81 results on '"Período arcaico"'
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2. Faunal use during the Archaic period based on macro remains from Cruz Verde, North Coast of Peru.
- Author
Kazuho Shoji
- Subjects
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CLASSIFICATION of fish , *MARINE mammals , *BRACKISH waters , *COASTS , *SHARKS , *RESOURCE exploitation , *CHONDRICHTHYES - Abstract
The Cruz Verde site, located on the north coast of Peru, has a preceramic mound formed between 4.200-3.800 BC. This paper presents the results of a zooarchaeological analysis of the macro remains excavated from this mound to identify changes in faunal use and its characteristics of the Archaic period. There is a distinct difference in the two phases, from the phase CV-Ia, when marine mammals, seabirds, and fish are used equally, to the phase CV-Ib, when cartilaginous fish, mainly Carcharhinus sharks, are used intensively. The ecological and biological habits of the fish species that increase during phase CV-Ib suggest that the intensive resource exploitation in the estuarine brackish waters began. Referring to the data reported from other sites on the North Coast, the cartilaginous fish use tradition is a characteristic of the North Coast of Peru at least from Archaic to Formative period. On the other hand, the excavated cartilaginous fish taxonomy shows that there are differences in the fish species used in the Archaic and Formative periods. It can be pointed out that there are variations in the cartilaginous fish use tradition on the North Coast. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Alejandro Prada, Gastón
- Subjects
Copyright of Agora (0211-6642) is the property of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Servicio de Publicaciones and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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4. Lazio arcaico. In memoria di Maria Cataldi Dini
- Author
Gilda Bartoloni
- Subjects
Ficana ,periodo tardo-orientalizzante ,periodo arcaico ,capanne ,sepolcreto ,Ancient history ,D51-90 - Abstract
La recente pubblicazione da parte di Annette Rathje di una delle aree scavate nel sito di Ficana negli anni ‘70 e la ripresa delle ricerche nella necropoli da parte di Alessandro Bedini e Margherita Bedello Tata hanno riproposto alcune problematiche già emerse all'epoca della ricca serie di scoperte nella regione Lazio negli anni Settanta e Ottanta del secolo scorso, che avevano visto tra le protagoniste Mariolina Cataldi, alla cui memoria è dedicato questo lavoro. L’osservazione che, a differenza di altre necropoli latine, bisogna attendere fino alla seconda metà del VII secolo per trovare tombe caratterizzate come “principesche” in base all'accumulo e all'esibizione di ricchezze, ha stimolato ad analizzare i dati dell'insediamento contemporaneo. Il confronto ha messo in luce la presenza di eminenti famiglie residenti a Ficana almeno dalla metà del VII al VI secolo a.C. The recent publication by Annette Rathje of one of the areas excavated in the site of Ficana in the ‘70s and the resumption of the research in the necropolis by Alessandro Bedini and Margherita Bedello Tata, have re-proposed some issues already emerged at the time of the rich series of discoveries in the Lazio region in the Seventies and Eighties of the last century, which had seen Mariolina Cataldi among the protagonists, to whose memory this work is dedicated. The observation that, unlike other Latin burial grounds, we have to wait until the second half of the 7th century to find tombs characterized as “princely” on the basis of the accumulation and display of wealth has prompted us to analyse the contemporary settlement's data. The comparison showed the presence of eminent families residing in Ficana at least from the middle of the 7th to the 6th century BC.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Hallazgo de una pintura mural temprana en la Huaca Tomabal, valle de Virú, Perú
- Author
Castillo Luján, Feren and Franco Jordán, Régulo
- Subjects
architecture ,Archaic Period ,adobes cónicos ,mural policromo ,polychrome mural ,conical adobes ,Periodo Arcaico ,arquitectura - Abstract
In this brief fieldwork report is presented a preliminary study of the huaca Tomabal (VV 118-4: 9) in the Virú valley that unfortunately was partially destroyed with heavy machinery by farmers. Fortunately, an ornate surface with its respective stratigraphy was preserved. Indeed, it is noted the existence of five superimposed buildings with construction techniques typical of the Final Archaic and Formative periods that appear on the south face of the affected mound. The most surprising issue is the discovery of a painting wall with the image of an anthropomorphic being that apparently holds a ceremonial knife in one of its extremities. This early wall decoration is unique in the Virú Valley, so it deserves attention in future research work., En este breve reporte de campo se presenta un estudio preliminar de la huaca Tomabal (VV 118-4:9) en el valle de Virú, la cual desafortunadamente fue destruida parcialmente con maquinaria pesada por parte de agricultores. Por fortuna, se salvó una superficie ornamentada con su respectiva estratigrafía. En efecto, se da cuenta de la existencia de cinco edificios superpuestos que aparecen en la cara sur del montículo afectado con técnicas constructivas típicas del periodo Arcaico Final y Formativo. Lo más sorprendente es el descubrimiento de una pintura mural con la imagen de un ser antropomorfo que aparentemente sostiene un cuchillo ceremonial en una de sus extremidades. Esta decoración mural temprana es única en el valle de Virú, por lo que merece su atención en futuros trabajos de investigación en el sitio.
- Published
- 2022
6. La utilización de la fauna durante el período Arcaico a partir de los macro restos de Cruz Verde, costa norte del Perú.
- Author
Shoji, Kazuho and Shoji, Kazuho
- Abstract
The Cruz Verde site, located on the north coast of Peru, has a preceramic mound formed between 4.200-3.800 BC. This paper presents the results of a zooarchaeological analysis of the macro remains excavated from this mound to identify changes in faunal use and its characteristics of the Archaic period. There is a distinct difference in the two phases, from the phase CV-Ia, when marine mammals, seabirds, and fish are used equally, to the phase CV-Ib, when cartilaginous fish, mainly Carcharhinus sharks, are used intensively. The ecological and biological habits of the fish species that increase during phase CV-Ib suggest that the intensive resource exploitation in the estuarine brackish waters began. Referring to the data reported from other sites on the North Coast, the cartilaginous fish use tradition is a characteristic of the North Coast of Peru at least from Archaic to Formative period. On the other hand, the excavated cartilaginous fish taxonomy shows that there are differences in the fish species used in the Archaic and Formative periods. It can be pointed out that there are variations in the cartilaginous fish use tradition on the North Coast., El sitio Cruz Verde, ubicado en la costa norte del Perú, cuenta con un montículo precerámico formado entre 4.200-3.800 años a.C. Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis zooarqueológico de los macrorestos excavados en este montículo para identificar los cambios en el uso de la fauna y sus características en el periodo Arcaico. Se observa una clara diferencia en las dos fases, desde la fase CV-Ia, en la que se utilizan por igual mamíferos marinos, aves marinas y peces, hasta la fase CV-Ib, en la que se utilizan intensamente los peces cartilaginosos, principalmente los tiburones Carcharhinus. Los hábitos ecológicos y biológicos de las especies de peces que aumentan durante la fase CV-Ib sugieren que comenzó la explotación intensiva de recursos en las aguas salobres del estuario. Refiriéndose a los datos reportados de otros sitios de la costa norte, es claro que la tradición de uso de peces cartilaginosos es una característica de la costa norte del Perú por lo menos desde el período arcaico hasta el formativo. Por otro lado, la taxonomía de los peces cartilaginosos excavados muestra que hay diferencias en las especies de peces utilizados en los períodos arcaico y formativo. Se puede señalar que existen variaciones en la tradición de uso de peces cartilaginosos en la costa norte
- Published
- 2022
7. La utilización de recursos malacológicos en el período Arcaico: una perspectiva del sitio arqueológico Cruz Verde, Valle Chicama.
- Author
Kazuho Shoji
- Abstract
Excavations in 2016 and 2017 at the Cruz Verde site, located in the coastal area of the Chicama Valley, revealed a stratified record of pre-ceramic mound-building practices. These activities, indicated from this archaeological data, repeated around the Middle Archaic period with abundant disposed natural remains in the fill of the mound. In this article, results of malacological analyses of archaeological remains, from this mound and other later occupation in the Late Archaic period of the Cruz Verde, are presented to examine chronological change of mollusc exploitation in the Archaic period. The taxonomical abundance analysis, biometric analysis and calculation of Diversity index of species indicate that a change of ecological environment has occurred in the CV-Ic phase (4000-3800 cal BC), the second phase of the Middle Archaic occupation, and a change of exploitation strategy in the CV-Id phase (2800 cal BC), the Late Archaic occupation of the Cruz Verde. In conclusion, indicated by a perspective from malacology, this study demonstrates that the marine resources use and human adaptation to ecological surroundings dynamically had changed through the Middle and Late Archaic periods in contrast with continuity of the mound-building tradition in the Chicama valley. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Faundes Catalán, Wilfredo and Rivera, Francisco
- Abstract
This article presents a descriptive approach of the lithic assemblage of the Estación Puquios site (21°0'4.48"S, 68°23'12.04"O), located at 4169 masn. In the municipality of Ollagüe, Antofagasta region, northern Chile. Environmental and natural conditions of this site were favorable for the settlement of hunter-gatherers during the chronological sequence of the Archaic period (ca. 10.500-3.500 14C BP). Knapped stone tools were documented and typologically evaluated by the means of a 'virtual surface collection'. This analysis suggests that the area was integrated in mobility systems linked to the supply of local raw materials, and to discard the understanding of its use as a logistic station integrated in long-range mobility systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
9. Hesiod’s 'Hymn to Hecate'
- Author
Rocha Carvalho, Thais and CAPES
- Subjects
Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,Hesíodo ,Hécate ,Teogonia ,Poesia Grega Arcaica ,teogonia ,Classical Studies ,Letras Clássicas ,Período Arcaico ,Poesia Hexamétrica ,hécate ,poesia grega arcaica ,Hesiod ,Hecate ,Theogony ,Archaic Greek Poetry ,hesíodo ,Ancient history ,D51-90 ,PA - Abstract
Few Greek divinities have such a broad representation diversity as Hecate. While in the Classic and Hellenistic periods the image that seems to prevail is that of Hecate as goddess of magic and protector of witches, in the Archaic period her ambiguity is much more remarkable: the Hecate featured in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter has little in common with Hesiod’s Hecate. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze Hecate’s representation in the Theogony (verses 404-452), attempting to understand the approximation (and also deviation) with other representations of the goddess in Greek literature. Poucas divindades gregas possuem uma diversidade de representação tão ampla quanto Hécate. Enquanto nos períodos clássico e helenístico a imagem que parece dominar é a da Hécate deusa da magia e protetora das feiticeiras, no período arcaico sua ambiguidade é bem mais marcada: a Hécate que nos é apresentada no Hino Homérico a Deméter tem pouquíssimo em comum com a Hécate de Hesíodo. Nesse sentido, este texto tem por objetivo analisar a representação de Hécate na Teogonia (versos 404-452), tentando compreender os pontos de aproximação (e também afastamento) com outras representações da deusa na literatura grega.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Arquíloco de Paros e o Fr. 19 West
- Author
Moisés Olímpio Ferreira
- Subjects
Poesia grega ,Lírica grega ,Período Arcaico ,Arquíloco de Paros ,Fragmento 19 West ,History of the Greco-Roman World ,DE1-100 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
O presente trabalho visa a refletir sobre a (re)construção do sentido de um dos fragmentos da lírica grega arcaica. O corpus é constituído pelo fr. 19 da obra do poeta Arquíloco de Paros. Para o nosso estudo, servimo-nos das fontes que testemunharam a recepção do texto na Antiguidade e apresentamos também alguns comentários feitos por autores modernos. Para a tradução dos textos em língua grega, utilizamos o arcabouço teórico de Henrique Graciano Murachco, para quem as relações semântica, lógica, orgânica e funcional da língua são essenciais.
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Quercia, Alessandro
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TEXTILE product manufacturing , *TECHNOLOGICAL innovations , *ARCHAIC Period, Greece, ca. 800 B.C.-480 B.C. , *SOCIAL factors , *SOCIOCULTURAL factors - Abstract
Recent studies on textile production have been demonstrating how the societies of Pre- Roman Italy in the Archaic age (7th- 6th centuries BC) engaged in a development of new productive processes and technological variability in the manufacture of textiles, which resulted in the specialisation and standardisation of the objects used for the different productive steps, and their general increase in number. These changes were likely caused by social and cultural factors, as well as individual experimentations and choices. Within this general picture, Archaic South Italy represents a paradigmatic area of intense and deep contacts and cultural exchanges between Greek communities and indigenous societies. This paper focuses on the case-study of the settlement of Torre di Satriano (Lucania), which demonstrates profound changes in textile tools used for weaving, that is the loom weights, over a limited time span. These changes indicate complex social networks which developed between the Greek coastal settlements and the indigenous groups situated inland, primarily the dominant elites. The adoption and acquisition of new highly specialised weaving traditions and techniques most likely occurred through the exchange of ideas and practices among women, and suggest the presence of women from these Greek communities at Torre di Satriano. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Luberto, Maria Rosaria and Meo, Francesco
- Subjects
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TEXTILE product manufacturing , *TEXTURED woven textiles , *CLOTHING & dress , *ARCHAIC Period, Greece, ca. 800 B.C.-480 B.C. - Abstract
This paper presents some observations regarding loom weights found inside a Late Archaic house in the Achaean colony of Kaulonia. The weights were analysed using new methods of investigation developed by the Centre for Textile Research, Copenhagen. The results indicate that cloth of varying dimensions was woven in the household for day-to-day household needs, with one main loom and two smaller looms. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
13. Análisis lítico y funcionalidad de sitio de los aleros de la precordillera de Arica (centro-sur andino) durante el período Arcaico (ca. 10.000-3700 años AP).
- Author
Corvalán, Matías, Osorio, Daniela, Sepúlveda, Marcela, and Castillo, Camila
- Abstract
Copyright of Intersecciones en Antropología is the property of Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
14. Imagens do desejo arcaico: a representação de Eros na mélica de Anacreonte
- Author
Fernandes, Caio, Ragusa, Giuliana, Fernandes, Caio, and Ragusa, Giuliana
- Abstract
This article aims to analyze the images elaborated by the archaic melic poet Anacreon (active in c. 550 BCE) in the representation of the god Eros and of the erotic experience in 14 of his fragments, given the author’s outstanding relevance in the tradition and also in the poetic genre in which such themes are most notably and recurrently found in Ancient Greek. By doing so, the article intends to highlight, commenting on them, the elements that are characteristic of the erotic language as worked by the poet, whose songs are essentially symposiastic and relate in different ways – and with different purposes – to various and important aspects of archaic Greek society., O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as imagens construídas pelo poeta mélico arcaico Anacreonte (ativo em c. 550 a.C.) na representação do deus Eros e da experiência erótica em 14 de seus fragmentos, dada a destacada relevância do autor na tradição e no gênero poético em que tais temas são trabalhados mais notável e recorrentemente na Grécia antiga. Ao fazê-lo, pretende realçar, comentando-os, os elementos característicos da linguagem erótica na elaboração do poeta, cujas canções são sobretudo simposiásticas e relacionam-se de diferentes maneiras – e com diferentes propósitos – a variados e importantes aspectos da sociedade grega arcaica.
- Published
- 2021
15. A history of the archaeological excavations of the french school of Athens in Thassos-Greece: main sanctuaries and other buildings from the archaic period
- Author
Hora, Juliana Figueira da and Hora, Juliana Figueira da
- Abstract
This article aims to bring a history of the archaeological excavations of the island of Thassos, a Greek polis located in the North of the Aegean, founded in the Archaic Period. In this sense, we will present important structures excavated over the 19th and 20th centuries. These are religious structures such as the Sanctuary of Heracles, Sanctuary of Athena, Sanctuary of Artemis, Sanctuary of Demeter and two Sanctuaries of Apollo (Píthio and in Aliki), and also other Archaic structures such as Phari ceramic workshop and Archaic residences. The French School of Athens coordinated all of these excavations between 1911 and 2011. In this article, we will highlight the main places of worship in this polis, as they are important spaces for understanding the initial urban and civic-religious dynamics of one of the most important polis in the Mediterranean., O objetivo deste artigo é trazer um histórico das escavações arqueológicas de ilha de Tasos, uma pólis grega localizada no Norte do Egeu, fundada em período arcaico. Neste sentido, apresentaremos importantes estruturas escavadas ao longo dos séculos XIX e XX de período arcaico. Tratam-se de estruturas religiosas como o Santuário de Héracles, Santuário de Atena, Santuário de Ártemis, Santuário de Deméter e dois Santuários de Apolo (Pítio e de Aliki), e também de outras estruturas arcaicas como o atelié de Phari e as residências arcaicas. Todas essas escavações foram coordenadas pela Escola Francesa de Atenas entre I911 e zor1. Neste artigo, destacaremos os principais locais de culto desta pólis, pois tratam-se de espaços importantes para a compreensão da dinâmica inicial urbana e cívico-religiosa de uma das pólis mais importantes do Mediterrâneo.
- Published
- 2021
16. Lazio arcaico. In memoria di Maria Cataldi Dini: Ficana all’epoca dei Tarquini
- Author
Bartoloni, Gilda
- Subjects
capanne ,Late-orientalising period ,huts ,sepolcreto ,necropolis ,Ficana ,periodo arcaico ,periodo tardo-orientalizzante ,Archaic period - Abstract
La recente pubblicazione da parte di Annette Rathje di una delle aree scavate nel sito di Ficana negli anni ‘70 e la ripresa delle ricerche nella necropoli da parte di Alessandro Bedini e Margherita Bedello Tata hanno riproposto alcune problematiche già emerse all'epoca della ricca serie di scoperte nella regione Lazio negli anni Settanta e Ottanta del secolo scorso, che avevano visto tra le protagoniste Mariolina Cataldi, alla cui memoria è dedicato questo lavoro. L’osservazione che, a differenza di altre necropoli latine, bisogna attendere fino alla seconda metà del VII secolo per trovare tombe caratterizzate come “principesche” in base all'accumulo e all'esibizione di ricchezze, ha stimolato ad analizzare i dati dell'insediamento contemporaneo. Il confronto ha messo in luce la presenza di eminenti famiglie residenti a Ficana almeno dalla metà del VII al VI secolo a.C. The recent publication by Annette Rathje of one of the areas excavated in the site of Ficana in the ‘70s and the resumption of the research in the necropolis by Alessandro Bedini and Margherita Bedello Tata, have re-proposed some issues already emerged at the time of the rich series of discoveries in the Lazio region in the Seventies and Eighties of the last century, which had seen Mariolina Cataldi among the protagonists, to whose memory this work is dedicated. The observation that, unlike other Latin burial grounds, we have to wait until the second half of the 7th century to find tombs characterized as “princely” on the basis of the accumulation and display of wealth has prompted us to analyse the contemporary settlement's data. The comparison showed the presence of eminent families residing in Ficana at least from the middle of the 7th to the 6th century BC.
- Published
- 2021
17. Architetture perdute. Decorazioni architettoniche fittili dagli scavi tra Palatino, Velia e valle del Colosseo (VII-IV secolo a.C.)
- Author
Ferrandes, ANTONIO FRANCESCO, Panella, Clementina, and Carlo, Rescigno
- Subjects
Archeologia classica ,Architettura antica ,Roma ,Decorazione architettonica fittile ,Periodo arcaico ,Periodo repubblicano - Published
- 2021
18. A Descida de Perítoo ao Hades (fr. 280 M-W): tradução e análise
- Author
Thais Rocha Carvalho and CAPES
- Subjects
Poesia Grega Arcaica ,Tradução ,Letras Clássicas ,Período Arcaico ,Poesia hexamétrica ,Katábasis ,Hesíodo ,Perséfone ,Estudos Literários - Abstract
Este artigo apresenta a tradução e um breve comentário do fragmento 280 M-W, intitulado A Descida de Perítoo ao Hades, texto em hexâmetros atribuído a Hesíodo (embora com certa controvérsia). A análise privilegia as personagens míticas que nele aparecem (Perítoo, Teseu, Meleagro), bem como o episódio narrado, da katábasis dos heróis.
- Published
- 2020
19. O “Hino a Hécate” de Hesíodo
- Author
Rocha Carvalho, Thais and Rocha Carvalho, Thais
- Abstract
Few Greek divinities have such a broad representation diversity as Hecate. While in the Classic and Hellenistic periods the image that seems to prevail is that of Hecate as goddess of magic and protector of witches, in the Archaic period her ambiguity is much more remarkable: the Hecate featured in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter has little in common with Hesiod’s Hecate. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze Hecate’s representation in the Theogony (verses 404-452), attempting to understand the approximation (and also deviation) with other representations of the goddess in Greek literature., Poucas divindades gregas possuem uma diversidade de representação tão ampla quanto Hécate. Enquanto nos períodos clássico e helenístico a imagem que parece dominar é a da Hécate deusa da magia e protetora das feiticeiras, no período arcaico sua ambiguidade é bem mais marcada: a Hécate que nos é apresentada no Hino Homérico a Deméter tem pouquíssimo em comum com a Hécate de Hesíodo. Nesse sentido, este texto tem por objetivo analisar a representação de Hécate na Teogonia (versos 404-452), tentando compreender os pontos de aproximação (e também afastamento) com outras representações da deusa na literatura grega.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Abstract
The article presents a discussion on the social class of peasants in ancient Greece. Note is taken of information found in writings by Greek poet Hesiod, in which the Greek economy is described as being based almost entirely on the work of its peasantry. Particular attention is paid to economic conditions in the ancient cities and regions Boeotia, Greece, Athens, Greece, and Sparta. Further comments are given concerning the relations between Greek civil wars, the development of city states, and Greek economic history.
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Baitzel, Sarah I. and Rivera Infante, Arturo F.
- Subjects
Cabuza ,patrones de asentamiento ,Archaic Period ,periodo Arcaico ,costa surandina ,lomas ,Inca ,Middle Horizon ,Late Horizon ,verticality ,Settlement patterns ,south-Andean coast ,verticalidad - Abstract
Pedestrian survey of the middle Sama Valley (460-730 masl), Tacna, on the far south coast of Peru has identified 47 archaeological sites dating from the Archaic to the Late Horizon Period. Early hunter-gatherer populations occupied lomas and riparian environments in connection with coastal-highland mobility. The arrival of agropastoralist Cabuza populations in the terminal Middle Horizon foreshadowed Murra’s (1972) early Colonial “vertical complementarity” mode. Throughout the late prehispanic period a series of highlander incursions into the valley occurred attracted by the arable valley, lomas pasture, and proximity to the coast, culminating in the installation of Inca imperial infrastructure. La prospección pedestre del valle medio de Sama (460-730 msm), Tacna, en el extremo sur del Perú permitió identificar 47 sitios arqueológicos del periodo Arcaico hasta el Horizonte Tardío. Poblaciones de cazadores-recolectores ocuparon lomas y ambientes ribereños probablemente como parte de un patrón de movilidad entre la costa y el altiplano. La llegada de poblaciones agropastoriles Cabuza al final del Horizonte Medio presagió el modo de “complementariedad vertical” (Murra 1972). A partir del periodo Prehispánico Tardío, se inició una serie de incursiones de poblaciones serranas al valle medio de Sama promovido por la presencia de terrenos de cultivo, pasto de lomas, y acceso a recursos marinos, lo cual culminó en la instalación de infraestructura imperial Inca.
- Published
- 2019
22. Nouveaux apports sur l’archéologie du littoral de Guyane : de la préhistoire à la conquête
- Author
Martijn M. van den Bel
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,010506 paleontology ,Archaic Age ,Arqueologia ,01 natural sciences ,préhistoire ,Early Ceramic Age ,Âge céramique ancien ,0601 history and archaeology ,Período Cerâmico tardio ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,060102 archaeology ,archéologie ,Período arcaico ,Late Ceramic Age ,Âge céramique tardif ,archaeology ,06 humanities and the arts ,Pré-história ,French Guiana ,Período Cerâmico inicial ,Guiana Francesa ,Âge archaïque ,Anthropology ,prehistory ,Guyane - Abstract
En Guyane française, les recherches archéologiques structurées ne datent que du début des années 1970. Elles furent synthétisées par Stéphen Rostain au début des années 1990. Le cadre chrono-culturel établi alors se concentrait surtout sur la bande littorale entre les rivières de Kourou et de l’Oyapock et sur la période entre 900 et 1700 de notre ère. Cette étude résume les résultats de six fouilles archéologiques préventives plus récentes. Celles-ci permettent d’abord d’étoffer le cadre chrono-culturel de la préhistoire de ce département français. En effet des données nouvelles élargissent substantiellement ce cadre sur l’Âge archaïque et sur la période céramique ancienne, deux époques inconnues jusque-là. De nouveaux éléments renouvellent aussi certaines perspectives de la période céramique récente, en particulier sur les pratiques funéraires, les complexes céramiques et l’alimentation des Amérindiens. In French Guiana, structured archaeological research only started in the early 1970s. Its results have been synthesized by Stéphen Rostain twenty year later. The proposed chronocultural framework focused mainly on the coastal plains situated between the Oyapock and Kourou Rivers for the Late Ceramic Age, between AD 900 and 1700. This study presents the condensed results of six recent compliance archaeological excavations. They permit us firstly to enrich the existing framework of this overseas French department by presenting new data concerning the Archaic and Early Ceramic Ages, hitherto undiscovered episodes, substantially enlarging this framework. Furthermore, new elements concerning the Late Ceramic Age renew certain aspects, notably concerning funerary practices, ceramic complexes and food consumption of the prehistoric Amerindians. Na Guiana Francesa, pesquisas arqueológicas estruturadas só começaram no início da década de 1970 e seus resultados foram sintetizados por Stéphen Rostain no início dos anos 1990. O quadro cronocultural proposto focava principalmente nas planícies costeiras situadas entre os rios Oiapoque e Kourou para o Período Cerâmico tardio, entre 900 e 1700 AD. Este estudo apresenta os resultados condensados de seis escavações de arqueologia preventiva. Eles nos permitem, primeiramente, enriquecer o quadro existente deste departamento ultramarino francês; além disso, são apresentados aqui novos dados sobre os Períodos Cerâmicos arcaico e inicial, episódios até então não descobertos, ampliando substancialmente esse panorama. Finalmente, novos elementos relativos ao Período Cerâmico tardio renovam certos aspectos, notadamente, sobre práticas funerárias, complexos cerâmicos e consumo de alimentos das populações ameríndias pré-históricas.
- Published
- 2019
23. Osservazioni sulle origini di Marsiliana d'Albegna (Manciano, GR) e nuove ricerche nell'area suburbana
- Author
Zifferero, Andrea, De Angelis, Caterina, and Pacifici, Marco
- Subjects
periodo Arcaico ,Marsiliana d'Albegna, età del Bronzo Finale, periodo Orientalizzante, periodo Arcaico ,età del Bronzo Finale ,Marsiliana d'Albegna ,periodo Orientalizzante - Published
- 2019
24. The musical chorus as antropological place in the political community of Athens in the instauration process of isonomy in Cleisthenes at the end of the sixth century BCE
- Author
Araujo, Felipe Nascimento de, Candido, Maria Regina, Gonçalves, Marcia de Almeida, and Andrade, Marta Mega de
- Subjects
Ceramics ,Performance ,Choral ,Athens ,Cerâmicas ,Política ,Memory ,Vasos ,Cultural ,Isonomia ,Memória ,Vases ,Theater ,Society ,CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIA [CNPQ] ,Theatre ,Clístenes ,Antropologia ,Ancient Greece ,Teatro ,Sociedade ,Theatrical ,Lugar antropológico ,Musical chorus ,Atenas ,Período arcaico ,Politics ,Cleisthenes ,Grécia Antiga ,Isonomy ,Anthropological place ,Teatral ,Anthropology ,Sixth century BCE ,Coro musical ,Coral ,Material culture ,Archaic period ,Cultura material ,Sexto século a.C - Abstract
Submitted by Boris Flegr (boris@uerj.br) on 2021-01-06T23:53:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Nascimento de Araujo.pdf: 4923194 bytes, checksum: 0cd0fb8f237bb8270983cfff3f2a3e79 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2021-01-06T23:53:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Nascimento de Araujo.pdf: 4923194 bytes, checksum: 0cd0fb8f237bb8270983cfff3f2a3e79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-06 Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro This present dissertation intends to address the Greek musical chorus as one of the aspects in the political and social creation of the Athenian citizen, which represents an element of social and political integration in the polis in the end of the VI century BC. The expression musical chorus is used to denominate the choral performances of the ancient Hellenes that consisted in an intrinsic union between the singing and the dancing, what build an artistic form from a link of integrated movements up to the singing word, being both inseparable. The selected theoretical instrument is founded in the concept of anthropological place of Marc Augé, whose definition corresponds to a concrete and symbolic construction of the space that occurs a group of collective and individual practices. In this order, the musical chorus corresponds to a social construction, representing the bond that its members have with the identity that is built for them by the present collectivity in the Athenian political community. From this perspective, we materialize the musical chorus as an anthropological place in the material culture of the Attics ceramics, which the symbolic representation of citizens appeared in the iconography of the vases let us identify elements that relate them to the political community of the archaic polis. Pursuant to this, it is important to highlight that our analyses documentation consists in a group of ceramics dated in the end of the VIº century that represents the musical chorus as an anthropological place. Through this theoretical approach, this present work hypothetizes that the musical chorus was formed mainly by members from the aristocratic elite, due to the fact that this social segment has a prominent relevance in the political context of the instauration process of isonomy. Another hypothesis defended in this dissertation refers to the existence of a relation between the musical chorus and the hoplite phalanx, in which the participation of the citizens in chorus of the public festivals worked as a complementary activity to the formation of the soldier peasant citizen that integrated the political community of the Athenian political community. Esta dissertação busca abordar o coro musical grego como um dos aspectos presentes na formação política do cidadão ateniense, constituindo um elemento de integração social e histórica no contexto da pólis do final do século VI a.C. O termo coro musical é utilizado para denominar as performances corais dos antigos helenos que consistiam em uma união intrínseca entre o canto e a dança, construindo uma forma de arte a partir da junção de movimentos integrados à palavra cantada, sendo ambos indissociáveis. O instrumental teórico selecionado se fundamenta no conceito de lugar antropológico de Marc Augé, cuja definição corresponde a uma construção concreta e simbólica do espaço em que ocorre um conjunto de práticas coletivas e individuais. Sendo assim, os coros musicais correspondem a uma construção social, representando o vínculo que seus integrantes possuem com a identidade que lhes é construída pelas coletividades presentes na comunidade política dos atenienses. A partir dessa perspectiva, o coro musical como lugar antropológico se materializa na cultura material das cerâmicas áticas, na qual as representações simbólicas dos cidadãos presentes nas pinturas dos vasos nos permite identificar elementos que os relacionam com a comunidade política da pólis arcaica. Desse modo, é importante destacar que a principal categoria de documentação utilizada nesta dissertação consiste em um conjunto de cerâmicas datadas do final do século VI que representam o coro musical como lugar antropológico. Através desta abordagem teórica, este trabalho formula a hipótese que o coro musical era formado majoritariamente por membros pertencentes à elite aristocrática, devido ao fato deste estrato social possuir destacada relevância no contexto político do processo de instauração da isonomia. Outra hipótese defendida nesta dissertação consiste na existência de uma relação entre o coro musical e falange hoplita, no qual a participação do cidadão nos coros dos festivais públicos funcionava como uma atividade complementar à formação do cidadão camponês soldado que integrava a comunidade política dos atenienses.
- Published
- 2018
25. Reflections about the Colombian Archaic
- Author
Francisco Javier Aceituno Bocanegra and Nicolás Loaiza Díaz
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,economías de baja producción de alimentos ,Archeology ,History ,Adaptive strategies ,Arqueología americana ,Período arcaico ,arcaico ,diversidad cultural ,Archaic period ,GN1-890 ,Genealogy ,Período prehispánico ,Geography ,Diversidad cultural - Colombia ,Anthropology ,Cultural diversity ,colombia ,Ethnology - Abstract
In the 1960s Reichel Dolmatoff applied the evolutionary model of the American archeology to order the prehispanic record in Colombia. Nonetheless, the Archaic period was loosely defined because of the lack of data existing at the time. Fifty years after that things have changed and we now have robust evidences to be able to understand this key period in the prehispanic history, characterized by its cultural diversity and the adaptive strategies plasticity displayed by the different human groups, among which the origin of food production stands out. RESUMEN: En los años sesenta, Reichel-Dolmatoff aplicó el esquema evolutivo de la arqueología americana, con el fin de ordenar la profundidad temporal del mundo prehispánico en Colombia. Sin embargo, uno de los periodos más ambiguos en su definición fue el Arcaico, principalmente por la falta de datos para la época. Cincuenta años después, el panorama ha cambiado y actualmente se cuenta con un volumen de evidencias suficiente para entender mejor un periodo clave en la historia prehispánica, caracterizado por la diversidad cultural, vista en perspectiva espacial, y la plasticidad de las estrategias adaptativas de los diferentes grupos, entre las que cabe destacar el origen de la producción de alimentos.
- Published
- 2015
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26. La utilización de recursos malacológicos en el período Arcaico: una perspectiva del sitio arqueológico Cruz Verde, Valle Chicama
- Author
Shoji, Kazuho and Shoji, Kazuho
- Abstract
Excavations in 2016 and 2017 at the Cruz Verde site, located in the coastal area of the Chicama Valley, revealed a stratified record of pre-ceramic mound- building practices. These activities, indicated from this archaeological data, repeated around the Middle Archaic period with abundant disposed natural remains in the fill of the mound. In this article, results of malacological analyses of archaeological remains, from this mound and other later occupation in the Late Archaic period of the Cruz Verde, are presented to examine chronological change of mollusc exploitation in the Archaic period. The taxonomical abundance analysis, biometric analysis and calculation of Diversity index of species indicate that a change of ecological environment has occurred in the CV-Ic phase (4000-3800 cal BC), the second phase of the Middle Archaic occupation, and a change of exploitation strategy in the CV-Id phase (2800 cal BC), the Late Archaic occupation of the Cruz Verde. In conclusion, indicated by a perspective from malacology, this study demonstrates that the marine resources use and human adaptation to ecological surroundings dynamically had changed through the Middle and Late Archaic periods in contrast with continuity of the mound-building tradition in the Chicama valley., Las excavaciones en los años 2016 y 2017 en Cruz Verde, situado en la parte litoral de Valle Chicama, revelaron registros estratigráficos de actividad constructiva de montículos precerámicos. Estas actividades se han repetido con abundantes residuos enterrados en los rellenos del montículo, durante el período Arcaico Medio. En este artículo, se presentan los resultados de análisis malacológico para aclarar el cambio cronológico del aprovechamiento de los moluscos en el período Arcaico. Los restos arqueológicos analizados fueron recuperados en el montículo del período Arcaico Medio y en otra ocupación posterior del período Arcaico Tardío, en Cruz Verde. El análisis de abundancia taxonómica, biometría y cálculo del índice de diversidad, nos indican que hubo un cambio ecológico en la fase CV-Ic (4000-3800 cal a. C.), la segunda fase de ocupación Arcaico Medio, y un cambio de estrategia de aprovechamiento en la fase CV-Id (2800 cal a.C.), de la ocupación Arcaico Tardío de Cruz Verde. En conclusión, se indica que desde la perspectiva de la malacología, el presente estudio demuestra que el uso de los recursos marinos y la adaptación humana al ambiente ecológico, han cambiado dinámicamente a través de los períodos Arcaico Medio y Tardío, en contraste con la continuidad de la tradición de actividad constructiva de los montículos, en el valle Chicama
- Published
- 2018
27. Lithic Technology of archaic hunter gatherers at the Estación Puquios site (Ollagüe, Chile)
- Author
Faundes Catalán, Wilfredo and Rivera* *, Francisco
- Subjects
Archaic Period ,Lithic Sourcing Area ,Área de Aprovisionamiento Lítico ,Ollagüe ,Lithic Typology ,Período Arcaico ,Tipología Lítica - Abstract
Este artículo presenta una aproximación descriptiva al conjunto lítico del sitio Estación Puquios (21°04.48 S, 68°23 12.04 O), ubicado a 4169 msnm en la comuna de Ollagüe, región de Antofagasta, norte de Chile. Se plantea que las condiciones ambientales y naturales del sitio fueron favorables para el emplazamiento de cazadores-recolectores durante la secuencia cronológica del período Arcaico (ca. 10.500-3.500 14C AP). Se presenta una evaluación de los aspectos tipológicos respecto del material lítico formatizado mediante la técnica de talla, registrados por medio de una recolección superficial virtual . Este análisis sugiere que el área fue integrada dentro de sistemas de movilidad en relación con el aprovisionamiento de materias primas de carácter local, descartando el uso de estaciones logísticas presentes en sistemas de movilidad de largo alcance. This article presents a descriptive approach of the lithic assemblage of the Estación Puquios site (21°0 4.48 S, 68°23 12.04 O), located at 4169 masn. In the municipality of Ollagüe, Antofagasta region, northern Chile. Environmental and natural conditions of this site were favorable for the settlement of hunter-gatherers during the chronological sequence of the Archaic period (ca. 10.500-3.500 14C BP). Knapped stone tools were documented and typologically evaluated by the means of a virtual surface collection . This analysis suggests that the area was integrated in mobility systems linked to the supply of local raw materials, and to discard the understanding of its use as a logistic station integrated in long-range mobility systems.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Marcela Sepúlveda and Camila Castillo
- Subjects
objetos "misceláneos" ,período Arcaico ,010506 paleontology ,Archeology ,060102 archaeology ,movilidad ,06 humanities and the arts ,01 natural sciences ,redes de interacción ,Geography ,tierras altas ,Anthropology ,0601 history and archaeology ,norte de Chile ,Humanities ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
espanolLos patrones de movilidad de los cazadores recolectores altoandinos arcaicos (10.500-3.700 a.p.) del extremo norte de Chile han sido comunmente definidos a partir de la caracterizacion y comparacion del registro litico y en menor medida, las pinturas rupestres presentes en aleros o abrigos rocosos. Los demas registros materiales han sido generalmente mencionados de forma ocasional y anecdotica. Trabajos efectuados desde 2006 en adelante, en las tierras altas de la region, han buscado abordar otras dinamicas sociales de estos cazadores recolectores mas alla de su subsistencia para asi discutir otras esferas de la movilidad de estos grupos. Esta investigacion exploratoria se basa en la sistematizacion cronologica y contextual de objetos ornamentales y/o suntuarios arcaicos, de procedencia local o aloctona, de la precordillera del extremo norte de Chile (2.800-3.800 msm). La presencia de estos objetos, usualmente catalogados como "miscelaneos", hallados en diez sitios con ocupaciones arcaicas, nos permiten discutir justamente la movilidad de los grupos altoandinos y su interaccion con otros grupos especializados. Asimismo, permiten discutir su rol y relevancia en la conformacion de variadas formas de interaccion y diferenciacion al interior de los grupos. Finalmente, se discute la configuracion y mantenimiento de interacciones sociales materializadas por la circulacion de objetos miscelaneos, y el necesario flujo de informacion en las dinamicas sociales establecidas entre los periodos Arcaico y Formativo en la region de los Andes Centro-Sur. EnglishThe mobility patterns of Archaic hunter-gatherers (10,500-3,700 BP) from the highlands of northern Chile have been commonly defined based on the characterization and comparison of lithic materials and, to a lesser extent, on the study of rock art painting found in caves and rock shelters. Other archaeological records have been mentioned occasionally and anecdotally. Investigations carried outfrom 2006 onwards in the highlands of this region, have sought to address other social dynamics of these hunter-gatherer groups beyond their subsistence, in order to discuss other aspects of their mobility. In this exploratory investigation, we focus on the chronological and contextual systematization of archaic ornamental and sumptuary objects, of local or allochthonous provenance, in the Precordillera (foothills) ofnorthern Chile (2,800-3,800 masl). The presence of these objects, usually classified as "miscellaneous", found in ten sites with archaic occupations, allows us to account for the different mobility patterns of the highland Andean groups and theirpossible interaction with other specialized groups. They also allow us to discuss their role and importance in the shaping of different interaction and differentiation forms between individuals inside highland groups. Finally, we discuss the configuration and maintenance of social interactions materialized by the circulation of miscellaneous objects, and the necessary flow of information in the social dynamics established between the Archaic and Formative periods in the Central-South Andes region.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Castillo, Camila and Sepúlveda, Marcela
- Subjects
objetos "misceláneos" ,período Arcaico ,tierras altas ,movilidad ,"Miscellaneous" objects ,interaction network ,Northern Chile ,Archaic Period ,norte de Chile ,redes de interacción ,highland ,mobility - Abstract
Los patrones de movilidad de los cazadores recolectores altoandinos arcaicos (10.500-3.700 a.p.) del extremo norte de Chile han sido comúnmente definidos a partir de la caracterización y comparación del registro lítico y en menor medida, las pinturas rupestres presentes en aleros o abrigos rocosos. Los demás registros materiales han sido generalmente mencionados de forma ocasional y anecdótica. Trabajos efectuados desde 2006 en adelante, en las tierras altas de la región, han buscado abordar otras dinámicas sociales de estos cazadores recolectores más allá de su subsistencia para así discutir otras esferas de la movilidad de estos grupos. Esta investigación exploratoria se basa en la sistematización cronológica y contextual de objetos ornamentales y/o suntuarios arcaicos, de procedencia local o alóctona, de la precordillera del extremo norte de Chile (2.800-3.800 msm). La presencia de estos objetos, usualmente catalogados como "misceláneos", hallados en diez sitios con ocupaciones arcaicas, nos permiten discutir justamente la movilidad de los grupos altoandinos y su interacción con otros grupos especializados. Asimismo, permiten discutir su rol y relevancia en la conformación de variadas formas de interacción y diferenciación al interior de los grupos. Finalmente, se discute la configuración y mantenimiento de interacciones sociales materializadas por la circulación de objetos misceláneos, y el necesario flujo de información en las dinámicas sociales establecidas entre los períodos Arcaico y Formativo en la región de los Andes Centro-Sur. The mobility patterns of Archaic hunter-gatherers (10,500-3,700 BP) from the highlands of northern Chile have been commonly defined based on the characterization and comparison of lithic materials and, to a lesser extent, on the study of rock art painting found in caves and rock shelters. Other archaeological records have been mentioned occasionally and anecdotally. Investigations carried outfrom 2006 onwards in the highlands of this region, have sought to address other social dynamics of these hunter-gatherer groups beyond their subsistence, in order to discuss other aspects of their mobility. In this exploratory investigation, we focus on the chronological and contextual systematization of archaic ornamental and sumptuary objects, of local or allochthonous provenance, in the Precordillera (foothills) ofnorthern Chile (2,800-3,800 masl). The presence of these objects, usually classified as "miscellaneous", found in ten sites with archaic occupations, allows us to account for the different mobility patterns of the highland Andean groups and theirpossible interaction with other specialized groups. They also allow us to discuss their role and importance in the shaping of different interaction and differentiation forms between individuals inside highland groups. Finally, we discuss the configuration and maintenance of social interactions materialized by the circulation of miscellaneous objects, and the necessary flow of information in the social dynamics established between the Archaic and Formative periods in the Central-South Andes region.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Castro, Victoria, Aldunate, Carlos, Varela, Varinia, Olguín, Laura, Andrade, Pedro, García-Albarido, Francisco, Rubio, Felipe, Castro, Pilar, Maldonado, Antonio, and Ruz, Jimena
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,funerary practices ,funebria ,Archaic Period ,Arheic coast ,asentamientos ,cronología ,costa arreica - Abstract
El estudio intensivo del sitio Copaca 1, al sur de Tocopilla, proporciona antecedentes que permiten profundizar el conocimiento sobre el período Arcaico en la costa arreica de Antofagasta, para una sociedad que vivió de una eficiente adaptación costera, sin recursos complementarios extralocales. Estos nuevos hallazgos enriquecen la secuencia cronológica del Holoceno Medio, sus sistemas de asentamientos, prácticas mortuorias, modos de vida y probables evidencias de navegación. The intensive archaeological and biological study of a singular site (Copaca 1) in the arheic coast of Antofagasta, Chile, brings new data that contributes to a deeper understanding of the Middle Archaic Period, its settlement patterns, its funerary practices, and its ways of life. It also provides probable evidence of early navigation.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Castro,Victoria, Aldunate,Carlos, Varela,Varinia, Olguín,Laura, Andrade,Pedro, García-Albarido,Francisco, Rubio,Felipe, Castro,Pilar, Maldonado,Antonio, and Ruz,Jimena
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,funebria ,asentamientos ,cronología ,costa arreica - Abstract
El estudio intensivo del sitio Copaca 1, al sur de Tocopilla, proporciona antecedentes que permiten profundizar el conocimiento sobre el período Arcaico en la costa arreica de Antofagasta, para una sociedad que vivió de una eficiente adaptación costera, sin recursos complementarios extralocales. Estos nuevos hallazgos enriquecen la secuencia cronológica del Holoceno Medio, sus sistemas de asentamientos, prácticas mortuorias, modos de vida y probables evidencias de navegación.
- Published
- 2016
32. Persistencia de la tradición pescadora recolectora en la costa de Arica: Identificación de rasgos culturales y discusión sobre su alcance en el contexto de las poblaciones agrícolas tempranas
- Author
Iván Muñoz Ovalle
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,Archeology ,rasgos culturales ,Anthropology ,pescadores-recolectores ,sociedades formativas - Abstract
El estudio de las poblaciones en tránsito hacia la agricultura en los valles costeros de Arica arroja evidencias de una fuerte presencia de rasgos tecnológicos vinculados al período Arcaico; el trabajo de la piedra, el hueso, las conchas y el uso de fibras vegetales denotan la persistencia de estos contextos en el tiempo, a pesar de las transformaciones sociales y económicas producidas durante el proceso inicial agrícola. Dicha persistencia vista a través de la materialidad nos hace pensar en la importancia que tuvieron las tempranas poblaciones aldeanas locales en el desarrollo de las estrategias organizativas, contrastando con una presencia menor de rasgos procedentes de otras áreas culturales como la puna, las que habrían influenciado los valles costeros como Azapa durante el período Formativo. La información cultural con que se discute la presencia de la tradición pescadora recolectora en el contexto de los inicios de la tradición agrícola aldeana corresponde a evidencias obtenidas de áreas domésticas y funerarias vinculadas a ocupaciones precerámicas de la costa de Arica, las que fueron contrastadas con materialidad proveniente de poblaciones de túmulos y pisos habitacionales vinculada al período Formativo del valle de Azapa. La discusión de ambas materialidades nos da una visión interesante en el sentido que, por un lado, observamos la presencia de indicadores novedosos dentro del bagaje de estas poblaciones en tránsito hacia la agricultura; sin embargo, y quizás en un contexto de mayor frecuencia, registramos la presencia de artefactos que caracterizan a las poblaciones arcaicas costeras, remarcando, por lo tanto, una continuidad cultural que no se pierde con los cambios producidos con la economía agrícola.
- Published
- 2011
- Full Text
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- Author
Andrade,Pedro, Castro,Victoria, and Aldunate,Carlos
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,cazadores y recolectores ,bioarqueología ,desierto de Atacama ,pescadores ,modos de vida - Abstract
Este trabajo da a conocer datos bioantropológicos inéditos obtenidos de una muestra discreta no disturbada proveniente de excavaciones estratigráficas practicadas en un sitio de tiempos arcaicos, ubicados en la costa arreica de Chile, de los cuales se obtuvieron fechados radiocarbónicos como isótopos estables (815 N, 813C col), permitiendo situarlos dentro de la secuencia zonal. A partir de la coherencia de estos resultados se establece que el modo de vida de estos individuos habría estado fuertemente ligado con la explotación de las distintas dimensiones productivas que presenta el ambiente marino, dejando huellas importantes en su registro óseo y dental.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Andrade, Pedro, Castro, Victoria, and Aldunate, Carlos
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,Archaic fishermen-hunter-gatherers ,cazadores y recolectores ,Archaic Period ,bioarqueología ,desierto de Atacama ,Desert coast of Northern Chile ,early coastal diet ,pescadores ,way of Ufe ,modos de vida - Abstract
Este trabajo da a conocer datos bioantropológicos inéditos obtenidos de una muestra discreta no disturbada proveniente de excavaciones estratigráficas practicadas en un sitio de tiempos arcaicos, ubicados en la costa arreica de Chile, de los cuales se obtuvieron fechados radiocarbónicos como isótopos estables (815 N, 813C col), permitiendo situarlos dentro de la secuencia zonal. A partir de la coherencia de estos resultados se establece que el modo de vida de estos individuos habría estado fuertemente ligado con la explotación de las distintas dimensiones productivas que presenta el ambiente marino, dejando huellas importantes en su registro óseo y dental. The aim of this paper is to study human biological remains from stratigraphic excavations of the Archaic desertic coastal site of Copaca 1, Northern Chile. The discussion of new chronological, biological and stable isotopes data allows a new approach to the societies that lived in this extremely arid zone of the Atacama Desert. Results obtained in osteological evidence is described, suggesting way of life highly linked with the exploitation of different productive dimensions of the maritime environment through activities patterns that left important traces in their osteological and dental record.
- Published
- 2016
35. La collina di Haghios Ioannis a Gortina. L’occupazione della Messarà centrale tra la fine del Neolitico e la nascita della polis: nuove prospettive di ricerca
- Author
Todaro, SIMONA VENERA and Santaniello, E.
- Subjects
Crete, sacred areas, minoan period, archaic period ,Creta, aree sacre, periodo minoico, periodo arcaico ,aree sacre ,archaic period ,minoan period ,Creta ,periodo minoico ,Crete ,periodo arcaico ,sacred areas - Published
- 2016
36. Lithic analysis and site functionality of the rock shelters from the precordillera of Arica (south central andean area) during the Archaic period (ca. 10,000-3700 years BP)
- Author
Osorio, Daniela, Sepúlveda, Marcela, Castillo, Camila, and Corvalán, Matías
- Subjects
Materiales líticos ,Aleros de la Precordillera de Arica ,Precordillera de Arica ,Análisis lítico ,Siglo XX-Segunda mitad ,Período Arcaico ,Tecnología lítica ,Funcionalidad de sitio ,Arqueología - Abstract
A partir de la identificación de la funcionalidad de sitio mediante el análisis tecnológico del material lítico, del reconocimiento de las actividades realizadas gracias a la contextualización de las demás evidencias registradas y de la incorporación de 18 nuevas dataciones en ocho aleros, discutimos el rol de la precordillera de Arica en las tierras altas del área Centro-Sur Andina, durante el período Arcaico (ca. 10.000-3700 años AP). Adicionalmente, buscamos evaluar la existencia de posibles variaciones temporales en las actividades realizadas en el interior de estos aleros, con el objetivo de obtener una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa de la(s) dinámica(s) social(es) que ahí ocurrieron. Estos resultados constituyen una reevaluación sintética de la zona tras estudios realizados en la década de 1980. Fil: Osorio, Daniela. University College London; Inglaterra. Fil: Sepúlveda, Marcela. Universidad de Tarapacá; Chile. Fil: Castillo, Camila. Universidad Católica del Norte. Universidad de Tarapacá; Chile. The role of precordillera of Arica in the highlands of South Central Andean area during the Archaic period (ca. 10,000 to 3700 yr BP) is discussed based on site functionality, technological analysis of the lithic material, the contextualization of other kind of evidence, and 18 new radiocarbon dates from eight rock shelters. In addition, we seek to assess the existence of possible temporal variations of intra-site activities in order to obtain a diachronic and comparative perspective of the social dynamics(s) that occurred there. These results constitute a synthetic reassessment of the area after studies conducted in the 1980s.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Q Andrés Ocas, Gloria Villarreal, Benjamín Guerrero, Ángel Rivera, Nathan Craig, Omar Ventocilla, R Bernardino Ojeda, and Robert A. Benfer
- Subjects
periodo Formativo ,periodo Precerámico Tardío ,periodo Arcaico ,montículos-efigie ,arqueoastronomía ,astronomía cultural ,Valles costeros del Perú - Abstract
El equipo de arqueología de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina del Perú ha constatado y verificado que diversas imágenes captadas por el programa Google Earth Pro son montículos gigantescos compuestos por desechos y piedras, así como por muros curvos, que contienen, a su vez, estructuras de planta rectangular y circular revestidas con piedras (Benfer 2011a). Su particular característica es que semejan, en planta, figuras de animales. Fueron halladas en las partes bajas y medias de los valles costeros al norte de Lima, Perú, y datan desde el periodo Precerámico Tardío (3000 a.C. a 1750 a.C.) al periodo Inicial y Horizonte Temprano (1700 a.C. a 200 a.C.). Su contorno sinuoso, así como sus superficies tridimensionales y no a manera de plataformas las distinguen de otros montículos de dichos períodos que presentan, característicamente, simetría y ángulos rectos. Estos montículos de contornos curvos tienen asociaciones astronómicas y se parecen a otras figuras plasmadas en la superficie, previamente identificadas como animales y aves, registradas en la costa peruana, tales como las mejor conocidas de las pampas de Nasca. De manera particular, difieren de estas últimas por ser más monumentales. Los hallazgos reportados en este artículo se pueden comparar, de manera estrecha, con los gigantescos y numerosos montículos-efigie de contornos sinuosos de la cultura Adena de Norteamérica. Debido a que los montículos peruanos tienen recintos de planta rectangular y cuadrangular en su interior, se diferencian de otros montículos de Sudamérica y Norteamérica, y representan un nuevo patrón de asentamiento, uno que comprendía un espacio ritual construido para fines de alineamientos astronómicos que marcaban fechas cruciales para ceremonias estacionales. Debido a ello, interpretamos a estas construcciones como montículosefigie zoomorfos que representan figuras del zodiaco andino costeño.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Lorena Cornejo, Hélène Rousselière, A R Marcela Sepúlveda, Daniela Valenzuela, and Hugo Lienqueo
- Subjects
Archeology ,movilidad ,Anthropology ,periodo Arcaico ,producción del color ,norte de Chile ,óxidos de manganeso - Abstract
La utilizacion de oxidos de manganeso se evidencia en el extremo norte de Chile desde el periodo Arcaico (ca. 10.500-4.000 cal. a.p.) en tierras bajas (costa y valles) y tierras altas (precordillera y altiplano). En tierras bajas aparece en contextos de cazadores-recolectores y pescadores Chinchorro, en los procesos de momificacion artificial y en cuerpos momificados de forma natural. En tierras altas se encuentra en aleros ocupados por cazadores-recolectores terrestres altoandinos. Adicionalmente, la informacion geologica existente apunta a que las fuentes de los oxidos de manganeso se encuentran solo en sectores altoandinos. Con toda esta informacion, sumado a nuestros resultados obtenidos a partir de analisis fisico-quimicos de los pigmentos y pinturas de contextos arqueologicos se discute sobre la produccion o cadena operativa del color negro a partir del mineral de manganeso, la criptomelana. Adicionalmente, se proponen alternativas interpretativas en torno al abastecimiento y movilidad de los oxidos de manganeso desarrollados por las sociedades arcaicas de la region.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Sepulveda, Marcela, Valenzuela, Daniela, Cornejo, Lorena, Lienqueo, Hugo, and Rousseliere, Helene
- Subjects
movilidad ,periodo Arcaico ,Manganese oxide ,Archaic Period ,Northern Chile ,producción del color ,production of color ,norte de Chile ,óxidos de manganeso ,mobility - Abstract
La utilización de óxidos de manganeso se evidencia en el extremo norte de Chile desde el periodo Arcaico (ca. 10.500-4.000 cal. a.p.) en tierras bajas (costa y valles) y tierras altas (precordillera y altiplano). En tierras bajas aparece en contextos de cazadores-recolectores y pescadores Chinchorro, en los procesos de momificación artificial y en cuerpos momificados de forma natural. En tierras altas se encuentra en aleros ocupados por cazadores-recolectores terrestres altoandinos. Adicionalmente, la información geológica existente apunta a que las fuentes de los óxidos de manganeso se encuentran sólo en sectores altoandinos. Con toda esta información, sumado a nuestros resultados obtenidos a partir de análisis físico-químicos de los pigmentos y pinturas de contextos arqueológicos se discute sobre la producción o cadena operativa del color negro a partir del mineral de manganeso, la criptomelana. Adicionalmente, se proponen alternativas interpretativas en torno al abastecimiento y movilidad de los óxidos de manganeso desarrollados por las sociedades arcaicas de la región. Evidence of the use of manganese oxides in the northernmost area of Chile has been dated as early as the Archaic Period (ca. 11,500-4,000 cal. BP). In the lowland coastal zone and valleys, this material is usually associated with the hunting, gathering and fishing Chinchorro groups that used this substance in the processes of artificial mummification as well as for naturally mummifies corpses. In the highlands, manganese oxide has been identified in rock shelters occupied by highland hunter-gatherer and used in rock art painting, attributed to this period. Additionally, the geology of the region indicates that manganese oxides would have come from the highlands. Given this set of information, and the results of the elemental analyses of pigments and paints from archaeological context, we discuss about the production or "chaîne opératoire" of black color from manganese ore, the cryptomelane. Also, different alternatives of procurement and mobility of manganese oxides developed by archaic societies from this region are proposed.
- Published
- 2013
40. Persistence of the fishing-collecting tradition on arica coast: identification of cultural features and discussion on the reach in the context of early agricultural societies
- Author
Muñoz Ovalle, Iván
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,fishing-collecting ,rasgos culturales ,cultural features ,formative societies ,pescadores-recolectores ,sociedades formativas ,archaic Period - Abstract
El estudio de las poblaciones en tránsito hacia la agricultura en los valles costeros de Arica arroja evidencias de una fuerte presencia de rasgos tecnológicos vinculados al período Arcaico; el trabajo de la piedra, el hueso, las conchas y el uso de fibras vegetales denotan la persistencia de estos contextos en el tiempo, a pesar de las transformaciones sociales y económicas producidas durante el proceso inicial agrícola. Dicha persistencia vista a través de la materialidad nos hace pensar en la importancia que tuvieron las tempranas poblaciones aldeanas locales en el desarrollo de las estrategias organizativas, contrastando con una presencia menor de rasgos procedentes de otras áreas culturales como la puna, las que habrían influenciado los valles costeros como Azapa durante el período Formativo. La información cultural con que se discute la presencia de la tradición pescadora recolectora en el contexto de los inicios de la tradición agrícola aldeana corresponde a evidencias obtenidas de áreas domésticas y funerarias vinculadas a ocupaciones precerámicas de la costa de Arica, las que fueron contrastadas con materialidad proveniente de poblaciones de túmulos y pisos habitacionales vinculada al período Formativo del valle de Azapa. La discusión de ambas materialidades nos da una visión interesante en el sentido que, por un lado, observamos la presencia de indicadores novedosos dentro del bagaje de estas poblaciones en tránsito hacia la agricultura; sin embargo, y quizás en un contexto de mayor frecuencia, registramos la presencia de artefactos que caracterizan a las poblaciones arcaicas costeras, remarcando, por lo tanto, una continuidad cultural que no se pierde con los cambios producidos con la economía agrícola. the study of in transit population towards agriculture on the coastal valleys of Arica shows evidence of a strong presence of technological features linked to the archaic Period. despite the social and economical transformations produced during the initial agricultural process, the work on stone, bone and the use of vegetable fiber donote the persistency of these contexts over time. seen through materiality, such persistency makes us think about the importance that local populations had on the organizational strategies which established the early village populations, contrasting with a minor presence of the features from other cultural areas such as the puna which had probably affected coastal valleys like Azapa during the formative Period. the cultural information discusses the presence of the fishing-collecting tradition in the context of the beginning of the village’s agricultural tradition correspond to evidence obtained from domestic and funeral areas linked to preceramic settlement in Arica’s coast, which were contrasted to materiality from populations from tumulus and housing floors linked to the formative period of Azapa Valley. the discussion of both materialities gives us an interesting vision in the sense of that, on one side, we see the presence of original indicators inside the cultural knowledge of these in transit populations towards agriculture, however, and maybe in a more frequent context we register the presence of artifacts typical of these archais coastal populations; thus emphasizing a cultural continuity which is not lost with the agricultural economy changes.
- Published
- 2011
41. La città e le mura: nuovi dati dall’area Nord della città antica
- Author
D'Acunto, Matteo and D'Agostino, B.
- Subjects
abitato ,Cuma, abitato, colonia greca, abitazione, periodo geometrico, periodo arcaico ,abitazione ,colonia greca ,periodo geometrico ,Cuma ,periodo arcaico - Published
- 2009
42. Dalla Grecia all'Europa. La circolazione di beni di lusso e di modelli culturali nel VI e V secolo a.C
- Author
Tarditi, Chiara
- Subjects
Settore L-ANT/07 - ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA ,periodo arcaico ,Grecia ,commercio - Published
- 2007
43. Importazioni greche ed èlites indigene: presenza e funzione del vasellame in bronzo arcaico in area apula
- Author
Tarditi, Chiara
- Subjects
vasi bronzo ,bronze vessels ,Puglia ,Settore L-ANT/07 - ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA ,periodo arcaico - Published
- 2007
44. The Archaic Marcavilca complex and the cyclical mobility of the early Chorrillos populations
- Author
Luisa Díaz Arriola
- Subjects
Shore ,Marcavilca ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Costa Central ,Subsistence agriculture ,Archaic period ,Archaeology ,cyclical mobility ,Perú ,Geography ,Movilidad Cíclica ,Capital (economics) ,central coast ,Domestication ,Período Arcaico - Abstract
Esta es una investigación acerca del "Complejo Marcavilca", que caracterizó el proceso de ocupación cultural en la pendiente sur del Morro Solar, en el distrito de Chorillos, dentro del sur de la ciudad de Lima. Sobre la base de las evidencias arqueológicas encontradas, se ha propuesto un patrón de movilidad cíclica para las poblaciones tempranas del Morro Solar. Este patrón consistió una estrategia de subsistencia usada por los pescadores-agricultores arcaicos, quienes explotaron los recursos de la costa y valles cercanos, estableciendo una complementariedad económica. Esta estrategia nos ha permitido definir un modelo de ocupación para este territorio, correspondiente al Período Arcaico (10,000 a 3,500 a.p.), usualmente caracterizado por la domesticación de plantas y animales en los Andes Centrales., This investigation is about the "Marcavilca Complex", the cultural occupation process identified in the southern slope of the Morro Solar, in the district of Chorrillos, situated in the southern part of Lima, the Peruvian capital. Based on the archeological evidences we have found, a cyclical mobility is proposed for the early populations of the Morro Solar, as a subsistence strategy used by this archaic fishermencultivators which exploited the resources of the shore and nearby valleys, establishing a complementary economy. This strategy permits us to define an occupation model of this territory, the Peruvian central coast, that corresponds to the Archaic Period (10,000 a 3,500 bP), characterized by the domestication of plants and animals in the Central Andes.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
María Teresa Planella O., Blanca Tagle A., and Luis E. Cornejo B.
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,cordillera de Chile Central ,Archeology ,Anthropology ,Chenopodium quinoa ,estudios arqueobotánicos ,Zea mays - Abstract
del rio Maipo en Chile Central, demuestran la presencia de restos carbonizados de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) en un contexto de cazadores recolectores del momento mas tardio del periodo Arcaico, con fechas de 3.250 a 2.980 anos cal. a.p. Estas evidencias estan presentes en toda la secuencia de ocupacion del sitio, que incluye depositos del periodo Alfarero Temprano en los niveles superiores. Los materiales indican que en ambos periodos se utilizo el asentamiento como campamento de tareas especificas de caracter estacional. Se discute el contexto regional y areal para la asociacion entre cultigenos y poblaciones de finales del periodo Arcaico
- Published
- 2005
- Author
Planella O., María Teresa, Cornejo B., Luis E., and Tagle A., Blanca
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,cordillera de Chile Central ,mountain range ,archaeobotanical studies ,Archaic Period ,Chenopodium quinoa ,estudios arqueobotánicos ,Zea mays ,Central Chile - Abstract
del río Maipo en Chile Central, demuestran la presencia de restos carbonizados de quínoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) en un contexto de cazadores recolectores del momento más tardío del período Arcaico, con fechas de 3.250 a 2.980 años cal. a.p. Estas evidencias están presentes en toda la secuencia de ocupación del sitio, que incluye depósitos del período Alfarero Temprano en los niveles superiores. Los materiales indican que en ambos períodos se utilizó el asentamiento como campamento de tareas específicas de carácter estacional. Se discute el contexto regional y areal para la asociación entre cultígenos y poblaciones de finales del período Arcaico Archaeobotanical studies from Las Morrenas 1 site, located in the Andean basin of the Maipo river in Central Chile, demonstrated the presence of charred remains of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in a context of hunter gatherers from the end of the Archaic Period, with dates that ranged from 3250 to 2980 cal. years B.P. This evidence continued to be found through the occupation sequence observed at the site, which included Early Ceramic Period deposits at the upper levels. Archaeological materials indicated that in both periods the settlement was used for specific activities of seasonal character. The regional and local contexts of associations between cultigens and populations at the end of the Archaic Period are discussed
- Published
- 2005
- Author
Patricio De Souza H.
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,Archeology ,Projectile technology ,Upper Loa Region ,período Formativo ,Anthropology ,Tecnologías de proyectil ,puntas de proyectil ,región del Loa Superior ,projectile points ,Archaic period ,Formative period - Abstract
El presente trabajo indaga el tema de tecnologías de proyectil a partir del análisis de las puntas líticas. Se realiza una revisión y discusión de las relaciones entre las puntas de proyectil y las tecnologías de proyectil integrales, a partir de lo cual se seleccionan algunas variables que permiten discriminar al interior de un conjunto de puntas pertenecientes a los períodos Arcaico y Formativo del Loa Superior. Los resultados obtenidos permiten el planteamiento de nuevas hipótesis de investigación acerca de la evolución de las tecnologías de proyectil en la región The present study focusses on projectile technologies through the analysis of projectile points. I selected some variables to examine projectile point's assemblage of Archaic and Formative periods sites fom the Upper Loa Region. The results obtained allow the formulation of new hypotheses that can guide future research on the evolution of projectile technology in the region
- Published
- 2004
- Author
Standen, Vivien G., Santoro, Calogero M., and Arriaza, Bernardo T.
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,tradición Chinchorro ,subsistence ,mortuary practices ,estilo de vida ,Adaptaciones costeras ,Chinchorro Tradition ,subsistencia, patrones mortuorios ,Coastal adaptations ,Archaic period ,life of style - Abstract
Se realiza una revisión de los estilos de vida, estrategias de subsistencia y patrones mortuorios de los grupos humanos que habitaron el actual territorio del extremo norte de Chile, entre los 9.000 a 3.500 años a.p. Se propone: (a) ampliar el concepto "chinchorro" para designar no sólo a una práctica mortuoria en particular, sino a un estilo de vida que incluyó rasgos económicos, tecnológicos, mortuorios e ideológicos, que evolucionaron a través del tiempo por presiones internas y del medio ambiente desértico; (b) establecer una correlación entre los conchales y campamentos arcaicos con los cementerios chinchorro; (c) mostrar que la momificación artificial presenta una gran diversidad de formas y técnicas contemporáneas, que no fueron aplicadas a todos los individuos de una misma época, lo que reflejaría ciertas diferencias sociales; (d) la adaptación cultural y tecnológica que desarrollaron los grupos chinchorro debió ser exitosa, ya que se observa una permanencia de 6.000 años en la costa, aunque los esqueletos revelan severos desajustes biológicos; (e) los datos culturales avalan mejor la hipótesis de un poblamiento netamente costero y un proceso de evolución y desarrollo local para los grupos arcaicos, más que una migración desde la foresta tropical amazónica. Rasgos procedentes de estos lejanos territorios se identifican claramente durante el Arcaico Tardío y Formativo Temprano We present a review of the life styles that characterized the human groups inhabiting northernmost Chile between 9,000 to 3,500 yrs. B.P. We propose: (a) to expand the "chinchorro" concept to designate not only a mortuary practice, in particular, but the manifestation of a life style that included economic, technological, mortuary and ideological traits, which evolved through time to cope with internal pressures as well as with the extreme environment wherein they were embedded; (b) that there are sufficient records to correlate coastal adaptations identified in shell middens and camp sites with Chinchorro cemeteries; (c) the artificial mummification techniques were not applied to all individuals, which is correlated with the great diversity of mortuary practices applied to defunct individuals, even within the same cemeteries, which reflect social and status related differences within groups; (d) the cultural and technological adaptation developed by the chinchorro groups, was successful, which is evident in its 6,000 yrs of duration and development, however the analysis of skeletal remains point out to severe biological dysfunctions; (e) cultural data better support the hypothesis of a completely coastal origin, against DNAm evidence that suggest migration of an ancestral population from the tropical forest
- Published
- 2004
- Author
Carolina Salas E and Paulina Peralta G
- Subjects
período Arcaico ,rock shelters ,Archeology ,cordillera de los Andes ,patrones de asentamiento ,hunter gatherers ,Archaic Period ,Chilean Central Zone ,settling patterns ,aleros rocosos ,Zona central de Chile ,Anthropology ,período Agroalfarero Temprano ,cazadores- recolectores ,Andean mountain range ,Early Agroceramic Period - Abstract
En la cordillera de los Andes de Chile Central, evidencias arqueológicas indicarían que una serie de aleros rocosos fueron ocupados probablemente de manera ocasional y eventual. En búsqueda de inferir las actividades que se llevaron a cabo en dichos espacios y así contrastar tal hipótesis, se realizó un estudio integral de estos contextos desde una perspectiva comparativa tanto a nivel intra como intersitio. De este modo, se esclarece el rol funcional que cumplió este tipo de sitios en los patrones de asentamiento cordilleranos durante los períodos Arcaico IV y Agroalfarero Temprano In the Andean mountain range from Central Chile, archaeological evidences would indicate that a series of rock shelters was probably occupied on occasional and eventual way. In order to deduce the activities that were carried out in such spaces and therefore contrast such hypothesis, it was carried out an integral intra and intersite study of these contexts from a comparative perspective. In this way, is clarified the functional role of this type of sites in the settlings patterns of mountain range during the Periods Archaic IV and Early Agroceramic
- Published
- 2004
50. Arquíloco de Paros e o Fr. 19 West
- Author
Ferreira, Moisés Olímpio and Ferreira, Moisés Olímpio
- Abstract
O presente trabalho visa a refletir sobre a (re)construção do sentido de um dos fragmentos da lírica grega arcaica. O corpus é constituído pelo fr. 19 da obra do poeta Arquíloco de Paros. Para o nosso estudo, servimo-nos das fontes que testemunharam a recepção do texto na Antiguidade e apresentamos também alguns comentários feitos por autores modernos. Para a tradução dos textos em língua grega, utilizamos o arcabouço teórico de Henrique Graciano Murachco, para quem as relações semântica, lógica, orgânica e funcional da língua são essenciais.
- Published
- 2007
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