
Showing total 51 results
51 results

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1. From malware samples to fractal images: A new paradigm for classification.

2. Interface crack analysis in 2D bounded dissimilar materials using an enriched physics-informed neural networks.

3. AudioMNIST: Exploring Explainable Artificial Intelligence for audio analysis on a simple benchmark.

4. An industrial process fault diagnosis method based on independent slow feature analysis and stacked sparse autoencoder network.

5. DATT-NGRU: a novel deep learning model with data augmentation for daily stock indexes prediction.

6. A novel aspect of automatic vlog content creation using generative modeling approaches.

7. Transformation and learning of the non-equidimensional hesitant fuzzy information based on an extended generative adversarial network.

8. Improving transferability of 3D adversarial attacks with scale and shear transformations.

9. Validating and constructing behavioral models for simulation and projection using automated knowledge extraction.

10. Traffic prediction for 5G: A deep learning approach based on lightweight hybrid attention networks.

11. Multi-sensor fusion rolling bearing intelligent fault diagnosis based on VMD and ultra-lightweight GoogLeNet in industrial environments.

12. A large-scale graph clustering method for cell conditions spatio-temporal localization in aluminum electrolysis.

13. When grey model meets deep learning: A new hazard classification model.

14. Image-based fire detection using an attention mechanism and pruned dense network transfer learning.

15. HFN: Heterogeneous feature network for multivariate time series anomaly detection.

16. An attack-agnostic defense method against adversarial attacks on speaker verification by fusing downsampling and upsampling of speech signals.

17. Approximation of functions from Korobov spaces by shallow neural networks.

18. Explainable artificial hydrocarbon networks classifier applied to preeclampsia.

19. Developing a hybrid system for stock selection and portfolio optimization with many-objective optimization based on deep learning and improved NSGA-III.

20. FLEX: A fast and light-weight learned index for kNN search in high-dimensional space.

21. Rolling the dice for better deep learning performance: A study of randomness techniques in deep neural networks.

22. Classification of imagined speech of vowels from EEG signals using multi-headed CNNs feature fusion network.

23. Robust hyperspectral image classification using generative adversarial networks.

24. Tau lepton identification and reconstruction: A new frontier for jet-tagging ML algorithms.

25. Efficient self-calibrated and hierarchical refinement network for lightweight super-resolution.

26. Detection of epileptic seizure using EEG signals analysis based on deep learning techniques.

27. FE-RNN: A fuzzy embedded recurrent neural network for improving interpretability of underlying neural network.

28. HarmoSATE: Harmonized embedding-based self-attentive encoder to improve accuracy of privacy-preserving federated predictive analysis.

29. Energy disaggregation risk resilience through microaggregation and discrete Fourier transform.

30. Progressive neural network for multi-horizon time series forecasting.

31. A three-way decision approach for dynamically expandable networks.

32. Adversarial random graph neural network for anomaly detection.

33. Data-driven soliton solutions and parameters discovery of the coupled nonlinear wave equations via a deep learning method.

34. Parameter estimation for network-organized Turing system based on convolution neural networks.

35. DDEP: Evolutionary pruning using distilled dataset.

36. Novel deterministic and probabilistic forecasting methods for crude oil price employing optimized deep learning, statistical and hybrid models.

37. A region-based hierarchical image compression method with simulated visual perception.

38. Robust weapon detection in dark environments using Yolov7-DarkVision.

39. Less complexity-aware intelligent 1-dimensional CNN with weighted deep features for artifacts removal in EEG signals.

40. MRSNet: Joint consistent optic disc and cup segmentation based on large kernel residual convolutional attention and self-attention.

41. EEG-TransMTL: A transformer-based multi-task learning network for thermal comfort evaluation of railway passenger from EEG.

42. Data-driven wave solutions of (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear dispersive long wave equation by deep learning.

43. High level GPU-accelerated 2D PIV framework in Python.

44. Dyformer: A dynamic transformer-based architecture for multivariate time series classification.

45. Differential privacy may have a potential optimization effect on some swarm intelligence algorithms besides privacy-preserving.

46. CGN: Class gradient network for the construction of adversarial samples.

47. REPROT: Explaining the predictions of complex deep learning architectures for object detection through reducts of an image.

48. Efficient physics-based learned reconstruction methods for real-time 3D near-field MIMO radar imaging.

49. Combining key pronunciation detection, frontal lip reconstruction, and time-delay for audio-visual consistency judgment.

50. Granular computing-based deep learning for text classification.