139 results on '"Starčević, Marija"'
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2. Senzorska analiza teksture mesa
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Laudanović, Milica, Mrdović, Boris, Bošković, Saša, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Laudanović, Milica, Mrdović, Boris, and Bošković, Saša
- Abstract
Senzorska (organoleptička, senzorna) analiza je najstariji postupak ocene kvaliteta (prihvatljivosti) hrane. Kako u njoj učestvuju pojedinci, ljudi, dakle subjekti, ovoj vrsti analize ponekad se pripisivala neobjektivnost. Međutim, zahvaljujući standardizaciji u ovoj oblasti danas je senzorska analiza priznata kao objektivan postupak ocene kvaliteta hrane. Standardizacija u senzorskoj analizi odnosi se na uređenje prostorija za ovu vrstu analize, izbor obuku i trening ocenjivača, način pripreme uzoraka i metode senzorske analize. Ovome treba dodati i rečnik termina vezanih za senzorsku analizu. Senzorska analiza ima sve atribute objektivne analize i ona se danas redovno koristi u svakodnevnoj laboratorijskoj analizi hrane, ali i u istraživačke svrhe. Ona može da se korelira sa drugim parametrima kvaliteta hrane (npr. hemijski utvrđena količina soli u nekom proizvodu i senzorski utvrđen intenzitet slanoće istog proizvoda). Tekstura je jedna od značajnih osobina hrane, naročito mesa i proizvoda od mesa, i čest je predmet njene ocene, gotovo jednako čest kao i ocena spoljašnjeg izgleda, boje, mirisa, ukusa itd. Danas se u istraživačke svrhe uglavnom koriste instrumentalne analize teksture hrane (WB- Warner-Bartzelov test sile sečenja, TPA test- Texture profile analisyis), ali gotovo redovno i senzorska analiza ove osobine hrane. Samo se za sočnost, kao jednu od vema važnih osobina hrane, ne može koristiti instrumentalna analiza već iskljičivo i samo senzorska analiza.
- Published
- 2024
3. The effects of sunflower and maize crop residue extracts as a new ingredient on the quality properties of pork liver pâtés
- Author
Glišić, Milica, Bošković Cabrol, Marija, Čobanović, Nikola, Starčević, Marija, Samardžić, Stevan, Veličković, Ivona, Maksimović, Zoran, Glišić, Milica, Bošković Cabrol, Marija, Čobanović, Nikola, Starčević, Marija, Samardžić, Stevan, Veličković, Ivona, and Maksimović, Zoran
- Abstract
The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of ethanolic extracts from post-harvest sunflower and maize stalk residues, and their impact on the chemical composition, physicochemical parameters, lipid oxidative stability, microbiological properties, and sensory characteristics of pork liver pâtés over a 90-day storage period. Four formulations were prepared: a control group (CON), a batch with butylated hydroxytoluene as a synthetic antioxidant (BHT), 1% ethanolic extract from sunflower residues (SSRE), and 1% ethanolic extract from maize residues (MSRE). The MSRE had a higher total phenol content and showed better antioxidant activity relative to the SSRE (p < 0.01). The addition of SSRE decreased the lightness and increased the redness in the pork liver pâtés, with these pâtés showing the highest total color difference compared to the control (p < 0.01). The crop extracts increased the n-6 and total PUFA contents in pâtés and improved the PUFA/SFA ratio (p < 0.01). Formulations containing crop residue extracts showed higher TBARs and POV values than the control and BHT group (p < 0.01), indicating a pro-oxidant effect and accelerated lipid oxidation in pâtés during storage. As far as microbiological quality, the presence of crop residue extracts decreased the total viable count, lactic acid bacteria, and psychotropic aerobic bacteria (p < 0.01). The incorporation of crop extracts in the pork pâtés impaired their sensory quality, particularly color, odor, aroma, and flavor, and decreased their overall acceptability. These results indicated that, while the crop residue extracts were not as effective as synthetic antioxidants in preserving the lipid stability of pâtés, they demonstrated potential for enhancing the microbial quality of this type of meat product.
- Published
- 2024
4. The use of different fat sources in broiler feed and the effect on production performance and meat quality
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Milanković, Branko, Perić, Dejan, Starčević, Marija, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Krstić, Milena, Šefer, Dragan, Marković, Radmila, Milanković, Branko, Perić, Dejan, Starčević, Marija, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Krstić, Milena, and Šefer, Dragan
- Published
- 2024
5. Einfluss der region auf die Fleischqualität von Rot-und Damhirsche und Rehwild
- Author
Ivanović, Snežana, Tasić, Aleksandra, Nešić, Ksenija, Pavlović, Marija, Pavlović, Ivan, Baltić, Branislav, Starčević, Marija, Ivanović, Snežana, Tasić, Aleksandra, Nešić, Ksenija, Pavlović, Marija, Pavlović, Ivan, Baltić, Branislav, and Starčević, Marija
- Published
- 2024
6. The effects of dietary Selenium-yeast level on glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue Selenium content, growth performance, and carcass and meat quality of broilers
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Ćirić, Jelena, Drljačić, Aleksandar, Šefer, Dragan, Jovanović, Ivan, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Milanović, Svetlana, Trbović, Dejana, Radulović, Stamen, Baltić, Milan Ž, and Starčević, Marija
- Published
- 2018
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7. Survival of Salmonella spp. in minced meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere
- Author
Djordjević, Jasna, Bošković, Marija, Starčević, Marija, Ivanović, Jelena, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Lazić, Ivana Branković, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Published
- 2018
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8. Morka – od ukrasne ptice do nutritivno vrednog obroka
- Author
Laudanović, Milica, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Mitrović, Radmila, Tasić, Aleksandra, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Laudanović, Milica, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Mitrović, Radmila, Tasić, Aleksandra, Starčević, Marija, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
U poređenju sa ostalom živinom, gajenje morki (biserki) ima određene prednosti kao što su niska proizvodna cena, dobra sposobnost adaptacije na različite uslove sredine i veća otpornost na bolesti. Postoji nekoliko varijeteta morki u zavisnosti od boje perja: plavičasta, siva, bela, crna, tamno siva. Kod nas je najzastupljenija tamnosiva morka sa belim tačkama koje podsećaju na bisere, pa otuda i naziv biserke. Uglavnom se gaje kao ukrasna živina.Odrasla jedinka ima telesnu masu od oko 1450g. Godišnje nose od 50 do 80 jaja, a u intenzivnom sistemu gajenja mogu da snesu i do 200 jaja. Prosečna masa jajeta je 38g. Genotip, pol i uslovi držanja imaju veliki uticaj na klanične osobine. Sivamorka ima najveću masu trupa 914g. Masagrudi bele morke je 276 g, bataka 55g, a karabataka oko 69g. Meso morke ima neznatno više proteina od pilećeg i ćurećeg mesa i upola manje masti, pa otuda i manju energetsku vrednost. Meso morke sadrži čak osam esencijalnih aminokiselina i zbog toga je nutritivno veoma vredno. Bogato je mineralima (Ca, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, Cu, Fe, Zn) i vitaminima (B grupa). Sadržaj gvožđa u crvenom mesu morki (batak 1,46mg/100g, karabatak 1,33mg/100g) može zadovoljiti dnevne potrebe konzumenata. Sadržaj masnih kiselina varira u zavisnosti od ishrane morki, klime i uslova držanja. Od zasićenih masnih kiselina, palmitinske najviše ima u grudima 24,37% i miristinske koje ima najviše u bataku 0,42%. Od mononezasićenih masnih kiselina oleinske najviše ima u karabataku 25,81%. Od polinezasićenih masnih kiselina najviše je zastupljena linolna (grudi 28,62%, batak 32,58% i karabatak 42,57%), dok alfa-linoleinske najviše ima u grudima 0,51%, zatim u karabataku 0,39% i najmanje u bataku 0,11%. Meso morki je karakterističnog prijatnog ukusa, a potražnja je veća u odnosu na ponudu, što može biti podstrek budućim proizvođačima.
- Published
- 2023
9. Proizvodnja kultivisanog mesa
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Laudanović, Milica, Grković, Nevena, Mikić, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Laudanović, Milica, Grković, Nevena, Mikić, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, and Janjić, Jelena
- Abstract
Proizvodnja hrane, posebno hrane animalnog porekla, je danas jedan od najtežih izazova u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Od pre 25 godina u naučnim krugovima se sve više govori i radi na proizvodnji mesa u laboratoriji za koga se sve više koristi termin „kultivisano meso“. U svetu se 44 kompanije bave razvojem tehnologija proizvodnje kultivisanog mesa (goveđe, svinjsko, živinsko, riba), pa se ovo meso već nalazi u restoranskoj ishrani (Singapur, Izrael). Još uvek nema sigurnih podataka o njegovom uticaju na zdravlje ljudi. Nedostaju i propisi koji bi omogućili njegovu masovnu upotrebu. Nema sumnje da će u slučaju pozitivnih rešenja o prometu kultivisanog mesa ono doprineti zaštiti životne sredine, dobrobiti životinja, da je proizvodnja ovog mesa ekonomski opravdana i da treba da bude bezbedno za ishranu ljudi. Dosadašnja ispitivanja prihvatljivosti ovog mesa u ishrani ljudi pokazuju da dve trećine ispitivanih potrošača imaju pozitivan odnos prema kultivisanom mesu. Ispitivanja u ovoj oblasti, iako skupa, su sveobuhvatna i sa namerom da doprinesu sigurnosti hrane u svetu.
- Published
- 2023
10. Hipologija Jovana Geca prva knjiga iz Veterinarske medicine u Srbiji
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Đorđević, Milena, Anđelković, Radivoje, Baltić, Branislav, Starčević, Marija, Dimitrijević, Vladimir, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Đorđević, Milena, Anđelković, Radivoje, Baltić, Branislav, Starčević, Marija, and Dimitrijević, Vladimir
- Abstract
Marveni lekar i profesor Hipologije pri Kneževskoj srpskoj artiljeriskoj školi u Beogradu Jovan Gec napisao je prvu knjigu iz oblasti Veterinarske medicine1862. godine. Knjiga je napisana na starosrpskom pismu, a samo su recepti za lekove napisani na latinskom jeziku. Autor već na prvoj strani, pre predgovora, navodi da je Hipologija nauka o konjima i da je građu za knjigu sam prikupio i preveo. Knjiga je džepnog formata sa oko 625 karaktera po strani, a ima ukupno 400 strana. Najveći deo knjige (385 strana) odnosi se na konje, a ostali deo knjige označen kao "Dodatak" posvećen je govedima, svinjama i ovcama. Tekst knjige podeljen je u šest poglavlja, a na pojedinim mestima pominju se brojevi tabela i grafikona koji nisu sastavni deo knjige. Verovatno je da su bili većeg formata i da su štampani posebno. Knjigu “Hipologija” kao reprint izdanje štampala je, u 300 primeraka, Veterinarska komora Srbije početkom devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Original se čuva u fondu Narodne biblioteke Srbije u Beogradu.
- Published
- 2023
11. Protein sources in human and animal diet
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Bulajić, Snežana, Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Bulajić, Snežana, Marković, Radmila, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Current estimates predict that due to population growth by 2050, the world will need about 70% more food than is currently being produced. With the growth of the population whose diet also requires protein intake, livestock production will continue to grow, and proteins of animal origin will remain an important part of the population’s diet. The production of proteins of animal origin will increase in the future mainly due to the increased production of pork and poultry meat. Therefore, the demand for protein in feed will increase, as pigs and poultry have a greater need for protein in feed compared to ruminants. Therefore, the needs and challenges for nowadays are to find those sources of protein that will satisfy the nutritional needs of the largest part of the population and animals, and for which production will be cheaper and more accessible than for the sources of protein that are currently used in human and animal nutrition. To date, several new sources of protein for human and animal nutrition are already in use, and their importance will be even greater in the future. Insects, proteins from single-celled organisms and algae are increasingly used as alternative protein supplements. In addition, microbial technology and biological fermentation can improve the digestibility and, thus, the utility value of protein supplements.
- Published
- 2023
12. Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021
- Author
Baltić, Branislav, Aksentijević, Ksenija, Bogunović, Danica, Starčević, Marija, Mitrović, Radmila, Mrdović, Boris, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Aksentijević, Ksenija, Bogunović, Danica, Starčević, Marija, Mitrović, Radmila, Mrdović, Boris, and Janjić, Jelena
- Abstract
In the Serbian market, fish is available from aquaculture (such as carp and trout) and from fishing (commercial and recreational catch). In the past ten years, from 2012 to 2021, there has been a decrease in the production of carp due to reduced farming areas, but trout production has increased. On average, during this period, aquaculture production yielded approximately 5,491 tons of carp and 2,977 tons of trout, while the fish catch averaged around 2,979 tons. The yield per hectare in carp ponds was 800 kg, while in trout ponds, it was 20 kg per square meter. As the demand for fish exceeds the domestic supply, the market is supplemented with imported fish.
- Published
- 2023
13. The influence of hunting region and deer species on the content of volatile compounds in deer meat.
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, Tasić, Aleksandra, Laudanović, Milica, Stefanović, Srđan, Janjić, Jelena, and Ivanović, Snežana
- Subjects
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FALLOW deer , *RED deer , *ROE deer , *VENISON , *MEAT quality - Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of region (lowland vs. mountain region) on the content of volatile compounds of red deer (Cervus elaphus), fallow deer (Dama dama) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). A total of forty eight female carcasses of three species (16 red deer, 16 fallow deer, and 16 roe deer) were collected from lowland and a mountain region, so from each region, 8 red deer, 8 fallow deer, and 8 roe deer were collected. In our study, higher contents of the aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols responsible for off-flavours of meat were found in our fallow deer meat than in red deer and roe deer meat. Moreover, in our study, region affected most of the content of aldehydes, heterocyclic and phenolic compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, and some ketones, alcohols, and esters. Higher content of volatile compounds responsible for off-flavours was detected in mountain deer meat than in deer meat from the lowland region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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14. Comparison of Bacteriological Status During Ripening of Traditional Fermented Sausages Filled into Different Diameter Artificial Casings
- Author
Pecanac, Biljana, Djordjevic, Jasna, Baltic, Milan Z., Djordjevic, Vesna, Nedic, Drago N., Starcevic, Marija, Dojcinovic, Slobodan, and Baltic, Tatjana
- Published
- 2015
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15. The Effect of Breed Line and Age on Measurements of pH-value as Meat Quality Parameter in Breast Muscles (m. Pectoralis Major) of Broiler Chickens
- Author
Glamoclija, Natasa, Starcevic, Marija, Janjic, Jelena, Ivanovic, Jelena, Boskovic, Marija, Djordjevic, Jasna, Markovic, Radmila, and Baltic, Milan Z.
- Published
- 2015
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16. Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme (Tymus vulgaris) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Essential Oils against Some Food-borne Microorganisms
- Author
Boskovic, Marija, Zdravkovic, Nemanja, Ivanovic, Jelena, Janjic, Jelena, Djordjevic, Jasna, Starcevic, Marija, and Baltic, Milan Z.
- Published
- 2015
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17. Protein Sources in Human and Animal Diet
- Author
Starčević, Marija, primary, Glamočlija, Nataša, additional, Janjić, Jelena, additional, Baltić, Branislav, additional, Bulajić, Snežana, additional, Marković, Radmila, additional, and Baltić, Milan Ž., additional
- Published
- 2023
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18. Investigation of the Volume of Fish Production and Catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021
- Author
Baltić, Branislav, primary, Ksenija, Aksentijević, additional, Bogunović, Danica, additional, Starčević, Marija, additional, Mitrović, Radmila, additional, Mrdović, Boris, additional, and Janjić, Jelena, additional
- Published
- 2023
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19. Research of produstion volume and market turnover of honey from 2004. to 2014.
- Author
Ivanović Jelena, Baltić Milan Ž., Jelić Dalibor, Janjić Jelena, Bošković Marija, Marković Radmila, and Dokmanović-Starčević Marija
- Subjects
honey ,production ,turnover ,beehives ,Serbia ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
The objective of this work was to investigate the scope of production, export and import of honey in the Republic of Serbia from 2004. to 2014. The results are based on the report of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The observed period is characterized primarily by the increase in the number of beehives as well as an incresed honey production, followed by honey price growth and minor changes honey yield per hive. In this period, honey production ranged from 2,561 tons (in 2008) to 8,554 tons (in 2013). The largest volume of honey exports was in 2013. (3,367.7 tons, worth 14,881.4 thousand USD), and the largest import of honey into Serbia was in the same year (60.6 tons, worth 240.3 thousand USD). In the monitored period, Germany imported the largest quantities of honey from Serbia, about 4,611.0 tons (worth about 19,546.9 thousand USD), and somewhat smaller amounts of honey were imported by Italy and Montenegro. On the other hand, in the same period, Serbia imported the largest quantities of honey from the Republic of Macedonia, about 40.6 tons, worth 119.5 thousand USD. Beekeeping in Serbia definitely has a great development potential, so accordingly, its production should be encouraged in the future.
- Published
- 2015
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20. Effects of Adding Different Dosages of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Diet on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Intestinal Morphology, and Gut Microflora of Broilers
- Author
Maksimović, Željko, Starčević, Marija, Šefer, Dragan, Janjić, Jelena, Radovanović, Anita, Radulović, Stamen, Perić, Dejan, Marković, Radmila, Maksimović, Željko, Starčević, Marija, Šefer, Dragan, Janjić, Jelena, Radovanović, Anita, Radulović, Stamen, Perić, Dejan, and Marković, Radmila
- Abstract
Th e aim of this study was to evaluate the eff ect of adding diff erent dosages of live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diet on growth performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology, and gut microfl ora of broilers. Th e study was conducted on 270 oneday old chickens (Ross 308) during a 42-day period. Broilers were randomly allocated to one of three dietary treatments that diff ered in the content of added yeast: no additional yeast; with 0.25 g/kg; and with 0.65 g/kg of added yeast. Each experimental group contained 90 animals. Th e results from our study showed that diet supplemented with 0.25 g/kg of yeast resulted in better growth performance and carcass quality (P<0.05), improved intestinal morphology (P<0.001), higher development of beneficial microfl ora (Lactobacillus spp.) (P<0.01), and reduction of pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli) in guts of broilers than in the group fed only with the basic diet (P<0.05). On the other hand, the group with the highest inclusion of yeast in diet (0.65 g/kg) achieved similar results for the examined parameters as did the group with no added yeast. Th erefore, the adequate dose of S. cerevisiae in diet was 0.25 g/kg of yeast, while higher dose of live yeast in broiler diet (0.65 g/kg) did not achieve better results.
- Published
- 2022
21. Izvori proteina u ishrani ljudi i životinja – prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Nešić, Ksenija, Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan, Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Janjić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav, Nešić, Ksenija, Marković, Radmila, and Baltić, Milan
- Abstract
Očekuje se da će zbog povećanja broja stanovnika na svetu do 2050. godine biti potrebno oko 70 procenata više hrane nego što se trenutno proizvodi. Sa rastom populacije, čija ishrana zahteva i unošenje proteina, stočarska proizvodnja će nastaviti da raste, a proteini životinjskog porekla ostaće važan deo ishrane stanovništva. Proizvodnja proteina životinjskog porekla će u budućnosti porasti najvećim delom zahvaljujući povećanoj proizvodnji svinjskog i živinskog mesa. Zbog toga će se povećati i potražnja za proteinima u hranivima zbog toga što svinje i živina imaju veću potrebu za proteinima u hrani u poređenju sa preživarima. Prema tome, potrebe i izazovi u današnjem vremenu biće da se pronađu oni izvori proteina koji će po svojim svojstvima zadovoljiti nutritivne potrebe najvećeg dela stanovništva i životinja, a čija će proizvodnja biti jeftinija i pristupačnija od izvora proteina koji se danas koriste u ishrani ljudi i životinja. Do danas je već nekoliko novih izvora proteina za ishranu ljudi i životinja u upotrebi, a njihov značaj će u budućnosti biti još veći. Kao alternativni proteinski dodaci se sve češće koriste insekti, proteini jednoćelijskih organizama i alge. Pored toga, mikrobnom tehnologijom i biološkom fermentacijom može se poboljšati svarljivost, a samim tim i upotrebna vrednost proteinskih dodataka.
- Published
- 2022
22. Influence of cooling storage on physical and sensory properties of vacuum packed broiler breast meat
- Author
Baltić, Branislav M., Janjić, Jelena, Mrdović, Boris, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Starčević, Marija, Laudanović, Milica, Đorđević, Vesna, Baltić, Branislav M., Janjić, Jelena, Mrdović, Boris, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Starčević, Marija, Laudanović, Milica, and Đorđević, Vesna
- Abstract
Meat softening is used in culinary and meat processing, which is the final part of meat technology. In this way, it is easier to digest meat in the digestive tract of people. The softening of meat is especially important due to the fact that the number of people over the age of 60 in the world is constantly increasing, with poor tooth status and various oral diseases. For this population, food needs to be modified to allow its nutritional value (macro and micronutrients) to be utilized.Meat tendering procedures can be divided into physical and chemical. The oldest of the chemical procedures is certainly the enzymatic softening with endoenzymes of meat, which man met empirically while he was a hunter. Postmortem endoenzymes play a significant role in softening the meat, ie its maturation. Proteolytic enzymes (calpains, proteases, cathepsins) are involved in this process, which affect the degradation of myofibrils and cytoskeleton proteins. Calpains are cysteine proteases that destroy myofibril proteins (tropomyosin, troponin T, troponin I, C-protein, connectin, tiptin, vinculin, and desmin).Broiler breast meat (Cobb 500) without visible myopathies was used in this study. The meat was deboned, vacuumed and stored at + 3 ° C for seven days. On the first, fourth and seventh days of storage, the color (“L”, “a” and “b” values), pH value and texture (Instron 4301) were tested and sensory evaluation was performed (odor, taste, aftertaste, chewability, juiciness and overall impression). The pH value of the meat increased from 5.89 on the first day to 6.17 on the seventh day. The parameters of the color value decreased from the first to the seventh day (“L” value from 59.98 to 57.36, “a” value from 2.28 to 2.07 and “b” value from 7.40 to 6.63) . The texture of the breast meat decreased from 47.91 N to 43.91 N. Sensory scores increased from the first to the seventh day. Examination of physical parameters (pH, color, texture) and sensory evaluation of broiler breast meat revea
- Published
- 2022
23. Promjene u zajednicama trčaka (Coleoptera, Carabidae) prašume i gospodarene šume
- Author
Brigić, Andreja, Slivar, Sandra, Starčević, Marija, Ružanović, Lea, Hrašovec, Boris, Sarajlić, Ankica, and Ravlić, Marija
- Subjects
raznolikost ,ekološko-morfološke značajke vrsta ,srednja individualna biomasa ,Čorkova uvala - Abstract
Prašume su netaknuta područja očuvana od antropogenog utjecaja, u kojima su prirodni čimbenici glavni pokretači dinamike. Iznimno su rijetke na području sjeverne i središnje Europe, te su to u pravilu manji fragmenti i ostaci prašuma na nepristupačnim područjima. Nasuprot tome, uslijed izostanka antropogenog utjecaja, u Hrvatskoj su sačuvani veliki prašumski kompleksi. Stoga, glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio usporediti zajednice trčaka (Coleoptera, Carabidae) prašume Čorkova uvala (NP Plitvička jezera) i gospodarene šume (Gorski kotar), uspoređujući bogatstvo vrsta, brojnost jedinki, raznolikost i morfološko-ekološke značajke vrsta. Trčci su sakupljani metodom lovnih posuda tijekom dvogodišnjeg istraživanja. Ukupno je sakupljeno 14 367 jedinki trčaka koje pripadaju 38 različitih vrsta. Raznolikost trčaka bila je statistički značajno veća u prašumi nego u gospodarenoj šumi, dok je obrnuti trend uočen za brojnost jedinki. Analiza ekoloških preferencija vrsta nije pokazala statistički značajne razlike među istraživanim šumskim sastojinama. Međutim, analiza morfoloških značajki, ponajprije veličine tijela, pokazala se kao koristan alat u detektiranju promjena u istraživanim šumskim sastojinama. Naime, u prašumi prevladavaju velike vrste trčaka, što je utjecalo i na razlike u vrijednostima indeksa srednje individualne biomase trčaka (MIB-a) koji je bio značajno veći u prašumi. Razlike u MIB-u ukazuju na promjene u strukturi zajednice trčaka između istraživanih šuma.
- Published
- 2022
24. Uticaj izvora ulja u ishrani koka nosilja na sadržaj i odnos ω-6/ ω-3 masnih kiselina jaja
- Author
Mahmutović, Hava, Memić, Emir, Bašić, Meho, Starčević, Marija, Glamočlija, Nataša, Glišić, Milica, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Subjects
маснокиселински састав јаја ,ланено уље ,сунцокретово уље - Abstract
Масти у исхрани људи имају вишеструки значај, посебно онај везан за здравље људи. Оне су извор енергије, носиоци су у мастима растворљивих витамина, значајне су за бројне физиолошке процесе. Бројна истраживања у свету односе се на значај масти за здравље људи. При том се највише пажње придаје односу ω-6/ω-3 масних киселина који је у палеолиту био идеалан (1:1), данас је препоручен 4:1, а стваран у најразвијенијим земљама света 20:1, па и више. На састав и особине масти, па и на однос ω-6/ω-3 масних киселина може да се утиче исхраном животиња. Циљ овог рада био је да се испита утицај ланеног уља (богато ω-3 масним киселинама) на маснокиселински састав јаја. За оглед су формиране две групе кока носиља Isa Brown (обе са по 40 јединки) од којих је контролна гру- па у храни добијала 1,5% сојиног уља, а огледна 1,5% ланеног уља. Оглед је трајао 70 дана, а маснокиселински састав јаја утврђиван је 14., 30. и 70 дана огледа. Садржај ω-6 масних киселина (23,04%) 14. дана огледа био је статистички значајно већи (р
- Published
- 2022
25. Rasyona Farklı Dozlarda Saccharomyces cerevisiae İlavesinin Etlik Piliçlerin Büyüme Performansı, Karkas Özellikleri, Bağırsak Morfolojisi ve Bağırsak Mikrofl orası Üzerine Etkileri
- Author
MAKSIMOVIĆ, Željko, primary, STARČEVIĆ, Marija, primary, ŠEFER, Dragan, primary, JANJIĆ, Jelena, primary, RADOVANOVIĆ, Anita, primary, RADULOVIĆ, Stamen, primary, PERIĆ, Dejan, primary, and MARKOVIĆ, Radmila, primary
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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26. Značaj deklarisanja hrane za potrošače
- Author
Bošković Cabrol, Marija, Lovrenović, Mirjana, Grbić, Slaven, Starčević, Marija, Laudanović, Milica, Glišić, Milica, and Janjić, Jelena
- Subjects
поријекло ,произвођач ,рок трајања ,извори информација ,одговорност - Abstract
Приликом куповине свих врста роба (предмета опште употребе, хране, робе широке потрошње), па и при коришћењу услуга (хотели, ресторани, занатске услуге) корисници (купци, потрошачи) се о квалитету роба и услуга информишу на различите начине (декларације, рекламни материјал, средства јавног информисања, искуства пријатеља и познаника итд.). Данас се у већини земаља ради на заштити потрошача, па су њихова права и законски заштићена. Права потрошача штите државне организације за заштиту потрошача, као и невладине непрофитабилне организације (друштва). У Репубици Српској декларисање хране је обавезно и највећи део потрошача је упознат са тим. О томе говори податак да 98,1% анкетираних потрошача сматра да храна (месо) треба да има декларацију. На декларацијама меса за потрошаче најважнија информација, оно на шта обавезно обраћају пажњу, је рок трајања (75,8% одговора). Остале информације су мање значајне (нутрициона вриједност 20,5% одговора, начин производње 30,3%, земља поријекла 23,4%). Декларација према мишљењу више од половине анкетираних (56,3%) даје информације о квалитету и безбједности меса које купују, што говори о томе да потрошачи нису у потпуности упознати са декларисаним подацима. Ово потврђује чињеница да близу једне трећине (32,2%) није сигурно у оно што је декларисано, а 11,5% уопште не вјерује у податке који су декларисани. Добијени резултати могу да се објасне лошим искуством потрошача са декларисањем и стварним квалитетом хране. Информације које упућују на квалитет/безбједност меса (земља поријекла, цијена, расположивост информација, начин паковања, рок трајања итд.) су важне, о чему говори чињеница да је степен слагања анкетираних са наведеним информацијама од 44,8% (цијена) до 66,9% (расположивост информацијама). За информације о упакованим прехрамбеним производима одговоран је субјекат у пословању са храном под чијим се називом, односно пословним именом храна ставља у промет, а за информације о неупакованој храни одговоран је субјекат у пословању са храном који пакује храну на мјесту продаје крајњем потрошачу.__ Zbornik kratkih sadržaja
- Published
- 2021
27. Kulinarski i industrijski postupci omekšavanja mesa
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Bošković, Saša, Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Branislav, Rajčić, Antonija, Janjić, Jelena, and Starčević, Marija
- Subjects
mekoća ,meso ,ocena mekoće ,fizički i hemijski postupci - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada je bio upoznavanje sa postupcima omekšavanja mesa, kao jedne od značajnih osobina kvaliteta mesa, bilo da se radi o postupcima koji se koriste u kulinarskoj pripremi mesa (domaćinstva, ugostiteljstvo) ili industrijskoj obradi mesa. Postupci obrade mesa mogu da budu premortalni (uglavnom napušteni) i postmortalni. Od postmortalnih postupaka koriste se različiti fizički postupci (zagrevanje, mehanička obrada, injektovanje, zasecanje, primena ultrazvuka, elektrostimulacija i visoki pritisak), a od hemijskih (aktivnost endoenzima i egzoenzima), mariniranje (soli, fosfati, ulja, začini). Vrlo često se koriste kombinovani postupci (fizički i hemijski). Za uspešnost omekšavanja mesa, najčešće se u praksi koriste instrumentalne metode (WBSF) i senzorna analiza.
- Published
- 2021
28. From designing diets for animals to designing food of animal origin – overview
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Radulović, Stamen, Perić, Dejan, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Starčević, Marija, Šefer, Dragan, Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Radulović, Stamen, Perić, Dejan, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Starčević, Marija, and Šefer, Dragan
- Abstract
In recent times, food is not only observed from the point of view of the required intake for growth, development and regeneration of the body, but also has a leading role in the quality of human life. Therefore, the diet focuses on optimizing the daily intake of both nutrients and non-nutritive ingredients of food, all in order to preserve health and, above all, reduce the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases. Functional food can be considered food that has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on certain body functions (in addition to the usual nutritional value) that contribute to human health and reduce the risk of disease. At the same time, it is important that the food has a standard form and that the positive effect on health is manifested by consuming the usual amount of food. The functionality of food is achieved by the presence in it of bioactive components (one or more) which have been scientifically proven to have positive effects on human health in the quantities in which they are present in food. The nutritional value of foods of animal origin depends on many factors, but certainly animal diet has the greatest impact. In human nutrition the so-called designed products of animal origin (meat, milk, eggs) are used, which are due to the specific animal diets enriched with n-3 fatty acids, vitamins, carotenoids or trace elements. Today, there are nutritional strategies by which we can access functional foods for the purpose of health promotion.
- Published
- 2021
29. Intensive genetic selection and meat quality concerns in the modern broiler industry
- Author
Rajčić, Antonija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, Vučićević, Ivana, Nešić, Slađan, Rajčić, Antonija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, Vučićević, Ivana, and Nešić, Slađan
- Abstract
The genetic selection toward bigger broilers provoked the development of muscular myopathies and abnormalities. Since the affected meat is downgraded and often inadequate for further processing, economic losses to the broiler industry are inevitable. In addition, not only the nutritional value of the meat has been decreased, but also sensory properties and technological traits seem to concern consumers more. This can have a very negative attitude toward poultry meat as consumers connect these traits with poor animal welfare. To avoid these problems in the future, new studies must be focused on identifying markers in live birds for newly developed myopathies. Also, better strategies for determining genetic factors, nutritional and slaughter conditions, and hence meat quality, are a complex concept, and all factors together have an impact on parameters of meat quality.
- Published
- 2021
30. Patohistološke karakteristike drvenastih grudi i kvalitet mesa brojlera
- Author
Rajčić, Antonija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Branislav, Starčević, Marija, Nešić, Slađan, Rajčić, Antonija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Branislav, Starčević, Marija, and Nešić, Slađan
- Abstract
Moderna industrija brojlera, pored značajnih proizvodnih rezultata koje beleži uzgoj novih hibrida koji dostižu veliku telesnu masu za veoma kratko vreme i odličnu konverziju hrane. U novije vreme, zapažen je porast broja jedinki koje su osetljivije na stres i na razvoj novih miopatija koje imaju ključnu ulogu za zdravstveni status brojlera i posebno na kvalitet mesa. Poslednjih deset godina, proizvođače širom sveta najviše zabrinjava pojava nove miopatije pod nazivom „drvenaste grudi“ koja zahvata najvredniji deo trupa brojlera – filete grudi (m. pectoralis major). Naziv ove miopatije potiče od promena zahvaćenih mišića koji postaju znatno tvrđe konzistencije, najverovatnije kao posledica fibroze. Pored promene konzistencije, mišić je bleđe boje, sa mestimičnim mrljastim ili tačkastim krvavljenjima, a po površini mišića često se može zapaziti prisustvo mutne, lepljive i želatinozne materije. Histološki, drvenaste grudi predstavljaju polifazno miodegenerativno oboljenje, što se uočava istovremenim nalazom degenerativnih i regenerativnih promena u mišićnom tkivu. Zapaža se povećan broj degenerisanih i atrofičnih mišićnih vlakana, koja nemaju karakterističnu poprečnu ispruganost. Mišićna vlakna su različitog oblika i veličine, a čest je i nalaz gigantskih vlakana. Takođe su prisutne vakuolarna degeneracija i liza miofibrila, infiltracija mononuklearnih ćelija (limfocita), izražena lipidoza i intersticijalna fibroza. Promene mogu biti fokalne ili difuzne, a intenzivnije su sa starošću brojlera. Ove patohistološke i biohemijske modifikacije mišića ne predstavljaju pitanje rizika bezbednosti hrane, ali se i te kako odražavaju na kvalitet mesa. Dokazan je negativan uticaj ove miopatije na sposobnosti vezivanja vode prilikom zamrzavanja i kuvanja mesa, slabijeg upijanja marinade tokom mariniranja i izmenu teksture. Meso drvenastih grudi je tvrđe, gumastije, elastičnije i ima veću otpornost prilikom žvakanja u odnosu na normalne filete. Svi ovi faktori zajedno dovode do nep
- Published
- 2021
31. Culinary preparation and processing of meat with wooden breast myopathy
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Bošković, S., Vujadinović, D., Rajčić, Antonija, Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Branislav, Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Bošković, S., Vujadinović, D., Rajčić, Antonija, Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Branislav, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Recently, poultry meat production and consumption has become increased worldwide. Decades of intensive selection in poultry breeding resulted in fast-growing broilers, improved food conversion, low production costs, and high yield of breast meat, as the most valuable part of the carcass. Some side-effects of intensive production and rapid growth of broilers include the appearance of myopathies in breast muscle. Increasing attention has been paid to the defect known as "wooden breast" (WB) due its incidence and severity of anomaly. WB is characterized by the hardness and pale colour of the fillet. These changes lower the consumer acceptance of the meat, and a pronounced WB is unsuitable for culinary and industrial processing. Different procedures can be used to tenderize the meat and include physical and chemical procedures, often combined in industry. Physical procedures comprise the application of heating, mechanical force, ultrasound, electric stimulation, hydrodynamic shock wave-pressure technology, high pressure processing, and pulsed electric field. Chemical procedures include marinating, exposure to the endogenous enzymes, and the use of exoenzymes. In the future, it is necessary to develop optimal tenderizing techniques or combinations of different tenderizing techniques to achieve better sensory quality and improved nutritional value of WB.
- Published
- 2021
32. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and selected meat quality traits of two strains of Pekin duck reared in intensive vs semi-intensive housing systems
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Mahmutović, Hava, Glamočlija, Nataša, Bašić, Meho, Andjelković, R., Mitrović, Radmila, Marković, Radmila, Janjić, Jelena, Bošković, Marija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Mahmutović, Hava, Glamočlija, Nataša, Bašić, Meho, Andjelković, R., Mitrović, Radmila, Marković, Radmila, Janjić, Jelena, Bošković, Marija, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Selection of optimal hybrid of Pekin duck and housing system could improve yield and quality of duck meat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two rearing systems (intensive vs semi-intensive housing) on growth performance, carcass quality, and selected physical meat quality traits of two commercial strains of Pekin ducks. The study was performed on 240 one-day-old Pekin ducklings of two different strains (120 ducklings of STAR 53 medium hybrid and 120 ducklings of SM3 heavy hybrid) during a 49-day period. Half the birds (120) were reared in a complete confinement system on a floor (intensive system), while the remaining 120 ducks had access to land outside (semi-intensive system). Growth performance of ducks was determined by BW, weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio (FCR), carcass quality by dressing percentage, percentage of basic cuts in carcasses, and content of various tissues in basic cuts, while meat quality was determined by pH, drip loss, cooking loss, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and color (L*, a*, and b*) values. At the end of the study, SM3 heavy hybrid and STAR 53 hybrid Pekin ducks achieved similar BWs. Higher final BW and lower overall FCR were found in ducks reared in the intensive system than in ducks kept in the semi-intensive system. Higher dressing percentage, weight and percentage of breast, but also a lower percentage of back with pelvis in the carcasses were determined in SM3 hybrid ducks than in STAR 53 hybrid ducks. The strain of duck did not affect meat pH, drip loss, or L* color value. Moreover, housing system affected the physical meat quality of the ducks, since breasts from ducks reared in the semi-intensive system had higher initial meat pH, higher percentage of EZ-drip loss and cooking loss, and higher L*, a*, and b* values than did breasts from intensively-reared ducks. In conclusion, SM3 ducks were more suited for broiler production due to their better carcass quality than STAR 53 ducks. Furthermor
- Published
- 2021
33. Retraction notice to “Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and selected meat quality traits of two strains of Pekin duck reared in intensive vs semi-intensive housing systems” [Animal 15(2) (2022) 100087]
- Author
Starčević, Marija, Mahmutović, Hava, Glamočlija, Nataša, Bašić, Meho, Andjelković, R., Mitrović, Radmila, Marković, Radmila, Janjić, Jelena, Bošković, Marija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Starčević, Marija, Mahmutović, Hava, Glamočlija, Nataša, Bašić, Meho, Andjelković, R., Mitrović, Radmila, Marković, Radmila, Janjić, Jelena, Bošković, Marija, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Published
- 2021
34. Pekin Duck Strain and Housing System Affect Chemical Composition, Fatty Acid Profile, and The Extent of Lipid and Protein Oxidation in Meat
- Author
Starčević, Marija, primary, Mahmutović, Hava, additional, Glamočlija, Nataša, additional, Baltić, Branislav, additional, Popović, Milka, additional, Mitrović, Radmila, additional, Marković, Radmila, additional, Janjić, Jelena, additional, Glišić, Milica, additional, and Baltić, Milan Ž., additional
- Published
- 2021
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35. Bakterije mlečne kiseline u mlevenom mesu svinja kontaminiranom Salmonella spp sa dodatkom etarskog ulja timjana (Thymus vulgaris) pakovanom u vakuum
- Author
Bošković, Marija, Glišić, Milica, Đorđević, Jasna, Baltić, Milan Ž., and Starčević, Marija
- Subjects
Thymus vulgaris ,свињско месо ,вакуум ,pH ,бактерије млечне киселине - Abstract
Током 15 дана праћен је број Salmonella spp, ентеробактерија, укупног броја аеробих бактерија и бактерија млечне киселине у млевеном месу свиња експериментално контамираног Salmonella spp (10 CFU/g) у које су додате различите концентрације (0%, 0,3%, 0,6% и 0,9%) етарског уља тимјана (EUT) чија је главна супстанца била тимол (50.48%). Узорци млевеног меса су паковани у вакуум (V) и складиштени на температури 3 ± 1 °C. Узорци су анализирани на почетку експеримента, трећег, шестог, деветог, дванаестог и петнаестог дана складиштења. У овом апстракту приказан је број бактерија млечне киселине. Истог дана након додавања, EUT смањило је број бактерија млечне киселине, а број ових бактерија кретао се од 4,20 (V+0,9% EUT) до 4,62 (V) log CFU/g. Током складиштења број бактерија млечне киселине повећао се за 2,75, 2,52, 2,32 и 2,4 log CFU/g у узорцима млевеног меса пакованог у V, V+0,3% EUT, V+0,6% EUT, V+0,9% EUT. Раст ових бактерија био је најизраженији у узорцима без додатка EUT и на крају експеримента постигао је број од 7,37 log CFU/g. Најизраженији антибактериски ефекат постигнут је додатком 0,6% и 0,9% концентрације етарског уља тимјана и број бактерија млечне киселине петнаестог дана складиштења у овим узорцима пакованим у вакуум био је 6,77 и 6,60 log CFU/g. pH вредност на почетку експеримента кретала се од 5,82 до 5,85. Пад pH вредности у узорцима био је у корелацији са порастом бактерија млечне киселине. На крају складиштења pH вредност кретала се између 5,67 и 5,83. Резултати овог огледа показују да додатак етарског уља тимјана успорава раст бактерија млечне киселине у млевеном свињском месу пакованом у вакуум. Даља истраживања треба да буду усмерена ка додавању етарских уља као потенцијалних конзерванаса природног порекла у циљу продужења одрживости производа од меса.
- Published
- 2020
36. Uticaj lanenog ulja u hrani za koke nosilje na masnokiselinski sastav jaja
- Author
Tasić, Aleksandra, Memić, Emir, Mahmutović, Hava, Bašić, Meho, Marković, Radmila, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Milan Ž., Tasić, Aleksandra, Memić, Emir, Mahmutović, Hava, Bašić, Meho, Marković, Radmila, Starčević, Marija, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Abstract
Although the nutritional value of eggs in human nutrition is well known, efforts are still being made to increase it. That can be achieved by selecting nutrients and supplements for laying hens feed rations. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different amounts of flaxseed oil in the diet of laying hens on the fatty acid composition of eggs. To achieve that goal, experimental groups (three groups) of laying hens were supplemented with 1.5%, 3% and 4.5% flaxseed oil (as a substitute for corn). The control group of laying hens was fed without the addition of flaxseed oil. Feed rations were formulated according to recommendations for the ISA Brown hybrid. Each group comprised 40 individuals raised in the same conditions. Samples for analysis of the fatty acid composition of eggs were taken on days 14, 35 and 70 of the experiment, which lasted 10 weeks (from week 23to week 32). The fatty acid composition of eggs was examined using a standard procedure. On all days of the study (days 14, 35 and 70), the content of SFA was higher in eggs of the control groups of laying hens than in experimental groups and decreased with an increase in the amount of flaxseed oil in the feed. The content of MUFA was higher in the eggs of experimental groups of laying hens than in the eggs of the control group on all days of the study. The content of PUFA was found to increase with an increase in the amount of flaxseed oil in feed rations given to experimental groups and was higher than in the control group of laying hens. The ratio of n-6/n-3 fatty acids, as the most important indicator of nutritional value of any food, including eggs, was significantly more favorable on all days of the study in the eggs of experimental groups of laying hens than in the eggs of the control group. The use of flaxseed oil in the diet of laying hens can increase the nutritional value of eggs to such an extent that eggs produced in that way can be declared functional food.
- Published
- 2020
37. Promotor-fitogeni aditiv na bazi timola u hrani za brojlere
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Radulović, Stamen, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Perić, Dejan, Mitrović, Radmila, Dokmanović Starčević, Marija, Marković, Radmila, Šefer, Dragan, Radulović, Stamen, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Perić, Dejan, Mitrović, Radmila, and Dokmanović Starčević, Marija
- Published
- 2020
38. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on egg yolk fatty acid profile in laying hens
- Author
Stanišić, Mirko, Glamočlija, Nataša, Glišić, Milica, Bošković, Marija, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Milan Ž., and Marković, Radmila
- Subjects
egg yolk ,laying hens ,CLA ,fatty acids - Abstract
The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) depositing and fatty acid profile changing in egg yolks of laying hens fed with CLA during four weeks of experiment. 40 laying hens were randomly divided into two groups, control group fed with feed mixture of standard chemical composition for laying hens and experimental group fed with the same feed with added 2% CLA. Fatty acid composition of 12 egg yolks from each group were analysed at the beginning and 28th day of the experiment by gas chromatography. At the beginning of experiment there were not any changes at saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid composition and conjugated linoleic acid was not detected. After 28 days of experiment, the content of saturated fatty acids was significantly higher in experimental group (59.83%), compared to the control group (33.16%), while the content of monounsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower in experimental (22.61%) than in control group (53.36%) (P
- Published
- 2018
39. Antibakterijski efekat nanoenkapsuliranih etarskih ulja u mesu i proizvodima od mesa
- Author
Bošković, Marija, Glišić, Milica, Đorđević, Jasna, Ćirić, Jelena, Janjić, Jelena, Starčević, Marija, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Subjects
plant extracts ,antibacterial effect ,наноенкапсулација ,природни конзерванси ,антибактеријска активност ,meat products ,natural preservatives ,производи од меса ,биљни екстракти ,nanoencapsulation - Abstract
Meat and meat products due to their nutritional characteristics are important part of human diet. However, these products are appropriate medium for growth of different pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. Since consumption of these products can pose a health risk, numerous methods and additives are used for preservation of meat and especially meat products. There is a particular interest in natural preservatives in order to avoid the adverse effects of synthetic substances. Essential oils are mixture of volatile and non-volatile, mainly lipophilic compounds which are synthesized as secondary metabolites in different parts of the plants' and among other properties exhibit strong antibacterial effect' Since the most plant's extracts are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), their application in food items including meat and meat products gain great attention during past decades. Even so, because of interaction with food compounds especially protein and fats, essential oils should be added in higher concentrations to exhibit antimicrobial effect, which can negatively affect organoleptic properties. To overcome this issue nanoencapsulation is used as an effective and feasible approach, which increase the physical stability of the active substances and increase the concentration of the bioactive compounds in the meat. Different nanoencapsulation methods are used for encapsulating of essential oils. Antimicrobial activity of the nanoencapsulated essential oils depends on different factors including bacterial strain, essential oil used and formulation and size of the nanocapsules. Different nanoencapsulated essential oils or essential oils active compounds such as carvacrol, thymol and eugenol showed effect against variety of bacteria including mesophilic aerobic bacteria, LAB, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus in beef burgers, fermented sausage and cooked Pork sausage. Због своје нутритвне вредности месо и производи од меса су вежан део људске исхране. Ипак, ови производи представљају медијум погодан за раст и размножавање патогених микроорганизама и микроорганизама квара. Конзумирање ових производа може представљати ризик по здравље људи због чега се у њих додају различити адитиви у циљу конзервирања. Последњих година да би се избегло додавање синтетских супстанци које имају штетно дејство на здраље, у прехрамбена индустрија се фокусира на употребу природних супстанци са презервишућим ефектом. Етарска уља су смеше испарљивих и неиспарљивих, углавном липофилних супстанци који се синтетишу у различитим органима биљака и измеђуосталих поседују јаке антибактеријке карактеристике. С обзиром на то да је већина биљних екстраката безбедна за употребу и категорисана као GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), њихова примена последњих деценија представља фокус прехрамбене индустрије. Као последица интеракције са компонентама хране пре свега протеинима и липидима, етаркс уља морају да се додају у већим концентрацијама и на тај начин негативно утицати на органолептичке особине одређених производа. У циљу превазилажења овог проблема користи се наноенкапсулација као ефикасна и флексибилна метода путем које се повећава физичка стабилност активне супстанце која се додаје у месо. Постоје различите методе наноенкапсулације етарских уља, а антимикробна ефикасност таквих нано-капсула зависи од особина етарског уља које се употребљава, величине нанокапсуле и карактеристика саме бактерије. У различитим истраживањима наноенкапсулирана етарска уља или њихове активне супстанце као што су карвакрол, тимол и еугенол показали су антибактеријски ефекат на широк спектар бактерија измеђуосталих мезофилне аеробне бактерије, бактерије млечне киселине, Enterobacteriaceae и Staphylococcus aureus у говеђим бургерима, ферментисаним кобасицама и бареним кобасицама произведених од свињског меса Zbornik kratkih sadržaja
- Published
- 2018
40. Voda - prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Popović, Milka, Marković, Radmila, Ćirić, Jelena, Baltić, Branislav M., Starčević, Marija, and Janjić, Jelena
- Subjects
порекло ,сигурност ,употреба ,загађење ,распрострањеност - Abstract
Порекло воде на земљи од античких времена, па и данас, је предмет бројних инересовања, мислиоца и истраживача из различитих области науке, још увек није у потпуности разјашњено. Са друге стране, о распрострањености воде на земљи и њеним ресурсима, нарочито о води коју човек користи за пиће зна се много више. Распрострањеност воде и водни ресурси слатке воде су неравномерно распоређени на земљи, па отуда и сигурност (доступност) воде свим становницима света је неравномерна. Пораст броја становника и климатске промене (глобално загревање) прете све већој оскудици воде у појединим деловима света, нарочито оним најмногољуднијим. Вода се од давнина не користи само за пиће и одржавање личне хигијене. Она је и материјално добро са широком применом (наводњавање, енергетски извор, транспорт, лечење, туризам, рекреација). Један од највећих проблема, са којим се у епохи антропоцена суочава човечанство, је загађење животне средине и у њој посебно загађење вода. Ово захтева одговорност и бригу, како друштва, тако и сваког појединца према заштити животне средине, употреби и поступцима са водом.
- Published
- 2018
41. Etlik Piliçlerde Diyetteki Yağ Asitlerinin Büyüme Performansı, Karkas Özellikleri, Yağ Asidi Profili ve Serum Biyokimyasal Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi
- Author
MILANKOVIĆ, Branko, primary, ĆIRIĆ, Jelena, primary, KRSTIĆ, Milena, primary, STARČEVIĆ, Marija, primary, BALTIĆ, Branislav, primary, ŠEFER, Dragan, primary, ĐORĐEVIĆ, Vesna, primary, POPOVIĆ, Milka, primary, and MARKOVIĆ, Radmila, primary
- Published
- 2019
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42. Effects of selenium source and level in diet on glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue selenium distribution, and growth performance in poultry
- Author
Marković, Radmila, primary, Ćirić, Jelena, additional, Starčević, Marija, additional, Šefer, Dragan, additional, and Baltić, Milan Ž., additional
- Published
- 2018
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43. Corrigendum to “The effects of dietary Selenium-yeast level on glutathione peroxidase activity, tissue Selenium content, growth performance, and carcass and meat quality of broilers”
- Author
Marković, Radmila, primary, Ćirić, Jelena, additional, Drljačić, Aleksandar, additional, Šefer, Dragan, additional, Jovanović, Ivan, additional, Jovanović, Dragoljub, additional, Milanović, Svetlana, additional, Trbović, Dejana, additional, Radulović, Stamen, additional, Baltić, Milan Z., additional, and Starčević, Marija, additional
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
GLAMOČLIJA, Nataša, primary, STARČEVIĆ, Marija, additional, ĆIRIĆ, Jelena, additional, ŠEFER, Dragan, additional, GLIŠIĆ, Milica, additional, BALTIĆ, Milan, additional, MARKOVIĆ, Radmila, additional, SPASIĆ, Marija, additional, and GLAMOČLIJA, Đorđe, additional
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
GLAMOČLIJA, Nataša, primary, STARČEVIĆ, Marija, additional, ĆIRIĆ, Jelena, additional, ŠEFER, Dragan, additional, GLIŠIĆ, Milica, additional, BALTIĆ, Milan, additional, MARKOVIĆ, Radmila, additional, SPASIĆ, Marija, additional, and GLAMOČLIJA, Đorđe, additional
- Published
- 2018
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46. Značaj tritikalea u ishrani životinja
- Author
Glamočlija, Nataša, Starčević, Marija, Ćirić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Glišić, Milica, Baltić, Milan Ž., Marković, Radmila, Spasić, Marija, Glamočlija, Đorđe, Glamočlija, Nataša, Starčević, Marija, Ćirić, Jelena, Šefer, Dragan, Glišić, Milica, Baltić, Milan Ž., Marković, Radmila, Spasić, Marija, and Glamočlija, Đorđe
- Abstract
Žita su sa agronomskog i privrednog značaja najvažnija gruparatarskih biljaka. Tritikale je savremeno žito, odnosno hibrid dobijen ukrštanjempšenice i raži, s tim što je nasledio sposobnost raži da preživi jake mrazeve, ali imaveću proteinsku vrednost, dok je veći prinos zrna i povećanu tolerantnost na ražanuglavnicu nasledio od pšenice. Na koji će se način koristiti tritikale zavisi od osobinasorte. Sorte krupnog i ujednačenog zrna sa povećanim sadržajem ukupnih proteina uodnosu na skrob i koje su po hemijskom sastavu bliže pšenici, koriste se za pripremukoncentrovane stočne hrane, kako za živinu, tako i za nepreživare i preživare. Sortekoje obrazuju veliku biomasu, slično raži, služe za spremanje voluminozne stočnehrane kao sveže ili silaže, senaže i sena. Hranljiva vrednost zrna tritikalea je na nivoupšeničnog, s tim što ima nešto više aminokiseline lizina. U pogledu zastupljenostiesencijalnih aminokiselina, pojedinih minerala i vitamina, zrno tritikalea možezadovoljiti značajan deo potreba domaćih i gajenih životinja. Tritikale, kao i ostalazrnasta hraniva, standardni su deo obroka za ishranu domaćih i gajenih životinja,posebno u većem procentu kada je životinjama potrebno više energije. U zavisnostiod vrste domaće životinje kao i tipa obroka, tritikale može činiti njegov značajanprocenat. Prednost tritikalea nad drugim pravim žitima je taj što ima veći prinos,brži prolećni porast i mogućnost dužeg roka kosidbe za zelenu stočnu hranu jerogrubi kasnije nego npr., raž ili ovas. Zbog navedenih prednosti tritikale je pogodanza setvu, posebno u zemljama u razvoju., Grains have great agronomic and economic importance and they are one of the most important plants. Triticale is modern cereal grain, hybrid of wheat and rye, which inherited the ability of the rye to survive the high frosts, but has a higher protein value than rye, while higher grain yields and increased tolerance to diseases were inherited from wheat. The way in which triticale will be used depends on the characteristics of the variety. Triticale varieties of large and uniform grains which have more proteins then starch are used as concentrated feed for poultry, ruminants and nonruminants. Varieties that form large biomass, similar to rye, can be and are grazed, or harvested for silage or hay and straw. Triticale grain has nutritional value like wheat but with slightly more lysine amino acid. Triticale as a feed grain with good essential amino acid balance, minerals and vitamins is primarily included in livestock diets especially as an energy source. Depending on the type of domestic animal and meal, triticale can be used in significant percentage. The advantage of triticale over other cereals is that it has higher yields, a faster spring growth, and a longer mowing time as a green animal feed, than for example rays or oats. Because of all these advantages, triticale is suitable for planting especially in developing countries.
- Published
- 2018
47. Meat in traditional Serbian cuisine
- Author
Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Popović, Milka, Baltić, Tatjana, Bošković, Marija, Starčević, Marija, Šarčević, Danijela, Baltić, Milan Ž., Janjić, Jelena, Popović, Milka, Baltić, Tatjana, Bošković, Marija, Starčević, Marija, and Šarčević, Danijela
- Abstract
The use of meat in traditional Serbian cuisine can be divided into three periods. The first period is the time from the arrival of Slavs in the Balkans, through the Middle Ages to the early 19 th century. The second period, the 19 th and the first half of the 20 th centuries, can be marked as special due to significant changes that impacted traditional Serbian cuisine, compared to the first period. It was a period during which the Europeanization of Serbia took place in all spheres of life, including cuisine. After World War II, Serbia and many surrounding countries eperienced a great surge in industrialization in all economic fields, including that of food production. The last sixty years has seen the globalization of our food supply, with food being transported globally from one part of the world to another, and which resulted in neglected traditional, local cuisines. Therefore, many countries, including Serbia, recognize a need for preserving traditional cuisine. This recognition has initiated several mechanisms for maintaining Europe's gastronomic herit-age. Preservation of traditional cuisine in Serbia has special significance for tourism development.
- Published
- 2018
48. Bioakumulacija arsena i pojedinih teških metala u tkivima puževa poreklom iz Srbije
- Author
Ćirić, Jelena, Cerić, Olgica, Marković, Radmila, Glamočlija, Nataša, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, Baltić, Milan Ž., Ćirić, Jelena, Cerić, Olgica, Marković, Radmila, Glamočlija, Nataša, Starčević, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Published
- 2018
49. Ispitivanje promena ukupnog isparljivog azota u toku skladištenja hladno dimljene ribe
- Author
Pavlićević, Nataša, Glišić, Milica, Starčević, Marija, Đorđević, Jasna, Bošković, Marija, Baltić, Branislav, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Subjects
storage ,smoked fish ,packaging ,TVN - Abstract
Smoked fish, especially cold-smoked fish, is one of the most respected fish products. Since this is a "ready to eat" product, a particular attention is given to the packaging and changing during storage (bacteriological status, physical and chemical characteristics, sensory properties). The cold-smoked fish most commonly is packaged in the vacuum and modified atmosphere (MAP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the content of total volatile nitrogen (TVN) in the cold smoked fish packaged in a vacuum and MAP. For the experiment slices of cold smoked trout were packaged in a vacuum (O-I group) and three different modified atmospheres (O-II: 50% CO2+50% N2; O-III: 60% CO2+40% N2 and O-IV: 90% Co2+10% N2). The fish is stored after packaging at a temperature of 3 ℃, and the content of TVN was examined on days 0,7, 14,21,28,35 and 42. The content of TVN was determined by reaction of titration with hydrochloric acid in the presence of 3% of boric acid and methyl red and methyl blue as indicators. The content of TVN in samples of O-I group was from 3.52±0.24 ppm (on day 0) to 28.38±3.22 ppm (day 42), in O-II group from 3.02±0.06 ppm to 23.72±7.45 ppm, in O-III group from 3.07±0.09 ppm to 39.26±10.78 ppm and in samples of O-IV group TVN content was from 3.12±0.07 ppm to 36.15±4.47 ppm (respectively). During the 6 weeks of storage, the TVN in the samples of all four groups of cold smoked fish grew throughout the whole storage period, as can be seen from the regression equation for O-I, O-II, O-il and IV-O group: y=3.3019x+3.1481, y=2.6366x+4.6628, y=4.9603x-0.7559 and y=4.9762x-0.0561 (respectively). From the shown data it can be concluded that, based on the content of TVN as an indicator of spoilage, the least changes were detected in samples of O-II group, then O-I group, while the most pronounced changes were in the samples O-III and O-IV group of cold-smoked trout. Zbornik kratkih sadržaja
- Published
- 2017
50. Carcass performance of Simmental and Holstein Friesian beef cattle in Serbia
- Author
Lukić, Mirjana, Ivanović, Jelena, Janjić, Jelena, Starčević, Marija, Đorđević, Jasna, Marković, Radmila, and Baltić, Milan Ž.
- Subjects
fluids and secretions ,Simmental beef ,cattle ,animal diseases ,food and beverages ,Carcass performance ,Holstein Friesian beef - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, dressing percentage, chilling loss, forequarter weight, hindquarter weight and participation of forequarters and hindquarters of the beef cattle breeds Simmental (males, females and cattle from repurchase) and Holstein Friesian. A total of 100 animals were studied. After slaughter, carcass parameters were measured individually. The results show that the Holstein Friesian cattle had a significantly lower (p lt 0.01) average slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight and dressing percentage than Simmental beef cattle. Also, females had a significantly lower average cold carcass weight than males (p lt 0.05). Male Simmental beef cattle had significantly higher (p lt 0.01) average forequarter and hindquarter weights than female Simmental beef cattle and Holstein Friesian cattle.
- Published
- 2016
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