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1. Popular knowledge as popular power: struggle and strategy of the Emancipa popular education movement in Brazil.

2. Schools of struggle: social movement learning in the Brazilian high school student occupations (Primavera secundarista, 2015–2016).

3. Resisting eviction: the polymorphy of peripheral spatial politics in Brazil.

4. Outlining the history of cyberactivism in Brazil.

5. Social mobilization and political change in countries governed by the left: The cases of Argentina and Brazil.

6. Popular Economies In, Against, and Through the Platform.

7. The subversive practice of counting bodies: Documenting violence and conflict in rural Brazil.

8. A Fanonian theory of rupture: from Algerian decolonization to student movements in South Africa and Brazil.

9. Escuelas de alternancia en Brasil y Argentina. Un recorrido histórico de formas de hacer escuela por poblaciones rurales y movimientos sociales.

10. Da esperança ao medo? O que pensam jovens brasileiros sobre a conjuntura na atualidade.

11. The Brazilian Anti-Dam Movement: Constructing a New Arena of Communicative Action.

12. Democratization and the Left: Comparing East Asia and Latin America.

13. The MTST Politics of Social Rights: Counter-Conducts, Acts of Citizenship and a Radical Struggle Beyond Housing.

14. Paulo Freire's role and influence on the praxis of popular communication in Brazil.

15. Mobilizing Against GM Crops in India, South Africa and Brazil.

16. Understanding rural resistance: contemporary mobilization in the Brazilian countryside.

17. Unanticipated Outcomes: The Criminalization of Political Corruption in Brazil.

18. Rites of Resistance: Sex Workers' Fight to Maintain Rights and Pleasure in the Centre of the Response to HIV in Brazil.

19. Method and Agency Matter: Interactions between "experts" and "non-experts" in the production of "counter-hegemonic" knowledge.

20. This Land Is Ours Now: Spatial Imaginaries and the Struggle for Land in Brazil.

21. An Ethnographic Theory of Democracy. Politics from the Viewpoint of Ilhéus's Black Movement (Bahia, Brazil).

22. Beyond the Agrarian Reform Policies in Brazil: An Empirical Study of Brazilian States from 1995 Through 2011.

23. Global Capitalism and the Nation State in the Struggles over GM Crops in Brazil.

24. Waging the struggle for healthy eating: food environments, dietary regimes and Brazil's dietary guidelines.

25. Interest Groups and Social Movements: Self- or Public Interested? Insights from the Brazilian Third-Sector Literature.

26. Scales of political action and social movements in education: the case of the Brazilian Black Movement and Law 10.639.

27. Social movements and constitutional politics in Latin America: reconfiguring alliances, framings and legal opportunities in the judicialisation of abortion rights in Brazil.

28. Institutionalizing economies of opposition: explaining and evaluating the success of the MST's cooperatives and agroecological repeasantization.

29. Securing Social Governability: Party-Movement Relationships in Lula's Brazil.

30. Just because of 20 cents? For a genealogy of the Brazilian 'demonstrations cup'.

31. The Participatory Effectiveness of the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST).

32. Abortion Politics and Policy in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.

33. 'The whole process of gender': a feminist culture of militancy in southern Brazil.

34. Comparing Experiences of Constitutional Reforms to Enshrine the Right to Water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru: Opportunities and Limitations.

35. Rubber tapper citizens: emerging places, policies, and shifting rural-urban identities in Acre, Brazil.

36. Doing it for Themselves: Direct Action Land Reform in the Brazilian Amazon

37. Participatory democracy by default: land reform, social movements and the state in Brazil.

38. The role of municipal committees in the development of an integrated urban water policy in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

39. Democratizing Science Movements: A New Framework for Mobilization and Contestation.

40. Social movements in the context of crisis: waste picker organizations as collaborative public partners in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

41. The Alleged Decline of Liberation Theology: Natural Death or Attempted Assassination?

42. Reforma Agraria no Governo FHC: perfil, tensöes, número de familias assentadas e áreas obtidas.

43. Activism, justice and the centrality of care: Brazilian's 'mother's against police violence' movements.

44. Teoría de la modernización y movilizaciones sociales contemporáneas.

45. The Movement against Hunger in Brazil: Regime Transitions and the Genealogy of a Social Movement.

46. Anti-Scientization Movements: A New Framework for Understanding Mobilization and Contestation.

47. Brazil's Response to AIDS: Enveloped Society, Embedded State, Mobilized Civil Sphere.

48. Black Social Movements in Brazil: The State, Political Identity and Visions for the Future.

49. Raza y movimiento negro en Brasil en la primera mitad del siglo XX.

50. Looking in the mirror: the global '68 through the Brazilian daily press.