1. Investigation of the presence of sterigmatocystin in beer by thin-layer chromatography
- Author
Šmehil, Ana and Jakšić, Daniela
- Subjects
sterigmatocystin ,TLC ,sterigmatocistin, pivo, TLC, STC ,beer ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Farmacija. Farmacija ,pivo ,STC ,sterigmatocistin ,STE ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Pharmacy. Pharmacy - Abstract
Sterigmatocistin (STC) je citotoksični i genotoksični mikotoksin kojeg dominantno proizvode plijesni roda Aspergillus iz serije Versicolores. Ove su plijesni široko rasprostranjene u prirodi, ali i unutar zatvorenih prostora, u koje spadaju i oni u kojima se skladišti hrana i sirovine za njenu proizvodnju, što upućuje na mogućnost kontaminacije te hrane i sirovina ovim mikotoksinom. Kontaminacija STC-om do sada je utvrđena u žitaricama, zrnima kave, začinima, orašastim plodovima, u hrani za životinje te u siru, dok o pojavnosti ovog mikotoksina u pivu nema mnogo literaturnih podataka. S obzirom na visoku potrošnju ovog popularnog pića u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu može se pretpostaviti nepovoljan učinak na zdravlje izloženih ljudi uslijed izloženosti ovom mikotoksinu. Kako bi se detektirala pojavnost STC-a u pivu prikupljeno je 58 uzoraka piva s hrvatskog tržišta. Ekstrakcija je provedena kombiniranjem ekstrakcije acetonitrilom uz isoljavanje te pročišćavanje pomoću SPE kolona. Tako pripremljeni ekstrakti analizirani su metodom tankoslojne kromatografije uz limit detekcije od 1,3 μg/ml. Analizom nije dokazana prisutnost STCa niti u jednom ispitanom uzorku. Međutim u 21/58 uzoraka utvrđeno je prisustvo analita koji po boji fluorescencije i položaju zadržavanja na TLC ploči upućuju na moguće prisustvo metabolita STC-a. Analiza istih ekstrakata osjetljivijim kromatografskim tehnikama omogućit će precizniju interpretaciju ovih opažanja te omogućiti detekciju nižih koncentracija STC-a u uzorcima. Sterigmatocystin (STC) is a cytotoxic and genotoxic mycotoxin predominantly produced by molds of the genus Aspergillus, section Versicolores. These molds are widespread in nature, but also in indoor spaces, including those that store food and raw materials for its production, which indicates the possibility of contamination of food and raw materials with this mycotoxin. STC contamination has so far been identified in cereals, coffee beans, spices, nuts, animal feed, and cheese, while there isn't much literature data on the occurrence of this mycotoxin in beer. Given the high consumption of this popular drink in Croatia and the world, we can expect a negative effect on the health of exposed people, due to exposure to this mycotoxin. To detect the occurrence of STC in beer, 58 samples of beer were collected from the Croatian market. Extraction was performed by combining acetonitrile extraction with salting, and purification using SPE columns. Thus prepared extracts were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography with a limit of detection of 1,3 μg/mL. The STC was not detected in any of the tested samples. Taking into account resemblence in fluorescence and the spot on chromatograms 21/58 samples may be related to the metabolates of STC. Further analysis of the same extracts by application of more sensitive chromatographic techniques will allow a more accurate interpretation of these observations and allow the detection of lower STC concentrations in the samples.
- Published
- 2022