Aims/hypothesis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diabetic patients from Maramures County from diabetic retinopathy point of view. Methods. We investigated dates obtained from hospital records, medical notes in diabetic patients from Maramures County. We analyzed different parameters: age, gender, smoking, alcohol, areas, and socioeconomic conditions. We evaluated diabetes characteristics: type, duration, complications, treatment. We analyzed concomitant disease. We search for body mass index, abdominal circumference. We analyzed different laboratory measurement: HbA1c, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides. Kidney function was assessed using glomerulary filtration rate by MDRD. We interpreted digital retina photography from funduscamera Nidek AFC-210. We compared patients with and without diabetic retinopathy. Results. From a total of 12917 patients with diabetes registrated in Maramures County, only 1269 patients were available for interpretation. Patients with diabetic retinopathy (number 246), comparative with patient without diabetic retinopathy (number 1023) have significantly higher proportion of hypertension: 80.1% (95%CI; 75.1%-85.1%), comparative with 71.9% (95%CI; 69.1%-74.7%) (p=0.02). Patients with diabetic retinopathy, comparative with patients without diabetic retinopathy have significantly higher proportion of hyperlipidemia: 79.7% (95%CI; 77.2%-82.2%) to 72% (95%CI; 66.4%-77.6%), (p=0.031). Patients with diabetic retinopathy, comparative with patients without diabetic retinopathy have significantly higher proportion of polineuropahy: 28.5% (95%CI; 22.9%-34.1%) to 10.9% (95%CI; 9.0%-12.8%) (p=0.000). [Patients with diabetic retinopathy have also diabetic nephropathy in proportion of 11.8 % (95%CI; 9.7%-13.9%), comparative with patients without diabetic nephropathy 5.1% (95%CI; 4.4%-5.8%0 (p=0,002)]. Patients with diabetic retinopathy, comparative with patients without diabetic retinopathy have significantly higher poor glucose control (HbA1c>7%): 70.3% (95%CI; 64.6%-76.0%), comparative to 51.2% (95%CI; 48.1%-54.3%0 (p=0.000). Conclusions. Patients with diabetic retinopathy comparing with patients without diabetic retinopathy have a poor glucose control. Patients with diabetic retinopathy comparing with patients without diabetic retinopathy also have more frequently hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Patients with diabetic retinopathy comparing with patients without diabetic retinopathy have also more frequently diabetic polineuropathy [and diabetic nephropathy.] [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]