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73 results

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1. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Paediatric Epileptology.

2. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Epilepsy Surgery.

3. Tuesday June 1st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Psychiatry.

4. Tuesday June 1st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Drug Therapy.

5. Monday May 31st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Genetics.

6. Monday May 31st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Basic Sciences.

7. Monday May 31st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Social Issues / Nursing.

8. Monday May 31st 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Social Issues / Nursing.

9. Tuesday June 1st, 2004 14:30-16:30 Hall Fl Discussion Group The role of cytokines as disease-modifying molecules in epilepsy.

10. Monday May 31st, 2004 9:00- 11:00 Hall E Chairman's Symposium Does basic science influence clinical practice?

11. Tuesday June 1st , 2004 17:00-19:00 Hall E Novartis Satellite Symposium "Monotherapy for life: optimising treatment for partial seizures"

12. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall L/M Platform Session Clinical Neurophysiology II.

13. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall B Platform Session Drug Therapy HI.

14. Wednesday June 2nd 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall Fl Platform Session Adult Epileptology III.

15. Monday May 31st, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall B Platform Session Epilepsy Surgery.

16. Tuesday June 1st- 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall N/O Platform Session Psychiatry.

17. Tuesday June Ist1 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall F2 Platform Session Drug Therapy II.

18. Tuesday June Ist 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall E Platform Session Adult Epileptology II.

19. Monday May 31st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall F2 Platform Session Drug Therapy 1.

20. Sunday May 30th, 2004 9:30-11:30 Hall Fl Neurobiology Symposium Antiepileptic peptides.

21. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 11:30-13:30 Hall E Discussion Group Resources for appropriate standards of epilepsy care in Central and Eastern parts of Europe.

22. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 09:00-11:00 Hall E Main Session New treatment options.

23. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 14:30-16:30 Hall L/M Discussion Croup Classification and subgroups of temporal lobe epilepsies (MTLE versus neocortical versus temporal polar; benign versus progressive conditions).

24. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 09:00-11:00 Hall E European Epileptology Award Symposium The childhood myoclonic epilepsies in 2004.

25. Tuesday June 1st, 2004 14:30-16:30 Hall E Discussion Group Current concepts and controversies in Rasmussen's encephalitis.

26. Monday May 31th, 2004 14:30-16:30 Hall Fl Discussion Group Molecular neuropathology of focal epilepsies.

27. Sunday May 3Oth 2004 12:00-14:00 HallE GlaxoSmithKline Satellite Symposium "Getting it right first time: for women of child bearing potential"

28. Monday May 31st, 2004 17:00-19:00 Hall E Pfizer Satellite Symposium "The future of epilepsy therapy: unanswered questions, unmet needs and the potential role for pregabalin"

29. Sunday May 3Oth 2004 17:00-19:00 HallE Janssen-Cilag Satellite Symposium "Antiepileptic drugs: protecting the most vulnerable"

30. Sunday May 30th, 2004 14:30-16:30 Hall E UCB Pharma Satellite Symposium "The great epilepsy debate a challenging discussion of current treatment controversies"

31. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 17:00-19:00 Hall E Merritt-Putnam Satellite Symposium "Unraveling causes and mechanisms of drug resistance"

32. Monday May 31st, 2004 13:30-14:30 Poster Session Adult Epileptology.

33. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall C Platform Session Epilepsy Surgery - Neuroimaging II.

34. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall N/O Platform Session Paediatric Neuropsychology.

35. Wednesday June 2nd, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall F2 Platform Session Basic Sciences III.

36. Monday May 31st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall L/M Platform Session Paediatric Epileptology I.

37. Tuesday June 1st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall Fl Platform Session Basic Sciences II.

38. Monday May 31st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall C Platform Session Neuroimaging.

39. Tuesday June 1st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall C Platform Session Clinical Neurophysiology I.

40. Tuesday June Ist 2004 11:30-13:00 HallB Platform Session Epilepsy Surgery - Neuroimaging I.

41. Tuesday June Ist 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall L/M Platform Session Paediatric Epileptology II.

42. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 15:30-17:30 Hall N/O Discussion Group Presurgical assessment in patients with negative MRI findings.

43. Monday May 31st, 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall N/O Platform Session Neuropsychology.

44. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 15:30-17:30 Hall C Discussion Group Therapeutic drug monitoring of new AEDs.

45. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 15:30-17:30 Hall B Discussion Group Seizure prediction and prevention: facts and fiction.

46. Monday May 31st 2004 11:30-13:00 Hall Fl Platform Session Basic Sciences I.

47. Monday May 31st,2004 11:30-13:00 Hall E Platform Session Adult Epileptology I.

48. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 15:30-17:30 Hall L/M Discussion Group Hippocampal epileptogenesis: back to brain maturation?

49. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 15:30-17:30 Hall F2 Discussion Group Trends in epileptological neuropsychology.

50. Thursday June 3rd, 2004 14:00-15:30 Hall F2 Austrian Epileptology Award Symposium Generalised versus focal epilepsies: clinical reality or abstraction?