Cilj istraživanja: Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj procijeniti stope ranog dječjeg karijesa u populaciji trogodišnjaka na području grada Splita te ispitati koliko često dijete posjećuje doktora dentalne medicine, ima li dijete odabranog doktora dentalne medicine i sudjeluju li roditelji aktivno u održavanju djetetove oralne higijene. Također, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati eventualne potrebe za hitnim dentalnim intervencijama u djeteta, primjenom analgetika ili antibiotika zbog zuba. Metode i materijali: Istraživanje je provedeno u dječjim vrtićima na području grada Splita u razdoblju od listopada 2019. do ožujka 2020. Roditelji trogodišnjaka ispunili su anketni upitnik prije dentalnog pregleda djeteta. Anketnim upitnikom ispitalo se održavanje oralne higijene trogodišnjaka, prvi posjeti doktoru dentalne medicine, učestalost hitnih intervencija, natečenosti zbog zuba, konzumiranje analgetika i antibiotika zbog boli zuba. Djeca su pregledavana u vrtićima, a kopija dentalnoga statusa svakoga djeteta poslana je roditeljima. Preglede su provodile doktorice dentalne medicine s višegodišnjim iskustvom. Rezultati: Od 170 pregledanih trogodišnjaka, 74,70% imalo je zdrave zube, a karijesom su najviše bili zahvaćeni mliječni kutnjaci (24,70%), pri čemu su donji kutnjaci bili više zahvaćeni karijesom od gornjih mliječnih kutnjaka. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, 65 trogodišnjaka (38,20%) nema odabranog doktora dentalne medicine, a prvi posjet djeteta doktoru dentalne medicine (41, 50%) bio je zbog potrebe. Što se tiče četkanja zuba, 90 roditelja (52, 90%) navodi kako njihovo dijete samostalno četka zube dva puta dnevno. Potrebe za hitnim dentalnim intervencijama zahtjevalo je sedmero djece (4,10%), osmero djece (4,70%) je uzimalo lijekove za ublažavanje odontogene boli, a petero djece (2,90%) uzimalo je antibiotik zbog upale zuba. Zaključak: Većina pregledanih trogodišnjaka ima zdrave zube. Najčešće karijesne lezije su na mliječnim kutnjacima, i to češće u donjoj čeljusti nego u gornjoj čeljusti. Odabranoga doktora dentalne medicine nema jedna trećina pregledanih trogodišnjaka, a prvi posjeti doktoru dentalne medicine su prema potrebi. Djeca češće četkaju zube samostalno i dva puta dnevno, a potreba za hitnim intervencijama, natečenost, konzumiranje analgetika ili antibiotika zbog zuba u ovoj djetetovoj dobi je rijetko., Objective: To estimate the rate of early childhood caries among the three-year-olds in the City of Split. Specific objectives of this study include assessments of the frequency of dental check-ups, examine whether a child has its chosen dentist, how is oral hygiene performed and whether a child was in need for an emergency dental intervention, whether any swelling or a need to use analgesics or antibiotics for dental reasons occured. Materials and methods: This research took place in kindergartens in the City of Split from October 2019 to March 2020. Overall, 170 three-year-olds participated, and their dental statuses were taken. Dental examinations were performed by experienced dental medicine doctors. Parents of the three-year-olds completed a survey before childrens' dental statuses were taken. The survey examined performance of childrens' oral hygiene, their first visit to dental ofiice, frequency of emergency interventions, swelling, consumption of analgesics and antibiotics due to toothache. Childrens' dental statuses were taken in the kindergartens, and a copy of a dental status of each child was sent to their parents. Dental examinations were done by experienced dental medicine doctors. Results: From the overall of 170 examined three-year-olds, 74,70% had healthy teeth, with primary molars being the most affected by caries (24,70%), of which lower molars were more affected by caries than the upper ones. Of the total number of participants, 65 three-year-olds (38,20%) children don't have their chosen dentist, and for the 41,50% children the first visit to the dentist was according to the need. As for toothbrushing, 90 parents (52,90%) state that their children brushes their teeth twice a day on their own. The need for emergency dental interventions was required by seven children (4,10%), eight children (4,70%) were taking medications to relieve odontogenic pain and five children (2,90%) were taking antibiotics for dental inflammation. Conclusion: Majority of the three-year olds are caries free. Most often carious lesions were found on molars, of which most commonly on lower molars than on upper molars. One third of the examined three-year-olds don't have selected dentist and the first visit to the dentist are as needed, Children brush their teeth more often on their own and twice a day, emergency interventions, swelling, consuming analgesics or antibiotics for teeth are rare.