This study analyzes the influence of spiritual leadership and assignment complexity on employee performance through job satisfaction. Spiritual leadership variables and assignment complexity are used as predictors of employee performance. Job satisfaction as an intervening variable in the research model. The purpose of this study is to analyze the direct and indirect effects generated by spiritual leadership and assignment complexity on employee performance through job satisfaction at Paramadina University. This study uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The total respondents in this study amounted to 61 people. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling approach adapted to the needs of the study. Based on the analysis test of the Smart PLS program used, there is a direct influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance and assignment complexity on job satisfaction, both of which have a positive but not significant effect, while job satisfaction on employee performance has a negative and insignificant effect. This study only limits the variables of spiritual leadership and the complexity of the assignment which are linked through job satisfaction to employee performance. The data is limited only for lecturers and employees who work at Paramadina University as the object of research. This research develops knowledge in the field of human resource management. Both variables indicate that leadership and assignment complexity can affect employee performance at paramadina university. Job satisfaction as a control variable is able to show variables that affect employee performance., {"references":["Abbas, A., Saud, M., Usman, I., & Ekowati, D. (2020). 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