1. Tematska učna pot Polhov doživljajski park za učence drugega razreda osnovne šole
- Author
Čurila, Monika and Hergan, Irena
- Subjects
Učna pot ,Educational trail - Abstract
V dokumentu Dnevi dejavnosti Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport poleg predlogov vsebin in lokacij naravoslovnih dni zasledimo tudi učne poti, ki za šolo niso obvezujoče, so pa navedene kot predlog možne izvedbe, ki ga lahko vključimo bodisi v redni pouk ali dneve dejavnosti. Tako lahko velik del kurikularnih ciljev dosežemo tudi v zunanjih okoljih s t. i. izobraževanjem na prostem, s pomočjo učnih poti, in ne le tradicionalno v učilnici. Poleg tega učne poti obogatijo vzgojno-izobraževalni proces osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. V magistrskem delu je v teoretičnem delu opredeljen pouk na prostem, ki se opira na pristop izkustvenega učenja, in vpliv narave na celostni razvoj otroka ter učna pot kot metoda izkustvenega učenja in poučevanja na prostem. V praktičnem delu je predstavljena (pravljično-doživljajska) učna pot Polhov doživljajski park v Polhovem Gradcu in pripadajoča učna priprava, po kateri je bila izpeljana učna pot za učence drugega razreda osnovne šole. V okviru empiričnega dela smo z raziskavo želeli ugotoviti, ali (pravljično-doživljajska) tematska učna pot Polhov doživljajski park temelji na pridobivanju novega znanja ali je v ospredju gibanje ali zgolj uživanje in doživljanje narave. S tem namenom smo preučili učno pot, sestavili vprašalnik ter predpreizkus in popreizkus znanja za 31 učencev drugega razreda osnovne šole. S kontrolnim opazovalnim seznamom in merilniki srčnih frekvenc smo analizirali, kateri deli učne poti najbolj spodbujajo aktivno gibalno dejavnost učencev. S podatki iz raziskave smo prikazali, da tematska učna pot s kognitivnimi, socialnimi, emocionalnimi in gibalnimi cilji uspešno uresničuje cilje, zapisane v učnem načrtu za prvo triletje osnovnošolskega izobraževanja, ter kot pričakovano temelji na pridobivanju novega znanja, gibanju ter uživanju in doživljanju narave. Z rezultati smo dokazali, da tematska učna pot poglablja in razširja znanje učencev, pozitivno vpliva na njihovo socialno in emocionalno področje (sodelovanje, počutje) in mnenje o učni poti ter spodbuja aktivno gibalno dejavnost učencev. Z raziskavo smo želeli spodbuditi pedagoške delavce k razmisleku o pogostejšem vključevanju učnih poti v redni pouk osnovnošolskega izobraževanja, saj tovrstno učenje v naravi oz. gozdu nudi celostno učenje – učenje za življenje. Along with proposals for content and locations for science days, the document of the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport on school activity days also mentions educational trails, which are not mandatory for schools, but are proposed as a possible enrichment of either regular classes or activity days. They allow achieving a large part of curricular objectives as part of so-called outdoor education, and not just traditional teaching in the classroom. Moreover, the use of educational trails enriches the educational process of primary schools. The theoretical part of this master’s thesis defines outdoor education, which is based on the philosophy of experiential learning, as well as the impact of nature on holistic development of the child and educational trails as a method of experiential learning and outdoor teaching. The empirical part presents the (fairytale/adventure) educational trail Dormouse Adventure Park (Polhov doživljajski park) in Polhov Gradec and the accompanying lesson plan that was used for a visit to the educational trail with a group of second grade students. As part of our empirical research, we wanted to establish whether the educational trail Dormouse Adventure Park is focused on acquiring new knowledge, movement in the outdoors, or simply enjoying and experiencing nature. To this end, we examined the educational trail, compiled a questionnaire and a pre- and post-test for 31 second-grade students. Checklists and heart rate monitors were used to analyze which parts of the trail stimulate students’ motor activity the most. The data from the research show that the educational trail incorporates cognitive, social, emotional and motor objectives, successfully addressing the objectives set in the education plan for the first three years of primary school. As was expected, the trail is focused on acquiring new knowledge, on movement, as well as enjoying and experiencing nature. Our results show that the educational trail deepens and expands students’ knowledge, has a positive effect on their social and emotional area (participation, wellbeing) and opinion on the educational trail, and promotes students’ physical activity. The research was aimed at encouraging educators to consider incorporating visits to educational trails in their regular classes in primary schools more often, linking such trails more with schools, as outdoor education promotes integrated learning, which is learning for life.The research was aimed at encouraging educators to consider incorporating visits to educational trails in their regular classes in primary schools more often, linking such trails more with schools, as outdoor education promotes integrated learning, which is learning for life. more...
- Published
- 2022