunA. LechnerK. LeeS. LeeR. LeeT. LefevreP. Le GuenT. LehtinenS. B. LeithP. LenziE. LeograndeC. LeonidopoulosI. Leon-MonzonG. LernerO. LeroyT. LesiakP. LévaiA. LeverattoE. LevichevG. LiS. LiR. LiD. LiberatiM. LiepeD. A. LissauerZ. LiuA. LobkoE. LocciE. Logothetis AgaliotisM. P. LombardoA. J. LongC. LorinR. LositoA. LouzguitiI. LowD. LucchesiM. T. LucchiniA. LucianiM. LueckhofA. J. G. LuntM. LuzumD. A. LyubimtsevM. MaggioraN. MagninM. A. MahmoudF. MahmoudiJ. MaitreV. MakarenkoA. MalagoliJ. MalclésL. MalgeriP. J. MallonF. MaltoniS. MalvezziO. B. MalyshevG. MancinelliP. MandrikP. ManfrinettiM. ManganoP. ManilM. MannelliG. MarchioriF. MarhauserV. MarianiV. MarinozziS. MariottoP. MarquardC. MarquetT. Marriott-DodingtonR. MartinO. MartinJ. Martin CamalichT. MartinezH. Martinez BruzualM. I. Martínez-HernándezD. E. MartinsS. MarzaniD. MarzoccaL. MarzolaS. MasciocchiI. MasinaA. MassimilianoA. MassironiT. MasubuchiV. A. MatveevM. A. MazzoniM. McCulloughP. A. McIntoshP. MeadeL. MedinaA. MeierJ. MeignanB. MeleJ. G. Mendes SaraivaF. MenezM. MentinkE. MeoniP. MeridianiM. MerkP. MermodV. MertensL. MetherE. MétralM. MiglioratiA. MilaneseC. MilardiG. MilhanoB. L. MilitsynF. MilletI. MinashviliJ. V. MinerviniL. S. MirallesD. MirarchiS. MishimaD. P. MissiaenG. MitselmakherT. MitshuhashiJ. MnichM. Mohammadi NajafabadiR. N. MohapatraN. MokhovJ. G. MolsonR. MongeC. MontagG. MontagnaS. MonteilG. MonteneroE. MontesinosF. MoortgatN. MorangeG. MorelloM. Moreno LlácerM. MorettiS. MorettiA. K. MorleyA. MorosI. MorozovV. MorrettaM. MorroneA. MostacciS. MuanzaN. MuchnoiM. MühleggerM. MulderM. MuldersB. MüllerF. MüllerA. -S. MüllerJ. MunillaM. J. MurrayY. MuttoniS. MyersM. MylonaJ. NachtmanT. NakamotoM. NardecchiaG. NardiniP. NasonZ. NergizA. V. NesterenkoJ. A. NettoA. NettsträterC. NeubüserJ. NeundorfF. NiccoliO. NicrosiniY. NieU. NiedermayerJ. NiedzielaA. NiemiS. A. NikitinA. NisatiJ. M. NoM. NonisY. NosochkovM. NovákA. NovokhatskiJ. M. O’CallaghanC. OchandoS. OgurK. OhmiK. OideV. A. OkorokovY. OkumuraC. OleariF. I. OlnessY. OnelM. OrtinoJ. OsborneP. OslandT. OttoK. Y. OyulmazA. OzansoyV. ÖzcanK. ÖzdemirC. E. PagliaroneH. F. Pais da SilvaE. PalmieriL. PalumboA. PampaloniR. -Q. PanM. PanareoO. PanellaG. PanicoG. PanizzoA. A. PankovV. PantsyrnyC. G. PapadopoulosA. PapaefstathiouY. PapaphilippouM. A. ParkerV. ParmaM. PasqualiS. K. PatraR. PattersonH. PaukkunenF. PaussS. PeggsJ. -P. PenttinenG. PeónE. E. PerepelkinE. PerezJ. C. PerezG. PerezF. PérezE. Perez CodinaJ. Perez MoralesM. PerfilovH. PerneggerM. PeruzziC. PesK. PetersS. PetraccaF. PetrielloL. PezzottiS. PfeifferF. PiccininiT. PieloniM. PieriniH. PikhartovaG. PikursE. PilicerP. PiminovC. PiraR. PittauW. PłaczekM. PlaggeT. PlehnM. -A. PleierM. PłoskońM. PodeurH. PodlechT. PodzornyL. PoggioliA. PoironG. PoleselloM. Poli LenerA. PoliniJ. PolinskiS. M. PolozovL. PonceM. PontL. PontecorvoT. PortaluriK. PotamianosC. PrasseM. PrausaA. PreinerstorferE. PrematT. PriceM. PrimaveraF. PrinoM. PrioliJ. ProudfootA. ProvinoT. PugnatN. PukhaevaS. PuławskiD. PulikowskiG. PunziM. PuttiA. PyarelalH. QuackM. QuispeA. RacioppiH. RafiqueV. RaginelM. RaidalN. S. Ramírez-UribeM. J. Ramsey-MusolfR. RataP. RatoffF. RavottiP. Rebello TelesM. ReboudS. RedaelliE. RennerA. E. Rentería-OlivoM. RescignoJ. ReuterA. RibonA. M. RicciW. RieglerS. RiemannB. RiemannT. RiemannJ. M. RiffletR. A. RimmerR. RinaldesiL. RinolfiO. Rios RubirasT. RisseladaA. RivettiL. RivkinT. RizzoT. RobensF. RobertA. J. RobsonE. RochepaultC. RodaG. RodrigoM. Rodríguez-CahuantziC. RoganM. RoigS. Rojas-TorresJ. RojoG. RolandiG. RolandoP. RoloffA. RomanenkoA. RomanovF. RoncaroloA. Rosado SanchezG. RosazL. RossiA. RossiR. RossmanithB. RoussetC. RoyonX. RuanI. RuehlV. Ruhlmann-KleiderR. RuizL. RumyantsevR. RuprechtA. I. RyazanovA. SabaR. SadykovD. Saez de JaureguiM. SahinB. SailerM. SaitoF. SalaG. P. SalamJ. Salfeld-NebgenC. A. SalgadoS. SaliniJ. M. SalleseT. SalmiA. SalzburgerO. A. SampayoS. SanfilippoJ. SantiagoE. SantopintoR. SantoroA. Sanz UllX. SarasolaI. H. SarpünM. SauvainS. SavelyevaR. SawadaG. F. R. SborliniA. SchafferM. SchaumannM. SchenkC. ScheuerleinI. SchienbeinK. SchlengaH. SchmicklerR. SchmidtD. SchoerlingA. SchoningT. Schörner-SadeniusM. SchottD. SchulteP. SchwallerC. SchwanenbergerP. SchwemlingN. SchwergL. ScibileA. SciutoE. ScomparinC. SebastianiB. SeeberM. SegretiP. SelvaM. SelvaggiC. SenatoreA. SenolL. SerinM. SerlucaN. SerraA. SeryiL. SestiniA. SfyrlaM. ShaposhnikovE. ShaposhnikovaB. Y. SharkovD. ShatilovJ. SheltonV. ShiltsevI. P. ShipseyG. D. ShirkovA. ShivajiD. ShwartzT. SianS. SidorovA. SiemkoL. SilvestriniN. SimandF. SimonB. K. SinghA. SiódmokY. SiroisE. SirtoriR. SirvinskaiteB. SitarT. SjöstrandP. SkandsE. SkordisK. SkovpenM. SkrzypekE. SladeP. SlavichR. SlovakV. SmalukV. SmirnovW. SnoeysL. SoffiP. SollanderO. SolovyanovH. K. SoltveitH. SongP. SopickiM. SorbiL. SpallinoM. SpannowskyB. SpataroP. SphicasH. SpiesbergerP. SpillerM. SpiraT. SrivastavaJ. StachelA. StakiaJ. L. StanyardE. StarchenkoA. Y. StarikovA. M. StaśtoM. StateraR. SteerenbergJ. SteggemannA. StenvallF. StivanelloD. StöckingerL. S. StoelM. Stöger-PollachB. StraussM. StuartG. StupakovS. SuA. SubletK. SugitaL. SulakM. K. SullivanS. SultansoyT. SumidaK. SuzukiG. SylvaM. J. SyphersA. SznajderM. TaborelliN. A. TahirM. TakeuchiE. Tal HodC. TambascoJ. TanakaK. TangI. TapanS. TaroniG. F. TartarelliG. TassielliL. TavianT. M. TaylorG. N. TaylorA. M. TeixeiraG. Tejeda-MuñozV. I. TelnovR. TenchiniH. H. J. ten KateK. TerashiA. TesiM. TestaC. TetrelD. TeytelmanJ. ThalerA. ThammS. ThomasM. T. TiirakariV. TikhomirovD. TikhonovH. TimkoV. TisserandL. M. TkachenkoJ. TkaczukJ. P. TockB. ToddE. TodescoR. Tomás GarciaD. TommasiniG. TonelliF. ToralT. TorimsR. TorreZ. TownsendR. TrantD. TreilleL. TrentadueA. TricoliA. TricomiW. TrischukI. S. TropinB. TuchmingA. A. TudoraB. TurbiarzI. Turk CakirM. TurriT. TydecksJ. UsovitschJ. UythovenR. VaglioA. ValassiF. ValchkovaM. A. Valdivia GarciaP. ValenteR. U. ValenteA. -M. Valente-FelicianoG. ValentinoL. Vale SilvaJ. M. ValetR. ValizadehJ. W. F. ValleS. VallecorsaG. ValloneM. van LeeuwenU. H. van RienenL. van Riesen-HauptM. VarastehL. VecchiP. VedrineG. VelevR. VenessA. VenturaW. Venturini DelsolaroM. VerducciC. B. VerhaarenC. VernieriA. P. VerweijO. VerwilligenO. ViazloA. ViciniG. ViehhauserN. VignaroliM. VignoloA. VitranoI. VivarelliS. VlachosM. VogelD. M. VogtV. VölklP. VolkovG. VolpiniJ. von AhnenG. VorotnikovG. G. VoutsinasV. VysotskyU. WagnerR. WallnyL. -T. WangR. WangK. WangB. F. L. WardT. P. WatsonN. K. WatsonZ. WsC. WeilandS. WeinzierlC. P. WelschJ. WenningerM. WidorskiU. A. WiedemannH. -U. WienandsG. WilkinsonP. H. WilliamsA. WinterA. WohlfahrtT. WojtońD. WollmannJ. WomersleyD. WoogX. WuA. WulzerM. K. YanehsariG. YangH. J. YangW. -M. YaoE. YazganV. YermolchikA. YilmazA. YilmazH. -D. YooS. A. YostT. YouC. YoungT. -T. YuF. YuA. ZaborowskaS. G. ZadehM. ZahndM. ZanettiL. ZanottoL. ZawiejskiP. ZeilerM. ZerlauthS. M. ZernovG. Zevi Dell PortaZ. ZhangY. ZhangC. ZhangH. ZhangZ. ZhaoY. -M. ZhongJ. ZhouD. ZhouP. ZhuangG. ZickF. ZimmermannEmail authorJ. Zinn-JustinL. ZivkovicA. V. ZlobinM. ZobovJ. ZupanJ. Zuritathe FCC Collaboration, In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the fourth volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the High-Energy Large Hadron Collider HE-LHC. It summarizes the HE-LHC physics discovery opportunities, presents the HE-LHC accelerator design, performance reach, and operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the HE-LHC design aims at a hadron collider with about twice the centre-of-mass collision energy that the LHC can reach. Its performance aims at exploring physics beyond the Standard Model, signi cantly extending the LHC's direct and indirect sensitivity to new physics and discoveries.
- Published
- 2020
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40. Risikoadaptierte Therapie des metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinoms
- Author
M-O. Grimm, Katharina Leucht, V. Grünwald, and Susan Foller
- Subjects
Gynecology ,Nephrology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Geriatric care ,business.industry ,Urology ,Medizin ,Ipilimumab ,Pembrolizumab ,medicine.disease ,Axitinib ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Renal cell carcinoma ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Nivolumab ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Die Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinoms andert sich durch 3 zulassungsrelevante Phase-III-Studien, in denen sich jeweils Vorteile gegenuber Sunitinib als bisherige Standardtherapie gezeigt haben. Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab zeichnet sich bei intermediarer und ungunstiger Prognose nach IMDC (International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium) durch einen Uberlebensvorteil, eine hohe Rate kompletter Remissionen und Langzeitremissionen aus. Trotz haufiger immunvermittelter Nebenwirkungen werden im Vergleich zur Sunitinib weniger Symptome und eine bessere Lebensqualitat beobachtet. Pembrolizumab plus Axitinib bzw. Avelumab plus Axitinib zeichnen sich durch eine Verbesserung des progressionsfreien Uberlebens (PFS) sowie eine hohe Remissionsrate bzw. geringe Rate an intrinsischer Resistenz aus. Fur Pembrolizumab und Axitinib wurde ein signifikanter Uberlebensvorteil nachgewiesen. Das Nebenwirkungsprofil ist durch die „chronische“ Toxizitat von Axitinib gepragt; additiv kommt das Risiko fur eine immunvermittelte Nebenwirkung des PD-1/PD-L1(„programmed cell death 1/programmed cell death ligand 1“)-Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitors(ICI) hinzu. Die bisher publizierten Lebensqualitatsdaten lassen bisher keine Bewertung gegenuber dem bisherigen Standard Sunitinib zu. Die PD-1/PD-L1-ICI bilden damit ab sofort das „Ruckgrat“ der Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinoms. Nur bei Kontraindikationen bzw. bei gunstiger Prognose kommt noch eine Monotherapie mit einem VEGFR-TKI („vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor“) in Betracht.
- Published
- 2020
41. Aktueller Stand der Immunonkologie bei urologischen Tumoren
- Author
M.-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Gynecology ,03 medical and health sciences ,medicine.medical_specialty ,0302 clinical medicine ,Urologic Cancers ,business.industry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Urology ,Immune checkpoint inhibitors ,Immunooncology ,030232 urology & nephrology ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Immuncheckpoint-Inhibitoren etablieren sich derzeit als neue systemische Therapieoption (neben der Chemotherapie und der targeted Therapie) bei metastasierten Tumoren. Uber eine (Re-)Aktivierung des Immunsystems konnen diese Antikorper zu eindrucksvollen, teils lang anhaltenden Remissionen fuhren. Bei den urologischen Tumoren wurden in diesem Jahr der PD-1-Antikorper Nivolumab (Opdivo ® ) beim fortgeschrittenen Nierenzellkarzinom nach Vortherapie und in den USA Atezolizumab (Tecentriq ® ) beim metastasierten Urothelkarzinom nach platinbasierter Chemotherapie zugelassen. Fur Nivolumab wurden nach antiangiogenetischer Vortherapie eine hohere Remissionsrate (25 vs. 5%) und eine Verlangerung des Gesamtuberlebens um 5,4 Monate im Vergleich zu Everolimus nachgewiesen. Fur das Urothelkarzinom nach platinbasierter Vortherapie zeigt sich im indirekten Vergleich zur Chemotherapie eine hohere Remissionsrate (15%) und 1-Jahres-Uberlebensrate (37%) fur Atezolizumab. Daruber hinaus zeichnen sich diese Therapien durch vergleichsweise geringe Nebenwirkungen aus. Bei einem Teil der Patienten kommt es aber zu sogenannten immunvermittelten Nebenwirkungen die rechtzeitig erkannt und behandelt werden mussen. Derzeit werden Immuncheckpoint-Inhibitoren in zahlreichen Phase-3-Studien gepruft und haben das Potenzial, die bisherigen Erstlinien-Standardtherapien bei metastasierten Tumoren, u. a. dem Urothel- und Nierenzellkarzinom abzulosen. Dabei werden auch Kombinationen aus PD-1/PD-L1-Antikorpern und CTLA4-Immuncheckpoint-Inhibitoren bzw. einer antiangiogenetischen Therapie gepruft. Auch die adjuvante Situation ist Gegenstand zulassungsrelevanter Studien.
- Published
- 2016
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42. Metastasiertes kastrationsresistentes Prostatakarzinom
- Author
P. Albers, S. Zastrow, M-O. Grimm, G. Geiges, G. Mickisch, F. König, Kurt Miller, David G. Pfister, R. Eichenauer, Christian Schwentner, and Henrik Suttmann
- Subjects
Gynecology ,03 medical and health sciences ,medicine.medical_specialty ,0302 clinical medicine ,business.industry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Urology ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,business - Published
- 2016
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43. Diagnostik und Therapie retroperitonealer Abszesse
- Author
M. Gajda, B. M. Winter, and M.-O. Grimm
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Urology ,Treatment outcome ,030232 urology & nephrology ,Abdominal Abscess ,Computed tomography ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Medicine ,Retroperitoneal space ,business - Abstract
Retroperitoneale Abszesse stellen ein seltenes und lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild dar. Je nach Lokalisation und Ausdehnung unterscheidet man zwischen renalen, perinephritischen und paranephritischen Abszessen. Haufigste Ursache sind aufsteigende urogenitale Infektionen mit gramnegativen Erregern. Die Symptomatik ist sehr variabel was oftmals zu einer verzogerten Diagnosestellung fuhrt; dies bedingt eine hohe Morbiditat und Mortalitat. Typische Symptome sind Flanken- oder Bauchschmerzen, Appetitlosigkeit, Gewichtsverlust, Krankheitsgefuhl, Fieber und Schuttelfrost. Paraklinisch kommt es zu einem Anstieg der Leukozyten und des C‑reaktiven Proteins, auch die Retentionsparameter konnen erhoht sein. Bei klinischem Verdacht fuhrt die Sonographie meist zu einer weitergehenden bildgebenden Diagnostik mittels Computertomographie. Kleine intrarenale Abszesse bis zu einer Grose von 3 cm konnen durch alleinige Antibiotikatherapie behandelt werden. Grosere und therapierefraktare Abszesse sollten daruber hinaus perkutan oder chirurgisch drainiert werden.
- Published
- 2016
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44. Therapiemonitoring und Nebenwirkungsmanagement bei PD-1/PD-L1-Immuncheckpoint-Inhibition
- Author
M.-O. Grimm and H. Oppel-Heuchel
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Urology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events ,Immunotherapy ,medicine.disease ,Gastroenterology ,Immune checkpoint ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Nivolumab ,PD-L1 inhibitor ,business ,Adverse effect ,Pseudoprogression ,Pneumonitis - Abstract
Nivolumab was recently approved as the first inhibitor of the programmed death 1 (PD-1) receptor and its ligand (PD-L1) for the treatment of urological cancer, namely metastasized renal cell carcinoma after prior therapy. The use of this new immunotherapy requires special therapy monitoring and management of side effects. An increase of immune cells around the tumor can initially mimic progression (so-called pseudoprogression). Treatment-associated side effects of higher grade according to the common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE grades 3 or 4) are relatively rare; however, new immune-mediated side effects can occur and affect the skin, liver (hepatitis), kidneys (nephritis), gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea and colitis), lungs (pneumonitis) and endocrine organs (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and hypophysitis). Treatment has to be delayed or discontinued depending on the kind and degree of side effects; furthermore, corticosteroids can be administered as immunosuppressants. When recognized in time and with correct management, immune-mediated side effects are basically reversible.
- Published
- 2016
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45. Real world data on the use of nivolumab and ipilimumab combination therapy or nivolumab monotherapy in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma: Interim results from the non-interventional study (NIS) NORA
- Author
Jens Bedke, M. Herber, M-O. Grimm, H. Müller-Huesmann, E. von der Heyde, and Viktor Grünwald
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Combination therapy ,business.industry ,Urology ,Ipilimumab ,lcsh:Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,lcsh:RC870-923 ,lcsh:Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,medicine.disease ,lcsh:RC254-282 ,Renal cell carcinoma ,Internal medicine ,Interim ,Non interventional ,medicine ,Nivolumab ,business ,Real world data ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2020
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46. Erratum to : An update on renal cell carcinoma
- Author
M.-O. Grimm, Viktor Grünwald, and L. Püllen
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Oncology ,Surgical oncology ,business.industry ,General surgery ,Pain medicine ,Medizin ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Im Original-Beitrag ist Tab. 4 leider fehlerhaft. Nachfolgend die Tabelle mit der korrekten Therapiesequenz. [Platzhalter]
- Published
- 2020
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47. [Promotion and support of successful training as a urologist by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie]
- Author
M S, Michel, M-O, Grimm, M, Burger, and F, Petersilie
- Subjects
Germany ,Urologists ,Urology ,Academies and Institutes ,Humans ,Societies, Medical - Abstract
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU) has set itself the task of supporting medical assistants on their way to becoming specialists in urology. At the same time, urological junior researchers have been given the opportunity to become part of the urological community at an early stage through the so-called junior membership of the DGU. The working group "Young Urologists" of the DGU addresses in particular topics such as the development of concepts for the promotion of young talent, improvement of further education, models for better compatibility of leisure/family and work as well as the compatibility of clinical and scientific work. As part of the DGU Congress, urological assistants can actively contribute by submitting abstracts for lecture or poster sessions. On the other hand, seminars and forums also address topics relevant to further education. To ensure this, representatives of the assistants are members of the scientific program commission of the DGU congress. The aim of the Junior Academy is to accompany young urologists on their way to becoming a specialist with high-quality seminars. In addition, the Junior Academy offers personal support on the way to their targeted career goal. The Junior Academy has a large network that makes it possible to learn from the best. The established Ferdinand-Eisenberger Research Fellowships allow young researchers in urology to be exempted from their clinical routine for one year in order to intensify independent scientific work at a renowned research institution in Germany. AuF-Symposia (working group urological research) and workshops are also aimed at young scientists. Further funding projects, such as support for DFG applications, are unique to the society.
- Published
- 2019
48. [Follow-up of renal cell carcinoma in a nonmetastatic stage]
- Author
B, Szabados, S, Foller, G B, Schulz, M, Staehler, M-O, Grimm, C G, Stief, and J, Casuscelli
- Subjects
Aftercare ,Humans ,Neoplasm Recurrence, Local ,Carcinoma, Renal Cell ,Kidney Neoplasms ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Postoperative follow-up care after curative surgery or ablative treatment is the standard of care in patients with nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma. The goal is to identify and treat postoperative complications and local recurrences early on. Follow-up investigations and their relevance are widely acknowledged and validated and patients undergoing follow-up seem to benefit from a longer survival in nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma. Hence there is no consensus on a standardized follow-up strategy. The most disputed question is around the frequency of the investigations and the duration of the follow-up. Without an evidence-based follow-up protocol, urologists should carry out an individualized, potentially lifelong follow-up regimen, which also includes the patients' needs and perspectives.
- Published
- 2019
49. T2 Mapping in Prostate Cancer
- Author
Mohamed Abubrig, Ulf Teichgräber, Marc O Grimm, Elisabeth Weiland, Thomas Lehmann, Tom Hilbert, Julia Mai, and Tobias Franiel
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Urology ,Prostatitis ,Gleason Score 6 ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,Diagnosis, Differential ,03 medical and health sciences ,Prostate cancer ,0302 clinical medicine ,Prostate ,medicine ,Effective diffusion coefficient ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Grading (tumors) ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Area under the curve ,Prostatic Neoplasms ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Area Under Curve ,Neoplasm Grading ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Objectives The aim of the study was to determine the quantitative T2 values in prostate tissue and evaluate them for detection and grading of prostate cancer. Materials and methods After approval from the local ethics committee, morphological T2-weighted (T2w) images, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps from diffusion-weighted images, quantitative T2 maps, and calculated T2w images from 75 men (median age, 66.3 years; median PSA, 8.2 ng/mL) were acquired at 3 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Data were retrospectively evaluated for their distinction between prostate pathologies.Eight hundred fifty-seven areas of normal gland (n = 378), prostate cancer (54x Gleason score 6, 98x Gleason score 7, 25x Gleason score 8), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) nodes (n = 150), prostatitis (n = 119), and precancerous lesions (n = 33) were determined on calculated and morphological T2w images. Histological criterion standards were whole gland sections (16 patients), MRI-guided in-bore biopsies (32 patients), MRI/transrectal ultrasound-fusion biopsies (15 patients), and systematic 12-core transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies (12 patients). Significance was assumed to be P Results The quantitative T2 values vary significantly between prostate cancer and normal gland tissue (area under the curve [AUC], 0.871), cancer and BPH nodes (AUC = 0.827), and Gleason score 6 and 7 or higher (AUC, 0.742). The quantitative T2 values decrease with increasing Gleason scores and correlate significantly with the ADC values (r = 0.806).The detection accuracy of prostate cancer on calculated (AUC = 0.682) and morphological T2w images (AUC = 0.658) is not significantly different. Conclusions Quantitative T2 values seem to be suitable for distinguishing between prostate cancer and normal gland tissue or BPH nodes. Similar to the ADC values, they offer an indication of the aggressiveness of the prostate cancer.
- Published
- 2018
50. [Tumor assessment in immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy : Tumor response, progression and pseudoprogression]
- Author
S, Foller, H, Oppel-Heuchel, and M-O, Grimm
- Subjects
Programmed Cell Death 1 Receptor ,Disease Progression ,Humans ,Immunotherapy ,Carcinoma, Renal Cell ,Kidney Neoplasms - Abstract
In contrast to chemotherapy, treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors occasionally results in an unconventional pattern of response. Besides an early partial or complete response or tumor progression, a so-called pseudoprogression, a "mixed response" or late responses can also be observed. Treatment beyond radiographically defined progression may therefore be appropriate in selected cases. For these treatment decisions, the clinical evaluation of the patient (performance status, symptoms, etc.), the "dynamics" of the underlying malignancy, and the availability of other treatment options are of paramount importance. However, the time to initiate another treatment should not be missed by rapid progression. In PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1) immune checkpoint inhibition in urothelial cancer after platinum-based chemotherapy, response or progression can be observed early at week 8 in the vast majority of the cases. In contrast, in second-line treatment of renal cell carcinoma around 25% of responses are seen late, at week 24 or later (occasionally after 1 year). Therefore, immune checkpoint inhibition should be continued for stable disease. At present, it remains unclear how long to continue therapy in cases with partial or complete remission.
- Published
- 2018
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