22 results on '"Slak, Tomaž"'
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2. Bus Station Novo mesto – Good Practice of Solving Safety Problem with Various Stakeholders
- Author
Slak, Tomaž, primary
- Published
- 2017
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3. Aplikacija 'seizmične blazine' pod temeljno ploščo pri izvedbi enodružinske hiše: Application of 'seismic foundation pillow' under foundation slab of the one-family house
- Author
Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2013
4. Konfiguracija in arhitektura modelov pasivne hiše: Configuration and architecture layout of the model
- Author
Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2012
5. Uvajanje naprednih tehnologij za povečanje varnosti v arhitekturi sodobnih stanovanjskih stavb 3, 2009: Implementation of advanced technologies for the increase of safety in the architecture of modern residental buildings 3, 2009
- Author
Kilar, Vojko, Koren, David, Kušar, Domen, Petrovčič, Simon, Slak, Tomaž, and Zupančič-Strojan, Tadeja
- Abstract
Izraznost potresno odporne gradnje v arhitekturi / Tomaž Slak. Omejitve kot vir kreativnega projektiranja / Tadeja Zupančič. Potresna izolacija in arhitekturna dediščina / Simon Petrovčič. Metoda N2 za potresno izolirane stavbe / David Koren. Potresna analiza nesimetrične jeklene konstrukcije / Vojko Kilar. Požarna varnost starejših večstanovanjskih zgradb / Domen Kušar, Vojko Kilar. Potresna varnost starejših večstanovanjskih zgradb / Vojko Kilar, Domen Kušar
- Published
- 2010
6. Potresno odporna gradnja in zasnova konstrukcij v arhitekturi: Earthquake resistant construction and the design of structures in architecture
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2007
7. Potresna arhitektura in potresno inženirstvo: Earthquake architecture and earthquake engineering
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2007
8. Arhitekt in zasnova potresno odpornih stavb po predpisu Eurocode 8: raziskava: research: The architect and the layout of earthquake resistant buildings according to the regulation Eurocode 8
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Abstract
The research tackles the very wide issue of structural concepts in architecture and stems from the hypothesis that the production of earthquake resistant structures demands both a structural engineer and an architect. The research gives an expansive summary of results of several years of research and systematically deals with various topics, such as: explanations of basic terms of earthquake engineering, architect's approach, structural engineer's approach and problems linked to their cooperation, historical background of the issue etc. The research brings a collection of stipulations, regulations and rules, which an architect-designer should respect when planning the concept of an earthquake resistant building, and which emerge, this time fully, from the new Eurocode 8 standard. The issue is dealt with on the level of the idea proposal, where the architect-designer has to be as self-sufficient as possible, and the level of project for obtainment of building permit and building itself, where an architect has to cooperate with civil engineers. In this case it is necessary that the architect, as project leader, basically has knowledge about demands of technical professions and masters methods of their integration in the final project. Raziskava se loteva široke problematike zasnove konstrukcij v arhitekturi in izhaja iz predpostavke, da sta za izdelavo v potresnem smislu odporne konstrukcije potrebna konstruktor in arhitekt. Naloga obširno povzema rezultate raziskav zadnjih let in se sistematično loteva poglavij kot so: razlage osnovnih pojmov potresnega inženirstva, pristop arhitekta, pristop gradbenika, problemi pri njunem sodelovanju, zgodovinsko ozadje ipd. V raziskavi je zbranih večina predpisov in pravil, ki jih mora arhitekt upoštevati pri zasnovi potresno odporne stavbe in ki izhajajo iz novih standardov Eurocode 8, tokrat v celoti. Problematika je obravnavana na nivoju idejnega projekta, kjer mora biti arhitekt čimbolj samozadosten ter na nivoju projekta za PGD/PZI, kjer mora sodelovati z gradbeniki. V tem primeru mora arhitekt v osnovi poznati zahteve tehničnih strok in obvladati načine za njihovo vključevanje v končni projekt.
- Published
- 2005
9. Primerjava obnašanja regularnih in neregularnih konstrukcij pri potresni obremenitvi: Comparison of the behaviour of regular and irregular structures under earthquake loads: raziskava: research
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Abstract
Various regulations, demands, guidelines and recommendations stipulated in building legislature for construction in earthquake prone areas state the importance of regular building structures, both in layout and heights (which doesn't mean they are necessarily symmetrical). All larger discontinuity of vertical load-bearing elements, just as any significant changes in rigidity of particular floors, is seen as negative. Upon a review of contemporary building structures we can nevertheless establish that creativity in contemporary architectural expression usually refrains from using simple regular forms and likes to take recluse in forms, which are, from the structural attitude, irregular. Use of irregular structures is not strictly prohibited in regulations, but we have to be aware that such structures are in principal more expensive, less safe and consequentially less competitive. Vrsta predpisov, zahtev, smernic in priporočil v predpisih o gradnji stavb na potresnih območjih poudarja pomembnost tako v orisu kot v po višini čim bolj pravilnih (to ne pomeni nujno simetričnih) konstrukcij stavb. Kot negativne se obravnavajo vsake večje prekinitve vertikalnih nosilnih elementov kot tudi vsake večje spremembe togosti v posameznih etažah. Ob pregledu sodobnih konstrukcij stavb pa lahko ugotovimo, da se kreativnost sodobnega arhitekturnega izraza običajno izogiba uporabi preprostih regularnih oblik in se rada zateka k oblikam, ki so s konstrukcijskega stališča neregularne. Uporaba neregularnih konstrukcij v predpisih sicer ni izrecno prepovedana, pomembno pa se je zavedati, da so takšne konstrukcije načeloma dražje, manj varne in posledično nekonkurenčne.
- Published
- 2005
10. Zasnova lesenih in jeklenih konstrukcij na potresnih območjih: Concept of timber and steel structures in earthquake-prone areas
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Abstract
Steel structures and especially environment friendly timber structures, are becoming increasingly present even in our environment. The new regulation Eurocode 8, which contains regulations concerning layouts and designs of buildings constructed from various materials in earthquake-prone areas, is being enforced. Because of the topic's vastness, we have limited our article to the designs of timber end steel structures in earthquake-prone areas, as well as those regulations of Eurocode 8, which an architect-designer has to abide to/know in early phases of design. Herewith we have to emphasise that it is not simply a matter of knowing the regulation, but moreover, their correct understanding and integration of stated demands in the architecture's conceptual design. We embark from the belief that an architect-designer has to have sufficient knowledge about all legal demands of other technical professions that apply to the architural profession, for it is the only condition for their integration and respect in the conceptual design of a building. The article explains and summarises the main regulations of Eurocode 8 for the design of timber and steel structures in earthquake-prone areas, which are relevant for architects. Gradnja v jeklu in še posebej okolju prijazna gradnja v lesu postajata vse bolj aktualni tudi pri nas. V veljavo stopa novi predpis Eurocode 8, ki vsebuje predpise o zasnovi in projektiranju stavb iz različnih materialov na potresnih območjih. Zaradi obsežnosti problematike se v članku omejujemo na zasnovo lesenih in jeklenih konstrukcij na potresnih območjih in le na tista določila predpisa Eurocode 8, ki jih mora arhitekt-projektant upoštevati/poznati že pri zasnovi stavbe. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da ne gre le za poznavanje predpisov, temveč tudi za njihovo pravilno tolmačenje in vključevanje njihovih zahtev v samo idejno zasnovo v arhitekturi. Izhajamo iz prepričanja, da mora arhitekt projektant dobro poznati vse tiste zahteve zakonskih predpisov drugih tehničnih strok, ki se neposredno nanašajo na arhitekturno stroko, saj jih lahko tako vključi že v samo idejno zasnovo objekta. Članek razlaga in povzema glavna za arhitekta relevantna določila Eurocode 8 za zasnovo lesenih in jeklenih konstukcij na potresnih območjih.
- Published
- 2005
11. Zasnova armirano-betonskih in zidanih konstrukcij na potresnih območjih: Conceptual design of reinforced concrete and masonry structures in earthquake prone areas
- Author
Kilar, Vojko and Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2003
12. Tomaž Slak: predstavitve
- Author
Slak, Tomaž
- Published
- 2001
- Author
Slak, Tomaž and Kilar, Vojko
- Subjects
- *
EARTHQUAKE resistant design , *EARTHQUAKE engineering , *BUILDING trades education , *STIFFNESS (Engineering) , *ARCHITECTURAL education - Abstract
The paper examines the development of earthquake resistant design in relation to architecture in earthquake prone areas, from the first mainly intuitive measures for ensuring horizontal stiffness of buildings up until the 20th century, when influences of earthquakes on buildings began to be included in standards and regulations for the design of contemporary earthquake resistant structures. Through the prism of earthquake resistance the paper studies and chronologically presents the influence of building structural systems from the period of the labour division of architecture and engineering until today. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Slak, Tomaž and Kilar, Vojko
- Subjects
- *
CIVIL engineering , *EARTHQUAKE engineering , *ENGINEERING , *ARCHITECTURE , *ARCHITECTURAL design , *MODERN architecture - Abstract
The paper deals with the assessment of earthquake architecture in the sense of the overlapping requirements of modern earthquake engineering and modern architecture, which can use structurat togic as an architecturat expression. The so-catted earthquake architecture has arisen as a consequence of a special approach to architectural design, which draws its inspiration from earthquake engineering and where the elements or measures of earthquake-engineering technology are articulated as special elements of architectural expression. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
15. Idejna Zasnova Nebotičnika na 43 Broad Streetu v New Yorku
- Author
Mihajlovski, Daniel and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
causation ,economy ,nebotičnik ,skyscraper ,optionality ,vzročnost ,možnost ,slenderness ,ekonomija ,vitkost - Abstract
Broad Street, one of the oldest streets in New York, is located in the Financial District, a neighbourhood which was one of the few in Manhattan without large number of full-time residents and has long been a neighborhood ghost town at the later hours with no established community. Several works form Jason M. Barr, a professor of economics at Rutgers University-Newark, New Jersey, are presented where through several examples it is observed that the economic and demographic activities are the main factors that create the demand for the rise of skyscrapers, and that there is a strong racional behind them. It establishes the frame for construction of a skyscraper in a highly dense urban area. A skyscraper is proposed as a responce to the demand for the fastest growing residential neighbourhood in New York City, the Financial District. The result is a mix-use skyscraper that aims to develop the communal life, and at the same time, respond to the demands of the current reals-estate market by offering specter of possible residential units. The central concern of the master thesis, is how to design a skyscraper as an architectural phenomenom that emerges from the surrounding context. Broad Street, one of the oldest streets in New York, is located in the Financial District, a neighbourhood which was one of the few in Manhattan without large number of full-time residents and has long been a neighborhood ghost town at the later hours with no established community. Several works form Jason M. Barr, a professor of economics at Rutgers University-Newark, New Jersey, are presented where through several examples it is observed that the economic and demographic activities are the main factors that create the demand for the rise of skyscrapers, and that there is a strong racional behind them. It establishes the frame for construction of a skyscraper in a highly dense urban area. A skyscraper is proposed as a responce to the demand for the fastest growing residential neighbourhood in New York City, the Financial District. The result is a mix-use skyscraper that aims to develop the communal life, and at the same time, respond to the demands of the current reals-estate market by offering specter of possible residential units. The central concern of the master thesis, is how to design a skyscraper as an architectural phenomenom that emerges from the surrounding context. Broad Street, ena od najstarejših ulic v New Yorku, nahaja se v Finančnem okrožju, ki je eno od redkih v Manhattanu brez visoko število stalnih prebivalcev in je že dolg časa bila okrožje brez življenja. Več dela od Jason M. Barr, profesor ekonomije na Univerza v Rutgers-Newark v New Jerseu so predstavljeni, kjer se čez številnih primerov sklepa, da so ekonomski in demografski aktivnosti glavni dejavniki, ki vstvarjajo povpraševanje za grajenje nebotičnikov in da obstaja močna racionalnost za njim, kjer upraviči izgradnja nebotičnikov v visoko-gostih urbanih naseljah. Predlagan je nebotičnik, kot odziv na povpraševanje za najhitrejšo rastajujoče stanovanjsko naselje v Finančnem okrožju v New Yorku. Rezultat je nebotičnik mešane rabe, ki cilja na vstvarjanje skupinskega življenja in hkrati se odziva na povpraševanje trenutnega nepremičninskega trga s ponujanjem spektra možnih stanovanjskih enot. Glavna tematika magistrske naloge je kako oblikovati nebotičnik kot arhitekturni fenomen, ki raste iz okoliškega konteksta.
- Published
- 2023
16. Conceptual design of the Center for the blind and visually impaired in Sežana
- Author
Uršič, Miha and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
slepota ,slabovidnost ,pobočje ,center ,Sežana ,slope ,senses ,low vision ,čutila ,blindness - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko prostorov za slepe in slabovidne. Predmet naloge je zasnova centra slepih in slabovidnih v mestu Sežana na Krasu, ki za majhen kraj predstavlja atraktiven mestotvorni program. V tujini se v sklopu tovrstnih centrov v praksi organizirajo dnevni, tedenski ali več mesečni programi, ki se osredotočajo na vse ravni spodbujanja čutov in senzoričnih spretnosti slepih in slabovidnih. Spodbuja se samostojnost posameznika pri vsakdanjih opravilih ter omogoča pomoč pri vključevanju v družbene aktivnosti. Cilj je zasnova stavbe, ki bo skupaj z okolico uporabnikom in stanovalcem omogočala razvoj in napredek pri zaznavanju notranjega in zunanjega sveta, nudila čim bolj pristno izkušnjo in možnost eksperimentiranja s spretnostmi, urjenje čutov ter ozaveščanje prostora okoli njih. V sklopu centra imajo uporabniki zagotovljene zunanje površine, prostore za delavnice in učenje, knjižnico in mediateko, večnamensko dvorano za potrebe centra ali zunanje uporabnike, rekreacijske površine, avlo s kavarno in restavracijo, diagnostični in rehabilitacijski del ter bivalne enote za skupinsko ali samostojno bivanje. Stavba centra je umeščena med gozdni rob in obstoječi park pod vzpetino Tabor v Sežani. Objekt stoji na delno izravnanem platoju in se odpira v naravo na vseh nivojih, kar je mogoče zaradi spuščanja terena. Objekt skuša v linijski potezi upoštevati naravne danosti lokacije, slediti konfiguraciji terena ter tako na vseh nivojih ustvariti več atraktivnih zunanjih in notranjih ambientov za stimulacijo čutov. The master's thesis deals with the topic of spaces for the blind and visually impaired. The subject of the assignment is the design of a center for the blind and visually impaired in the small town of Sežana in the Karst region, which represents an attractive town-building program. Abroad, as part of such centers, daily, weekly or monthly programs are organized in practice, focusing on stimulating the senses and sensory skills of the blind and visually impaired. The independence of an individual in everyday tasks is encouraged, and help is provided in the integration into social activities. The goal is to design a building that, together with its surroundings, will enable the development and progress of its users and residents, offer as authentic an experience as possible and give the opportunity to experiment with skills, train the senses and raise awareness of the space around them. As part of the center, users are provided with outdoor areas, spaces for workshops and learning, a library and media library, a multi-purpose hall for the needs of the center or external users, recreational areas, a lobby with a cafe and a restaurant, a diagnostic and rehabilitation area, and residential units for group or individual stays. The center is located between the edge of the forest and the existing park under Tabor hill in Sežana. The building stands on a partially leveled plateau and opens to nature at all levels, possibly due to the terrain's lowering. In its linear design, the building tries to take into account the natural features of the location, follows the configuration of the terrain and thus creates several attractive external and internal environments for stimulating the senses on all levels.
- Published
- 2023
17. Dom kulture Vojnik
- Author
Belej, Amadeja and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
trgi ,družbeni centri ,revitalizacija ,magistrske naloge ,kulturni domovi ,udc:727 ,arhitektura ,Vojnik - Published
- 2023
18. Conceptual design of the correctional facility in Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
- Author
Bogojevska, Andreja and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
javne ustanove ,incarceration ,correctional facilities ,ob- sojenci ,prestajanje kazni ,in- mates ,imprisonment ,detainees ,public buildings ,zapori ,zavodi za presta- janje kazni zapora ,sentence ,prison ,zaporniki - Abstract
Tema magistrskega dela je idejna zasnova za- voda za prestajanje kazni zapora v Bitoli, Severni Makedoniji. Predvidena lokacija je sedanja lokacija zapora pol odprtega tipa v Bitoli, po imenu Deveani v zahod- nem perifernem delu mesta. Parcela zavoda za prestajanje kazni leži na koncu poseljenega dela mesta, ki meji na reko Dragor in evropsko cesto E65, ki povezuje mesto Bitola z zahodnim delom države. Zavod je zasnovan tako, da upošteva načela “hu- mane” zasnove zavodov. Glavni fokus je na reha- bilitaciji obsojencev preko pozitivnega vpliva ar- hitekture, oblikovanja, promocije varnega okolja, dobrih navad in boljšega fizičnega in mentalenga počutja obsojencev, kar je pomembno in koristno tako za obsojence kot za zaposlene v zavodu in družbo. Glede arhitekturne zasnove to pomeni zagotavl- janje ustreznih prostorov za različne aktivnosti, kot so : šolanje, delo, rekreacija in nastanitev ter pos- lednično zagotavljanje varnih zunanjih prostorov in sprehajalnih poti, ustrezne kapacitete in načrto- vanje bivalnih prostorov ter izgradnja prostorov za izobraževalne in delovne namene. The topic of the master’s dissertation is a conceptual design of the correctional facility in Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia. The intended location is the current location of the prison of half-open type in Bitola. Located in the area Deveani in the west periphery of the city. The plot of the correctional facility is placed on the very end of the populated area of the city, bordering be- tween the river Dragor and the European route E65 road, which connects the city with the west part of the country. The correctional facility is designed in a way that is following the principles of “humane” prison design, where the main focus is on the rehabilitation of the inmates. Under the influence of appropriate architecture and design, promoting safer environment, good habits and better physical and mental health for inmates. The mentioned are important and beneficial for the inmates, but also for the prison staff and society. Regarding to architecture, it means providing ade- quate spaces for different range of activities such as: education, work, recreation and accommodation. Thus, providing secure outdoor spaces and walk- ways right capacity and design of accommodation and constructing spaces for educational and work purpose.
- Published
- 2023
19. Idejna zasnova krščanskega centra v Češči vasi
- Author
Turk, Barbara and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
Christian community ,church ,krščanska skupnost ,Christian center ,krščanski center ,cerkev ,Christianity ,krščanstvo - Abstract
Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s problematiko cerkvenih prostorov, s katerimi se srečujejo Cerkve po Sloveniji. Skupnosti se srečujejo po njihovih domovih, v najetih prostorih ali pa v lastniških cerkvenih prostorih, odvisno od številčnosti in finančne zmožnosti posamezne skupnosti. Večina od njih se srečuje s prostorsko stisko, poleg tega pa prostori prvotno večinoma niso bili namenjeni tovrstni uporabi, zato imajo precej pomanjkljivosti in niso najbolj primerni za program Cerkve. V magistrski nalogi poskušam najprej preko teoretskega dela in referenčnih primerov oblikovati osnovno programsko shemo krščanskega centra. V nadaljevanju pa razvijam idejno zasnovo krščanskega centra na izbrani lokaciji in z njo poskušam reševati opisano prostorsko problematiko in oblikovati projekt kot primer krščanskega centra, ki je v Sloveniji programsko in oblikovano precej nepoznan. The master’s thesis is dealing with the church facility issues that the Churches in Slovenia are facing. Church communities are gathering in their homes, in rented spaces or in proprietary church facilities, depending on the numerosity and financial abilities of each community. Most of them are facing spatial distress, furthermore the facilities originally mostly were not meant for such use and therefore have many drawbacks and are not the most optimal for the Church programme. In the master’s thesis I am first trying to design a basic programme scheme of a Christian centre through theoretical work and referential examples. Further on I am developing a conceptual design of a Christian centre on a selected location, trying to solve the described spatial problem and design a project as an example of a Christian centre that is considerably unknown in Slovenia in terms of programme and design.
- Published
- 2022
20. Idejna zasnova 18-oddelčnega vrtca v ljubljanskem predmestju Nova Hrušica
- Author
Zec, Tanja and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
Nova Hrušica ,sustainable architecture ,ekonomičnost ,socialnost ,preschool ,vrtec ,naravne danosti ,topography ,sociable ,uporabnik ,trajnostna arhitektura ,user ,natural features ,topografija ,economical - Abstract
To magistrsko delo se ukvarja z prenovo degradiranega obrečnega prostora v naselju Nova Hrušica, na jugovzhodu Ljubljane. Namen umestitve 18-oddelčnega vrtca na tej lokaciji, je zadovoljiti potrebe, stalno naraščajočega prebivalstva mesta Ljubljane, po vrtcih. Skladno z veljavno zakonodajo, ob upoštevanju vseh tehničnih predpisov, naravnih pogojev in okolice ter potrebe uporabnikov je želja zasnovati object, ki bo udoben za uporabnike in bo kolturno in socialno trajen. Prav tako je potrebno ustvariti zunanji proctor, z različnimi sončnimi in kritimi senčnimi terasami ter vmestnimi prostori, ki omogočajo otrokom, čim več gibanja na svežem zraku skozi celo leto. S proučevanjem analiz okolice, referenčnih primerov že zgrajenih vrtcev in pričevanja (pohvale, pritožbe o pomankljivosti) uporabnikov že zgrajenih vrtcev je uplivalo na zasnov novega vrtca, ki je del prenove degradiranega območja ob reki Ljubljanici. Zasnova vrtca je oblikovana v smislu pričakovane naraščujoče populacije otrok. Zunanja ureditev je prilagojena k spodbujanju gibanja in motoričnosti otrok. This master's thesis deals with the renovation of a degraded riverside area in the Nova Hrušica settlement, in the southeast of Ljubljana. The purpose of placing an 18-class kindergarten at this location is to meet the needs of the constantly growing population of the city of Ljubljana. In accordance with the applicable legislation, taking into account all technical regulations, natural conditions and surroundings, as well as the needs of users, the desire is to design an object that will be comfortable for users and culturally and socially sustainable. It is also necessary to create an outdoor space, with various sunny and covered shady terraces and intermediate spaces, which enable children to exercise as much as possible in the fresh air throughout the year. The design of the new kindergarten, which is part of the renovation of the degraded area along the Ljubljanica river, was influenced by studying the analyzes of the surroundings, reference examples of already built kindergartens and testimonies (praises and complaints about shortcomings) of users of already built kindergartens. This kindergarten is designed in anticipation of the expected growing population of children. The outdoor space is adapted to encourage children's movement and motor skills.
- Published
- 2022
21. Idejna zasnova 9-oddelčnega vrtca v Dolenjskih Toplicah
- Author
Križmančič, Polonca and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
magistrske naloge ,idejne zasnove ,vrtci ,trajnostna arhitektura ,Dolenjske Toplice ,udc:727:373 - Published
- 2022
22. Idejna zasnova modularnega servisa sodobnih oblik mobilnosti - primer aplikacije v ruralnem, urbanem in krajinskem (avtocestnem) prostoru
- Author
Susič, Luka and Slak, Tomaž
- Subjects
bencinski servis ,organska arhitektura ,magistrske naloge ,idejne zasnove ,modularnost ,servis mobilnosti ,parametrično oblikovanje ,udc:72 - Abstract
Magistrsko delo predstavi arhitekturno in urbanistično rešitev oblikovne in funkcionalne problematike sodobnih bencinskih servisov ter skuša predvideti smer in način arhitekturnega razvoja za prihodnost. Za celostno obravnavo problematike je narejen kronološki pregled dejavnikov, ki so vodili v trenutno stanje servisov, ki se v svoji podobi in funkciji niso spremenili vse od svojega nastanka ter se ob prometnih cestah pojavljajo kot epizode začasnih arhitekturnih rešitev. Ker arhitektura praviloma ne obravnava posameznih trenutkov v času, temveč snuje prostorske komponente za daljša časovna obdobja, projekt analizira stanje ter smer razvoja v avtomobilski industriji, ki narekuje potrebne prilagoditve spremljajoče infrastrukture, med katere sodijo bencinski servisi. Ob razumevanju njihove funkcije in vloge v grajenem tkivu družbe, se prepozna globalna prostorska problematika ter na primeru izbrane lokacije v Sloveniji predstavi idejno rešitev, ki je z modularnim prilagajanjem enake zasnove primerna za aplikacijo v globalnem merilu. V iskanju kvalitetne rešitve se projekt opira na izbrane primere iz arhitekturne prakse ter pri oblikovanju stavbnega tkiva nameni več premisleka ljudem, ki smo uporabniki storitev. Z zasnovo prostih oblik se rešuje problematika lokalne identitete, ki je zaradi funkcije stavbe težko berljiva ter ustvari prepoznavnost forme, ki ljudem preko državnih mej sporoča svojo funkcijo brez potrebe po dodatnih oglaševalskih ornamentih. S parametričnim pristopom do oblikovanja nove arhitekture zagotovimo stavbno ustreznost obstoječi zakonodaji ter ustvarimo oblikovno modularnost, ki se v svoji formi prilagaja dani lokaciji ter zaradi možne pred-izdelave ter serijske proizvodnje za svetovne potrebe omogoča cenejšo gradnjo. Ker se pri uporabi pogonske energentov za vozila obetajo večje spremembe, z novo idejno zasnovo rešujemo aktualne prostorske težave ter ustvarimo arhitekturno zamisel, ki bo služila kot oblikovna matrika za načrtovanje vseh bodočih servisov, vse do avtonomnosti vozil, ko servisov mobilnosti kot samostojno stavbno tkivo morda ne bomo potrebovali več
- Published
- 2022
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