Designed for students enrolled in the Vocational Agricultural Cooperative Part-Time Training Program, this course of study contains 13 units for crop farm employees. Units include (examples of unit topics in parentheses): introduction (opportunities in farming, farming as a science, and farming in the United States), farm records (keeping farm records, and using records in farm management), farm machinery--maintenance and operation (proper use of machinery and equipment, and maintenance of power machinery and equipment), farm structures and equipment (maintenance of farm structures and equipment, and building and maintaining farm fences), crop selection (important factors affecting the choice of crops), land preparation (importance of a good seedbed, row crop seedbed preparation, and land management practices), fertilizers (plant nutrients and their functions, types of fertilizers, and applying fertilizers), irrigation (importance of irrigation, sources of water and principal methods of irrigation, and irrigation management), weed control (importance of weed control, classification and identification of weeds, and control by mechanical and chemical methods), insect and pest control (safety, definition and classification of an insect, management, and insecticides), diseases and control (definition and classification of diseases by pathogens, principles of plant disease control, and chemical control), harvesting equipment (cotton pickers and strippers; corn snappers and pickers; corn combines; and forage harvesting equipment), and major crops (cotton, corn, forage and hay crops, grain sorghum, peanuts, rice, and small grains). Introductory materials include a course outline and a list of supplementary references. Provided for each unit topic is: an assignment sheet that presents the objective, a list of references, and a list of questions and activities; and information sheets with diagrams and drawings. Other contents include answer sheets for the questions and activities, tests on each topic, and answer sheets for the topic tests. (YLB) more...