690 results on '"International Christian University"'
Search Results
2. COVID-19 myth busters in world languages : a case for broader impacts of linguistic research during the COVID-19 crisis
- Author
International Christian University; University of Venda, Studio C-clef, Keio University, Kawahara, Shigeto, Lee, Seunghun J., Won, Daehan, International Christian University; University of Venda, Studio C-clef, Keio University, Kawahara, Shigeto, Lee, Seunghun J., and Won, Daehan
- Published
- 2021
3. Acquisition of the takete-maluma effect by Japanese speakers
- Author
The Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Keio University, Training Center for Foreign Languages and Diction, Tokyo University of the Arts, Research and Support Center on Higher Education for the Hearing and Visually Impaired, Tsukuba University of Technology, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Mejiro University & International Christian University, School of Letters, Senshu University, Faculty of Letters, Keio University, Kawahara, Shigeto, Isobe, Miwa, Kobayashi, Yukino, Monō, Tomoko, Okabe, Reiko, Minagawa, Yasuyo, The Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Keio University, Training Center for Foreign Languages and Diction, Tokyo University of the Arts, Research and Support Center on Higher Education for the Hearing and Visually Impaired, Tsukuba University of Technology, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Mejiro University & International Christian University, School of Letters, Senshu University, Faculty of Letters, Keio University, Kawahara, Shigeto, Isobe, Miwa, Kobayashi, Yukino, Monō, Tomoko, Okabe, Reiko, and Minagawa, Yasuyo
- Abstract
This paper reports on an experiment which tested how sound symbolic knowledge is acquired by Japanese children. The empirical focus is associations between certain types of sounds and certain types of shapes. Köhler’s (1947) classic study has revealed that the nonce word takete is more likely to be associated with angular shapes, hereas the nonce word maluma is more likely to be associated with round shapes. Later studies generalized this finding in such a way that obstruents are associated with angular shapes, whereas sonorants are associated with round shapes. It remains to be examined, however, how the knowledge of these sound symbolic associations is acquired. The present study thus employs the preferential looking paradigm using eye-tracking technology to examine how the knowledge of these sound symbolic associations is acquired by Japanese speakers. The results show that the sound-symbolic associations at issue hold not only among adult Japanese speakers, but also among 6-year-old children who have not attended elementary school, and even more strikingly, among 2/3-year-old children.
- Published
- 2019
4. 持久走および長距離走に対する認識形成プロセスに関する研究
- Author
Yuichi,SAITO, Kotaro,KIKUCHI, Kaori,TAJIMA, Naoki,SUZUKI, Yuichi,SAITO(Division of Health and Sport Education The United Graduate School of Education Tokyo Gakugei University), Kotaro,KIKUCHI(Graduate School of Education Tokyo Gakugei University), Kaori,TAJIMA(International Christian University High School), and Naoki,SUZUKI(Tokyo Gakugei University)
- Subjects
持久走 ,認識 ,SSUB:体育 ,Endurance Running ,Long-Distance Running Race ,Concept ,長距離走 ,Physical Education Teacher Education ,体育教師教育 ,ETYP:教育関連論文 ,STYP:中学校 - Published
- 2013
5. Differential cross section and analyzing power measurements for nd elastic scattering at 248 MeV
- Author
Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, RIKEN, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, International Christian University, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Physics, Ohio University, Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Department of Neutron Research, Uppsala University, Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hannover, Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Institut für Kernphysik, Forschumgszentrum Jülich, Maeda, Y, Sakai, H, Fujita, K, Greenfield, M. B, Hatanaka, K, Hatano, M, Kamiya, J, Kawabata, T, Kuboki, H, Okamura, H, Rapaport, J, Saito, T, Sakemi, Y, Sasano, M, Sekiguchi, K, Shimizu, Y, Suda, K, Tameshige, Y, Tamii, A, Wakasa, T, Yako, K, Blomgren, J, Mermod, P, Öhrn, A, Österlund, M, Witala, H, Deltuva, A, Fonseca, A. C, Sauer, P. U, Glöckle, W, Golak, J, Kamada, H, Nogga, A, Skibiński, R, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, RIKEN, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, International Christian University, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Physics, Ohio University, Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Department of Neutron Research, Uppsala University, Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hannover, Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Institut für Kernphysik, Forschumgszentrum Jülich, Maeda, Y, Sakai, H, Fujita, K, Greenfield, M. B, Hatanaka, K, Hatano, M, Kamiya, J, Kawabata, T, Kuboki, H, Okamura, H, Rapaport, J, Saito, T, Sakemi, Y, Sasano, M, Sekiguchi, K, Shimizu, Y, Suda, K, Tameshige, Y, Tamii, A, Wakasa, T, Yako, K, Blomgren, J, Mermod, P, Öhrn, A, Österlund, M, Witala, H, Deltuva, A, Fonseca, A. C, Sauer, P. U, Glöckle, W, Golak, J, Kamada, H, Nogga, A, and Skibiński, R
- Abstract
type:Journal Article, The differential cross sections and vector analyzing powers for nd elastic scattering at En=248 MeV were measured for 10°–180° in the center-of-mass (c.m.) system. To cover the wide angular range, the experiments were performed separately by using two different setups for forward and backward angles. The data are compared with theoretical results based on Faddeev calculations with realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) forces such as AV18, CD Bonn, and Nijmegen I and II, and their combinations with the three-nucleon forces (3NFs), such as Tucson-Melbourne 99 (TM99), Urbana IX, and the coupled-channel potential with Delta-isobar excitation. Large discrepancies are found between the experimental cross sections and theory with only 2N forces for thetac.m.>90°. The inclusion of 3NFs brings the theoretical cross sections closer to the data but only partially explains this discrepancy. For the analyzing power, no significant improvement is found when 3NFs are included. Relativistic corrections are shown to be small for both the cross sections and the analyzing powers at this energy. For the cross sections, these effects are mostly seen in the very backward angles. Compared with the pd cross section data, quite significant differences are observed at all scattering angles that cannot be explained only by the Coulomb interaction, which is usually significant at small angles., source:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.76.014004
- Published
- 2017
6. A Study on the Effect of Adjunct Questions in Reading Comprehension of Story-Type Text : An Experiment for Development of Hypermedia material
- Author
Naomi, KINJO, Nobuko, IKEDA, Division of General Education,University of the Ryukyus, and Division of Education,International Christian University
- Abstract
筆者らは、ハイパーメディアを利用した日本語学習支援のためのコースウェアの開発を試みた。この教材は、日本の昔話のビデオ映像を基幹教材とした個別 学習用のハイパーメディア教材である(未発表)。このハイパーメディアのコースウェア設計の基礎研究として基幹教材である昔話(「ねずみの嫁入り」)を文章教材として用いた読解実験を行なった。その実験をコースウェアの開発に還元することにより、よりよい教材開発を目指すこととした。この論文はその実験について述べるものである。 本実験は、外国語としての日本語の物語の読みにおいて、挿入質問提示が文章理解を促進することを検証するために行なった。そしてこの実験の結果 、挿入質問提示による効果が認められた。これは、学習者が、短いセグメントごとに自分の読みの理解をモニタリングできるからであると推測される。 挿入質問提示の効果に影響を与える要因は、読解の題材、質問の種類、質問の形式など、実にさまざまである。効果 的な読解指導法を開発していくためにも、また、効果的なコンピュータ教材を開発していくためにも、今後、これらの要因について研究を進め、成果 を蓄積していく必要があると思われる。, Appropriate experiments and feedback on their results are necessary for development and improvement of learning material. The authors are engaged in developing hypermedia course ware for learners of Japanese as a second language. The main material considered here is an animation video of the Japanese folk tale "Nezumi no Yomeiri." An experiment on reading comprehension of the story was conducted under two conditions: one group learned the reading material with adjunct questions, and the other without such questions. This paper describes the method and procedure of the experiment and its result. The results showed that the adjunct questions enhance students' reading comprehension. This is probably because the adjunct questions are germane to learners' self-monitoring. The results of the experiment suggest that the hypermedia material should include adjunct questions. It is desirable to promote this type of study further to develop effective methods of teaching reading comprehension and various kinds of materials using computers.
- Published
- 1996
7. クローズテスト法による日本語読解力の測定 : 日本語学習者と日本人小学生の読解力を比較分析する
- Author
YAMASHITA Sayoko, OKADA and International Christian University
- Abstract
外国人日本語学習者の最終学習目標の理想は、母語話者と同等の日本語力を習得することであるが、実際には、両者の日本語力にはどのような相違があるのだろうか。本稿では、大学生の日本語上級学習者、中級学習者、および日本人小学1年生の3つのグループを対象に、クローズテストを用いて、それぞれの読解力を測定し、比較分 析した。使用したクローズテストは、昔話の『桃太郎』を素材にして作成したものである。テストの信頼性の検証も含め、項目分析、一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)などの統計分析により、3者の読解力を比較した。その結果、上級学習者と日本人小学生の読 解力には統計的差異はみられなかったが、中級学習者と上級学習者、および中級学習 者と日本人小学生の間には差異がみられた。これにより、読解力において、日本語学 習者は上級になるにしたがい、母語話者のそれに近づくことが明らかになった。また、項目ごとに詳しく各学習者グループの回答をみていくと、統計的に差異の認められなかった上級学習者と日本人小学生の間にも、それぞれのグループ特有の誤答が認められた。本稿はクローズテストによる読解力の比較分析に加え、クローズテストの項 目分析が、各学習者(日本語学習者対母語話者)にとってどの学習文法項目が難易か を測定できることを示唆した。, This study investigates whether there are differences in reading comprehension performance between native Japanese children and learners of Japanese as a second language (JSL). The subjects were public elementary-school first graders (n=43), as well as advanced (n=29) and intermediate (n=3l) university students who were studying JSL. A fixed-ratio cloze test with 72 blanks (adapted from a folk tale, entitled Momotaro) was used to measure comprehension performance. The statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, reliability estimates, and item analysis. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that there was a significant difference between native children and lower proficiency JSL learners, although, there was no significant difference between native children and higher proficiency JSL learners. However, closer analysis indicated several salient differences between native children and advanced JSL learners. This study demonstrates that the more proficient JSL learners become, the closer their proficiency becomes to having native proficiency. In addition, the cloze procedure appears to have been a good measure of the language knowledge of both native children and JSL learners and also helped to discover individual items that are difficult for JSL learners to master.
- Published
- 1994
8. A Proposal for the Establishment of an EAP Vocabulary List and an Analysis of Its Appropriateness
- Author
Mizoguchi, Setsuko, Shiina, Kiyoko, Sano, Masako, Thrasher, Randolph, Yoshioka, Motoko, and International Christian University
- Published
- 1992
9. Development of a CAI System for Japanese-Language Learning on Telivision News
- Author
Yoko, SUZUKI, Atsuko, YOKOTA, Hiroko, TAKAGI, Sugao, ISHIMOTO, Yaeko, NAGUMO, International Christian University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and Kansai University of Foreign Studies
- Abstract
「テレビニュースを中心とした日本語学習用コースウェアの開発-学習内容の選択と整理-」に続いて、テレビニュースを聞けるようになるための聴解学習用CAIコースウェアを、授業設計の視点に立って開発した。実際のテレビニュースを録画したものを利用し、コースウェアの中で映像として提示した。また、単語や例文、練習問題を音声情報として、CRT画面 上の文字と同時に提示した。テレビニュースの視聴、やさしく直したニュースの聴解、単語の学習と記憶、表現の学習と練習、構文の練習を組み合わせ、数レッスンの学習によってテレビニュースが聞いてわかるようになることをめざした。, Based on "Development of Course-ware for Japanese-Language Learning on Television News: Selection and Organization of Learning Items," this study continues to develop a CAI system in this area. Television news broadcasts are presented by video, and vocabulary, example sentences, and exercises are presented on computer display together with audio presentation. The material consists of one shot of a television news broadcast, simplified news recorded by an instructor, vocabulary learning, expression learning, and structure learning. This material is designed to practice listening comprehension of television news through the completion of several lessons.
- Published
- 1992
10. Protecting and assisting refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia : the role of the UNHCR, informal mechanisms, and the 'Humanitarian exception'
- Author
Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Public Policy and Social Research Program, International Christian University, Japan, Lego, Jera Beah H., Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Public Policy and Social Research Program, International Christian University, Japan, and Lego, Jera Beah H.
- Abstract
This paper problematizes Malaysia's apparently contradictory policies – harsh immigration rules applied to refugees and asylum seekers on the one hand, and the continued presence and functioning of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the other hand. It asks how it has been possible to protect and assist refugees and asylum seekers in light of such policies and how such protection and assistance is implemented, justified, and maintained. Giorgio Agamben's concept of the state of exception is employed in analyzing the possibility of refugee protection and assistance amidst an otherwise hostile immigration regime and in understanding the nature of juridical indeterminacy in which refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia inhabit. I also argue that the exception for refugees in Malaysia is a particular kind of exception, that is, a 'humanitarian exception.' Insofar as the state of exception is decided on by the sovereign, in Carl Schmitt's famous formulation, I argue that it is precisely in the application of 'humanitarian exception' for refugees and asylum seekers that the Malaysian state is asserting its sovereignty. As for the protection and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, it remains an exception to the rule. In other words, it is temporary, partial, and all together insufficient for the preservation of the dignity of refugees and asylum seekers. To make these arguments, the paper begins with a brief history of Malaysia's encounters with refugees and asylum seekers, that is, occasions when 'humanitarian exceptions' were invoked through the issuance of IMM13 permits. Next, it describes Malaysia's current de facto policy towards refugees in the context of mixed migration to provide a picture of the kind of juridical order from which refugees and asylum seekers are at times exempted. Then, it describes the role of the UNHCR in protecting and assisting refugees and asylum seekers through the implementation of a number of informal mechani, Tokyo
- Published
- 2012
11. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Senior Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University; Research Associate, Headquarters of Information Technology Center, Keio University, Nakamura, Miyoko, Morishima, Yasunori, Teraoka, Takehiro, Okamoto, Jun, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Senior Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University; Research Associate, Headquarters of Information Technology Center, Keio University, Nakamura, Miyoko, Morishima, Yasunori, Teraoka, Takehiro, and Okamoto, Jun
- Published
- 2011
12. (3He, t) Charge-Exchange Reactions at E(3He) 450 MeV, [theta] = 0[deg].
- Author
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Mihogaoka 10-1, Ibaraki, Osaka 567, Japan, College of General Education, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan, Natural Sciences Division, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Zernikelaan 25, 9747, AA Groningen, The Netherlands, Department of Physics, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan, College of General Education, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan, Akimune, H., Daito, I., Fujita, Y., Fujiwara, M., Greenfield, M.B., Harakeh, M.N., Inomata, T., Janecke, J., Katori, K., Nakayama, S., Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Mihogaoka 10-1, Ibaraki, Osaka 567, Japan, College of General Education, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan, Natural Sciences Division, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Zernikelaan 25, 9747, AA Groningen, The Netherlands, Department of Physics, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan, College of General Education, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan, Akimune, H., Daito, I., Fujita, Y., Fujiwara, M., Greenfield, M.B., Harakeh, M.N., Inomata, T., Janecke, J., Katori, K., and Nakayama, S.
- Abstract
Spin-isospin excitations in nuclei have been studied by means of the (3He, t) reactions at 450 MeV on the targets 9Be, natC, 28Si, 58Ni, 62Ni, 90Zr, 118Sn, 120Sn, 124Sn, and 154Sm. The new spectrometer "Grand Raiden" was employed for the (3He, t) study for the first time. Observed (3He, t) spectra at 0[deg] show remarkable similarity with those from the (p, n) results at intermediate energies, suggesting a simple direct reaction mechanism for the (3He, t) reaction at 450 MeV. The Gamow-Teller (GT) resonances and the spin-flip [Delta]L = 1 resonances are excited very strongly. A fine structure of the GT resonances in medium-heavy nuclei is observed with an energy resolution of 210 keV. It is demonstrated that the (3He, t) reaction at 450 MeV is a powerful tool to study the spin-isospin excitations in nuclei.
- Published
- 2006
13. Leo Strauss était-il conservateur ?
- Author
Universités de Doshisha, Waseda, International Christian University (février 1999), Haarscher, Guy, Universités de Doshisha, Waseda, International Christian University (février 1999), and Haarscher, Guy
- Abstract
- Published
- 1999
14. The Decline Continues A Further Look at the English Proficiency of Prospective Company Entrants (Naiteisha) from 1985 to 1990
- Author
Thrasher, Randolph H., Yuasa, Katsumi, International Christian University, and International Language Centre, Tokyo
- Published
- 1990
15. Widening of Psychologically Safe Space in Ego Identity Search of Late Adolescent Female : Increased Diversity in the Way of Body Touching as Psychologically Safe Space
- Author
Tomoko, JAMES, Emi, IBI, Yuko, IKUI, Kai, OGIMOTO, Noriaki, TOMABECHI, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学高等臨床心理学研究所, 国際基督教大学高等臨床心理学研究所付属心理相談室, 国際基督教大学教育学研究科, Institute for Advanced Studies of Clinical Psychology, International Christian University, Psychological Consulting Services, Institute for Advanced Studies of Clinical Psychology, International Christian University, and Graduate School of Education, International Christian University
- Subjects
後期青年期 ,ego identity ,心的安全空間 ,psychologically safe space ,自己身体接触 ,body touching ,アイデンティティ ,late adolescence - Abstract
本研究は,青年期のアイデンティティ追求時の人格成熟過程において,人格発達に資する葛藤への取り組み作業に対して身体が心的安全空間として機能することを明らかにし,その際の心的安全空間の多様化のプロセスを捉えることを目的とした.実験的アイデンティティ,グループの参加者に対して行った心的安全空間質問紙の結果から,青年群と大人群の特徴を比較した上で,前者の特徴が見られた後期青年期女性の観察研究を行った.理論仮説は,(1)青年期のアイデンティテイ追求において,身体の心的安全空間は重要な土壌となる.(2)身体の心的安全空間は,心的安全空間の階層性が成立することにより多様化し,さらにそのサブシステムである個人内領域の心的安全空間も拡大する,とした.(1)は支持され,(2)は概ね支持された.揺らぎを経験する青年期に,最も安定した心的安全空間の一つとして身体が機能することで,スープラ・システムの心的安全空間は拡大し,同時に個人内の心的安全空間も拡大することが示された., This study aimed to demonstrate that the sense of body plays as a psychologically safe space in working on complexes which contribute to personality development through adolescent's identity seeking and to elucidate how the psychologically safe space become diverse. First, the Psychological Safe-Space Questionnaire was conducted on participants at the experimental Identity Group. The data was classified into an adult group and adolescent group to compare characteristics. Then, an observable study on one late adolescent female who represented the characteristics of the adolescent group was conducted. Theoretical hypotheses were; (1)psychologically safe space of the sense of body lay a foundation for adolescent's identity seeking, (2)Psychologically safe space of the sense of body diversifies as the hierarchy of the psychologically safe space is formed, leading to the widened psychologically safe space of the intra-psychic sphere. The first theoretical hypothesis was supported, and the second was largely supported. In conclusion, at times of adolescent turbulence, if the sense of body is confirmed as one of the most stable psychologically safe space, psychologically safe space of its supra system as well as the intra-psychic psychologically safe space widen.
- Published
- 2008
16. 建築・制度デザインにおける心理学の理論と方法の適用
- Author
ラッカム, デービッド W., David W., RACKHAM, Sumiko, HATTORI, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, International Christian University, and Institute for Educational Research and Service, International Christian University
- Subjects
architecture ,心理学 ,design ,建築 ,psychology ,デザイン ,environment ,環境 - Abstract
本論文では,心理学が,健康と疾病,教育,平和と紛争解決,建築デザインを含め,広範囲に及ぶ諸問題について,理解を深め改善を図れる貢献の概要を述べる.本論では,特に,環境および建築心理学の分野に焦点をおく.多様な環境と使用者の相互作用に重きをおくデザイン過程は,使用者側に最善の効果となる機能的かつ審美的基準の見通しを,高める可能性がある.社会の基本設備の実質的なデザインは,教育および健康医療の分野で使用され,心理学的理論をデザイン過程でいかに統合させていくかが,教育および健康医療施設の使用者に意義ある恩恵をもたらす., This article begins by outlining the contributions psychologists can make to an understanding and amelioration of issues and problems of widespread public concern, including issues of health and illness, education, peace and conflict resolution, and architectural and institutional design. The paper focuses in particular on the specialty fields of environmental and architectural psychology and how design processes focusing on user interactions with their varied environments can enhance the prospect that functional and aesthetic criteria can be harmonized to best effect for the benefit of users. Practical infrastructural design challenges in the fields of education and health care are used to demonstrate how the incorporation of psychological principles in the design process can yield significant benefits for the users of educational and health care facilities.
- Published
- 2008
17. 第二言語の文章理解過程 : 照応関係処理に関する課題の考察
- Author
Yasunori, MORISHIMA, Sayaka, SATO, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学教育学研究科, International Christian University, and Graduate School of Education, International Christian University
- Subjects
anaphoric resolution ,text comprehension ,second language reading ,文章理解 ,照応解析 ,第二言語読解 ,言語心理学 ,psycholinguistics - Abstract
読解過程において指示的一貫性を得ることはテキスト理解において必要不可欠な手続きである.読み手は照応形(anaphora)に行き当たった場合,テキスト上の情報及び読み手自身の既有知識を用い,可能な先行詞(antecedent)の候補と適合させる.これらの候補は幾つかの制約を満たさなければならず,そのために必要とされる処理は些末ではない.これから解るように,これらの処理過程は決して容易なものではなく,第二言語(L2)においてはその難易度は第一言語(L1)以上に増すと考えられる.Just& Carpenterが提唱するCapacity Hypothesis (1992)によると我々には限られた認知資源しか備わっていないために低い水準の処理過程と高水準の処理過程との間にトレードオフが起きる.これを前提として,本論文ではL2における照応解析の研究課題を提案すると同時にL2のコンテキストにおいて同一指示的でない橋渡し指示表現(bridging description)の解析が直接照応形(direct anaphora)に比べ,より認知資源を要するという主張を議論する., Establishing referential coherence during reading comprehension is a necessary process in text comprehension. When readers encounter anaphora, they use information from the text and their world knowledge in order to refer back to potential antecedents. These candidates need to satisfy certain constraints, and therefore, resolution of anaphora requires non-trivial processing. As can be understood, these processes are not simple procedures, and the difficulty in the resolution process is likely to be greater than that in first language (LI) than in second language (L2). The Capacity Hypothesis by Just & Carpenter (1992) suggests that the cognitive resources that we possess are limited, and thus, a tradeoff between low level tasks and high level tasks can occur. Under this theoretical framework, this article discusses some current research issues, and we argue that in the L2 context, resolving a bridging description which is not co-referential, calls for a greater demand of cognitive resources than the resolution of direct anaphora.
- Published
- 2008
18. 日本の多文化教育における地名学習の受容に関する一考察─関東地方のアイヌ語地名を例として
- Author
マーハ, ジョン C., John C., MAHER, Naotake, TSUKIDATE, Fumi, TAKISHITA, Akimi, SUGIYAMA, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, International Christian University, and Graduate School of Education International Christian University
- Subjects
multilingualism in Japan ,place-names ,地名 ,Kanto ,アイヌ語 ,multicultural education ,Ainu ,多文化教育 ,日本の多言語主義 ,関東 - Abstract
私たちの住んでいる土地は,それぞれの時代に生きた様々な民族が,彼らの生活や価値観,時には個人の名前を刻み込んできたパリンプセスト(何度も上書きされた古代の羊皮紙)のようなものである.地名には,過去の,時に古代にまでさかのぼる,考古学とは別の観点からの人間史の重要な痕跡が認められる.この意味において,地名はいわば"言語的DNA"であって,それらは,人間の身体の中のDNAと同様に,人間の膨大な歴史を示している(Sims-Williams, 2006).地名の多くには,さまざまな言語の署名が認められるといってよい.日本列島の地名に見られる言語には,日本語,アイヌ語,朝鮮語,琉球語,そして英語があり,これらの5つの言語が素材となって地名を形成している.それだけではなく仏教の影響をうけたパーリ語の地名の例もある.また,ここでは取り上げないが,聾唖者のコミュニティーの中には,手話という伝統的な言語システムを用いて確立されたその土地の呼び名も存在する.異なった言語と言語集団の流入は,言語学者が呼ぶところの"多言語主義"を反映している.しかしながら,下層にある言語部分を明らかにするには,通常,地名の表層を発掘する必要がある.ここでは,北海道や東北ではなく,関東という異例の場所におけるアイヌ語の地名を取り上げる., Place-names are a sign of the multilingual history of a particular place. The late-20^ century witnessed an important shift from the Meiji-generated propaganda of ethnic and linguistic homogeneity to an increasing awareness of Japan's multilinguality and multiculturality. The study of place-names is a useful contribution to research on the languages of Japan and multilingualism in Japan. The abundance of Ainu place-names in Hokkaido and Tohoku is well-known. Not so well documented are the Ainu place-names in other parts of Japan. This paper assembles from different sources the most important Ainu place-names in the Kanto region.
- Published
- 2007
19. Reconsideration of Competition : Affective Effects of Performances at Competitive Tasks
- Author
Norihiro, KUROISHI, Yoriko, SANO, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, 国際基督教大学大学院, Institute for Education Research and Service, International Christian University, and Graduate school of Education, International Christian University
- Subjects
Competition ,遂行 ,affect ,競争 ,感情 ,performance - Abstract
競争事態に関する心理現象についての基礎データを収集することを目的として実験研究をおこなった.同性の友人ペアを対象とした単純課題の成績について競争する場面を設定し,課題成績が感情状態に及ぼす影響を検討した.探索的な分析から,各試行後の感情状態に対しては,遂行の指標のうち競争相手との成績差や勝敗といった相対的遂行に関連する指標が関連していた.また,達成関連感情では,特に満足,残念さ,悔しさ,諦めといった感情は勝敗の影響を受けており,5試行を通した勝率は課題前後の内的不快感の変化と関連していた.しかし,各試行における誇りや恥の感情,課題前後の評価不安や自意識過剰といった感情は,遂行の影響を受けていなかった.競争状況において競争相手との勝敗が意識されていたにも関わらず,他者に関連する感情に対する影響が弱かったことについては,実験状況の設定なども含めてさらなる検討が望まれる., Some elemental data as to competition were collected by the methods of experiment and interview. The experimental data were analyzed in this article. Seventeen pairs of the same-sex friends were asked to engage perceptual-motor skill tasks, in which their scores were compared to determine their wins and losses. Multiple indices of task performance were examined in exploratory analysis. Achievement-related affects such as satisfaction, disappointment, regret, and abandoning changed along with their win/loss at each trial, and the total percentage of wins had effects on their intrapersonal sense of adaptation as a subconcept of state self-esteem. Pride, shame, and pre-post change of evaluation apprehension, however, were not related with any indices of task performance. The results implied that the participants were highly aware of their wins and losses, though the affects being conscious of others' existence would depend on the situation including the experimental setting.
- Published
- 2006
20. 平和で調和的な世界の構築のための教育―心理学的見解
- Author
ラッカム, デービット W., David W., RACKHAM, Sumiko, HATTORI, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, International Christian University, and Institute of Educational Research and Service, International Christian University
- Subjects
教育 ,対立(紛争) ,education ,peace ,平和 ,心理学 ,conflict ,Security ,安全 ,psychology - Abstract
本論では,心理学と教育の役割が,問題の平和的な解決をはかれるように,個人や集団に価値観や信念を付与することを目的とする.心理学者と教育者は,安全,平和,対立(紛争)を,社会全般の問題として,専門的知識を分かち合う責任があり,特に教育現場では,その専門性を生かす必要がある.心理学に根ざした三つの見解には,心理学,生理学,医学における平和と安全の喪失,ある状況下で集団同士の対立が生まれる国家も含めた社会集団の力学(力関係),対立の解決を促す取り決めをした集団内あるいは集団同士の力学(力関係)がある.本論では,心理学の洞察と方法論が教育現場に組み入れられていることを,多用な例示から結論づけている.平和で調和的な世界の構築のために,心理学的力学が,平和や安全の喪失の理解に役立つように貢献するだろう., This article focuses on the roles that psychologists and educators can play in inculcating attitudes, beliefs and values that predispose individuals and the groups to which they belong to behave in ways supportive of a peaceful resolution of issues that may tend to bring them into contention. The argument is advanced that all psychologists and educators, as professionals, have a responsibility to share their expertise with society at large on issues of peace, security, and conflict, especially through making this expertise available in educational settings. Psychologists in many specialty areas can contribute to this mission. Three perspectives rooted in psychology are considered, including the psychological, physiological and medical consequences of a loss of peace and security, the dynamics of the social group, up to and including the level of the nation state, that, under certain circumstances, can bring groups into conflict with one another, and the dynamics of intra- and inter-group engagement that can expedite the resolution of conflict once initiated. The article concludes with various examples of how the insights and methods of psychologists of various perspectives can be incorporated into actual educational settings and programmes with the purpose of educating the constituents of these programmes to be active contributors to a future more peaceful and harmonious world through enhanced understanding of the psychological dynamics that can lead to a loss of peace and security.
- Published
- 2006
21. Reconsideration of Competition : How People Perceive the Concept of Competition
- Author
Yoriko, SANO, Norihiro, KUROISHI, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学大学院, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, Graduate School of Education, International Christian University, and Institute of Education Research and Service, International Christian University
- Subjects
関係性 ,Competition ,win/loss ,relationship ,競争 ,勝敗 - Abstract
本研究は,友人との実際の競争状況における競争相手への認知および感情について,また一般的な競争概念がどのように捉えられているのかについて検討した.その結果,競争に従事しているときは自分の成績を上げることに関心を持っていたが,勝敗意識に伴い競争相手の感情の推測や相手との関係性への懸念が生じたことが報告された.こうした傾向は,競争による勝敗にフォーカスすることによって優劣が意識され,それは関係性の崩壊を導くど考えられたためであると解釈できる.また,競争概念は選別や優劣など多様な視点から認知されていたが,どのように競争を認知しているにせよ,競争の主要な機能として能力を伸ばすことが挙げられた.そして,競争をどのように捉えているにせよ,競争は自分の能力を高める点でポジティブに評価されたが,不安感に関連したり人間関係を悪くしたりするというネガティブな側面からも評価されていた., This study investigated the following two questions through interview with experimental participants. First, how people perceive their friends, who was a competitor when they engaged competitive task. Second, how people consider and understand the concept of competition as a whole. When participants felt the sense of win and loss, they guessed their competitor's emotion and were worried about relationship with their competitor. This was because the sense of win and loss caused superiority or inferiority, which lead relationship worse. The concept of competition was perceived in different dimensions, however, anyone referred developing their ability as a key function of competition. It was suggested that competition be evaluated positively if competition was understood in terms of self-growth. However, competition was evaluated negatively if competition made interpersonal relationship worse.
- Published
- 2006
22. Schoolchildren's Perceived Locus of Causality for Daily Tasks and Their Student-Teacher Relationships
- Author
Nobuo, SAYANAGI, Hidefumi, KOTANI, Yoshie, KAWAMURA, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学教育学研究科, 国際基督教大学, Graduate School Division of Education, International Christian University, and International Christian University
- Subjects
内発的動機づけ ,自己決定理論 ,perceived locus of causality ,self-determination theory ,Intrinsic motivation ,小学生 ,qualitative study ,質的研究 ,認知された因果律の所在 ,elementary school students - Abstract
This study was based on the findings of pilot interviews conducted to collect data for the development of a measure of Japanese schoolchildren's perceived locus of causality (PLOC) in their everyday tasks. The interview measures were based on Chandler & Connell's PLOC interview (1987) and Ryan & Connell's PLOC scale (1989), corrected a flaw in their method of questioning by structuring questions to confirm whether subjects actually conducted their tasks, and added two new coding categories, non-regulation and integrated regulation, to incorporate the latest extended theoretical model (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Subjects were 27 elementary school students, who were interviewed regarding their reasons for working on a wide range of daily tasks from schoolwork to household chores and hobbies. Subjects' given reasons were coded by PLOC based on criteria developed for and revised during this pilot study, and the coding criteria was shown to be potentially useful for future interviews and questionnaires. Coding results supported previous studies' findings that internalized PLOC tends not to appear in lower-grade schoolchildren, suggesting that internalized motivation requires the development of certain cognitive and intellectual capacities. It was also revealed that in general, Japanese schoolchildren gave reasons differing from those seen in previous studies conducted in the United States. The results also suggest that the concept of intrinsic motivation might actually include a wider range of sub-categories. Finally, the findings imply a base for a new theoretical model, which deems that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are separate motivational systems rather than a single continuum, and that intrinsic motivation, like extrinsic motivation, may have a more primitive state and a more mature or integrated state.
- Published
- 2005
23. 大学キャンパスの計画デザインについての行動心理学
- Author
ラッカム, デービット W., David W., RACKHAM, Sumiko, HATTORI, 研究論文, Research Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, International Christian University, and Institute for Educational Research and Service, International Christian University
- Subjects
campus environment ,デザイン計画 ,キャンパス環境 ,assessing user needs ,使用者の必要評価 ,matching environment to mission ,使命への環境適応 ,planning and design - Abstract
- Published
- 2004
24. グループカウンセリングワークショップのプログラム構成と成果
- Author
Gota, NAKAGAWA, Kaoru, NISHIMURA, 研究論文, Article, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 国際基督教大学, The Graduate School of Education, International Christian University, and International Christian University
- Subjects
プログラム構成 ,ワークショップ ,workshop ,training process ,education ,program organization ,group counseling ,グループカウンセリング ,訓練課程 - Abstract
In this article, a two-day intensive training program of group counseling workshop held at International Christian University (ICU) for teachers, school counselors, and child guidance counselors, is introduced and its outcomes are examined. The goals of the participants in our workshop lay in creating a growth-facilitating relationship by use of the self, relating with children on the basis of understanding from the context of their groups, and mastering the basics of practical management of group counseling. Self-expression and deepening the relationship was emphasized in many experiential programs so that practice world not be separated from theory. Workshops utilized small group format Free-association-like talking and active interaction was encouraged in the groups, lectures and activities were alternated, and there were many occasions for role-playings in a group counseling situations with children and adolescents. Many of the participants were able to experience their own genuine feelings in those programs, and they learned how to express what they were experiencing. Also, they could learn experientially the theory of group development through the interactions of the peer members and the development of their own groups. Descriptive feedback from the participants at the end of the workshop showed that they could feel hope by gaining self-acceptance and /or self-understanding, and could clarify what they should engage in internally. It was concluded that effective methods for learning how to intervene with counseling groups should be developed, as well as experiential learning.
- Published
- 2003
25. 次世代型ファカルティ・ディベロップメント(FD)・プログラムに向けて : コミュニティ心理学的視座からの検討
- Author
Toshiaki, SASAO, Azusa, KOYAMA, Mitsuru, IKEDA, 研究論文, Article, 国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, International Christian University, and International Christian University Graduate School of Education
- Subjects
心理的充足感 ,高等教育 ,Community Psychology ,コミュニティ心理学 ,大学キャンパスコミュニティ ,Higher Education ,Students' Ratings of Teaching ,Community Development ,College Campus Community ,コミュニティ・ディベロップメント ,ファカルティ・ディベロップメント ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,学生による授業評価 ,Faculty Development ,Psychological Well-being - Abstract
Amid tremendous debates on the future of higher education in Japan, one of the emerging and increasing interest is in the development and implementation of faculty development programs for faculty members in efforts to enhance their classroom skills, writing skills, student advising, among other "daunting" tasks and chores. The majority of such programs have been patterned after the U.S. models, without fully testing the "cross-cultural validity" in applying to other cultures such as Japan. Although students' ratings of teaching effectiveness, as one of the most common FD activities, has been extensively used and studied, concerns remain about their reliability, validity, and utility especially when rating methods are borrowed or adapted from different cultural contexts. This article argues that any future FD programs including students' ratings of faculty teaching need to be understood, not simply as a way to enhance individual-level skills or competence among faculty members, but also as a strategy to enhance the quality of higher education within the larger context of a university, thereby implementing programs at different levels (e.g., individual, department, campus-wide). Section 1 presented the analyses of ICU students' ratings of faculty instruction, collected using Teaching Effectiveness Survey (TES) in Spring 2000, Autumn 2000, Spring 2001, and Autumn 2001. The findings showed that although students' ratings tend to be influenced by the individual characteristics of faculty members, they are also greatly affected by the curricular and contextual factors. Also, a question remains as to the relationship between students' academic achievement and their faculty ratings. Section 2 reported on the results of a recent campus-wide faculty survey at International Christian University, focusing on the relationships among psychological sense of well-being, sense of community, and cultural comfort on campus. The results were discussed in terms of developing new FD programs embedded within a campus culture or context from an ecological standpoint.
- Published
- 2003
26. The tasks pertaining to Phallus and working alliance formation in psychoanalytic psycho-therapy for female patients with hysterical personality
- Author
Tomoko, AKIYAMA, Ayako, SUGIYAMA, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, The Graduate School Division of Education. Educational Psychology, International Christian University, and The Graduate School Division of Education, Educational Psychology, International Christian University
- Subjects
Working Alliance ,男根性 ,ヒステリカル・パーソナリティー ,作業同盟 ,Phallus ,Dual Fixation ,Treatment Structure ,二相固着 ,Hysterical Personality ,治療構造 - Abstract
Dual fixation in the oral and phallic-oedipal phases of psychosexual development has been the most widely accepted concept to explain the psychogenesis of hysteria. Although psychoanalytic psychotherapy has been the treatment of choice for patients with hysterical personality, it is considered difficult to form and maintain a working alliance with those patients because of the genetic configuration, which often manifests itself in their strong tendency for regression. The purpose of this article is to propose the techniques to form an alliance with female patients with hysterical personality in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, based on the genetic considerations, especially the problems pertaining to phallus in the initial phase. A case of 34 year-old woman with hysterical personality who manifested depression and conversion hysteria was selected to investigate the therapeutic process that enabled the patient to form an alliance with a female therapist. It was found that the difficulty to handle regressive and dyadic transference in the initial phase of treatment was minimized by the therapist's clear presentation of the boundary of treatment structure to contain the dyadic wish for dependence, which provided the patient with a separate object, the therapist, for phallic cathexis, leading to the recovery of the autonomous ego functions necessary for an alliance formation.
- Published
- 2002
27. A Clinical-Psychological Study on the Development of Ability to Conduct Educational Dialogue (1) : A Case Study of Educational Dialogue Scenarios
- Author
Masahiro, NISHIKAWA, Gota, NAKAGAWA, Hidefumi, KOTANI, Nobuo, SAYANAGI, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 駒沢女子大学人文学部人間関係学科, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 国際基督教大学, Komazawa Women's University, The Graduate School Division of Education, Educational Psychology, International Christian University, and International Christian University
- Subjects
精神分析的システムズ理論 ,Educational Dialogue ,事例研究法 ,Case Study ,教師 ,School Teachers ,Psychoanalytic Systems Theory ,教育的対話能力 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to develop a training program based on the "educational dialogue" theory for teachers (Kotani 2000). To achieve this, concepts regarding the "basic factors for educational dialogue," "tri-dimentionalization of dialogue" and the key factors in the therapeutic alliance-forming model in Psychoanalytic Systems (PAS) Theory were operatively defined. Using the analytic framework for these definitions, dialogue scenarios written by school teachers who participated in training programs were qualitatively analyzed. The knowledge thus acquired was useful for the future development of the training program.
- Published
- 2001
28. A Clinical Psychological Study on the Interpersonal Stress Coping Strategies of Teachers (4) :Trial classification of teachers' interpersonal stress caused by students and coping strategies
- Author
Kaoru, NISHIMURA, Hidehumi, KOTANI, Naoko, INOUE, Masahiro, NISHIKAWA, Yumiko, ISHIGURO, Gota, NAKAGAWA, Yukio, NO, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 国際基督教大学, 桜美林大学, 国際基督教大学教育研究所, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 湘南病院, International Christian University, Obirin University, Institute for Educational Research and Service International Christian University, The Graduate School of Education, Educational Psychology International Christian University, and Shonan Hospital
- Subjects
対人ストレス ,権威 ,規範維持の要請 ,Authority ,ストレス対処方略 ,教師ストレス ,Interpersonal Stress ,Teacher Stress ,Demand for Maintenance of Norm ,Stress Coping Strategy - Abstract
This study examined teachers' cognitive framework for interpersonal stress caused by students and their coping strategies by using free-writing questionnaire method. Students whom teachers felt to be stressful were classified into four types. It showed that the more aggressive students were the more anger and depressive feeling teachers felt. It is suggested that each type is deeply connected with teachers' "demand for maintenance of the norm" and that the viewpoint "whether students obey the norm or not" works strongly as the teachers' cognitive framework. Furthermore, the inner and outer demand for maintenance of norms may make teachers more nervous and could be a background factor for their stress. Coping strategies are classified into four categories, among them "consultation" strategy was most frequently used and consultation for emotional support indicated high effectiveness. Establishing collaborative relationship among teachers, separating cognition of student's misbehavior from teacher's feelings, and flexibly reconstructing the cognitive framework into a new one on the basis of understanding student behavior was found to be very effective in the process for relating to students and decreasing stress. Further research from this standpoint can explore the collegial relationship as a support resource and method for augmenting teachers' ability.
- Published
- 2001
29. 教師の対人ストレス方略の臨床心理学的研究(3) ― 養育者を対象とする典型場面の抽出に向けて ―
- Author
Hidefumi, Kotani, Masahiro, Nishikawa, Gota, Nakagawa, Yukio, Nou, Naoko, Inoue, Kaoru, Nishimura, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 国際基督教大学, PAS心理教育研究所, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 湘南病院, 桜美林大学, 東京大学, International Christian University, Institute of Psychoanalytic-Systems Psychotherapy, The Graduate School Division of Education, Educational Psychology, International Christian University, Shonan Hospital, Obirin University, and Tokyo University
- Subjects
This study is the first step towards the reconstruction of a typical stressful situation for teachers and involving parents The study is designed for the formulation of "Response construction method for the teachers' stress coping strategies" In this study, a clinical personality assessment method (Kotani, 1993; Kotani et. al., 1998) is applied as an effective classification which is dynamic rather than static and to illustrate objects' self-propelling change processes. As a result, it is suggested that the clinical assessment method is useful for the illustration of various transactional qualities between teachers and parents. Moreover, it is suggested that teachers feel stress when parents tend to have narcissistic and antisocial personality styles.
- Published
- 2000
30. A Clinical Psychological Study on the Interpersonal Stress Coping Strategies of Teachers (1) : A fundamental study based on an investigation into actual conditions
- Author
Gota, Nakagawa, Hidefumi, Kotani, Kaoru, Nishimura, Naoko, Inoue, Masahiro, Nishikawa, Yukio, Nou, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 国際基督教大学, 東京大学, 桜美林大学, PAS心理教育研究所, 湘南病院, The Graduate School Division of Education, Educational Psychology, International Christian University, International Christian University, Tokyo University, Obirin University, Institute of Psychoanalytic-Systems Psychotherapy, and Shonan Hospital
- Subjects
A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect basic data regarding the objects (stressors) of teachers' interpersonal stress and their ways of coping with them. The data clearly indicate that teachers felt colleagues to be the most stressful among four categories of objects, namely, students, colleagues, supervisors and caretakers of students. Furthermore, teachers recognized the typical type of stressors as narcissistic across all categories of objects. As for the coping resource system, it is suggested that the capability of the individual system needs to be enhanced by means of a workshop in order for the interpersonal system to be utilized more efficiently as a coping resource system. In particular, the task of improving the school organizational system as a supra-system for the colleagial system becomes apparent. This is because the school organizational system functions to protect and develop the colleagial system as its supra-system, and the colleague system, used frequently and usefully, can work against teachers' stress levels. As for their coping modalities, the proportion of the teachers selecting "approach" rather than "avoidance" as an ideal way coping showed an increase, despite the fact that the former is less useful than the latter. This can be interpreted to suggest the seriousness and strong problem-solving orientation of the teachers, as well as the weak structure of mutual support in the group. In addition, the importance of sophisticating and developing a "space-making" coping modality is indicated. In view of the above, it appears necessary to develop a stress management program for teachers which enables more sophisticated and autonomous coping, by placing the colleague system as the central coping resource system and by developing a "space-making" coping modality.
- Published
- 2000
31. A Clinical Psychological Study on the Interpersonal Stress Coping Strategies of Teachers (2) : An analysis of teachers' interpersonal stress caused by malfunctioning leadership of superiors
- Author
Hidefumi, Kotani, Yukio, Nou, Gota, Nakagawa, Kaoru, Nishimura, Naoko, Inoue, Masahiro, Nishikawa, 研究論文, RESEARCH ARTICLE, 国際基督教大学, 湘南病院, 国際基督教大学大学院教育学研究科, 東京大学, 桜美林大学, PAS心理教育研究所, International Christian University, Shonan Hospital, The Graduate School Division of Education, Educational Psychology, International Christian University, Tokyo University, Obirin University, and Institute of Psychoanalytic-Systems Psychotherapy
- Subjects
It is meaningful to systematize a "response construction method as a coping strategy in teachers' stress management", by applying the response construction method, as a training method for teachers to facilitate effective management of interpersonal stress. This study attempts to present an analysis of the content of teachers' interpersonal stress with their superiors, to provide basic data for this systematization. As a result, interpersonal stress with their superior involving what is perceived by teachers as the leadership style of the superior: malfunctioning leadership. Moreover, it is suggested that feelings of anger toward the authority figure in a stress situation can be differentiated into more specific feelings, if analyzed further. This demonstrates the significance of the response construction method. Based on such considerations, the basic data of situations that provoke teacher inter-personal stress with a superior are presented.
- Published
- 2000
32. Japanese Higher Education Today : Its Reality and Ideals(<Special Report>the Symposium at the 35th Anniversary of Educational Research and Service)
- Author
Akira, Hoshino, Kazuie, Sanuki, Masao, Seki, Takashi, Ikuta, Kunio, Kondo, Akira, Tachikawa, Tazuko, Uyeno, ICU教育研究所:国際基督教大学, 国際基督教大学, 広島大学教育研究センター, 新潟大学教育学部, 東京大学教育学部, ICU教養学部, 国立国語研究所日本語教育センター日本語教育指導普及部, Institute of Educational Research and Service International Christian University:International Christian University, and International Christian University
- Published
- 1990
33. Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples
- Author
T. Nakamura, M. Matsumoto, K. Amano, Y. Enokido, M. E. Zolensky, T. Mikouchi, H. Genda, S. Tanaka, M. Y. Zolotov, K. Kurosawa, S. Wakita, R. Hyodo, H. Nagano, D. Nakashima, Y. Takahashi, Y. Fujioka, M. Kikuiri, E. Kagawa, M. Matsuoka, A. J. Brearley, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Uesugi, J. Matsuno, Y. Kimura, M. Sato, R. E. Milliken, E. Tatsumi, S. Sugita, T. Hiroi, K. Kitazato, D. Brownlee, D. J. Joswiak, M. Takahashi, K. Ninomiya, T. Takahashi, T. Osawa, K. Terada, F. E. Brenker, B. J. Tkalcec, L. Vincze, R. Brunetto, A. Aléon-Toppani, Q. H. S. Chan, M. Roskosz, J.-C. Viennet, P. Beck, E. E. Alp, T. Michikami, Y. Nagaashi, T. Tsuji, Y. Ino, J. Martinez, J. Han, A. Dolocan, R. J. Bodnar, M. Tanaka, H. Yoshida, K. Sugiyama, A. J. King, K. Fukushi, H. Suga, S. Yamashita, T. Kawai, K. Inoue, A. Nakato, T. Noguchi, F. Vilas, A. R. Hendrix, C. Jaramillo-Correa, D. L. Domingue, G. Dominguez, Z. Gainsforth, C. Engrand, J. Duprat, S. S. Russell, E. Bonato, C. Ma, T. Kawamoto, T. Wada, S. Watanabe, R. Endo, S. Enju, L. Riu, S. Rubino, P. Tack, S. Takeshita, Y. Takeichi, A. Takeuchi, A. Takigawa, D. Takir, T. Tanigaki, A. Taniguchi, K. Tsukamoto, T. Yagi, S. Yamada, K. Yamamoto, Y. Yamashita, M. Yasutake, K. Uesugi, I. Umegaki, I. Chiu, T. Ishizaki, S. Okumura, E. Palomba, C. Pilorget, S. M. Potin, A. Alasli, S. Anada, Y. Araki, N. Sakatani, C. Schultz, O. Sekizawa, S. D. Sitzman, K. Sugiura, M. Sun, E. Dartois, E. De Pauw, Z. Dionnet, Z. Djouadi, G. Falkenberg, R. Fujita, T. Fukuma, I. R. Gearba, K. Hagiya, M. Y. Hu, T. Kato, T. Kawamura, M. Kimura, M. K. Kubo, F. Langenhorst, C. Lantz, B. Lavina, M. Lindner, J. Zhao, B. Vekemans, D. Baklouti, B. Bazi, F. Borondics, S. Nagasawa, G. Nishiyama, K. Nitta, J. Mathurin, T. Matsumoto, I. Mitsukawa, H. Miura, A. Miyake, Y. Miyake, H. Yurimoto, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, H. Naraoka, K. Sakamoto, S. Tachibana, H. C. Connolly, D. S. Lauretta, M. Yoshitake, M. Yoshikawa, K. Yoshikawa, K. Yoshihara, Y. Yokota, K. Yogata, H. Yano, Y. Yamamoto, D. Yamamoto, M. Yamada, T. Yamada, T. Yada, K. Wada, T. Usui, R. Tsukizaki, F. Terui, H. Takeuchi, Y. Takei, A. Iwamae, H. Soejima, K. Shirai, Y. Shimaki, H. Senshu, H. Sawada, T. Saiki, M. Ozaki, G. Ono, T. Okada, N. Ogawa, K. Ogawa, R. Noguchi, H. Noda, M. Nishimura, N. Namiki, S. Nakazawa, T. Morota, A. Miyazaki, A. Miura, Y. Mimasu, K. Matsumoto, K. Kumagai, T. Kouyama, S. Kikuchi, K. Kawahara, S. Kameda, T. Iwata, Y. Ishihara, M. Ishiguro, H. Ikeda, S. Hosoda, R. Honda, C. Honda, Y. Hitomi, N. Hirata, T. Hayashi, M. Hayakawa, K. Hatakeda, S. Furuya, R. Fukai, A. Fujii, Y. Cho, M. Arakawa, M. Abe, Y. Tsuda, Tohoku University [Sendai], NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), NASA, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Tokyo Institute of Technology [Tokyo] (TITECH), Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency [Sagamihara] (JAXA), ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE), Arizona State University [Tempe] (ASU), Planetary Exploration Research Center [Chiba] (PERC), Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT), Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences [MIT, Cambridge] (EAPS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Nagoya University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science [Tokyo], Graduate School of Science [Tokyo], The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)-The University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Pôle Planétologie du LESIA, Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique = Laboratory of Space Studies and Instrumentation in Astrophysics (LESIA), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute [Hyogo] (JASRI), Institute of Low Temperature Science [Sapporo], Hokkaido University [Sapporo, Japan], Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences [Providence], Brown University, The University of Aizu, University of Washington [Seattle], Osaka University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe [Tokyo] (Kavli IPMU), The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study (UTIAS), Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Ghent University, Universiteit Gent = Ghent University (UGENT), Institut d'astrophysique spatiale (IAS), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Centre National d’Études Spatiales [Paris] (CNES), Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie (IMPMC), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR206-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG ), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)-Météo-France -Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)-Météo-France, Advanced Photon Source [ANL] (APS), Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont] (ANL)-University of Chicago-US Department of Energy, Kindai University, Kyushu University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences [Houston], University of Houston, Texas Materials Institute (TMI), University of Texas at Austin [Austin], Department of Geoscience, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Department of Earth Sciences [NHM London] (DES-NHM), The Natural History Museum [London] (NHM), Kanazawa University (KU), Graduate University for Advanced Studies [Hayama] (SOKENDAI), Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences [Kyoto], Kyoto University, Planetary Science Institute [Tucson] (PSI), Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), Penn State System, California State University [San Marcos] (CSUSM), Space Sciences Laboratory [Berkeley] (SSL), University of California [Berkeley] (UC Berkeley), University of California (UC)-University of California (UC), Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences [Pasadena], California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), University of Shizuoka, Ehime University [Matsuyama, Japon], European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Agence Spatiale Européenne = European Space Agency (ESA), KEK (High energy accelerator research organization), Hitachi, Ltd, Institute for integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science (KURNS), National Metrology Institute of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC), Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali - INAF (IAPS), Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), The Aerospace Corporation, Earth-Life Science Institute [Tokyo] (ELSI), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing] (UCAS), Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO), Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Photone Sciences, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo, International Christian University, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität = Friedrich Schiller University Jena [Jena, Germany], Center for Advanced Radiation Sources [University of Chicago] (CARS), University of Chicago, Synchrotron SOLEIL (SSOLEIL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Chimie Physique (ICP), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Graduate School of Information Science [Nagoya], Department of Natural History Sciences, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences [Fukuoka], Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering [Higashi-Hiroshima], Hiroshima University, Rowan University, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory [University of Arizona] (LPL), University of Arizona, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Marine Works Japan Ltd., Faculty of Science, Niigata University, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Department of Physics and Astronomy [Seoul], Seoul National University [Seoul] (SNU), Kochi University, Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Science [Kobe], Kobe University-Kobe University, Kobe University, Supported by KAKENHI from the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), grants JP20H00188 and 19H05183 to T.N., JP19K14776 to M.M., 21K18645 to T.M. and K.S., JP20H00205 to A.Ts., M.M., A.M. and J.M., 17H06458 to K.F., Y.T., S.Y. and M.K., JP17H06459 to T.N., T.U., S.W., M.M., N.N., T.M., T.O., Y.S., N.S., and R.N., JP15H05695 to A.Ts. and K.U., 20H05846 to S.T., JP17H06457 to H.G., JP17H06458 to Y. T. and K. F., JP19H00726 to K.K., H. G., and T.M., JP21J13337 to K.A., and JP18H05456,JP20H00189 to K.S., 18H05463 to T.T., S.N., and S.W., 18H05460 to K.N. and T.O., 18H05464 to Y.M., 18H05457 to K.N., T.T., S.W., and Y.M., and JP18H05479 to M.U. Also supported by the JSPS Core-to-Core program ' International Network of Planetary Sciences', and from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (grants JPMXS0450200421 and JPMXS0450200521) to SS. A.K. acknowledges funding support from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) grant MR/T020261/1. A.B. acknowledges funding support from NASA Emerging Worlds grant - 80NSSC18K0731. P.B. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under grant agreement no. 771691 (Solarys) and the CNES., and European Project: 771691,SOLARYS
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,[SDU]Sciences of the Universe [physics] ,Ryugu Hayabusa2 Carbonaceous asteroid Sample return - Abstract
Samples of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu were brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We analyzed 17 Ryugu samples measuring 1 to 8 millimeters. Carbon dioxide–bearing water inclusions are present within a pyrrhotite crystal, indicating that Ryugu’s parent asteroid formed in the outer Solar System. The samples contain low abundances of materials that formed at high temperatures, such as chondrules and calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions. The samples are rich in phyllosilicates and carbonates, which formed through aqueous alteration reactions at low temperature, high pH, and water/rock ratios of
- Published
- 2022
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34. The conserved brassinosteroid-related transcription factor BIM1a negatively regulates fruit growth in tomato
- Author
Fernando Carrari, Martine Lemaire-Chamley, Kentaro Mori, Christophe Rothan, Joana Jorly, Hiroshi Ezura, Erika Asamizu, Mariana Conte, Tsuyoshi Mizoguchi, Biologie du fruit et pathologie (BFP), Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas [Buenos Aires] (CONICET), Ryukoku University, International Christian University, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1, Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), Université de Tsukuba = University of Tsukuba, and This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan ('Japan-France Joint Laboratory Project'), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) (Bilateral Joint Research Project, grant to KM and ML-C), and the Region Aquitaine (Regal project no. 20111201002), and was carried under the auspices of the EU COST QualityFruit FA 1106
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Arabidopsis thaliana ,Physiology ,growth ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,Plant Science ,tomato ,01 natural sciences ,Transcriptome ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Solanum lycopersicum ,Gene Expression Regulation, Plant ,Auxin ,Arabidopsis ,Transcriptional regulation ,[SDV.BV]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Vegetal Biology ,Brassinosteroid ,BIM ,signalling ,Transcription factor ,Plant Proteins ,030304 developmental biology ,2. Zero hunger ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,0303 health sciences ,biology ,food and beverages ,fruit ,Plants, Genetically Modified ,biology.organism_classification ,Cell biology ,brassinosteroids ,chemistry ,Ectopic expression ,cell expansion ,Transcription Factors ,010606 plant biology & botany - Abstract
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroid hormones that play key roles in plant development and defense. Our goal is to harness the extensive knowledge of the Arabidopsis BR signaling network to improve productivity in crop species. This first requires identifying components of the conserved network and their function in the target species. Here, we investigated the function of SlBIM1a, the closest tomato homolog of AtBIM1, which is highly expressed in fruit. SlBIM1a-overexpressing lines displayed severe plant and fruit dwarfism, and histological characterization of different transgenic lines revealed that SlBIM1a expression negatively correlated with fruit pericarp cell size, resulting in fruit size modifications. These growth phenotypes were in contrast to those found in Arabidopsis, and this was confirmed by the reciprocal ectopic expression of SlBIM1a/b in Arabidopsis and of AtBIM1 in tomato. These results determined that BIM1 function depends more on the recipient species than on its primary sequence. Yeast two-hybrid interaction studies and transcriptomic analyses of SlBIM1a-overexpressing fruit further suggested that SlBIM1a acts through its interaction with SlBZH1 to govern the transcriptional regulation of growth-related BR target genes. Together, these results suggest that SlBIM1a is a negative regulator of pericarp cell expansion, possibly at the crossroads with auxin and light signaling.
- Published
- 2020
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35. Optical phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in Nd:YAG laser oscillator for optical energy transfer to a remote target
- Author
Okamura, H. [Department of Physics, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-8585 (Japan)]
- Published
- 2015
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36. Low-temperature synthesis of diamond films by photoemission-assisted plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
- Author
Okano, Ken [International Christian University, 3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka 181-8585 (Japan)]
- Published
- 2014
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37. Strongest Pulsed Muon Source at J-PARC MUSE
- Author
Kubo, K [Graduate School Division of Natural Sciences, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo (Japan)]
- Published
- 2011
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38. Analogs of the giant dipole and spin-dipole resonances in {sup 4}He and in {alpha} clusters of {sup 6,7}Li studied by the {sup 4}He,{sup 6,7}Li({sup 7}Li,{sup 7}Be{gamma}) reactions
- Author
Greenfield, M [Department of Physics, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-0015 (Japan)]
- Published
- 2008
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39. Monitoring precipitation and lightning via changes in atmospheric gamma radiation
- Author
Tomiyama, G [International Christian University, Mitaka (Japan)]
- Published
- 2003
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- Author
Akira, HIGASHI, Yoshiyuki, FUJII, Satoshi, TAKEYA, ABSTRACT, International Christian University, National Institute of Polar Research, and International Christian University:(Present adresses)Misawa Ceramic Co. Ltd.
- Abstract
A visible volcanic ash layer was found at approximately 500.7m depth in the Mizuho core (Y. FUJII and O. WATANABE; Ann. Glaciol., 10,38,1988). A 50cm core sample which contained the ash layer was not included in the preliminary quantitative anlyses of δ^O, microparticles by Coulter counter, electrical conductivity, pH and major ions, of which 50cm length samples were taken at 2m intervals all through the core (O. WATANABE et al.; JARE Data Rep., 181 (Glaciology 20), 79p., 1992). Most of the ash layer has been kept for detailed analyses using more sophisticated techniques in the near future. Recently, preliminary analyses of the ash by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and also by energy dispersive spectra (EDS) have been done as presented here. Several grams of ice were taken from a depth of 500.665-500.700m where the ash concentration was visibly thick. The sample was cut and melted in the same way as we adopted in our SEM observations of microparticles contained in medium depth ice cores retrieved in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica (A. HIGASHI et al.; Bull. Glacier Res., 8,1,1990). Volcanic ash particles were collected on a Nucleo filter by filtering the melt water through it, and its small portion was adhered on a specimen holder of a SEM and coated with evaporated carbon in vacuum. The SEM is a JSM-T220,JEOL, attached to a QX-2000,Link for the EDS analysis. For the quantitative elemental analysis using EDS, a cobalt standard and ZAF4 program were used. Several particles which look like vesicular tephra or volcanic glass shard in SEM photographs were analyzed quantitatively by EDS. Computed data of oxides plotted on a diagram of Na_2O+K_2O vs. SiO_2 show that the present volcanic ash belongs to the non-alkaline area in the diagram. Compared with data of other ashes found in bare ice areas in the Yamato Mountains (T. KATSUSHIMA et al.; Mem. NIPR, Spec. Issue, 34,174,1984) and at 100.8m depth of the Vostok core and 303.44m depth of the South Pole core (J.M. PALAIS et al.; Geophys. Res. Lett., 19,801,1987) on the same diagram, it is concluded that the present ash orignated from South Sandwich Island. J.M. PALAIS et al. (ibid, 1987) estimated the age of ice, both at 100.8m depth of the Vostok-and 303.44m depth of the South pole core as 3200 BP from the accumulation rates, and concluded that ashes in both cores are correlated. Our esimate of 500.7m depth of the Mizuho core is approximately 6000 years BP from the depth-age relationship obtained by M. NAKAWO et al. (Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 2,105,1989). Therefore, differences in the composition of the present ash from others originating from the same South Sandwich Islands may be attributed to the difference of the time of eruptions. Details will be published in Ann. Glaciol., 20 (1994), as part of the paper "Studies on microparticles contained in medium depth ice cores retrieved at East Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica" by A. HIGASHI and Y. FUJII.
- Published
- 1994
41. Three-dimensional quadrics in extended conformal geometric algebras of higher dimensions from control points, implicit equations and axis alignment
- Author
Akihiro Sugimoto, Laurent Fuchs, Eckhard Hitzer, Vincent Nozick, Stéphane Breuils, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Fédération de Recherche Bézout-ESIEE Paris-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)-Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), Synthèse et analyse d'images (XLIM-ASALI), XLIM (XLIM), Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), International Christian University (ICU), and National Institute of Informatics (NII)
- Subjects
Pure mathematics ,Multivector ,Quadric ,Applied Mathematics ,010102 general mathematics ,Conformal geometric algebra ,Outer product ,Conformal map ,01 natural sciences ,Orientation (vector space) ,Quadratic equation ,0103 physical sciences ,[MATH.MATH-AG]Mathematics [math]/Algebraic Geometry [math.AG] ,010307 mathematical physics ,0101 mathematics ,Linear combination ,Mathematics - Abstract
We introduce the quadric conformal geometric algebra inside the algebra of $${\mathbb {R}}^{9,6}$$ . In particular, this paper presents how three-dimensional quadratic surfaces can be defined by the outer product of conformal geometric algebra points in higher dimensions, or alternatively by a linear combination of basis vectors with coefficients straight from the implicit quadratic equation. These multivector expressions code all types of quadratic surfaces in arbitrary scale, location, and orientation. Furthermore, we investigate two types of definitions of axis aligned quadric surfaces, from contact points and dually from linear combinations of $${\mathbb {R}}^{9,6}$$ basis vectors.
- Published
- 2019
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42. Evidence for isovector giant resonances at 2ar. omega. via the ( sup 7 Li, sup 7 Be) reactions on sup 12 C and sup 28 Si
- Author
Greenfield, M [College of General Education, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770 (Japan) Department of Physics, Konan University, Higashinada, Kobe 658 (Japan) Kobe Tokiwa Junior College, Nagata, Kobe 653 (Japan) Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611 (Japan) Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, 10-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567 (Japan) International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo 181 (Japan)]
- Published
- 1992
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43. Energy dependence of the sup 6 Li(. alpha. ,2. alpha. ) pn reaction from 77 to 119 MeV
- Author
Greenfield, M [International Christian University, Tokyo 181 (Japan)]
- Published
- 1992
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44. Quadric Conformal Geometric Algebra of ${\mathbb {R}}^{9,6}$
- Author
Breuils, Stéphane, Nozick, Vincent, Sugimoto, Akihiro, Hitzer, Eckhard, Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Fédération de Recherche Bézout-ESIEE Paris-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)-Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI), National Institute of Informatics (NII)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), National Institute of Informatics (NII), International Christian University (ICU), and Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)-ESIEE Paris-Fédération de Recherche Bézout-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Clifford Algebra ,Quadrics ,Mathematics::Algebraic Geometry ,[INFO.INFO-TI]Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV] ,[INFO.INFO-CV]Computer Science [cs]/Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition [cs.CV] ,Geometric Algebra ,MSC (2010): Primary 99Z99 ,Secondary 00A00 ,Conformal Geometric Algebra - Abstract
International audience; Geometric Algebra can be understood as a set of tools to represent, construct and transform geometric objects. Some Geometric Algebras like the well-defined Conformal Geometric Algebra constructs lines, circles, planes, and spheres from control points just by using the outer product. There exist some Geometric Algebras to handle more complex objects such as quadric surfaces; however in this case, none of them is known to build quadric surfaces from control points. This paper presents a novel Geometric Algebra framework, the Geometric Algebra of R 9,6 , to deal with quadric surfaces where an arbitrary quadric surface is constructed by the mere wedge of nine points. The proposed framework enables us not only to intuitively represent quadric surfaces but also to construct objects using Conformal Geometric Algebra. Our proposed framework also provides the computation of the intersection of quadric surfaces, the normal vector, and the tangent plane of a quadric surface.
- Published
- 2018
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45. Gender and Modernization in Japan: An Analysis of Tayama Katai's The Quilt
- Author
Natsumi, IKOMA, 国際基督教大学 教養学部, and The College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
- Subjects
female author ,modern Japanese literature ,gender ,ジェンダー、セクシュアリティ、近代日本文学、私小説、近代化、女性作家 ,I-novel ,sexuality ,modernization - Abstract
Modern Japanese Literature has been characterised by its seeminglydemocratic revolution in writing system, genbun-itchi, and semiautobiographicalnarrative style, shi-shosetsu (I-novel). This paper, thoughanalysis of modern Japanese literature, probes into the external andinternal urges of modernization and establishment of individualityprevalent in the Japanese society then, to reveal nationalistic tendencyin the representation of what modern Japan should be like. I-novels, thepaper argues, became a vehicle to create/propagate the notion of propermodern Japanese ci t izen that presupposes the repres s ion/marginalization of certain kinds of people such as women. In TayamaKatai’s The Quilt with its confessional narrative, for instance, we can seehow women are marked by their “dirtier” sexuality and expelled from thespotlight of modernity, and are destined to return to/remain in thecountryside, pre-modernity and nature, while the authority and theprivilege of few male authors are heavily guarded. Through this andother modern literature, it is apparent that female writers in modern erasuffered from the systematic repression and marginalization to “womanly”genres and narrative styles.
- Published
- 2012
46. Validity Analysis of Performance Indicators for Postal Service
- Author
Bian, Zuodong, Inaba, Yushi, Zuodong, Bian, Yushi, Inaba, Article, State Post Bureau of China, and International Christian University
- Abstract
The intent of this research is to expand knowledge of the performance indicators currently utilized by the postal service as well as propose a comprehensive system of performance indicators for postal regulators. This paper scrutinizes the validity of performance indicators for the postal service organizations of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium. A full review on annual reports published by the postal regulators in the above five countries was undergone. The analysis of validity centered on two key criteria: the validity and the reliabilities of indicators.Key findings include the adoption and systematic problems of performance indicators in the sampled countries. While wide adoption of performance indicators was found, the internal validity and reliability had limitations. The largest hurdle for the current system is the small correlation between indictor groups, reflecting the absence of the postal regulators’ perspective. The clearlydefined responsibility of postal regulators, the purpose-oriented and scientific-measure based design of the indicators, and the full participation of the public during measurement are necessary activities to enhance the validity and reliability of the performance indicator system.The possibility of setting up an integrated indicator system for the postal service is discussed after the research findings have been presented. The proposed integrated indicator system provides a comprehensive portrait of this industry. The difficulties and challenges of establishing such a system are acknowledged, but supplementary works will ensure its feasibility.
- Published
- 2012
47. 神話へのミメーシス―シルヴィア・プラス作品におけるジェンダー役割への不安
- Author
Christopher, SIMONS, 研究論文, Research Paper, 国際基督教大学 教養学部 准教授, and Associate Professor, The College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
- Subjects
シルヴィア・プラス ,ジェンダー ,フェミニズム ,神話 ,詩 - Abstract
本論文は、詩人シルヴィア・プラス (1932-1963) 作品におけるジェンダー役割への不安について伝記的・文学的に考察する。研究の背景として、プラスを、彼女自身知ることはなかった同時代のフェミニスト、とりわけベティ・フリーダンの著作『新しい女性の創造』 (1963; The Feminine Mystique) の文脈に位置付ける。また、プラスのジェンダー関係についての内なる葛藤に両親が与えた影響や、この葛藤について彼女自身が日記に記した分析についてフロイトやユングの精神分析の言語を用いて論じる。 本稿の方法論は、クロード・レヴィ=ストロースの神話構造分析を取り入れ、プラスの著作とりわけ詩作品における二項対立的なジェンダー役割を読み解く。レヴィ=ストロースはそれらの方法を文学批評で用いることに難色を示しているものの、この特定のケースにおいては、詩人自身の心理学・人類学の知識によって無意識にその著作での原型的・神話的構造が強調されているため、この女性詩人の作品を分析するのに有益な枠組みを与える。 次に、プラスのジェンダー役割に関する散文による著述(日記や小説)と詩作品を対照するものとして取り上げる。本稿は、プラスの日記が、彼女が二項対立的なジェンダー役割概念を形成するに至った経験や、それによって生じた不安についての記録であることを示す。日記や小説『ベル・ジャー』 (The Bell Jar) において、プラスは模倣的にこうした対立を仲介し解消しようと試みる。たとえば、主人公エスター・グリーンウッドの生涯を重要な出来事を歴史とそれらの出来事に対してのエスターの意識的・感情的反応を、時間の流れとは無関係に語る。『ベル・ジャー』の結論は、ミメーシスと進歩的な自己統一という心理的勝利を明らかする。作品のクライマックスは彼女自身の精神的変遷の表象と将来への投影を示しており、彼女のセラピスト、ルース・ブーシャー博士の影響を受けている。対照的に、詩作品では、プラスは、ジェンダー役割への不安を仲介し解決しようとする試みにおいて、構造化された神話的対立に対しより対話的に取り扱っている。プラスの詩2作品を精読すると、これらの詩に現れる神話的な二項(たとえば父-母、男-女、破壊者-創造者、捕食者-被食者、文化-自然等)は仲介や解決を受けつけないことが明らかになる。本論文は、解消されない神話的二項対立によって表現されたプラスのジェンダー役割への不安の文学的効果を考察し、それらの緊張関係は詩の情緒的力を高めると同時に、プラスが最終的に満足のいく自身のジェンダー役割を見出すことが出来なかったことへ洞察を与える。 本研究は、プラスのジェンダー役割への不安は、イギリス・アメリカにおける初期第二次フェミニズム研究と、現代社会における女性のジェンダー役割をめぐる現在進行の論争に、価値ある議論とレトリックを与えると結論付ける。
- Published
- 2011
48. Taxes in Cosmos: Global Environmental Taxes in Regime Complex Governance
- Author
Mori, Katsuhiko, Katsuhiko, Mori, and Professor, International Christian University
- Published
- 2010
49. Competitive Churning: Still a Viable Strategy?
- Author
Iaquinto, Anthony L., Anthony L., Iaquinto, and Visiting Professor, International Christian University
- Published
- 2010
50. The Global Financial Crisis and Asia
- Author
Montgomery, Heather, Yang, Doo Yong, Heather, Montgomery, Doo Yong, Yang, Associate Professor, International Christian University, and Research Fellow, Asian Development Bank Institute
- Published
- 2009
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