This document, which is intended for use by community and junior colleges throughout Mississippi, contains curriculum frameworks for four programs in the postsecondary-level business and office cluster (office systems, accounting, medical office, and microcomputer technologies) and two programs in the legal cluster (court reporting and paralegal technology). Presented first are program descriptions and suggested course sequences for each program. Section I lists baseline competencies for each program. Section II consists of course outlines for the following: 29 business and office courses (keyboard speed building, document formatting/production, professional development, applied business math, mechanics of communication, microcomputer applications, electronic spreadsheet, records management, word processing applications, accounting, business communication, database management, operating systems, computerized accounting, machine transcription, advanced microcomputer applications, administrative office procedures, desktop publishing, advanced business accounting, income tax accounting, payroll accounting, supervised work experience, medical machine transcription I-II, medical office terminology I-II, medical office concepts, medical information management, and network management); 21 legal courses (stenograph machine shorthand I-II, speed building I-II, stenograph machine shorthand III, court reporting procedures, stenographic machine shorthand IV, court reporting technology court reporting internship, legal systems and terminology, family law, legal research, wills/estates, real property I-II, legal writing, administrative law/bankruptcy, paralegal skills/applications, civil litigation, torts, paralegal internship); related vocational-technical courses (computer operations, BASIC); and related academic courses (principles of accounting I-II, legal environment of business, principles of economics (macroeconomics). Each course outline contains some/all of the following: course name, abbreviation, classification, and description; prerequisites; and competencies/suggested objectives. Recommended tools and equipment are listed in section III. Appended are lists of related academic topics and workplace skills for the 21st century and student competency profiles. (MN)