349 results on '"kadmij"'
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2. Investigating the growth characteristics, oxidative stress, and metal absorption of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under cadmium stress and in silico features of HMAs proteins.
- Author
KOLAHI, Maryam, KAZEMI, Elham Mohajel, YAZDI, Milad, KAZEMIAN, Mina, and GOLDSONBARNABY, Andre
- Subjects
CHICKPEA ,METAL absorption & adsorption ,PLANT growth - Abstract
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- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Karalija, Erna and Demir, Arnela
- Subjects
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FERTILIZERS , *HEAVY metals , *POLLUTION , *CADMIUM , *PLANT-soil relationships , *URBANIZATION - Abstract
In today’s age of high urbanization and industrialization environmental pollution is one of the burning problems. Additionally, agricultural lands are burdened with heavy metals through excessive supplementation with artificial fertilizers, where cadmium is one of the main pollutants of such soils. Removal of heavy metals from the soil can be achieved by remediation and includes a wide range of techniques, including phytoremediation, technique of cleaning the soil using plants. Plants that have the ability to accumulate heavy metals in their above ground parts are referred to as hyper accumulative species. Furthermore, the biomass obtained in this way can be used for re-extraction of heavy metals, such as cadmium. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
4. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles alleviate cadmium toxicity in lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) seeds.
- Author
FEIZI, Hassan, AGHELI, Nafiseh, and SAHABI, Hossein
- Subjects
TITANIUM dioxide nanoparticles ,CADMIUM ,LENTILS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
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5. Impact of soil amendments on the content of Cd and Pb in beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
- Author
Špilak, Iva and Zupan, Marko
- Subjects
lead ,onesnaženost tal ,cadmium ,biodostopnost ,metals ,svinec ,udc:631.45:633.41(043.2) ,rdeča pesa ,contaminated soil ,kovine ,beetroot ,lončni poskus ,dodatki tlem ,pot experiment ,kadmij ,Beta vulgaris ,bioavailability ,soil amendments - Abstract
Kot posledica 360 letne zgodovine rudarske dejavnosti v Zgornji Mežiški dolini, so tla močno onesnažena s kadmijem (Cd) in svincem (Pb). Na območjih velike onesnaženosti imajo lokalni prebivalci pogosto vrtove za lastno pridelavo vrtnin. Rastline kovine sprejemajo iz tal in jih kopičijo v užitnih delih. Tako kovine prehajajo v prehranjevalno verigo človeka. Z različnimi dodatki tlem lahko zmanjšamo biodostopnost potencialno toksičnih onesnažil za žive organizme. V pilotni raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti ali imajo dodatki, ki smo jih izbrali na podlagi predhodnih študij, učinek na mobilnost in biološko dostopnost izbranih kovin ter raziskati možnosti njihove nadaljnje uporabe za sanacijo onesnaženih tal. V lončnem poskusu z rdečo peso (Beta vulgaris L.) smo testirali pet različnih dodatkov tlem, z namenom ugotoviti razlike v akumulaciji Cd in Pb v nadzemnih in podzemnih delih izbrane rastline. Izbrali smo biooglje, zeolit, papirniški mulj, kompost in vermikulit. Pripravili smo mešanice onesnaženih tal iz Žerjava in izbranih dodatkov. Dodatki tlem niso uspeli zmanjšati prenosa Pb ali Cd iz onesnaženih tal v rdečo peso pod mejno vrednost za živila. Pri svincu si to lahko razlagamo preko prvotno majhne biodostopnosti in mobilnosti kovine glede na njegovo veliko skupno vsebnost, kar lahko delno pripišemo lastnostim samega elementa. Kadmij je bolj dostopen element, na njegovo biodostopnost vpliva pH in velika skupna vsebnost, zato izmenljive frakcije niso uspeli bistveno zmanjšati z dodatki. The result of the 360-year history of mining activity in the Upper Meža valley is soil heavily contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). In areas of high pollution, local residents often have gardens. Heavy metals accumulate in the edible parts of vegetables and thus enter the human food chain. With various amendments, we can potentially reduce the bioavailability of toxic pollutants to living organisms. In the pilot study, we wanted to determine whether the amendments we selected on the basis of previous studies have an effect on the mobility and bioavailability of certain heavy metals, and to investigate the possibilities of their further use for the remediation of contaminated soils. In a pot experiment with beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.), five different soil additives were tested in order to determine the differences in the accumulation of Cd and Pb in the above-ground and underground parts of the selected plant. We chose biochar, zeolite, paper mill sludge, compost and vermiculite. We prepared mixtures of contaminated soil and selected additives. Soil amendments failed to reduce the transfer of Pb or Cd from contaminated soils to beetroot below the threshold value. In the case of lead, this can be explained through originally low bioavailability and mobility in relation to its high total content, which can be partially attributed to the properties of the element itself. We believe that pH may be responsible for the maximum concentration of the exchangeable fraction of cadmium.
- Published
- 2023
6. Cadmium toxicity in African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Harms genotypes.
- Author
OKOYE, Pascal C., ANOLIEFO, Geoffrey O., IKHAJIAGBE, Beckley, OHANMU, Edokpolor O., IGIEBOR, Francis A., and ALIU, Ephraim
- Subjects
CROP yields ,CADMIUM ,HEAVY metals - Abstract
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- Published
- 2019
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7. Utjecaj pH vrijednosti tla i dodatka kelatnog agensa na sadržaj kadmija u pojedinim biljkama
- Author
Farzet Bikić and Amira Pašalić
- Subjects
Kadmij ,biljke ,tlo ,ICP-AES ,pH ,kompleksiranje ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
U ovom je radu ispitivan utjecaj pH tla i dodatka kompleksirajućeg agensa na sadržaj kadmija u pojedinim biljkama. Tlo upotrijebljeno za ovaj eksperiment uzeto je s površina uz prometnicu u neposrednoj blizini Željezare u Zenici. Kompleksiranje tla izvršeno je s otopinom dinatrijeve soli etilendiaminotetraoctene kiseline, Na2H2Y, a snižavanje pH tla otopinom aluminijeva sulfata, Al2(SO4)3. Za navedena ispitivanja upotrijebljene su sljedeće biljke: zelena salata (Lactuca sativa var. capitata), mješavina trava, djetelina (Trifolium repens), kukuruz (Zea mays) i kopriva (Urtica dioica). Određivanje sadržaja kadmija u pripremljenom tlu i biljkama provodilo se spektrometrijskom metodom ICP-OES atomskim emisijskim spektrometrom, Perkin Elmer 7000DV. Rezultati provedenih ispitivanja pokazuju da smanjenje pH tla i kompleksiranje tla (kiselog i alkalnog) dovodi do povećanja akumulacije kadmija iz tla u nadzemne dijelove ispitivanih biljaka.
- Published
- 2016
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8. The influence of chitosan oligosaccharide on some hematological parameters in rats exposed to cadmium
- Author
Kisadere, Ihsan, Aydin, Mehmet F., and Dönmez, Hasan H.
- Subjects
alfa-naftil-acetat-esteraza ,kadmij ,oligosaharid hitozan ,hematologija ,štakori ,toksičnost ,General Veterinary ,alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase ,cadmium ,chitosan oligosaccharides ,hematology ,rats ,toxicit - Abstract
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) on some hematological parameters, and define the percentage of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positive lymphocytes in rats that had been exposed to cadmium (Cd). Thirty-two (n = 32) male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into four groups as the control (C), chitosan oligosaccharide (COS), cadmium (Cd), and Cd + COS (CdCOS) groups. Blood samples were collected to assess erythrocytes (RBC), leukocytes (WBC), hemoglobin levels (HGB), hematocrit values (HCT), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), platelets (PLT), and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positive lymphocytes. The number of WBCs significantly increased in the Cd group compared to the C, CdCOS, and COS groups (P, Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinak oligosaharida hitozana (COS) na određene hematološke pokazatelje odnosno postotak limfocita pozitivnih na alfa-naftil-acetat-esterazu (ANAE) u štakora izloženih kadmiju (Cd). Mužjaci (n = 32) pasmine Wistar albino, slučajnim odabirom podijeljeni su u četiri skupine: kontrolnu (C), skupinu s oligosaharidom hitozanom (COS), skupinu s kadmijem (Cd) i skupinu s kadmijem i oligosaharidom hitozanom (CdCOS). Prikupljeni su uzorci krvi kako bi se odredili eritrociti (RBC), leukociti (WBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematokrit (HCT), prosječni hemoglobin u eritrocitima (MCH) i njegova koncentracija (MCHC), prosječan obujam eritrocita (MCV), trombociti (PLT), te limfociti pozitivni na alfa-naftil-acetat-esterazu (ANAE). Broj leukocita znakovito je porastao u skupini Cd u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom te skupinama C, CdCOS, i COS (P < 0,05). Iako je broj limfocita znakovito smanjen u skupini Cd (P < 0,05), to je ublaženo primjenom COS-a u skupini CdCOS u usporedbi sa skupinom Cd (P < 0,05). Također, postotak limfocita iz periferne krvi pozitivnih na ANAE znakovito je smanjen u skupinama CdCOS i Cd (P < 0,05). COS je, u slučaju kronične izloženosti štakora kadmiju, pokazao djelomice zaštitni učinak na određene hematološke značajke, osim na postotak limfocita pozitivnih na ANAE.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Muratović, S., Korać, F., Brodlija, K ., Džomba, E ., Čengić-Džomba, Senada, Muratović, A., and Hadžić, Dž.
- Abstract
Copyright of Krmiva is the property of Croatian Society of Agronomists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
10. Effect of the humic and fulvic acids on mercury and cadmium ions binding onto natural zeolite : diploma thesis
- Author
Duktaj, Marija and Trgo, Marina
- Subjects
mercury ,Humistar ® ,cadmium ,zeolit ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Kemijsko inženjerstvo ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Chemical Engineering ,Fertireg ® ,kadmij ,zeolite ,živa - Abstract
Ispitano je vezanje iona žive i kadmija na prirodnom zeolitu u prisustvu otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® koji su dodaci tlu u poljoprivredi. Utvrđen je veći stupanj uklanjanja iona žive i kadmija pri nižim početnim koncentracijama kao i niža količina iona vezana po gramu zeolita. Dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® ne utječe na stupanj uklanjanja žive kao i na količinu vezane žive po gramu zeolita. Utvrđeno je povećanje stupnja uklanjanja kadmija uz dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® i to je povećanje više izraženo uz veće koncentracije organske tvari. Također, količina vezanog kadmija po gramu zeolita raste uz dodatak otopina Humistar ® i Fertireg ® te se može zaključiti da organska tvar pozitivno utječe na remedijaciju tla onečišćenog kadmijem, dok na remedijaciju tla onečišćenog živom nema utjecaja pri ispitanim koncentracijama. The binding of mercury and cadmium ions on natural zeolite has been examined in the presence of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, which are soil additives in agriculture. A higher degree of removal of mercury and cadmium ions at lower initial concentrations was determined, as well as a lower amount of bound ions per gram of zeolite. The addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions does not affect the efficiency of mercury removal as well as the amount of bound mercury per gram of zeolite. An increase in removal efficiency of cadmium is observed with the addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, and this increase is more pronounced with higher concentrations of organic matter. Also, the amount of bound cadmium per gram of zeolite increases with the addition of Humistar ® and Fertireg ® solutions, and it can be concluded that organic matter has a positive effect on the remediation of cadmium soil contaminated, while remediation of mercury soil contaminated has no effect at the examined concentrations.
- Published
- 2022
11. Adsorpcija kovin iz odpadnih vod na mikroplastiko
- Author
Simončič, Mojca and Kalčikova, Gabriela
- Subjects
adsorption ,cadmium ,adsorpcija ,kovine ,metals ,kadmij ,mikroplastika ,microplastic ,biofilm - Abstract
Mikroplastika so plastični delci manjši od 1 mm, ki jih lahko najdemo v zraku, vodi, zemlji in sedimentih, v zelo različnih oblikah, barvah in kemijskih sestavah. Mikroplastika v naravnem okolju adsorbira in akumulira različna onesnaževala, kot so obstojna organska onesnaževala in kovine. Koncentracije onesnaževal na mikroplastiki so lahko tudi od 10 do 100-krat višje od tistih, ki jih najdemo v okolju. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na adsorpcijo kovin na mikroplastiko. Najprej smo preiskovali adsorpcijo kovin iz odpadne vode na mikroplastiko pridobljeno iz kozmetičnih izdelkov. To mikroplastiko smo tudi okarakterizirali s pomočjo analize porazdelitve velikosti delcev in s SEM/EDS analizo. V drugem delu smo adsorbirali kadmij na mikroplastiko, ki je bila obraščena z biofilmom in je tako najbolj podobna mikroplastiki v okolju. Ugotovili smo, da je adsorpcija kadmija bistveno višja na mikroplastiki obdani z biofilmom, kot na mikroplastiki brez biofilma. Microplastics are small plastic pieces up to one millimetre long. They can be found in air, water, soil and sediments in different shapes, colours and chemical compositions. Microplastics in the environment can adsorb and accumulate different pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, persistent organic pollutants and metals. Concentrations of pollutants accumulated on such particles can be 10–100 times higher than the concentrations in the surrounding environment. The aim of the master's thesis was to evaluate if metals can be adsorbed onto microplastics. We first investigated the adsorption of metals from wastewater onto microplastics, which are obtained from cosmetic products. The morphological properties of this microplastic were characterized by particle size distribution analysis and SEM/EDS analysis. In the second part, we verified the adsorption of cadmium onto microplastics with biofilm, which are the most similar to microplastics in the environment. Adsorption of cadmium is significantly higher on microplastics with biofilm, than on microplastics without it.
- Published
- 2022
12. Cadmium treatment effects on the growth and antioxidant system in barley plants under optimal and low temperatures.
- Author
KAZNINA, Natalia, BATOVA, Yulia, REPKINA, Natalia, LAIDINEN, Galina, and TITOV, Alexandr
- Subjects
EFFECT of cadmium on plants ,BARLEY ,GENE expression in plants ,PLANT enzymes ,CROP growth ,ANTIOXIDANTS ,HYDROGEN peroxide ,LIPID peroxidation (Biology) - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Agriculturae Slovenica is the property of Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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13. Accumulation of heavy metals from soil in medicinal plants.
- Author
Glavač, Nina Kočevar, Djogo, Svetlana, Ražić, Slavica, Kreft, Samo, and Veber, Marjan
- Subjects
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MEDICINAL plants , *HEAVY metals , *SOIL composition , *HEAVY metals & the environment , *COMMON yarrow , *HYPERICUM perforatum - Abstract
Medicinal plants accumulate heavy metals from contaminated soil, and their consumption can cause poisoning. Our objective was to determine the levels of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn in four medicinal plant species (Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum, Plantago lanceolata, and Urtica dioica) and their native soil, all sampled at a former smelter. The highest soil Cd, Pb, and Zn levels surpassed the maximum allowed limit 75-fold, 48-fold, and 14-fold, respectively. Their soil levels correlated with those in the plants, but this was not the case with Cu, Fe, and Mn. Heavy metal accumulation seems to depend on the plant species, yet even so, medicinal herbs should be cultivated and gathered only from controlled (uncontaminated) areas. Polluted areas should be monitored on a regular basis, while further research should investigate the connection between the heavy metal levels in the soil, their levels available for plants, and the levels extractable from plants. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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14. Akumulacija kadmija i žive u jestivim saprotrofnim i ektomikoriznim gljivama.
- Author
Širić, I., Mihaljević, M., Grgić, I., and Kos, i.
- Abstract
Copyright of Glasnik Zastite Bilja is the property of Zadruzna Stampa D.D. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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15. Privzem kadmija v odvisnosti od razpoložljivosti cinka pri česnu (Allum sativum L.)
- Author
Jovchevska, Marija and Pongrac, Paula
- Subjects
udc:606:504.5:635.262:546.47/.48(043.2) ,soil pollution ,onesnaženost tal ,cadmium ,težke kovine ,zinc ,gnojenje ,kadmij ,cink ,heavy metals ,fertilisation - Abstract
Z napredkom industrializacije in sorazmerno rastjo onesnaževanja okolja je razvoj metod, ki bi omejile kopičenje težkih kovin v rastlinah in v prehranjevalni verigi, vse bolj pomemben. V primeru onesnaženja s kadmijem (Cd), je ena izmed potencialno uporabnih metod gnojenje rastlin s cinkovim sulfatom (ZnSO4). Namen raziskave je bil izmeriti koncentracijo Cd v rastlinskih tkivih česna (Allium sativum L.) in oceniti razlike med privzemom Cd pri štirih komercialno dostopnimi kultivarji. Cilj je bil tudi preučiti vpliv gnojenja s ZnSO4 na privzem Cd in koncentracijo cinka (Zn) v česnu. Iz štirih kultivarjev, ki so uspevali na polju, smo vzorčili po pet rastlin z rizosferno zemljo za vsak kultivar in vsako obravnavo. S pomočjo induktivno sklopljeno plazmo masnega spektrometra (ICP-MS) smo v posušenih, uprašenih in homogeniziranih tkivih (korenine, listi in stroki) po kislinskem razklopu izmerili koncentracijo Zn, Cd in žvepla (S). Izmerili smo tudi koncentracijo dostopnega Zn in Cd v rizosferni zemlje, ki smo jo pridobili z ekstrakcijo z amonijevim acetatom. Rezultati so pokazali, da je najvišja koncentracija Cd v koreninah, sledijo stroki in nato listi. Pokazali smo statistično značilne razlike v koncentraciji Cd v strokih med proučevanimi kultivarji česna. Gnojenje s ZnSO4 je pokazalo trend upadanja koncentracije Cd v stroku, vpliva na koncentracijo Zn v strokih pa nismo opazili. Gnojenje s ZnSO4 se je izkazalo za izvedljivo agronomsko metodo pri nadzoru privzema Cd. With the development of industrialization and subsequent pollution, there is increasing need to develop methods that would limit the accumulation of heavy metals in plants and therefore in the foodchain. In case of cadmium (Cd) pollution, one of potentially useful methods may be fertilisation of plants with zinc sulphate (ZnSO4). The purpose of the study was to measure the concentration of Cd in plant tissues of garlic (Allium sativum L.) and to evaluate differences between Cd uptake between four commercially available cultivars. In addition, the effect of fertilization with ZnSO4 on Cd and zinc (Zn) concentration in garlic was determined. For each of the four cultivars and for each treatment five plants with rhizosphere soil were sampled in the field, where plants were cultivated. Dried, milled and homogenised samples (roots, leaves and cloves) were wet digested and concentrations of Cd, Zn and sulphur (S) were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The available fractions of Zn and Cd were extracted from rhizosphere soil with ammonium acetate and their concentrations measured with ICP-MS. The highest concentration of Cd was measured in the roots, then in the cloves and the least in the leaves. There was significant difference in Cd concentrations in cloves between cultivars. Fertilization with ZnSO4 showed a declining trend in the concentration of Cd in the cloves, but there was no significant effect on the concentration of Zn in the cloves. ZnSO4 fertilization has proven to be a viable agronomic method in the control of Cd uptake.
- Published
- 2022
16. Študije in uporaba bakrovih elektrod v sodobni elektroanalizi
- Author
Obrez, Domen and Kolar, Mitja
- Subjects
lead ,trace analysis ,cadmium ,svinec ,anodic stripping voltammetry ,baker ,analiza sledov ,anodna inverzna voltametrija ,bakrova elektroda ,težke kovine ,stripping voltametrija ,copper ,kadmij ,copper electrode ,heavy metals - Abstract
Elektrokemijske tehnike so v primerjavi s spektroskopskimi in kromatografskimi metodami manj zapletene za uporabo in zanje običajno ni potrebna kompleksnejša obdelava vzorca pred meritvijo. Številne celo omogočajo in situ meritve – torej brez vzorčenja, kar je pri okoljski analizi zelo priročno za kontinuirni monitoring onesnažil v pretočnem sistemu kot je reka, morje ipd. Ena od elektrokemijskih tehnik, ki je primerna za določanje sledov kovin, je anodna inverzna (stripping) voltametrija, ki se je razvila v prejšnjem stoletju. V zadnjih 60 letih so se za takšne meritve najpogosteje uporabljale različne oblike živosrebrovih elektrod (kapljajoča, viseča, tankoplastna elektroda itd.), ki so okolju in živim organizmom škodljive, težavo pa predstavlja tudi rokovanje z živim srebrom, njegova hramba, itd. V mnogih državah je uporaba živega srebra močno omejena ali celo prepovedana. Kot nadomestek za živo srebro kot elektrodni material so bili preizkušeni mnogi prevodni materiali, kot so različne oblike prevodnega ogljika (pirolitski grafit, polikristalinični grafit, elektroda iz ogljikove paste, steklasti ogljik, ogljikova vlakna), zlato, platina, srebro, iridij, itd., toda nobeden od naštetih ni dosegel izjemnih elektroanaliznih karakteristik živosrebrovih elektrod. Leta 2000 je skupina iz Odseka za analizno kemijo (Kemijski Inštitut) v sodelovanju z ameriškim partnerjem (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces) vpeljala uporabo bizmuta za stripping voltametrično detekcijo izbranih sledov ionov težkih kovin. Temu je v letu 2006 sledila predstavitev tankoslojne antimonove elektrode, nedavno pa so na Odseku za analizno kemijo študirali tudi zanimivo uporabo tankoslojne bakrove elektrode za detekcijo nekaterih ionov težkih kovin v sledovih. V pričujočem magistrskem delu je predstavljena raziskava elektrokemijskih lastnosti in uporabe različnih bakrovih elektrod za določitev nizkih koncentracij Pb2+ in Cd2+ v vodnih medijih z anodno inverzno (stripping) voltametrijo. Pri svojem delu sem obravnaval tako tankoslojne bakrove elektrode, pripravljene na osnovni elektrodi iz steklastega ogljika in tiskani ogljikovi elektrodi, kot tudi trdne bakrove elektrode (trdna bakrova (disk) elektroda, tiskana bakrova elektroda in bakrova žica). Preučeval sem vplive različnih parametrov, kot so sestava medija, koncentracija bakrovih(II) ionov, čas depozicije bakra in analitov ter napetost depozicije, na stabilnost in občutljivost elektrode ter jih skušal optimizirati. Preučeval sem tudi območje linearnosti, ponovljivost meritev, spodnjo mejo zaznave (LOD) ter spodnjo mejo kvantifikacije (LOQ) za posamezno obravnavano elektrodo. Izkazalo se je, da imajo bakrove elektrode precej podobne lastnosti nekaterim že uveljavljenim in razširjenim kovinskim elektrodam, kot sta na primer antimonova in bizmutova elektroda. Odlikuje jih relativno visoka občutljivost in zato ugodno nizek LOD, dobra ponovljivost ter široko linearno koncentracijsko območje delovanja. Baker je kot elektrodni material poceni in zaradi svojih lastnosti (večina njegovih spojin je relativno nestrupenih za organizme – uporablja se celo za pospeševanje rasti pri reji prašičev) neproblematičen za uporabo. Electrochemical techniques are much less complicated for use compared to spectroscopic and chromatographic methods – sample preparation is usually not required. Many of them allow in situ determination, which is important in environmental analysis for continuous monitoring of contaminant concentrations in flow systems such as rivers and oceans. Anodic stripping voltammetry is one of the electrochemical techniques that developed in the late 20th century for the analysis of trace metals. In the last 60 years, different mercury electrodes (dropping mercury electrode – DME, hanging mercury dropping electrode – HDME, mercury film electrode – MFE) have been used for this kind of measurements, which are dangerous for the environment and living organisms. There is also a problem with handling and storage of mercury. Today, the use of mercury is restricted or even banned. Many electrically conductive materials such as various forms of electrically conductive carbon (pyrolytic graphite – PG, polycrystalline graphite, carbon paste electrode – CPE, glassy carbon electrode – GCE, carbon fibres, etc.), gold, platinum, silver, iridium, etc. have been used to replace mercury as electrode materials, but none of them exhibited excellent electroanalytical properties of mercury electrodes. In 2000, a group of scientists from the Department of Analytical Chemistry (National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana) in collaboration with an American partner institution (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces) introduced bismuth in stripping voltammetry measurements for the detection of heavy metal traces. Then, in 2006, the antimony film electrode was introduced. Recently, the use of copper film electrodes for the detection of selected heavy metal ion traces was investigated by the Department of Analytical Chemistry. This master’s thesis represents an investigation of properties and applications of various copper electrodes for determination of lead(II) and cadmium(II) ions in low concentrations in water solutions using anodic stripping voltammetry. In my work, copper-film electrodes based on glassy carbon electrodes and screen-printed electrodes (SPE) with carbon working electrode as well as bulk copper electrodes (copper disc electrode, SPE with copper working electrode, copper wire) were investigated. I investigated the influences of various parameters such as medium, copper(II) concentration, time of deposition of copper and analytes and deposition potential on the stability and sensitivity of the electrodes. In the next phase, the parameters were optimised to obtain the best performance of the electrodes, and then their range with linear response, repeatability and limits of detection and quantification (LOD, LOQ) were determined. The experiments have shown that copper electrodes are very similar to some other already established metal electrodes, for example, antimony and bismuth electrodes. They have good sensitivity and therefore a low detection limit, as well as good repeatability and a broad linear response. Copper as an electrode material is inexpensive and, due to its qualities (the toxicity of most its compounds to organisms is relatively low – it is even used as growth promoter in breeding pigs), it is not problematic to use.
- Published
- 2022
17. Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Cadmium Accumulation in Three Tricholoma Mushroom Species Collected from Wild Habitats of Central and Coastal Croatia
- Author
Ivan Širić, Pankaj Kumar, Ebrahem M. Eid, Archana Bachheti, Ivica Kos, Dalibor Bedeković, Boro Mioč, and Miha Humar
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,cadmium ,health risk assessment ,heavy metals ,health hazard ,mushrooms ,Tricholoma spp ,kolobarnice ,Plant Science ,težke kovine ,gobe ,kadmij ,udc:630*8 ,ocena nevarnosti za zdravje ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Abstract
This study deals with the biomonitoring of cadmium (Cd) heavy metal in the three selected Tricholoma mushroom species collected from wild habitats of central and coastal Croatia. For this, mushroom (T. columbetta: n = 38, T. portentosum: n = 35, and T. terreum: n = 34) and surface soil samples were collected from nine forest localities of Croatia and analyzed for Cd concentration using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES) through the acid digestion method. The findings revealed that Cd was present in Tricholoma spp. and surface soil. However, the maximum mean Cd concentration (mg/kg dry weight) was recorded in T. portentosum (cap: 0.98; stipe: 0.72), followed by T. columbetta (cap: 0.96; stipe: 0.73) and T. terreum (cap: 0.81; stipe: 0.63). The bioconcentration factor (BCF) value (>1) revealed that the selected Tricholoma spp. had the potential for Cd accumulation. Moreover, the principal component (PC) and hierarchical cluster (HC) analyses were used to derive the interactions and similarities between Cd levels Tricholoma spp. and sampling localities. The multivariate analysis suggested that central sampling localities had higher Cd levels as compared to coastal localities. However, the daily intake of metals (DIM < 0.426) and health risk index (HRI < 1) showed that there was no potential health risk associated with the consumption of selected Tricholoma spp. The findings of this study are helpful to understand the Cd accumulation behavior of wild edible Tricholoma spp. collected from Croatia.
- Published
- 2022
18. Fleksibilni kristali kadmijevih(II) halogenida s diklorpiridinskim ligandima
- Author
Čolakić, Lea, Pisačić, Mateja, Đaković, Marijana, Žižek, Krunoslav, Katančić, Zvonimir, and Kovačić, Marin
- Subjects
kristali ,mehanička fleksibilnost ,plastično%22">elastično-->plastično ,kadmij - Abstract
Kristali – tvari uređene strukture koja osigurava kontroliran i efikasan prijenos energije, iako su do sada intenzivno istraživani, često su zanemarivani kod dizajna novih, pametnih uređaja zbog svoje krtosti i lomljivosti. Nedavno otkriće molekulskih kristala prilagodljivih na vanjski mehanički podražaj rezultiralo je značajnim pomakom prema razmatranju kristalnih materijala kao potencijalnih kandidata za primjenu u naprednim tehnologijama. No, unatoč iznimnom interesu znanstvene zajednice za ovo novoopisano svojstvo kristalne tvari, čemu svjedoči streloviti porast broja literaturnih navoda koji opisuju fleksibilne organske, ali i metalo-organske molekulske kristale, još uvijek nije jasno koji su strukturni čimbenici odgovorni za opremanje molekulskih kristala adaptivnim svojstvima. Kristalni 1D koordinacijski polimeri kadmija(II) pokazali su se izvrsnim kandidatima za sustavno proučavanje mehaničke fleksibilnosti. Nedavnim istraživanjima uočeno je da serije kristala 1D kadmijevih(II) polimera s 3- halogenpiridinskim te halogenpirazinskim ligandima pokazuju širok raspon mehaničkih odziva različitih stupnjeva i vrsta (od plastične do elastične savitljivosti) [2-4]. Kako bi se dodatno istražio utjecaj strukturnih parametara na savitljivost, u ovom radu proučavani su kristali koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže 3, 5- diklorpiridinski ligand. Opaženi visoki stupnjevi elastičnog odziva su kvantificirani, te korelirani s jakošću i usmjerenošću međumolekulskih interakcija.
- Published
- 2022
19. Detection of heavy metals in common vegetables at Varaždin City Market, Croatia.
- Author
Stančić, Zvjezdana, Vujević, Dinko, Gomaz, Ana, Bogdan, Saša, and Vincek, Dragutin
- Abstract
The present study was aimed at the estimation of heavy metal content in vegetables sold at the city market of one of the densely populated Croatian cities, Varaždin, and to establish the relationship between their levels and possible sources of contamination. Twenty-eight samples of the most common diet vegetables (red and white potato, onion, carrot, common bean, lettuce, and cabbage) were randomly bought at the market in September and October 2013. Using the atomic absorption spectrometry method, concentrations of nine heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in the selected samples. The results showed that, in five out of 28 samples analysed, six concentrations exceeded the maximum levels provided for in the regulations: five for Pb and one for Cd. Maximum regulated levels for Pb were exceeded in two samples of red potato, two samples of common bean, and one sample of carrot (17.9%), and for Cd in a sample of red potato (3.6%). In conclusion, the cause of the overstepping of the maximum levels for Pb and Cd in the vegetables analysed was most likely the contaminated soil. The possible sources of soil contamination include traffic, nearby industry, floodwaters of rivers and streams, and the use of pesticides and fertilisers in agricultural production. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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20. Phytoremediation potential of wild plants growing on soil contaminated with heavy metals.
- Author
Čudić, Vladica, Stojiljković, Dragoslava, and Jovović, Aleksandar
- Subjects
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PHYTOREMEDIATION , *PLANTS , *HEAVY metals , *BIOMASS , *WILD plants - Abstract
Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that employs higher plants to cleanup contaminated environments, including metal-polluted soils. Because it produces a biomass rich in extracted toxic metals, further treatment of this biomass is necessary. The aim of our study was to assess the five-year potential of the following native wild plants to produce biomass and remove heavy metals from a polluted site: poplar (Populus ssp.), ailanthus (Ailanthus glandulosa L.), false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), ragweed (Artemisia artemisiifolia L.), and mullein (Verbascum thapsus L). Average soil contamination with Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and As in the root zone was 22,948.6 mg kg-1, 865.4 mg kg-1, 85,301.7 mg kg-1, 3,193.3 mg kg-1, 50.7 mg kg-1, 41.7 mg kg-1, and 617.9 mg kg-1, respectively. We measured moisture and ash content, concentrations of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and As in the above-ground parts of the plants and in ash produced by combustion of the plants, plus gross calorific values. The plants' phytoextraction and phytostabilisation potential was evaluated based on their bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF). Mullein was identified as a hyperaccumulator for Cd. It also showed a higher gross calorific value (19,735 kJ kg-1) than ragweed (16,469 kJ kg-1).The results of this study suggest that mullein has a great potential for phytoextraction and for biomass generation, and that ragweed could be an effective tool of phytostabilisation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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21. Variations in lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury concentrations during honeybee wax processing using casting technology.
- Author
Gajger, Ivana Tlak, Kosanović, Marina, Bilandžić, Nina, Sedak, Marija, and Čalopek, Bruno
- Subjects
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BEESWAX , *HEAVY metals , *CASTING (Manufacturing process) , *SEDIMENTATION & deposition , *METALS - Abstract
Beeswax foundations are a necessary material in intensive modern beekeeping. Heavy metals can accumulate in these foundations for decades, as it is a common beekeeping practice to recycle wax. Beeswax samples were analysed using GFAAS for As, Cd, Pb, and Hg concentrations during the production of beeswax foundations using casting technology with a prolonged cooling and sedimentation phase. Significant differences were determined in the concentrations of As, Cd, Pb (p<0.01, all), and Hg (p<0.05) between the three levels of wax in a double-walled steel casting container and comb foundations (CF) during the processing stage. Concentrations (mg kg-1) of the examined metals in comb foundations as the final product ranged as follows: As 0.01-0.88; Cd 1.26-3.55; Pb 82.5-171, and Hg 0.29-1.46. All examined element concentrations demonstrated similar distribution and ratio in different layers, ranging from the lowest concentrations in layers from which wax material is used for comb foundations as the final product, to the highest concentrations in sedimented layer, which represents waste. The obtained results suggest that the described method could effectively eliminate a significant amount of heavy metals from the initial material used for the production of new beeswax foundations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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22. Utjecaj pH vrijednosti tla i dodatka kelatnog agensa na sadržaj kadmija u pojedinim biljkama.
- Author
Bikić, F. and Pašalić, A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Kemija u Industriji is the property of Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Bajc, Zlatka, Jenčič, Vlasta, and Gačnik, Ksenija Šinigoj
- Subjects
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HEAVY metals , *SCARDINIUS , *PEARSON correlation (Statistics) , *MANGANESE , *CADMIUM , *LEAD - Abstract
The concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn were measured in different tissues of rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) from Lake Cerknica, Slovenia. The content of heavy metals in rudd muscle/skin was low; therefore, rudd from Lake Cerknica are suitable for human consumption. Among the heavy metals studied, Pb was not detected in rudd tissues and Cd was undetectable in meat samples. The content of other elements was also the lowest in the meat samples. The highest concentrations of Cd and Zn were found in the kidneys, and those of Cu, Mn and Fe in the livers. The relationships between fish weight or length and metal concentrations were investigated. In the meat and liver of the rudd, the Pearson correlation analysis for Zn and Mn revealed a negative association related to size (length, weight). However, the concentrations of Fe in kidney and Cd in liver and kidney increased with the size of rudd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
24. Environmental Impacts and Immobilization Mechanisms of Cadmium, Lead and Zinc in Geotechnical Composites Made from Contaminated Soil and Paper-Ash
- Author
Marija Đurić, Primož Oprčkal, Vesna Zalar Serjun, Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Janez Ščančar, Radmila Milačič, and Ana Mladenovič
- Subjects
Technology ,cadmium ,QH301-705.5 ,QC1-999 ,udc:620.1/.2 ,General Materials Science ,Biology (General) ,QD1-999 ,Instrumentation ,kadmij, svinec, cink, papirniški pepel, mehanizmi imobilizacije, kontaminirana zemljina ,Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,lead ,kontaminirana zemljina ,Physics ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,zinc ,paper ash ,General Engineering ,cadmium, lead, zinc, contaminated soil, paper ash, immobilization mechanisms ,papirniški pepel ,svinec ,cink ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,Computer Science Applications ,Chemistry ,contaminated soil ,immobilization mechanisms ,mehanizmi imobilizacije ,54 ,kadmij ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Paper-ash is used for remediation of heavily contaminated soils with metals, but remediation efficiency after longer periods has not been reported. To gain insights into the mechanisms of immobilization of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and znic (Zn), a study was performed in the laboratory experiment in uncontaminated, artificially contaminated, and remediated soils, and these soils treated with sulfate, to mimic conditions in contaminated soil from zinc smelter site. Remediation was performed by mixing contaminated soil with paper-ash to immobilize Cd, Pb, and Zn in the geotechnical composite. Partitioning of Cd, Pb, and Zn was studied over one year in seven-time intervals applying the sequential extraction procedure and complementary X-ray diffraction analyses. This methodological approach enabled us to follow the redistribution of Cd, Pb, and Zn over time, thus, to studying immobilization mechanisms and assessing the remediation efficiency and stability of newly formed mineral phases. Cd, Pb, and Zn were effectively immobilized by precipitation of insoluble hydroxides after the addition of paper-ash and by the carbonization process in insoluble carbonate minerals. After remediation, Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the water-soluble fraction were well below the limiting values for inertness: Cd by 100 times, Pb by 125 times, and Zn by 10 times. Sulfate treatment did not influence the remediation efficiency. Experimental data confirmed the high remediation efficiency and stability of insoluble Cd, Pb, and Zn mineral phases in geotechnical composites. Nasl. z nasl. zaslona. Opis vira z dne 14. 12. 2021. Št. članka 11822. Bibliografija: str. 13-15. Abstract.
- Published
- 2021
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25. Določevanje in odstranjevanje težkih kovin iz rečnih sedimentov
- Author
Imperl, Jernej and Kolar, Mitja
- Subjects
lead ,cadmium ,Sediment washing ,zinc ,kadmij ,svinec ,Spiranje sedimenta ,cink ,AAS - Abstract
Pričujoče magistrsko delo obsega študijo odstranjevanja svinca, cinka in kadmija iz vzorčenih sedimentov s postopkom spiranja sedimenta. Vzorčenje sedimenta je bilo izvedeno ob reki Dravi (severni del Ptujskega jezera). Odvzeta sta bila dva sedimenta: sediment S (star), ki je bil na obalo prečrpan pred 15 leti in sediment N (nov), prečrpan pred 1 letom. V ta namen je bil sediment okarakteriziran z vrsto analiz: določeni so bili delež vode (S 4,5 % in N 8,9 %), delež žaroizgube (S 12,6 % in N 10,8 %), z uporabo kislinskega razklopa z dušikovo(V) kislino pa so bili določeni celokupni deleži svinca (pribl. 400 ppm), cinka (pribl. 1100 ppm) in kadmija (pribl. 7 ppm). Prav tako so bili ti deleži določeni v vzorcu sedimenta, ki je bil ločen v velikostne frakcije. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se z manjšanjem velikosti delcev povečuje delež težkih kovin. Izvedene so bile analize učinkovitosti spiranja sedimenta z različni reagenti: HNO3, HCl, EDTA, citronsko kislino, huminsko kislino, ramnolipidom, saponinom, DL-mlečno, salicilno, L-askorbinsko, jantarno, DL-jabolčno, L-vinsko in ocetno kislino. Pri spiranju sedimenta s tremi reagenti, ki so se najbolje izkazali (EDTA, citronska kislina in DL-jabolčna kislina) je bila opravljena optimizacija treh pogojev spiranja: koncentracije reagenta, časa oz. trajanja spiranja in razmerja med volumnom izpiralne raztopine in maso sedimenta [mL/g] (razmerje R/S). preizkušeno je bilo tudi dvakratno zaporedno spiranje sedimenta. Vse meritve za kvantitativno določitev svinca, cinka in kadmija so bile opravljene z uporabo plamenske atomske absorpcijske spektroskopije (FAAS). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so vsi uporabljeni reagenti v določeni meri sposobni odstraniti svinec, cink in kadmij iz sedimenta. Najuspešnejši pri tem so bili EDTA (delež odstranjene kovine: Pb 40 %, Zn 15 % in Cd 55 %), citronska kislina (delež odstranjene kovine: Pb 50 %, Zn 60 % in Cd 75%) in DL-jabolčna kislina (delež odstranjene kovine: Pb 45 %, Zn 60 % in Cd 75 %), Slednji sta pri določenih pogojih za vse kovine presegli učinkovitost EDTA. Z optimizacijo spiranja sedimenta s temi reagenti je bil preverjen vpliv pogojev na njihovo učinkovitost odstranjevanja kovin. Določeni so bili optimizirani pogoji za te reagente: EDTA 0,01 M, 16 h in R/S = 5/1 citronska kislina 0,2 M, 16 h in R/S = 10/1 DL-jabolčna kislina 0,3 M, 16 h in R/S = 10/1. S citronsko kislino in z DL-jabolčno kislino izvedeno dvakratno zaporedno spiranje sedimenta je doseglo še višjo učinkovitost odstranjevanja kovin kot optimizirano spiranje. Spiranje sedimenta z različnimi reagenti se je na laboratorijski skali izkazalo za uporaben postopek za odstranjevanje svinca, cinka in kadmija. Nadaljnje raziskave bodo vključevale: frakcionacijsko analizo sedimenta (v kakšni obliki so kovine prisotne), preizkus kombinacij uporabljenih reagentov in uporaba novih (fitinska kislina oz. fitati), apliciranje razvitih postopkov spiranja na certificirane referenčne materiale (CRM) in druge vrste sedimentov ter možnosti predelave izlužene raztopine, ki po spiranju vsebuje visoke koncentracije težkih kovin. The following dissertation contains a study of the removal of lead, zinc, and cadmium from sampled sediments using a process known as sediment washing. Sediment samples were collected near the Drava River (north side of Lake Ptuj). Two sediment samples were taken: sediment S (old), dredged from the river 15 years ago, and sediment N (new), dredged one year ago. A series of analyses were performed: sediment was characterized by determining water content (S 4.5 % and N 8.9 %) and loss on ignition (LOI) (S 12.6 % and N 10.8 %). Total metal content of lead, zinc, and cadmium was determined by means of acid digestion of the sediment with nitric(V) acid. The approximate values are 400 ppm for lead, 1100 ppm for zinc and 7 ppm for Cd. The same was done for a sediment sample, which was separated by particle size. It was observed that the heavy metal content increases with decreasing particle size. Analyses of metal removal effectiveness were performed using various chemical reagents: HNO3, HCl, citric acid, humic acid, rhamnolipid, saponin, DL-lactic acid, salicylic acid, L-ascorbic acid, succinic acid, DL-malic acid, tartaric acid, and acetic acid. Sediment washing with EDTA, citric acid, and DL-malic acid was optimized. The conditions that were optimized were the concentration the of reagent, the washing time and the ratio between the volume of the washing solution and the mass of the sediment (R/S ratio). Sediment washing with two successive washing cycles was also investigated. All measurements used for the quantification of lead, zinc, and cadmium were done by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). It was found that all reagents tested were able to remove lead, zinc, and cadmium from the sediment to some degree. EDTA (percentage of metals removed: Pb 40 %, Zn 15 % and Cd 55 %), citric acid (percentage of metals removed: Pb 50 %, Zn 60 % and Cd 75 %), and DL-malic acid (percentage of metals removed: Pb 45 %, Zn 60 % and Cd 75 %) proved to be the most successful. Under certain conditions, the two simple carboxylic acids removed even more of the metals than EDTA. For all three reagents, the dependence of their effectiveness of metal removal on sediment washing conditions was investigated by optimizing the procedure. The optimal conditions were also determined for these reagents: EDTA concentration 0.01 M, washing time 16 h and ratio R/S = 5/1 citric acid 0.2 M, 16 h and R/S = 10/1 DL-malic acid 0.3 M, 16 h and R/S = 10/1. Sediment washing with two successive washing cycles was carried out with citric acid and DL-malic acid and proved to be more effective in removing metals than sediment washing under optimized conditions. At laboratory scale, the sediment washing process using different chemical reagents was demonstrated to be effective at removing lead, zinc, and cadmium. Further work will include: speciation of present metals by fractional analysis of the sediment, using a combination of two or more reagents for sediment washing, testing new reagents for sediment washing (phytic acid and phytates), applying the developed sediment washing procedures to CRM materials and other sediment types, and possible remediation of the leaching solution, which contains high concentrations of heavy metals after sediment washing.
- Published
- 2021
26. Evaluation of the natural zeolite as filler in permeable reactive barriers for remediation of groundwater polluted by cadmium and zinc : master thesis
- Author
Šušnjara, Matea and Nuić, Ivona
- Subjects
polluted groundwater ,natural zeolite ,cadmium ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Kemijsko inženjerstvo ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Chemical Engineering ,onečišćena podzemna voda ,zinc ,kadmij ,cink ,prirodni zeolit ,propusna reaktivna barijera ,permeabile reactive barrier - Abstract
Ispitana je mogućnost primjene prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita kao punila u propusnim reaktivnim barijerama (PRB) za zaštitu podzemnih voda od onečišćenja teškim metalima. Za simuliranje dinamičkih uvjeta u podzemlju provedeni su eksperimenti u koloni na nepomičnom sloju prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita propuštanjem binarne vodene otopine kadmija i cinka od vrha prema dnu kolone pri protocima od 1, 2, 3 i 4 mL/min. Iz dobivenih eksperimentalnih rezultata izračunati su koeficijent raspodjele (K d ) i koeficijent zadržavanja (R d ), kako bi se procijenio potencijal zeolita za sorpciju i zadržavanje kadmija i cinka u barijeri. Također su izračunati hidrodinamički koeficijent disperzije (D L ) i hidrodinamički disperzijski koeficijent zadržavanja (D LR ) u svrhu procjene utjecaja hidrodinamičke disperzije na širenje onečišćenja u podzemnoj vodi i zaobilaženje postavljenje barijere. Za sve ispitane protoke dobivene su veće vrijednosti K d i R d za kadmij nego za cink što upućuje na bolju raspodjelu i zadržavanje kadmija u sloju zeolita. Razlog tome je njegov manji hidratizirani ionski radijus u odnosu na cink, što mu omogućuje bolju pokretljivost, a time i vezanje na slobodna aktivna mjesta na zeolitu. Povećanjem protoka manja je razlika između K d i R d za kadmij i cink jer je uslijed kraćeg vremena kontakta kompeticijski efekt između kadmija i cinka manje izražen. Vrijednosti D L i D LR za oba iona rastu porastom protoka, povećavajući njihovo širenje u poroznom mediju uslijed hidrodinamičke disperzije, što u konačnici može dovesti do zaobilaženja postavljene barijere. Najbolja raspodjela i zadržavanje iona u zeolitnoj barijeri uz njihovo minimalno širenje postignuta je za najmanji protok otopine od 1 mL/min (0,01277 m/min) koji je od svih ispitanih protoka najbliži prosječnom protoku podzemne vode (≈ 0,00003 m/min). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost primjene prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita kao punila u propusnim reaktivnim barijerama u svrhu zaštite podzemnih voda od onečišćenja teškim metalima. The possible application of natural zeolite clinoptilolite as filler in permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) for protection of groundwater from contamination by heavy metals were investigated. For simulation of underground dynamic conditions for the column experiments on the fixed natural zeolite layer were performed by passing the binary aqueous solution of cadmium and zinc through the column by down-flow mode at flow rates of 1, 2, 3 and 4 mL/min. From the obtained column results the distribution coefficient (K d ) and retardation coefficients (R d ) were calculated in order to estimate the zeolite potential in sorption and retardation of cadmium and zinc in the barrier. The hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient (D L ) and hydrodynamic dispersion retardation coefficient (D LR ) were calculated as well in order to estimate the impact of the hydrodynamic dispersion on the contaminant plume and possible bypassing of the barrier. For all flow rates tested, the highest values of K d and R d were obtained for cadmium compared to zinc, pointing on better distribution and retardation od cadmium in zeolite layer. The reason for that is smaller hydrated ionic radius of cadmium than zinc, making it more mobile, and thus easier to bind on free active zeolite sites. With increasing in flow rate the difference between the K d and R d of cadmium and zinc is lower due to the shorter contact time at which to competition effect is less pronounced. The D L and D LR values for both ions increase with increasing in flow rate, thus increasing their spreading in the porous media caused by hydrodynamic dispersion, which at the end leads to bypassing of the barrier. The best distribution and immobilization of the ions inside the zeolite barrier, alongside their minimum spreading is achieved for the lowest flow rate of 1 mL/min (0.01277 m/min) which, among all tested flow rates, is the closest to the average flow of the groundwater (≈ 0.000003 m/min). The obtained results pointing on possible application of the natural zeolite clinoptilolite as filler in permeable reactive barriers for protection of groundwater from heavy metals pollution.
- Published
- 2021
27. Influence of cadmium of glucosinolate profile in Lepidium sativum L. : master thesis
- Author
Radelj, Matea and Blažević, Ivica
- Subjects
cadmium ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Kemijsko inženjerstvo ,Glucosinolates ,Glukozinolati ,UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Kemija ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Chemistry ,Lepidium sativum L ,atomski apsorpcijski spektrometar ,4-methoxyglucobrasicin ,glukotropeolin ,4-metoksiglukobrasicin ,hiperakumulator ,atomic absorption spectroscopy ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Chemical Engineering ,glucotropeolin ,kadmij ,hyperaccumulator - Abstract
Glukozinolati su sekundarni metaboliti koji se sintetiziraju iz aminokiselina. Identificirani su u preko 16 biljnih porodica, a najznačajnija je porodica Brassicaceae u koju se ubraja biljka Lepidium sativum L. Glukozinolati su kemijski i biološki neaktivni spojevi te im je zajedničko da su po kemijskoj strukturi β- tioglukozidni-N-hidroksisulfati s varijabilnim bočnim lancem. Kres salata (Lepidium sativum L.) je jednogodišnja kultura koja sadrži mnoge ljekovite tvari, ali je u ljudskoj prehrani slabo rasprostranjena. Navodi se da je kres salata dobar hiperakumulator teških metala. Biljke nemaju potrebu za kadmijem i uglavnom ne podnose koncentracije veće od 1 ppm, no navedena biljka može akumulirati kadmij u tkivima i tolerirati koncentraciju do 100 ppm. U ovom radu opisan je uzgoj biljke Lepidium sativum L. koji je zalijevan s otopinama kadmija različitih koncentracija od 1 do 50 ppm. Razvoj klica praćen je tijekom 7 dana i jedino pri koncentraciji od 50 ppm došlo je do propadanja biljke. Izolacija glukozinolata se vršila ekstrakcijom uz pomoć 70%-tnog metanola uz desulfataciju, dok se analiza vršila vezanom tehnikom UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS. Identificirani su sljedeći glukozinolati: glukotropeolin koji se nalazi u svim uzorcima i 4-metoksiglukobrasicin koji nije pronađen jedino u sjemenu. Glukotropeolin spada u skupinu arilalifatskih, dok 4-metoksiglukobrasicin pripada skupinu heterocikličnih (indolnih) glukozinolata. Sadržaj glukozinolata, s obzirom na to da su se uzorci zalijevali otopinama kadmija različitih koncentracija, nije se značajno mijenjao. U radu je također opisana priprema biljnog materijala za analizu atomskom apsorpcijskom spektroskopijom. Prije početka analiziranja potrebno je napraviti krivulju umjeravanja, zato što se preko nje iščitavaju koncentracije kadmija u biljnom materijalnu. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata izvodi se zaključak da li se biljka Lepidium sativum L. može koristiti kao hiperakumulator kadmija. Glucosinolates are secondary metabolites that are synthesized from amino acids. They were found in over 16 plant families, the most important being the Brassicaceae family, which includes the plant Lepidium sativum L. Glucosinolates are chemically and biologically inactive compounds and have in common that they are chemically β-thioglucoside-N-hydroxysulfates with a variable side chain. The Lepidium sativum L. plant is an annual crop that contains many medicinal substances, but is poorly used in the human diet. Cress salad is known to be a good hyperaccumulator of heavy metals. Plants do not need cadmium and generally do not tolerate concentrations higher than 1 ppm, but this plant can accumulate cadmium in tissues and tolerate concentrations up to 100 ppm. This thesis describes the cultivation of the plant Lepidium sativum L., which was watered with cadmium solutions of different concentrations from 1 to 50 ppm. Sprouts development was monitored for 7 days and only at a concentration of 50 ppm did the plant decay. Isolation of glucosinolate was performed by extraction with 70% methanol with desulfation, while the analysis was performed using UHPLC-DAD- MS/MS. The following glucosinolates were identified: glucotropeolin was found in all samples and 4- methoxyglucobrasicin which was not found only in seeds. Glucotropeolin belongs to the group of arylaliphatic, while 4-methoxyglucobrasicin belongs to the group of heterocyclic (indole) glucosinolates. The glucosinolate content, since the samples were watered with cadmium solutions of different concentrations, did not change significantly. The thesis also describes the preparation of plant material for analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Before starting the analysis, it is necessary to make a calibration curve because the cadmium concentrations in the plant material are read through it. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the plant Lepidium sativum L. can be used as a hyperaccumulator of cadmium.
- Published
- 2021
28. Cadmium and lead concentrations in the tissues of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded on the Croatian Adriatic coast.
- Author
Šuran, Jelena, Đuras, Martina, Gomerčić, Tomislav, Bilandžić, Nina, and Crnic, Andreja Prevendar
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
29. Enrichment Characteristics of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Woody Plants System.
- Author
Yang, J.-X., Li, X.-L., Hu, Y.-B., Gao, L.-M., and Yao, D.-X.
- Subjects
- *
CADMIUM & the environment , *HEAVY metals & the environment , *WOODY plants , *PLANTS , *SCREENS (Plants) - Abstract
In recent years, extensive research has been done on phytoremediation technology, but the study on repair mechanisms and the migration path of heavy metal contaminants in woody plants is particularly rare. The object of this study was Pan Yi mine reclamation area in Huainan as an example of cadmium (Cd) content within different parts of woody plants tissue. Based on the research findings about the migration path, the paper uses statistical methods to carry out the analysis by multiple models. Statistical methods applied multiple trend analysis: linear and logarithmic, and also conic, cubic, and compound curve, power exponent, S curve, growth and exponential regression model. The findings show that Cd is enriched along the root-stem-branch-leaf path in woody plants system in the form of cubic curve, i.e. y = b3x³ + b2x² + b1x + b0. The findings reveal that the enrichment capability of Cd in various parts of the same species of woody plants is different and this is also the case in different species. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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30. Cadmium concentrations in the tissues of young wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) from Moslavina and Slavonia in lowland Croatia.
- Author
Crnic, Andreja Prevendar, Šuran, Jelena, Madunic, Heidi Cipriš, and Božic, Frane
- Abstract
The article reports on a 2015 study of skeletal muscle, liver and kidney samples of young wild boars from Moslavina and Slavonia for cadmium (Cd) content. Based on results, young wild boars can bioindicate environmental pollution with Cd. The article notes that the study's research area has stronger anthropogenic influence than the hunting ground, and that Cd tissue concentration in the samples is lower than the permitted Croatian concentration in food.
- Published
- 2015
31. Demonstrational gardens with EDTA-washed soil. Part II: Soil quality assessment using biological indicators
- Author
Damijana Kastelec, Domen Lestan, Irena Maček, Simon Gluhar, and Anela Kaurin
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Urease ,čiščenje tal ,Root system ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Soil respiration ,Soil ,težke kovine ,Mycorrhizae ,Soil Pollutants ,soil functioning ,Waste Management and Disposal ,Environmental Restoration and Remediation ,Soil Microbiology ,očiščena tla ,talni mikroorganizmi ,biology ,Environmental Biomarkers ,arbuscular mycorrhiza ,Chemistry ,pranje tal ,Gardening ,cink ,Pollution ,Soil contamination ,enzyme activity ,remediated soil ,Arbuscular mycorrhiza ,Horticulture ,kemična sestava ,Environmental Engineering ,biološke lastnosti tal ,Environmental remediation ,vrtnine ,arbuskularna mikoriza ,microbial respiration ,soil biological properties ,Environmental Chemistry ,udc:631.4 ,Edetic Acid ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,remediacija ,svinec ,biology.organism_classification ,Soil quality ,varna hrana ,talni encimi ,Soil water ,biology.protein ,kadmij - Abstract
In this study, we evaluated the impact of washing of Pb, Zn and Cd contaminated soil using EDTA-based technology (ReSoil®) on soil biological properties by measuring some of the most commonly used/sensitive biological indicators of soil perturbation. We estimated the temporal dynamics of the soil respiration, the activities of soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase), and the effect of the remediation process on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in original (Orig), remediated (Rem) and remediated vitalized (Rem+V) soils during a more than one-year garden experiment. ReSoil® technology initially affected the activity level of soil microbial respiration and all enzyme activities except urease and reduced AM fungal potential in the soil. However, after one year of vegetable cultivation and standard gardening practices, soil microbial respiration, acid and alkaline phosphatase in the Rem and Rem+V reached similar activities as in the Orig. Only the activities of dehydrogenase and β-glucosidase remained lower in the remediated soil compared to the Orig. The frequency of arbuscular mycorrhiza in the root system, arbuscular density in the colonized root fragment, and the intensity of mycorrhizal colonization in the colonized root fragments in the remediated treatments increased with time; at the end of the experiment, no consistent differences in these parameters of mycorrhizal colonization were found among the treatments. Our results suggest a restored biological functioning of the remediated soil after one year of vegetable cultivation. In general, no differences were found between the Rem and Rem+V treatments, indicating that simple common garden practices are sufficient to restore soil functioning after remediation.
- Published
- 2021
32. Demonstrational gardens with EDTA-washed soil. Part I: Remediation efficiency, effect on soil properties and toxicity hazards
- Author
Marko Gerl, Simon Gluhar, Anela Kaurin, Damijana Kastelec, Domen Lestan, and Neža Finžgar
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,fizikalne lastnosti tal ,toxic metals ,Environmental remediation ,čiščenje tal ,engineering.material ,complex mixtures ,vrtnine ,Soil ,težke kovine ,Soil pH ,Environmental Chemistry ,Animals ,Humans ,Soil Pollutants ,udc:631.4 ,Waste Management and Disposal ,Edetic Acid ,Environmental Restoration and Remediation ,očiščena tla ,elementi v sledovih ,Rhizosphere ,Chemistry ,Compost ,pranje tal ,hazard mitigation ,EDTA ,remediacija ,Gardening ,svinec ,cink ,Pollution ,Manure ,Soil contamination ,varna hrana ,sustainable remediation ,Wastewater ,contaminated soil ,kemična sestava ,Environmental chemistry ,engineering ,kadmij ,Vermicompost ,Gardens - Abstract
The viable chelator-based soil washing has yet to be demonstrated on a larger scale. Soil containing 1850, 3830 and 21 mg kg$^{−1}$ Pb, Zn and Cd, respectively, was washed with 100 mmol EDTA kg$^{−1}$ in a series of 16 batches (1 ton soil/batch) using the new ReSoil® technology. The ReSoil® recycled the process water and 85% of the EDTA, producing no wastewater and 14.4 kg ton$^{−1}$ of waste. The soil washing removed 71, 28 and 53% of Pb, Zn and Cd, respectively, mainly from the carbonate fraction, saturated the soil with basic cations and increased the soil pH by up to 0.5 units. Raised beds (4 × 1 × 0.5 m) with original (contaminated) and remediated soil were constructed as lysmeters, and local produce was grown from July 2018 to November 2019. Throughout the gardening period, the concentration of Pb and Cd in the leachates from the remediated soil was lower and that of Zn was higher than in the original soil. Remediation decreased the concentration of plant-available and mobile toxic metals, as determined by CaCl$_2$ and NH$_4$NO$_3$ extractions, and reduced the bioavailability of Pb, Zn, and Cd in the simulated human gastrointestinal phase by an average of 4.3, 1.7 and 2.7-fold, respectively. Revitalization with vermicompost, earthworms and rhizosphere soil, and spring fertilisation with compost and manure, had no significant effect on the mobility and accessibility of the toxic metals. The ReSoil® is a cost-effective technology (material cost = 18.27 € ton$^{−1}$ soil) and showed the prospect of sustainable reuse of remediated soil.
- Published
- 2021
33. Ispitivanje utjecaja kadmija na profil glukozinolata u klicama Lepidium sativum L
- Author
Radelj, Matea
- Subjects
Glukozinolati ,Lepidium sativum L ,hiperakumulator ,kadmij ,UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS ,glukotropeolin ,4-metoksiglukobrasicin ,atomski apsorpcijski spektrometar - Abstract
Glukozinolati su sekundarni metabolti koji se sintetiziraju iz aminokiselina. Idetificirani su u preko 16 biljnih porodica, a najznačajnija je porodica Brassicaceae u koju se ubraja biljka Lepidium sativum L. Glukozinolati su kemijski i biološki neaktivni spojevi te im je zajedničko da su po kemijskj strukturi β-tioglukozidni-N-hidroksisulfatis s varijabilnim bočnim lancem. Kres salata (Lepidium sativum L) je jednogodišnja kultura koja sadrži mnoge ljekovite tvari, ali je u ljudskoj prehrani slabo rasprostranjena. Navodi se da je kres salata dobar hiperakumulator teških metala. Biljke nemaju potrebu za kadmijem i uglavnom ne podnose koncentracije veće od 1 ppm, no navedena biljka može akumulirati kadmij u tkivima i tolerirati koncentraciju do 100 ppm. U ovom radu opisan je uzgoj biljke Lepidium sativum L. koji je zalijevan s otopinama kadmija različitih koncentracija od 1 do 50 ppm. Razvoj klica praćen je tijekom 7 dana i jedino pri koncentraciji od 50 ppm došlo je do propadanja biljke. Izolacija glukozinolata se vršila ekstrakcijum uz pomoć 70%-tnog metanola uz desulfataciju, dok se analiza vršila vezanom tehnikom UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS. Izolirani i analizirani su sljedeći glukozinolati: glukotropeolin koji se nalazi u svim uzorcima i 4-metoksiglukobrasicin koji nije pronađen u sjemenu. Sadržaj glukozinolata, s obzirom da su se uzorci zalijevali otopinama kadmija različitih koncentracija, nije se značajno mijenjao. U radu je također opisana priprema biljnog materijala za analizu atomskom apsorpcijskom spektroskopijom. Uzorak Cd 25 ppm uspio je upiti najviše kadmija, dok uzorak Cd 1 ppm je upio najmanje, što je i očekivano s obzirom na koncetracije otopina kadmija. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata izvodi se zaključak da li se biljka Lepidium sativum L. može koristiti kao hiperakumulator kadmija.
- Published
- 2021
34. Mehanička svojstva kristala kadmijevih(II) halogenida s 2,6-dibrompirazinskim ligandima
- Author
Čolakić, Lea, Pisačić, Mateja, and Đaković, Marijana
- Subjects
kristali ,kadmij ,koordinacijski polimeri ,elastična savitljivost - Abstract
Fizikalna i kemijska svojstva čvrstih tvari ovise, ne samo o njihovoj molekulskoj strukturi, već i finom međuodnosu brojnih supramolekulskih interakcija. Iz tog razloga kristalno inženjerstvo doživljava svoj procvat jer omogućava razumijevanje i kontrolu faktora koji utječu na usmjeravanje supramolekulskog povezivanja prema željenom ishodu, a time i ostvarivanje ciljanih svojstava materijala. Krutost i krtost kristala često se postavljaju kao ograničavajući faktori kod njihove upotrebe u praksi. No, posljednjih je godina opažen rastući broj literaturnih navoda koji opisuju molekulske kristale s fleksibilnim odzivom na primjenu svjetlosnog, toplinskog ili mehaničkog podražaja. Dosadašnja istraživanja mehanički potaknute fleksibilnosti uglavnom su bila ograničena na organske molekulske kristale, dok su mehanička svojstva metalo-organskih kristalnih krutina mnogo manje istražena. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima kristalnih jednodimenzijskih koordinacijskih polimera kadmijevih(II) halogenida pokazano je da su međumolekulske interakcije zajedno sa strukturnim zaključavanjem (engl. interlocking) odgovorne za elastični odziv kristala koordinacijskih polimera, ali i da male razlike u jakosti i geometriji međumolekulskih interakcija mogu bitno promijeniti vrstu i stupanj mehaničkog odziva.5, 6 Kako bi utjecaj različitih strukturnih parametara na fleksibilni odziv kristalnih koordinacijskih polimera bio dodatno razjašnjen, u ovom je radu korištena nova serija koordinacijskih polimera kadmija(II) sa 2, 6-dibrompirazinskim ligandima, koji također pokazuju elastičan odziv na primjenu vanjske mehaničke sile. Priređenim spojevima određena je molekulska i kristalna struktura, a strukturne karakteristike u kristalima priređenih spojeva korelirane su sa stupnjem mehaničkog odziva.
- Published
- 2021
35. Variable adaptability of coordination polymers of cadmium(II) to external mechanical stimuli
- Author
Đaković, Marijana and Pisačić, Mateja
- Subjects
kristali ,mehanička fleksibilnost ,kadmij - Abstract
Recently, the traditional way of perceiving crystalline matter as static and brittle has started to change, and nowadays we are witnessing a growing number of examples were crystals display a plethora of flexible response to a variety of stimuli. They were found to move, jump, split, flex, twist, curl, explode, or to display a salient behaviour under UV radiation or heating, but lately they were also found to respond to the applied external mechanical force. Organic molecular crystals present a majority of examples of crystal adaptability to external stimuli, whilst metal-organic adaptable crystals are still quite rare. In the first report on mechanical flexibility of coordination polymers we have shown that crystals of a family of Cd(II) coordination polymers are capable of displaying not only exceptional mechanical elasticity but also variable flexible responses to applied external pressure. They can actually differently tolerate exerted force and the different tolerability is a result of slight differences in the importance of intermolecular interactions in crystal packing. We the aim to understand the feature more deeply and to shed light on the underlying principles of the phenomenon, we have recently discovered unprecedented difference in plasticity of crystals of closely related class of Cd(II) coordination polymers. In addition to variable plasticity, crystals also display remarkable pliability and ductility, not hitherto observed for metal-containing molecular crystals, which we present herein. To understand the phenomenon and rationalize observations, in addition to micro-focus SCXRD and AFM, we have also performed a series of custom-designed experiments and complemented those with an in-depth theoretical analysis. The results pointed at intermolecular interactions as the crucial structural feature in determining the type and extent of these highly unusual mechanical responses of crystalline metal-based polymeric materials.
- Published
- 2021
36. Mechanical properties of copper(II) and cadmium(II) halides equipped with 3-nitropyridine ligands
- Author
Borovina, Mladen, Pisačić, Mateja, Husinec, Ana, Badurina, Valentina, Đaković, Marijana, Marković, Dean, Meštrović, Ernest, Namjesnik, Danijel, and Tomašić, Vesna
- Subjects
kristali ,mehanička fleksibilnost ,elastično ,kadmij ,bakar - Abstract
For a long time crystals were considered to be brittle and rigid substances that readily break when external mechanical force is applied. Recent research has shown that crystals can also exhibit elastic and plastic deformations under mechanical force. Our research on 1D cadmium(II) halide coordination polymers equipped with halogen substituted pyrazine ligands has shown that the obtained crystals can deform elastically and revert to their original shape as mechanical force is applied and released.[1] It was also shown that intermolecular interactions could indeed play a crucial role in defining the mechanical properties of these compounds. Halogen bonds found in this class of compounds are classified as relatively weak and comparable to weak hydrogen bonds.[2] Therefore, if the organic ligands are replaced by similar small and rigid ones bearing weak hydrogen bond donors, crystals should also be able to produce similar mechanical output. To test this hypothesis and further explore the effects of intermolecular interactions on mechanical properties of prepared crystals we opted to use 3- nitropyiridne ligands as weak hydrogen bond donors and to further extend our research to copper(II) halides since they also form 1D coordination polymers. Coordination polymers of Cd(II) and Cu(II) halides (Cl, Br) with 3-nitropyridine ligands were prepared using the liquid diffusion method. All four possible coordination polymers were obtained, and their crystal structures were determined. Their mechanical properties were studied using a modified three point bending method and corelated with crystal structural features.
- Published
- 2021
37. Procjena prirodnog zeolita kao punila u propusnim reaktivnim barijerama za remedijaciju podzemne vode onečišćene kadmijem i cinkom
- Author
Šušnjara, Matea
- Subjects
Prirodni zeolit ,Kadmij ,Cink ,Onečišćena podzemna voda ,Propusna reaktivna barijera - Abstract
Ispitana je mogućnost primjene prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita kao punila u propusnim reaktivnim barijerama (PRB) za zaštitu podzemnih voda od onečišćenja teškim metalima. Za simuliranje dinamičkih uvjeta u podzemlju provedeni su eksperimenti u koloni na nepomičnom sloju prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita propuštanjem binarne vodene otopine kadmija i cinka od vrha prema dnu kolone pri protocima od 1, 2, 3 i 4 mL/min. Iz dobivenih eksperimentalnih rezultata izračunati su koeficijent raspodjele (Kd) i koeficijent zadržavanja (Rd), kako bi se procijenio potencijal zeolita za sorpciju i zadržavanje kadmija i cinka u barijeri. Također su izračunati hidrodinamički koeficijent disperzije (DL) i hidrodinamički disperzijski koeficijent zadržavanja (DLR) u svrhu procjene utjecaja hidrodinamičke disperzije na širenje onečišćenja u podzemnoj vodi i zaobilaženje postavljenje barijere. Za sve ispitane protoke dobivene su veće vrijednosti Kd i Rd za kadmij nego za cink što upućuje na bolju raspodjelu i zadržavanje kadmija u sloju zeolita. Razlog tome je njegov manji hidratizirani ionski radijus u odnosu na cink, što mu omogućuje bolju pokretljivost, a time i vezanje na slobodna aktivna mjesta na zeolitu. Povećanjem protoka manja je razlika između Kd i Rd za kadmij i cink jer je uslijed kraćeg vremena kontakta kompeticijski efekt između kadmija i cinka manje izražen. Vrijednosti DL i DLR za oba iona rastu porastom protoka, povećavajući njihovo širenje u poroznom mediju uslijed hidrodinamičke disperzije, što u konačnici može dovesti do zaobilaženja postavljene barijere. Najbolja raspodjela i zadržavanje iona u zeolitnoj barijeri uz njihovo minimalno širenje postignuta je za najmanji protok otopine od 1 mL/min (0, 01277 m/min) koji je od svih ispitanih protoka najbliži prosječnom protoku podzemne vode (≈ 0, 00003 m/min). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost primjene prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita kao punila u propusnim reaktivnim barijerama u svrhu zaštite podzemnih voda od onečišćenja teškim metalima.
- Published
- 2021
38. Vsebnost Cd in Zn v biološko razgradljivih odpadkih pred in po fermentaciji v bioplinski napravi ter pravni vidiki obravnavanega problema
- Author
Ilc, Rozalija and Mihelič, Rok
- Subjects
bioplinske naprave ,bioplin ,zakonodaja ,toksične kovine ,magistrske naloge ,organski gospodinjski odpadki ,kadmij ,cink ,udc:628.336.6:620.97:602.42-7(043.2) - Published
- 2020
39. Vrednotenje genotoksičnosti kovin z rastlinskimi biotesti
- Author
Žnidar, Irena and Vilhar, Barbara
- Subjects
ekstrakti tal ,cadmium ,metals ,soil extracts ,rastline ,Cd ,comet assay ,somatic mutations assay ,biotesti ,kovine ,Zn ,pollution ,genotoksičnost ,bioassays ,poškodbe DNA ,Pb ,lead ,onesnaženost ,plants ,genotoxicity ,zinc ,test somatskih mutacij ,svinec ,cink ,toksikologija ,micronucleus test ,kometni test ,test mikrojeder ,DNA damage ,kadmij ,udc:575.17:546.3(043)=163.6 ,toxicology - Published
- 2020
40. Odziv male vodne leče (Lemna minor L.) na prisotnost kadmija
- Author
Strlič, Teja and Dermastia, Marina
- Subjects
udc:582.521.43(043.2) ,vodna leča ,encimi ,kadmij - Published
- 2020
41. Vpliv apnjenja tal na vsebnost kadmija v užitnih delih izbranih vrtnin
- Author
Pančur, Eva and Zupan, Marko
- Subjects
kisla tla ,poljski poskus ,field experiment ,cadmium ,liming ,udc:631.41:546.48:631.821:343.347.1(043.2) ,acid soil ,kadmij ,microwave acid digestation ,mikrovalovni kislinski razklop ,apnjenje - Abstract
Kadmij je rastlinam nepotreben, vendar zelo dobro dostopen element. Njegova mobilnost in dostopnost rastlinam je večja v tleh s kislo reakcijo. S prenosom v prehranjevalno verigo lahko v prevelikih koncentracijah ogroža zdravje ljudi. Za različne rastlinske vrste je različno dostopen. V letu 2018 so na kmetiji v Šmarjah pri Jelšah, izmerili vsebnost kadmija v radiču, ki je presegala mejno vrednost, čeprav je vsebnost Cd v tleh < 0,5 mg/kg, vendar so tla močno kisla (pH 4,8). Poskus za namen magistrske naloge je bil izveden na isti kmetiji, kjer smo ugotavljali privzem kadmija v 10 užitnih delih 9-ih vrtnin. Poskus je bil izveden v vegetacijskem letu 2019, v treh ponovitvah in je imel dve obravnavanji: kontrolo in apnjeno (uporabljen je bil pripravek Kalcevita za povečanje pH vrednosti tal). Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti kako apnjenje tal vpliva na privzem kadmija v različne vrtnine. Zanimalo nas je kako se vsebnost kadmija razlikuje v enakih vrtninah na apnjenih in kontrolnih tleh, katera vrtnina je najbolj varna za pridelavo na apnjenih tleh in katere vrtnine se na kmetiji lahko pridelujejo brez apnjenja tal. Spomladi, pred setvijo/sajenjem in jeseni, po rastni dobi vrtnin so bili odvzeti vzorci kontrolnih in apnjenih tal s sondiranjem. Izvedena je bila standarda pedološka analiza tal in analiza celokupne ter dostopne frakcije Cd. Rastlinske vzorce smo odvzeli v tehnološki zrelosti vrtnin. Užitne dele vrtnin smo očistili, posušili in naredili analizo skupne vsebnosti Cd. Ugotovili smo, da je vsebnost kadmija na nekaterih poljinah apnjenih tal večja kot na kontrolnih tleh, nekatere vrtnine so celo presegle normative o mejni vrednosti Cd v živilih. Vsebnost kadmija v povprečju ni bila večja pri vrtninah iz kontrolnih tal. V različnih delih vrtnin se kadmij akumulira v različnem obsegu, kar smo potrdili pri peteršilju. Vsebnost Cd pri korenu peteršilja je na poljini A2 presegla mejno vrednost, v listih pa je bila majhna in se ni približala normativu. Vsebnost kadmija je bila različna pri različnih vrtninah v enakem obravnavanju. Cadmium is not essential for plants growth, but highly available for uptake. Its mobility and availability for plants is higher in acid soil. By being transferred into the food chain, in higher concentrations it can endanger human health. Its availability varies by different plant species. The concentration in chicory elevated on the farm in Šmarje pri Jelšah in 2018. It was confirmed that the limited value was exceeded, although the concentration of Cd in soil was
- Published
- 2020
42. Vpliv kuhanja na vsebnost težkih kovin v krompirju, korenju in rdeči pesi z onesnaženega območja Mestne občine Celje
- Author
Dremelj, Sabina and Vidrih, Rajko
- Subjects
vegetables ,cadmium ,Slovenia ,krom ,kobalt ,mikroelementi ,rdeča pesa ,vrtnine ,molybdenum ,arzen ,Slovenija ,thermal processing ,soils ,carrot ,lead ,molbiden ,korenje ,tla ,microelements ,zinc ,kontaminacija vrtnin ,arsenic ,kontaminacija tal ,svinec ,toplotna obdelava ,cink ,cobalt ,krompir ,Celje ,udc:502.175:504.5:546.47/.49:546.815:631.453 ,contamination vegetables ,beetroot ,potato ,kadmij ,chromium ,soil contamination - Published
- 2020
43. Študij celične smrti pri kvasovki Saccharomyces cerevisiae po izpostavitvi kadmijevim in kromovim ionom
- Author
Pegan, Katarina and Raspor, Peter
- Subjects
cadmium ,physiology of microorganisms ,apoptosis ,yeasts ,udc:579.22/.26:582.282.23:546.68:546.76 ,Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,krom ,kaspaze ,fiziologija mikroorganizmov ,stres ,celična smrt ,stress ,cell death ,caspases ,oksidativni stres ,oxidative stress ,kvasovke ,kadmij ,chromium ,apoptoza - Published
- 2020
44. Struktura mikrobne združbe in mineralizacija modelne organske snovi po remediaciji s kovinami onesnaženih tal
- Author
Zadel, Urška and Leštan, Domen
- Subjects
encimska aktivnost ,cadmium ,archaea ,led ,mikrobne združbe ,Cd ,soil ,Zn ,mineralization ,bacteria ,potentially toxic metals ,mineralizacija ,Pb ,pestrost ,tla ,glive ,arheje ,zinc ,svinec ,bakterije ,enzyme activity ,udc:631.453:502.521(043.2) ,kadmij ,fungi ,potencialno toksične kovine ,microbial community ,Cink - Published
- 2020
45. Vpliv različnih oblik žvepla na privzem kadmija pri ranem mošnjaku (Noccaea (Thlaspi) praecox)
- Author
Bizjak, Teja and Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina
- Subjects
Noccaea (Thlaspi) praecox ,toxic metals ,cadmium ,rani mošnjak ,potencialno strupene kovine ,cistein ,kadmij ,sulphur ,detoxification ,cysteine ,udc:581.5:581.1:546.48:546.22(043.2) ,žveplo ,razstrupljevalni procesi - Published
- 2020
46. Biodostopnost nevarnih kovin po remediaciji onesnaženih tal
- Author
Gluhar, Simon and Leštan, Domen
- Subjects
model IEUBK ,cadmium ,biodostopnost ,Porcellio scaber ,polluted soil ,fitodosegljivost ,Meza Valley ,remediation ,potencialno nevarne kovine ,lead ,biodosegljivost ,zinc ,remediacija ,onesnažena tla ,EDTA ,svinec ,cink ,bioaccessibility ,SOP ,fitoavailability ,potential toxic metals ,udc:631.453:504.5:546.47/.48:546.815(497.4Mežiška dolina)(043.2) ,UBM test ,Mežiška dolina ,kadmij ,Brassica rapa var. chinensis ,bioavailability - Published
- 2020
47. Toleranca in privzem Cd, Pb in Zn pri dveh temnih septiranih endofitih iz korenin ive (Salix caprea L.) v akseničnih kulturah
- Author
Tudja, Kaja and Regvar, Marjana
- Subjects
udc:581.43:582.28:602.3:546.81:546.47/.48:582.682.81:631.46(043.2) ,roots ,lead ,Salix caprea L ,dark septate endophytes ,cadmium ,rast micelijev ,zinc ,endophytes ,svinec ,mycellium growth ,cink ,vrba ,iva ,fungal isolates ,glivni izolati ,remediacija tal ,temni septirani endofiti ,endofiti ,težke kovine ,remediation ,willows ,kadmij ,heavy metals ,korenine - Published
- 2020
48. Vpliv kovin Zn in Cd v fermentacijskem ostanku bioplinarne na talno mikrobno združbo
- Author
Senekovič Ferčec, Polona and Mandić-Mulec, Ines
- Subjects
talni mikroorganizmi ,enzyme tests ,soil microorganisms ,cadmium ,zinc ,toksične kovine ,soil science analysis ,biogas station ,mikrobne združbe ,cink ,pedološke analize ,Cd ,encimski testi ,molekularne analize ,fermentacijski ostanki ,udc:606:628.336.6:631.46:546.47/.48(043.2) ,bioplinarne ,toxic heavy metals ,Zn ,molecular analysis ,kadmij ,microbial community ,biogas residues - Published
- 2020
49. Statistično modeliranje vsebnosti izbranih kovin v vrtninah glede na lastnosti tal na območju Celja
- Author
Zupan, Marko and Grčman, Helena
- Subjects
udc:631.42:631.453:635.1/.6:519.22(043.3) ,lead ,dissertations ,soil pollution ,onesnaženost tal ,multiple regression ,cadmium ,zinc ,multipla regresija ,svinec ,cink ,analiza vrtnin ,sprejem v rastline ,analiza tal ,baker ,soil analyses ,vegetable analyses ,Celje ,copper ,statistical modelling ,plant uptake ,kadmij ,disertacije ,statistično modeliranje - Published
- 2020
50. Vsebnost in bioakumulacijski faktorji za Cd, Pb in Zn v izbranih vrtninah gojenih na različno onesnaženih tleh v Mestni občini Celje
- Author
Romih, Nina and Grčman, Helena
- Subjects
udc:631.453:546.47/48:546.815:635.52:635.112(043.2) ,vegetables ,lead ,soil pollution ,onesnaženost tal ,cadmium ,zinc ,red beet ,content of metals ,svinec ,cink ,rdeča pesa ,Cd ,vsebnost kovin ,bioaccumulation factors ,lettuce ,Celje ,vrtnine ,bioakumulacijski faktorji ,Zn ,kadmij ,vrtna solata ,Pb - Published
- 2020
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