Problem setting. The system of state management of regulatory and legal regulation of social and economic relations in construction adopted by the countries of the European Union can today be considered as an effective model for international cooperation, since its creation envisaged the formation of a single economic space. North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, and, likewise, most of the economically advanced states in the region have a state policy of denationalizing the system of managing socio-economic relations in construction. They lose the monopoly of managing this system by passing state regulatory functions to the private sector. These actions are usually driven by a number of objective reasons, they can be both political and economic, and may be social. Therefore, in the world, the refusal of the monopoly on regulation of socio-economic relations in construction, which was formed historically and the transition to self-regulatory systems, is gradually increasing. In Ukraine, today, there is a shortage of skilled personnel, financial, material and human potential in the public sector, which prompts the transfer of the regulatory functions of the state to the private sector, which, as historically, is a state prerogative. Moreover, the situation is close to a deadlock, because simply increasing financial support and expanding the staff of skilled personnel, the problems of handling huge engineering data arrays that are accompanied by a stream of innovations will not find a solution. That is why international practice of solving such problems is so important in order to be able to identify all possible risks in a timely manner and possibly take additional measures to reduce them.Recent research and publications analysis. Theoretical and methodological analysis of public administration by the regulation of social and economic relations in construction has devoted its scientific works to such domestic scientists as: V. Averyanov, Y. Brusentsov, A. Vorobyov, D. Isaenko, A. Korotich, V. Logvinenko, O. Nepomnyashchy, N. Nyzhnik, V. Romosko and many other scholars.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Many scientific foreign and domestic studies are devoted to the analysis and evaluation of mechanisms of self-regulation in the field of socio-economic relations in construction. However, today, the situation in our country affects the development of the construction industry, which is why the issue of the dissatisfied demand of the population for services on the construction of social housing is very acute. Proceeding from the above it can be argued that the chosen topic of the article is relevant and timely.Paper main body. The purpose of the paper is to determine the essence of international approaches to the formation and implementation of mechanisms for self-regulation of socio-economic relations in construction.Emphasized on the relevance of the formation of an effective mechanism of self-regulation of socio-economic relations in construction, which requires the analysis of scientific research and will allow the formation of alternative solutions, taking into account international experience. Studies are based on the use of information resources, generalization of scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists, personal observations. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of international approaches to the formation and implementation of mechanisms for self-regulation of socio-economic relations in construction. Indicates the need for a conscious transfer of state functions in the regulatory and legal regulation of socio-economic relations in the construction of the non-state sector. In Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, it is these organizations that have the functions of licensing business activities, which is associated with the construction of buildings, professional certification. Such procedure is carried out by architects, design engineers, technicians and experts who regulate admission to the market of these categories of persons, etc. Thus, these organizations (the so-called chambers) have certain powers of authority, which, as a rule, are monopolistic powers of the state.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. The conducted researches have shown that the change of the structure of the modern system of legal regulation of socio-economic relations in construction is determined by many factors. The most influential ones are globalization of the world economy; close economic integration; the fact that the national trade and economic frontiers collapse; a technical revolution that is increasingly affecting the construction industry and caused by the growth of various technical regulation objects. On the latter, we can say, as the biggest economic reason for the denationalization of such systems, since it is likely that, in many cases, the public sector does not have adequate resources to track new technologies, materials, products, methods and processes, and especially, for a qualified assessment their safety and suitability for practical use.In the long run, the importance of studying the state policy on strengthening the institutional capacity of self-regulatory organizations to regulate socio-economic relations in construction and formulating a legislative framework in order to be able to implement a European model of the organizational structure of the technical support system of the industry is not diminished., Акцентовано увагу на актуальності питання формування ефективного механізму саморегулювання в сфері соціально-економічних відносин у будівництві, що потребує здійснення аналізу наукових досліджень та дасть змогу формувати альтернативні рішення, беручи до уваги міжнародний досвід. Узагальнено інформаційні ресурси, що представляють наукові розробки вітчизняних і закордонних вчених. Визначено сутність міжнародних підходів до формування і реалізації механізмів саморегулювання в сфері соціально-економічних відносин у будівництві. Вказано на необхідність свідомої передачі державою частини функцій із нормативно-правового регулювання соціально-економічних відносин у будівництві недержавному сектору. Зазначено, що у Німеччині, Великобританії, США саме саморегулюючим організаціям належать функції з ліцензійного забезпечення господарської діяльності, яка пов’язана зі створенням будівель та споруд, проведенням професійної атестації. Зауважено, що таку процедуру професійної атестації проходять архітектори, інженери-проектувальники, інженери технічного нагляду та експерти, що дає змогу врегулювати допуск на ринок цих категорій осіб тощо. Доведено, що зазначені організації (т. зв. палати) володіють певними владними повноваженнями, що, як правило, є монопольними повноваженнями держави. Обґрунтовано, що для впровадження світових тенденцій та підтримки напряму подальшого роздержавлення національної системи нормативно-правового регулювання соціально-економічних відносин у галузі будівництва необхідно посилити інституційну спроможність організацій саморегулювання та удосконалити законодавче підґрунтя, щоб мати можливість впровадити європейські та кращі світові моделі його організаційної структури.