46 results on '"Jukić, Ivan"'
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2. The fastest repetition in a set predicts the number of repetitions completed to failure during resistance training: The impact of individual characteristics
- Author
Jukic, Ivan, Helms, Eric R., and McGuigan, Michael R.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia
- Author
Prnjak, Katarina, Jukic, Ivan, Mitchison, Deborah, Griffiths, Scott, and Hay, Phillipa
- Published
- 2022
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4. Ergogenic effects of lifting straps on movement velocity, grip strength, perceived exertion and grip security during the deadlift exercise
- Author
Jukic, Ivan, García-Ramos, Amador, Baláš, Jiří, Malecek, Jan, Omcirk, Dan, and Tufano, James J.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Oblikovanje stezne naprave i tehnologije njezine izrade i montaže
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
tehnološki proces ,stezna naprava ,oblikovanje stezne naprave ,izrada i montaža stezne naprave - Abstract
Tema diplomskog rada je oblikovanje stezne naprave i tehnologije njezine izrade i montaže. U prvom poglavlju ukratko je opisna važnost steznih naprava u suvremenoj industriji. U drugom poglavlju su opisane osnove projektiranja tehnoloških procesa i osnove projektiranja steznih naprava, gdje su općenito opisane stezne naprave i smjernice potrebne za projektiranje i konstrukciju naprave. U trećem poglavlju razrađen je tehnološki proces izrade proizvoda za koji se oblikuje stezna naprava, te su ukratko opisane tehnologije obrade pojedinog procesa. U četvrtom poglavlju opisanu su podsklopovi stezne naprave, tj. njihova funkcija u sklopu, te su prikazani radionički i 3D crteži pojedinih podsklopova. U petom poglavlju projektirane su tehnologije izrade pojedinih dijelova stezne naprave, te su prikazani tehnički i 3D crteži pojedinih dijelova. U šestom poglavlju opisana je tehnologije montaže podsklopova, kao i završna montaža. U posljednjem poglavlju oblikovano je radno mjesto za montažu, tj. prikazani su potrebni strojevi i alati za montažu i obradu, te je grafički prikazano radno mjesto i mjesto za montažu.
- Published
- 2023
6. The effect of a bodybuilding carbohydrate-loading protocol on anthropometry: Preliminary findings from a randomized crossover trial
- Author
Homer, Kai A., Jukic, Ivan, Cross, Matt R., and Helms, Eric R.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production on family farm Katarina Jukić
- Author
Jukić, Ivan, Stošić, Miro, Iljkić, Dario, and Tadić, Vjekoslav
- Subjects
wheat ,crop ,precipitation ,yield - Abstract
U ovom radu analizirat će se proizvodnja pšenice na OPG-u „Katarina Jukić“ u 2019. godini. ostvaren prinos pšenice iznosio je 7,5 t/ha, vlaga 12,8 % , a proteini 12,6 %, dok je hektolitar pšenice iznosio 81 kg. OPG obrađuje 11,5 hektara zemlje, a od toga je zasijano 1,5 ha pšenice. Vlasnik OPG-a napominje da je jedna od bitnih stvari plodored pa je tako kultura prije pšenice bila kukuruz. Što se tiče prinosa za vegetacijsku godinu 2018./2019. vlasnik je iznimno zadovoljan prinosima. Vremenske prilike tijekom vegetacijskog razdoblja pšenice 2018./2019. su bile specifične, osobito kada su u pitanju oborine. Iako je ukupna količina oborine tijekom vegetacijskog razdoblja bila tek nešto manja od referentnog višegodišnjeg prosjeka, na kraju žetve prinos pšenice je bio zadovoljavajući., This paper will analyze the production of wheat on the family farm "Katarina Jukić" in 2019. the realized wheat yield was 7.5 t / ha, moisture 12.8 %, and proteins 12.6 %, while the hectolitre of wheat was 81 kg. The family farm cultivates 11.5 hectares of land, of which 1.5 ha of wheat have been sown. The owner of the family farm notes that one of the important things is crop rotation, so the crop before wheat was corn. Regarding the yield for the vegetation year 2018/2019. The owner is extremely satisfied with the yields. Weather conditions during the wheat growing season 2018/2019. were specific, especially when it comes to precipitation. Although the total rainfall during the growing season was only slightly lower than the reference multi-year average, at the end of the harvest the wheat yield was satisfactory.
- Published
- 2022
8. Bosnian Literature (reprint)
- Author
Jukić, Ivan Franjo, primary
- Published
- 2022
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9. Algoritamske i implementacijske optimizacije pristupa za traženje redeskripcija CLUS-RM
- Author
Jukić, Ivan and Mihelčić, Matej
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Matematika ,multi-target predictive clustering trees ,Jaccard indeks ,Jaccard index ,CLUS-RM algorithm ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Mathematics ,viišeciljna prediktivna stabla klasteriranja ,algoritam CLUS-RM ,višeciljna stabla klasteriranja - Abstract
U ovom radu opisuje se nekoliko optimizacija algoritma CLUS-RM čija je zadaća pronalazak redeskripcija koristeći višeciljna prediktivna stabla klasteriranja. Prvi dio rada opisuje pretraživanje redeskripcija kao tehniku dubinske analize podataka te navodi definicije i izraze vezane uz područje. Drugi dio rada opisuje algoritam CLUS-RM koji koristi višeciljna prediktivna stabla klasteriranja te opisuje i sam algoritam stvaranja prediktivnih stabala. Treći dio rada prikazuje algoritamsku optimizaciju provjere Jaccard indeksa dvaju pravila u algoritmu CLUS-RM za podatke koji imaju nedostajuću vrijednost i za podatke koji nemaju nedostajuću vrijednost uz analizu složenosti optimizacije. Uz to se pojašnjavaju implementacijske optimizacije provedene nad algoritmom postignute promjenom načina dvosmjerne komunikacije izmedu algoritama CLUS-RM i CLUS. U zadnjem dijelu rada, analiziraju se provedeni eksperimenti i ušteda vremena za obje optimizacije algoritma temeljem tri različita skupa podataka. This thesis describes several approaches to optimize the CLUS-RM algorithm whose task is to find redescriptions using multi-target predictive clustering trees. The first part of the thesis describes the search for redescriptions as a technique of data mining and provides definitions and expressions related to the field. The second part of the thesis describes the CLUS-RM algorithm that uses multi-target predictive clustering trees and describes the algorithm for creating predictive trees. The third part of the thesis presents the algorithmic optimization of the Jaccard index calculation of the two rules in the CLUS-RM algorithm for data with missing values and data without missing values, also including the complexity analyis of the proposed optimization. In addition, the implementation optimizations performed on the algorithm achieved by changing the way of two-way communication between the CLUS-RM and CLUS algorithms are clarified. The last part of the thesis analyses the experiments performed and the time savings gained for each proposed algorithm optimization on three different data sets.
- Published
- 2022
10. Validation of a novel method to assess maximal neuromuscular capacities through the load-velocity relationship
- Author
Pérez-Castilla, Alejandro, Jukic, Ivan, and García-Ramos, Amador
- Published
- 2021
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11. Adamantyl tenocyclidines – adjuvant therapy in poisoning with organophosphorus compounds and carbamates
- Author
Škare, Danko, Radić, Božica, Lucić, Ana, Peraica, Maja, Domijan, Ana-Marija, Milković-Kraus, Sanja, Bradamante, Vlasta, and Jukić, Ivan
- Published
- 2002
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- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Jukić, Ivan, Frančišković, Vedran, Finderle, Aleks, Štimac, Tea, and Babarović, Emina
- Subjects
karcinom jajnika ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences ,ovarian cancer ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti - Abstract
Karcinomi jajnika su značajno oboljenje u žena diljem svijeta. Oni su na sedmom mjestu svih malignih oboljenja u žena. Histološki razlikujemo epitelno – stromalne tumore, tumore spolnih stanica, tumore specijalizirane strome jajnika i metastatske tumore. Klinički ti tumori mogu biti benigni, maligni i tumori ograničenog malignog potencijala. Postoje tri osnovne teorije o patogenezi karcinoma jajnika, a sve se temelje na činjenici da na površini jajnika nastaje mikrotrauma prilikom ovulacije, to vodi do čestih mitoza, a sve to povećava vjerojatnost mutacija i razvoja tumora. S obzirom na to čimbenici koji dovode do rjeđih ovulacija ili izostanak ovulacije ima protektivni učinak. Tumori jajnika se klinički klasificiraju u stadije prema Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji udruženja ginekologa i opstetričara (FIGO). Fertility- sparing surgery je poštedni operacijski zahvat prilikom kojeg se čuva maternica, kontralateralni jajnik i jajovod. Taj operacijski pristup je namijenjen ženama ispod 40 godina koje imaju indikaciju i one koje žele zadržati reprodukcijsku sposobnost. FSS metoda je sigurna za bolesnice s epitelnim karcinomom stadija FIGO 1A, gradusa G1/2 i FIGO 1C, gradusa G1. Bolesnice koje imaju dijagnozu karcinoma svijetlih stanica prema FIGO nisu kandidati za FSS. Iznimka su borderline tumori i neepitelni tumori koji dozvoljavaju ovisno o histološkom tipu tumora FSS pristup kod višeg stadija bolesti. Bolesnice koje su bile podvrgnute FSS metodi obično su imale sposobnost menstruiranja, a one koje su ostale trudne su iznijele trudnoću do kraja i rodile zdravu djecu bez prisutnosti anomalija, neovisno o tome jesu li primale kemoterapiju, Ovarian cancer is one of significant diseases in women worldwide. It is in the seventh place of all malignant diseases in women. Histologically it is divided on epithelial – stromal tumors, germ cell tumors, tumors- specialised stromal tissue and metastatic tumors. Clinical tumors may be benign, malignant and tumors of limited malignant potential. There are three basic theories on the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer, all based on the fact that on the surface of the ovary occurs microtrauma during ovulation, this leads to frequent mitosis, and all this increases the likelihood of mutations and tumor development. Because of the factors leading to less ovulation or the absence of ovulation has a protective effect. Ovarian tumors are clinically classified in stages of FIGO association. Fertility-sparring surgery is a sparing surgical procedure in which the uterus, contralateral ovary and fallopian tubes are kept. This operating approach is indicated for women under 40 years of age who have the indication and those who want to retain reproductive capability. The FSS method is safe for patients with epithelial carcinoma of the stage FIGO 1A, grade G1/2 and FIGO 1C, grade G1. Patients who have been diagnosed with clear cell carcinoma according to FIGO are not candidates for FSS. The exception is borderline tumors and non-epithelial tumors that allow depending on the histological type of FSS-tumor approach in the upper stage of the disease. Patients who were undergoing FSS method usually had the ability to menstruating and those who were pregnant were pregnant until the end of pregnancy and born healthy children without the presence of anomalies, irrespective of whether they received chemotherapy.
- Published
- 2020
14. Investigation of iron containing intermetallics in AlSi12 alloy with w (Mn/Fe) = 0.99
- Author
Kozina, Franjo, Zovko Brodarac, Zdenka, Drobnjak, Dalibor, Jukić, Ivan, Dolić, Natalija, Zovko Brodarac, Zdenka, and Begić Hadžipašić, Anita
- Subjects
AlSi12 ,solidification sequence calculation ,morphology of iron-rich intermetallic phases ,w (Mn/Fe) ratio - Abstract
The precipitation of iron-rich intermetallic phases in AlSi12 alloy with manganese/iron weight ratio w (Mn/Fe) = 0.99 was investigated. Calculation of solidification sequence under equilibrium conditions, obtained using Computer Aided Thermodynamic Diagram Calculation, comprehended precipitation of α-Al15(FeMn)3Si2 and β-Al5FeSi. However, the microstructural investigations performed using light and electron microscopy indicated the lack of β- Al5FeSi in needle-like morphology. The intermetallic phases in Chinese script, transitional and polyhedral morphology were found, respectively. The results of Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy showed the minimum difference in the chemical composition between the intermetallic phases in Chinese script and polyhedral morphology due to high w (Mn/Fe) weight ratio.
- Published
- 2019
15. Identifying differences between top level and high level water polo players
- Author
Jukić, Ivan, Idrizovic, Kemal, Uljevic, Ognjen, Spasic, Miodrag, and Sekulic, Damir
- Published
- 2018
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16. Correlates of soccer-specific change of direction speed and reactive agility
- Author
Jukić, Ivan, Pojskic, Haris, Krolo, Ante, and Sekulic, Damir
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Jukić, Ivan and Šošo, Daniela
- Subjects
rehabilitacija i edukacija pacijenata (ključne riječi unio urednik) ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences ,patients with medial epicondylitis ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti ,rehabilitation and education of patients (ključne riječi unio urednik) ,pacijenti sa medijalnim epikondilitisom ,fizioterapijski postupci ,physiotherapy procedures - Abstract
Cilj. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati razne metode kojima možemo pomoći pacijentima koji pate od medijalnog epikondilitisa, kao i rehabilitaciju i edukaciju takvih pacijenata. Cilj rehabilitacije je naravno, povratak prijašnjim aktivnostima, a cilj edukacije prevencija. Metode. Goniometrija i manualni mišićni test su metode kojima radimo procjenu ovakvih pacijenata te pratimo njihov napredak kroz rehabilitaciju jer one diktiraju u kojem smjeru će ići rehabilitacija. Rasprava. Naveo sam mnogo metoda kako dijagnostičkih, tako i metoda liječenje. Svaka od njih ima svoje prednosti i mane, međutim one se trebaju birati s obzirom na pacijentovo stanje i mogućnosti. Zaključci. Sama rehabilitacija je dugotrajan proces te kako bi on bio što uspješniji trebamo pratiti pacijenta kroz svaki korak rehabilitacije uzimajući u obzir trenutno stanje pacijenta Objective. The goal of this paper is to show different methods we can use to help patients suffering with medial epicondylitis, as well as to show the rehabilitation process and education of the patient. The goal of rehabilitation is, of course, return to previous activities, the goal of education is prevention. Methods. Goniometry and manual muscle testing are methods we use to assess the current state of these patients so we can follow their progress through the rehabilitation process because those assessments dictate the path of the rehabilitation. Discussion. I have mentioned many methods be it diagnostic or treatment methods. Each of them has its pros and cons, but they need to be chosen accordingly to the patient’s present state. Conclusion. Rehabilitation alone is a long while process which, if it is to be successful, needs to be carefully followed trough, having in mind the patients present state.
- Published
- 2017
18. Effect of carbon sources on kombucha biotransormation, organic acides production and synthesis of bacterial cellulose
- Author
Jukić, Ivan and Beluhan, Sunčica
- Subjects
bakterijska celuloza ,bacterial cellulose ,organic acids ,BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Biotehnologija ,biotransformation ,biotransformacija ,fermentation ,fermentacija ,BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Biotechnology ,organske kiseline - Abstract
Kombucha je tradicionalni osvježavajući napitak koji se dobiva fermentacijom zaslađenog čaja zahvaljujući snažnom simbiotičkom djelovanju bakterija octene kiseline i kvasaca. U radu su proučavani nastajanje organskih kiselina (octene i glukonske), etanola i bakterijske celuloze (BC) biotransformacijom kombuche u biljnom čaju zaslađenom saharozom i u Hestrin-Schrammovoj hranjivoj podlozi (HS), koja je sadržavala glukozu, etanol i glicerol kao jedine izvore ugljika. Promjene pH vrijednosti bile su posljedica simbiotičke metaboličke aktivnosti kvasaca i bakterija octene kiseline i opadale su s nastajanjem organskih kiselina. Debljina i prinos bakterijske celuloze povećavali su se tijekom vremena fermentacije. Najveći prinos bakterijske celuloze dobiven je u podlozi s glicerolom (2 % vol/vol) i glukozom (20 g/L) i bio je 17 g/g i 14,5 g/g. Nastajanje bakterijske celuloze povećavalo se razmjerno povećanju odnosa površine i dubine hranjive podloge. Dobiveni rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da maksimalni prinos bakterijske celuloze ovisi o mnogo čimbenika koje još treba dodatno optimizirati. Kombucha is a traditional refreshing beverage obtained by the fermentation of sweetened tea with a powerful symbiosis of acetic bacteria and yeasts. The production of organic acids (acetic and gluconic) and bacterial cellulose (BC) by biotransformation of Kombucha, in herbal tea with wild cherry flavour, sweetened with sucrose and Hestrin and Schramm (HS) based media containing glucose, ethanol or glycerol as sole carbon sources, was studied. Changes in pH were related to the symbiotic metabolic activities of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria, and it is decreased by the formation of organic acids. The thickness and yield of bacterial cellulose increased with fermentation time. The highest bacterial cellulose yield was achieved when glycerol (2% v/v) and glucose (20 g/L) (17 g/g and 14.5 g/g, respectively) were used. The bacterial cellulose production increased correspondingly with increased surface area: depth ratio. Findings from this study suggest that the yield of cellulose depends on many factors that need to be optimised to achieve maximum yield.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
bakterijska celuloza, biotransformacija, fermentacija, organske kiseline - Abstract
Kombucha je tradicionalni osvježavajući napitak koji se dobiva fermentacijom zaslađenog čaja zahvaljujući snažnom simbiotičkom djelovanju bakterija octene kiseline i kvasaca. U radu su proučavani nastajanje organskih kiselina (octene i glukonske), etanola i bakterijske celuloze (BC) biotransformacijom kombuche u biljnom čaju zaslađenom saharozom i u Hestrin-Schrammovoj hranjivoj podlozi (HS), koja je sadržavala glukozu, etanol i glicerol kao jedine izvore ugljika. Promjene pH vrijednosti bile su posljedica simbiotičke metaboličke aktivnosti kvasaca i bakterija octene kiseline i opadale su s nastajanjem organskih kiselina. Debljina i prinos bakterijske celuloze povećavali su se tijekom vremena fermentacije. Najveći prinos bakterijske celuloze dobiven je u podlozi s glicerolom (2 % vol/vol) i glukozom (20 g/L) i bio je 17 g/g i 14, 5 g/g. Nastajanje bakterijske celuloze povećavalo se razmjerno povećanju odnosa površine i dubine hranjive podloge. Dobiveni rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da maksimalni prinos bakterijske celuloze ovisi o mnogo čimbenika koje još treba dodatno optimizirati.
- Published
- 2016
20. Hydrogeological researches on Striježevica
- Author
Jukić, Ivan Borna, Duić, Željko, Posavec, Kristijan, and Perković, Dario
- Subjects
test pumping ,water supply ,research piezometric boreholes - Abstract
Zbog povećanja kapaciteta vodoopskrbnog sustava Požeštine provedena su hidrogeološka istraživanja na području Striježevice kako bi utvrdila mogućnost zahvaćanja podzemne vode. Istraživanja su izvedena na ukupno 7 istraživačko piezometarskih bušotina, dubina bušenja 55, 34, 55, 71, 82, 70 i 87 m, koje su bušene direktnom metodom bušenja uz kontinuirano jezgrovanje, osim bušotine SP-3 čije se bušenje provodilo čekićem bez jezgrovanja. Rezultati radova i interpretacija ostvarenih rezultata prikazani su u ovom radu., Because of increasing the capacity of the water supply system Požeština, hidrogeological researches are conducted on location Striježevica to establish capture possibility of groundwater. Researches were conducted on total 7 research piezometric borehole, with driling depth of 55, 34, 71, 82, 70 and 87 m, drilled with direct continuous coring method, except SP-3 borehole whose drilling was conducted by hammer without coring. The results of the works and the interpretation of the research results are presented in this thesis.
- Published
- 2015
21. Izrada sustava za nadzor i praćenje 'Pig' upita korištenjem 'Big Data' tehnologija
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
Big data ,Hadoop ,mapreduce ,Apache Pig - Abstract
Tema diplomskog rada je izrada sustava za nadzor i praćenje ”Pig” upita korištenjem ”Big Data” tehnologije. U prvom dijelu upoznajemo se se s povijesti Big Data tehnologije kao i mogućnosti koje nam donosi njena uporaba. Jedan od programa koji se koristi u Big data tehnologiji je Hadoop. Hadoop je open source rješenje koje je omogućilo pohranu i analizu onoga što se nekad zvalo ”smećem” podacima odnosno podacima nestrukturiranog ili polustrukturiranog oblika, dok su za Google ti „smeće“ podaci bili i još jesu osnova njihovog pametnog poslovnog modela. Hadoop se temelji se na paralelnoj obradi podataka (MapReduce) i distribuiranoj pohrani podataka (HDFS). Dijelovi HDFS- a su Name i Secondary Name čvor, a dio MapReduce-a je JobTracker i zajedno predstavljaju master dio. Osim mastera, arhitekturu Hadoop-a čini i slave dio, a njegove komponente su Data čvor i TaskTracker. Za izgradnju Hadoop klastera potrebna je ogromna količina računalnih resursa, pa je za potrebu diplomskog rada instaliran pseudo-distribuirani klaster sa jednim master i tri slave čvora koji simuliraju rad klastera nad ”Big Data” podacima. Sljedeći korak bio je instalacija Apache Pig-a. Pig je nastao kao istraživački projekt u Yahoo. Cilj razvoja Pig Latin-a je bio da se zauzme mjesto između dekleratinog stila SQL-a i i proceduralnog MapReduce-a kako bi u popunosti iskoristio sve mogućnosti koje mu Hadoop pruža. Prvo Pig izdanje dolazi u rujnu 2008 godine, a krajem godine diplomirao iz inkubatora i postao podprojekt Apache Hadoop-a. U Eclipse Juno programskoj razvojnoj okolini kreiran je plugin za učitavanje podataka u klaster, nakon čega se oni distribuiraju po čvorovima. Prednost instaliranog plugin-a je u tome da se podaci vrlo jednostavno mogu učitati na Hadoop, uz par klikova mišem, dok se bez plugin-a podaci unose naredbom preko konzole, a to zahtjeva puno više vremena. Također, kreiran je Pig projekt i u njemu klasa za kreiranje Pig Latin upita. Programska realizacija izvedena je u Java SE programskom jeziku. Pokretanjem Pig Latin upita dobiju se odgovarajući rezultati koji se također repliciraju u klasteru. Nakon uspješno dobivenih rezultata, tok obrade podataka po čvorovima se sprema u folder unutar klastera. Rezultat toka podataka je u obliku tekstualne datoteke. Kreirana je Java Swing aplikacija koja čita informacije iz tekstualne datoteke i prikazuje tok obrade po čvorovima, tj. na kojim čvorovima je izvršena MapReduce faza.
- Published
- 2014
22. Stabilnost acetabularnog umetka endoproteze zgloba kuka
- Author
Jukić Ivan
- Subjects
endoproteza zgloba kuka ,acetabulum ,polietilenski umetak ,sila istiskivanja - Abstract
Oštećenja zgloba kuka su danas česta i kod mlađe populacije, a posljedica su dugotrajnih poremećaja biomehaničkih odnosa zbog načina života, nepravilne ishrane, veće tjelesne težine i smanjene tjelesne aktivnosti. Zglob kuka najveći je zglob u ljudskom organizmu, pa bol koja se javlja znatno smanjuje pokretljivost i postupno dovodi do manjeg ili većeg stupnja invaliditeta. Ugradnjom endoproteze zgloba kuka zamjenjuje se oštećeni i bolni zglob, poboljšava se funkcionalnost, radna sposobnost i kvaliteta života bolesnika. Životni vijek i funkcionalnost proteze pored niza utjecajnih faktora znatno ovisi i o vezi acetabulum-polietilenski umetak. U ovom radu ispitana je aksijalna stabilnost veze acetabulum - polietilenski umetak prema normi ASTM F1820. Za ne standardno ispitivanje bočne stabilnosti razvijena je metoda prema postojećim principima. Za oba ispitivanja push-out i lever-out konstruirani su i izrađeni uređaji prilagođeni statičkoj kidalici Messphysik Beta 50-5.
- Published
- 2011
23. Analiza smičnih pukotina na području od Baških Oštarija do Karlobaga
- Author
Jukić, Ivan-Borna
- Subjects
analiza paleonaprezanja ,smične pukotine ,Baške Oštarije ,Karlobag - Abstract
Ovim završnim radom su prikupljeni, analizirani i interpretirani novi strukturni podaci o smičnim pukotinama na području od Baških Oštarija do Karlobaga. Na temelju strukturne analize, po kriteriju kinematske kompatibilnosti, iz baze svih zabilježenih podataka izdvojena je grupa smičnih pukotina. Za izdvojenu grupu smičnih pukotina određen je režim paleonaprezanja proračunom orijentacije glavnih osi paleonaprezanja i to: a)P-T metodom, i b)NDA metodom, korištenjem računalnog programa TectonicsFP. Izdvojenu grupu čini konjugirani par smičnih pukotina s pružanjem IJI-ZSZ normalnog pomaka, koji su nastali tijekom istog deformacijskog događaja, u ekstenzijskom režimu paleonaprezanja, s pružanjem tenzijske osi naprezanja SSI-JJZ.
- Published
- 2011
24. Automatic evaluation of facial attractiveness
- Author
Sutić, Davor, Brešković, Ivan, Huić, Rene, and Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
machine learning ,face representations ,neural network ,AdaBoost algorithms ,facial attractiveness - Abstract
In this paper we present an approach of applying machine learning algorithms to the task of predicting human attractiveness. We have collected human beauty ratings of female facial images. We have chosen eigenfaces and ratio-based features as face representations. Along with k-nearest neighbors, we have used neural network and AdaBoost algorithms, which had not been used for this task before. Our analysis shows that machine learning algorithms have a preference towards facial symmetry, but also that a wider set of features needs to be included. We validate our results with a survey of four participants, which shows that facial attractiveness is a highly subjective judgement.
- Published
- 2010
25. Korištenje grafičkog procesora i DirectX programskog sučelja u evolucijskim algoritmima
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
paralelni graficki sustav ,directx ,genetsko programiranje - Abstract
Genetsko programiranje je jedan od načina na koji možemo pristupiti rješavanju složenih problema i uz pomoć računala te probleme efikasno i brzo riješiti. No, je li to baš uvijek tako? Ponekad su problemi toliko složeni da čak i računala zahtijevaju velike količine vremena za njihovo rješavanje. Tada se pristupa kombiniranju različitih načina za rješavanje problema koji nam mogu pomoći da smanjimo vrijeme potrebno za pronalazak rješenja početnog problema. Paralelno programiranje je postupak pomoću kojeg možemo ubrzati izvođenje programa na računalima, a samim time i izvođenje različitih postupaka za rješavanje problema. Grafičko sklopovlje modernih računala pruža jednu visoko paralelnu platformu koja nam može omogućiti izvođenje paralelnih programa. Upravo zbog potrebe za bržim i efikasnijim rješavanjem problema, javila se ideja koja kombinira paralelno i genetsko programiranje, pri čemu se kao platforma za paralelno izvođenje programa koristi grafičko sklopovlje. Nova generacija Microsoftovog programskog sučelja DirectX za izradu grafičkih aplikacija donosi nam programe za izračune opće namjene (eng. compute shader) kao novo sredstvo pomoću kojega možemo paralelizirati aplikacije koristeći grafičko sklopovlje. Da li se programi za izračune opće namjene mogu primjeniti na postupke genetskog programiranja i koliki je stupanj paralelizacije moguće ostvariti samo su neka pitanja na koja se pokušava dati odgovore u ovom radu.
- Published
- 2010
26. Mehaničke karakteristike gumenih cijevi za pretovar cementnog klinkera
- Author
Jukić, Ivan and Kodvanj, Janoš
- Subjects
kidalica ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Strojarstvo ,statički vlačni pokus ,mehanička svojstva ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Mechanical Engineering ,gume ,vlačni pokus ,mehaničke karakteristike ,guma - Abstract
Mehaničke karakteristike materijala koji predstavljaju osnovu za proračun čvrstoće konstrukcijskih elemenata određuju se eksperimentalno. Provode se pokusi rastezanja, savijanja i smicanja. Svojstva materijala kao što su modul elastičnosti E, vlačna čvrstoća Rm, konvencionalna granica tečenja Rp0,2 i istezanje A određuju se statičkim vlačnim pokusom na epruvetama s kružnim ili pravokutnim poprečnim presjekom.Guma kao konstrukcijski materijal danas nalazi široku primjenu u automobilskoj industriji, a osim toga koristi se za izradu cijevi i kao izolacijski materijal. U ovom radu ispitana su mehanička svojstva tri vrste guma koje se koriste za izradu cijevi sustava za pretovar cementnog klinkera u brodove. Kako se cementni klinker prenosi i u zagrijanom stanju kao i pri niskim vanjskim temperaturama ispitivanja za sve tri vrste gume provedena su na sobnoj temperaturi, te na temperaturama -30°C i +70°C.
- Published
- 2009
27. Upravljanje prodajom i razvojem novih proizvoda
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
životni ciklus proizvoda ,razvoj novog proizvoda ,kanali distribucije ,SWOT analiza - Abstract
Znanstveni fokus ovog rada obuhvatio je proces razvoja prodaje novih proizvoda u veletrgovačkim centrima s međunarodnim iskustvom. U ovom magistarskom radu je prikazano kako renomirana svjetska tvrtka pokušava podići prodaju na odjelu voća i povrća u svojih šest veleprodajnih centara. Ovaj rad pokazuje da ni velike i iskusne tvrtke ne mogu progurati svaku inovativnost uspješno na tržište.
- Published
- 2009
28. Rješavanje problema međudjelovanja N tijela u fizikalnim sustavima
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
problem n tijela Rapidmind platforma - Abstract
Jedan od problema koji se danas pojavljuje u mnogim područjima znanstvenog djelovanja zasigurno je i problem međudjelovanja n tijela. Problem međudjelovanja n tijela možda je i jedan od najčešće nerješivih problema u povijesti znanosti. U matematičkom modelu rješenja, potrebno je odrediti ukupnu silu na pojedinu česticu, te u skladu s njom odrediti promjenu položaja čestice. Sa strane algoritamskih metoda postoji mnogo rješenja, koja uglavnom dijele zajedničke temeljne ideje, ali i nekih sa radikalno novim smjerovima. Najjednostavnija algoritamska metoda je particle-to-particle metoda koja direktno računa sile između svake dvije čestice te ne koristi aproksimacije, što joj osigurava veliku točnost, ali zato je vremenski veoma zahtjevna. Particle-to-mesh metode koriste aproksimacije sa prostorom. Dijele prostor u mrežu, te u točkama u prostoru računaju potencijale. Zatim se iz gradijenta potencijala dobije ukupna sila u toj točki prostora koja djeluje na okolne čestice. Particle-to-particle/particle-to-mesh metoda objedinjuje najbolje od gornje dvije metode. Tree code metode koriste strukutru stabla za aproksimacije čestica na određenim udaljenostima. Primjer je poznati Barnes-Hut algoritam. U ovom radu prikazane su i implementirane particle-to-particle i particle-to-mesh metode. Za svaku metodu razvijena su dva algoritma, jedan paralelni, a jedan slijedni. Paralelnost smo ostvarili pomoću Rapidmind platforme. U testovima, paralelni PP algoritam prikazao je veću efikasnost i moć izračuna nad slijednim PP algoritmom, dok je sa druge strane slijedni PM algoritam imao malu prednost nad paralelnim PM algoritmom. Rapidmind platforma razvijena je nad standardnim C++ elementima i zamotana u C++ razrede. Omogućuje paralelnost aplikacije na razini paralelizacije podataka, te njihove obrade na višejezgrenim procesorima, grafičkim karticama, te Cell procesoru. Koristi tzv. 44 programske objekte kojima se spremaju operacije, te se kasnije izvode na dostupnom sklopovlju. Proračuni se vrše nad poljima podataka u paraleli. Podatci u poljima se lome, te se raspodjeljuju ovisno i dostupnom sklopovlju za računanje i njegovim mogućnostima. Performanse slijednih algoritama ovise o radnim taktovima današnjih procesora. Budući da su taktovi rada procesora dostigli granicu kod koje je povećanje praktički nemoguće, budućnost se okreće prema paralelnim algoritmima koji će moći iskoristiti puni potencijal budućeg sklopovlja.
- Published
- 2008
29. Selection of tool steels for diffusion carbide coating
- Author
Matijević, Božidar, Stupnišek, Mladen, Jukić, Ivan, Mario, Rosso, Actis, Ugues, M., and Grande, Daniel
- Subjects
diffusion coating ,carbide layers ,cold-work tool steels ,hot-work tool steels ,high-speed steels - Abstract
The chemical composition of steel has the most important role in producing a hard carbide layer by applying a thermo-reactive diffusion coating on the tool surface. A thermo dynamical model of the hard carbide layer formation is presented in this paper. Also, effects of carbon contents and alloying elements on the kinetics of vanadium carbide layer forming have been quantified. Three basic classes of tool steels have been analyzed considering the feasibility of diffusion carbide coating for application. A complex effect of austenitic-carbide microstructure on the process of carbide layer formation has been studied for the cold work tool steel class. The phenomenon of partial decarburization in the hot work tool steel class has been depicted, as well as the application of computer simulation for the preceding carburization as a step to eliminate such a phenomenon. Complex effects of chemical composition and microstructure on the carbide layer formation have been described for the high speed steel class.
- Published
- 2006
30. Newly synthesized adamantyl tenocyclidines as effective radioprotectors and antitumor agents
- Author
Ferle-Vidović, Ana, Škare, Danko, Šuman, Lidija, Jukić, Ivan, Vuković, Lidija, Ambriović Ristov, Andreja, and Brozović, Anamaria
- Subjects
adamantyl derivatives ,radioprotection ,anticancer drugs - Abstract
Several adamantyl derivatives of thienyl phencyclidine (tenocyclidine ; TCP) were newly synthesized and characterized:adamantyl derivatives containing piperidine (TAPIP), pyrrolidine (TAPYR), and morpholine (TAMORPH) groups. Their biological activity was evaluated by in vitro testing of their effect on the proliferative and reproductive ability (cytotoxicity) of a human tumor cells strain and nonmalignant mouse fibroblasts in culture. We also tested them for their radioprotective effect after ionizing irradiation, and as anticancer agents on the same human tumor cell strain. Compared with TCP, adamantyl derivatives are less toxic and have outstanding radioprotective properties. These derivatives (especialy TAMORPH) increase apoptotic death of human malignant cells. The radiation-modifying effect studied on C3Hf mice in vivo showed that the adamantyl derivatives of TCP have a more enhanced radioprotective effect and that they are less toxic than TCP itself. The present data are discussed and compared with those previously reported for structurally related phencyclidine derivatives.
- Published
- 2003
31. Primjenjivost postupaka modificiranja površina kod dijelova pužnih preša
- Author
Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
modificianje površina ,pužna preša - Abstract
U radu se opisuje primjenjivost postupaka modificiranja površina kod dijelova pužnih preša.
- Published
- 2002
32. The Influence of the MCC as Protector on Surviving Mice by Lethal Dose of Radiation
- Author
Vučemilović, Ante, Hadžija, Mirko, Ražem, Dušan, and Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
radiation ,surveillance of animals ,treatment with MCC - Abstract
It was observed that 10% of all irradiated animals which were pre-treated and treated per os with the mixture (synthetic preparate the MCC and semisynthetic Clinoptilolite), survived and recovered. The recovered animals had no changes on their tissues in analysed organs, which was confirmed by the histological analyses. This examination showed that an oral pre-treatment and treatment with the mixture tested could be successfully applied in convalescence against the effects of low doses of radiation. The results obtained showed that it is possible to use such a material for these purposes.
- Published
- 2002
33. Contamination of environment as possible CB terrorism
- Author
Palinkaš, Ladislav, Orehovec, Zvonko, Valković, Vladimir, Bokan, Slavko, and Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
terrorism ,chemical ,biological ,environmental contamination ,education - Abstract
Diseases of unknown origin affected the Canadian soldiers, present as a part of the UNPROFOR in Croatia during 1993-1995. The government of Canada expressed its concern I and suspicions that xenobiotics in the environment or other still undetermined environmental conditions were the cause of the ailments that threatened the health of its forces. As the host country, the Republic of Croatia took responsibility to investigate possible indigenous sources of diseases. The first step was measuring of radioactivity and sampling of soil and material used to fill sacks and shelters at the places of soldier's stations. The sacks and shelters were filled with bauxitic material, red mud (waste material from the abandoned alumina plant), terra rossa red soil, brown soil and limestone debris. Sampling, measurements and chemical analyses were done independently by Canadian and Croation expert teams. No chemical warfare agents, PCBs, or other manmade toxic materials and no radioactivity above background levels were detected by these detailed chemical analyses. The expert teams, in turn, confirmed that the soldier's stations, as the places of everyday living activities and task performance, were inside bauxitic open pit mines, but unluckily placed downwind the open space disposal pools filled with caustic solution, waste of alumina production.
- Published
- 2001
34. Efficiency of new adamantyl tenocyclidines in organophosphate and carbamate intoxication
- Author
Radić, Božica, Škare, Danko, Lucić, Ana, Peraica, Maja, Jukić, Ivan, and Domijan, Ana-Marija
- Subjects
organophosphorous compounds ,carbamates ,adamantyl tenocyclidines ,intoxication ,mice - Abstract
The tenocyclidine (TCP) and its newly synthesised adamantyl derivatives with piperidine (TAPIP), pyrolidine (TAPIR) and morpholine (TAMORF) were tested on mice poisoned with organophosphorus (OPs) and carbamates compounds. All tested compounds were applied intraperitoneally at dose 2.5 mg/kg b. w. together with atropine (10 mg/kg b.w.) or/and 1/4 LD50 of HI-6. Each tested compound applied together with atropine had good therapeutic effect in intoxication with carbamates (propoxur, aldicarb, RO2-0683) and OPs (soman and dichlorvos). The same compounds were not so effective in tabun poisoning. The best therapeutic effects with tested compounds was obtained when they were used combined with HI-6 in soman poisoned mice. Tested compounds combined with HI-6 applied together 1 min. after soman poisoning ensured survival of all animals treated with 4 up to 6.4 LD50 of soman. These results suggest that these compounds in combination with atropine or in combination with HI-6 prevent and antagonise the acute toxicity of OPs and carbamates poisoning. These results are especially interesting in carbamates poisoning because actually the drug of choice is atropine only.
- Published
- 2001
35. The Zeolites as Skin Decontaminants against Nerve Agent Sarin in vivo
- Author
Vučemilović, Ante, Jukić, Ivan, Subotić, Boris, Hadžija, Mirko, Orehovac, Zvonko, and Bokan, Slavko
- Subjects
Sarin ,Zeolite ,MCC - Abstract
Zeolites are natural or syntetic aluminosilicates with molecular structure in shape three - dimensional net. They have ion exchange and adsorption of active behevioural efficiency. For this study mixture of zeolites the KW (code Name) preparing special procedure is used. Theirs possible decontaminations' properties against sarine tested on a mice model with monitoring of vital functions and surviving.
- Published
- 2001
36. Radioprotective effects of synthetised adamantyl-thienylcyclidines
- Author
Ferle-Vidović, Ana, Jukić, Ivan, Škare, Danko, Obelić, B., Ranogajec-Komor, M., Miljanić, S., and Krajcar Bronić
- Subjects
xx - Abstract
Several adamantyl derivatives of thienylcyclidine 1-(1(2-thyenylcyclohexyl)) piperidine (TCP), were sythetised and characterised (Ad-TCP I-IV). Their biological activity was evaluated by in vitro testing of their effect on proliferative and reproductive ability of human tumor strain and non-malignant mouse fobroblasts in culture. These effect were compared with those of thyenylcyclidine (TCP). We also tested them on cultured cells, for their radioprotective effect after ionising irradiation. The results with non-malignant mouse fibroblasts and human tumour cells, show that the piperidine derivative of adamantyl-thienylcyclidine (Ad-TCP II) has rather outstanding radioprotective properties. This derivative revealed significant radioprotection at all survival levels, depending on the malignant or non-malignant origin of the cells, and it was significantly more evident on mouse fibroblasts then on human tumor cells. These effect were compared with those of thienylciycidine.
- Published
- 2001
37. Adamantanski derivati tenociklidina : djelotvorni radioprotektori
- Author
Ferle-Vidović, Ana, Smoljan, Branko, Jukić, Ivan, Škare, Danko, Franić, Zdenko, and Obelić, Bogomil
- Abstract
A slight radioprotective effects of phencyclidine (PCP) and more effectivnes of its adamantilamine derivatives has been found. Many attempts have been done in order to change the chemical structure of PCP mainly by addition of some active groups to its basic structure, to improve its pharmacological properties. Regarding the before mentioned weak radioprotective effect of PCP and reduced toxicity of its adamantylamine derivatives (without sulphur), we prepared tienil phencyclidine (TCP) and three of its adamantil derivatives (with sulphur). We tested in cultured cells to see if this compounds has more radioprotective properties in comparison with PCP and its adamantyl derivatives or than the basic structure of TCP. The results with cells in the present paper show that the piperidine derivative of adamantyl phencyclidine, has rather outstanding radioprotective properties. This derivative revealed significant radioprotection at all survival levels.
- Published
- 1998
38. Identification of the contents and shelf-life of field-kits for the detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air
- Author
Simeon-Rudolf, Vera, Škrinjarić-Špoljar, Mira, Reiner, Elsa, Orehovec, Zvonko, Jukić, Ivan, Bokan, Slavko, Smoljan, Branko, and Price, Barbara
- Subjects
organophosphorus compounds ,detection of organophosphorus compounds ,field-kits for the army - Abstract
Field kits for detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air were found on the territory of Croatia, in army barracks liberated during the 1991/1992 war. The field kits were found without description of the content and without operating instructions. The sets of glass indicator tubes of the kits were marked with serial numbers and validity expiration dates ranging from 1974 to 1992, but their manufacturer was not declared. Through 1993 and 1995 fourteen sets of glass indicator tubes were analyzed for their content and tested for their validity. It was found that one vial out of two placed in each indicator tube contains a butyrylcholinesterase preparation and the other a mixture of a cholinesterase substrate with a pH-sensitive indicator. The substrate was identified not to be a thiocholine ester. The absorption spectrum of the pH-sensitive indicator corresponded to the spectrum of cresol red. The validity of the indicator tubes was tested with a solution of O, O"-dimethyl 2, 2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP). All tested sets were still functioning, which means that their shelf-life was longer than declared.
- Published
- 1997
39. Identification of the contents and the shelf-life of indicator tubes from fields kits for detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air
- Author
Simeon-Rudolf, Vera, Škrinjarić-Špoljar, Mira, Reiner, Elsa, Orehovec, Zvonko, Jukić, Ivan, Bokan, Slavko, and Smoljan, Branko
- Subjects
DDVP ,inhibitori kolinesteraza ,preparat butirilkolinesteraze ,rok valjanosti ,test-paketi - Abstract
Indicator tubes from a field kits for detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air were found on the territory of Croatia, in barracks liberated during the war years of 1991/1992, and were analysed during 1993/95. The detection kit consisted of glass indicator tubes with two sealed vials within each tube, a device for opening the tubes and breaking the vials, and an air sampling pump. The tubes were marked with serial numbers and expiry dates (1974-1992), but the description as to their contents was unavailable. The aim of this study was to identify the contents of the indicator tubes and to establish whether they were still suitable for the detection of organophosphorus compounds. One vial was found to contain a cholinesterase (EC preparation, and the other vial contained a non-thiocholine substrate and a pH-sensitive indicator (most probably cresol red). Applying DDVP as an organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitor, it was found that all sets of indicator tubes were suitable for use regardless of the indicated expiry dates. Furthermore, the same tubes were found suitable for detection of organophosphorus compounds in water.
- Published
- 1997
40. Identification of the contents and shelf-life of field kits for the detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air
- Author
Simeon-Rudolf, Vera, Škrinjarić-Špoljar, Mira, Reiner, Elsa, Orehovec, Zvonko, Jukić, Ivan, Bokan, Slavko, Smoljan, Branko, and Price, Barbara
- Subjects
cholinesterase preparation ,cholinesterase inhibitors ,validity of OP detection kit - Abstract
Eleven sets of glass indicator tubes for detection of organophosphorus compounds in the air were analyzed for their content and tested on their shelf-life. Sets of tubes were integral parts of army field kits found on the territory of Croatia during the 1991/1992 war. The sets were denoted with serial numbers and dates of validity expiration (from 1974 to 1992) but without statement on the content and manufacturer. Glass tubes were identified to contain a cholinesterase preparation, a non-thiocholine substrate of cholinesterase and a pH-sensitive indicator. Their functioning was tested by use of dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP). All tested sets were found to be valid for detection which indicated a long shelf-life of the field kits.
- Published
- 1996
41. Skin Decontamination with Mineral Cationic Carrier Against Sarin Determined In Vivo
- Author
Vučemilović, Ante, primary, Hadžija, Mirko, additional, and Jukić, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2009
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42. Efficacy of Mineral Cationic Carrier Against Sulphur Mustard in Skin Decontamination
- Author
Vučemilović, Ante, primary, Hadžija, Mirko, additional, and Jukić, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2008
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43. Radioprotective and Antitumor Activity Evaluation of Newly Synthesized Adamantyl Tenocyclidines
- Author
Ferle-Vidović, Ana, primary, Jukić, Ivan, additional, Škare, Danko, additional, Šuman, Lidija, additional, and Vuković, Lidija, additional
- Published
- 2003
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- Author
Markić, Marinko, Vukšić, Milan, Cvetnić, Matija, Beslić, Mile, Majnarić, Branko, Rozman, Tomislav, Sipos, Laszlo, and Jukić, Ivan
- Subjects
površinska voda, uklanjanje pijeska, pilot postrojenje - Abstract
Izvorište Stražemanka s izdašnošću od 25 do 60 L/s značajna je komponenta vodoopskrbnog sustava Požege. Iako voda s izvorišta zadovoljava sve kemijske pokazatelje kakvoće defi nirane Pravilnikom o parametrima sukladnos i metodama analize vode za ljudsku potrošnju (NN125/2013), ona nosi sa sobom sitne čes ce pijeska koje se talože u vodoopskrbnoj mreži. U ovom radu prikazani su rezulta ispi vanja postupka separacije pijeska taloženjem i/ili fi ltracijom vode uz pomoć pilot postrojenja. Rezulta ispi vanja jednoznačno ukazuju i potvrđuju prednost primjene pločastog taložnika za separaciju pijeska iz vode izvorišta Stražemanka.
- Published
- 2017
45. Skin decontamination with mineral cationic carrier against sarin determined in vivo.
- Author
Vucemilović A, Hadzija M, and Jukić I
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Mice, Inbred NOD, Skin, Chemical Warfare Agents toxicity, Cholinesterase Inhibitors toxicity, Decontamination, Sarin toxicity, Zeolites therapeutic use
- Abstract
Our Institute's nuclear, biological, and chemical defense research team continuously investigates and develops preparations for skin decontamination against nerve agents. In this in vivo study, we evaluated skin decontamination efficacy against sarin by a synthetic preparation called Mineral Cationic Carrier (MCC) with known ion exchange, absorption efficacy and bioactive potential. Mice were treated with increasing doses of sarin applied on their skin, and MCC was administered immediately after contamination. The results showed that decontamination with MCC could achieve therapeutic efficacy corresponding to 3 x LD(50) of percutaneous sarin and call for further research.
- Published
- 2009
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46. Efficacy of mineral cationic carrier against sulphur mustard in skin decontamination.
- Author
Vucemilović A, Hadzija M, and Jukić I
- Subjects
- Animals, Lethal Dose 50, Mice, Mice, Inbred CBA, Chemical Warfare Agents poisoning, Decontamination, Mustard Gas poisoning, Skin drug effects
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate decontamination (absorption) efficacy of a preparation called Mineral Cationic Carrier (MCC) against skin contamination with sulphur mustard in vivo. MCC is a synthetic preparation with known ion exchange, absorption efficiency, and bioactive potential. CBA mice were applied increasing doses of sulphur mustard on their skin and MCC was administered immediately after skin contamination. The results have confirmed the decontamination efficacy of MCC preparation, corresponding to 8.4 times the LD50 of percutaneous sulphur mustard, and call for further investigation.
- Published
- 2008
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