15 results on '"relaxation techniques"'
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2. Razvijanje strategij uravnavanja jeze pri učencih v razredu
- Author
Korenč, Marja and Prosen, Simona
- Subjects
emotion regulation ,prepoznavanje čustev ,Emotions ,anger ,emotion recognition ,jeza ,tehnike sproščanja ,uravnavanje čustev ,relaxation techniques ,Čustva ,udc:159.942(043.2) - Abstract
V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljena najprej čustva na splošno, nato pa čustvo jeze, pri čemer so podrobneje predstavljeni prepoznavanje, izražanje in uravnavanje jeze, specifične strategije za uravnavanje jeze ter jeza v šolskem prostoru. Empirični del je zasnovan kvalitativno in kvantitativno. Vzorec zajema šestindvajset učencev 3. in 4. razreda osnovne šole, s katerimi so bili opravljeni polstrukturirani intervjuji pred in po treningu uravnavanja čustev in izvedeno strukturirano opazovanje izražanja čustev učencev med treningom. Trening so sestavljale aktivnosti: reševanje delovnih listov o prepoznavanju, izražanju in uravnavanju čustev s poudarkom na jezi, učenje novih strategij uravnavanja čustev s poudarkom na jezi, pogovorov o tem in izvajanje različnih tehnik sproščanja. Na začetku in ob koncu vsakodnevnih aktivnosti treninga je vsak učenec tudi prepoznal in komentiral svoje trenutno čustveno doživljanje. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, na katere načine so učenci prepoznavali in izražali jezo pred celotnim treningom in med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi treninga, na katere načine so učenci uravnavali jezo pred in po celotnem treningu in kako uspešni so bili učenci pri uravnavanju jeze med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi treninga. Poleg tega me je zanimalo tudi, katere tehnike sproščanja so prepoznali kot najbolj učinkovite pri uravnavanju jeze. Rezultati pred treningom so pokazali, da učenci znajo prepoznavati čustvo jeze in se zavedajo vzrokov zanjo, pri čemer kot glavni vzrok jeze navajajo nasilje vseh vrst. Pri doživljanju jeze se vsi učenci počutijo neprijetno in si želijo svoje počutje čim prej spremeniti, pri skoraj vseh učencih pa se ob jezi pojavljajo agresivni vzgibi. Pred treningom je bilo največkrat prepoznano čustvo veselja, jezo na začetku aktivnosti pa so učenci med samo aktivnostjo znali uravnati in so po koncu aktivnosti doživljali druga čustva. Večina učencev je bila pred našim treningom navajena izražati jezo na neprimeren način z agresivnim vedenjem. Učenci so poročali, da svojo jezo večinoma uravnavajo s preusmeritvijo pozornosti, umikom iz situacije ali pogovorom. Rezultati intervjujev z učenci po treningu so pokazali, da se učenci v situacijah, ki jih razjezijo, v večini najprej ustavijo in razmislijo, kako odreagirati, uporabljajo dihalne vaje, rešujejo konflikte s pogovorom, prakticirajo čuječnost in strategijo štetja. Rezultati opazovanja med treningom so pokazali, da so učenci svojo jezo dokaj uspešno uravnavali, nekateri pa so med izvajanjem aktivnosti potrebovali nekaj opozoril. Vzroki za opozorila in pogostost opozoril so se iz tedna v teden spreminjali. Med najuporabnejše tehnike sproščanja so učenci uvrstili dihalne vaje, čuječnost, jogo, masažo, gibalne aktivnosti in vizualizacijo. In the theoretical part of the master thesis there are firstly presented emotions in general, then emotion of anger with the focus on recognition, expression and regulation of anger, specific strategies of anger regulation and emotion of anger in school environment. Empirical part includes qualitative and quantitative research. Twenty-six pupils of third and fourth grade took part in the research, in which they took part in a half-structured interview before and after our training of emotion regulation and structured observation of their emotional expressions during our training. Training consisted of activities: solving worksheets about recognition, expression, and regulation of emotions, especially anger learning new strategies of emotion regulation, especially anger conversations about it and trying various relaxation techniques. At the beginning and at the end of everyday activity of the training each student recognised and commented on his current emotional state. In my research I wanted to figure out the ways in which the students will recognise and express anger before and during our training, in which ways will they regulate their anger before and after our training and how successful will they be at regulating anger during everyday activities in training. Furthermore, I wanted to find out which relaxation techniques will students recognize as the most efficient for regulating anger. Results gathered before training show that students can recognise emotion of anger and reasons for it with the main reason of their anger being violence of all kinds. When they are dealing with anger they all feel uncomfortable and want their emotions to improve as soon as possible. In almost all students anger is accompanied with the violent impulses. Before our training emotion of happiness was the most frequently reported, while the emotion of anger when reported at the beginning of the activity was regulated during the activity and students felt other, more pleasant emotions at the end of the activity. Students reported they mostly regulate their anger by redirecting their attention, moving out of the situation or by conversation. Results of the interviews after training showed that when dealing with anger most students use strategy where they first stop and think about their reaction, they use breathing exercises, they are solving conflicts by conversation, practise mindfullness and by counting strategies. Results of observation during our training showed that students were quite successful in regulating anger, some of the students needed a few warnings during the activities. Reasons and frequency of the warnings were changing throughout the training. Students believe that most efficient relaxation techniques are breathing exercises, mindfullness, yoga, massage, activities that include moving and visualization.
- Published
- 2023
3. Tehnike sproščanja v športu
- Author
Hostnik, Nejc and Kajtna, Tanja
- Subjects
stress ,športna psihologija ,sports psychology ,šport ,tehnike sproščanja ,sports ,relaxation techniques ,anxiety ,stres ,tesnoba - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil predstaviti tehnike sproščanja in njihovo uporabnost v športu. Živimo hiter tempo življenja, pogosto smo izpostavljeni nezdravemu načinu življenja, zato so naši cilji dela bili raziskati tehnike sproščanja v športu. Želeli smo odkriti, katere tehnike nam lahko pomagajo, krepijo naše zdravje in duha. V športu lahko tehnike sproščanja impliciramo na različne načine. V profesionalnem športu jih uporabljamo predvsem kot psihično pripravo na tekmovanje za zmanjšanje tekmovalne tesnobe in lažje obvladovanje tekmovalnega stresa. V rekreativnem športu jih lahko uporabljamo kot protiutež treningu, saj le-ta povzroči na telo določen stres. Zato je zelo pomembno, da vadeče naučimo kako sprostiti telo in um, ter tako obvladati svoje telesne odzive na stres in povečati učinkovitost miselnih funkcij. Prav tako bi lahko imele tehnike sproščanja svoje mesto v šolski športni vzgoji v prilagojeni obliki glede na starostno skupino. Te vidike smo predstavili v magistrski nalogi. V monografskem magistrskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. S pomočjo zbrane literature smo prišli do opisnih podatkov, katere smo po lastni presoji analizirali in spravili v celoto. Ugotovili smo, da je na temo stres in tehnike sproščanja veliko napisanega, zato smo se pri analizi podatkov usmerili v pomembne vidike povezane s športom in njegovimi tehnikami sproščanja. Po pregledu literature in vključevanja lastnih izkušenj smo prišli do zaključka, da je največja stopnja stresa v športu v času tekmovanj in poškodb. Zato je pomembno, da se zavedamo lastnih negativnih misli in vedenj. V pomoč so nam lahko različni modeli in profili za oceno prisotnosti stresa in tesnobe. Pomembna je tudi pravilna izbira tehnike sproščanja. Izbira je odvisna od časa, stresnih težav in nas samih. Vsebina magistrskega dela je namenjena vsem, ki se spopadajo s stresom in si želijo sprostitve v obliki športa. Tema se dotika široke populacije ljudi in je lahko namenjena tudi posameznemu športniku, saj mu je naše delo lahko v pomoč, usmeritev in uteha v težkih trenutkih. The purpose of this master's thesis is to present the relaxation techniques and their usefulness in practicing sports. We are often exposed to the unhealthy way of living due to our fast way of living, so our goal was to research the relaxation techniques in sports. We wanted to discover which techniques are those that help us and improve our physical and spiritual health. In sports the techniques of relaxation can be implied in different ways. In professional sports they are mainly used for the preparation before the competition in order to lower anxiety and to control stress easily. In recreational sports the techniques can be used as a balance to practice since sports also cause some stress for the body. There fore it is extremely important to teach those who practice sports how to relax their body and mind and how to control their physical responses to stress and increase the effectiveness of the mind functions. The relaxation techniques could also be implemented in Physical Education at schools according to different ages of pupils. The master's degree presents those aspects of the matter. In the monograph part of the study we used the descriptive method. We analysed the descriptive statistics that we found in the literature. We found out that the stress and the techniques are very often a matter of discussion in literature, so we focused on the important aspects related to sports and their techniques of relaxation. The examination of the literature and the personal experience show that stress is at its higher level in times of competitions and injuries. It is especially important to be aware of our own negative thoughts and behaviour. Many different models and profiles for the assessment of presence of stress and anxiety are there to help us. The correct choice of the technique for relaxing is important as well. The choice depends on time, stress problems and us. The content of the master's thesis in intended for people who deal with stress and desire to practice sports for relaxation. The topic is broad and it can be intended for athletes since our thesis can help and guide them in difficult.
- Published
- 2022
4. Koronavirus in duševno zdravje študentk in študentov Fakultete za socialno delo
- Author
Šelih, Pia and Rihter, Liljana
- Subjects
duševno zdravje ,Coronavirus ,stress ,relaxation techniques ,koronavirus ,vzroki stresa ,udc:364.622-057.875 ,tehnike sprostitve ,causes of stress ,mental health ,stres - Abstract
V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala koronavirus in duševno zdravje študentk in študentov Fakultete za socialno delo. Najprej sem opisala nekaj osnovnih značilnosti koronavirusa in se nato posvetila še temi duševnega zdravja nasploh. Opisala sem, kaj je stres, kakšni so vzroki zanj in kakšne posledice lahko stres prinese. Na koncu teoretičnega dela sem opisala še nekatere tehnike sprostitve, ki se jih lahko poslužujemo za lajšanje stresa, in metode pomoči v socialnem delu. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako so koronavirus in njegove posledice doživljali študenti Fakultete za socialno delo. Zanimalo me je, kako so študenti seznanjeni s koronavirusom in posledicami, ki jih pusti na duševnem zdravju, ali sta koronavirus in karantena pustila posledice na duševnem zdravju študentov, kakšen način opore so si poiskali študenti v trenutkih stiske in kako so zadovoljni z oglaševanjem pomoči v času koronavirusa. Moja raziskava je bila kvantitativna. Populacija raziskave so bili vsi študenti, ki so bili v študijskem letu 2020/21 vpisani na Fakulteto za socialno delo. Raziskavo sem izvajala s pomočjo ankete in podatke kvantitativno analizirala. Ugotovila sem, da je večina študentov dobro seznanjenih s koronavirusom in njegovimi posledicami za duševno zdravje. Prav tako sta tudi koronavirus in karantena pustila posledice na duševnem zdravju študentov. Največ študentov si je pomoč oziroma podporo poiskalo pri družinskih članih. Nekaj študentov je uporabljalo druge oblike pomoči, ki jih niso eksplicitno poimenovali. Z oglaševanjem pomoči v času koronavirusa pa veliko študentov ni bilo niti zadovoljnih niti nezadovoljnih. I investigated coronavirus and mental health of students in the Faculty of social work. First, I described some basic information about coronavirus and mental health. Then I described stress and what forms of stress we know. It was important, that I write something about the causes of stress and what consequences stress can have. At the end of the theoretical part, I described relaxation techniques, that we can use to be more relaxed and tools in social work. The main purpose of this research, was to learn about the consequences, that coronavirus cause and how these consequences affect the social work faculty students. I wanted to know how much students know about coronavirus, if the coronavirus and quarantine can have consequences on their mental health, what form of support they seek and how satisfied they are with information they receive about the coronavirus. My research was quantitative. Population of the research was students enrolled in faculty during the 2020/2021 school year. The research was conducted through a survey. I concluded that most students are well aware of the basic information about the coronavirus and the consequences of the coronavirus. Also coronavirus and quarantine also had an impact on the students mental health. Some of the students found help from their family mambers. About the information about the coronavirus spread by the media, the students were beetween satisfied and dissatisfied.
- Published
- 2021
5. Uporaba sprostitvenih tehnik za obvladovanje stresa, simptomov depresivnosti in tesnobnosti
- Author
Kropivnik, Špela and Pate, Tanja
- Subjects
sprostitvene tehnike ,mindfulness ,udc:159.964:616.89-008.441(043.2) ,zadovoljstvo z življenjem ,depresija ,anxiety ,stres ,stress ,relaxation techniques ,quality of life ,čuječnost ,depression ,kvaliteta življenja ,life satisfaction ,tesnoba - Abstract
Odraslost je obdobje, ko posameznik konča s šolanjem, prične z iskanjem službe, se zaposli, prične skrbeti zase, skratka, se odseli od doma. Takrat prične opravljati različne pomembne družbene vloge. V tem obdobju so še posebej na udaru ženske, ki poleg skrbi zase, opravljanja gospodinjskih del in službe, skrbijo še za druge in se soočajo s številnimi težavami in stresnimi situacijami. Ženske namreč dvakrat pogosteje kot moški zbolevajo za depresijo, kar povezujejo s hormonskim ravnovesjem, bolj stresnim načinom življenja, soočenje z nasiljem in zlorabam ter nenehnim razmišljanjem. Živimo v času, kjer je doživljanje stresa nekaj čisto normalnega. Vsi ga kdaj občutimo. Je pa res, da posamezne stresorje dojemamo drugače. Nekomu nekaj povzroči stres, drugemu drugo. Problem nastane, ko je tega stresa preveč. Pretirano doživljanje negativnega stresa lahko vodi v doživljanje simptomov tesnobnosti in depresivnosti ali celo do različnih motenj in bolezni. Ljudje se zaradi pretiranega doživljanja stresa najpogosteje srečajo s tesnobo in depresijo. Pri tesnobi gre za nekajminutne neprijetne čustvene in vedenjske simptome, ki lahko sprožijo tudi napad panike, medtem ko gre pri depresiji za simptome, ki vztrajajo dlje časa ter je glavni simptom doživljanje neskončne žalosti. Stres, simptome tesnobnosti in depresivnosti lahko obvladujemo z različnimi strategijami. V našem delu se posvečamo sprostitvenim tehnikam. Sprostitvene tehnike izzovejo sprostitev, ki bistveno zniža učinke stresa na telo in um. Med drugim vadba le-teh upočasni srčni utrip, znižuje krvni tlak, upočasni dihanje in izboljšuje prebavo. Namen raziskave, izvedene med dvanajstimi aktivnimi ženskami, je bil preveriti, kako kratka, a redna uporaba sprostitvenih tehnik vpliva na razbremenitev stresa, doživljanja simptomov depresivnosti in tesnobnosti, na zmožnost osredotočenega zavedanja in sprejemanja sedanjega trenutka ter na zadovoljstvo z življenjem aktivnih žensk. V raziskavi smo uporabili kvazieksperimentalno metodo, in sicer enoskupinski predtest-posttest načrt kot pripomoček je bila izbrana mobilna aplikacija s sprostitvenimi tehnikami. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da ima redna vadba sprostitvenih tehnik pomemben vpliv na doživljanje stresa. Na podlagi ugotovitev v teoretičnem delu in kazalnikov v naši raziskavi lahko rečemo tudi, da imajo sprostitvene tehnike pozitiven vpliv na doživljanje simptomov depresivnosti in tesnobnosti, na zmožnost osredotočenega zavedanja in spoprijemanja sedanjega trenutka ter na zadovoljstvo z življenjem aktivnih žensk. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ni ene najboljše in najučinkovitejše sprostitvene tehnike, temveč lahko ob redni in vestni vadbi z vsako tehniko dosežemo sprostitveni odziv. Uporabnice so bile nad pozitivnimi vplivi redne vadbe sprostitvenih tehnik presenečene vse so čutile pozitivne spremembe in se strinjajo, da bodo z uporabo nadaljevale. Adulthood is the period when an individual finishes school, starts looking for a job, gets a job, starts taking care of himself, in short, moves away from home. It is then that he begins to perform various important social roles. During this period, women are particularly affected, who, in addition to taking care of themselves, doing housework, and working, also take care of others and face many problems and stressful situations. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression, which they associate with hormonal balance, a more stressful lifestyle, coping with violence and abuse, and constant thinking. We live in a time where experiencing stress is something completely normal. We all feel it sometimes. However, it is true that we perceive individual stressors differently. To some, something causes stress, to others something else. The problem, however, arises when there is too much of this stress. Excessive experience of negative stress can lead to experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, or even to various disorders and illnesses. People are most likely to experience anxiety and depression due to excessive stress. Anxiety is a few minutes of unpleasant emotional and behavioural symptoms that can also trigger a panic attack, while depression consists of symptoms that persist for a long time and the main symptom is experiencing endless sadness. Stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression can be managed through a variety of strategies. In our work we focus on relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques evoke relaxation, which significantly reduces the effects of stress on the body and mind. Among other things, exercise slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing and improves digestion. The purpose of the study, conducted among twelve active women, was to examine how short but regular use of relaxation techniques affects stress relief, experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, the ability to focus on and accept the present moment, and life satisfaction of active women. In the research, we used a quasi-experimental method, namely one group with a pretest-posttest plan, and a mobile application with relaxation techniques was chosen as an aid. Analysis of the results showed that regular practice of relaxation techniques has a significant impact on experiencing stress. Based on the findings in the theoretical part and indicators in our study, we can also say that relaxation techniques have a positive impact on experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, on the ability to focus and cope with the present moment and on being satisfied with your life as an active woman. We also found that one single best and most effective relaxation technique does not exist, but we can achieve a relaxation response with each technique with regular and conscientious exercise. The users were surprised by the positive effects of regular practice of relaxation techniques, all felt positive changes and agreed to continue using them.
- Published
- 2021
6. Managing stress among students of pedagogy
- Author
Pisanec, Tjaša and Kovač, Jernej
- Subjects
stress ,študenti ,students ,spoprijemanje s stresom ,udc:159.944.4-057.875(043.2) ,tehnike sproščanja ,coping with stress ,relaxation techniques ,stres - Abstract
V magistrskem delu raziskujemo načine in metode, ki jih študenti dvopredmetnega študija pedagogike na Filozofski fakulteti Maribor uporabljajo za spoprijemanje s stresom kot posledico študijskih obremenitev. Najprej v sklopu teoretičnega dela opredelimo stres, opišemo vrste, faze in simptome stresa, predstavimo različne tehnike in strategije spoprijemanja s stresom ter vrsto raziskav, ki zadevajo tematiko stresa med študentsko populacijo. V empirični raziskavi, v kateri je sodelovalo 112 študentov, proučujemo stopnjo stresa študentov, pogostost doživljanja stresa zaradi študijskih obveznosti, stresnost določenih vidikov študija, doživljanje simptomov stresa in uporabo različnih načinov spoprijemanja s stresom. Pri tem nas zanima obstoj razlik glede na letnik študija, povprečno oceno posameznika in v dveh primerih tudi stopnjo stresa študentov. Rezultati prikazujejo nizko oceno stresnosti dvopredmetnega študija pedagogike, saj večina študentov stres, povezan s študijem, doživlja le včasih. Najpogostejše metode, ki jih študenti uporabljajo v namene obvladovanja in zmanjševanja stresa, so vsakodnevne dejavnosti, ki imajo že same po sebi sproščujoč vpliv na človeka, kot so telesna aktivnost, hobiji, druženje s prijatelji ipd. Precej manjše število študentov uporablja zahtevnejše relaksacijske in kognitivne tehnike, s katerimi so podrobneje seznanjeni v času študija. In this master's thesis, we look into the methods used by students of pedagogy attending the Faculty of Arts Maribor to cope with stress caused by study demands and objectives. First, in the theoretical part, we define stress, describe the types, phases and symptoms of stress, present various techniques and strategies for dealing with stress, as well as several studies concerning the topic of stress among the student population. In the empirical research, which involved 112 students, we investigate the degree of stress among the students, the frequency of experiencing stress due to study obligations, stressfulness of certain aspects of the study, experiencing stress symptoms, and the methods students use to cope with stress. Moreover, we are interested in the existence of differences in reference to the year of study, the average grade of the individual, and in two cases the degree of stress students experience. The results show a low assessment of stressfulness of the double major pedagogy study program, as most of the students experience stress stemming from study demands only occasionally. The most common methods used by the students in order to control and reduce stress are everyday activities that have a relaxing effect on humans anyway, such as physical activity, hobbies, socializing with friends, etc. A much lower number of students test and use more demanding relaxation and cognitive techniques, about which they are taught in detail during their study.
- Published
- 2018
7. Fizioterapevtski pristopi pri zdravljenju sindroma mišice piriformis
- Author
Mikolič, Janez and Divjak, Mojca
- Subjects
dekompresija živca ,stretching techniques ,sindrom mišice piriformis ,tehnike raztezanja in sproščanja mišice ,nerve decompression ,zdravljenje ,relaxation techniques ,fizioterapija ,physiotherapy ,piriformis muscle syndrome ,rehabilitation - Abstract
Uvod: Sindrom mišice piriformis je nevromuskularna motnja s številnimi simptomi. Značilna je bolečina v zadnjici, ki lahko seva posteriorno po spodnjem udu. Najpogosteje se pojavi v četrtem in petem desetletju posameznikovega življenja, letno pa se z njim sooči od 6-8% bolnikov z bolečinami v križu. Stanje se zaradi značilnosti medenice večkrat pojavi pri ženskah. Največkrat se pojavi po travmatski poškodbi ali lokalni ishemiji. Pri zaznavanju sindroma mišice piriformis sta ključna anamneza in klinični pregled. Stanje poslabša sedeči položaj za obdobje, daljše od 20 min. Diagnostične preiskave se uporabljajo za izključevanje diferencialnih diagnoz. Najučinkovitejša zdravstvena disciplina pri zdravljenju je fizioterapija, ki temelji na raztezanju in sproščanju mišice piriformis. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom literature ugotoviti uspešnost fizioterapevtskih pristopov pri zdravljenju sindroma mišice piriformis. Metode dela: Opravljen je bil pregled strokovne literature, objavljene med leti 2000 in 2017. Za iskanje ustrezne literature so bile uporabljene podatkovne baze MEDLINE, CINAHL in PubMed. Uporabljene ključne besede so bile: sindrom mišice piriformis, fizioterapija, zdravljenje, tehnike raztezanja in sproščanja mišice, dekompresija živca. Rezultati: V pregled literature je bilo glede na izključitvene in vključitvene kriterije vključenih sedem raziskav. Fizioterapevtski postopki so bili predstavljeni in ovrednoteni v petih raziskavah. Zaradi pomanjkanja raziskav, boljše primerljivosti in pogostosti načina zdravljenja, smo vključili še dve raziskavi, ki obravnavata zdravljenje s terapevtskimi blokadami. Raziskave, ki so vključevale fizioterapevtski pristop in postopke so pokazale znatno in dolgotrajno izboljšanje. Terapevtske blokade so se pokazale kot učinkovit način zdravljenja, vendar niso beležile dolgotrajno olajšanje simptomov. Razprava in zaključek: Glede na rezultate pregleda literature, lahko potrdimo, da je fizioterapija najučinkovitejša zdravstvena disciplina pri zdravljenju sindroma mišice piriformis, ki mora biti usmerjena v raztezanje in sproščanje m. piriformis, saj s tem povzroči dekompresijo n. ischiadicusa. Introduction: Piriformis muscle syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder with many symptoms. The most common symptom is back pain which can radiate posteriorly to the lower limb. It most often occurs in the fourth and fifth decade of an individual's life, and affects 6-8% back pain patients anually. Due to the characteristics of the pelvis, the condition mostly affects women and is often brought on by traumatic injury or local ischaemia. When detecting piriformis muscle syndrome, anamnesis and clinical examination are the most valuable tools. Diagnostic tests are used to exclude differential diagnoses. The most effective medical discipline in treatment is physiotherapy, which is based on the stretching and relaxation of the piriformis muscle. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to determine the success of physiotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of piriformis muscle syndrome. Methods: A review of the literature published between 2000 and 2017 was performed. The databases CINAHL, MEDLINE were used, together with PubMed to identify the appropriate studies. The key words used were: piriformis muscle syndrome, physiotherapy, treatment, stretching techniques, relaxation techniques, nerve decompression. Results: Seven studies were included in the literature review according to exclusion and inclusion criteria. Physiotherapy procedures have been presented and evaluated in five studies. Due to lack of research, better comparability and frequency of treatment, two other studies that involve treatment with therapeutic blockages have been included. Research involving a physiotherapeutic approach and procedures has shown a significant and lasting improvement. Therapeutic blockages have proven to be an effective method of treatment but did not record any long-term symptoms of relief. Discussion and conclusion: According to the results of the review, it can be confirmed that physiotherapy is the most effective medical discipline in the treatment of piriformis muscle syndrome, which must be aimed at stretching and relaxation of the piriformis muscle, as this causes decompression of the sciatic nerve.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
BIZALJ, NINA and Brejc, Miha
- Subjects
employee ,police ,stress management ,delovno okolje ,policija ,work environment ,sprostitvene tehnike ,relaxation techniques ,stres ,stress ,zaposleni ,obvladovanje stresa ,medsebojni odnosi ,interpersonal relations - Abstract
Stres je zaradi hitrega tempa sodobnega življenja prisoten na vsakem koraku in njegovo neprijetno plat pogosto občutimo tudi na lastni koži. Beseda stres je prenesena iz angleščine ter pomeni napetost, pritisk in obremenitev. Stres je vzorec fizioloških, čustvenih, spoznavnih in vedenjskih odgovorov organizma na dražljaje, ki zmotijo človekovo notranje ravnovesje. Dražljaje, ki povzročajo stres, imenujemo stresorji in predstavljajo pojave, ki jih doživljamo kot grožnjo, posledično pa telesno ali duševno obremenjujejo našo osebnost. V diplomskem delu obravnavam problematiko soočanja s stresom na izbranih policijskih postajah. Policisti so vsakodnevno izpostavljeni velikemu stresu in njegovim negativnim posledicam, saj se operativno delo policistov po mnenju domačih in tujih strokovnjakov uvršča med najbolj stresna dela. Pri policistih, ki imajo pooblastila za uporabo prisilnih sredstev in za pasom nosijo strelno orožje, so lahko napačne odločitve, sprejete pod vplivom stresa, usodne. Prav zaradi tega mora organizacija, kot je policija, še več pozornosti nameniti premagovanju stresa in na ta način zmanjšati možnosti za napake pri delu. V raziskavo diplomskega dela vključim tri policijske postaje (v nadaljevanju PP), in sicer PP Škofja Loka, ki pokriva največje območje v državi, PP Radovljica, ki je ena izmed tipičnih mestnih postaj, in PP vodniki službenih psov (v nadaljevanju VSP) Jesenice, ki je ena izmed redkih postaj, kjer imajo pasjo enoto. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika analiziram prisotnost in pojavne oblike stresa med policisti z zgoraj omenjenih postaj. Ugotovim, da so največji povzročitelji stresa slabe delovne razmere, povečan obseg dela in neprimerni načini vodenja. Policija pa reševanju omenjene problematike kljub zavedanju o negativnih posledicah stresa za zaposlene še vedno nameni premalo pozornosti. Stress in the rapid pace of modern life is responding at every step and we often feel his uncomfortable side on our own skin. The word itself comes from English and means tension, pressure, load. Stress is a pattern of the physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses of an organism to stimuli that disrupt the inner equilibrium of a person. The stimuli that cause stress are called stressors and they represent phenomena that we perceive as a threat, and therefore we are putting our personality down physically or mentally. In my graduation thesis I deal with the problem of dealing with stress at selected police stations. Stress and its negative consequences are also exposed to police officers. According to both domestic and foreign experts, the operational work of police officers is one of the most stressful jobs. The police are stressed out practically every day, as this actually falls within their nature of work. For police officers who have powers to use coercive means and carry a firearm for their belt, wrong decisions can be made under the influence of stress, and with very serious consequences. For this reason, an organization like the police needs to pay more attention to overcoming stress, and in this way reduce the potential for work-related errors. In the survey, I included three police stations: PP Škofja Loka, which covers the largest area in the country, then PP Radovljica, one of the typical city stations and PP VSP Jesenice, which is one of the few stations where they have a dog unit. Using the questionnaire, I analyzed the presence and appearance of stress among the police officers of the above-mentioned stations. I have found that the main causes of stress are poor working conditions, increased workload and inappropriate management tehniques. Despite the awareness of the negative consequences of stress among employees, the organization still devotes too little attention and seriousness to solving this problem.
- Published
- 2018
9. Methods of coping with stress
- Author
Mergeduš, Jernej and Čuček Trifkovič, Klavdija
- Subjects
diet ,breathing ,prehrana ,dihanje ,stressors ,tehnike sproščanja ,stresorji ,stress response ,relaxation techniques ,movement ,gibanje ,stresni odziv ,udc:159.944.4(043.2) - Abstract
Teoretično izhodišče: Stres je danes vzrok za mnogo bolezni in negativno vpliva na kakovost življenja v celotni družbi. Je prirojen odziv, katerega lahko zaznamo s poznavanjem simptomov. Pomembno je, da ga zgodaj prepoznamo ter sestavimo načrt obvladovanja. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili metode, s katerimi lahko preprečimo ali zmanjšamo stres, ter tako izboljšamo svoje psihično in fizično zdravje. Metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno ali opisno metodo dela, s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature. Med seboj smo primerjali mnenja različnih avtorjev, ki so nas pripeljala do odgovorov na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da lahko z opisanimi metodami za obvladovanje stresa, kot so tehnike sproščanja, joga, meditacija, psihoterapija in avtogeni trening, uspešno zmanjšamo ali odpravimo stres. Pomembno je, da posamezniki prepoznajo stres ter poznajo metode, s katerimi ga lahko zmanjšajo. Predvsem so učinkovite metode, ki nas sprostijo in aktivirajo našo zavest. Pomembna je tudi zdrava prehrana, gibanje ter dobri medosebni odnosi. Kadar stresa ne zmoremo obvladovati sami, je najbolje poiskati strokovno pomoč. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da ljudje slabo obvladujejo stres, čeprav se ga mnogo ljudi zaveda in pozna metode za obvladovanje stresa. Menimo, da bi morali metode obvladovanja stresa predstaviti ljudem čim bolj zgodaj, že v otroštvu, saj smo v tem starostnem obdobju že močno izpostavljeni stresu. To bi pripomoglo k izboljšanju celostnega zdravja v družbi, boljš Theoretical starting point: Stress is today the cause of many diseases and has a negative impact on the quality of life in the whole society. It is a congenital response that can be detected by knowing the symptoms. It is important to recognize it early and to draw up a plan of control. In the diploma work we presented methods that can prevent or reduce stress, thus improving our mental and physical health. Methodology: In the diploma work we used the descriptive or descriptive method of work, with a review of scientific and technical literature. We compared each other's opinions among the different authors, which led us to the answers to the asked research questions. Results: We have found that using stressed methods such as relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, psychotherapy and autogenic training, we can successfully reduce or eliminate stress. It is important that individuals recognize stress and know the methods by which they can reduce it. Above all, there are effective methods that release us and activate our consciousness. Healthy nutrition, movement and good interpersonal relationships are also important. When we can not manage the stress ourselves, it is best to seek professional help. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that people have little control over stress, although many people are aware of it and are familiar with methods for managing stress. We believe that stress management methods should be presented to people as early as possible, already in childhood, as we are already strongly exposed to stress during this age. This would help to improve the overall health of the society, the better interpersonal relationship and the quality of life.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
SLIVNIK, MATIJAS and Ivanko, Štefan
- Subjects
komunikacija ,stress ,family ,police ,communication ,družina ,delovno okolje ,policija ,tehnike sproščanja ,work environment ,relaxation techniques ,stres - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko dela v policiji in jo primerja s problematiko dela v drugem poklicu. Danes se zaradi vse večjih pritiskov in pričakovanj s stani nadrejenih in celotne družbe vse več posameznikov znajde v osebni stiski. Želel sem ugotoviti, ali je zaradi narave policijskega dela komunikacija v družinah, ki imajo člana zaposlenega v policiji, težja. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pogoje dela v policiji, posledice prekomernih obremenitev ter vpliv dela v policiji na komunikacijo v družini A, v kateri je vsaj en član zaposlen v policiji, primerjalno z družino B, ko ta član nima več stika s policijo. Hkrati sem želel ugotoviti, ali člani družine poznajo tehnike sproščanja ter ali jih tudi uporabljajo. Izvedena je bila raziskava o vplivu službenega okolja v policiji na delovanje in komunikacijo družine in o uporabi tehnik sproščanja med člani družine. Pri tem sem uporabljal vprašalnik, ki je bil sestavljen iz enajstih vprašanj z Likertovo lestvico in desetih vprašanj z možnostjo odgovora DA ali NE. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da ima službeni stres zaradi dela v policiji večji negativni vpliv na razumevanje v družini, ki se kasneje ob novi zaposlitvi bistveno zmanjša. Hkrati pa je bila zaradi družini prijaznejšega urnika, boljšega počutja in manjše napetosti komunikacija v družini lažja in učinkovitejša. Med vzroke slabše komunikacije sodijo nestabilen delovnik, nenaklonjenost dela v policiji do družine in raztresenost ter utrujenost zaposlenega člana družine. Kar šestnajst anketirancev je pri članu, zaposlenem v policiji, opažalo znake izgorelosti. Prav tako jih osemnajst pozna možnosti samopomoči, uporablja pa jih dvanajst anketirancev. Menim, da bi lahko moje delo pomagalo družinam, ki se soočajo s stresnim načinom življenja, opredeliti svoje težave in najti rešitve zanje. Prav tako bi lahko pomagalo nadrejenim zagotoviti boljše odnose na delovnem mestu. The thesis discusses the problem of the police work environment and compares it with the work in another profession. Nowadays, due to increasing pressures and expectations from the superiors and the society, more and more individuals find themselves in emotional distress. In the thesis, I want to find out whether the communication in the families which have at least one member employed at the police is any harder than in the families where no member works at the police. The purpose of this thesis is to present the work conditions at the police, the consequences of excessive stress, and the effects of the police work on the communication in family A, where at least one member is employed at the police and compare it to family B, where the member no longer has any contact with the police. Additionally, the thesis examines whether the family members are familiar with relaxation techniques and whether they use them. A study was carried out on the effect of the police work environment on the communication in the family as well as on the use of relaxation techniques among family members. In the survey, a questionnaire was used, consisting of eleven questions with Likert scale and ten YES-NO questions. The results of the study show that the work stress at the police has a stronger negative effect on understanding among family members, which is reduced when changing the job. At the same time, due to a more family-friendly schedule, well-being and reduced stress, the communication in the family is easier and more effective. Among the reasons for poorer communication are unstable working hours, inadequacy of the police environment for the family, and the confusion and fatigue of the employee. Sixteen of the respondents have observed signs of burnout syndrome with the family member employed at the police. Eighteen respondents are familiar with the options of self-help and twelve respondents actually use them. I believe that this thesis could help the families who experience a stressful way of living to identify their problems and find solutions. It could also help the superiors at work to ensure healthier work environments.
- Published
- 2017
11. Relaxation techniques and their impact on stress, self esteem and social relations of children
- Author
Krajnc Ružič, Maja and Bakračevič, Karin
- Subjects
self-esteem ,stress ,meditation ,samopodoba ,udc:159.944.4-057.874(043.2) ,tehnike sproščanja ,Access Bars ,relaxation techniques ,meditacija ,stres - Abstract
Temeljni problem raziskave je ugotoviti, kako vplivajo sprostitvene tehnike na otroka tretjega razreda osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili razvoj otroka v obdobju srednjega otroštva, razvoj osebnosti v tem obdobju, samopodobe, emocij ter socialnih odnosov. Obravnavali smo družbeni fenomen, s katerim se srečujemo vsakodnevno: stres. Proučevali smo njegove dejavnike, znake, posledice ter spregovorili o stresu pri otrocih. Nadalje smo se ukvarjali s posameznimi tehnikami sproščanja ter njihovimi vplivi na otroke. V empiričnem delu smo merili učinkovitost dveh sprostitvenih tehnik z vidika otrok, staršev in učiteljic. Rezultati kažejo pozitivne spremembe pri samopodobi, emocijah ter socialnih odnosih otrok, predvsem pa kažejo pozitivne spremembe v počutju po izvajanju posamezne sprostitvene tehnike. Tako otroci, kot starši in učiteljici so zadovoljni s spretnostjo, ki so jo pridobili. Iz raziskovalnih ugotovitev izhaja, da želijo več tovrstnih aktivnosti, ki bi bile vpete v šolsko delo. The primary aim of this research is to determine the effects of relaxation techniques on a third grade elementary school student. In the theoretical part we examined the child’s development in the mid childhood, development of personality in this development period, self-esteem, emotions and social interaction. We examined a social phenomenon with which we have daily encounters – stress. We examined its characteristics, symptoms, consequences and we paid a special attention to stress in children. We further examined with certain techniques of stress reduction and relaxation and its effects on children. In the empirical part we measured effectiveness of two stress relief techniques form a child’s perspective, from the parent’s perspective and from the teacher’s perspective. The results show improvement in self-esteem, emotions and social interactions of children, but most of all they show positive results in the general feeling after each relaxation technique period. Children, their parents and the teachers were all satisfied with the new techniques they learned. Based on the results of this study we can conclude that they wish for more of such activities, which would be introduced in the regular school programs.
- Published
- 2017
12. Non-pharmacological methods of pain relief
- Author
Pogačar, Bibijana and DONIK, BARBARA
- Subjects
bolečina ,zdravstvena nega ,meditation ,lajšanje ,pain ,sprostitvene tehnike ,masaža ,relaxation techniques ,massage ,meditacija ,health care ,udc:616.8-009.7(043.2) - Abstract
Bolečine so jasno opozorilo, da je v telesu nekaj narobe. Bolečina je naraven odziv na določen proces v telesu, ki ga je treba odkriti, namesto da ga po nepotrebnem zakrivamo z analgetiki. Ob bolečini skušajmo najprej ugotoviti, kje je izvor bolečine. Učinkovito lajšanje bolečine združuje metode nefarmakološkega in farmakološkega lajšanja bolečine, ker se tako zdravljenje dopolnjuje ali izboljša. Številni nefarmakološki postopki pomagajo bolniku pri lajšanju bolečine. Medicinska sestra lahko pomaga bolnikom pri nadzorovanju bolečine s tem, da jim svetuje različne nefarmakološke tehnike, ki spremenijo dojemanje in reakcije na bolečine. Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela. Pri diplomskem delu smo teoretična izhodišča opredelili s pomočjo analize domače in tuje strokovne literature ter virov. Podatke za izdelavo diplomskega dela smo pridobili s pomočjo pregleda domače in tuje strokovne literature. Uporabili bomo tudi podatkovno bazo: COBISS ter druge podatkovne baze: Pubmed, Uptodate, The Jama Network, Science Direct, CINHAL, Google itd. Bolečine ne zdravimo izključno z zdravili. K boljšemu obvladovanju pripomorejo tudi fizikalni ukrepi, kot so udobna lega, pasivno in aktivno razgibavanje, masaža ter tople ali hladne obloge, sprostitvene tehnike in drugo. Seveda je izbira nefarmakoloških ukrepov odvisna od izvora in jakosti bolečine ter stanja in želja bolnika. Pain is a clear warning that something is wrong in the body. Pain is a natural response to a particular process in the body, which is to be detected, instead of it unnecessarily conceal with analgesics. Having pain let us first determine where the source of pain. Effective pain relief combines non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods of pain relief, because such treatment will complement or improve. Many non-pharmacological methods to help patients relieve pain. The nurse can help patients to control pain with that advises a variety of non-pharmacological techniques that alter perception and reaction to pain. An descriptive method works was used. In the thesis, we identify the theoretical frameworks through the analysis of domestic and foreign professional literature and resources. Data for the diploma work were obtained through review of domestic and foreign professional literature. We will use the database: COBISS and other databases: PubMed, uptodate, The Cave Network, Science Direct, CINHAL, Google, etc. The pain is not treated solely with medication. To help improve the management of the physical measures, such as a comfortable position, passive and active stretching, massage, and hot or cold wraps, relaxation techniques, and more. Of course, the choice of non-pharmacological measures is dependent on the source and severity of pain and the patient's situation and desires.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Šegula, Andreja and Treven, Sonja
- Subjects
delovno mesto ,Karoshi deaths ,effects of stress ,stress management ,simptomi stresa ,organizacijski stres ,tehnike sproščanja ,organizational stress ,relaxation techniques ,strategije stresa ,causes of stress ,udc:331.4 ,stres ,karoshi smrti ,stress ,employees ,burnout of employees ,workplace ,vzroki stresa ,stress strategies ,zaposleni ,obvladovanje stresa ,stress symptoms ,izgorelost zaposlenih ,posledice stresa - Abstract
Kljub tehnološkemu napredku, ki v današnjem času olajšuje življenje, vse večkrat obstaja občutek, da se je vedno težje upirati vsakdanjim pritiskom. Prav zato so pri usklajevanju delovnih in domačih obveznosti potrebni koristni napotki za obvladovanje in nadziranje neprestanih zahtev. Zaradi prevelikih delovnih obremenitev se zaposleni v delovnem okolju nenehno srečujejo s stresom. Zato je potrebno uvesti rešitve, ki bodo pomagale pri boljšem obvladovanju teh težav in ki bodo v življenje vnesle vsaj nekaj miru in zbranosti. Vzroki stresa se lahko nahajajo v notranjosti vsakega posameznika ali pa izvirajo iz njegovega okolja, bodisi socialnega ali delovnega. Če je okolje zaposlenega pogosto stresno, hitreje podlega motnjam, povezanim s tesnobo, ki v njem povzročajo napetost, napade panike in lahko povsem izčrpajo človeka, v hujših oblikah pa povzročijo resne motnje duševnega zdravja. Stres ne prizadene le posameznika ampak tudi organizacijo, v kateri zaposleni deluje, in družbo kot celoto. Posledice, ki jih prinaša stres, so lahko čustvene, vedenjske in telesne narave, in predstavljajo način, s katerim se organizem odzove na spremembe, obenem pa organizaciji predstavljajo velik strošek. Najhujše posledice stresa na ravni posameznika se pokažejo kot izgorelost, izčrpanost, kronična utrujenost in v najhujšem primeru kot smrt zaradi prevelikega stresa. Na organizacijskem nivoju pa je stres povezan s stroški zaradi bolezenskih odsotnosti zaposlenih z dela in s stroški zdravljenja zaposlenih, stroški absentizma, stroški prezgodnjih upokojitev, sodnimi stroški, stroški, nastalih zaradi škode na opremi, zmanjšanja produktivnosti, v nekaterih primerih pa tudi izgube dobrega imena in ugleda. Kljub temu pa si vodstvo podjetja pogosto zatiska oči pred problemom in se ne želi soočiti s stresom svojih zaposlenih, saj meni, da je stres posameznika posameznikov problem, prav tako pa tudi njegova rešitev. Stresu se ni mogoče izogniti, saj je del vsakdanjega življenja. Z njim se je mogoče srečati tako v domačem kot delovnem okolju. Najpomembnejše so veščine obvladovanja stresa, saj nam omogočajo poiskati ravnotežje med različnimi področji življenja. S tem pa se ohranja tudi telesno in duševno zdravje. Najpogostejši načini za obvladovanje stresa so različne tehnike sproščanja. Z njimi je mogoče odkriti, kako prilagoditi svoje vedenje in svoj življenjski slog dopolniti s strategijami. Če se zaposleni negativnih učinkov stresa zavedajo in jih skušajo obvladati in odpraviti, lahko s tem bistveno pripomorejo k uspešnosti celotne organizacije. Stresorji, zaradi katerih so zaposleni najpogosteje pod stresom, so: vrsta zaposlitve, razmejitve med delom in nedelom, opredelitev vlog, organizacijski dejavniki, nadlegovanje in nasilje na delovnem mestu, različni delovni pogoji in delovne razmere ter organizacijska klima in kultura. Zavedati se je potrebno, da stres ni vedno slab. Mnogokrat deluje spodbudno in omogoča napredovanje skozi življenje ter lažje doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Potrebno se je zavedati le intenzivnosti in trajanja stresnega stanja, ki ima lahko škodljive posledice za zdravje. Z raziskavo obvladovanja stresa na delovnem mestu se je ugotavljalo, kako se ubraniti pritiskov in napetosti, ki jih prinaša življenje, kako se s stresom soočiti in kako ga najlažje obvladati. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na več sklopov. Temeljna sklopa sta teoretični in empirični vidik problematike. Prvi, teoretični, del je osredotočen na opredelitev stresa in soočanje s stresom na delovnem mestu, predstavlja pa tudi obvladovanje stresa na delovnem mestu, kjer so podrobno prikazani ukrepi za obvladovanje stresa na individualni pa tudi sistemski ravni. Na koncu teoretičnega dela so opisane še tehnike za premagovanje stresa oziroma tehnike sproščanja ter strategije za zmanjšanje stresa pri zaposlenih. V drugem, empiričnem delu magistrske naloge sledi predstavitev podjetja Tames d. o. o., v nadaljevanju pa prikaz analize obvladovanja stresa zaposlenih izb Despite all the technological advancements, which make todays life easier, we feel more and more often difficult to resist daily pressures. Useful advice is therefore necessary to manage and control endless requirements when trying to coordinate work and home commitments. Due to excessive workloads, employees are constantly under stress at the workplace, therefore it is necessary to introduce solutions that will help to manage all these problems better and bring at least some peace and concentration into life. Causes of stress can originate from the inner self of an individual, or, are the result of his/her environment, whether social or work environment. If the employee works in an environment, which is often stressful, he/she rapidly succumbs to disorders, which are caused by anxiety and lead to tension and panic attacks, which can completely exhaust an individual and in more severe forms cause serious mental health disorders. Stress does not affect the individual only but also the organization in which the employee works and society as a whole. Consequences, brought about by stress can be emotional, behavioural or physical, and represent the way the organism responds to changes and at the same time lead to significant costs for the organization. The worst effects of stress on the individual level are burnout, exhaustion, chronic fatigue and in the worst case death due to excessive stress. At the organizational level, stress leads to costs associated with sick leaves and medical costs of employees, absenteeism costs, premature retirement and court costs, costs incurred due to damage done to the equipment, loss of productivity and in some cases, loss of goodwill and reputation. Notwithstanding all of the above, corporate executives often look the other way when it comes to this problem and do not wish to deal with stress of their employees, as they believe that stress is a problem of the individual and that they should deal with it themselves. The fact, that stress can be completely avoided is inconceivable. Stress cannot be avoided. It is a part of everyday life and is present in the domestic and work environment. That is exactly why skills, which manage stress are the most important, since they enable finding equilibrium on various areas of life and thus maintain physical and mental health. The most common ways to deal with stress are various relaxation techniques. With them it is possible to find out how to adapt behaviours and complement lifestyle with strategies. If employees are aware of negative effects of stress and try to cope with and overcome them, they can significantly contribute to the success of the entire organization. Stressors, due to which employees are mostly under stress, are: type of employment, boundaries between work and non-work, role definitions, organizational factors, harassment and violence at the workplace, various working conditions and also organizational climate and culture. However, it is necessary to be aware that the stress is not always bad. It often has a stimulating effect, and allows advancement in life and an easier achievement of objectives. What we should be aware of is the intensity and duration of stressful conditions that may have adverse effects on health. The study, which examined the management of stress at the workplace, showed how to deal with pressures and tensions of life, how to deal with stress and how to manage it in the easiest fashion. The Master's thesis is divided into several sections. The basic two sections are the theoretical and empirical aspect of the problem. The first, the theoretical part focuses on the definition of and dealing with stress at the workplace and also describes stress management at the workplace, presenting measures to deal with stress on an individual and systemic level in detail. At the end of the theoretical part techniques for stress management or relaxation techniques and strategies to reduce stress among employees are described. In the second empirical part of the master's thesis the company Tames d.o.o. is presented
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Kureš, Anita and Šarotar-Žižek, Simona
- Subjects
udc:159.9 ,stress on the workplace ,stress ,symptoms of stress ,simptomi stresa ,premagovanje stresa ,overcome stress ,tehnike sproščanja ,stresorji ,relaxation techniques ,stres ,stres na delovnem mestu - Abstract
Stres je tegoba sedanjega časa. Zmeraj več ljudi trpi za posledicami stresa na delovnem mestu, saj nam delo povzroča preveliko odgovornost, njemu tudi namenimo večino svojega časa, kar nam posledično zmanjšuje čas za sprostitev. Tako nam primanjkuje časa za zabavo, druženje s prijatelji, sprehode v naravi, telesno aktivnost in druge možnosti za sprostitev. Življenje nam prinaša nenehno nove izzive in obremenitve, pritiske, bojazni, ki sčasoma kopičijo stres v našem telesu. Vse to se nam odraža na telesu in smo posledično manj aktivni in produktivni na delovnem mestu. Dobro je zatorej, da se zavedamo, da moramo v telesu vzpostaviti ravnovesje, da bo vsak stres zdrav stres za naše telo. Tako je v diplomskem seminarju podano veliko načinov kako premagati stres kot posameznik. To storimo z različnimi tehnikami sproščanja kot so joga meditacija in druge tehnike. Opisano je kako se s stresom spopadamo na ravni družbe kakor tudi na ravni organizacije. Vse skupaj pa smo še podkrepili z raziskavo, ki temelji na anonimnem anketnem vprašalniku, ki je bil podan v trgovski organizaciji X in na intervjuju doktorja Lovšeta iz zasebnega zdravstvenega zavoda Lovše. Stres skupaj s pritiski lastnikov za vse zaposlene v podjetju ustvarja negativno klimo, ki se negativno odraža na delu nižji sta predvsem kakovost in produktivnost dela, pojavlja se preobremenjenosti, izčrpanost, nemotiviranost zaposlenih. Vse to je posebej pomembno za storitvene organizacije kot je npr. trgovska organizacija. Podrobneje smo se ukvarjali s stresom pri trgovcih v trgovskih organizacijah in z premagovanjem stresa pri teh ključnih respondentih. Stress is the ills of the current time. Always more people are suffering from the consequences of stress in the workplace, as we work causes too much responsibility, it also dedicate most of my time, which allows us to reduce the time to relax. So, we lack time for fun, hanging out with friends, walks in nature, physical activity and other forms of relaxation. Life brings us constant new challenges and burdens, pressures, anxieties, which eventually accumulate stress in our body. All this is reflected in our body and we are consequently less active and productive in the workplace. It is good, therefore, that we are aware that we need to strike a balance in the body, that any stress health stress for the body. So, in the graduate seminar given many ways to beat stress as an individual. This is done with a variety of relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and other techniques. Describes how to cope with stress at company level and at the level of the organization. All together, we are corroborated by a study based on anonymous survey questionnaire, which was given in trade organization X, and interview Dr. Lovše from private medical practice Lovše. Stress along with the pressures of the owners of all employees in the company creates a negative climate that adversely reflects on the work, especially the lower quality and productivity at work, there is the congestion, fatigue, lack of motivation of employees. All this is particularly important for service organizations such as. trade organization. More specifically, we deal with stress among traders in trading organizations and overcoming stress in these key respondents.
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Zver, Tatjana and KRUŠIČ, ZVONE
- Subjects
udc:373.2(043.2) ,sprostitvene tehnike ,peace ,rituali ,relaxing [Key words] ,sprostitvene igre ,relaxation games ,mir ,sproščanje ,nature ,tišina ,relaxation techniques ,gibanje ,narava ,stres ,stress ,physical exercise ,quiet ,rituals ,senses ,umirjanje ,calming ,čutila - Abstract
Namen moje diplomske naloge je, teoretično in praktično prikazati, da tudi otroci v današnjem modernem času potrebujejo sprostitev in mir. Otroci potrebujejo tišino, da lahko občutijo in doživijo svoje čustva, da se osredotočijo na tisto kar delajo, da najdejo ravnotežje v sebi in si na tak način naberejo novih moči. Stalni nemir, motnje koncentracije, vedenjske motnje, motnje spanja, vse to so posledice hitrosti in preobremenjenosti s katero živimo in so značilne tako za otroke, kot tudi za odrasle. Le tisti, ki je sam sposoben miru, lahko tudi otroka pripelje do njega. Zato moramo začeti z delom pri sebi. V moji nalogi sem opisala, kako veliko moč delovanja ima stres na naše otroke in kakšni so njegovi znaki ter posledice, ki se kažejo v otroškem vedenju in počutju. Znaki so: pogosti prehladi, kožni izpuščaji, potne dlani, pomanjkanje teka, bolečine v trebuhu, težave pri zbujanju, napadi besa, pretepanje, zapiranje vase, jez, strah, žalost in potrtost. Posledice pa so nemirni, zavrti, utrujeni in nesrečni otroci. V nadaljevanju naloge sem opisala rešitve za nastale težave in motnje današnjega časa. Rešitve najdemo v sprostitvenih igrah in tehnikah (masaža, joga), v drobnih ritualih, ki jih vnesemo v vsakdanjik vrtca in doma, s pomočjo gibanja v naravi in telesnih izkušenj (masaža, dotik, božanje, objem) s pomočjo aktiviranja čutil in fantazijskih potovanj. Opisala sem svoje izkušnje in odzive otrok pri izvajanju sprostitvenih igre, tehnikah, ritualih, gibanju v naravi in v igralnici, telesnih izkušnjah, uporabi čutil in fantazijskih potovanj. Moje izkušnje so zelo pozitivne, saj sem s sprostitvenimi igrami in tehnikami v svoje delo z otroki vnesla svežino in pestrost ter opustila storilnostno naravnanost pri delu z otroki. Sprostitvene igre in tehnike so pripomogle h kvalitetnejšim medsebojnim odnosom v skupini in kvalitetnejšem vzgojnem delu. Vsi smo doživeli izkušnjo, ki se nas je dotaknila. Z medsebojnimi stiki, bližino in dotiki smo ustvarili nevidno, toda močno vez, ki nam je dala moč. Pri izvajanju sprostitvenih iger so bolj uživali dečki kakor deklice, čeprav so sodelovali vsi. Otroci so bili mirnejši in manj glasni. Postali so bolj veseli, strpnejši drug do drugega, zato so se v skupini dobro počutili in so radi prihajali v vrtec. Telesna odpornost se jim je povečala, saj smo se veliko gibali v naravi in zato je bila obolelost v skupini manjša. Otroci so postali ustvarjalni na področju umetnosti in bolj vztrajni pri svojih igrah. V nadaljevanju naloge sem kvalitativno ovrednotila pozitivne izkušnje kolegic s sprostitvenimi igrami in tehnikami z otroki. Tudi one so bile navdušene nad pozitivnimi spremembami pri vedenju in počutju otrok. Na koncu naloge sem podala primerjalno analizo različnih tipov osebnosti in vpliv sprostitvenih iger nanje. Ugotovila sem, da so imele sprostitvene igre res izjemen vpliv na agresivne, nemirne in zavrte otroke, saj so se pri njih neprestano dogajale spremembe. Izražale so se pri njihovem počutju in vedenju. Bilo je manj agresivnega vedenja, saj so otroci postali bolj strpni, nemirni otroci so se znali za nekaj časa umiriti in si pridobiti občutek ugodja, zavrti otroci pa so se počasi osvobajali svojih stisk. Sprostitvene igre in tehnike so pozitivno vplivale na vse nas in zato jih bom v vrtcu izvajala tudi v bodoče. ABSTRACT The purpose of my diploma paper is to theoretically and practically show that even children nowadays need peace and relaxation. The children need quiet to feel and experience their own emotions and to concentrate on what they do, find balance in them and in this way gain new energy. Constant restlessness, concentration disturbance, behavioural and sleep disorders are all consequences of fast and overloaded life we lead which is significant for adults as well as children. Only the one who is capable of finding their own inner peace can also lead the child to the same condition. Therefore it is necessary to start working on ourselves. . I have described how big impact the stress has on our children and what are its symptoms and consequences that can be seen in children's behaviour and health. These symptoms are: constant colds, skin rashes, sweaty palms, and lack of appetite, abdominal pain, problems of waking up, rage attacks, violence, anger, fear, sadness and depression. As result we get anxious, inhibited, tired and unhappy children. In the following I describe possible solutions for the problems and disturbances that have occurred in recent time. The solutions can be found in relaxation games and other techniques (massage, yoga), as well as in good rituals introduced in everyday life of nursery school and homes based on physical exercises in nature and physical experiences (a touch, hug, caressing and massage) that help to activate the senses and fantasy. I described my own experiences and feedback with children when implementing games for relaxation games, techniques, rituals, physical exercises in nature and playroom, physical experiences, using the senses and fantasy. My experiences are very positive since I introduced freshness and variation in my work with children when carrying out the relaxation games and techniques, what is more, I have abandoned efficiency regulations when working with children. The relaxation games and techniques have contributed to better mutual relations in the group and better educational work. We all had the experience that touched us. With mutual interactions, closeness and touches we made an invisible but strong bond that gave us power. When carrying out the relaxation games were boy the ones that enjoyed more than girls, however everybody was eager to participate. The children were calmer and quieter. They became happier, more tolerant towards each other, felt better in the group in general and as the result they were happy about coming to the nursery school day after day. Their physical immunity had also risen since we did more exercise outside and health problems diminished. The children became creative in art and more persistent in play. I have assessed positive experiences at relaxation games and techniques of my colleagues with children in the follow-up. They were also delighted among the positive changes in children's behaviour and health. At the end of my paper I have analysed different types of personality and the influence of relaxation games on them. I have found out that relaxation games had an exceptional influence on aggressive, anxious and inhibited children though there were changes going on all the time. Those changes were seen through the children's state of health and behaviour. There was less aggressive behaviour since the children had become more tolerant and calmer, one could see that they were enjoying and those inhibited ones have slowly loosen their boundaries. Relaxation games and techniques have positively influenced on all of us therefore I am going to continue using them at my work in the nursery school.
- Published
- 2009
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