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1. Is School Funding Unequal in Latin America? A Cross-Country Analysis. CEPA Working Paper No. 20-11

2. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

3. Entrepreneurial Learning in TVET. Discussion Paper

4. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

5. What Makes a Program Good? Evidence from Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Five Developing Countries. Working Paper 30364

6. Science Teachers' Satisfaction: Evidence from the PISA 2015 Teacher Survey. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 168

7. Accessibility and Affordability of Tertiary Education in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru within a Global Context. Policy Research Working Paper 4517

8. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics: University of North Dakota Session, Volume 39.

9. Must We Wait for Youth to Speak Out before We Listen? International Youth Perspectives and Climate Change Education

10. Navigating AACSB Accreditation with Strategic Leadership and Change Management: A Systematic Literature Review

11. Revisiting the Continua of Biliteracy: International and Critical Perspectives.

12. Provision of Education for Sustainability Development and Sustainability Literacy in Business Programs in Three Higher Education Institutions in Brazil, Colombia and Peru

13. The Digital Competence of Academics in Higher Education: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

14. Iberian (South American) Model of Judicial Review: Toward Conceptual Framework

15. Understanding Latin America's Educational Orientations: Evidence from 14 Nations

16. How Playful Learning Can Help Leapfrog Progress in Education

17. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (30th, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006). Volume 1

18. Meeting Basic Learning Needs through Programmes of Early Childhood Care and Development.

19. Towards an Approach for an Accessible and Inclusive Virtual Education Using ESVI-AL Project Results

20. The Causal Effect of an Extra Year of Schooling on Skills and Knowledge in Latin America. Evidence from PISA

21. EdMedia 2018: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25-29, 2018)

22. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) Book of Proceedings (Madrid, Spain, April 26-28, 2013)

23. International Student Mobility: Trends in First-Time Graduate Enrollment

24. Madija Predicates.

25. Commentary on Current Practices and Future Directions for the Assessment of Child and Adolescent Intelligence in Schools around the World

26. EdMedia + Innovate Learning: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 24-28, 2019)

27. International Networking for Sexuality Education: A Politically Sensitive Subject

28. Comparing Work-Life Balance in Spanish and Latin-American Countries

29. Teaching Global Citizenship, Social Change, and Economic Development in a History Course: A Course Model in Latin American Travel/Service Learning

30. The Contemporary Professoriate: Towards a Diversified or Segmented Profession?

31. The Contributions of Organisational and Technological Practices to the Speedup of New Product Development

32. Issues for Community Development: Some Case Studies.

33. Literacy and Politics in Latin America: The Case of Brazil, Peru and Nicaragua.

34. Tourism: Manufacturing the Exotic. IWGIA Document No. 61.

35. Success Contagion and Presidential Election Campaigns in Latin America.

36. Gender and Climate Change in Latin America: An Analysis of Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience Based on Household Surveys.

37. Technocracy for the People? The Impact of Government-Imposed Democratic Innovations on Governance and Citizen Well-Being.

38. What Makes Capital Account Regulation Effective? Comparing the Experiences of Brazil, Peru, and Iceland.

39. Fuzzy Algorithm Applied to Factors Influencing Competitiveness: A Case Study of Brazil and Peru through Affinities Theory.

40. Mutations Linked to Insecticide Resistance Not Detected in the Ace-1 or VGSC Genes in Nyssorhynchus darlingi from Multiple Localities in Amazonian Brazil and Peru.

41. Participatory Water Basin Councils in Peru and Brazil: Expert discourses as means and barriers to inclusion.

42. Comparing Experiences of Constitutional Reforms to Enshrine the Right to Water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru: Opportunities and Limitations.

43. Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas: An analysis of locally grounded, diversified, and cross-scalar initiatives in the Amazon.

44. Three new species of the Neotropical genus Smilidarnis Andrade (Hemiptera, Membracidae).

45. A new species of Caeruleuptychia Forster, 1964 from the Amazon basin (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini).

46. Politicas Institutions and Transition to Democracy in Brazil and Peru.

47. New Species of Virola (Myristicaceae) from South America.

48. Tenuous Pacts and Multiparty Coalitions: The Politics of Presidential Impeachment in Latin America.

49. Epidemiological aspects of the Oropouche virus (Orthobunyavirus) in South America: A systematic review.

50. The prospects of sustainable energy development in Latin America: prospects and parriers.