Watson P.C., Tunnel construction and piling '99 International Symposium London, UK 08-Sep-9910-Sep-99, Eddie C., Jager J., Warren C.D., Watson P.C., Tunnel construction and piling '99 International Symposium London, UK 08-Sep-9910-Sep-99, Eddie C., Jager J., and Warren C.D.
The 3.2 km twin-track tunnel, on the UK's Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL), has an excavated face area in excess of 166 m2 and will pass through the Upper and Middle Chalk. The chalk contains solution features, which extend down to 40 m, and is faulted with throws of up to 10 m in the Kit's Coty area, where there are associated perched water tables. Failure of the Lewes Chalk is governed by the weak character of the mass fabric but failure of the other units depends on the nature and disposition of joints relative to the tunnel. The index properties, strength, and creep and hydrofracturing characteristics of the strata have been determined. The tunnel will have a conventional shotcrete primary lining, with local reinforcement, and an in situ secondary lining. The portals, which are both in areas designated as of outstanding natural beauty, are to be in a 50 m cut-and-cover section and will have parabolic leading edges extending 8 m from the backfilled slopes., The 3.2 km twin-track tunnel, on the UK's Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL), has an excavated face area in excess of 166 m2 and will pass through the Upper and Middle Chalk. The chalk contains solution features, which extend down to 40 m, and is faulted with throws of up to 10 m in the Kit's Coty area, where there are associated perched water tables. Failure of the Lewes Chalk is governed by the weak character of the mass fabric but failure of the other units depends on the nature and disposition of joints relative to the tunnel. The index properties, strength, and creep and hydrofracturing characteristics of the strata have been determined. The tunnel will have a conventional shotcrete primary lining, with local reinforcement, and an in situ secondary lining. The portals, which are both in areas designated as of outstanding natural beauty, are to be in a 50 m cut-and-cover section and will have parabolic leading edges extending 8 m from the backfilled slopes.