This Bachelor Thesis looks into the topic of "The Influence of profession on lifestyle of midwives." It consists of a theoretical and a research part. In the introduction of the theoretical part, the profession of a midwife is outlined, along with health, its determinants and necessities. Some of the aforementioned necessities are dealt with in detail further. The research part consists of three main goals. The first goal of the Thesis was to find out, whether the profession has an influence on lifestyle of midwives. The second goal was aimed to determine, whether midwives keep the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The last goal of the research was to find out, whether the needs of midwives are somehow affected. To follow the aforementioned goals, three research question were formulated. The first question asks, which influence has the profession on midwives' lifestyle. The second question is aimed on the lifestyle the midwives keep, and the third question inquires, which of the midwives' needs are not fulfilled. For the research part, the qualitative inquiry has been chosen, where the data collection was realized using individual, in-depth, partially structured interviews, which were performed in the course of March 2019. For the interviews, 25 question were prepared in advance. The interviews were, with permission of the midwives, recorded on a dictation machine. First part of the interview were four identifying questions. Further, the midwives were expressing their subjective opinions on the topics of lifestyle, their profession and needs. The interviews were converted word-for-word into writing. For data processing, the text coloring method was used, i.e. paper and pencil. After sorting through and color-coding of acquired responses, three main categories and their subcategories were created. The first category named Lifestyle was split into five subcategories that deal with the meaning of the word lifestyle, food, free time, sleep and lifestyle of midwives. In the second category, the midwife's profession was defined, and following subcategories were created: Midwife in practice, Pros and cons of the midwife's profession and Carrier change. The last category deals with the needs of midwives and consists of subcategories of Need as a concept and Unfulfilled needs. The aim of the thesis is to determine, whether the midwives' profession somehow influences the lifestyle of midwives, what kind of health routine the midwives keep, and which needs are not fulfilled as a consequence of them performing their profession. The research investigation shows that the lifestyle of midwives is influenced by the three-shift work plan, but they don't perceive it as limiting in any way, because they have adapted to this kind of work plan. As they took this factor into account when choosing their career, they didn't consider it a serious issue. Further it was discovered that the lifestyle of midwives is influenced by their age and marriage status. The research investigation showed that midwives acquire lifestyle information predominantly from the internet. It further showed that despite the three-shift work plan, the midwives are trying to keep the healthy lifestyle, however their food habits are influenced by their age. In this career, the problem is not the composition of their diet, but the regularity of their nourishment. Here, the results correspond with next aim, which concerned the unfulfilled needs of midwives. The need of sleep is also not always fulfilled due to the night shifts. In their free time, the midwives predominantly relax or pursue their various hobbies. The research also shows that the midwives would decide to change their career only due to serious problems in the family or an attractive job offer.