1. The role of pre-tertiary geography education in the development of bioeconomics
- Author
Vuk, Ružica, Vranković, Biljana, and Šiljković, Željka
- Subjects
Atmospheric Science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,bioeconomy, European Union, circular economy, curriculum, pre-tertiary geography education, Republic of Croatia ,bioekonomija, Europska unija, kružno gospodarstvo, kurikulum, predtercijarno geografsko obrazovanje, Republika Hrvatska ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Demography - Abstract
U radu se obrađuje inovativno gospodarstvo bioekonomija i uloga geografskog obrazovanja u njezinu razvoju. Svrha bioekonomije je razviti gospodarstva s „niskom razinom emisija u cilju razvoja primarnog sektora (poljoprivreda, ribarstvo, šumarstvo), sigurne i dostatne opskrbe hranom, potičući primjenu biomase u industriji, štiteći bioraznolikost i okoliš“ (Europska komisija, 2012.). Transformacija klasičnoga linearnog modela ekonomije u bioekonomiju zahvaća prijelaz s uporabe fosilnih izvora na bioobnovljive, kao i prijelaz s linearnog na kružno gospodarstvo. Ključnu ulogu za razvoj bioekonomije uz poduzetnike, vlast/politiku, znanstvene institucije, međunarodnu suradnju ima i formalno, neformalno i informalno obrazovanje svakog pojedinca involviranog u ovo područje gospodarstva. Primarni cilj ovoga rada je istaknuti ulogu geografskog obrazovanja u razvoju kružnoga gospodarstva (bioekonomije) kojemu teži Republika Hrvatska preko razvojnog smjera 3 „Zelena i digitalna tranzicija“ (Nacionalna razvojna strategija 2030, 2020.). Sekundarni ciljevi rada su analizirati osnovne teorijske značajke bioekonomije, strukturu zaposlenosti i strukturu ostvarenog prometa u sektorima bioekonomije u državama Europske unije s posebnim naglaskom na stanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati rada pokazuju da je hrvatska bioekonomija tek u početnom ciklusu razvoja. U predmetnom kurikulumu Geografije za osnovne škole i gimnazije (2019.) značajan je broj odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda koji se odnose na izvore energije, klimu i klimatske promjene, ekosustave, bioraznolikost, razvoj pametnih gradova, a usvajanje tih ishoda pridonosi stjecanju kompetencija nužnih za razvoj novih pristupa inovativnijih gospodarstava. U radu su primijenjene kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode rada. Analiza sadržaja kurikuluma, posebice razrade ishoda koji su u funkciji daljnjeg razvoja bioekonomije, temelj je za oblikovanje tema stručnog usavršavanja učitelja i nastavnika geografije kako bi inovativnije i učinkovitije vodili proces učenja i poučavanja tih sadržaja., The paper presents an innovative economy - bioeconomy and explains the role of geography education in its development. The aim of the bioeconomy is to develop low-emission economies focused on developing the primary sector (agriculture, fishing, forestry), food security and sufficiency, encouraging the use of biomass in industry, and protecting biodiversity and the environment (European Commission, 2012). The shift from the traditional linear model of the economy to the bioeconomy entails a move away from fossil resources and toward bio-renewable resources as well as a transition from a linear to a circular economy. Alongside entrepreneurs, the government/policies, scientific institutions, and international cooperation, formal, non-formal, and informal education of every stakeholder in this economic area plays a key role in the development of the bioeconomy. The primary goal of this paper is to emphasize the role of geography education in and for the development of a circular economy (bioeconomy), which is an aim of the Republic of Croatia defined by Development Direction 3, “Green and Digital Transition” (National Development Strategy 2030, 2020.). The secondary objectives of this paper are to analyze general theoretical features of the bioeconomy as well as employment and turnover structure in the EU bioeconomy sectors, with a special emphasis on the situation in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the work show that the Croatian bioeconomy is only in the initial cycle of its development. The Geography curriculum for primary schools and grammar schools (2019) contains a significant number of educational outcomes that concern energy sources, climate and climate change, ecosystems, biodiversity, and the development of smart cities. Adopting these outcomes may contribute to the acquisition of competencies necessary for the development of new approaches to more innovative economies. The research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis of the curricular content, especially the elaborations of outcomes geared toward further development of the bioeconomy, is the basis for shaping professional development training for geography teachers to enable more innovative and efficient management of the learning and teaching of these contents.
- Published
- 2023
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